Why does a married woman dream of a baby. Dream Interpretations of other interpreters: what is the dream of a child in her arms. What is the dream of a baby girl

In a dream, you can be next to different people. These may be people you know, and those you see for the first time.

Why is the baby dreaming? How to interpret this dream?

Why does a baby dream - the main interpretation

If you see a baby in a dream, this is a positive sign. This means that soon a lot will improve in your life, and you will be able to actively engage in your development, you will be able to help other people build a life. But, it is important to take into account all the sleep tips, all its details:

Where did the baby come from in your dream;

How did he behave?

What did you experience after sleep;

Who else was in your dream;

Did you experience fear while dreaming.

If in a dream you were afraid for the life and health of the baby, in reality you will also be afraid for your well-being loved one it is possible that your family will be overtaken by a serious illness that you will try to cope with for a long time. Ultimately, you will have to seek the help of friends who will help you figure out the reasons for this situation. Most likely, the cause will be a negligent attitude towards your health on the part of your relative.

If in a dream you rejoice with all your heart for the baby, and he smiles back at you, it means that in reality you will actively deal with all the difficulties that overtook you earlier. These difficulties formed in your life not without help. strangers. Therefore, try not to tell anyone anything, but to be alone with yourself more.

If you are planning to take on a new project, and a baby appeared to you in a dream, do it in such a way that no one knows anything until completion. So that no one can change your plans. Otherwise, you will face a wave of misunderstanding and even your loved ones will be offended by you. The dream book advises to achieve the goal at any cost, not to stop there.

If you dream that a baby asks for food, you will need to invest a large amount of money in the business that you live in. Perhaps you decide to make a large purchase. The dream book advises weighing all the pros and cons and not allowing weakness under any circumstances. You must not be weak in your decisions. You should have the courage to go all the way, especially when it comes to a large investment.

If you dream that you are feeding a baby from a bottle, you will take care of many people and you will be rewarded. Without expecting it yourself, you will get much more out of life than you have invested. Try to trust your intuition and internal state, inner desires. Do not allow understatement with loved ones, so that it does not happen that you do not have time to provide assistance and trouble happens.

If you are trying to bottle feed a baby, and he turns his head and does not want to eat, then your help will not be needed, even if you were asked for it very much. Most likely, the person will find another opportunity to solve the problem, and you will be left out of work. For you, this is not the worst solution to the problem.

You can be sure that when your help is really needed, you will be contacted and you will help. You can help a person resolve those issues that have tormented him for so long.

If you dream that a baby is sucking a pacifier, expect peace and quiet in life. You will be surrounded by nice people, you will be able to communicate with those who will be very useful to you in the future. You will be able to take a break from everyday troubles and work very fruitfully together with colleagues who will inspire you for new projects, a new direction of activity.

If in a dream the baby is naughty all the time and does not want to go into your arms - you will not be able to agree on something very important, you will have to wait for the right moment to do it. Now you have no choice but to let go of the situation and wait for a more opportune moment to resolve the problem.

If in a dream the baby turns out to be dead, troubles and troubles await you. You will be able constant voltage, you will not know how to act in this or that situation. It will seem to you that the whole world is against you and nothing can be done about it. If you dream that someone asks you to take the baby in your arms, but when he takes it, he sees that he is dead, you will practically agree on a very important matter for you and suddenly find that you do not have enough documents, permissions to bring him to end. It will throw you off track. You may even opt out.

If you dream that the baby starts to hiccup - someone will try in every possible way to denigrate you in the eyes of others. Do not worry, the shadow of doubt will not fall on you, you will continue to adhere to the position that it is better to have a few reliable friends than a lot of those who can betray you.

If in a dream the baby has a cold and often sneezes - do not worry, you will just be upset because of the upstya and will not know what to do in this or that situation. Listen to your inner voice. He will tell you what is the best thing to do in order to avoid problems.

If in a dream you are walking with a baby in the park, pleasant trips await you. You may not go very far from where you live, but the journey will be exciting and you will enjoy it so much that you will soon repeat it.

What is the dream of a baby according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that a girl dreams of a baby when she is not confident in her own abilities and does not know for sure whether she can cope with the problems that have fallen on her. She can worry about trifles in personal life and not notice the rather important events that take place in it.

If a girl dreams that she found an abandoned baby on the street, a relationship will suddenly appear in her life that can overshadow all the problems of her previous relationship. She may also meet a person who will help her in many ways in the future.

A dream in which a girl shakes a baby in her arms promises her troubles in personal relationships, troubles with her soulmate. They will start with little things that should be solved very easily and quickly, but, in the end, the problems will drag on for a long time.

A dream in which a pregnant woman sees a baby promises her problems in her personal life, in communication with her man. He will be dissatisfied with the state of affairs and will not want to give in. If she sees a screaming baby in a dream, there will be scandals and misunderstandings in her relationship with her husband. The reason for this will be mutual claims, which are important to avoid.

What is the dream of a baby in the Esoteric dream book

If in a dream you see yourself as a baby, get ready for the fact that life will teach you a difficult lesson. You will get not only experience, but you may be disappointed in many ways. This dream is not positive for you precisely because in many endeavors after such a dream you will take a few steps back. If you were planning a move, it can be delayed.

If in a dream you see your soulmate who is nursing a baby, get ready for a pleasant time in your relationship. This may be a period of joint caresses and declarations of love. Don't distance yourself from your significant other right now. Try to devote maximum time, then the two of you will be happy and glad about everything that will happen in your life.

If in a dream you see your parents as babies, the time will come for you to worry about them. You will try your best to give them exactly the attention they deserve. Do not refuse to help them, do not criticize their actions. Now is the moment in life when it is time for you to take care of them.

What is the dream of a baby in other dream books

Grishina’s dream book says that a baby dreams when you really need support from friends, perhaps you need it precisely because you don’t want to take responsibility for your own life. Think about whether it is time to reconsider your attitude to everything that happens.

Maybe you're playing a role weak man, but it won't give you the result you want. Aesop's dream book says why the baby is dreaming, which the mother shakes in her arms - pleasant surprises and changes await you that will spontaneously break into your life and make you believe that everything is possible.

Perhaps you have lost confidence in yourself and in your happiness, then it's time to think about the correctness of such an act. Soon life will give you new opportunities, you will discover new ways to move forward. You will be able to solve many new tasks quite quickly. Do not deny yourself anything if in a dream a baby smiles at you.

dreamed of a baby

A dream in which a baby is present portends a wonderful pastime in the company of good friends. In addition, a pleasant surprise and a long-awaited gift awaits you. If in a dream a young girl sees herself as a child, or holds a newborn child, then soon she will have to face accusations and slander. A sickly baby prophesies troubles and problems. If in a dream a girl feeds a newborn baby, therefore, in the near future she will have to face problems. Having solved all the issues, you will be able to achieve success and financial well-being. A dream in which you hold a baby in your arms with high temperature portends disappointment and sad news. If during a dream you play or nurse a baby, then soon your sincere dreams and desires will come true.

If a woman sees or holds a baby in a dream, then soon she will have good news about a happy pregnancy. In its turn, similar dream a man portends minor problems. Their solution will prevent the development of difficulties and large financial losses. If you soothe while sleeping crying baby, which means that unexpected events will happen to you in the near future.

what does it mean if a baby is in a dream

According to Tsvetkov's dream book, a dream involving a baby portends an amazing event in your life, delight and good news. If the dreamer holds or shakes a small child in his arms, then in Lately a person is prone to laziness and passivity, you should show perseverance and work in order for the planned ideas and desires to be realized.

baby in a dream what is it for

According to the Islamic dream book, a newborn child portends hostile relations, or promises troubles and unexpected worries.

baby in a dream what is it for

A baby in a dream portends amazing news. If he is beautiful and laughs, then joy awaits you in the future, if undressed and unpleasant, beware of condemnation and unpredictable worries. If a mother dreams sick child, then in reality it is necessary to look after the behavior and well-being of the baby. The death or illness of their own baby warns parents of possible health problems for the child. A dead baby portends negative news that will be marked in your life by unpleasant memories.

baby in a dream

A cheerful and amusing baby prophesies to the dreamer positive days and new purchases. In a dream, a naked and capricious child portends the emergence of new cases, from which you will be immersed in worries and problems.

baby dream interpretation

A dream involving a baby predicts unexpected news to its owner. In a dream, your own newborn child prophesies troubles and failures in planned affairs to parents. In the near future, wait with the promises.

baby dream interpretation

A healthy, smiling child in a dream means good news, joy and well-being in the family. A sick and neglected baby prophesies problems and conflicts in family life. If in a dream you see a newborn baby, then it's time to open up and believe in your own strength.

