How does the abbreviation stand for? Abbreviations: the most comprehensive list of abbreviations

The abbreviation is an abbreviated name for words in a phrase, most often consisting of the first letters of the words or the initial parts of words. That is, we can say that some established terms are abbreviated into one word-abbreviation.

There are several types of abbreviations:

- initial (the word is formed from the first letters - GAI, ASU...),

- alphabetic (a word from the first letters of phrases - RSFSR, NKVD, UFO...),

- alphabetic-sound (the word is obtained partly from the first letters, partly from the first sounds - CDSA, traffic police...),

- recursive (the abbreviation itself is present in the decoding: ALT Linux Team - ALT...),

- sound, acronym (also from the first letters, but pronounced like an ordinary word - hydroelectric power station, university...).

In addition, abbreviations include:

- compound words (formed from several words - maternity hospital, television network, spare part, grocery store...),

- graphic abbreviation (t.p., i.e., tk., so-called...),

- mixed abbreviation (an abbreviation is added to the beginning of the word - KamAZ, RosNII...)

There is also such a form of abbreviation as “backronym” - an abbreviation is created based on an existing word. At the same time, the initial meaning of the word being deciphered is explained, or another meaning is given, often humorous. For example: HUSBAND - Instantly Discounted Groom, PUP - Digestion Control Panel...

Especially many abbreviations appeared in the initial years of Soviet power. They were composed without much thought, through simple actions with defenseless words. For example, “shkrab” is not a very euphonious word, but it meant “school worker.” Remember "The Twelve Chairs"? Ostap Bender, getting a job as an artist on the ship "Skryabin", stated that he graduated from VKHUTEMAS...Higher ART - THEATER WORKSHOPS... Wow!...

How do you like the gentle girl’s name: Dazdraperma? Everything is in the spirit of the times: – LOG LIVE THE FIRST OF MAY!

With such devotion to various abbreviations, it is not surprising that the first place in the famous Guinness Book of Records, as the longest abbreviation, has long been held by “NIIOMTPLABOPARMBETZHELBETRABSBORMONKONOTDTEHSTROMONTUPRASIASSSR” - a research laboratory of a construction profile with full list all the work she performs, included in the title... . Like this! There is no longer any Soviet Union, nor this laboratory - but its memory is in the annals of history!

Let's be fair to the past - now there are also many examples of vague, strange-sounding and ambiguous abbreviations...

VET is a production and technical department, a maintenance point, an anti-tank gun, anti-tank defense...

MUDO - municipal preschool education institution;

REP is far from being songs... This is a registration and examination department...

Of course, the overzealous use of abbreviations significantly clogs the language, but in many cases it is extremely difficult and even impossible to do without their use. Which is faster to write: DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid? NSAID - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug... ATGM - anti-tank guided missile...

Their main task - saving space for text, time for writing and pronunciation - abbreviations are now successfully fulfilled in music when recording musical works.

In translation practice, it often happens that the original text contains abbreviations that are unfamiliar to the translator. It is very important to correctly decipher such abbreviations for high-quality translation of the original into Russian or another language foreign language. A selection of dictionaries of abbreviations and acronyms for translation from English, French, German and other languages ​​will help with this.

Using the form below, you can decipher any abbreviations you come across in the text.

This is the most complete dictionary of abbreviations, it contains abbreviations and acronyms in many languages ​​of the world (except Russian, abbreviations of the Russian language, see below).

Dictionaries of abbreviations, acronyms, abbreviations

Quite often, users look for the definition of abbreviations such as pp or p/p, which are often used in tables in the “sequential number” column. However, such short abbreviations may have more than one decoding. Therefore, you need to carefully consider whether the chosen option corresponds to the topic of the document. So, for example, the abbreviation software can be deciphered as “production association”, or “software”, or several dozen other options.

Dictionary of Russian abbreviations
Online dictionary of abbreviations, acronyms and abbreviations of the Russian language. There is an advanced search option (by value, by exact occurrence).

