How to obtain technical means of rehabilitation? Means for the rehabilitation of disabled people GBU TsSO running branch Khoroshevsky

In any country, people with disabilities are a special group of citizens who need benefits and benefits. They also need rehabilitation, or TSR. They are required to ensure a comfortable life for people with disabilities. They are provided by the state. You just need to know how and where you can get them.

For normal recovery disabled people require many aids. They are selected based on the type of deviation. If there is a hearing impairment, then special devices are required. In other cases, other means are necessary. They must be provided by the state.

Types of collateral

TSR for disabled people is available in both necessary measures, services. The issuance of funds implies:

  • provision of technical means;
  • performing product repair and replacement services;
  • providing transportation for the child to the organization’s territory;
  • payment for the child's accommodation;
  • travel

Period of use

There are deadlines for using TSR for people with disabilities. This is approved by law:

  • canes - at least 2 years;
  • handrails - from 7 years;
  • wheelchairs - over 4 years;
  • dentures, depending on the type, - more than 1 year;
  • orthopedic shoes- from 3 months.

For all other devices, certain deadlines are also provided. During this period, the products will be safe for rehabilitation. If the period of use has passed, it is necessary to change the product.

List of funds

According to the law, technical means include devices that make it possible to compensate for or eliminate a person’s life limitations. The list of TSR for disabled people consists of means for:

  • self-service;
  • care;
  • orientation;
  • training;
  • movement.

People with disabilities need prosthetic products. They also need special clothes, shoes, Hearing Aids. Disabled people need exercise equipment sports equipment, inventory.

The law specifies a list of TSR for people with disabilities. The federal list also contains specific technical means:

  • supports and handrails;
  • wheelchairs;
  • prostheses;
  • orthopedic shoes;
  • anti-decubitus mattresses;
  • dressing aids;
  • special clothing;
  • reading devices;
  • guide dogs;
  • thermometers;
  • sound alarms;
  • Hearing Aids.

Depending on the type of deviation, other remedies are prescribed to the person. The federal list of TSR for disabled people is approved by the state. The funds are provided free of charge and are therefore prohibited from being sold, gifted or transferred to others.

There are regions of the country where supports are understood only as structures for movement. Because of this, difficulties arise in the rehabilitation of a disabled person. If the rights to provide TSR for people with disabilities are violated, then interested parties must defend their interests. Indeed, depending on the limitation, special means are required.

Where to contact?

TSR is issued to disabled people after completing the procedure. You must submit an application to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of residence. Sometimes it is necessary to submit a document to the executive body that deals with these issues.

It is important to consider that foreigners and stateless persons who have a residence permit can also apply to the FSS of the Russian Federation. They are required to be given funds for rehabilitation if a disability has been recognized.

Required documents

Receipt of TSR by disabled people is possible after submitting an application, as well as several additional documents:

  • birth certificate or passport;
  • representative's passport;
  • rehabilitation program;
  • pension certificate.

Only when the entire list of documents is available will the application be accepted. They are provided in originals.

Application processing

The period for consideration of the application cannot be more than 15 days from the date of its submission. If a positive decision is made, the following is received by mail:

  • notification confirming registration;
  • direction for the creation of a technical product;
  • coupon for free receipt travel card

The forms of all documents are accepted by the Ministry of Health and social development countries. They serve as confirmation of issue necessary funds rehabilitation.

Payment of compensation

Not only TSR for disabled people can be provided, but also compensation for the purchase required product. Parents have the right to independently choose the necessary technical equipment for their child. For this purpose, a wheelchair, prosthetic and orthopedic products, printed publications with the required font. Parents have the right to pay for repairs themselves.

If the product was purchased or repaired at personal expense, compensation will be provided. It is paid only when the technical aid is actually required under the rehabilitation program. When disabled people are against providing the necessary product, they must be paid funds in the amount of the cost of the product.

How is the payment amount determined?

The amount of compensation is not taken arbitrarily, but is calculated according to certain rules:

  • the size is equal to the price of the product;
  • should not be higher than the cost of the product.

Payment of funds is documented. Those who need it are entitled to compensation.

To approve the amount of compensation for TSR for disabled people, a special classification is used. As an example, you can take the purchase of a hearing aid that has additional functions. The payout amount is based on the price of the device. It takes into account additional features. The amount of payments is determined by:

  • price of technical equipment;
  • documents evidencing expenses for the purchase of the product.