Dreams about babies usually leave bright sensations, but their meanings are different, depending on the context and the chosen dream book. Interpretations of what a baby is dreaming of in her arms also differ when the sleeping person knows for sure that there is a boy or a girl in front of him. different meanings get the dream of a man or a woman. The condition of the baby also affects. Let us consider in more detail each of the interpretations.

Seeing a baby in a woman's dream

Dreams about children are of particular importance for young girls. Holding a baby in their arms for them means a meeting with a betrothed or an early marriage. For childless women, such dreams portend the need to constantly take care of a person. It depends on the general mood of the dream whether it will bring hardships or happy moments.

  • But for pregnant women, such a dream promises good omens: the birth will be successful, and the baby will be healthy.
  • Young girls who dreamed that they were holding a baby in their arms and feeding him should be wary of false rumors and gossip.
  • A crying baby promises carelessness and joyful events.
  • A woman walks with a baby in her arms in a dream to pleasant surprises associated with a fun trip.
  • If the child is a boy, then this portends the dreamer's material well-being. According to Freud, such a dream reflects the need to satisfy sexual desires.
  • Holding a baby girl in her arms portends advancement in personality development. Such a dream speaks of a lack of security and a sense of warmth.

Why dream of a baby in the arms of a man

For the representatives of the stronger sex, to see a healthy and strong baby in a dream promises to strengthen friendships and career growth. If the baby wrote - to pleasant surprises and an invitation to visit. Picking up a baby with a temperature portends mental anguish and a showdown with loved ones.

  1. Rocking a child means stubbornness and unwillingness to go straight to the goal. Some obstacles erected in front of the dreamer are the work of his own hands.
  2. For a young family eager to become parents, such dreams promise the appearance of a long-awaited baby. If a man holds him in his arms, then there will be a boy and vice versa.
  3. To see that adult children have again become infants speaks of excessive guardianship of offspring. More independence should be given to sons and daughters.

Why dream of a baby who is held in his arms, any dream book knows. In most cases, this is a good, auspicious omen. Such a dream indicates imminent positive changes in life: a meeting with a future husband or the birth of a child. A sick or dead baby in her arms portends troubles in life and problems at work. about children follows with reference to the general background of the dream. In some cases, they may have opposite or completely different meanings. Don't worry about bad omens. It is necessary to take them into account and adjust the behavior and character in accordance with the prediction.

Babies are the most beautiful thing on this earth. They are pure and innocent. They act up, learn to walk, sit, eat, drink. Most women dream of children and see only the good in babies. No one will ever think that a baby can mean something bad if we dreamed about it. Babies dream for a variety of reasons. Pregnant women dream of babies because they are worried about giving birth. For the most part, dreams involving an infant are favorable, having a good meaning. If you have children and you dream of babies, you should worry less about offspring. After all, dreams reflect our thoughts, our experiences. It is clear that any mother wants to protect her children from sorrows, hardships and dangers. But do not think that our world is one continuous danger. Keep in mind that in our life there is a law: what you radiate, you receive. Radiating distrust of the world, you attract situations in which your thoughts become reality. Thinking that your children are in danger everywhere, you thereby attract it to them.
Most dreams with a negative color are warning in nature. To catch a clue, remember your dreams. Remembering the details of your dream, you will understand a lot for yourself. It will become clear to you what you need to protect your child from, and where to give him freedom of movement.
For young girls, dreams involving babies may portend their own children. Anyone who has seen such an unusual dream will be interested to know why babies dream?

Combined dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: baby - pleasant changes in life, surprises, fun.
  • Dream Interpretation: baby boy - career success, creative ideas, financial luck.
  • Dream Interpretation: a baby in her arms - help from strangers, the embodiment of ideas.
  • Dream Interpretation: baby girl - creative inspiration, friendship with new people, travel.
  • Dream Interpretation: feeding a baby is success in implementing ideas, new projects and goals.
  • Dream Interpretation: an infant - rest in a pleasant company, fuss at home, caring for loved ones.
  • Dream Interpretation: feed breast milk baby - good luck in building business relationships, the embodiment of desires, a successful marriage.
  • Dream Interpretation: a dead baby - stopping business, the collapse of plans, loss of money. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: breastfeeding a baby is the realization of one's creative nature, success in business and study.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see a baby is a lucky coincidence, positive events.
  • Dream Interpretation: holding a baby - responsibility for other people, fuss around the house, difficulty in completing things.
  • Dream Interpretation: what a baby is dreaming of - a dream portends brilliant opportunities, independent problem solving.
  • Dream Interpretation: holding a baby in your arms - getting a chance to improve life, inheritance.
  • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of "baby" is positive. Good news and joyful events await you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a baby boy in her arms - a gift from an unknown person awaits you.
  • Dream Interpretation: dreamed of a baby - you will find success in business, reconciliation with your family, recovery from illness.
  • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of dreams "baby" is positive. You will get what you want soon enough.
  • Dream Interpretation online: baby - chores around the house, caring for loved ones await you.

Women's dream book

  • A baby in a dream promises to receive good news in the near future. Surprises and joyful events are possible
  • Baby in a dream: the dream book interprets this dream as the fulfillment of desires and success in any business.
  • The dream "baby boy" portends favorable changes in life, acquaintance with interesting people.
  • The dream "baby girl" promises an influx of inspiration, creative imagination, the opportunity to make useful acquaintances.
  • If a young girl fed a baby in a dream, a strong and prosperous marriage awaits her.
  • Holding a baby in your arms in a dream portends the imminent achievement of a cherished goal.
  • Holding a baby in your arms in a dream means that any goal is easily achievable and everything that you think you will succeed.
  • The dream “breastfeeding the baby” portends the imminent birth of healthy and strong children. (cm. )
  • Sleep "pissing baby" promises chores around the house and difficulties in raising children.
  • Seeing someone else's baby in a dream suggests that you have a highly developed maternal instinct and it requires implementation.
  • The dream "dressed the baby" promises you good health and joy in the house.
  • Swaddling a baby in a dream is a sign that your responsibility will help you a lot in the future.
  • The dream "baby girl-baby" portends success in the creative field and attention from the opposite sex.
  • What does it mean to see a baby in a dream? This is a positive dream, promising positive events, joyful emotions.
  • The interpretation of the “baby in arms” dream is as follows: you will be able to achieve what you want in any case.
  • Baby in the blood: a dream portends an illness for your child. If you run it, it will be very difficult to cure. (cm. )
  • A baby with teeth in a dream will bring something unusual to your family. It can be either a person or a situation. baby - a sign that you will have to be creative in solving your problem.
  • Dream Interpretation: babysitting a baby portends brilliant success in business, an improvement in the financial situation.
  • Dream Interpretation: two babies promise frequent mood swings, frustration for no reason.
  • Dream Interpretation: a baby crap one's pants portends successful financial transactions, the right investment of money.
  • with a baby in a dream are a symbol of joy, success and prosperity.
  • Dream Interpretation: a baby girl is dreaming - creative inspiration awaits you, which will help you easily solve the accumulated tasks.
  • Dream Interpretation: a naked baby is a symbol of defenselessness. Now you can easily follow the lead of cunning dishonest people.
  • Dream Interpretation: feeding a baby - you will soon need help. By providing it, you can solve many of your problems.
  • Dream Interpretation: a sleeping baby is a symbol of calm and tranquility. You have nothing to worry about in the near future.
  • Dream Interpretation: saving a baby in a dream portends a difficult situation from which you can easily get out.
  • Dream Interpretation: the baby is smiling - you will have a great time with friends.
  • Dream Interpretation: a dead baby is a sign that you need to postpone your plans for a while. Not now best time start new business.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see a baby is a wonderful sign promising well-being, successful marriage, success at work.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

  • Seeing a baby in a dream means a situation will arise that will greatly surprise you.
  • The dream of “breastfeeding a baby” portends the onset of a period when your activity can be of great benefit.
  • Breastfeeding a baby in a dream is a sign that you should not be lazy and inactive now.