Online dictionary of abbreviations, acronyms and acronyms of the Russian language related to science and technology.

Online dictionary of abbreviations of the Ukrainian language - a dictionary of short Ukrainian language. The dictionary contains 10,359 abbreviations of the Ukrainian language.

Dictionaries of abbreviations: English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese. Select desired language and enter the abbreviation to decrypt.

Decoding abbreviations. You can select the field of activity in which you need to find an abbreviation: computers, Internet, science, business, medicine, public administration, society, regions, etc.

Search for abbreviations, perhaps mostly German ones, since the site is German.

another site to search for abbreviations, abbreviations, acronyms.

- abbreviations used in international trade.

a breakdown of abbreviations often found in commercial practice is provided.

abbreviations for names of chemical compounds.

To search, click on the letter with which the abbreviation begins. To find the desired abbreviation on the page, use your browser's search function.

In medical abbreviations, exact correspondence is important, since replacing a capital letter with a lowercase letter or vice versa can in many cases distort the meaning.

- German abbreviations adopted in legal practice.

abbreviation, country abbreviation
Abbreviations(Italian abbreviatura from Latin brevis - short) are divided into compound words and initial abbreviations. Compound word is a word made up of abbreviated initial elements (morphemes) of a phrase. Initial types of compound words or acronyms- these are words formed by adding the initial letters of words or initial sounds; in turn, they are divided into letter, sound and letter-sound abbreviations.

  • 1 Varieties
    • 1.1 Initial abbreviation
      • 1.1.1 Letter abbreviation
      • 1.1.2 Sound abbreviation (acrophonetic abbreviation)
      • 1.1.3 Letter-sound abbreviation
      • 1.1.4 Backronym
      • 1.1.5 Recursive abbreviation (recursive acronym)
      • 1.1.6 Abbreviations-words (semantic)
    • 1.2 Compound words (syllabic abbreviation)
      • 1.2.1 Adding the initial parts of two or more words
      • 1.2.2 Adding the beginning of one word with another word of the phrase
      • 1.2.3 Addition of the initial part of a word with the oblique case form of a noun
      • 1.2.4 Addition of the beginning of the first word with the beginning and end of the second or only with the end of the second
    • 1.3 Graphic abbreviation
    • 1.4 Mixed reduction
    • 1.5 Tautological abbreviation
    • 1.6 Borrowed words that were originally abbreviations in the native language
  • 2 History
  • 3 Use
    • 3.1 Present tense
    • 3.2 Declension
  • 4 Interesting facts
  • 5 See also
  • 6 Notes
  • 7 Literature
  • 8 Links


Initial abbreviation

Letter abbreviation

Composed of the alphabetical names of the initial letters of the words that form the original phrase.

  • KGB (ka-ge-be) - State Security Committee
  • junior researcher (em-en-es) - junior researcher
  • RSFSR (er-es-ef-es-er) - Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic
  • TFKP (te-ef-ka-pe) - theory of functions of a complex variable (complex analysis)

As part of Russian letter abbreviations, the reading of some letter names may not coincide with their generally accepted names in the alphabet.

Thus, the letter “F” (“ef”) can be pronounced as “fe”:

  • FBI - F federal b juro R research
  • Exercise therapy - l educational f physical To culture
  • RFF - R audio f isical f faculty

The letters “S” (“es”) and “Ш” (“sha”) as “se” and “she”:

  • USA - United States of America

Sound abbreviation (acrophonetic abbreviation)

It is formed from the initial letters of the elements of the original phrase, but is read not by the alphabetical names of the letters, but as an ordinary word (for example, “GUM” is read as, not):

  • ACS - automated control system
  • university - higher educational institution
  • HPP - hydroelectric power station
  • ODE - ordinary differential equation
  • TASS - Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union
  • DDL - data description language

Letter-sound abbreviation

Formed partly from the names of the initial letters, partly from the initial sounds of the words of the original phrase

  • CDSA - Central House of the Soviet Army
  • DOBDD - Security Department traffic(formerly State Traffic Safety Inspectorate)
  • State Traffic Safety Inspectorate - State Road Safety Inspectorate


An abbreviation based on an existing word. In this case, a backronym can both explain the original meaning of a word and give a new meaning to the word.

