How to make sunglasses than. Sunglasses: how to make the right choice? Suitable for heart-shaped faces

Sunglasses is not only a stylish accessory, but also an important piece of clothing that will save your eyes from UV rays. What qualities should such glasses have?

The first thing you need to pay attention to when buying is protection from UVA (waves 320-400 nm long) and UVB (waves 290-320 nm long). This information must be indicated on the glasses label. Two options are allowed: "UVA and UVB Protection" or "UVA 400 Protection".

Do not buy glasses in unverified places. There sellers will not be able to guarantee you the protection. But do not rush to overpay for glasses popular brands: even the most budget accessories have UVA and UVB protection.

Lens color matters a lot. Shading must be at least 75%. It is best to choose yellow and orange lenses. Blue and purple are a dubious option. According to ophthalmologists, lenses of this color provide less protection. But it is worth noting that the fluctuations in the indicators are not so great. Therefore, if you categorically do not like glasses of warm sunny shades, feel free to take a different color.

By the way, if you are wearing contact lenses, then we can please you: most of them already include UVA and UVB filters.

Here are some more tips to help you choose your glasses.

  • For driving, purchase glasses with plastic glasses. In the event of an accident, they are less traumatic.
  • Photochromic accessories are a great option for those who wear corrective glasses all the time. The lenses darken when sunlight hits them. Therefore, in your room regular glasses, and in the sun - sunscreen.
  • Buy a special cloth for cleaning glass - you should not use the edge of a T-shirt for this.

Do you wear sunglasses? Make a repost - share the article with your friends!

Greetings, reader!
I present to your attention an overview of the universal sun cover for glasses.

Life nearsighted person in Siberia is full of insidious surprises and surprises.
It's summer outside, so let's look at summer tricks.

Basically the problem is the same...

Often, while driving, neither the sun visor nor ... the sun visor saves. Asked about the cost of optics sun lenses with diopters, I'm a little depressed.

The price tag was very high.
Of course, as an option, you can wear ordinary, sunglasses (as I sometimes do) coupled with lenses. But, it is not always convenient and affordable. Besides, I don't really like lenses, to be honest.

So I drew attention to such an overlay on ordinary glasses. I remember once, in the early nineties, my father had similar ones. I ordered a couple, classic and aviators. The classics arrived faster, and I will write about it. The parcel went for almost a month. Ordered 06/10/15, received in Barnaul 07/09/15

The needle is in the egg, the egg is in the duck, the duck is in the hare, the HARE is SHOCKED!
In a pimply bag, a plastic bag, in which there is a case, in which the subject.
The yellow pimply bag is of no interest to anyone. He was almost instantly swallowed up by the urn. A plastic bag is also not a subject of delight.
The cover for the subject looks like this.

And here is the overlay itself, I will call it, for convenience, device

more views

In this device, the mounting device has a slightly monstrous appearance, towering above the bridge of the nose.
We do not pursue style, functionality is important to us

This is what my glasses look like

Let's try the device on glasses o_o

A couple more types
Here you can see that part of the lens is not blocked from below. But, this is an insignificant point.

Fitting on me
standard view

I need your clothes and motorcycle

If you need to improve the view, for example in a dark room, it is not necessary to remove the device from the glasses. You can, for example, bend them at an angle of 90 degrees, like a visor. The view is funny…

... or even bend 180 degrees

For what? Yes, the goblin knows him, probably there is no need, but there is such a possibility!

The device passed the simplest polarization test. When looking through it at the screen of a smartphone, the colors are distorted, when the device is rotated 90 degrees, the picture on the smartphone fades tightly.

The device was purchased at the most affordable price, "for testing". In general, everything suits. The “aviators” traveling to me have much more aesthetic fasteners and do not stick out so high.

Thank you for your attention!

PS: Dear readers. Thanks for the tips and warnings, but...
As I mentioned above, I have contact lenses (on different cases life). I have normal sunglasses.
I don't suffer and I don't suffer. Buying this device is conscious choice based on a combination of factors that are more or less present in my life.
I don't intend to do laser correction vision, for a number of reasons that are of no interest to anyone but me.
The only polarization test so far available, I performed in front of the monitor, the overlay showed the same effect as regular sunglasses. As for UV400, I can’t tell you exactly, enlighten me, how to check? I will be grateful.
The price for spectacle lenses with a dimming effect, or just dark ones, coupled with all their parameters (astigmatism and other differences) has made them unaffordable for me yet. I have good lenses in everyday glasses, this is enough.
The device does not create additional load on the bridge of the nose. He is almost weightless.
The second device ordered has much more modest mounting hardware and larger size covering the entire lens regular glasses. If I like it more, I will order more yellow ones, for evening and night driving. Gov Woe-xenon, headlights not configured according to the regulations and agro-tuning of fogs / DRLs shining in all directions are sometimes very annoying when driving in dark time days.