Spring dream book

  • Sleep "baby" portends a troubled life, nervousness, insomnia.
  • Seeing a baby in your arms in a dream means that in the near future they will want to use you for their dishonest purposes.
  • Seeing a baby girl in a dream portends a fruitful creative work, a good relationship in the family and at work.
  • Seeing a baby boy in a dream is a sign that big changes are already knocking at your door. Fear not, they will be exceptionally good.
  • The interpretation of the “feed the baby” dream is as follows: a period of great employment in business awaits you, profit from an unforeseen source.
  • Seeing a baby girl in a dream means that unpleasant rumors and gossip will soon circulate about you.
  • Killing a baby in a dream portends a fight with your dark side. Perhaps some temptations will overcome you, and it will be very difficult for you to cope with them.
  • Seeing two babies in a dream means that you need to be more restrained and calmer.
  • Seeing a naked baby in a dream suggests that you should not start new business in the near future and meet new people.
  • Seeing a beautiful baby in a dream indicates that the situation will take an unexpected turn for you.
  • Seeing a dead baby in a dream portends the end of a business that meant a lot to you.
  • To dream of a baby in your arms portends an obstacle in your business that can be fatal.
  • Rocking a baby in a dream is a sign that you have to deal with difficulties alone. You will not meet understanding from relatives and friends, having taken up something, decide it alone.
  • The “breastfeeding” dream means that you need to prepare for the upcoming difficulties so that they cannot do you much harm.
  • The dream "babies boy and girl" suggests that you have to be torn between two problems.
  • The baby came to life in a dream - a sign that your hopes for the best can still come true. If you are upset because of a minute failure, smile - the best is yet to come.
  • Dream Interpretation: the baby crap one's pants - you are waiting for profitable offers that will bring a lot of profit.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see a baby girl portends inspiration in work, the joy of a favorite thing.
  • Dream Interpretation: a dying baby promises a decline in business. Better wait it out hard times and not start anything new.
  • Dream Interpretation: the head of a baby in a dream promises the expectation of good news from afar. Relatives or friends from abroad will bring good news that will warm your soul for a long time.
  • Dream Interpretation: the baby has described himself - worries and problems will fall on you. Seek support from family and friends.
  • Dream Interpretation: a talking baby is a sign of good luck, which will soon smile at you. Look around and believe in your destiny.
  • Dream Interpretation: crying baby You need to take better care of your children's health. There is a risk of catching a bad disease. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: “feed the baby girl” - you will get a great opportunity to improve your well-being.
  • Dream Interpretation: the baby has died - your proposals will not meet with the approval of colleagues, and at home they may not be understood. Wait for a more opportune moment to express your thoughts.
  • Dream Interpretation: “delivery baby” - very soon you will solve the problem that bothers you. Childbirth is a symbol of getting rid of a heavy burden, but this deliverance brings great joy.
  • Dream Interpretation: why a baby boy is dreaming - such a dream portends financial success, the joy of communicating with friends.
  • Dream Interpretation: twin babies are a symbol that you should think about one thing. You scatter right and left, giving all of yourself to the problems. Focus on one thing, you will solve everything faster.
  • Dream Interpretation: breastfeed a baby boy - you will get a long-awaited vacation and be able to have a good rest.
  • Dream Interpretation: the baby is talking - a bright streak will soon come in your life. Everything you dreamed about will soon come true. Joy and good luck to settle in your home for a long time.
  • Dream Interpretation: a baby in the water - all your problems will soon be resolved by themselves. Believe in a miracle that will definitely happen. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: an alien baby boy is a sign that success awaits you with the opposite sex. If you are single, there is a chance to meet your destiny.
  • Dream Interpretation: baby son - your child needs protection from negative impact environment.
  • Dream Interpretation: a killed baby - something will go wrong and your plans will be ruined. Do not build castles in the air about the intended business. There is a risk of fate interfering with your plans.
  • Dream Interpretation: dreamed of a baby boy - success awaits you with colleagues and superiors. Feel free to express your thoughts and ideas, they will be received very positively.
  • Baby: dream book - the meaning of sleep is positive. You have everything to start new business. Make a plan to improve your position in society.
  • Dream Interpretation: “to hold the baby in the arms of a boy” - it has come for you auspicious time solve all problems.
  • Dream Interpretation: a baby in diapers - if the diapers are dirty, you may face an unknown danger.
  • Dream Interpretation: a baby doll is a sign that you can be deceived by those whom you considered your friends.
  • mother of god with a baby - success awaits you in any business you have conceived.
  • Dream Interpretation: twin babies symbolize your mood swings associated with fatigue.
  • baby - you will make a terrible mistake, which you will later regret. Be careful in your actions and do not make decisions in haste, you will be very worried later.
  • Dream Interpretation: breastfeeding a baby portends success in any business. No one will interfere with your plans.
  • Dream Interpretation: the baby's teeth have grown - it's time to start new business. You are full of determination and energy to carry out your plans.
  • Dream Interpretation: rocking a baby - there is a possibility of quarrels in the family. Try to be less short-tempered.
  • Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov: a baby - a period of fuss, minor problems and quarrels in the house awaits you. Your patience and wisdom will pleasantly surprise your household.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

  • Seeing a baby in a dream means finding a good way out of a difficult situation.
  • To dream of “holding a baby in your arms” is a sign that now you should not make new acquaintances and try to expand your social circle.
  • Feeding a baby with milk in a dream portends an active participation in social life and a desire to take care of others.
  • The dream "baby-girl in her arms" means that soon you will meet a person who will use you for his own purposes.
  • The dream "sleeping baby" means a smooth and even course of life, success in business.
  • The interpretation of dreams "baby girl" suggests that in your life it is time for independent decision-making.
  • Seeing a smiling baby in a dream is a sign that you should be more careful when meeting people. There is a risk of falling for a deceiver and a liar.
  • The dream of “bottle feeding a baby” portends small difficulties in life that you can easily resolve.
  • A pregnant woman to see a baby in a dream promises the birth of a healthy and strong child.
  • The dream “the baby has peed” suggests that many problems will fall on you that require an urgent solution.
  • The interpretation of dreams "baby boy" portends career success, respect for colleagues and superiors.
  • A baby hugs in a dream - a period of calm and harmony has come in your house, which will last for a long time.
  • Sleep "doll baby" means that the first impression of meeting a new person will be deceptive.
  • The dream "appearance of a baby" portends fun events in life and participation in entertainment events.
  • Carrying a baby in her arms in a dream portends an accusation of communicating with depraved personalities.
  • The dream "red baby" portends an improvement in financial condition, the conclusion of a successful marriage, an increase at work.
  • Seeing a baby crap one's pants in a dream portends the appearance of money out of nowhere.
  • The dream of "dropping the baby" promises your child's malaise and the destruction of your plans.
  • Sleep "baby walks" means that your friends love you very much and will be faithful to you in any situation.
  • The dream of "someone else's baby in your arms" means that you are taking on overwhelming obligations.
  • Dream Interpretation " breastfeed" promises advancement in business, receiving profitable offers.
  • Seeing a dying baby in a dream suggests that your hopes are not destined to come true.
  • Dream Interpretation: rock a baby - several people will immediately demand your attention.
  • a baby in a dream promises pleasant events, good mood good luck in business.
  • Dream Interpretation: the baby drowned - it is coming in your life new period calling to forget about the past.
  • Dream Interpretation: breastfeeding a baby girl - you will finally be able to relax in good company.
  • Sick baby: the dream book says that such a dream portends difficulties in caring for your child.
  • Dream Interpretation: wash the baby - your problems gradually began to be solved. Have a little patience, you will certainly get what you want.
  • Dream Interpretation: someone else's baby in your arms - soon you will be asked to do a simple job that is better not to refuse.
  • Dream Interpretation: a born baby means that peace and joy in your home will intersect with vanity and problems.
  • Dream Interpretation: a baby sucks breasts - you will find success in your career and in relationships with your superiors. Your ideas will be received with a bang.
  • Dream Interpretation: the baby described - you will run and fuss around the house. By properly allocating time, you will have time to do all the necessary things.
  • Dream Interpretation: a baby with teeth is a harbinger of unusual and strange events in your home. If you notice something strange, do not rush to get scared. Perhaps you are given a chance to change your point of view on some issue.
  • Dream Interpretation: three babies symbolize your excessive concern for the child. Try not to forget yourself.
  • The dream interpretation of the “baby boy” gives the following: joyful events and pleasant communication with friends await you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a beautiful baby - a person who may be unpleasant to you will try to seduce you.
  • Dream Interpretation: dreaming of a baby in her arms - you will experience anxiety for your children. Remember that anxiety is often justified, so listen to your intuition.
  • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of “feeding the baby” is interpreted as the likelihood of promotion and good luck in business.
  • Dream Interpretation: feeding a baby with breast milk in a dream means that soon all sorrows and worries will be forgotten.
  • Dream Interpretation: rock a baby in your arms - you should be more responsible for your work and family.
  • Hugging a baby: the dream book interprets this dream as receiving support from an influential person. Look for help in the most unexpected places and you will certainly receive it.
  • Dream Interpretation: a baby is pissing - a period of trouble and fuss awaits you, you will have to forget about your interests for a while.
  • Dream Interpretation: a woman with a baby - in the near future you will enter into an official relationship with a man and become pregnant from him.
  • Dream Interpretation: holding a baby girl in your arms - nothing is impossible for you. Any goal is easily achievable.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see a "baby boy" - you will find success in your career, the approval of your superiors, and the respect of colleagues.
  • Dream Interpretation: “maternity hospital babies” - good changes will soon come in your life.
  • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of dreams “to feed the baby” is favorable. A reward for your merit or a prize awaits you.
  • Dream Interpretation: feeding a baby from a bottle means that temporary difficulties will come into your life, but they will not bring you significant harm.

