Why do nuns and the church dream. “Dream Interpretation The Nun dreamed of what the Nun dreams about in a dream. Erotic dream book Why does a Monk dream in a dream

Most people associate monks and nuns with restrictions and prohibitions. If a monk dreamed, then the dreamer is a spiritually mature person, capable of self-sacrifice.

As explains Modern dream book, a nun is a symbol of purity and chastity. For women, a dream predicts a desire for asceticism and self-knowledge, a rejection of fleeting pleasures in favor of eternal values.

Interpretation of sleep depending on which clergyman had a dream

1. What is the dream of a nun in dark robes? This means your dissatisfaction with your life and your willingness to fight for a better share. If the nun is dressed in white - wait, circumstances will soon change in better side, many joyful events await you. The second meaning of sleep is associated with the awareness of the transience of our being, with the desire to do good deeds absolutely disinterestedly.

2. Seeing a monk in a dream - to humility. Perhaps in the future you will find strength tests that you are destined to pass with honor. Many monks - a dream symbolizes a person's desire to retire, hide from the outside world.

3. The dream in which you dreamed will be interpreted as a miraculous deliverance from danger or big trouble. A girl's dream warns of the need to be careful when choosing fans. For married woman this is a signal - you should not flaunt a happy family life, there are many envious people around.

4. What is the dream of a monk dressed in an orange cassock with a shaved head? This is a Buddhist monk, symbolizing steadfastness and inner strength. Enemies will test your patience, their goal is to compromise you. The more efforts your envious people make, the sadder the result will be for them.

If a person dreams of priests, in reality he hopes for help from above in solving his problems. Also, a dream can reflect a person’s inner need to grow and develop spiritually. Perhaps the dreamer dreams of solitude and peace.

Interpretation of sleep by various dream books

Modern dream book. Why dream of monks in black cassocks walking past you? The meaning of sleep for a man - very big troubles will pass you by. A dream warns a girl that she is unnecessarily demanding of herself, and advises at least a little lower standards and relax.

Family dream book. What does it mean to dream of yourself dressed in a monastic vestment? For a girl, this is a petty quarrel with her beloved, which will end in a quick reconciliation. For a man, a dream promises to plunge headlong into work. For a woman, it is also a sign that speaks of the need to pay more attention to her family.

Miller's dream book. I dreamed of a monk calling you to - there will be a heart-to-heart talk with a very close person. Sleep advises girls to be more prudent. A man's dream warns of temptations that you should not succumb to.

Dream Interpretation Tarot. To dream, monks in black walk past you in a row - to a strange, unexpected event that will greatly surprise you. Follow the monks - to an extraordinary act, you may have to save someone's life or do a good deed. To go ahead of the monks - to lead a difficult, hopeless business and bring it to a victorious end.

Dream Interpretation Hasse. To dream, a monk blesses you for some action - to success and incredible luck. For an unmarried man, a dream promises a quick meeting with a life partner. For a pregnant woman - easy childbirth and the birth of a healthy baby.

Esoteric dream book. What is the dream of a monk calling you - the dreamer will fall into a very difficult situation, but will be able to miraculously get dry from the water. Sleep warns men against frivolous relationships. For girls, a dream portends an early marriage. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

With lover. If she dreams of herself as a nun- this means dissatisfaction with their position.

See the dead nun- to despair: maybe you will find out about the infidelity of the one you loved.

For a woman who has a dream in which she throws off her monastic robe- this promises an increased desire for worldly joys. Such a dream will make it impossible for her to fulfill her obligations.

Collection of dream books

Monk- spiritual aspirations.

Monk- messenger.

If you stare at a monk- this may be a sign of discord in the family or an upcoming unpleasant business trip; to see yourself in the image of a monk - to the loss of loved ones or illness.

monks- to trouble.

Esoteric dream book

Monk- a strange event, a surprise that will change your ideas about life values.

Erotic dream book Danilova

Monk in a dream- for a man, this is a harbinger of a quarrel with his beloved woman and subsequent separation from her.

A woman has such a dream- on the contrary, it promises a meeting with a man who turns out to be a passionate and tender lover.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Dream interpretation of a gypsy

Nun- beware of false friends.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Monk, messenger; in black- to misfortune or to success through suffering; sexual abstinence; problem (for a man); spiritual knowledge.

Nun- widowhood, divorce, unhappiness in love, a long period of sexual abstinence or (due to inversion) indulge in debauchery (for a woman).

Psychoanalytic dream book

monks- servants of God and, thus, elements of the Super-I.

