How to install applications on an Android SD card: existing setup methods. Video. How to select a file. How to select all files or several. Features of older versions of Android when using an SD card

From time to time there is a need to connect a memory card to a PC: download pictures from a digital camera or recordings from a video recorder. Today we will introduce you to the most in simple ways connecting SD cards to PCs or laptops.

The first thing to note is that the process is almost no different from connecting a regular flash drive. The main problem is the lack of a suitable connector: while most modern laptops have slots for SD or even microSD cards, this is very rare on desktop computers.

Connect the memory card to a PC or laptop

In most cases, you won’t be able to insert a memory card directly into a desktop computer; you will need to purchase a special device - a card reader. There are both adapters with one connector for common card formats (Compact Flash, SD and microSD), and those that combine slots for connecting each of them.

Card readers connect to computers via regular USB, so they are compatible with any PC running the current version of Windows.

On laptops everything is somewhat simpler. Most models have a memory card slot - it looks like this.

The slot location and supported formats depend on your laptop model, so we recommend that you check the device's specifications first. In addition, microSD cards are usually sold complete with adapters for full-size SD - such adapters can be used to connect microSD to laptops or card readers that do not have a suitable slot.

We are done with the nuances, and now we move directly to the algorithm of the procedure.

If you have any difficulties, please pay attention to the point below.

Possible problems and their solutions

Sometimes connecting a memory card to a PC or laptop has problems. Let's look at the most common of them.

The card is not recognized
This situation is possible for a number of different reasons. The simplest solution is to try reconnecting the card reader to another USB connector or removing and inserting the card in the card reader slot. If it doesn't help, then refer to this article.

You are prompted to format the card
Most likely, there was a failure in the file system. The problem is known, as are its solutions. You can find them in the corresponding manual.

Error "This device cannot start (Code 10)" appears
Purely software problem. Ways to solve it are described in the article below.

To summarize, we remind you - to avoid problems, use only products from trusted manufacturers!

If your phone or tablet running Android 6.0 or 7 Nougat has a memory card slot, then you can use a MicroSD memory card as the internal memory of your device, this feature first appeared in Android 6.0 Marshm.

Note: When using a memory card in this way, it cannot be used in other devices - i.e. It will be possible to remove it and connect it via a card reader to the computer (more precisely, to read the data) only after complete formatting.

Using an SD memory card as internal memory

Before you start setting up, transfer all important data from your memory card somewhere: it will be completely formatted during the process.

Further actions will look like this (instead of the first two points you can click on “ Tune" in the notification that a new SD card has been detected if you have just installed it and such a notification is displayed):

1. Go to Settings - Storage and USB drives and click on the item “ SD card"(On some devices, the storage settings item may be located in the " Additionally", for example, on ZTE).

2. In the menu (button at the top right) select " Tune" If the menu contains the item “ Inner memory", immediately click on it and skip step 3.

3. Click " Inner memory».

4. Read the warning that all data on the card will be erased before it can be used as internal storage, tap " Clear and Format».

5. Wait until the formatting process is completed.

6. If at the end of the process you see the message “ SD card is slow", this indicates that you are using a Class 4, 6 or similar memory card - i.e. really slow. It can be used as internal memory, but this will affect the speed of your Android phone or tablet (such memory cards can work up to 10 times slower than regular internal memory). We recommend using UHS Speed ​​Class 3 (U3) memory cards.

7. After formatting, you will be prompted to transfer data to a new device, select " Transfer now"(until the transfer, the process is not considered completed).

8. Click " Ready».

9. It is recommended that immediately after formatting the card as internal memory, reboot your phone or tablet - press and hold the power button, then select " Reboot", and if there is none - " Power off" or " Switch off", and after turning it off, turn the device on again.

This completes the process: if you go to the parameters " Storage and USB drives", then you will see that the space occupied in the internal memory has decreased, on the memory card it has increased, and the total amount of memory has also increased.

However, the function of using an SD card as internal memory in Android 6 and 7 has some features that may make using this feature impractical.

