How to live beautifully with dentures. Which removable dentures are best? Making false jaws

The only option to preserve the beauty of a smile after losing a significant number of teeth is false teeth. Depending on the complexity of the situation and individual preferences, patients may be offered several types of devices. Each type of removable denture has its own functional characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Indications for the use of a removable jaw

To correct dentition deficiencies, artificial products of domestic and imported origin are used. Before installing the prosthesis, the dentist takes impressions from the oral cavity to prepare the future bed. Also, before prosthetics, the height of the bite and the range of movements of the lower and upper jaw are determined.

Dentures look better than incomplete teeth. Constructions are recommended for use both with complete loss of teeth and with partial edentia. Among the indications for the use of removable jaws are:

  • difficulty chewing food and, as a result, the development of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity;
  • psychological disorders due to an unattractive smile;
  • changes in the shape of the face and its asymmetry.

Advantages and disadvantages of the design

The advantages of false jaws include: the possibility of use in situations where other types of prosthetics are prohibited; a wide selection of materials for creating a product; quick installation of the structure.

There are a lot of negative patient reviews about removable jaws on the Internet. Users note long-term addiction to the product (up to several months). Only implanted structures give the patient a feeling of comfort.

Other disadvantages of removable jaws include:

  • psychological discomfort due to wearing artificial teeth;
  • development of degenerative processes of bone tissue due to unevenly distributed load during chewing;
  • frequent appearance of ulcers and abrasions in the area above the prosthesis;
  • fragility of products - from 2 to 10 years;
  • the need to remove dentures from the mouth at night;
  • the need for additional hygiene procedures for the device.

The main disadvantage of removable jaws is the possibility of damage to the mucous membranes of the mouth, due to which ulcers and erosions appear on the surface of the gums

Types of prostheses depending on the degree of replacement

Dentures are either complete or partial. The first type of device is used when all or most of the elements of a row are lost. With such a system, the entire load during chewing is redistributed to the gums, causing the person to experience pain and discomfort. Gradually, the bone tissue becomes thinner, and the patient is forced to regularly change the product to a new one. Fastening of a complete denture in the oral cavity is carried out only through suction cups. The method is used only for prosthetics of the upper jaw, since the device does not hold well on the lower jaw.

Partial dentures are possible by maintaining at least a few units in a row. These elements will serve as support for the removable jaw. The technique is preferable to full dentures, since in this case the chewing load is evenly distributed between the gums and teeth. A partial denture fits more securely in the mouth.

Butterflies are often used for temporary rather than long-term wear. The only mandatory condition for installing the structure is the presence of stable elements on both sides of the prosthesis

If 1-2 teeth are missing in a row, a butterfly is used, equipped with clasps on both sides. The color of the attachments does not differ from the natural shade of the gums. Due to this, the prosthesis remains almost invisible to others.

Materials for production

Artificial materials are used to produce false jaws. They differ from each other in external characteristics, density and processing methods. Most often, acrylic, nylon (silicone) and polyurethane are used for the manufacture of structures in dentistry.

The photo shows an acrylic denture

Acrylic materials began to be used to create prosthetics in the early 1940s. The advantage of the design is that it does not differ in color from natural fabrics, lasts a long time and is resistant to various mechanical influences. The demand for acrylic prostheses is due to their affordability. However, many users note the disadvantages of the products:

  • release of allergic substances;
  • problematic care;
  • bad breath.

If allergic reactions occur, you should remove the denture from the mouth and contact your dentist again. The doctor will suggest dentures made from other materials, such as nylon.

The main advantage of a product made from nylon is softness. This prevents injury to the mucous membranes of the mouth from mechanical damage. At the same time, the material withstands chewing loads well, does not change shape and does not break. This option is optimal for patients with sensitive periodontal tissues.

Nylon jaws will cost more than acrylic ones, but they will also last longer

An alternative smile restoration option is polyurethane products. One of the popular types of dentures is produced under the brand name “Dentalur”. Unlike acrylic jaws, bacteria do not multiply in the material as intensively, and it is easier to clean. The distinctive advantage of the material over nylon is its price.

Types of structures depending on the method of fastening

According to this criterion, dentures are divided into removable, fixed and partially removable. The first type of prosthetics is recommended for complete edentia. The support for the removable jaw is the gums or hard palate. The system is fixed using suction or special adhesive compounds: Correga, Rox, Lakalut, etc.

Removable jaws are considered one of the most affordable and easiest ways to correct a smile. At the same time, the prosthesis is easy to use and maintain.

For partially removable tooth restoration, plates with artificial teeth are used. Installing them requires multiple units to remain stable.

Systems in the oral cavity can be secured using:

  1. Crammers or hooks. In this way, bulge dentures are most often installed. The base of the structure is made of a metal frame. It is a reliable support for artificial teeth. Modern materials make structures almost invisible during conversation. Dentures on hooks are often installed in place of lateral teeth or are used when elements are lost through one.
  2. Locks or attachments. The structures are characterized by an aesthetic appearance. Dentures with clasps will cost more than products with crammers. A metal crown is installed on the supporting elements, and then one half of the lock. The second part of the lock is located in the cavity of the prosthesis. When pressed, the micro-locks snap into place, and the removable product is fixed by the adjacent teeth.

For the production of partially removable dentures, polyurethane, acrylic, and less often rubber are used.

Modern types of products

The new generation of dentures are jaws without a palate. The structure of the products is combined from various types of removable systems. Sandwich structures can only be used for partially edentulous patients. The body of the prosthesis is created from two types of materials - polyurethane and acrylic.

The system has a solid structure, but in places where natural teeth are preserved, elastic crowns are inserted and stretched over the supporting units. The approximate cost of a sandwich prosthesis is from 40,000 rubles.

The category of non-palatal structures includes bulge dentures that do not have a massive base. The products do not cover the upper palate and mucous membranes located under the tongue. Bulgel products look invisible in the oral cavity

The category of conditionally removable systems includes systems on implants. They are securely attached to the mouth, but the patient can easily remove the artificial teeth if necessary. The structure is secured with locks not to its own units, but to implanted pins. The method is especially suitable for patients who have lost all their teeth and have thinned jaw bone structures.

Features of choice

Which jaw is better to choose? The answer to the question depends on many factors. If there are natural elements in the mouth, preference is given to bulge dentures. If you are completely edentulous, acrylic structures would be an ideal option. To prevent a plastic jaw from falling out, you can use implants. Dentists often recommend nylon products to patients. But you need to remember that it is inconvenient to chew rough and hard food with such teeth.

The choice of design may also be affected by its cost. The price of a jaw depends on the material used. How much do removable structures cost? Nylon prostheses cost patients more than plastic installations. An acrylic jaw costs about 15,000 rubles, and a silicone jaw costs about 20,000.

Rules of care

In order for the removable jaw to last as long as possible, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of hygiene. After each consumption of food, the denture is removed from the mouth and washed with running water. Residues of food remaining on the surface of the product lead to the proliferation of pathogenic flora and bad breath.

It is recommended to care for your products using a brush with two types of bristles. The outer edge of the prosthesis is cleaned with hard bristles, and the inner edge with soft bristles.

How to clean artificial teeth? Preference is given to pastes with a fluoride base. The composition is applied to the jaw and the paste is foamed with circular movements of the brush for 10 minutes. The structures are treated at least 2 times a day.

Dentists recommend using soapy compounds to care for acrylic systems, since the bristles can scratch the product.

