How to teach a dog to give a paw - teaching a puppy the “give paw” command. How to teach your dog the “give” command. How to teach a dog to give up an object or thing How to teach a dog the command give paw

Beginning dog breeders are interested in the question of how to teach a dog the command “Give me a paw!”, as well as others: “Place!”, “Sit!”, “Lie down!”, “Face!”. Many people want to know when is the best time to start training a puppy, what methods, techniques and exercises to use. About how to teach “Voice!”, “Face!”, “Lie down!”, “Give me your paw!” and others, this article will tell you.

Start date

It is best to start raising a puppy at one and a half months of age. Although most dog trainers determine the beginning of training a dog on commands at the age of 4-5 months. But practice proves that many animals willingly learn in early childhood, and quite effectively.

In fact, the upbringing of any animal begins from the moment it first reaches its owner. The intonation with which a person addresses his pet, what words and phrases he pronounces, how, when and where he feeds him is already upbringing. Therefore, from the first minutes you need to be attentive, and first of all to yourself.

The importance of intonation and precision of phrases in relation to the animal

You should not raise your voice in the presence of an animal; the small creature may take it personally and become upset. Or it will get used to the fact that the owner often swears, and later will not react to his dissatisfied intonation.

Also, you should not coo with the puppy or say too many words towards him. Already from early childhood, the dog begins to remember some words, so all actions should be commented briefly and clearly.

For example, if a novice dog handler is given the task of teaching a dog the command “Give me a paw!”, then this is the phrase you need to say. And certainly not “Give me your sweetie, my friend!” And in the case when you want to achieve a feed specifically from the left and separately from the right paw, then you need to start with the words “Give me your right paw!”, “Give me your left paw!”

Three options

There are three main areas of teaching animals commands:

  1. Incentive method (carrot principle).
  2. Punishment or threat (the whip principle).
  3. “Cat education” (the use of ready-made habits and desires of the animal, his personal initiative).

Most people know about the principles of “carrot and stick”. But only a few know what “cat education” is. Therefore, it is worth talking about it in a little more detail.

"Cat Education"

In fact, this is the simplest version of education, when you just have to carefully observe the animal. For example, you need to guess when it will choose a place for itself and go to bed. It is there that you need to equip him with a lounger and constantly repeat the word “place” when he is laying down.

If a puppy happily runs up upon seeing its owner and tries to attract his attention to itself with its paw, there is nothing easier than teaching the dog the command “Give me your paw!” exactly at this moment, repeating this phrase every time.

At the moment when the pet lies down on the floor, resting its head on its front paws, the attentive owner will definitely state: “Lie down!” And when a puppy barks and attacks a fluffy toy bear, of course, you should not laugh merrily at him, but pronounce the word “Fas!” in a stern, serious voice, as if it was not the dog acting out on its own, but the owner demanding that he carry out the command.

And at the time when a pet will start barking loudly, you should definitely remind him that this should be done when the owner says “Voice!” Oddly enough, even very young children quickly grasp this.

Noticing that the animal is happily spinning around the room, chasing its tail, you can come up with your own command, for example, “Dance!” or “Spin!” Later, you can make a cool number with music, which includes an episode of “catching a tail.”

Encouraging way of education

However, you should not rely solely on the fact that the puppy will always tell his owner what to teach him. There are things that a person must teach his pet, whether the latter wants it or not. And sometimes the question of how to teach a dog the command “Give me a paw!” cannot be resolved by simple “cat education.”

Then the owner uses the “gingerbread” option. And in fact, before teaching a dog the command “Give me a paw!”, the dog handler must take care of giving the dog a treat. Of course, you can also use gingerbread - dogs love sweets. However, this type of food is not that healthy for puppies. It is best to use a piece of dry food.

But a well-fed puppy will not want to work for regular food. Therefore, before teaching your dog the command “Give me your paw!”, you need to wait until the pet is slightly hungry.

Method “Get something tasty!”