Features of the memory card working as internal Android memory

It can be assumed that when a memory card size M is added to Android's internal memory of N, the total available internal memory should become N+M. Moreover, approximately this is also displayed in the information about the device’s storage, but in fact everything works somewhat differently:

  • Everything that is possible (with the exception of some applications, system updates) will be placed on the internal memory located on the SD card, without providing a choice.
  • When connecting an Android device to a computer, in this case you will “ see" and only have access to the internal memory on the card. It's the same in file managers on the device itself.

As a result, after the moment when the SD memory card began to be used as internal memory, the user has no access to the “real” internal memory, and if we assume that the device’s own internal memory was more than MicroSD memory, then the amount of available internal memory after the described actions will not increase, but decrease.

Formatting a memory card for use as internal storage in ADB

For Android devices where the function is not available, for example, on the Samsung Galaxy S7, it is possible to format the SD card as internal memory using ADB Shell.

Since this method can potentially lead to problems with the phone (and may not work on every device), I will skip the details on installing, enabling USB debugging and running in the adb folder (If you don’t know how to do this, then perhaps It’s better not to take it. And if you take it, it’s at your own peril and risk).

The necessary commands themselves will look like this (the memory card must be connected):

  • adb shell
  • sm list-disks ( As a result of executing this command, pay attention to the issued disk identifier of the form disk:NNN,NN - it will be required in the next command)
  • sm partition disk:NNN,NN private

Once formatting is complete, exit the adb shell, and on your phone, in the storage options, open the item “ SD card", click on the menu button at the top right and click " Transfer data"(this is required, otherwise the phone's internal memory will continue to be used). Once the transfer is complete, the process can be considered complete.

How to restore normal functioning of a memory card

If you decide to disconnect the memory card from the internal memory, this is easy to do - transfer all important data from it, then go to the SD card settings, just like in the first method.

Select " Portable media» and follow the instructions to format the memory card.

Many people want to know how to install applications on an SD card in Android devices. If a user has a phone or tablet with a small amount of permanent memory and RAM, then they probably uninstall programs often to free up space. But there is a way to increase the storage capacity by using an SD card.

Methods for installing programs

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="Link2SD" width="300" height="131" srcset="" data-srcset=" 768w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px"> !}
By default, Android games and applications are installed on the built-in storage of your smartphone, which may be too small. If you have an SD, you can make sure that some programs are installed there by default, thereby freeing up space for more information. Under certain conditions, you can transfer almost any installed program to a removable flash drive.

How to install an application on an Android SD card? There are several different ways carrying out this operation. The correct method depends on the operating system version and the data you want to move. In the settings of Android 6.0 Marshmallow, you can adapt the SD as built-in memory, automatically installing allowed games and software to a removable drive.

Some smartphones without a new operating system allow you to move an application to the memory card manually, but only if the developer allows it. Alternative way transferring programs - using the Link2SD application.

It should be noted that programs launched from the card will likely run slower than those located in the built-in memory.

That's why you can only transfer applications to an external flash drive if absolutely necessary. It is recommended, whenever possible, to use this method for programs that do not require high speed for normal operation.

How to adapt an SD card for internal memory

Traditionally, SD on Android served as portable storage. This means that you can store videos, music and photos on them for use on your smartphone. SD can be connected to a computer to transfer files two-way. When used as a portable storage device, the card can be removed without affecting functionality.

Read also: How to set up GPS satellite navigation on Android

How to install applications on a memory card? The Android 6.0 Marshmallow system allows you to use SD as built-in storage, turning it into an integral part of your smartphone. If you accept a removable flash drive as your main storage, then by default new software will be installed on it. If desired, the user can move the program back to the built-in memory.

If an external drive is used as the main storage, then it cannot be removed without affecting the functionality of the gadget. In this case, the card cannot be used on other devices (including PCs). The SD card is formatted as a local EXT4 drive, encoded with 128-bit AES encryption and mounted as part of the system. Once the Marshmallow system accepts the drive, it will only work with that drive.

Jpg" alt="SD card" width="300" height="182" srcset="" data-srcset=" 720w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px"> !} Now about how to configure the SD card. You should definitely back up your data and save it on your computer before using the flash drive as internal storage. The onboarding process will delete all data. You can return data to SD after the drive is accepted as built-in storage.