Documents for payments

To receive compensation for the purchase of the desired product, you need to collect important documents. These include:

  • statement;
  • confirmation of expenses;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • representative's passport;
  • individual rehabilitation program;

The compensation period is 1 month from the date of the decision. It is accepted by the FSS of the Russian Federation within 30 days.

What if compensation is not paid?

The right to receive technical means and monetary compensation is regulated by the state. If these rights are violated, then responsibility is provided for this. If the money for the purchase of the product has not been paid, then it is necessary to file a complaint. It is submitted to the Department social protection. Moreover, this can be done in paper and electronic form. If option 1 is selected, then it is necessary to obtain a confirmation of delivery.

The state guarantees not only the provision of TSR for disabled people, but also repairs. Moreover, this service is performed free of charge. Only to carry out repairs is it necessary that the disabled person’s opinion about the need to carry out the work agrees with the opinion of the experts.


An inspection is required to verify the need for repairs. During this procedure, it will be determined whether parts or product elements need to be replaced. For the examination to be carried out, it is necessary:

  • submit an application to the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • provide technical equipment that requires repair or replacement.

If the remedy cannot be provided, then a decision is made to perform the examination at home. The impossibility of delivering the product is due to the difficulty of transportation and the health status of the disabled person.

The examination is carried out within 15 days from the date of receipt of the application. TSR users are informed about the time and place of the event. They can take part. As a result, an application is drawn up, one copy of which is provided to the disabled person. The reasons for the failure of the product are stated there. If restoration cannot be performed, then the need to replace the product is indicated.

Performing repairs and replacements

If the need for repairs is determined, then the FSS must provide:

  • statement;
  • examination document.

The replacement of the product is carried out by decision of the Social Insurance Fund based on the application. This procedure is only possible when the service life has expired or repairs cannot be performed.


Disabled people are given the right to free travel, since it is compensated by the Social Insurance Fund. To do this, a person with disabilities or his representative is given a ticket and directions for all types of transport. This document is provided for no more than 4 trips to the location of the organization to which the referral is provided. 4 free return trips are also provided.

Benefits are provided for such types of transport as:

  • railway;
  • water;
  • automobile;
  • air.

Travel compensation

When driving beyond personal funds compensation is paid. It is provided only if these types of transport were used. To receive compensation, you need the following documents:

  • travel cards;
  • confirmation of the need for travel.

Compensation is paid for no more than 4 round trip trips.

Payment for accommodation

If the technical device is just being manufactured, then compensation for the accommodation of the child and the responsible person is provided. Expenses are paid for the entire trip. Compensation amount equal to the sum funds that are provided in case of business trips.

Reimbursement of expenses is carried out for the actual number of days of stay. In this case, certain conditions must be met:

  • living in an area remote from the organization;
  • The product was made in 1 trip.

Provision for rehabilitation of disabled people is guaranteed by the state. Ensuring their normal recovery occurs through compensation for various expenses.

To receive free urological diapers, the patient must be recognized as disabled. In this case, he needs to draw up an individual rehabilitation program, then IPR. To receive free diapers or diapers, you must make the necessary entry in the IPR, section of technical means of rehabilitation.

All actions begin at the clinic at your place of residence. You go there to your local doctor and ask for a referral to the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise (BMSE), in which the doctor must indicate that you need diapers for adults. Basically, 3 pieces are prescribed per day, but for medical reasons, 5 pieces per day.

With this referral, you go to the BMSE, where they make a corresponding entry in your IPR. And then you act according to your choice: either you receive diapers (by writing a statement about providing you with diapers to the contractor specified in the IPR), or you buy diapers yourself, and then receive compensation.

You can find out more about how and where diapers are distributed in your area at the social service center.

Order, approved. By Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated June 13, 2017 N 486n; Information from the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation).

Regional legislation may establish additional guarantees for disabled residents of a certain region in terms of providing them with TSR (clauses 2.1.1, 2.3 of Moscow Government Resolution No. 503-PP of August 15, 2016).

Reference. Technical means of rehabilitation

TSD for disabled people includes devices containing technical solutions and used to compensate or eliminate persistent limitations in the life of a disabled person, in particular wheelchairs, orthopedic shoes, guide dogs and hearing aids ( Part 1 Art. 11.1 of Law N 181-FZ; pp. 7, 9, 14, 17 Federal list).