It is important to carry out disinfection measures regularly. The prosthesis is stored in special antiseptic solutions at night. The compositions can be purchased at a pharmacy or made independently. Such solutions not only disinfect the prosthesis, but also remove excess glue from its surface. Home methods for caring for the plate are not a substitute for professional cleaning. The removable jaw is regularly checked by an orthodontist for adjustments and examination.

Today, people's attitude towards complete removable dentures is largely negative - many people associate them with “false jaws” that need to be removed at night and stored in a glass of water. It is generally accepted that they are very uncomfortable to wear, interfere with diction and can even fall out of the mouth when eating or talking.

Well, all these “horror stories” are not without certain grounds, but to a large extent they are relics of Soviet times, when the situation with the quality of manufactured dentures was far from the best.

On a note

As the name implies, a complete denture is a denture used in the absence of teeth in the oral cavity. Such prostheses can be removable - when the patient himself can remove them (for example, for hygiene procedures), and conditionally removable - when the prosthesis can only be removed by a doctor using special tools.

Fortunately, medicine does not stand still, and today, even with the complete absence of teeth in the oral cavity, quite convenient orthopedic solutions can be found that will not only restore the ability to chew food normally, but also restore the long-lost beauty of a smile.

And what is important, today a complete denture does not have to be uncomfortable to wear, rub the gums, cause a gag reflex or impair diction. For example, there are conditionally removable dentures without a palate, fixed on implants, which radically change the idea of ​​​​the possibilities of prosthetics for “edentulous” patients. The combination of surgical and orthopedic treatment allows not only to improve the aesthetic qualities of prostheses, but also to ensure their reliable fixation with a significant improvement in functional characteristics that provide comfort while eating, talking, singing, etc.

There are interesting options for prosthetics without implantation, when for a relatively small amount you can get a completely comfortable and visually attractive complete removable denture.

What types of complete removable dentures are available to dentists?

Complete removable prosthetics is considered one of the most difficult areas of orthopedics - after all, the prosthesis needs to be somehow secured in the oral cavity, where, it would seem, there is simply nothing to attach it to. Partial removable dentures can be attached to the remaining (abutment) teeth, but with complete dentures you have to look for alternative methods of attachment.

In this case, the orthopedic dentist has to take into account the following nuances:

  1. Causes of tooth loss. For example, difficulties with complete removable prosthetics may arise when teeth are removed against the background of severe generalized periodontitis (the situation is much simpler with the planned removal of relatively strong “roots” that cannot be restored);
  2. Time since tooth extraction. If all the teeth were removed quite a long time ago (for example, more than 10 years ago), then the degree of atrophy of the bone tissue of the alveolar process of the jaw will be significant, and the conditions for prosthetics are worse than if it was carried out shortly after tooth extraction (1-2 years);
  3. Previous and current diseases and operations on the jaws. A number of somatic diseases (especially severe ones) can worsen the conditions for complete removable prosthetics, forcing the orthopedic dentist to look for suitable alternatives. This applies primarily to elderly patients and people with combined pathologies (blood diseases, endocrine pathologies, cancer, musculoskeletal diseases, etc.).

When making prosthetics, the orthopedic dentist takes into account the condition of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), mucous membranes (their pliability, mobility), the degree of bone tissue atrophy, checks the condition of the cords and the presence of scars, as well as the depth of the palate (deep, medium, flat) and a number of other factors that can play a decisive role in the case of the manufacture of a complete removable denture.

On a note

Having determined the conditions for complete removable prosthetics (favorable or difficult) and the financial capabilities of the patient, the doctor can offer the best option for a future prosthesis, explaining the pitfalls of each of the possible options.

It is clear that not everyone can afford complete dentures without a palate and attached to implants (that is, conditionally removable), although they are as comfortable and aesthetic as possible. When choosing more budget options, it makes sense to give preference, if, again, financial capabilities are available, to products made from the most modern materials. The least comfortable dentures are those made of hard acrylic plastic.

Complete removable dentures, depending on the material used in their manufacture, are:

  1. Acrylic;
  2. Nylon;
  3. Silicone;
  4. Polyurethane.

All of these removable dentures are attached to the oral cavity due to an adhesive mechanism (they are sucked to the palate and gums - that’s why they are sometimes called dentures with suction cups, although there are no suction cups as such in their design).

As for the types of fastening of conditionally removable dentures fixed to pre-installed implants, the following options are distinguished:

  1. Covering;
  2. Button;
  3. With beam type clamps.

Each of the dentures, from the simplest (acrylic) to any conditionally removable, has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice of option largely depends on the financial capabilities of the patient. It is important to keep in mind that regardless of the type of complete denture chosen, the result of treatment will directly depend on the level of training of the orthopedic surgeon, dental technician and the logistics of the clinic.

From the practice of a dentist

If you go to order a prosthesis at a dentist in the basement of a residential building, where the doctor accepts crowns from the “supplier” wrapped in a bag of newsprint, then it’s difficult to count on first-class work. In many cases, patients then cannot get used to such prostheses - due to manufacturing errors, they greatly interfere and rub the mucous membrane. As a result, the prosthesis collects dust on the shelf because the patient does not wear it.

Complete dentures made of acrylic plastic

The first technologies for the production of complete removable dentures from acrylic plastic (AKR-7) were introduced in the early 1940s and are still widely used in the production of bases for various modern designs in orthopedic dentistry.

The base is the base of a complete removable denture on which artificial teeth are fixed. On the upper jaw, the base is a plate covering the mucous membrane of the hard palate and alveolar process, and on the lower jaw, the mucous membrane of the alveolar part from the outer and inner sides.

On a note

Due to the fact that the basis of a complete removable denture is a plate, such dentures are also called plate dentures.

A complete removable denture does not have the ability to “cling” to the teeth, since they are completely missing. Therefore, these structures on the upper jaw use the effect of “suction” to the palate, as well as some anti-displacement effect provided by natural anatomical folds and the alveolar ridge.

A prosthesis for the lower jaw does not have such a large “suction” area as in the case of a prosthesis for the upper jaw adjacent to the palate. The structure is held in place by natural anatomical formations - largely due to its tight fit to the alveolar part.

Among the advantages of a complete removable acrylic denture are:

  1. Low price compared to other designs;
  2. Possibility of repair for various types of damage;
  3. Ease of operation;
  4. Acceptable aesthetics, taking into account the relatively low bill for the service.

However, these prostheses are not without serious disadvantages:

  1. Allergy to residual monomer in acrylic bases (although in more expensive options there are ways to eliminate the monomer from the plastic);
  2. The relative fragility of the plastic and the risk of fracture under large simultaneous loads;
  3. Low elasticity due to hard acrylic plastic;
  4. Frequent discrepancy between the relief of the inner surface of the base and the prosthetic bed of the mucous membrane (as a result, the reliability of fixation of the structure in the oral cavity decreases).

On a note

Dentures made from acrylic plastic can be quite high-tech. For example, in 2015, technologies from the Swiss company CANDULOR appeared in Russia, offering a line of high-quality acrylic removable dentures. High aesthetics is achieved, among other things, through the use of plastic, which imitates in detail the capillary system of the gums.