French dream book

  • Feeding a baby in a dream portends a prosperous and happy life.
  • The sleeping babies dream has a positive meaning if the children are sleeping peacefully. Your life will not be subject to various stresses and anxieties. If the baby twitches and cries in a dream, a period of worries, fuss and troubles is approaching you.
  • The dream "baby-boy in her arms" portends success in business and at work. You can easily start your own business or project. You will be lucky.
  • In a dream, feeding a baby with breast milk portends an early marriage and pregnancy.
  • If a married woman fed a baby with breast milk in a dream, she will be successful in any area of ​​\u200b\u200blife.
  • The dream "alien baby" portends the formation of unpleasant rumors and gossip around you.
  • Sleep "dead baby" promises you wealth and success in your career. A dead baby in a dream portends a major financial success, winning a large amount of money.
  • Bathing a baby in a dream means that the optimal way out of a difficult situation is already close. A married woman bathed a baby in a dream - a sign that her financial situation will soon improve.
  • Seeing a nursing baby in a dream portends a good financial condition and success in business.
  • The baby smiles in a dream - a period of difficulties and fuss awaits you.
  • If a baby girl dreamed in a dream, a period of gifts and joyful surprises awaits you.
  • The dream interpretation of dreams “to feed the baby” gives the following: a period has come in your life when you can realize any idea.
  • If a baby boy is dreaming in a dream, you will be offered a good well-paid job.
  • The dream "baby in a coffin" portends a shift in business.
  • Dream Interpretation: the funeral of a baby portends material luck, a profitable offer from business partners.
  • Dream Interpretation: change babies - you will find yourself in a situation where you have to choose between two equivalent options.
  • Dream Interpretation: what the baby is dreaming of - good news, pleasant events await you. Accept all offers of friendly gatherings, going to the cinema, etc. You can’t predict in advance how positive the result may be.
  • Why does a pregnant woman dream of a baby? Such a dream portends a successful birth, good health The child has.
  • Why dream of holding a baby in your arms? Responsible and hard work awaits you, but it will bring you pleasure.
  • Why is a baby dreaming? You will experience pleasant emotions when meeting with the opposite sex.
  • Why do babies dream of teeth? You will witness an unusual and amazing spectacle.
  • What is the dream of someone else's baby? There will be a period of anxiety and anxiety in your life that will make you very nervous.
  • What is the dream of a dead baby? Your plans will be destroyed by ill-wishers. By telling your plans to everyone, you will put the tools in the hands of your enemies to stop you.
  • Why dream of feeding a baby? You are destined to become a successful business woman. You have all the makings for a successful business, connect your ingenuity and ingenuity, and you will achieve unprecedented success in your field.
  • What is the dream of a little baby girl? Your creative success will not go unnoticed.
  • Why do many babies dream? Your concern for children may harm them. The more you worry about your child for no reason, the more you increase the possibility of trouble with your child.
  • What is the dream of a baby in a dream? Such a dream portends peace after a difficult period.
  • Why does a girl dream of a baby? Such a dream portends a happy marriage, a good and faithful husband.
  • Why do twin babies dream? You will experience frequent mood swings and anger for no reason.
  • What is the dream of a dying baby? Difficult moments in life will force you to reconsider your goals.
  • What is the dream of a baby in a stroller? Experience the joyful moments of motherhood.
  • Why is the mother of God dreaming with a baby? Your goals are noble and will receive support from above.
  • Why do two babies dream? Your anger will ruin relationships with family and friends.
  • What is the dream of a smiling baby? Your problems will soon be solved and stop ruining your life.
  • Why dream of bathing a baby? Problems that need to be solved will resolve themselves.
  • Why dream of finding a baby? You are destined to experience amazing and unusual emotions.
  • Why is a naked baby dreaming? You are now too defenseless to take action.
  • If a pregnant woman dreams that a baby is dying, she will have a difficult pregnancy.
  • If a man dreams of a baby, he will gain good luck in business and make big profits.
  • Why dream of giving birth to a baby? You are in for a difficult time in the family. Childbirth itself is a rather difficult process, so the dream speaks of some kind of difficult process that you will have to go through.
  • Why dream of having a baby? Your family must go through a series of trials. Most likely, there will be nothing terrible in these trials, just major spiritual changes will occur within each member of your family.
  • What is the dream of a crap baby? You will make a big profit or win a large sum of money.
  • Why does a pregnant woman dream of a baby? Pregnancy will proceed smoothly and calmly, the baby will be born healthy.
  • Why dream of "the baby's teeth have grown"? An amazing situation will turn your life upside down.
  • Why do small children dream of babies? Pleasant events will fill your life and improve your mood.
  • Why do sleeping babies dream? Harmony and peace will fill your life and make you forget about problems.
  • What is the dream of a sleeping baby? You will be able to relax after stress. If you have not been on vacation for a long time, now is the best time to go on vacation.
  • Why dream of breastfeeding a baby? You will be able to realize yourself in an area that is interesting for you.
  • Why dream of seeing a baby? Happiness and good luck will soon come into your life.
  • baby? A period of calm and passivity has come for you. Any action will not bring positive result, it is better to sit quieter than the water, below the grass.
  • Why does a baby boy dream of a woman? Such a dream promises brilliant career achievements and good luck in love.
  • Why is a beautiful baby dreaming? One of your acquaintances hides his true nature. Take a closer look at your surroundings and don't let your enemies harm you.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

  • The dream "baby baby" portends hard work that will lead you to a rich life.
  • The “many babies” dream for a nursing mother means that you have the impression that you have not one child, but several.
  • The dream of "two babies" suggests that your imbalance can play an evil service with you.
  • In a dream, holding a baby girl in your arms portends gossip and rumors that will spread about you.
  • The dream of “holding a baby boy in your arms” portends many worries about your husband and family.
  • Kissing a baby in a dream is a sign that you will always look much younger than your years.
  • The dream of "feeding the baby" portends problems with the chest if you dream about it often.
  • The dream "baby boy baby" portends a wide range of opportunities for well-being.
  • The interpretation of dreams “breastfeeding a baby” suggests that you have to climb up career ladder very fast.
  • The dream "a baby's tooth has grown" portends unusual situation in your life.
  • Dream "baby with blue eyes" heralds a new stage in your life, filled with work, responsibility for their actions and care for the child.
  • The dream interpretation of dreams “baby in arms” gives the following: unforeseen circumstances await you that will interfere with your plans.
  • The dream of “thrown a baby” portends unexpected profits, winning a large amount of money, wealth.
  • Seeing a sleeping baby in a dream promises to receive unforgettable vivid impressions.
  • Why dream of nursing a baby? Use your charm to achieve your goal.
  • Why do crying babies dream? You will have to endure several unpleasant moments.
  • What is the dream of a crying baby? Your child's health is at risk. Take action as soon as possible.
  • Dream Interpretation: a baby girl is dreaming - you will experience the joy of the work done.
  • What does it mean if you dream of a baby? You have nothing to worry about anymore, an auspicious time has come in your life.
  • If you often dream of a baby, you will soon experience the joy of motherhood.
  • What is the dream of a baby in a coffin? Your plans are not destined to come true, put them off for later. (cm. )
  • What is the dream of a newborn baby? Bright and joyful emotions will soon illuminate your life.
  • Why dream of 2 babies? Your temper will damage your relationships with others.
  • Why dream of kissing a baby? You will always look fresh and young.
  • Why dream of "feeding the baby girl"? You trust your female colleagues too much. They plot against you.
  • Why dream of saving a baby? Your enemies won't be able to do much harm to you.
  • Why dream of the birth of a baby? Something wonderful and beautiful will come into your life.
  • baby? All your actions are under someone else's control and you have no right to make a mistake.
  • Why dream of rocking a baby? A certain person will pretty much spoil your nerves.
  • baby? Stress will drain all your strength and you will have to recover for a long time.
  • What is the dream of a pregnant baby boy? The dream portends the birth of a healthy and beautiful boy.
  • Why do babies dream - a boy and a girl? You will experience a sense of resentment and fatigue from the problems that have piled up.
  • The dream book “what a baby boy is dreaming of” interprets as good news from work and an improvement in financial situation.
  • Why dream of breastfeeding a baby? Your problems will have little effect on the quality of life.
  • What is the dream of a dead baby? The ideas that come to your mind do not have a chance to be implemented.
  • What is the dream of a pissing baby? Small worries and troubles will significantly spoil your nerves.
  • What does "dream baby" mean? This is a good time for you to reach your goals.
  • and baby? Use all your courage to endure all the difficulties in life.
  • Why do “twin baby boys” dream: aggressiveness unusual for you will greatly surprise your loved ones.
  • Why dream of dead babies? You are in danger of which you are not yet aware.
  • Why dream of washing a baby? You will be illuminated by a brilliant idea that will solve all your problems.
  • Why dream that the baby is talking? Long-awaited luck will smile at you, which will return your taste for life.
  • Why does a girl dream of a baby in her arms? The dream promises support from an influential person, a romantic acquaintance.