The teacher gives the food to the puppy to sniff and holds it in his fist. Naturally, the animal wants to get it, it will start poking its nose and spinning around. At some stage, the dog will try to help itself with its paw, trying to straighten the owner's closed fingers. Here you need to take your paw into your palm, repeating the command and give the puppy a treat.

Some owners manage to achieve success quite quickly. It is enough to repeat this procedure 4-5 times. If it is not possible to teach a puppy this way, then other dog trainers give other advice on how to teach a dog to give a paw. The techniques and exercises that reinforce the execution of this command are just as simple.

Hint method

Dogs are extremely intelligent animals. Unlike cats (which, by the way, are not inferior to dogs in intelligence, but are more difficult to train), they with all their essence want to please a person, are devoted to him, considering him the leader of the pack. Trying to guess what the owner wants from him, dogs are very attentive.

And since teaching a dog to give a paw using the “Get a treat!” method If it doesn’t work, you should use the hint method. The treat should also be clenched in your fist, but not shown to the puppy ahead of time. After saying the command, you need to lightly touch the animal’s paw near the elbow with your free hand. The puppy will instinctively raise its paw, because the owner apparently wants this. Here the person should quickly take the pet’s paw in his palm and praise him with the word “Well done!” or “Okay!” And then, without letting go of your paw, put the tasty treat in his mouth. Now you can let go of your paw - it’s not very convenient to eat in such an unnatural position.

And it should be clearly understood that the most important thing when raising any animal is:

  • goodwill;
  • patience;
  • constancy of requirements.

Knowing commands greatly simplifies a dog’s life and makes the animal disciplined and obedient. And it is much easier for the owner to communicate with a trained pet. In addition to the most (“sit”, “lie down”, “next to”, “ugh”, “come to me”, etc.), it is advisable to teach the dog the ability to give his paw on demand.

Why might the command “give me your paw” be needed?

Some inexperienced dog owners believe that the “give paw” command is needed only for fun, as if the animal stretches its paw to the owner, “hello” to him. In fact, a pet trained in such a command will be able to:
  1. Hand over the limb so that the owner can inspect that there are no wounds on it (splinters, bites, sucked ticks, thorns, etc.);
  2. Unhinderedly stretch out the paw so that the owner can trim the claws;
  3. Thread paws into clothes (shoes);
  4. Promptly give paws a wash after a walk.
In addition, the command “give me a paw” can be a kind of symbol of praise from the owner when the animal behaved well during a walk or fulfilled all the owner’s wishes. That is, the contact of a human palm with a dog’s paw can be regarded as a “hands-off” (or “high five”) gesture.

How to teach a dog to give paw?

Before teaching your dog the “give paw” command, keep the following points in mind:
  • The minimum age for a puppy to learn commands is 2-3 months. Previously, you can’t expect much success from the baby;
  • The command can also be taught to an adult animal, but lessons with small puppies are more successful;
  • Both the animal and its owner must be in excellent spirits;
  • The dog should not be hungry or too full during training. It is advisable to start the lesson 1.5-2 hours after eating and walking;
  • You should not tire your dog too much. It is enough to devote no more than 5-10 minutes a day to training the team;
  • If an animal does something wrong, you should not scream, much less beat it;
  • It will be much easier if the dog being taught to give paw has already been taught the “sit” command;
  • Dogs are usually trained to give paws using a treat. Animals are cunning, so they can often approach their owner, extending their paw, as if saying: “I’ll give you a paw, and you give me a treat!” But you shouldn’t follow the dog’s lead, every time you go for a treat. Simply praising your pet verbally is enough.
There are several ways to train your dog to give paws. Let's look at the simplest and most effective of them:

Training with treats

First you need to prepare your dog’s favorite treat. What could it be? For example, a piece of jerky (not spicy or salty), an unflavored cracker, half a fresh sausage (as an exception, because such a product is harmful to dogs). The owner should hold the chosen delicacy in the palm of his hand. Then you will have to call the dog, saying the command “sit”. When the dog takes the desired position, the owner will need to bring the hand with the treat closer to the animal’s nose so that it can feel the aroma of the object held in the owner’s palm.