The situation is similar with prostheses based on other polymers (polyurethane, silicone, nylon): there are budget products, and there are also more expensive and technologically advanced ones. For example, to make the base of a complete removable denture, the polyurethane-based Dentalur material can be used. He was awarded the Gold Medal of the Ninth International Forum of High Technologies of the 21st Century and other awards. Dentalur-based dentures are durable, quite elastic (which makes them comfortable) and have a significant cosmetic advantage over standard dentures made of acrylic plastics.

Nylon dentures: their pros and cons

Full dentures made of nylon are today, perhaps, at the peak of their popularity over the past 10 years - and there are a number of reasons for this.

Here are some of the main advantages of nylon dentures:

  1. No allergies to the material. When using a nylon prosthesis, unlike an acrylic one, there is no risk of developing an allergic reaction to the plastic monomer. Against this background, nylon has a strong advantage over acrylic plastic, especially in complete removable prosthetics;
  2. High aesthetic performance. This parameter could even be put in first place. Compared to the same dentures made of acrylic, nylon ones look “rich”, and, if one can say so in relation to a complete denture, chic (it’s not for nothing that they are sometimes called invisible dentures);
  3. Comfortable to wear. In most cases, these prostheses are easier to get used to and adapt to than standard acrylic ones;
  4. Resistance to mechanical damage. This quality is largely due to some elasticity of the prosthesis - it is not fragile, unlike acrylic plastic. It is quite difficult to break a nylon prosthesis or seriously damage it in any way.

However, for all their advantages, nylon dentures retain a number of disadvantages, which are useful to know in advance (in many ways, these disadvantages are typical for complete removable dentures in general):

  1. Gradual atrophy of the prosthetic bed. In the complete absence of teeth, the alveolar ridges, experiencing an uneven load from the prosthesis, “sag” greatly. The process may take years, but is practically inevitable;
  2. Fairly rapid loss of aesthetic qualities. Over the years, the color of the prosthesis may change, which sooner or later will require replacement of the product;
  3. Repairing a nylon prosthesis (unlike an acrylic one) is practically impossible - it will be easier to make a new product.

This is interesting

Thanks to Acry Free prostheses, it was possible to combine the positive properties of acrylic and nylon prostheses, eliminating a number of disadvantages that create obstacles to free prosthetics with acrylic and nylon. Acri-free has good adhesion (“stickiness”) to the mucous membrane, which improves the possibility of fixation in the complete absence of teeth in the upper and lower jaw. The prosthesis is lightweight, non-allergenic, can be adjusted, and most importantly, provokes alveolar bone atrophy to a lesser extent.

The photo below shows the Acry-Free prosthesis:

Features of prosthetics with conditionally removable structures

Against the background of the above, a number of well-founded questions arise:

  1. Are such methods of fixing complete dentures as “suction” and anatomical retention (retention due to anatomical formations) sufficient for reliable fastening of the structure in the oral cavity and comfortable use?
  2. Is it possible to somehow improve the reliability of fixation of the prosthesis and increase the degree of comfort when wearing it?

Active older people are especially interested in not only beautiful, but also securely “fitting” dentures that can chew almost any food normally.

From the practice of a dentist

Not all patients have the patience to use a removable denture, which, although it does not “rub”, does not “squeeze”, does not “press”, still creates a feeling of the presence of a foreign object in the oral cavity. And what’s most unpleasant is that there is no certainty that this “foreign object” will not suddenly fall out of your mouth one day, for example, when you sneeze...

Significant assistance in the reliable fixation of complete dentures is provided by conditionally removable prosthetics with fastening of the prosthesis on implants. The use of dental implants makes it possible not only to significantly reduce the size of the future prosthesis, making it as comfortable and easy to use as possible, but also completely eliminates the possibility of the prosthesis coming off during chewing or talking.

At the moment, there are different types of implantation systems in order to fix a removable denture:

  • Classical – classical implants are installed into the spongy bone of the alveolar processes. Typically, prosthetics last for several months while the implants take root in the bone tissue;
  • Basal – basal implants are installed in dense bone, located deeper than spongy bone. In this case, even with significant atrophy of the bone of the alveolar processes, there is no need to build it up (that is, sinus lift surgery is usually not required);
  • Mini-implantation - in this case, narrow mini-implants are installed in the bone, designed to attach the prosthesis. Unlike classic and basal implants, mini-implants are not designed for significant load, so a complete denture must also distribute the load to other parts of the oral cavity (palate, gums).

In terms of methods of fixing complete removable dentures on implants, a significant niche in orthopedic dentistry is occupied by:

  • Micro-locking fixation;
  • Beam fastenings;
  • Magnetic latches;
  • Spherical (spherical) types of fastening;
  • Silicone rings;
  • Combined options.

On a note

Pre-installation of implants makes complete removable prosthetics as reliable and comfortable as possible, especially in difficult cases (with significant atrophy of the alveolar ridge, cords, etc.), when wearing almost any prosthesis (acrylic, nylon, Acry-free) promises endless trips to the dentist - an orthopedist, suffering during adaptation and, as the most extreme option, sending the “removal device” to the shelf.

Beam fixation on classic or basal implants is considered one of the most reliable and durable - it ensures reliable fit and fixation of the prosthesis even under non-ideal prosthetic conditions.

Magnetic clamps (attachments) hold the prosthesis due to magnetic attraction. This fastening option, compared to other methods, does not provide maximum reliability in holding the prosthesis.

As for spherical attachments, some experts argue that the materials of this type of fastening have a tendency to wear out and fail (although there are systems that have replaceable wearable parts - their replacement does not require a lot of time and money).

Currently, mini-implantation is actively used (and promoted in advertising by many clinics) for fixing dentures on a toothless jaw, however, a number of experts believe that mini-implants are suitable only for temporary prosthetics, but not for permanent ones. Dental mini-implants differ from others in their simplified surgical and orthopedic protocols, as well as their low cost. They can be installed even in those clinical cases where the use of classical implants is impossible without additional preparatory operations, which may be difficult to tolerate or contraindicated, especially in old age.

As for dentures installed on implants, they can be made of the same materials as removable dentures (usually nylon, Acre-Free, polyurethane).

Principles of manufacturing complete removable dentures and their installation in the oral cavity

One of the most important stages of prosthetics is the examination of the patient - it includes studying the state of general health, possible allergies to certain drugs (materials), as well as assessing the condition of the prosthetic bed according to many parameters.

Much attention is paid to assessing the degree of atrophy of the alveolar processes in the upper and lower jaw. The condition of the mucous membrane is checked: mobility, color, “looseness,” the state of folds along the ridge and other points. All this allows us to clarify important nuances of the design of the future prosthesis.

Below, using the example of a complete removable denture made of acrylic plastic, the main stages of manufacturing this design are considered:

  1. Taking impressions and sending them to the laboratory to dental technicians;
  2. Model casting;
  3. Making individual spoons (as needed);
  4. Creating a base with bite ridges;
  5. Determination of central occlusion based on wax ridges;
  6. Making a base using bite ridges (relief modeling);
  7. Placing teeth on glass or on a plane;
  8. Plastering the model;
  9. Evaporation of wax;
  10. Mixing and packing plastics;
  11. Finishing of the prosthesis;
  12. And finally, handing over the prosthesis to the patient - fitting in the oral cavity.

This is interesting

Standard removable acrylic dentures are made as follows: liquid material is poured into a mold, where it polymerizes and hardens. During this process, a large shrinkage of the material occurs, that is, a decrease in its volume, as a result of which the prosthesis may not correspond to the prosthetic bed and may not fit accurately to it. In addition, micropores often form in the base, where bacterial plaque will accumulate in the future, causing bad breath.