Esoteric dream book

  • The interpretation of the “baby” dream is as follows: be prepared for unexpected and strange events.
  • The “baby in your arms” dream suggests that chance will interfere with your plans and they will be destroyed.
  • Holding a baby boy in your arms in a dream is a sign that you will have support in doing difficult work.
  • The meaning of sleep "baby" is very positive. Such a dream portends success in business, good luck in marriage and good health.
  • Dream "naked baby" means that you can get into dangerous situation due to their conflict and adventurism.
  • What does it mean to bathe a baby in a dream? For a man, such a dream promises financial luck and successful transactions.
  • In a dream, seeing a “baby-girl to hold” means that you should be more careful in communicating with other people and not talk too much.
  • What is the dream of a baby in a dream? A dream about a baby portends success in any, even the most dangerous business. Your life is waiting for a change for the better, a happy romance is possible.
  • A dream about a baby boy portends the possibility of additional earnings and creative inspiration.
  • The dream "baby pooping" portends good luck in casinos and other establishments where financial success is possible.
  • Seeing three babies in a dream promises you joyful emotions and a fun event in life.
  • Rocking a baby in your arms in a dream is a sign that you will soon have additional responsibilities at work.
  • Lulling a baby in a dream promises a lot of fuss around the house and difficulties with the child.
  • What does it mean to see a baby in a dream? Such a dream portends positive events in life, family gatherings, parties with friends, a successful marriage.
  • In a dream, adopting a baby portends good events that will change your outlook on the world.
  • In a dream, losing a baby is a sign that you are expecting too much from fate.
  • The dream of “taking care of a baby” portends the care of a close relative.
  • Seeing a twin baby in a dream promises success in a career and business.
  • In a dream, babysitting a baby and enjoying it is a symbol of your hard work and joy from the work done.
  • Why dream of swaddling a baby? You will receive a sea of ​​love, affection and care from your family and loved ones.
  • Why do twin babies dream? Your mood will be spoiled by the disobedience of children and conflicts with relatives.
  • What is the dream of two baby boys? In the near future, it’s better for you not to start serious business, the slightest problem and you will be ready to give up everything.
  • Why does a woman dream of a baby girl? Such a dream portends great success at work, pleasant acquaintances with the opposite sex.
  • What is the dream of an abandoned baby? You should think about how much you are taking on. Many may not appreciate your help.
  • What is the dream of a little baby boy? Success will accompany you in any endeavors.
  • What is the dream of a baby sucking breast? You have to take care of your relatives. They really need it now.
  • Why do babies dream in their arms? Holding two babies in your arms means that you will need to solve more problems than usual.
  • Why dream of a baby in the water? Soon you will be offered the best way out of a difficult situation.
  • Why dream of a baby for a husband? The dream portends success at work, big profits in business, promotion.
  • What is the dream of "baby baby boy"? A period of adventure and new acquaintances awaits you.
  • Why do babies dream in diapers? Is this the best time for you to start your own business or offer your project at work?
  • Why is the talking baby dreaming? You are rushing things too much, thereby delaying the result.
  • Why is the virgin with a baby dreaming? You are protected from any adversity, you can take on even the most difficult task.
  • Why does a baby boy dream of a girl? The dream portends an acquaintance with a future husband, a magnificent marriage.
  • What is the dream of the umbilical cord of a baby? Your attachment to the child is not due to warm feelings, but to a sense of duty. Try to cultivate love for the baby in yourself.
  • Why is the baby pooping in a dream? You will gain fame and fame thanks to your hard work and ability to achieve your goal.
  • What is the dream of someone else's baby in her arms? You need care and love, which you do not receive from loved ones in sufficient quantities.
  • What is the dream of a newborn baby? into your family life something or someone intervenes that will bring joy and trouble at the same time.
  • What is the dream of triplets of babies? You are waiting for the resolution of the conflict with your husband or relatives. Go first to the truce and everything will be fine.
  • Why dream of a maternity hospital and babies? You will go through a lot of problems and troubles, but in the end you will achieve what you want.
  • What is the dream of a premature baby? You are too concerned about the health of your child, although this is not necessary.
  • Why dream of rocking a baby in your arms? Help the person and take care of him if you are asked to do so.
  • What is the dream of "the baby crap one's pants"? Unprecedented success in finance awaits you, the solution of material issues will be very easy for you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a baby is dreaming in her arms - keep a balance in emotions, even if you are very tired.
  • Why is the baby's face dreaming? You will do everything possible to ensure that your child adopts the best character traits from you.
  • Why dream of killing a baby? You need to fight negative side your personality, otherwise in the future you will cease to control yourself. This can lead to big trouble.
  • What is the dream of a baby girl in a stroller? You will meet a person who loves you for who you are.
  • and baby? Your plans will certainly come true, although not immediately.

Children's dream book

  • Baby in a dream: the dream book interprets this dream as the onset of a period of worries and fuss. Your hard work will be rewarded.
  • To dream of a baby girl in her arms promises great creative inspiration and a triumph in the career field.
  • The dream “the baby died” means that you have taken up the upbringing of children too seriously. Give them a chance to become more independent.
  • Seeing a baby boy in your arms in a dream portends an acquaintance with a person who will provide invaluable help in the future.
  • The dream of "three babies" predicts a large amount of happiness and positive emotions.
  • Dream "two babies" means that your intemperance can damage your career.
  • If a baby is pregnant in a dream, then her child will be born healthy and with a happy fate.
  • Nursing a baby in a dream portends incredible success in work, promotion.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see a baby in a dream portends pleasant chores around the house and various surprises.
  • In a dream, seeing a newborn baby promises to receive good news, meeting interesting people.
  • If a baby cries abruptly in a dream, you need to rethink your behavior and slow down your business acumen.
  • If in a dream a baby in a diaper is clean, you will be able to avoid unpleasant events.
  • Babies in clothes: the dream is positive if the clothes were clean. dirty clothes on a child portends illness and breakdown.
  • Nursing someone else's baby in a dream portends a stunning success at work. Perhaps you will be offered a higher position or your project will be approved.
  • Seeing a little baby girl in a dream promises success in men, improved health.
  • The dream of “breastfeeding a baby boy” promises an increase in efficiency, new ideas for work.
  • If a pregnant woman saw a baby in a dream, she will become the mother of a happy healthy baby.
  • Picking up a baby in a dream promises harmony in family relationships.
  • Kissing a baby boy in a dream portends you a long life and youthfulness of your skin.
  • The dream “naked baby pissing” portends a lot of trouble with the child, fuss at home, problems at work.
  • The dream of “murdering a baby” portends big, difficult ones in life, making big mistakes.
  • Why dream of bathing a baby boy? Soon you will find out what people think of you.
  • Why do sick babies dream? Sleep warning - your child may be in serious danger.
  • Why dream of a sick baby? If you do not have children, such a dream portends a weakening of the immune system, poor health, lack of energy.
  • Why dream of a baby in a crib? You have done a great job and now you deserve a vacation.
  • Why dream of 2 dead babies? Your child perceives you as a dictator who infringes on his rights. Try to listen more to the opinion of the child.
  • Why dream of killing a baby? Your authority overwhelms children so much that they may start doing the wrong things to spite you.
  • What is the dream of an abandoned baby? You will have a unique chance to earn a lot of money.
  • What is the dream of a crap baby boy? The authorities will appreciate your merits and reward you rightfully.
  • What are the dreams of "twin baby girls"? Unprecedented luck will smile at you if you look around more often.
  • What is the dream of "baby girl crap one's pants"? Some influential female personality will help you achieve your goal.
  • baby? Through your perseverance, you will reach great heights.
  • What is the dream of a baby with blue eyes? Relatives and friends will envelop you with care and love.
  • What is the dream of a pregnant baby girl? This dream will be prophetic. Probably, you will soon become a mother of a girl.
  • If a baby boy is dreaming in a dream, you will be promoted, respected by colleagues and superiors.
  • Why dream of a baby in the arms of a man? Sleep promises great success at work, a brilliant reputation among colleagues.
  • Why is the dead baby dreaming? Your experiences poison your life. Buy a ticket to the sea and relax.
  • What is the dream of a baby boy in a stroller? Soon a handsome young man will give you attention.
  • Why does a pregnant woman dream of a baby? The dream portends a successful birth and a quick recovery.
  • What is the dream of "baby-girl smiling"? You will experience a lot of pleasant emotions from meeting with friends.
  • What is the dream of a drowned baby? In the near future, material difficulties await you, try to save money in stores.
  • Why dream of a baby's funeral? Your child's life is about to change dramatically. It's up to you to make change enjoyable.
  • Why dream of a "dead alien baby"? The dream is favorable: someone will want to take over your problems.
  • What is the dream of "a beautiful baby girl"? Good luck and honor awaits you, but try to keep good events a secret. There are a lot of envious people around.
  • Why do dead babies dream? An unfavorable situation has developed around you. Keep your ears open.
  • Why does a baby dream in blood after childbirth? Relatives and friends will take care of your problems, leaving you only care for yourself.
  • Why does a baby dream of a tooth? If you are worried about some problem, look for an extraordinary method of solving it.
  • What is the dream of someone else's baby boy? New acquaintances will ensure your future well-being.
  • What is the dream of a red-haired baby? Your friends can help you get what you want.
  • What is the dream of an abandoned baby? Stagnation in business can end due to a fortunate combination of circumstances.
  • Why dream of a dead baby in her arms? Your health will be at risk. Take vitamins.