As soon as the dog licks the palm with interest, the owner will need to move the hand a short distance. The dog will probably hit the hand with the treat with its paw to knock out the desired tasty piece. As soon as this happens, the owner needs to hold the dog’s paw hanging with his free hand, clearly saying the command “give me your paw.” The exercise should be repeated several times, rewarding the pet each time kind words(“well done”, “clever girl”), as well as giving away a treat. In order for the animal to become accustomed to the command, the training will have to be repeated daily until the dog learns to give his paw to the owner without a tasty morsel.

Training without treats

It’s a little more difficult to teach a dog to give a paw without a treat. To do this, you will have to wait until the pet is as tuned to training as possible. First, the dog will need to be seated. Then the owner will need to carefully lift one of the paws, saying the command “give me your paw.” After pronouncing the command, you should hold the dog’s limb in your palm for a while, and then lower your paw. Repeat these steps several times, then praise the dog.

Learning from other dogs

If the owner decides to teach a paw to a very young puppy, the baby may simply not understand what they want from him. Sometimes it is easier to teach a command to a pet in the presence of an adult dog who knows how to give a paw on command. You just have to show the little dog what he does big dog when asked to give her paw. In this case, the owner will need to take the puppy’s paw in his hand and lift it up, pronouncing the command.

Teaching the command “give me the other paw”

As soon as the dog learns to extend its paw to the owner at the request of the owner, the time will come to learn the command “give me the other paw.” To do this, first sit the dog down, say the command “give me a paw”, then lower, for example, the left paw, picking up the right one, saying “give me the other paw”. The exercise is done several times a day. By the way, you can similarly teach a dog to give back its hind legs. To do this, the owner stands behind the dog (the dog also stands). The owner carefully lifts one of the paws, saying the command “give hind paw", after which he puts his paw back on the floor. When the pet gets used to stretching out its hind limb, the owner can accustom it to the command “give the back other paw.”

When the dog learns the command, the task of giving the paw can be somewhat more complicated:

  • Ask the dog to give a paw while standing or lying down;
  • Instead of a palm, substitute a knee or foot;
  • After pronouncing the command, do not reach out to the animal with your arm or leg. So that the dog holds his paw up.

Most inexperienced owners sooner or later become interested in how to teach a dog to give a paw. This is not only one of the main skills, but also an effective exercise that demonstrates the friendship between man and dog.

Why do we need the command “Give me your paw!”

The training course consists of mandatory and optional commands. “Give me your paw!” belongs to the category of optional and does not carry a special functional load, but is necessary for the all-round development of the pet.

It is easier for a dog who has mastered the command to trim overgrown claws, wash his feet after a walk, pull out a splinter and carry out other manipulations related to his paws. The skill will be useful not only for medical/hygienic procedures, but will also help to master a variety of exercises that involve the front paws. A dog trained to perform the command “Give me a paw” can:

  • give the paw from any basic position;
  • give a given paw at intervals of less than 2 seconds;
  • place the paw on the knee or toe of the foot (without using support);
  • raise your paw above the floor from a lying position;
  • change the position of the paw (pads forward/down), obeying the owner’s gesture.

Methodology and learning process

There are several known ways to master the “Give me a paw” command (with or without a treat).

Command training using treats

Method one

If the correct algorithm is followed, most dogs remember the command “Give me your paw” within a couple of lessons.

  1. Stand in front of your pet, holding a piece of his favorite treat in your hand, such as sausage, cheese or meat.
  2. Let him smell it, and then clasp it tightly in your fist, leaving your outstretched hand in front of the dog.
  3. She will be forced to raise her paw and try to get the treat by scratching it out of her hand.
  4. At this moment, the owner says “Give me your paw” and unclenches his fist.
  5. The technique is repeated several times, not forgetting to praise the four-legged animal for correct actions.

The dog must understand the cause-and-effect relationship: command - raising a paw - receiving a treat.