Italian dream book

Nun- a person who has departed from real organismic life, not living in the present full life, but existing in the illusory world of serving God, and therefore, occupying an exceptional position in relation to ordinary people. Her life proceeds according to the program of the social religious mechanical super-ego. This is the image of a person who, due to the fact of being in a divine, transcendental initiation, has lost his own reality, renounced himself. Rooted out of his own reality, this man has become an outsider and bearer of alienation from himself. It is a divinely inspired (with a divine spark) symbol of negativity. This is a person who hides from the real world behind endless religious prayers, in the service of God, he spends himself without trying to get anything in return.

see the nun- this indicates a desire or fear to act in one of her roles. Namely: the fear of sexual inadequacy, the desire to overcome the attraction of material things, the desire to avoid independent decision-making, the desire to make others think of themselves as an extraordinary, sacrificial person who is better than he really is.

If stranger seen as a monk- this image can be interpreted in the same way as if a person sees himself in this image.

If a well-known person appears in the image of a monk- this is a reflection of the desires of a person to receive dominant help and a solution to his own problems from another.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

see the monk- for good.

English dream book

See the monk ringing the bell- a symbol of an alarming event, change, sudden trouble associated with power, with a moral offense.

See monks with weapons going to war- means a sharp increase in crime, a decline in morals and impunity for crimes that will lead to the general arming of mankind.

See the silent monk- a symbol that portends an act of vandalism against religion, the destruction of a beloved temple or monument that is directly related to religion.

See the massacre of the monks- it means to receive a blow that will lead to a change life principles, loss of interest in everything that happens, fear of the future.

Modern combined dream book

Monk seen in a dream- predicts disagreements in the family and unpleasant travel. For a young woman, such a dream portends that gossip and deceit will be used against her.

See yourself as a monk- to loss and disease.

New family dream book

If in a dream you gazed at a monk- you will have discord in the family and unpleasant business trips. This dream for a young woman- warns against gossip and deceit, which as a result can be used against her.

If you saw yourself in the image of a monk- Start taking better care of your health.

Religious man who saw a nun in a dream- must show wisdom and keep his desires and actions under control. Otherwise, his spiritual interests will be hindered by material joys.

The woman who saw a nun in her dream- there will be a break with a lover.

If a woman saw herself as a nun She is probably unhappy with her position.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

monk, nun- disagreements and problems in family life, breakup with lover.

See yourself as a monk or nun- dissatisfaction with their position in the family, sadness.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Monk- portends melancholy and inaction.

If you see yourself as a monk means in your personal life there will be a temporary standstill.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

The image of a monk or monastery in a dream- symbolizes disappointment in life. Most often, such dreams suggest that you should not withdraw into yourself and your problems. At the same time, these dreams also warn against excessive vanity in the pursuit of worldly joys.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

A young girl has a dream in which she sees a monk- portends gossip that can embroil her with her loved one.

If a woman dreams of nuns- this portends widowhood or separation from a loved one.

dead nun- dreams of despair. It is likely that you will find out that your loved one is cheating on you.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

turn out bed sheets inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Dream interpretation nun

You may not be connected with religion in any way, you may not go to church, you may not visit holy places. But this does not exclude that in a dream you may dream of nuns.

Why is the nun dreaming? Doesn't such a vision mean that you should turn to God?

What does such a dream mean

A nun in real life is associated with mystery. This is a woman who dedicates her life to the Lord God. Why is the nun dreaming? As a rule, such an image does not go unnoticed, and a person, waking up in the morning, tries to find the reason for the appearance of such a dream in his life.

Gustav Miller's opinion

Miller tried to cover in his interpreter as many symbols as possible that can visit you in a dream. The nun was no exception.

According to this dream book, a nun means that your material interests will run counter to spiritual aspirations. You may be offered a deal that will be very profitable, but at the same time you will have to move away from your faith.

Seeing the bride of Christ in a dream

After such a night vision, a person should not only think sensibly, but also be guided by his feelings. Do not make rash actions, think about what you will gain and what you will lose.

For a woman, a dream with a nun can prophesy imminent widowhood or loneliness, if the person who saw the dream is not married.

In a dream, the nun is dead - a period of despair awaits you due to the ugly behavior of your chosen one. He can cheat on you with another woman or behave in a way that you did not expect from him. You will be faced with a choice: accept the state of affairs or break off your friendship.

To see how you throw off your monastic robe - you will have a desire for worldly joys. Be careful not to go into all serious trouble.

If you had a dream that you are in a monastery as a novice, it means that you are unhappy with your current situation, you cannot cope with the duties that are assigned to you.

What do the rest of the dream books say

In addition to Miller's interpreter, there are a number of dream books that are popular with readers. You can choose the one that suits you the most.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Sister of the Lord - a person who does not live real life, renounces itself.

This dream book believes that nuns dream when you are subconsciously afraid to repeat their fate. Renounce material things and serve the Supreme.

Dreaming of familiar people in monastic clothes

Also similar dream may mean that you want the people around you to think of you as a kind, sacrificial, decent person. Although this is not always true.