To transfer data, you need to connect Android directly to your computer. It is not possible to remove the SD from the device and connect it directly to a PC to transfer files. If the drive was used as portable storage and it contains data, then you need to transfer it to the built-in memory. If you do not do this, the programs will be deleted and will have to be installed again.

When using SD as internal storage, you need to make sure that the card is fast. When purchasing a new drive, you should look for Class 10 and UHC. If you choose a cheaper and slower SD, it will slow down the device as a whole. If you plan to configure the drive as internal storage, then it is better to spend the money on purchasing a fast card. The Android system will test the SD speed during the synchronization process and warn the user if it is too slow and could negatively affect the performance of the gadget.

Good day everyone!

Today, the popularity of SD flash drives, I think, is not inferior to USB flash drives. Judge for yourself: phones, tablets, cameras, camcorders - SD flash drives (sometimes called SD cards) are used everywhere!

In general, I must admit that SD cards are quite capricious devices, and it is not uncommon that the computer does not recognize or does not see it. In these cases, usually, we immediately remember what is on the flash drive important photos, files, data - which simply need to be 100% returned and restored!

In this article, I will give the most common reasons for the invisibility of an SD card by a computer (laptop), as well as recommendations for eliminating them. I hope my modest advice will be useful to someone. So...

Many users confuse one point (although it is not key, it will help in solving the problem). I will show it using the example of one user question.

I took the card from my phone (microSD) and inserted it into my new device, but he suggested formatting it. Then I returned it back to the old phone, but he also wanted to format it. My laptop also does not see this card and offers to format it. What to do? Help me get data back from a flash drive.

Case in point. The laptop sees your flash drive and even offers to format it - i.e. it doesn't understand that there is data on it, it can't recognize your flash drive, it can't read the file system (in this case, the file system is marked as RAW).

This often happens due to:

  • file system failure on the flash drive;
  • Windows cannot read a file system that is unfamiliar to it (for example, this often happens with disks connected to a TV - it can reformat them into its file system, but then Windows does not see them).

By the way, many people make one mistake when connecting microSD to a computer: when inserting the card into the adapter, they do not push it all the way in (see photo 1 below). As a result, the PC simply does not see anything when connecting the SD adapter.

Checking the flash drive: fixing file system errors

In this case, you can try to restore the functionality of the flash drive and all the files on it using the error checking and correction utility - chkdsk (built into Windows).

To do this, do not agree with Windows' suggestion to format the media (screenshot above), but just run command line (The easiest way: press Win+R, then type CMD and press Enter, see screenshot below).

Checking the disk/flash drive

An example of recovery is shown in the screenshot above. After such a simple procedure, the flash drive returned to its working condition and functions normally to this day.

When the check is successful, the command line will usually say something like: "Windows checked the file system and found no problems. No further action is required".

Typically, if there was a minor file system failure, then chkdsk it will be eliminated and the flash drive will become readable (after this procedure, both a phone and a laptop can read it).

Now what if chkdsk did not help, but the files need to be restored from the flash drive...

Recovering files from a flash drive

If, after trying to correct errors, Windows still intends to format it (that is, the OS sees it, but does not recognize it), then first of all, I will recommend that you restore files from it (if, of course, you need them).

Once you format the flash drive, it will be more difficult to recover data from it (and if new files are written, it will be completely impossible!).

There are special programs for data recovery. I will list some free and popular ones in the table below.

Instructions! How to recover photos from a MicroSD memory card or USB flash drive -

3 free data recovery programs


One of best programs for low-level formatting of various storage devices: hard drives, flash cards, etc.

Main features:

  • supports the following interfaces: S-ATA (SATA), IDE (E-IDE), SCSI, USB, Firewire;
  • supports drives from most manufacturers: Western Digital, Maxtor, Hitachi, Samsung, Toshiba, Seagate, Fujitsu, IBM, Quantum, etc.;
  • supports formatting SD cards when using a card reader (which is what we need!).

How to format an SD card in HDD Low Level Format Tool:

Letter conflict: drive letter change

In general, when you connect any drive (including a flash drive), Windows assigns a letter to this drive (for example, F:). But there is such a “glitch” that a letter is assigned incorrectly: for example, one that is already in the system - as a result: a conflict occurs and your flash drive is invisible!