Method two

  1. Tell your dog, “Give me your paw,” by gently grabbing his front paw.
  2. To make your dog comfortable, do not raise his paw too high.
  3. Then give your pet a pre-prepared treat.
  4. When repeating the exercise, just try to open your palm so that the puppy puts his paw there himself.
  5. If the student is stubborn, you can gently lift the limb where it is bent.

Important! The owner just starts the movement, and the continuation always comes from the dog. Be sure to praise and treat her (more than usual) after the first independent execution of the command.

Remember to systematically repeat and improve the newly acquired skill.

Teaching a command without using treats

The method is suitable for both young and adult animals.

  1. Take the starting position and take the dog’s paw in your hand.
  2. Say “Give me your paw” (loudly and clearly) and praise your dog.
  3. Repeat the steps after a short break.

Important! The paw should not be raised high: when bending elbow joint there should be a right angle.

This method takes a little more time, but it ensures that the animal works consciously and not for the sake of a tasty morsel.

Command "Give me another paw"

As soon as the dog has learned to give a paw, proceed to the task of the 2nd level of difficulty - teaching the command “Give the other paw”.

  1. Ask for a paw and add, “The other paw,” touching it with your hand.
  2. If the student tries to work with an already “mastered” paw, move away the support (your hand).
  3. Reward him when he gives you the “right” paw.
  4. As a rule, after a couple of rehearsals, the dog knows how to give paws one at a time.

Dog trainers consider the command “Give me the other paw” to be part of a general skill. Usually a dog that has learned a basic command changes its paws itself, without being reminded.

Command execution options

There are many of them: for example, a dog learns to give a paw from several positions (sitting, lying or standing). For example, command the dog to “Lie down” and immediately ask for a paw. If he tries to get up, repeat the "down" command and praise him as soon as he does so. You can switch places with your dog, teaching him to give a paw while the trainer sits, lies or stands. Teach your puppy to place his paw not only in your palm, but also on your knee or foot.

This is interesting! The most creative owners change the team because it is not mandatory. So, instead of “Give me a paw” they say: “Give me five” or clarify “Give me your right/left paw.”

A new stage in mastering the command is lifting the paw without support. Hearing the order “Give me your paw,” the pet raises the limb into the air. He must stay in this position for a few seconds, after which he receives a treat/praise. The most patient and smart dogs They are trained to give not only the right/left, but also the hind legs.

When to start training

They start training no earlier than 3 months of age, but preferably at 4–5 months. Until this time, the puppy is too busy with games and quite confused. However, it is possible to master the team at any age, the main thing is that training should be regular.

Executing the command “Give me a paw” solves several problems:

  • socialization - the dog becomes almost equal to the person and feels its importance;
  • development of the animal’s logical abilities;
  • improving motor skills - this is facilitated by exercises with the front/hind paws.

As soon as you give your paw on command, continue to reinforce the skill without taking breaks (sometimes the pet forgets the lessons learned even after 2-3 days). To ensure that the command is imprinted in the dog’s memory, repeat it at least 3 times a day.

The puppy training course includes mandatory and optional commands, the latter including “Give me a paw.” The team does not have a specific functional load, although it will be much more convenient for you to trim your pet’s claws or wash its paws after a walk. However, for all-round development, dog experts recommend teaching your dog a simple “trick” - giving a paw on command. Let's figure out how to teach a dog the give paw command and what can be learned from this skill.

For most dogs, with the skillful approach of a trainer, training at home becomes an unobtrusive game. Even if you are working with your pet in a group, it is necessary to repeat and reinforce commands at home; the dog must feel harmony and teamwork.

You can teach a dog the give paw command at any age, according to recommendations, optimally at 4–5 months. In practice, both 2-month-old “butuziki” and 3-year-old “serious specimens” are easily trained and happily follow the command. The essence of training consists of several aspects:

  • Game reward - by giving you a paw, the pet feels approval, satisfaction from fulfilling, albeit a simple, command.
  • Equality is imitation of people, an extremely important nuance of dog socialization. By shaking your dog's hand/paw, you help him feel equal to other members of society.
  • The development of logical thinking is the basis for the execution of all commands.