A new technique for creating acrylic prostheses using the IVOCAP system (Ivocap) from IVOCLAR (Switzerland) made it possible to eliminate these problems through the injection molding method - plastic is dosed in capsules and pressed under constant pressure and temperature. With this manufacturing method, the characteristics of the prosthesis are improved.

How to care for your dentures to make them last longer

After the patient receives a complete removable denture, the orthopedic doctor always explains the nuances of its fixation in the oral cavity, and sometimes also teaches special speech exercises for quick adaptation to the product. Much attention is also paid to the rules of care for the prosthesis in order to increase its service life and minimize the loss of aesthetics.

It is important to know

Complete removable dentures require daily cleaning, if only because they fit tightly to the mucous membranes and create areas that are poorly washed by saliva.

The most common means of caring for complete removable dentures:

Standard prosthesis care regimen:

  1. In the morning and evening, clean from food particles and bacterial plaque using toothpaste and a brush. In this case, attention should be paid to cleaning not only the external surface of the prosthesis, but also the internal one, which is in contact with the gum and palate;
  2. Rinse your mouth after each meal and rinse the denture under running water;
  3. Clean the denture before going to bed using special solutions.

It may seem surprising to some, but dental plaque and even tartar can also be deposited on dentures, so it is useful to go for preventive examinations at least once a year. If the denture is significantly soiled, it is sent to a dental laboratory, where a dental technician processes the denture to perfect condition.

Proper care of the prosthesis is the key not only to its long service life, but also an important factor that determines the health of the mucous membranes, the absence of putrid odor from the mouth and the preservation of aesthetic characteristics (you don’t want the artificial teeth of the prosthesis to turn brown, and the plastic to become unnatural for the gums shade?)

How much does a complete “puller” cost these days?

The cost of a complete removable denture is determined by a number of factors, among which the most important are the following:

  • The material from which the denture is made (for example, an acrylic denture will be cheaper in price than a nylon one);
  • The clinic has its own dental laboratory;
  • Personnel qualification level;
  • Geographical location of dentistry (prices in metropolitan areas are usually higher than in small towns);
  • Individual characteristics of the patient (some anatomical nuances may complicate the production of a high-quality prosthesis).

To put it simply, today only complete removable dentures made of ordinary acrylic plastic are relatively cheap - their use is considered the most budget option for complete dentures.

“I’ve been wearing upper and lower acrylic dentures for just 2 weeks. The top one sits great, but the bottom one walks around. As soon as you move your tongue, the prosthesis rises immediately. I don’t even know what this is connected with...”

Inna, Moscow

Here are examples of prices for full removable dentures in one of the clinics in St. Petersburg:

  • Acrylic prosthesis – from 8 thousand rubles;
  • Prosthesis from Dentalur – from 12 thousand rubles;
  • Plate prosthesis (Ivoclar plastic) – from 14 thousand rubles;
  • Nylon prosthesis – from 20 thousand rubles;
  • Nylon prosthesis (materials made in Germany), Acree Free - from 25 thousand rubles;
  • Removable prosthesis (materials made in Switzerland) “Kandulor” - from 40 thousand rubles.

The combination of orthopedic and surgical care greatly increases the cost of treating a patient with complete absence of teeth - when it comes to conditionally removable prosthetics, the cost of the implantation itself makes the main contribution to the final price.

If you have personal experience of using a removable denture in the absence of teeth in the upper or lower jaw, please share the information by leaving your review at the bottom of this page (in the comments field).

What is important to know about dentures made of nylon (they don’t talk about this in advertising)

Interesting nuances of complete removable prosthetics

The causes of tooth loss vary. In any case, their absence spoils a person’s appearance and worsens the quality of his life. Today there are removable and non-removable dentures. Fixed dentures are certainly very convenient - care does not involve any special manipulations. However, this type of treatment is not suitable for all patients, and it is also quite expensive. For such cases, there are removable dentures. These are structures that the patient takes off and puts on independently. The use of removable products is possible both with complete and partial loss of teeth, sometimes even one tooth. Let's look at what they are, what their differences are and who they are suitable for.

Types of removable dentures with photos

Removable dentures differ in the degree of replacement, material of manufacture and method of attachment. Each type has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. You can see what different designs look like in the photo.

Types of removable dentures by degree of replacement:

If one or two teeth are missing, a so-called butterfly denture can be used to restore the dentition. It has plastic clasps on both sides, the color of which resembles the gum, which makes it almost invisible in the oral cavity. Most often, such designs are used as temporary measures, but long-term wear is also allowed. The only condition is the presence of healthy teeth on both sides of the prosthesis.

Conditionally removable prosthetics involves a combination of fixed structures and removable ones. First, the implants are installed, and then prostheses are put on them. Such measures, on the one hand, ensure reliable fixation of the prosthesis in the oral cavity, even with a completely edentulous lower jaw. On the other hand, they significantly reduce the cost of treatment compared to a completely permanent method.

There are several fixation methods:

  • Push-button type. Mini-implants are implanted into the bone, into which spherical heads are subsequently screwed. Inside the prosthesis, recesses are made for them, where these heads are tightly inserted and securely fastened. The advantage is the size of the implant - for its installation there are no special requirements for the thickness of the bone tissue. This method is the most affordable.
  • Beam type. The patient has several implants installed, and a metal beam is attached to them. A recess is cut under it in the prosthesis, thanks to which the false jaw is tightly fixed.
  • Intracanal implants. If the patient still has single-rooted teeth, the crowns are filed down, and pins with protruding round heads are screwed into the canals. Further fixation occurs similar to push-button prostheses.

Acrylic or nylon?

There is no clear answer to the question of which artificial jaw is better. All options have both their advantages and disadvantages. Each patient, after weighing all the pros and cons, makes a decision together with his attending physician.

To make it easier to make a choice, let’s consider the features of these types of prosthetics.

Acrylic dentures - pros and cons

The most affordable are plastic false jaws. They consist of a gum-colored base and artificial teeth built into it. In another way, such structures are called plate structures. All its elements are made of composite acrylic. This material is strong enough for the patient to chew food thoroughly without experiencing pain. In addition, under the base there is a silicone insert that provides cushioning to the gums. Acrylic perfectly retains its original shape and color, but due to low ductility, structural failures are possible.

The most common cause of damage is falling jaws, for example, during hygiene procedures. In this case, the inserted acrylic jaw is glued together with special glue. When an artificial tooth chips or falls out, it is replaced with a new one. If a patient’s tooth is removed after prosthetics, a new crown can be added in its place. Correction of acrylic dentures is also carried out in other cases, which is a definite plus, because it will cost less than making a new structure.

The disadvantages of plastic structures include:

  • A rather bulky base, which, when used in prosthetics on the upper jaw, almost completely covers the palate. This can cause discomfort to the patient and dull the sense of taste.
  • When using prosthetics on the lower jaw, diction disorders are also possible. However, it is precisely thanks to this basis that the plate structures fit very tightly on the upper jaw due to the suction effect, even with complete edentia.
  • If the acrylic denture is partial, then the abutment teeth are secured using metal clasps. When used on the front teeth they may be noticeable.
  • The service life of acrylic products is short, on average about 3-4 years.