Therefore, if the flash drive is invisible, the first thing I recommend doing is going to "Disk Management": look at the drive letter, change it (it is possible to format the media).

1) To do this, first press the buttons Win+R, to line "Open" enter the command diskmgmt.msc and press Enter.

2) Next, find in the list the disk (microSD card) that is not displayed (not visible) for you. Right-click on it (sign-1 in the screenshot below) and select from the context menu "Change drive letter or drive path" .

If the flash drive you are looking for is not listed in Disk Management, proceed to the next subsection of this article.

If the file system is marked as RAW, the flash drive must be formatted (more on this at the beginning of this article).

Change drive letter

3) In the next step, press the button "Change"(number 1 on the screen below), then set the slider to "Assign a drive letter (A-Z)" and choose some unique letter (one that is not in the system). You agree with the changes made. Sometimes, you may need to restart your computer (laptop).

If the problem was related to the wrong given letter disk - the flash drive will become visible and will work as usual...

SD card classes and formats

SD card SD cards are different - they differ not only in volume and manufacturer, but also in size, class (operating speed), generation. All this, of course, can affect the visibility of the SD flash drive in the card reader...

SD Card Sizes

There are three form factors of SD cards: SD, miniSD, MicroSD (differ in size). Cards are used in a variety of portable devices: phones, cameras, video cameras, tablets, etc. The most wide application received microSD cards (due to their compact size, they can be inserted even into a miniature phone or MP3 player).

To connect a microSD card to a laptop or computer, a small adapter is always included with it (see photo below).

Typical information on the SD card

Manufacturer : No comments here. The only thing is that when you buy an SD card for yourself, I recommend choosing well-known manufacturers: SanDisk, Transcend, Sony, etc.

SD card type

SD card type Description
Card size: from 128MB to 2GB;

Initial file system: FAT16;

SD High Capacity

SDHC card capacity: from 4GB to 32GB;

Initial file system: FAT32;

Because SDHC works differently than standard SD cards, the new format is not backwards compatible with SD card readers.

Note: card readers released after 2009. must support SDHC format.

SD Extended Capacity

SDXC capacities from 64GB to 2TB (or ~2000 GB);

Initial file system: exFAT;

Card readers on laptops before 2009 do not support SDXC cards. SDXC cards will work in SDHC compatible readers (not SD) if the computer operating system supports exFAT (Windows 7, 8, 10).

Ultra High Speed

UHS is an addition to the original SD specification interfaces.

When the card and card reader support UHS, it will be achieved maximum speed(up to 50 MB/s - UHS-50; 104 MB/s - UHS-104). Otherwise, the card reader and card will use the slower, maximum available SD speed.

There is no compatibility issue between UHS cards and non-UHS devices.

Important! Compatibility table of card readers and SD card types

In principle, on each card reader (on the packaging with it) it is indicated which cards it supports. Naturally, if you insert a newer card, he simply will not see it and you will not be able to read it. The table below will show you the compatibility of card readers and SD card types.

Card reader, phone, camera, etc. Supported memory cards


Card class (speed)

Typically, SD cards do not indicate operating speed (in MB/s, although sometimes this is indicated), but the class of the card. Using the tables below, you can find out what speed your card will support.

Important: The higher the speed, the more expensive the card. Some devices require a specific class of card (for example, a camera, otherwise video recording will be slow or not at all) - so be careful with this point!

Speed ​​class

UHS speed class

UHS Class Minimum Speed
1 10 MB/s
3 30 MB/s

Capacity, card size

The bigger, the better. True, try to proceed from real needs: if you need to store a dozen or two photos, then maybe there is no point in overpaying and taking a high-capacity card?

Lack of drivers

It is quite possible that your flash drive is not displayed due to the fact that the drivers for the card reader are not installed. In this case, the card reader itself does not work, which means it will not read the SD card. In this case, usually the flash drive is not visible in "Disk Management" , and in device manager - a question mark will light up next to the device (meaning there are no drivers).

There is no driver (that's why the flash drive is not displayed...) - Device Manager

How to enter Device Manager

  1. Through the control panel (Windows 7, 8, 10);
  2. Call menu "Run", to do this press Win+R and enter devmgmt.msc, press OK.