  • Spam - Seriously Pissing-off Advertising Mail. (The transcript gives new meaning to the word Spam. This word was originally the name trademark cheap SPAM canned meat with extremely aggressive advertising.)
  • CASCO - Comprehensive Automobile Insurance Except Liability. It is also actually a decoding of the Spanish word casco (framework, body), which is the name for this type of insurance.

A backronym can also be a humorous decoding of an existing abbreviation.

  • VKP(b) - All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) - the official name of the CPSU from 1925 to 1952.
  • Life Safety - Society of Pregnant Women (options: Protection of Pregnant Women, Society of Homeless Wives)

Recursive abbreviation (recursive acronym)

Main article: recursive acronym

The decoding includes the abbreviation itself.

  • GNU - GNU's Not Unix
  • ALT - ALT Linux Team
  • PHP - PHP Hypertext Preprocessor
  • Wine - Wine Is Not an Emulator

There is also a recursive acronym that refers to itself indirectly, the abbreviation HURD. Here the letter H stands for the abbreviation HIRD, in which the letter H in turn stands for the original acronym HURD. Moreover, the words "Hurd" and "Hird" in English are spellings of "Herd" ("Herd"), thus adding a subtle play on words to the decoding.

Abbreviations-words (semantic)

The initial letters are a common word

  • SMILES - English Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry Specification
  • SMART - English Smiles ARbitrary Target Specification, System Management Arts

Compound words (syllabic abbreviation)

Adding the initial parts of two or more words

  • collective farm - collective farm;
  • Komsomol - communist youth union;
  • obkom - regional committee;
  • partykom - party committee;
  • prodmag - grocery store.
  • Rosglavstankoinstrumentsnabsbyt - Main Directorate for Supply and Sales of Forging Equipment, Tools and Abrasive Products under the State Planning Committee of the RSFSR

Adding the beginning of one word with another word of the phrase

  • maternity hospital - maternity hospital
  • drama club - drama club
  • television network - television network
  • spare part - spare part
  • terrorist attack - terrorist attack

Adding the initial part of a word with the oblique case form of a noun

  • head of the department - head of the department
  • earplugs - “take care of your ears” (the name of earplugs)

Adding the beginning of the first word with the beginning and end of the second or only with the end of the second

  • moped - mo(tocycle)+(bicycle)ped

Graphic abbreviation

  • "T. d." - etc.
  • "T. P." - things like that.
  • "T. e." - that is.
  • "T. To." - because.
  • "T. n." - so-called.
  • "T. O." - Thus.
  • "T. With." - so to speak.
  • “n/a” - no data.

Mixed reduction

The initial part of the word is connected to the abbreviation

  • RosNII - Russian Scientific Research Institute
  • BelAZ - Belarusian Automobile Plant

Tautological abbreviation

Main article: Pleonasm

Set phrases in which an abbreviation (usually of foreign origin) is used simultaneously with a word (usually a translation of the last word) that is included in this abbreviation

  • HIV virus
  • DVD
  • PIN code
  • HTML language
  • IP protocol
  • SMS message
  • VIP person
  • GIS system
  • AvtoVAZ - Volzhsky Automobile Plant
  • BTA bank - Bank Turan Alem bank
  • IT technologies

Borrowed words that were originally abbreviations in the native language

  • spam - from English. spam - S holder of P ork and h A.M.(“pork shoulders and hams”), and according to other sources, from English. SP iced h A.M.(An interesting fact is that in the literature on the creation of network protocols, services and other things, SPAM stands for System Post Automatic Mail, which means Automatic Mail Distribution System. By the way, this decoding is more suitable both in meaning and in principle, but among the people more the version of its origin from the phrase has taken root S eriously P issing-off A dvertising M ail, which can be translated as “really annoying advertising email”).
  • laser - from English. laser, short for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.
  • quasar - from English. quasar, short for QUASi stellAR radio source - “quasi-stellar radio source”.
  • Internet - from English. Internet, short for Interconnected Networks - interconnected networks.