Advantages and disadvantages of nylon prostheses

Nylon dentures are made from elastic nylon. This soft and elastic material, unlike hard plastic, does not rub the gums, and the adaptation period is much easier. However, elasticity is not only an advantage, but also a disadvantage of nylon prostheses. The fact is that when eating, nylon bends, transferring stress to the gums, which can cause pain. As a result, increased bone tissue atrophy develops.

Despite its softness, nylon is a fairly durable material, but if it breaks, it cannot be repaired. It is also impossible to make adjustments or adjustments. Insertable nylon jaws look the most natural among removable dentures. The clasps are made of pink nylon, making them almost invisible in the mouth. The properties of the material make it possible to make nylon jaws much thinner and lighter than plastic ones, which makes wearing them more convenient and comfortable.

What to choose - acrylic or nylon?

Comparison of prostheses
OptionsMade from acrylicMade from nylon
AppearanceThe partial denture is attached using metal clasps, which can be visible to others.They look natural, the clasps are invisible on the gums.
Features of the materialSubject to correction and repair.Unrepairable.
ComfortIt may rub your gums, but at the same time allows you to chew food without experiencing pain. Quite a cumbersome design that can interfere with diction.It does not injure the oral cavity, but it bends under chewing load, which can cause pain. The design is quite thin and light, does not “get in the way” in the mouth.
ContraindicationsMay cause allergies.Hypoallergenic.
PriceThe most budget option. The cost of a complete prosthesis is about 12-15 thousand rubles.Quite a high cost. A complete prosthesis will cost approximately 25-30 thousand rubles.
Life timeOn average 3-4 years.About 5-7 years.
CareThe porous structure requires careful care.Due to its smoothness, the surface is not so susceptible to contamination. However, regular hygiene procedures are necessary.

Other types of removable structures

Prostheses consisting of a metal arch onto which a plastic base with ceramic crowns are attached are called clasp dentures. Thanks to the arc, the load is distributed evenly between the supporting teeth and gums, which eliminates pain while eating. The artificial clasp jaw is very thin and light, does not take up much space in the mouth - the palate is almost completely open.

Fastening can be done using clasps or attachments. Both methods provide good fixation, however, the clasps are made of metal, which makes them noticeable when used on the front teeth. The attachments are located between the crown of the tooth and the prosthesis, making them invisible. Of all removable dentures, clasp structures are the most comfortable to wear - they are lightweight, small in size and distribute the load well, but their cost is noticeably higher than their analogues.

Stages of installation of plastic prostheses

Treatment with a prosthetist begins with the preparatory stage, which consists of an X-ray examination of the patient’s oral cavity, taking impressions of both jaws, and, if there are supporting teeth, preparing them. After this, a preliminary prosthesis is made from wax, crowns are inserted into it and tried on the patient. If no defects are identified, then the wax structure is placed in plaster, the wax is removed and liquid acrylic is poured in its place. Fitting and prosthetics of finished products are somewhat different for the upper and lower jaws.

Upper jaw

When trying on, the patient puts the denture on the upper jaw and closes his mouth tightly so that air escapes from under the denture. As a result, the prosthesis should firmly “stick” to the palate. The structure of the palate is smooth and wide, thanks to which, even in the complete absence of teeth, the structure is well fixed in the oral cavity. It is then taken out, sanded and polished for a perfect fit, usually taking no more than 30-40 minutes.

Lower jaw

The mobility of the sublingual space and the frenulum prevents the strong fixation of the complete denture on the lower jaw, which makes wearing it uncomfortable. When talking, eating or kissing, such a structure can fall out, so it is better to use partial dentures for the lower jaw. In this case, the doctor checks the fit of the structure and the fit of the clasps.

If the prosthetics on the lower jaw are conditionally removable, then the prosthetist adjusts the holes in the prosthesis for attachments or arches, depending on the attachment method. The design should be put on with little effort, but at the same time firmly held. The soft, mobile mucosa of the lower jaw complicates the fitting of the prosthesis.

No matter how correctly the structure is made, it interferes with the patient, especially during the adaptation period. Addiction can last up to 1.5 months. At this time, regular visits to the doctor are necessary. The first time - the next day after installation of the structure, then - once every three days. The top photo shows the result of the prosthetist’s work.

Caring for dentures

Timely cleaning of the prosthesis ensures the safety of its use. If proper care is not provided, bacteria multiply in the oral cavity, which can cause stomatitis or caries of supporting teeth.

To avoid negative consequences, you should adhere to the following rules for caring for dentures:

  • every time after eating, the false dental structure must be removed and cleaned with a toothbrush, and the mouth must be rinsed with an antiseptic;
  • At night, acrylic dentures are removed and placed in a disinfectant solution;
  • When plaque appears on the prosthesis, it must be cleaned off with a special powder.

In addition to self-care of dental structures, it is necessary to visit a prosthetist at least twice a year. He will examine the oral cavity and, if necessary, adjust the prosthesis. Compliance with hygiene rules will save the patient from many problems and extend the life of artificial teeth.

Hello, dear site visitors. Today we will discuss an issue that is of interest to many. These are removable dentures. Over the long history of this invention, people have created many variants. They were not always made from reliable, and most importantly, safe materials.

Important nuances of the question

No matter how sad it may be, he is “getting younger.” If previously grandparents applied for such services, now among the patients applying for this matter there are many middle-aged people. There are many reasons - poor ecology in certain regions, heredity, dietary habits, and the increase in diseases that affect the condition of teeth.

Many people who have to order such products do not even know how to wear removable dentures. Moreover, ordinary people do not know how they differ, what pros and cons their different types have. It is for these people that this article was written. I decided to collect information about what types of prostheses there are, why they are convenient, and in what cases they are used. And, of course, purely everyday moments associated with care.

For some people, the thought of a prosthesis scares them. Someone remembers grandma’s terrible dentures floating in a cup (I remember this myself). The pictures are repulsive, to be honest. But is everything as bad as it might seem?

According to modern experts, the devil is not so terrible. Although any, even the most expensive prosthetics, have disadvantages in comparison with implantation.

Video - Removable dental prosthetics

Types of removable dentures

There are various criteria by which prostheses are divided. For example – fully removable and partially removable. The first option is made of either nylon or acrylic. The second option is considered to be of higher quality. If the denture inside the jaw is attached to implants, this type is called conditionally removable dentures. In order for them to adhere well to the jaw, small metal implants are inserted into the bone. If the patient has at least one natural tooth, he may be recommended this option for correcting the dentition.

The next type of division is based on the material of manufacture. There are three main types - (with metal fastening), nylon and plastic.

Plastic dentures

Acrylic plastic is used for their manufacture. What are they good for? Firstly, because they do not require any special care or use of special means. Partially removable plastic models on implants are ideal for those people who have no teeth left at all. Unlike ordinary ones, which are fixed in the mouth solely due to vacuum, they are securely fixed. To fix the prosthesis on the implants, a beam or push-button lock is used.

Sometimes an intracanal implant can be used to install such a structure. To do this, it is necessary that a person has either single-rooted teeth or roots into which it is possible to mount an implant pin.

Acrylic is a material that can be very well matched by color. As a result, people around you do not notice that the teeth in your mouth are not your natural ones.

Acrylic dentures

You can talk as much as you like about how plastic is not durable and that it will break. Let me remind you that any prosthesis will have to be replaced over time. Even if you pay a million dollars for it, eventually you will still need to make a new one. Over the years, the jaw bone becomes thinner and this process is irreversible. What can be done? The maximum is to increase the required volume. But it takes time and a lot of money.