In the device manager, look at the “USB Controllers” tab; it should just show something like “Realtek USB 2.0 Card Reader” (see screenshot below). There should not be any question or red icons lit in front of the device.

If you do not have a device (card reader) in the lists, and there are unknown devices with question marks (example - ) - most likely you simply do not have a driver.

There are several ways out:


A few more tips:

This is where I end this article.

For additions on the topic - a separate merci in advance.

All the best!

How to transfer photos to your computer?

A memory card is the same flash drive, which has the shape of a rectangular plate with contacts. Memory cards come in different sizes, memory capacity, and data transfer speed. It would not be amiss to remind here that for cameras you can use memory cards of speed class 4, and for video cameras and video recorders - no lower than class 10. All of the listed devices have special programs for transferring photos and videos to a computer, when connected through the special cords that come with them. But this method is complex and confusing. The easiest way is to transfer photos and videos to your computer by connecting the device’s memory card directly to the computer.

There are many memory cards, but 2 types are used most often.

The first kind is SDHC card, and the other kind is micro SDHC card.

Most laptops, tablets, and phones have a slot for one or both of these cards. The slot looks like a narrow slot 2.5 cm wide.

A standard SDHC card has contacts on one side and a cut corner. This is done so that the card can only be inserted into the slot on one side. If you insert a card into a slot and it does not want to fit, do not use force under any circumstances. Just flip it 180° to the other side. If the card is inserted correctly, it should click into place and you will hear a soft click.

In order to remove a memory card from the slot, you need to press it a little with your finger, and it will come out of the slot a couple of millimeters. Then you can pull it out of the slot.

The memory card is inserted and removed in the same way, both on a laptop and on photo and video devices.

To connect a micro SDHC card to the slot, you need to have a special adapter, which can be purchased complete with the card. You need to insert this card into the adapter; on one side it has a small slot. The micro SDHC card can also only be inserted into the adapter from one side. For this purpose, it has a special protrusion on the side. You need to insert such a card into the adapter so that the contacts on the adapter and on the card are on top. The card with adapter can then be inserted into the standard card slot.

Desktop computers do not have slots for connecting memory cards. Therefore, in order to connect non-standard cards to a laptop, or any other cards to a computer, you need to purchase a special device called a card reader. On one side it has slots for connecting various memory cards, and on the other there is a USB connector.

To connect a memory card to a desktop computer or a laptop that does not have a card slot, you need to insert the memory card into the appropriate slot in the card reader, then connect the USB connector of the card reader to the computer via the USB input.

When you connect a memory card, the computer emits a characteristic signal, and a flash drive icon appears on the monitor’s taskbar.

Then you need to open the My Computer window. To do this, click the left mouse button twice in a row on the My Computer icon. Find the memory card icon in the window that opens. The memory card has in its name english letters SD. Now you need to double-click on it with the left mouse button. There are 3 folders in the window that opens. Typically, a folder called "DCIM" contains photos, a folder called "MP_ROOT" contains videos, a folder called "PRIVATE" contains work files and should not interest you.

Click on the first folder 2 times with the left mouse button, on the folder that opens you need to click 2 times with the left mouse button again. Photos open in the window. Hold down the "Ctrl" key on your keyboard and click once with the left mouse button on the photos you need to transfer. Photos are highlighted in blue. Having finished the selection, release the "Ctrl" key, right-click on one of the selected photos once and select "Copy" from the drop-down menu. If you want the photos to be deleted from the memory card after transfer, you need to select the "Cut" option.

Video. How to select a file. How to select all files or several.

Then select the location where you want to transfer the photo. This could be your desktop or one of your computer's drives. Let's say you selected "Desktop". If there is no photo folder in the selected location, then create one. To do this, on the desktop, right-click once and select “New” → “Folder” from the drop-down menu. Give the folder a name, for example “Photos”. Then double-click on this folder with the left mouse button, it opens. Right-click in the window that opens once and select the “Insert” menu item. All photos were copied to the computer and also remained on the memory card.

By opening the next folder with videos on the memory card, using the same steps you can also transfer them to your computer.

To transfer files to a memory card from a computer, you need to repeat the same steps, only starting with the required folder on the computer.

Video. How to insert a memory card?