History of origin

Abbreviations, or abbreviations, have long been used in writing by all peoples who have a written language. The purpose of the abbreviations was to save space on the textual information medium (birch bark, ceramic tablets, parchment, etc.) and to quickly write frequently used words and expressions. Abbreviations were among the first to appear in ancient inscriptions, and later became widespread in manuscripts. Using the so-called suspension, that is, using the initial letters of words, the Romans first abbreviated proper names (C. - Gaius, Q. - Quintus), and later other words (cos. - consul, v. c. - vir clarissimus, "blessed husband") The repetition of the same letter denoted sets, number (coss.- consules, vv. cc.- viri clarissimi). Similar abbreviations appear in Greek cursive papyri and coin inscriptions. Abbreviations were also used to shorten units of measure and weight. Roman jurists so often resorted to suspension that codes of abbreviations (Notae iuris) and systems (rules) of abbreviations of letters were compiled, which subsequently reached the Middle Ages. One of these systems was the system of “Tironian badges”, which are the basis of Roman tachygraphy (quick writing). Ancient Roman abbreviations, or Tirotan marks, passed along with in Latin in the Middle Ages, where they are found primarily in inscriptions and on coins, and then in manuscripts, especially starting from the 11th century, also in charters, from which they do not disappear until the 16th century inclusive. Abbreviations found in later Latin manuscripts and charters usually consist of omissions, and even more often - of combinations of letters.

Since capital Greek and Latin letters came into use, true contractile signs have appeared for syllables, double consonants, double vowels, and whole words. Greek manuscripts contain many similar signs, partly transferred to printed publications Greek writers, from which they completely disappeared only in modern times. Therefore, in ancient Greek grammars you can find a list of the most commonly used abbreviations. The method of contracture, that is, shortening a word using its initial letters and ending, was first used by the Greeks to shorten the so-called Nomina sacra (“sacred names”), for example θς instead of θεός (“god”). The Romans borrowed this system and used it to denote ordinary concepts (frs - fratres, brother, gra - gratia, gratitude). The symbol for abbreviation, a line above the abbreviation, replaced the previously usual dot around the 3rd century AD. Abbreviations were also borrowed from cursive writing, for example = “esse” (“to be”), - “est” (“is”). (See also Inscriptions on icons).

Already in late Roman italics almost all types of abbreviations were used. During the Middle Ages, abbreviations became more widespread, especially in legal, medical, and theological texts.


An example of using abbreviations on a sign with the name of an institution. Moscow, 2006

In everyday life, when saving space and time is required, one is content with the simple abbreviations used. The latter consist either of shortening phrases or shortening words. Abbreviations of phrases consisting of omitting unimportant parts of speech, which can be easily reproduced from its general connection ( auxiliary verbs, individual particles of speech, etc.) Abbreviations of words consist partly in the omission of individual letters and syllables and the omission of a significant part or even the entire word, with the exception of the initial letters, partly in certain characters that replace words.

Present tense

In writing they are used only for private or personal needs in cursive writing; but in those papers that are intended for reading by others, especially printed ones, they try to avoid them. Exceptions are allowed only in certain cases:

  1. V scientific works, when quoting, bibliographical notes, technical documentation, etc., abbreviations cannot be avoided;
  2. in individual sciences, such as mathematics, computer science (programming languages, databases, CAD), astronomy, physics, chemistry, natural history, grammar, music and Izv. abbreviations and even drawings are caused by necessity;
  3. for SI and GHS units of measurement;
  4. to indicate coins and monetary units;
  5. in special reference publications - calendars, lexicons, bibliographies;
  6. Finally, in some literary works, especially English ones, out of old habit, abbreviations of certain words that are constantly used are retained.