IPRA is of a recommendatory nature for a disabled person; he has the right to independently decide on the issue of providing himself with specific TSR. At the same time, if the TSR provided for by the IPRA cannot be provided to a disabled person or if he purchased it at his own expense, he is paid compensation (Parts 5, 6, Article 11 of Law No. 181-FZ).

Receipt of TSR by a disabled person

Let's consider the procedure for a disabled person to receive TSR using the example of federal legislation. We recommend following the following algorithm.

Step 1: Prepare your application and Required documents

To obtain TSR you will need (clause 4 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04/07/2008 N 240; clauses “a” - “c” clause 22 of the Administrative Regulations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 09/23/2014 N 657n) :

  • application for provision of TSR;
  • IPRA (indicating the need for a specific TSR).

clause 4 of the Rules; paragraph 25

Step 2. Submit an application and documents to the authorized body

The application and necessary documents are submitted to the territorial body of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of residence or to another authorized body (usually a social security institution). They can be submitted directly to the specified authorities, including pre-registration through the Unified Portal of State Services, or through the MFC. Also, the application and duly certified copies of documents can be sent by mail or in electronic form through the Unified Portal of State Services (clause 17 of the Rules; clauses 22, , 51.1, , Administrative Regulations; Information from the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation).

When submitting documents directly to the territorial body of the FSS of the Russian Federation, at your request, the second copy of the application is marked with its acceptance and date, as well as the full name, position and the signature of the official who accepted the application and documents. If you submit documents through the MFC, you will receive a receipt notification of acceptance of the application and documents indicating the date and registration number(clause 52

If you submit copies of documents that are not certified in the prescribed manner, as well as in the case of submitting documents in electronic form, you will be notified of the need to submit their originals (clause 55 of the Administrative Regulations).

Note. If the required documents are not sent with the application sent by mail (not all documents have been sent), the application and documents will be returned to you within five days from the date of receipt. In a similar situation, if you submit an application electronically, you will receive an electronic notification indicating the date of submission of documents and their list ( paragraph 36 Administrative Regulations).

Step 3. Wait for the documents to be issued to receive or produce TSR

The authorized body will consider your application within 15 days from the date of its receipt and send you a written notification of registration for TSR provision, as well as the following documents (clause 5 of the Rules):

  • referral for receipt or production of TMR;
  • a special coupon and (or) a personalized referral to receive free travel documents if you need travel (if necessary, also travel of the person accompanying you) to the location of organizations providing TMR and back.

TSR is transferred to you free of charge for gratuitous use and is not subject to alienation in favor of third parties, including sale or gift (clause 6 of the Rules).

Receiving compensation in connection with the acquisition by a disabled person of TSR independently

If the TSR recommended by IPRA cannot be provided to you, or if you purchased the TSR yourself, you are entitled to compensation in the amount of its cost, but not more than the cost of a similar TSR provided in the manner indicated above.

If the actual cost of the acquired TSR is less than the amount of compensation determined in the prescribed manner, compensation is paid based on your costs in accordance with the documents provided (Part 6, Article 11 of Law No. 181-FZ; Clause 15(1) of the Rules; Clause Clause 3, Procedure, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated January 31, 2011 N 57n).

To receive compensation you will need (clause 5 of Order No. 57n; clause 22 of the Administrative Regulations):

  • application for payment of compensation;
  • a document proving your identity, and when applying through a representative - documents proving his identity and confirming his authority;
  • birth certificate (for children under 14 years of age);
  • IPRA (indicating the need for a specific TSR);
  • documents confirming the expenses you have incurred, including payment for travel to the location of the organization providing TSR and back. In the latter case, you must also provide written confirmation of the need for travel, issued by the specified organization.

You also have the right to own initiative submit your insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (a copy or the information contained therein) (clause 25 of the Administrative Regulations).

The application and the specified documents are submitted to the authorized body (as a rule, to the territorial body of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of residence), which must make an appropriate decision within 30 days from the date of receipt. If the decision is positive, then month period from the date of its acceptance, compensation is paid by postal order or transfer of funds to your bank account (clause 5, Procedure No. 57n; clause 19 of the Administrative Regulations).