Clasp removable dentures

Without exaggeration, this type of prosthetics can be called one of the most progressive. If a person cannot have a bridge installed, orthopedic dentistry recommends this option to restore chewing function and aesthetics.

The base for such a prosthesis is metal, or rather surgical steel, which does not oxidize and does not cause allergies. The base is small, takes up minimal space, and does not cause any discomfort or foreign body in the mouth. Thanks to this feature, the prosthesis can be left on at night. Installation requires the presence of one or more teeth suitable for anchorage.

Installation of removable dentures of this type is performed in three different ways:

  • attachments (mini-locks). A mini-lock is the most aesthetically pleasing. When people laugh, those around them do not see the prosthesis.
  • clasps that are part of the metal structure itself (minus – visibility). These are small metal hooks that cling to the supporting teeth;
  • locks.

Please note that this type of prosthetics has contraindications:

  • the patient is allergic to metal or other material contained in the product;
  • with a shallow depth of the floor of the oral cavity;
  • with deep bite;
  • too low supporting teeth/their complete absence;
  • diseases leading to a decrease in bone volume;
  • with a short frenulum of the tongue;
  • any diseases in the oral cavity, if they occur in an acute form.

The service life of such a prosthesis is approximately ten years. Once a year the patient needs to come for correction. Of course, this method of dental restoration will not replace implantation, but it is a good alternative, at least temporary.

Nylon Removable Dentures

Nylon is a very controversial material. On the one hand, the material is comfortable and hypoallergenic, and does not cause any difficulties in terms of installation. On the other hand, for some patients, such dentures rub their gums

In general, there is not much difference between acrylic and nylon dentures. Unless the nylon one can be left in your mouth at night. But there is one important nuance.

If you are getting nylon removable dentures, for example, on your upper teeth, consider the fact that their (dentures) softness can negatively affect the condition of bone tissue and even lead to its atrophy.


Sometimes you need to make a prosthesis that is installed on only one tooth. It can be easily attached with metal locks to adjacent natural teeth. The installation of bridges, which are placed when several teeth are present, is carried out in the same way.

Many dental patients are looking for models without a palate. This is due to the fact that some people experience discomfort from the sensation of a foreign body or even a gag reflex when there is a fixation plate on the palate.

Advantages of partial dentures:

  • perfectly restore aesthetics;
  • help restore chewing function;
  • have a relatively low cost.

Disadvantages of partial dentures.

  1. Impact on diction. The owner will have to learn to talk to a foreign body in the mouth. This will take time.
  2. Your taste perception will change.
  3. Some owners complain of noticeable discomfort. Its degree depends on the material and quality of the prosthesis.

Surely many have heard about partial silicone removable dentures. What is it? For their manufacture, nylon, plastics and, in fact, silicone, from which the outer part is made, are used. The teeth themselves are usually made of plastic. Therefore, this type of prosthetics is inexpensive.

The advantages of this type include:

  • high resistance to enzymes and dyes that can change the color of surfaces. Silicone does not change its color for years;
  • great aesthetics. A bridge made on a silicone basis is indistinguishable from natural teeth. Even its clasps are made of materials that have a natural color. Typically nylon is used for this;
  • high strength and durability of the structure even with long-term use;
  • There is no difficulty in adjusting to the anatomical features of the palate and gums. The result is rapid adaptation of the patient;
  • Excellent design that fits securely and does not fall out. Does not require grinding of teeth;
  • does not cause allergic reactions. Suitable for those who suffer from allergies to acrylic;
  • always natural distribution of chewing loads over the jaw area.

There are also disadvantages:

  • with significant chewing loads, the patient experiences discomfort;
  • higher price. More expensive than acrylic prosthesis;
  • Insufficient hygiene leads to the appearance of unpleasant odors, which can only be eliminated by using specialized care products. For complete cleaning, you need to contact a specialist;
  • very poorly polished surface. Bacterial plaque accumulates on a rough basis, leading to the appearance of inflammatory processes;
  • Among the owners of such a prosthesis, many complain of gum injuries while chewing food;
  • the need for regular correction;
  • receding gums, destruction of the jaw bone. When the prosthesis subsides, the clasps damage the mucous membrane;
  • there is a possibility of damage when eating solid foods.

Video - Partial removable denture - its manufacture and installation


Such dentures are used in cases of complete absence of teeth. Not every person is ready to live with an “empty mouth.” This is inconvenient, causes discomfort, and creates a lot of problems with eating most products. Not to mention the mass of complexes that develop over time.

So, about the advantages:

  • restoration of dentition;
  • improved aesthetics;
  • simple adjustment to the customer's jaw. It is much more convenient to make a full-surface denture than a partial one.

However, this does not mean that everything is so rosy. In any case, correction will be needed. Over time, the gums sag and the bone tissue becomes thinner. You have to adjust the level. When installed on the upper jaw, they are attached due to a tight fit to the palate. Some people may not like this option. The issue is resolved by installing implants into the jaw bone tissue.

If it is necessary to install a similar prosthesis on the lower jaw, the procedure is carried out according to the same principles.

This type of prosthesis is recommended for those patients who have lost their main chewing teeth, are allergic to metal-containing prostheses, or have any contraindications for the installation of implants. Often used as a replacement for temporary dentures.

Conventionally, removable dentures are those that cannot be removed on your own. Only a dental specialist can do this.

How convenient is this design? In any case, while you are eating or communicating with others, your jaw will not fall out. This is already a big plus. After all, we all remember what happened in the old days, when false teeth could fall out, for example, into a bowl of soup. And the visibility of such new-style products is far from being the same as before. It's not difficult to get used to them.

They are fastened either with screws or special cement. That is why it is simply impossible to remove them without outside help. The crown can be made of metal-plastic or metal-ceramics.

Conditionally removable dentures

Options for conditionally removable prosthetics:

  • gluing to abutment teeth/in special grooves of abutment teeth using cementing material;
  • installation on four implants installed in the front of the jaw.

There are also disadvantages. After all, this solution is temporary. The fasteners last a little over a year, after which a new design has to be made.

Manufacturing of removable dentures

It all starts with a visit to the orthodontist. The patient comes for examination so that the doctor examines the specific case, makes an impression, and selects a suitable design. Next, based on the shape of the existing cast, a blank is made. After fitting, it is adjusted more precisely so that the finished product ideally fits the anatomical features of the customer.

After this, using the parameters of the workpiece, the prosthesis itself is made in a dental laboratory using the type of material chosen by the client.

After production, the prosthesis is tried on. The patient picks it up and wears it for 24 hours. After this, if there is a need for correction, he comes to the doctor.

While the basic structure is manufactured locally, the teeth are often ordered from other countries. They are produced in Germany, Japan and other countries. It is worth noting that quality really depends on this. If we compare them with cheaper analogues, the service life of “imported” ones is longer.

No matter how accurate the prosthesis is, it will need to be adjusted later. The jaw changes, the bone becomes thinner. To prevent plastic or metal from pressing on the mucous membrane, causing irritation and inflammatory processes, you need to adjust the exact position. In some cases, structural repairs may be required. It is performed in the same dental laboratory where the product was manufactured (if, of course, this is technically possible).

How to care for removable dentures

One of the key issues is related to the characteristics of care. Many people simply do not know how to properly store removable dentures so that they last a long time and retain their properties. Of course, any teeth get dirty, even if they are artificial. So how to clean removable dentures? In this regard, caring for them is no different from caring for regular teeth. That is, you need to use toothpaste and a brush.