In modern Russian they do not decline:

  • initial abbreviations (composed of the first letters of words) ending with a vowel, for example: MGU, OAO;
  • borrowed abbreviations ending with a hard consonant, for example: MAN;
  • letter abbreviations with a reference word of the feminine or neuter gender, if the gender of the abbreviation itself is not masculine, for example: GORONO, GES (but: in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, from the Housing Office).

Masculine alphabetic abbreviations may or may not be declined. There is a tendency in writing not to inflect such abbreviations.

If abbreviations written in capital letters alone are declined, then their endings are written in lowercase letters closely, without an apostrophe.

An abbreviation made up of the largest number employees of one enterprise
  • Abbreviations of Russian words and phrases in research reports are carried out in accordance with GOST 7.0.12-2011.
  • In the Russian language, most abbreviations begin with the letter “S” and most often abbreviations end with the same letter.

see also

  • Acronym
  • Initial
  • Abbreviations of Bible book names
  • Information
  • Term
  • Symbol
  • Shorthand
  • List of Latin abbreviations
  • Neologism
  • Table of mathematical symbols


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 Akhmanova, 1969, p. 27
  2. Russian spelling dictionary Russian Academy Sciences / Rep. ed. V.V. Lopatin.
  3. Zero declination. § 1221. - Russian grammar / USSR Academy of Sciences, Institute of Russian Language. - M.: Nauka, 1980. Retrieved May 10, 2013. Archived from the original on May 10, 2013.
  4. How to decline abbreviations. - Pismovnik: culture of written speech. Retrieved May 10, 2013. Archived from the original on May 10, 2013.
  5. § 113. - Letter abbreviations, compound words and graphic abbreviations // Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation (1956). Retrieved May 10, 2013. Archived from the original on May 10, 2013.
  6. Russian Book of Records
  7. According to the Sokr.Ru abbreviations dictionary


  • Akhmanova O. S. Dictionary of linguistic terms. - 2nd ed. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969. - 608 p.
  • When writing this article, material from Encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Efron (1890-1907).


Wiktionary has an article "abbreviation" Wiktionary has an article "acronym"
  • List of abbreviations in the Russian Wiktionary
  • A. Trifonov. The battle for MUDO continues
  • Latin abbreviations
  • Ukrainian abbreviations - decoding of more than 10 thousand Ukrainian abbreviations.
  • Acronym Search - transcript of more than 50 thousand English abbreviations.
  • - transcript of more than 400 thousand English abbreviations.
  • Acronym Finder - transcript of more than 4 million English abbreviations.
  • Acronym.Net.Ru - Dictionary of English abbreviations
  • Acronymsandslang - deciphering more than 3 million English abbreviations and slang
  • - English-Russian dictionary of abbreviations.
  • - Online dictionary of German abbreviations
  • Dictionary of Latin and Italian abbreviations
  • 3-letter acronyms (English)
  • Telecommunications abbreviations and acronyms (English)
  • All Acronyms - Dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms
  • Acronym Geek - A detailed dictionary of only acronyms (English)
  • Big Dictionary Vladimir Chernyshev
  • Dictionary of Antiquity
  • Abbreviations // Orthodox Encyclopedia

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Abbreviation Information About


APR - Asia-Pacific region

APEC – Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization

Benelux – Customs Union Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg

BUSSR – former USSR

WB – World Bank

WTO – World Trade Organization

GDP – gross domestic product

GNP – internal national product

WHO – World organization health

UPU – Universal Postal Union

VT – foreign trade

VEP – foreign economic policy

VES – foreign economic relations

GATT – General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

EFTA – European Free Trade Association

EBRD – European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Euratom – European Atomic Energy Community

Euro is the single European currency

EUR – single internal market

EMU – European Monetary Union

EEA – Single European Act

EU – European Union

ECSC – European Coal and Steel Community

EEC - Economic Commission for Europe

EEC – European Economic Community

AI – foreign investment

CES – Commission of European Unions

IDA – International Development Association

MASICHI - International Agency for Insurance of Foreign Private Investments at the IBRD

MB – international business

IBRD – International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

IMF – International Monetary Fund

M/d - international

IDC – international capital movement

MDRT – international labor market

MERCOSUR is a South American market uniting Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay since 1991.