Autumn dream book

  • The “baby crying” dream portends the appearance of unpleasant gossip about your person.
  • Finding a baby in a dream is a symbol of the search for one's personality, the search for one's destiny.
  • The death of a baby in a dream predicts difficulties in raising children.
  • Seeing “breastfeeding a baby” in a dream means that now is the best time to make your dream come true.
  • The dream interpretation of dreams “baby boy” gives the following: for a man, such a dream promises a wonderful plan that will suddenly come to his mind.
  • Hearing a baby cry in a dream means that everyday tasks and worries will distract you from life.
  • The dream "the icon of the mother of God with the baby" predicts great luck in business, family and in the love field.
  • The “hungry baby” dream suggests that you will start a business that will require a lot of your time and effort.
  • Washing a baby in a dream means that you will be given a chance to finish an unpleasant business quickly and painlessly. If you are waiting for a lawsuit, it is in your power to expedite the process and turn it in your favor.
  • If a young girl has a baby in a dream, this is a sign that she will soon marry for love and give birth to a healthy child.
  • The dream “babies are swimming” portends an early resolution of a protracted situation.
  • Baby poop in a dream portends good luck in finances, bargain shopping, profitable trades.
  • The dream interpretation of dreams “to feed the baby” gives the following: you will find good luck in the most difficult business if you listen to the advice of colleagues and friends.
  • Holding a naked baby in your arms in a dream means that you will be able to catch a great opportunity to increase your well-being and improve your reputation in the work field.
  • The dream of “rocking a baby in your arms” suggests that your problems have been waiting for a solution. Set aside your daily routine and take some time to work through your problems.
  • Seeing a baby boy and a girl in a dream portends a quarrel in the family or problems at work. Be more reserved in dealing with people.
  • Seeing a talking baby in a dream portends good news. Perhaps you will be invited to a pleasant event or you will meet a forgotten friend.
  • see in dream of the dead baby girl says that a certain woman will try to destroy your family happiness.
  • Burying a baby in a dream means that you are too assertive in raising your children and do not give them even minimal freedom.
  • Why is the baby dreaming? Pleasant events, good news await you.
  • What is the dream of a baby in her arms? You have to be responsible for your actions.
  • What is the dream of a baby boy? You are waiting for success in work, respect from friends and colleagues.
  • What is the dream of a baby girl? Your work ideas will be approved by your superiors. Possibly a promotion.
  • If you dreamed that you were feeding a baby, there will be success in relation to men.
  • Why dream of feeding a baby? Find success in your personal life.
  • Why do babies dream? Experience happiness for your adult children.
  • Why is a dead baby dreaming? You will have to wait out the black streak in life.
  • What is the dream of a baby boy in her arms? You will be honored and respected at work.
  • Why dream of breastfeeding a baby? To restore strength, it is better to do physical labor.
  • Why does a woman dream of a baby? She will be successful in work, family and relationships with friends.
  • What is the dream of a baby girl in her arms? Your success will be envied and interfere with your work.
  • Why dream of breastfeeding a baby? You have to make a little effort to achieve the goal.
  • Why is a little baby dreaming? Such a dream portends success in life and various surprises.

Summer dream book

  • What does a baby mean in a dream? Such a dream promises a quarrel and discord in the family.
  • Seeing a dead baby in a dream suggests that your parenting methods do not work and will turn against you in the future.
  • The dream "babies in the water" portends the successful completion of all affairs.
  • The dream "beautiful baby" portends wonderful events in life and wonderful surprises from fate.
  • The dream "male babies" promises success in a career, solving financial issues.
  • Giving birth to a baby in a dream portends a girl a happy period of motherhood and a sense of pride in her children.
  • The “baby says” dream means that soon you will be flooded with creative inspiration and a desire to change the world around you.
  • A newborn baby in a dream portends a period of joyful meetings, good events and pleasant surprises.
  • The dream of "saving the baby" suggests that your child lacks your affection and love. Give him more attention.
  • The dream of a “crapped baby” portends an improvement in the financial situation, receiving a large amount of money.
  • Kissing the hands of a baby in a dream suggests that you will delight your loved ones with your youth and freshness for a long time.
  • Seeing a talking baby in a dream promises a meeting of good friends and fun gatherings.
  • The “smiling baby in your arms” dream means that all your desires will come true, and things will go very well.
  • What does a baby in her arms mean in a dream? Such a dream promises to receive help from caring people, peace and tranquility in the family.
  • What does a baby boy mean in a dream? A dream involving a male baby portends success in work and study, male attention, and a competent distribution of finances.
  • Hugging and kissing a baby in a dream portends a successful set of circumstances, obtaining favorable opportunities, peace after a quarrel.
  • Seeing a maternity hospital and babies in a dream for a pregnant girl promises a wonderful end to pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.
  • To dream of a baby boy in your arms suggests that you should be more attentive to your work and then it will be rewarded.
  • Seeing a dead baby in a dream portends a stop in business and a change of priorities.
  • The dream of "bathing a baby boy" promises a favorable solution to the problem, however, you only need to rely on yourself.
  • The dream "premature baby" portends sadness and grief that will soon come to your home.
  • The dream "naked baby boy pissing" promises financial difficulties and problems at work. You may need to save some time.
  • Buying clothes for a baby in a dream means that you are waiting for major changes in your life. Whether they will be favorable or not will tell you the details of sleep.
  • If the deceased grandfather takes the baby in a dream, you will face difficulties related to the health of the child.
  • If a deceased mother gives a baby in a dream, your pregnancy will be difficult and painful.
  • If a red-haired baby dreamed in a dream, extraordinary events will come into your life that will add zest to your existence.