To see a friend or acquaintance in monastic clothes - you are eager to get help from an outsider, to shift the burden of your troubles onto other people's shoulders.

Women's dream book

If a believer saw a nun in a dream, then he will find himself in a situation where material interests run the risk of taking precedence over spiritual ones. You should gain strength and endurance, and not be led by your base instincts.

As this dream book says, why throw off your cassock - to the fact that you will be carried away by someone or something and will not be able to fulfill your promises.

Dream Interpretations Kananita and Hasse

These two interpreters are closely intertwined. It is believed that the nun dreams that your mistress or lover is cheating on you. Consider whether it is worth ruining your marriage by hanging out with the person who is cheating on you.

Hear in a dream how the nuns sing prayers in the choir - your heart will be broken.

strange dreams

God's sister in black drunk

Nostradamus wrote in his dream book: a nun in black in drunkenness- joyful events, material well-being.

Watching the monks go to war - you will soon notice a decline in morals in society. People stop believing higher power, will become aggressive, a praying person will be a rarity.

The monk rings the bell in your vision - expect trouble, disturbing events.

The dreamer is in a night vision among the nuns, reading prayers with them - feel dissatisfaction with your life partner. Want to find a replacement for him.

Other omens

Dream books also believe that a person who reads prayers in the form of a monk in a dream must come to terms with the fact that a period of loneliness begins in his life. You will not be intimate with anyone, try to use this time wisely, engage in spiritual enlightenment.

In a dream, you were a nun, but your outfit was slightly different from the generally accepted image? Why dream of clothes of a different color:

  • white - a period of peace and prosperity, spiritual growth of a person begins;
  • golden - you will have material well-being, success among the people around you, luck is on your side;
  • brown - you are mired in the daily bustle, do not notice that the world around you is beautiful;
  • blue - your soul is pure, you live with God in your heart;
  • absolutely unthinkable colors - you do not know how to control yourself, often go to extremes.

When the nun in your dream was young, then you will live a happy but modest life. To see how an elderly servant of the Lord walks the streets - your plans are not destined to come true.

Dream Interpretation Monk, nun Nun: a person who has departed from real organismic life, not living a real full life, but existing in the illusory world of serving God, and therefore, occupying an exceptional position in relation to ordinary people. Her life proceeds according to the program of the social religious mechanical super-ego. This is the image of a person who, due to the fact of being in a divine, transcendental initiation, has lost his own reality, renounced himself. Rooted out of his own reality, this man has become an outsider and bearer of alienation from himself. It is a divinely inspired (with a divine spark) symbol of negativity. This is a person who hides from the real world behind endless religious prayers, in the service of God, he spends himself without trying to get anything in return. To see a nun: this indicates a desire or fear to act in one of her roles. Namely: the fear of sexual inadequacy, the desire to overcome the attraction of material things, the desire to avoid independent decision-making, the desire to make others think of themselves as an extraordinary, sacrificial person who is better than he really is. If a stranger is seen in the image of a monk: this image can be interpreted in the same way as if a person sees himself in this image. If a well-known person appears in the image of a monk: this is a reflection of a person’s desires to receive dominant help and a solution to his own problems from another. Italian dream book Meneghetti

Dream Interpretation Monk, nun Monks: servants of God and thus elements of the Superego. Nun: the sister of the individual. Someone desired by God, respected by people for the idea of ​​purity and decency. Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream Interpretation Nun If a woman dreams of nuns, this portends widowhood or separation from her loved one. The dead nun dreams of despair. It is likely that you will find out that your loved one is cheating on you. A dream in which a girl takes off her monastic robe means her inclination to worldly joys. She may not be able to keep her promise to someone. Dream Interpretation for Lovers

Dream Interpretation Monk, nun Monk (nun): personifies a venerable, sexually abstemious figure. Symbolizes the inner wisdom of man, the possession of spiritual power. Meeting with a monk: portends trouble for you. Talking with a monk: to changes in your life, an increase in inner stamina. ABC of dream interpretation

The meaning of sleep Nun Nun. For a religious person, seeing nuns in a dream portends that material joys will interfere with spiritual interests. He must be wise and control his actions. If a woman sees nuns in a dream, this means a possible widowhood or a break with her lover. If she sees herself as a nun in a dream, this means dissatisfaction with her position. To see a dead nun is to despair: maybe you will find out about the infidelity of the one you loved. For a woman who has a dream in which she throws off her monastic robe, this promises an increased desire for worldly joys. Such a dream will make it impossible for her to fulfill her obligations. Big dream book

Dream Monk, nun If you look closely at a monk: this may be a sign of discord in the family or an upcoming unpleasant business trip to see yourself in the guise of a monk - to the loss of loved ones or illness. Dream Interpretation of the Future