ILO – international organization labor

ME – world economy

MX - world economy

ITU – International Telecommunication Union

MVKO – international monetary relations

MR - world market

MRI – international division of labor

IFC – international financial corporation

NAFTA – North American Free Trade Area (USA, Canada, Mexico)

VAT – value added tax

R&D – research and development work

NIS - Newly Industrialized Countries

STP – scientific and technological progress

STR – scientific and technological revolution

UAE - United Arab Emirates

OPEC – Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

OECD – Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

PE – direct investment

UNDP - United Nations Development Program

PRS - industrialized countries

RS – developing countries

RSFSR – Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic

SDR – Special Drawing Rights

SZPE – Free zone export promotion

Hard currency is a freely convertible currency

CMEC – Council of Ministers of the European Union

PCA – Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the Russian Federation and the EU

PSA – Production Sharing Agreement

CMEA - Council for Mutual Economic Assistance

SEZ – free economic zones

TNCs - transnational corporations

TPK – territorial production complexes

FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

FIG – financial and industrial groups

CAOC - Central American Common Market

Central Bank – Central Bank

CEE – Central and Eastern Europe

EAN – economically active population

ECA - United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

EXA - United Nations Economic Commission for Western Asia

ECLAC – United Nations Economic Commission for Latvia. America and the Caribbean

ECOSOC - UN Economic and Social Council

ECU is a special European monetary unit of account

ES – economic system

ESCAP - United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

South Africa – South Africa

UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development Commission for Developing Countries

UNICEF – United Nations Children's Fund

UNEP – United Nations Environment Program

UNESCO – Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

EXW, CIF, CIP, CPT, FAS, FCA, DDU, DDP, DES, DAF - basic conditions for the supply of goods in foreign trade.

With the oblique case form of a noun. In English this type is completely unused due to its absence in English. the language of indirect cases as such (except Possessive Case). Chapter 2. Abbreviation in the word-formation system in English. 2.1 Structural and semantic classifications of English abbreviations and their place in the word-formation system of the English language...

Without imposing on your reader any new and incomprehensible words instead of abbreviations. Conclusion In this work, some features of the translation of abbreviations and abbreviations from English into Russian were investigated. As a result of the work done, the author came to the following conclusions. In this work, the characteristics of abbreviated lexical units are presented, the concept of abbreviation is defined as...

Tonsil operation) ‘removal of tonsils’; Zondek (← Zondek test) ‘Zondek test’. So, when translating English medical abbreviations, you should first of all focus on the branch of medicine in the context of which this abbreviation is used. This is especially true for homonymous abbreviations. When translating English medical abbreviations, it is impossible to do without terminological dictionaries, ...

3. Collect language material from periodicals. 4. Classify language material into thematic groups. 5. Determine the types of abbreviations in the collected language material. The object of the work is A. in modern Russian (based on the media). Research methods: 1. Theoretical (study existing literature on the topic). 2. Analytical (analysis A). 3. Synthetic (summarize observations...