In particular, to remove pigmentation from food, you can use pastes with a whitening effect. Considering that this is an artificial material, you do not have to worry about damaging the enamel with abrasive particles or aggressive chemical components.

Do I need to clean my dentures every time after eating? You don't have to do this so regularly. Simply rinse it under running water to remove any remaining food. Clean the product twice a day - morning and evening

Removable dentures - which are better?

No matter how much time passes, people continue to argue which is better. In dental prosthetics, such a “cold war” has also been going on for a long time. People argue because they don’t understand, manufacturers because they want to sell their products, and specialists because everyone has their own arguments for a certain material and method.

Types of dentures

  1. If you have your own teeth on your jaw (five or more), then it is recommended to install a clasp denture.
  2. In case of complete absence of teeth, options are possible. Firstly, you can install implants on which any modern prosthetics are attached. Secondly, you will be offered simpler ones - acrylic and nylon prostheses.

The selection depends not only on the client’s financial capabilities, but also on his anatomical features, health status (presence of contraindications).


So, my dear readers, we have come to the key question. All of you are concerned about the cost of modern removable dentures. I decided to approach the issue thoroughly, having studied the offers of different clinics in the CIS countries.

The St. Petersburg clinic was the first to come across:

  1. Clasp (arc) - on average 65 thousand rubles. This (at the time of writing) was approximately $970. The amount is considerable for most ordinary people. It is written that the teeth themselves were made in Germany.
  2. High quality nylon. Also German teeth and nylon from the USA. Price – approximately 60 thousand rubles. This is about 900 USD.
  3. For plastic teeth (plastic - Germany, teeth - Japan) they ask from 25 thousand rubles - 372 USD.
  • on clasps - at least 45 thousand rubles (670 USD);
  • on locks - from 35 to 80 thousand rubles. (521-1192 USD);
  • on telescopic crowns – 100-200 thousand rubles (1490-2980 USD);
  • on implants – 90-200 thousand rubles (approximately from 1340 to 3000 dollars).

Dental prosthetics

As you can see, the price of removable dentures greatly depends on the material, complexity and other factors.

They also offer Quattro Ti nylon prostheses. They mix nylon and hypoallergenic plastics. The result is increased strength, no allergies, complete absence of metal. Over time, such a prosthesis does not deform. It costs from 45 thousand rubles and above ($670-1000).

In Ukraine, prices are relatively affordable:

  • for a partial plate prosthesis they require from 2130 hryvnia (85 USD);
  • full plate prosthesis – from 3000 hryvnia (120 USD);
  • clasp dentures with clasps – 5200 hryvnia (207 USD).

Let's move on to Minsk prices:

  • nylon, quadrotti, etc. from 10,600,000 (540 USD);
  • a clasp prosthesis without attachments will cost 7,7400,000 (almost 4 thousand dollars).

Did you feel the difference? A little more and Kyiv clinics will become the object of mass “dental tourism”.

What do people write?

I was also interested in the reviews of people who used such services. Because even I am thinking about taking advantage of such offers in the future. All of us are not eternal, and our teeth are even more so. Fillings fall out sooner or later; implantation is not always possible. Therefore, it is worth considering this possibility.

Of course, 80-year-old grandmothers do not subscribe to review sites (although there are exceptions). But there are many people aged 45-60 who spend time on the Internet. Many of them were clients of dental clinics, where different types of prostheses are installed.

In the capitals, people are very interested in clasp prosthetics. Muscovites, St. Petersburg and Kiev residents install such prostheses quite often. There are complaints not so much about the products themselves, but about the level of production. In some unimaginable way, craftsmen manage to make an inaccurate prosthesis based on a cast or even a computer model.

People praise implant-supported dentures. They are more reliable and you don’t have to constantly run around for corrections. But for medical reasons, this option is unfortunately not suitable for everyone.

When choosing the type of prosthetics, the doctor takes into account a huge number of factors related to the patient’s condition, his age, etc. If this is not done and various risks are not predicted, you can get a lot of complications. That’s why it’s so important to turn exclusively to experienced specialists. Fortunately, there are now quite a few good clinics in the CIS and beyond, where they can produce high-quality prostheses.

Video - Making dentures in the laboratory

In dentistry, prosthetics is perhaps the most popular service. Lost and damaged teeth are not only an aesthetic problem, but also a physiological problem that affects overall health. Therefore, restoration of teeth, their structure, shape, or replacement if it is impossible to restore is very important.

Today, dentures are the only alternative to one’s own teeth; it is not surprising that much attention is paid to the development of new technologies and techniques in the field of prosthetics. But the many options for prosthetics make you wonder which one to choose.

There are two types of dentures: removable and fixed. Each of these types has its own varieties, which differ in their functionality, aesthetic appearance, material of manufacture, installation method and, of course, price. Accordingly, each of them has both its own advantages and disadvantages.

Removable ones differ in that they can be removed and installed whenever it is convenient for you. Fixed ones are attached in such a way that they can only be removed with the help of a specialist.

Removable devices are generally universal. What they can do take it off yourself and put it on again, when its owner needs it, is a definite plus. But at the same time, they do not fit tightly in the oral cavity, and if you wear them for a long time, the palate becomes deformed, and the fit becomes even looser.

Fixed structures tightly and reliably fixed in the oral cavity, but they are difficult to install, and if your teeth are not enough, such dentures are not suitable. Of course, the patient himself chooses the type of device for prosthetics, after becoming familiar with all the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of each type.

But anyway Dentist consultation required who will be able to determine which prosthesis can be installed in a particular situation, which one will be optimal, and whether there are any contraindications or any factors that interfere with prosthetics.

Removable dentures

When it comes to removable devices, they can be divided into the following types:

Partially removable dentures

Partially removable products are used if the patient cannot have a fixed prosthesis installed. To do this, you need to have several of your own teeth in the mouth, which will act as a support for the prosthesis.

Such dentures replace several (two or more) missing teeth on either side of the jaw - both upper and lower. They are sometimes used as a temporary cosmetic for certain dental procedures. Temporary dentures are called immedia prostheses. Most partially removable structures have no age restrictions.

Partially removable devices on a plate base

These dentures take one to four weeks to be made by an orthodontist and a technician, and the patient must visit the dental clinic frequently. Lamellar devices are used to replace a row of 2 or more teeth.

If one or more teeth need to be replaced, it is optimal to use soft removable structures on a nylon basis. If you need to replace from one to a whole row of teeth, then you should pay attention to one of the latest developments in orthopedics - clasp dentures.

The advantages of these prostheses:

  • Economical.
  • Reliable and durable.
  • Safe.
  • Aesthetic.

But many patients complain of discomfort and even pain from wearing such a device, as well as frequent disturbances in diction and taste. Prostheses are considered the most uncomfortable made of hard plastics, but at the same time they are cheaper than more convenient products made from soft plastics.

Nevertheless, plate products are available to most patients, they are unpretentious in care, quickly manufactured and installed, in addition, they have an undoubted advantage - they allow you to evenly distribute the load over the entire jaw.

The main disadvantage of such structures is that they can cause atrophy of soft bone tissue. However, experts are gradually switching from a plate base to a metal one, which no longer causes such deformations.

Nylon-based dentures

Flexible nylon-based prostheses have existed for several years, but are already well known to clinic patients. It is recommended to use them only as temporary, limiting wear to a few weeks.