Dreaming Nun A religious person who sees a nun in a dream should show wisdom and control his desires and actions. Otherwise, his spiritual interests will be hindered by material joys. A woman who sees a nun in a dream will have a break with her lover. If a woman saw herself in the form of a nun, then she is probably unhappy with her position. Big universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Nun If a young woman dreams that she has decided to become a nun, this is a sign that she will be disappointed in love and will suffer so desperately that this suffering will almost lead her to lose her mind. However, she manages to overcome despair. It also warns her to beware of temptations and not to trust too much the man who is wooing her. Try to clarify the motives that guide his actions. Old English dream book

Dream Interpretation Monk, nun Monk: happiness in humble surroundings, criminal love Monk, hermit: your hopes do not come true Nun: betrayal of lover or mistress talking to her: change of place hear the choir of nuns: broken heart. Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Dream Interpretation Monk, nun Monk: may indicate that you should absorb all your energies into yourself and isolate yourself from the surrounding material world. It is also a symbol of spiritual alignment through celibacy and self-denial. Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Dream Interpretation Monk (Nun)
Monk (Nun) in a dream MONK (NUN) - messenger; in black - unfortunately or to success through suffering; sexual abstinence; problem (for a man); spiritual knowledge. Nun - widowhood, divorce, unhappiness in love, a long period of sexual abstinence or (due to inversion) indulge in debauchery (for a woman). Dream Interpretation Master of Dreams

Dream Interpretation Monk (nun)
Monk (nun) in a dream Represents a venerable, sexually abstemious figure. Symbolizes the inner wisdom of man, the possession of spiritual power. Meeting with a monk portends trouble for you. Talking with a monk - to changes in your life, an increase in inner stamina. Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation Monk, nun To see a monk in a dream: to discord in the family, unpleasant business trips. A young woman has such a dream Seeing herself in the image of a monk in a dream: to the loss of loved ones or illness. For a religious person to see a nun in a dream portends that in his life material joys will prevail over spiritual interests. To prevent this, he must be wise and control his actions. If a woman sees a nun in a dream, this means a possible widowhood or a break with her lover. If she sees herself as a nun in a dream, then in reality she is unhappy with her position. A woman who sees a dream in which she throws off her monastic robe - will experience a strong desire for worldly joys. Her actions and desires will make it impossible to fulfill her obligations. Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Dream Interpretation Monk, nun Communicate with a nun: an extremely unpleasant situation that a person in black clothes will create or a pronounced brunette will not exclude an alliance with evil spirits. Repentance visit the graves of your close relatives. To failure in love for a family quarrel. The latest dream book

Dream Interpretation Monk (nun) Represents a venerable, sexually abstemious figure. Symbolizes the inner wisdom of man, the possession of spiritual power. Meeting with a monk portends trouble for you. Talking with a monk - to changes in your life, an increase in inner stamina.
Monk (nun) in a dream Represents a venerable, sexually abstemious figure. Symbolizes the inner wisdom of man, the possession of spiritual power. Meeting with a monk portends trouble for you. Talking with a monk - to changes in your life, an increase in inner stamina. Dream Interpretation Tutorial

Dream Interpretation Monk, nun If in a dream you were staring at a monk, you will have family discord and unpleasant business trips. This dream for a young woman If you saw yourself in the image of a monk: start monitoring your health more carefully. A religious person who saw a nun in a dream should show wisdom and control his desires and actions. Otherwise, his spiritual interests will be hindered by material joys. A woman who saw a nun in a dream: a break with her lover is ahead. If a woman saw herself in the form of a nun, she is probably unhappy with her position.

I dreamed of a nun in black ▼

To dream of a nun in black means to the goal through hardship. The plans will be realized, but before the successful finale it will be necessary through.

Do not be afraid of adversity and difficulties, they will temper and make you stronger. will be accompanied by spiritual knowledge that will give invaluable experience and teach.

What is the dream of a nun in white ▼

The white clothes of a nun in a dream indicates that you are confused and made a mistake between the spiritual world and the material.

Do not cultivate carnal pleasures. Money is just a measure of the value of things. Dignity, honesty, you can not buy, they are priceless.

What nun did you dream about?

Dream of an old nun▼

What is the dream of an old nun in a dilapidated cassock? Get ready for the tests, it will bring you unpleasant surprises - you will feel the accompanying misfortunes.

The main thing is to overcome the upcoming hardships of life with honor. Remember that no one gets harder than they can bear. Suffering leads to purification and self-improvement, tempers character and brings experience to life.

Who was the nun in the dream?

I dreamed that you were a nun▼

Felomena's dream book interprets the feeling of being a nun as dissatisfaction with her own real life. Something in the current state of things does not suit you. You don’t need yourself, complaining about a difficult lot, try to change at least something - then, perhaps, tomorrow will be better.

If in a dream an unmarried person decided to become a nun, expect disappointments in love. The current one does not bode well: the relationship will end as quickly as it began, only