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How to choose sunglasses? The principle http: // site / here is the same as when choosing any new thing you need - glasses should be pleasant, be of high quality, be comfortable, have an adequate price, make you even more attractive.

Depending on some factors (shortage of funds, indifference to things, lack of taste ...) these four criteria may be in a different order, or even decrease by a couple of units. However, the fourth point - "make you even more attractive", should remain unchanged, and even move to the first place. In the end, you can save up money, put up with small flaws in terms of convenience (well, you can’t sleep in them!), But you simply have to look 100% in new sunglasses!

To make you understand that buying glasses is not a junk issue, I will tell you one story. , I needed to urgently buy sunglasses for myself, because I drowned my own while swimming in the lake. Somehow it didn’t work out to get to the store, and therefore I had to look for glasses at the collapse, of course, inexpensive ones, since the stall trade is focused on goods of the middle and lower class.

As a seller, I liked a long and thin, like a pole, Negro, who for some reason had the fewest buyers. Deciding to support his feeble trade, I quickly traded for international language gestures quite nice glasses slightly elongated top edge forms capable of turning any face into a dragonfly muzzle. Which is what happened in the end.

For some reason, glasses a la dragonfly, fashionable in that season, looked on my thin and slightly oblong face, like a saddle on a cow, moreover, like a big saddle on a small cow. The first one I took with new glasses reminded me of pictures of survivors plastic surgery women who, for obvious reasons, cover the entire upper part faces. With the same success it was possible to buy ski goggles- these also left only the tip of the nose and lips free. But, unlike the ski ones, they also slipped every minute, squeezing the nostrils, as in synchronized swimming.

This lesson cost me only a few dollars, but I remember it for a long time. You can't shop on the run unless you plan on throwing them in the first bin you see. Smart people have long been rolled necessary recommendations– which type of face is suitable for which glasses.

The size of the glasses is also worth commensurate with your build, since very large glasses on small face look rather awkward. However, just like vice versa - small glasses on a wide face. In no case should they move down to the tip of the nose, or squeeze the bridge of the nose, leaving furrows that do not disappear for two hours.

I will not write a scientific treatise on this subject, and you do not need to study this problem as such. Just take a close look at the pictures and try to capture the essence. This will be enough.

If this season you have not yet had time to buy new sunglasses or managed to drown, lose or sit on them - take a look at the fashion showcase sunglasses. Surely, you can choose something suitable here.

Summer ahead. Sun, beach. Need to know how to choose Sunglasses.Although the beach season is still far away, and the sun is already breaking through thick clouds with its first timid, but, nevertheless, bright rays. And no matter what anyone says, you need to protect your eyes from the sun. Stop! Do not seek protection in the subway and the market tent. That is, of course, you can hide from the sun there, but it’s unlikely to find normal glasses that protect against harmful radiation. There is a scientific explanation for this.

Everyone knows that glass (even transparent window glass) does not transmit ultraviolet. With plastic, the situation is completely different. Until recently, it was believed that it almost does not protect the eyes. So it was, in fact. But science did not stand still and a special coating was invented. As a result, light, comfortable, almost unbreakable glasses have also become useful.

Unfortunately, looking for this miracle in the markets or at metro stations is completely in vain. What hawkers offer us, as a rule, cannot really protect against ultraviolet radiation. However, I'm not right. Cute multi-colored pseudo-glasses save from bright light ... an electric light bulb. So, if you are fascinated by the sight of a red-hot tungsten spiral - please use it to your health. But on the street no-no.

By reducing the brightness of the light, the darkened plastic absolutely does not interfere with the passage of hard ultraviolet radiation. The deceived pupils dilate and let in much more dangerous rays than if you were completely without glasses. Therefore, it is much more reliable to buy clothes for the eyes in optics stores. There, by the way, there should be special equipment for checking the protective ability of lenses.

Correct glasses are also different. According to their purpose, they are divided into three groups: comfortable, protective and special.

Comfortable are those that are needed for every day. It is best if the lenses in them are made of CR-39 plastic. Shading should not exceed 50%. Can be used photochromic lenses popularly known as "chameleons". They change the degree of their shading depending on the weather and time of day. Gradient-colored ones are also suitable: transparent at the bottom and dark at the top. As for the colors, it is better to rely on tradition. Dark gray, brown or greenish glasses are just what you need. Pinks and golden yellows are good for an overcast day. But it is generally undesirable to wear blue or light blue. These colors contribute to the expansion of the pupils and make the lenses vulnerable.