Note! The older the dog, the easier it is to teach it a command. However, the pet must clearly understand what you want from it.

Read also: How to care for a puppy: all aspects from A to Z

Methods of teaching the command “Give me your paw”

The only thing you need is persistence and good mood. How to train your pet is up to you, but even the most stubborn pets can learn the basics in 1-3 lessons.

Remember! Proper preparation– deposit successful learning. Feeding 2 hours before training, walking 30 minutes and playing before the start to lift your mood.

Teaching the "Give Paw" command using treats

The method is suitable for puppies and temperamental adult dogs. The starting position is sitting, the trainer stands opposite the dog. We hold the treat in our fist and bring it a short distance to the dog’s face, the pet should smell the “yummy”. Having tried to get the treat with its tongue, the dog will instinctively hit the hand with its paw. Holding the paw with your free hand for a few seconds, we say the command “Give me your paw,” give the “reward,” and praise the pet. The approach is performed several times.

Teaching the “Give Paw” command without a treat

The method is suitable for teaching adult dog Give the team a paw or a sanguine puppy. The starting position is the same, we do not use the treat. We take the paw in our hand, say the command loudly and clearly, reward the pet with praise, take a break and repeat. Naturally, without the “carrot”, training will take longer, but such tactics guarantee that the “fluffy sly” will not manipulate obedience for the sake of goodies.

Note! You should not raise the dog's paw high; bending the elbow at a right angle is quite enough.

Command "Give me another paw"

Half the battle is done, why retreat? Having taught your pet to give one paw, ask for the other. Out of habit, the dog will extend the same paw, but you, having foreseen this in advance, remove the “support”. By raising the desired limb, but without repeating the command, reward your pet. Literally 2-3 repetitions and your dog will give paws alternately. It is believed that “Give me another paw” is not a separate command, but part of the main one. That is, in the future, when the command is reinforced, after the dog has given one paw, it is immediately given the other, without vocal stimulation.

The Caucasian, or tiny decorative Yorkie, can have only one owner. For a dog, everyone else is members of its pack. It is the owner, first of all, that the dog must obey and respond to his voice. Therefore, one person should handle the puppy.

If your puppy already knows the "Sit" command, use this command to sit him on the floor in front of you. If this command not yet mastered - lightly press on the animal’s back, not far from the tail, forcing the dog into a sitting position. Be careful not to hurt your puppy. The puppy should be seated in such a way that he can easily reach you without getting up.

Do the first exercise. Take in right hand and show your puppy a piece of his favorite treat. Hold the treat in your palm. Wait until the puppy understands that it will not be possible to extract the desired piece with his nose and will try to get it with his paw. At this moment, you should give the command “Give me a paw”, take the puppy’s paw in your hand and hold it in this position for several seconds. Make sure that the puppy's paw is not turned out or raised too high - this can frighten the baby. Release your puppy's paw, praise him and reward him with the desired treat. This exercise must be performed 3-4 times in a row, several times a day.

Do the following exercise: Sit on the floor and sit the dog in front of you. Command “Give me your paw,” lift your puppy’s paw with one hand and gently guide it toward your other hand. It should be noted that you need to raise the puppy’s paw to the level of his shoulders because... a higher paw position may cause discomfort for the puppy. Hold the puppy's paw in your palm for a few seconds. Praise your baby and give him a treat. It is recommended to repeat the exercise 3-4 times in a row, several times a day.

Choose the right time for training with your puppy. Never start training if the puppy is hungry, sleepy, or simply tired.
Do not handle your puppy if you are upset or irritated. Never punish a puppy if he cannot master an exercise. Give your baby a treat after each exercise. If you see that the puppy is tired or not feeling well, stop training. Don't forget to take breaks between classes. Show patience, kindness and perseverance - and the result will not be long in coming.