Lunar dream book

  • The dream interpretation of dreams “baby” gives the following: you will have to work long and hard to secure a normal life for yourself.
  • Seeing a baby boy in a dream means that new opportunities await you to move up the career ladder.
  • Washing a baby in a dream indicates that you need to fulfill your plan.
  • The dream "twin babies" portends peace and tranquility in the house, self-confidence, a clear understanding of one's goals.
  • The dream "baby in a stroller" promises the emergence of new opportunities in life. Also, such a dream can be prophetic and portend the birth of a child soon.
  • The dream "baby son" speaks of the difficulties that await your adult son in the near future.
  • The dream of "playing with a baby" portends a return to your childhood dreams and desires.
  • Seeing a smiling baby boy in a dream means that a change for the better awaits you, you just need to wait a little and not take rash actions.
  • Seeing a baby with long hair in a dream portends strange but pleasant events in your life that can turn it upside down. (cm. )
  • The dream "baby girl smiles" portends the acquisition of a good faithful friend.
  • Seeing a baby in a stroller in a dream for a young girl portends an early pregnancy and marriage.
  • In a dream, seeing a woman with a baby is a good sign that promises to receive help from a stranger.
  • Dream Interpretation: the birth of a baby portends joyful events, good luck in any business, peace in the family.
  • Dream Interpretation: 2 babies symbolize the duality of your nature. Here you are kind and affectionate, and in a second you are ready to crush the whole world.
  • Dream Interpretation: “I kiss the baby” - it’s a great time for you to go to a beauty salon. The effect of the hike will last a very long time.
  • Dream Interpretation: the cry of a baby portends health problems in your child, various problems in family.
  • Dream Interpretation: a woman is feeding a baby - you can handle any leadership tasks. Now is a great time to develop your own project.
  • Dream Interpretation: baby in the blood - take care of your baby's health. There is a risk of earning a serious illness.
  • Dream Interpretation: a baby in a crib sleeps peacefully - peace and prosperity will come to your home.
  • Dream Interpretation: save a baby from death - in reality you will be able to avoid mortal danger and protect your home.
  • Dream Interpretation: washing away a baby - the solution to your problem is already on the way, do not miss a great opportunity.
  • Dream Interpretation: a baby in a stroller - a boy lying in a stroller portends a calm course of your life, not overshadowed by negativity.
  • Dream Interpretation: they threw a baby - you will discover an unexpected secret that was hidden from you.
  • Dream Interpretation: breastfeeding a baby promises a successful marriage and good family relationships.
  • Dream Interpretation: baby poop in a dream portends profit from an unexpected source, good luck in money matters.
  • Dream Interpretation: three babies in a dream symbolize your attitude towards the child. Due to the large number of worries, it seems to you that you have several children.
  • Dream Interpretation: laughing baby - avoid meeting with strangers, you can get on a deceiver or a thief.
  • Dream Interpretation: babies boy and girl in a dream say that you should be more tolerant of other people's mistakes.
  • Dream Interpretation: a baby in a coffin portends sad events in the family or among friends.
  • The baby pooped: the dream book interprets this dream as the probability of receiving a large amount of money from an unforeseen place.
  • Dream Interpretation: why dream of feeding a baby - such a dream promises success at work and in school, new ideas and desires.
  • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of dreams "baby boy" is positive. You will be visited by fruitful ideas that will bring you the respect of your superiors and colleagues.
  • Dream Interpretation: giving birth to a dead baby means that a business that has just begun to turn out will burn out without really starting.
  • Dream Interpretation: dressing a baby from dirty clothes into clean clothes portends new opportunities, ideas, ways to solve a problem.
  • Dream Interpretation: dropping a baby - you may miss the chance to hit a big jackpot in life.
  • Dream Interpretation: a baby is pooping - good news regarding money awaits you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a dead baby boy portends bad news and health problems.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see a lot of babies - you will be able to successfully complete what you started.
  • Dream Interpretation: a baby in the stomach is a symbol future pregnancy or some idea that will soon be realized.
  • Dream Interpretation: the corpse of a baby - you will find stagnation in business and quarrels in the family.
  • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of dreams “to feed the baby with breast milk” portends new business connections and successful business dealings.
  • Dream Interpretation: the baby was operated on - in reality, tests related to the health of your child await you.
  • Dream Interpretation: give birth to a baby boy - a love marriage and a good relationship with your husband's family await you.
  • Dream Interpretation: babysitting a baby - you will be given additional work that will be well paid.
  • Dream Interpretation: beat a baby - you strangle your children with authority, give them more freedom.
  • Dream Interpretation: take care of a baby - your efforts will bring generous results.
  • Dream Interpretation: a baby boy smiles - fortune will turn to face you and your business will go uphill.
  • Dream Interpretation: bathe a baby boy - your affairs will get off the ground and will soon be resolved.

Miller's dream book

  • If a baby dreamed in a dream, pleasant meetings and fun times await you.
  • If a baby boy dreamed in a dream, your success at work will be noticed by your superiors.
  • The dream "little baby girl" portends creative success.
  • Feeding a baby boy in a dream promises useful contacts that will help you reach new level life.
  • The dream "woman with a baby" speaks of the likelihood of motherhood in the near future.
  • If a baby described you in a dream, you will soon receive shocking news.
  • Rocking a baby in a dream portends the possibility of betrayal by friends or relatives.
  • What does it mean to see a baby in a dream? Such a dream speaks of your love for children and the desire to become a mother.
  • Seeing a baby in a dream portends an early success in a long-started business.
  • The dream "the baby crap one's pants" portends the receipt of money from an unexpected source.
  • The dream of "breastfeeding a baby" suggests that now is a great time to fulfill your dream.
  • The “baby talking” dream means that you have a lot of strength for fruitful work.
  • The dream "birth of a baby" portends an offensive good period when everything works out for you.
  • Seeing many babies in a dream is a sign that you are very worried about your child.
  • Seeing a baby laughing in a dream portends good luck in all matters and a brilliant completion of what has been started.
  • The dream "the baby sucks the breast" portends good mood and successful management of all cases.
  • Dream Interpretation: someone else's baby is a symbol of an early solution to a difficult problem. Everything that worries you will soon melt away.
  • Miller's dream book: baby - unexpected, but pleasant surprises await you. Be open to new acquaintances, they can bring you to your dream.
  • Dream Interpretation: a baby girl in her arms - you will experience pleasant emotions during a new acquaintance.
  • Dream Interpretation: “a lot of babies” - a large number of small problems will fall on you.
  • Dream Interpretation: find a baby - you will be able to avoid awkward situation and not fall into a trap. Thanks to your intuition, you will not fall into a trap and stay safe.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see a baby in a dream is a wonderful sign that promises many friends, pleasant events, good luck in relationships.
  • Dream Interpretation: kissing a baby - you will remain young all your life. You do not need to be afraid of old age, you will always look your best.
  • Dream Interpretation: gave birth to a baby - you will be able to get rid of the unpleasant people who poisoned your life. If there is a person in your life who has caused you pain and trouble, you will have a great chance to remove him from your life. Act decisively and boldly.
  • Dream Interpretation: the death of a baby in a dream means that not all of your plans are destined to come true. Perhaps some of your plans are not fully thought out.
  • Dream Interpretation: bathing a baby portends good deals, bargains. It's time to go shopping and change your wardrobe.
  • Dream Interpretation: a baby in a stroller promises marriage and pregnancy. Your choice is coming soon wedding dress and baby diapers.
  • Dream Interpretation: “feed the baby-boy” - a period of caring for loved ones awaits you. Not necessarily one of them will get sick. They will probably have a lot to do and they will need your help.
  • Dream Interpretation: swaddle a baby - a situation is approaching that will help you solve many problems.
  • Miller's dream book: baby boy - you will have time to think about a difficult situation in the family.
  • Miller's dream book: baby girl - you will do a lot of work under a surge of inspiration. You will gush with ideas and you will be able to move mountains.
  • Miller's dream book: a baby in her arms - housework and domestic difficulties await you. Cooking and cleaning the house will become an integral part of your life.
  • Why dream of hearing a baby cry? You will do something that you will regret very much. By acting on emotions, you risk doing many things that you will regret very much.
  • What is the dream of an ugly baby? The dream is a symbol of your dislike for everything unusual and strange.
  • Why do baby triplets dream? If you want to make peace with your family, take the first step. Your pride now can do you a disservice.
  • What is the dream of a drowned baby? You are waiting for problems with money, loans and debts.
  • What is the dream of a dead baby boy? Your strength is running out, in order to restore them, take vitamins and do exercises.
  • Why dream of feeding a baby from a bottle? A new business will bring you a lot of trouble, but you will be able to quickly deal with them.
  • What is the dream of the baby's legs? You will be invited to an event where you will get a lot of fun and enjoyment.
  • Why dream of burying a baby? You have to prioritize your life and decide what is more important to you. It will not be possible to keep up with two hares.
  • Why dream of hugging a baby? You need care and affection. Feel free to ask for support from your husband or relatives. Your closeness protects you from pleasant and warm emotions.
  • Why do three babies dream? For girls, a dream portends to marry a loved one.
  • Why dream of washing a baby? exit from difficult situation already near. Look around and react quickly to what is happening, try not to miss your chance.
  • Why dream of bathing a baby girl? Your ingenuity will help you solve many problems.
  • Why dream of rocking a baby? You will be able to adequately get out of a difficult situation.
  • What is the dream of "baby boy son"? If you have a son, give him more attention and care.
  • Why is the icon of the Virgin and Child dreaming? You will be accompanied by good luck in all matters and the support of the whole world.
  • Why does a pregnant girl dream of a baby? Feelings about childbirth are groundless. Everything will be fine.
  • What is the dream of "the baby peed"? Your relatives and friends will give you a lot of trouble. Certain actions of your environment will make you fuss and worry.
  • The dream interpretation “why dream of feeding a baby” is interpreted as a long-awaited good luck in business and in love.
  • What is the dream of a falling baby? Your hopes may not be justified due to careless actions.
  • Why dream of "a lot of dead babies"? You are in serious danger, try not to do anything significant.
  • Why do baby teeth dream? Pay attention to non-standard methods of treatment. They may be more effective than the official ones.
  • Why dream of finding a baby on the street? You will have a great opportunity to improve your financial situation.
  • What is the dream of a naked baby boy? Your husband or father will soon need your help and support.
  • What is the dream of a beautiful baby boy? There is a risk of taking lies at face value.
  • Why dream of teething in a baby? Difficulties and fuss will make you forget about yourself for a while.
  • Why dream of nursing someone else's baby? You will volunteer to take on some of the work of others.
  • Why is the Virgin Mary dreaming with a baby? Someone from above protects you from problems and troubles. You have nothing to worry about.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