With the approach of summer, the question of acquiring becomes more and more urgent. sunglasses. This small accessory can become for you not only protection from ultraviolet rays, but also give your style originality and sophistication. And therefore, it is better to choose glasses not at the counter, where you simply get lost from their diversity. We will try to tell you more about sunglasses, something that you may not have known until now.

sunglasses material

The material should be the first consideration when choosing sunglasses, as health where more important than style or image. Glasses not only help protect your eyes from strong sunlight, but they also block out ultraviolet light (only glasses with glass lenses).
I would like to say right away that small glasses(be it glass or plastic) although they will look stylish, they will be a poor helper in sun protection.

Traditionally, glass lenses are considered better: they not only provide good protection from ultraviolet light, but the world will be less distorted than in plastic. In addition, glass is more resistant to scratches. But the disadvantage of glass glasses, of course, is their fragility, and they are heavier than plastic ones. Such glasses are not recommended for athletes, and especially for children. There is a possibility that the glass will break and, if unfortunate, may damage the eyes.
Quality plastic can be a good alternative for your glasses. To protect against harmful radiation during manufacture, special additives are introduced into the plastic composition, and special coatings are applied to finished lenses. Sunglasses made from this material are lighter and more practical. bad moment there may be only a distortion of objects, but you can evaluate this quality directly by trying on glasses: straight lines should remain so.

When choosing glasses (with glass lenses), you should pay attention to the labeling of the glasses. "UV-A" and "UV-B" (ultraviolet) indicate the percentage of protection against ultraviolet rays, with type "B" considered the most harmful. You can also see the designation "400 nm", which indicates the maximum wavelength from which the glasses protect. If the figure is less than four hundred, then some of the rays are still skipped.

There are not many things in the world that have remained virtually unchanged since their invention. Glasses are one of those things.

Glasses were apparently invented in Italy in the 13th century. The estimated year of invention is 1284, and Salvino D "Armate (Italian) is considered the creator of the first glasses, although there is no documentary evidence for this data. Since then, glasses have firmly entered the lives of many people. The production of glasses has changed significantly. So I wondered how now they make glasses for vision.For permission to film the production process, I turned to the management of the company "Chameleon" who went to meet me and gave the go-ahead to shoot ...

As any theater begins with a hanger, so any production begins with a warehouse.

This is what blanks for lenses look like, which after processing will take place in the frame

Previously, glass was used mainly for lenses (in the first glasses they used quartz and crystal, because they could not yet get high-quality glass), now high-quality plastic is increasingly being used. Plastic is lighter, cheaper and has more processing options.

Now the choice of lenses is very large - there are both tinted and gradient lenses, coated lenses, etc. and so on. For every taste and color

But back to the production chain. After you have chosen the frame for the lenses and the lenses themselves. Manufacturing process begins

Dioptrimeter comes into play first.

Lensmeter Tomey TL-100 (Japan) allows you to measure any lens, the device captures the refractive power of glass and expresses it quantitatively - in diopters
Next, the master scans the frame and combines the lens and frame data. It's all done on the Essilor Kappa Ultimate Edition Lens Treatment System.
in the photo the process of scanning the frame

In the process of high-precision scanning of the frame, absolutely all parameters are determined: the shape, the basic curvature, as well as the profile of the facet groove in the frame, which, in the final result, is the decisive factor in calculating the dimensions of the finished lens. With the high-precision frame scanning function, the finished lens after processing will perfectly fit the frame, without any additional "fitting".

After scanning the frame, the master places the lens blank into the centering chamber, where it is fully automatic. The system will determine the optical center of the lens, its refraction, the axis of the cylinder, the marking of the progressive lens or the bifocal segment. .
The contour of the scanned frame and the lens in the centering chamber are clearly visible on the monitor

After receiving all the necessary data, the lens is placed in a machine for processing (turning) which works on the basis of the EAS cycle.

Thanks to this cycle, the machine automatically selects the clamping force of the lens and the force of its pressure on the wheels during the duration of the entire processing cycle.

Processing time is no more than 1 minute


and we get a finished lens turned to the size of the frame.

So, glasses are made literally in 10-20 minutes. Most of the time is spent choosing the right frames and lenses. The choice of this product is very, very large ....

Sharp vision for you.

Thank you for your attention. I hope you liked it. I express my gratitude to the management of the company "Network of optics salons "Chameleon" for the opportunity to shoot
-If you use photos for non-commercial purposes, do not forget to put an active link to my magazine.
-All pictures in this magazine are my own, unless otherwise stated.