They are made from thermoplastics that do not cause allergic reactions, hygienic, elastic and are distinguished by enviable durability - the nylon prosthesis does not break if, for example, it is dropped on the floor.

For such constructions, it is not necessary to pre-treat the teeth - it is enough to take an impression. Their prices are quite reasonable - a complete removable nylon denture costs about 25 thousand rubles.

However, dentures made of thermoplastics are not ideal: they absorb water, losing their original properties, accumulate foreign odors, including unpleasant ones, and are not able to distribute the load over the entire oral cavity.

Because of this, over time the design stops holding on as needed. And although nylon products can be used for up to 10–15 years with a healthy oral cavity, experts do not recommend making complete dentures from them and wearing them for a long time.

Clasp dentures

These prostheses are high-tech. They appeared not so long ago, but quickly became popular, even among picky patients. The development of this design made it possible to realize all the advantages of conventional prostheses, while their disadvantages were minimized.

These compact devices are based on the basis - arc plate structure made of metal, on which artificial teeth are attached. They cover only those places in the oral cavity where there are no teeth, without touching the healthy part of the mouth. In general, such a prosthesis looks very aesthetically pleasing, and its cost is not too high and is quite comparable to the price of dental implantation.

The disadvantage of this product is that the design is attached to clasps - special hooks - on healthy teeth and, as a result, on them enamel may be damaged. And, of course, like any foreign body, at first clasp dentures can cause discomfort, including a gag reflex, increased salivation and loss of taste.

In some cases diction may change, the patient may feel uncomfortable eating – biting and chewing food. But over time, addiction occurs, the unpleasant sensations disappear.

Such dentures are indicated if the destruction of the dentition has just begun in the oral cavity and a small number of teeth are missing, plus there are healthy ones on which the denture will be attached. They do not need to be removed at night and are easy to care for. By the way, clasp dentures can also be non-removable.

Acrylic dentures

Acrylic-based dental structures are also quite in demand, especially if the patient has no natural teeth left or has contraindications to implantation. Otherwise, such dentures are not inferior to other types, and from an aesthetic point of view they are almost flawless, as they imitate the natural appearance of the jaw system.

They can be installed on any jaw or even both at once, so acrylic dental products very popular in older people who have lost all or almost all of their teeth, however, they have no contraindications for installation at any age.

Such prostheses are made both partially and completely removable. They light, quite comfortable, easy to care for, distributes the load over the entire jaw. Thanks to the manufacturing technology, acrylic dentures are not only reliable, but also quite affordable, and they are also produced very quickly, literally in one visit to the dentist.

The average cost of a full acrylic denture is from 8 to 20 thousand rubles. However, these seemingly ideal dentures have their drawbacks:

  1. Physical impact causes atrophy of soft tissues in the oral cavity.
  2. They wear away the tooth enamel of healthy teeth with the fastener.
  3. There are allergic reactions to them.
  4. They provoke the development of negative microflora, as a result of which bad breath appears.

Fixed dental structures

A fixed denture, as the name implies, cannot be removed when the patient wants it. But these prostheses are different. reliability and long service life and have excellent aesthetic characteristics.

  • microprostheses (or partial);
  • crowns (single and cantilever);
  • bridges;
  • implants.

They all differ in design, materials of manufacture, method of installation and preparation for it, as well as price. The choice of the type of fixed prosthetics depends on the condition of the patient’s jaw system.

Microprostheses are indicated for partial damage or destruction of a tooth. They are aesthetically pleasing imitate a natural tooth, can mask significant dental defects, which is especially important when the visible side is damaged, while they are much stronger than any filling.

Dental crowns are placed on implants. And also on partially damaged teeth and even on the roots of the tooth. Dental bridges are recommended when one or all teeth are missing.


Microprostheses include: inlays, veneers and lumineers. Inlays are used as an alternative to fillings, veneers and lumineers are used to correct the appearance of teeth. They are made of porcelain or ceramics, fixed on the visible outside side, without touching the back side.

Despite its external fragility and microscopic thickness, it very durable products, reliably protecting the tooth for up to 10 years without losing the aesthetic component. Inlays also last much longer than conventional fillings, but it is not advisable to install them in case of serious dental diseases.

Veneers and lumineers also cannot be used in some cases, for example, with extensive caries. It is worth noting that of most ways to preserve the appearance of teeth or disguise their deformation, veneers and lumineers are the fastest and most inexpensive.

Crowns for teeth

A dental crown also perfectly hides tooth defects while restoring its physiological functions. Crowns are often used to prepare abutment teeth for the installation of a bridge. Crowns are indicated in the case of: loss of a natural tooth, severe tooth defects and fluorosis.

In many cases, crowns are an indispensable means of straightening a tooth and giving it the correct appearance; they durable and reliable products, and at a price accessible to the absolute majority.

However, they are not recommended for allergic reactions to the crown material, periodontal disease and weak tooth roots, as well as if the upper part of the tooth does not allow the crown to be installed reliably due to compromised integrity. In addition, crowns are not installed on children while their bodies are still developing.

Various materials are used to make dental crowns:

  • Ceramics.
  • Metal.
  • Precious alloys.

From an aesthetic point of view, it is advisable to install crowns on the front teeth made of ceramics or metal ceramics. In addition, this material is less likely to be rejected by tooth tissue.


A bridge, as a bridge-like prosthesis is often called, is a reliable and durable type of prosthesis, indicated for the loss of one or more teeth.

The bridge is affordable, and there are different ways to attach such a prosthesis, so it quite popular among patients.

Bridges are secured in the following ways:

  • on your own teeth
  • on implanted implants,
  • with special glue.

In addition to reliability, the bridge-like structure is almost resistant to color change from the influence of various dyes such as tea or coffee; with its help, you can eat any food, even the hardest, and getting used to the bridge occurs very quickly.

If we compare a bridge, for example, with implanted teeth, then it is, of course, inferior in some technical characteristics, but at the same time its teeth are practically no different from real ones, and the cost is much more pleasant.

If the patient has problems with teeth, a bridge can be installed on pre-implanted implants, which will be used as supports for the bridge, but this is a long and complex procedure and also not very cheap. Other disadvantages of such prostheses can be eliminated the need for preliminary turning dental system.

Features of implantation

Installation of implants is the most advanced technology for dental restoration; implanted teeth are absolutely identical to natural teeth in all characteristics. The price of such prostheses is noticeably higher than that of others, but this is justified by the effectiveness and aesthetics of the result.

The procedure itself is quite complex, not accessible to everyone– and not only in terms of cost, but also in terms of the condition of the dental system. The decision about whether implantation is possible is made by a specialist after a complete examination of the patient’s jaws.

However, if this type of prosthetics is indicated, the patient will appreciate the advantages of this method:

  1. Implants do not cause discomfort.
  2. They can replace one or all teeth in a row.
  3. These are the most durable dentures of all.
  4. They can be installed as supports for the installation of other dentures.

Implants are made from various materials, but the most Titanium is considered durable and comfortable. A prosthesis of any design has its own service life. After this period has expired, it is necessary to replace the prosthesis.

And you can also restore it using relocation - that is surfacing a layer of plastic where the soft tissues of the palate are deformed the most from wearing a prosthesis, in order to avoid further deformation, loose fitting of the prosthesis and unpleasant sensations. Relining cannot be done only for dentures made of nylon.