Note. From 01/01/2017, information about IPRA and recommended TSRs is entered into the Federal Register of Disabled Persons. The register also includes information about payments made to a disabled person. cash payments(in particular, about compensation for independently acquired TSR) ( Art. 5.1 of Law N 181-FZ; clause 11 List, approved. Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 12, 2016 N 570n).

Useful information on the issue

Official website of the Social Insurance Fund -

Public services portal Russian Federation

Many people caring for bedridden patients often do not even suspect the existence of state legal acts providing for the provision of assistance to this category of citizens. Social and economic support of the state consists of providing disabled people with the means necessary for life, provided at the expense of the federal budget.

Medical products that are available to disabled people free of charge

The list of what is established in accordance with federal law“On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.” Free technical rehabilitation aids designed to facilitate self-care and care for bedridden patients include:

  • devices for dressing, undressing and grasping objects;
  • small-sized wheelchairs with manual control and electric drive;
  • and pillows;
  • urine and colostomy bags;
  • diapers that absorb sheets.

Products are issued on the basis medical indications, have a set service life, a repair guarantee and are subject to replacement in case of breakdown or detection of a technical defect. Free diapers for bedridden patients are provided in the amount of 3 pieces per day (for polyuria syndrome - 5). If you wish, you can choose 3 sheets, or combine a combination of items, for example, take one diaper and two sheets.

If these funds are purchased independently, then financial compensation paid after submitting an application and submitting sales receipts to the social security authorities. The amount of compensation may not correspond to actual costs, since its size depends on the results of the auction for the supply of this type of technical equipment.

Reference! The cost of an auction item is usually significantly lower than the price of an analogue presented in retail sale, so compensation rarely covers the amount spent on the purchase from personal funds.

Who gets free diapers for a bedridden patient?

At the state level, free provision of bedridden patients with diapers and other care and rehabilitation products is possible after the person who is bedridden is officially recognized as disabled. For this category of people, individual rehabilitation programs (IPR) are developed, the purpose of which is to restore impaired body functions and compensate for lost physical capabilities. In addition to various services and activities, the program specifies a list of technical means necessary for a disabled person, including free diapers or waterproof diapers.

The decision about which patients are entitled to free diapers is made by employees of the federal medical and social examination at the place of residence, based on comprehensive assessment the patient's condition. The stages of obtaining free diapers and other preferential products for bedridden patients are indicated in the table.

Appeal body Type of action and document
District doctor Issues a mailing list (referral) to the bureau of medical and sanitary examination with the conclusion of the VKK medical institution, containing recommendations for obtaining a specific rehabilitation drug
Executive body of social insurance at the place of residence After submitting the application, no later than 15 days from the date of registration, considers and makes an appropriate decision
Social Insurance Fund The letter informs about registration and issues directions for receiving or manufacturing medical products necessary for the disabled person.

After the medical and social examination commission determines who is entitled to free diapers for a bedridden patient, as well as the quantitative need for them, appropriate changes are made to the patient’s individual rehabilitation program.

Re-issuance occurs after the established period of use, or if there is a need for early replacement. If an incapacitated citizen for any reason refuses to be provided with a preferential technical means included in the IPR, the law does not provide for the payment of monetary compensation.

Diapers for bedridden patients who do not have disabled status

How to get diapers for bedridden patients if a person does not? Regional budgets may include funds allocated for the social protection of such citizens, subject to the adoption of an appropriate law or regulation in a particular region. Within the framework of these regulations adopted by local governments, it is possible to provide low-income citizens with the following types of assistance:

  • subsidies for utility bills;
  • one-time payments;
  • food, clothing, footwear, fuel;
  • medications, diapers, absorbent sheets.

Having found out from the department of social protection whether a corresponding program for the poor has been adopted at the regional level, you can ask for cash assistance or free diapers for bedridden patients. According to the law, the amount of average family earnings does not affect the conditions for providing preferential products to people with disabilities. In order to receive the same diapers or medicines, low-income families must submit a certificate confirming that they have an average per capita income below the established subsistence level.

To find out how to apply for free diapers for a bedridden patient in your region, and when social programs includes a specific category of citizens, it is enough to seek advice from the local social protection authorities at your place of residence. A similar practice works for other tools of similar functionality.