ABBREVIATION (Italian abbreviatura - abbreviation, from Latin abbrevio - shorten), 1) in linguistics - a noun consisting of truncated words of the original phrase (for example, “plenipotentiary representative” - “plenipotentiary representative”) or of truncated parts of the original compound word (for example , “NII” – “research institute”). The last component of A. can also be a whole (untruncated) word (for example, “spare parts” - “spare parts”). Education A. (abbreviation) as a special way word formation, aimed at creating shorter (compared to the original) names, became widespread in the main European languages ​​in the 20th century, in the Russian language - especially in the 20th and 21st centuries. In the Russian language, the following types of A. are distinguished: 1. Initial A., subdivided into: a) alphabetic ones, consisting of the names of the initial letters of words (“RNB” [er-en-be] - “Russian National Library”, “FSB” [ ef-es-be] - “Federal Security Service”); b) audio, consisting of the initial sounds of the words of the original phrase (“MFA” - “Ministry of Foreign Affairs”, “GUM” - “State Department Store”) or from the initial sounds of parts of a compound word (“GES” - “hydroelectric power station”); c) letter-sound, consisting of the names of the initial letters and the initial sounds of words (“CSKA” [tse-es-ka] - “Central Sports Club of the Army”). 2. A., consisting of the initial parts of words, the so-called syllabic A. (“zavkhoz” - “manager of the economic unit”, “medical battalion” - “medical battalion”). 3. A. mixed type(initial-syllabic), consisting of the initial part and the initial sounds of words (“KAMAZ” - “Kama Automobile Plant”, “social security” - “social security”). 4. A., consisting of the initial part of the word (words) and the whole word (“Sberbank” - “Savings Bank”, “organizational work” - “organizational work”). 5. A., consisting of the initial part of the word and the indirect case form of the noun (“head of the department” - “head of the department”, “upravdelami” - “administrator”). 6. A., representing a combination of the beginning of the first word with the beginning and end of the second word (“trade mission” - “trade mission”, “military registration and enlistment office” - “military commissariat”) or only with the end of the second word (“moped” - “motorcycle- bike"). A. types 2–6 are also called compound words And.

Some A. belong to indeclinable nouns (for example, “Research Institute”, “CSKA”). A number of a. ending in a consonant tend to become inflected masculine nouns; Wed “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated, warned about something”, “to work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs”, “statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs” and (colloquial) “statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs”. The declension of A. of the 4th and 6th types does not differ from the declension of the last word of a synonymous phrase: “deposit in Sberbank”, “serve in the military registration and enlistment office”. A. Type 5 is not inclined and belongs to the same gender as the first abbreviated word: “familiar with the new manager and.” Types of A. in different languages ​​coincide only partially. Thus, in the German language, sound and syllabic acronyms are almost completely absent, but letter ones predominate (MEZ - Mitteleuropäische Zeit 'Central European Time', pronounced em-e-zet), as well as a type of acronyms specific to this language, consisting of a whole word with the preceding letter abbreviation (U-Bahn – Untergrundbahn 'underground road').

Letter and sound A. in Russian are written in capital letters; for example, “CIS” - “Commonwealth of Independent States” (except for several common nouns: “university” - “higher educational institution”, “technical institution” - “higher technical educational institution”, “dot” - “long-term firing point”, “ bunker" - "wood-earth firing point"). Suffixal derivatives from such A. are written in lowercase letters (derivatives from alphabetic A. - according to the names of the letters): “oonovsky” (from “UN”), “kaveenschik” (from “KVN” - “Club of the cheerful and resourceful”), “tseeskovsky "(from CSKA). In prefixes, compound words and compound names, such A. retain capital letters: “supercomputer”, “microhydroelectric power station”, “DNA-containing” (from “DNA” - “deoxyribonucleic acid”). Foreign sound A. in Russian are written in capital letters: “NATO”, “UNESCO”; alphabetic - lowercase (except for the first letter, if it is given name) by letter names: “BBC”, “DJ”, “PR”. A. as a method of word formation should be distinguished from graphic abbreviations that exist only in writing [for example, Russian. "sec" (second), "g." and “Mr” (master), “f. d." and “railway” (railway), “etc.” (and others)], as well as from a contextually determined abbreviation of one (or more) adjacent words that have a common last component (for example, Russian “two- and three-story houses”; in such cases, the abbreviated part of the word does not become an independent word) .A. are recorded in special dictionaries of abbreviations.

2) In music - abbreviations