  • Wangi's dream book: a baby in a dream promises pregnancy in reality. If you are a young girl, you will meet a man from whom you will soon become pregnant.
  • Dream Interpretation: baby-baby - the solution to problems will come soon. If you carefully look around you, you will notice a lot of useful things.
  • Dream Interpretation: a newborn baby - problems and chores in the house await you. A neglected household and an abandoned husband will make themselves felt.
  • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of dreams "baby in arms" is positive. You will soon get married and become the mother of a wonderful child.
  • Dream Interpretation: give the baby away - you will voluntarily give up something important to you. The decision will not be easy for you, but in return you will receive much more than you gave.
  • Dream Interpretation: baby's leg - a period of pleasure and calm awaits you after the storm. You have been through a lot and now you deserve a reward.
  • Dream Interpretation: rocking a baby in your arms - you will have to make an effort to earn respect at work.
  • Dream Interpretation: a baby has three eyes - something strange and unusual will burst into your life and turn it upside down.
  • Dream Interpretation: a red-haired baby - an extraordinary personality will make you take a fresh look at problems. You will be greatly helped by the look from the side of an uninterested person.
  • Dream Interpretation: a foundling baby prophesies you a smile and the location of fortune. All your desires will soon come true and the smile will not leave your face.
  • Dream Interpretation: a sleeping baby in her arms promises calm after a difficult period in life. Your fatigue will pass without a trace, the expended energy will soon return.
  • Dream Interpretation: Virgin Mary with a baby - all your good deeds will definitely be credited to you in the future. Do not be afraid to do good, it will return to you a hundredfold.
  • Dream Interpretation: baby. A large body in a baby in a dream portends good health in your child.
  • Dream Interpretation: a baby girl smiles - beware of the gossip of colleagues. They can seriously harm you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a revived baby - you will be given one more chance to solve the problem. If before that you shied away from duties, now you will have the opportunity to improve.
  • Dream Interpretation: a baby in the arms of a woman means that something good and bright will come into your life.
  • Dream Interpretation: what does a lot of babies mean in a dream? Many small problems will fall on you that require a quick solution.
  • Dream Interpretation: kissing the legs of a baby - the men around you consider you a very attractive person.
  • Dream Interpretation: swaddling a baby girl portends pleasant shopping and fun gatherings with friends.
  • Dream Interpretation: the baby spoke - Fate intervened in your life and things will begin to improve.
  • Dream Interpretation: “twin baby girl” - you will find yourself in a state in which you can move mountains. Energy will be in full swing.
  • Dream Interpretation: two newborn babies portend mood swings and various nervous situations.
  • Dream Interpretation: “twin baby boys” promise you a militant attitude and readiness to defend your interests at any moment.
  • Dream Interpretation: a premature baby portends problems in the family, quarrels and discord.
  • Dream Interpretation: a baby with blue eyes is a symbol of tenderness and respect for relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: a baby in her arms is smiling - a period of good luck and joy awaits you.

Islamic dream book

  • Islamic dream book: a baby in a dream portends complications in the family. Aggravation of enemy
  • relations.
  • Muslim dream book: baby - you will receive news that will bring a lot of trouble and fuss.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see a baby in your arms - you will find yourself in a difficult situation related to your home.
  • Why dream of bathing a baby? You will be mired in worries and problems. Because of the inability to properly allocate your time, you will find how much has fallen on you.
  • Why do babies dream in the maternity hospital of a pregnant woman? Childbirth will be difficult and fussy. You can already notice a deterioration in well-being, then you will have to go through a lot of negative emotions.
  • Why dream of the birth of a dead baby? Your problems will be solved soon naturally. A little bit of waiting and you will be free from problems, like a bird.
  • What is the dream of a baby girl with teeth? Something strange and incomprehensible will make you reconsider your life.
  • Why dream of carrying a baby in your arms? You will volunteer to take on additional work. Your dependability will backfire on you. You physically will not have time to fulfill the promised work.
  • What is the dream of a smiling baby in her arms? Your ill-wishers will loosen their grip, which will lull your vigilance.
  • What is the dream of a woman in labor with a baby? A certain woman will bring bad news to your house. Do not take the situation too tragically, this news will not greatly affect your lifestyle.
  • What is the dream of a revived baby? Your problems will begin to disturb your nerves again. Paying attention to any little thing, you run the risk of becoming a regular client of a psychologist.
  • Why dream of babysitting? You will experience stress after communicating with relatives. Defending your opinion, you can hurt the feelings of relatives and they will not want to communicate with you anymore.

Freud's dream book

As we can see, in most dream books, a baby is a good omen. Still, how a little child can mean something bad. If you constantly dream about a baby, think maybe it's time for you to know the joy of motherhood. Dreams about babies with a negative bias are a warning and have no direct meaning.
When we have a bad dream involving our children, our first thought is "What if the dream is prophetic?". We begin to worry that the dreamed funeral of a baby can happen in reality. However, if you think about it, this dream may be a warning about your problems, and not about your child's problems.
How often do pregnant women have dreams about babies? Probably almost every day. These dreams are most often a projection of your feelings about pregnancy. Any pregnant girl is worried about the outcome of childbirth. Now she thinks that the pregnancy is in danger, then she thinks that she will not be able to bear the birth of a child. All her fears are instantly transformed into images in dreams. Rely on your feelings in a dream. They will tell you when it makes sense to worry, and when to just forget a terrible dream.
In any case, remember that dreams are just images that most often do not affect our lives.

The interpretation of dreams and dreams has always occupied the minds of scientists and philosophers.

For a person, sleep is a reflection of his inner, emotional and sometimes secret from all state. In a dream, we can find answers to many questions. Dreams often warn us against possible danger or minor annoyances. See in a dream baby often portends surprises and surprises. If a childless person dreamed infant- this may mean good news or a gift in the near future. If a childless woman saw the same dream, then she is expected to take care of a stranger.

Why dream of breastfeeding

Such dreams are mostly dreamed by pregnant or breastfeeding women. Pregnant women think a lot about the upcoming birth of a baby, so all emotions and worries are reflected in dreams. Breastfeeding is always a good sign and portends good changes. It also means that the woman has a happy marriage. She lives surrounded by loving people, love and prosperity reign in the family. For a sick woman, breastfeeding means a speedy recovery. If a young unmarried girl breastfeeds a baby in a dream, then in the near future she will have a happy marriage. Perhaps in the near future the girl will meet a young man, and romantic relationship with this man will end in a wedding. If a married man had such a dream, then in his family he has too many worries and responsibilities, and you need to think more about yourself. A successful businessman who saw in a dream feeding a baby does not have to worry about his business. Everything will turn out very well.

Why dream of a baby in her arms

If a baby is held in her arms in a dream, it means that soon you will find a way out of a difficult situation. A baby girl in her arms can warn of problems that may prevent you from moving forward. If on hand breastfeeding boy your health will soon improve significantly. To see such a dream for a young woman means that the people around her condemn her for her dissolute behavior, and you should definitely think about it. If you yourself hold the baby in your arms, and he falls asleep, then soon get ready for the chores.

What is the dream of a baby girl

If you dreamed of a baby, namely a little girl, then such a dream portends significant changes in your personal life, in relationships with relatives and friends. Try to remember what state the baby was in. If she is cheerful, we play carefree, then soon you will receive unexpected news. If she has fun playing in the water, then you can safely begin to implement all your plans. They are sure to be successful. When baby girl sad, untidy, then such a dream means that the news can be sad for you. See yourself in a dream adult daughter, which suddenly became a baby, means your excessive custody of her. You need to let your daughter live on her own.