What products go together in a salad? The right combination of foods for a healthy diet

The idea of ​​compatibility of products and its effect on the body arose in ancient times. By studying the reactions of the digestive system, people came to the conclusion that not every food is useful in combination with certain foods. Today, separate meals have a lot of fans. And a diet based on its principles is recognized as one of the most effective, safe, and also easily tolerated psychologically.

Food combination - what and how do we eat?

If you watch a person eating lunch, you will notice how many different foods he eats at one meal. Even if its portion is small, it is unlikely to be just one product. We start lunch with soup, in which we combine meat, potatoes, peas and other vegetables. The second course will be a meat dish with a side dish of vegetables or cereals, a salad with a rich dressing or vegetable oils. For dessert you will need a cake or other culinary product. And someone will add an orange - it’s not for nothing that they say that fruits are healthy.

What work will the gastrointestinal tract have to do to process each of these products! Not a single dish from such a dinner will be completely digested. Nutrients will not be fully absorbed, and the mixture of protein, carbohydrate and fatty foods will begin to deteriorate and release poisons. Heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, bloating, general lethargy - these are just a small part of the consequences of improper compatibility of products.

In order to get the maximum benefit from food, a separate nutrition system has been developed. It involves combining all products into several groups, which are combined or not combined with each other to varying degrees. This does not mean that you have to limit yourself in food. This scheme is also called proper nutrition. The combination of products is clearly shown in the tables, using which you can prepare delicious and healthy dishes for yourself.

How is food digested in the human body?

The speed of digestion of different foods varies. So, a fruit eaten on an empty stomach will be in the intestines after 15-20 minutes. Other foods take much longer to process in the stomach, so if you eat an orange after your main meal, it will get stuck on top of the whole mass and begin to decompose.

Not only gastric juice is involved in the digestion process. Microorganisms in the stomach and intestines, the pancreas, intestinal juices, bile and even saliva play an important role. Failure at any stage will disrupt the entire process.

Certain foods require their own digestion conditions. The body secretes special enzymes to process different nutrients. Sometimes food requires opposite reactions in the body. For example, proteins are digested in acid, while starchy foods are digested in alkaline conditions. As is known, these substances neutralize each other. As a result, the stomach will spend much more energy trying to digest foods to the exclusion of each other. Increased stomach activity is a common cause of lethargy after meals and throughout the day. After all, our body spends most of the calories obtained from food on digesting food.

But even after spending so much energy, the stomach is unable to process food that requires a different environment. The undigested mass will enter the intestines, where the hard work of assimilation will continue.

That's how much trouble you're creating for yourself by ignoring the food combination table, say proponents of food separation. Opponents appeal to intestinal digestion, during which all substances are broken down, regardless of their combinations. However, it is worth remembering that incorrectly selected foods overload the digestive organs and significantly reduce the amount of nutrients absorbed.

Separate food - product compatibility: history

Already in ancient times, people were familiar with the basics of proper nutrition. Dr. Celsus from Ancient Rome urged his patients to watch how they combined fatty, salty, stewed and sweet foods. In the 10th century AD. The Persian doctor, known in the West as Avicenna, in his “Canon of Medical Science” raises the question of the dangers of consuming different foods at the same time. Academician Pavlov studied enzymes that are involved in digestion and came to the conclusion that the chemical composition of gastric juice changes depending on the food entering the body. Nowadays, the separate nutrition system is one of the most popular among fans of a healthy lifestyle.

Shelton's theory

All medical experience about the division of food was brought together and rethought by an American naturopathic nutritionist. It is his extensive work that is the basis for all modern separate power supply systems.

The doctor recommended adding therapeutic fasting to the system of simple and separate nutrition. This aspect of his theory attracted a lot of negative criticism from his colleagues. Thanks to his theory, Shelton was able to cure such complex diseases as diabetes, asthma, and neurosis in his patients. But there were so many cases of unsuccessful treatment that the doctor even went to prison for them.

It was Shelton who compiled the product compatibility table in the form in which we know it. The doctor recommended taking no more than 3 ingredients for one meal. He called using just one product at a time the ideal option.

Hay's theory

Howard Hay gravitated towards naturopathy, like Shelton. He based himself on the methods of the American physician, but in the end he created his own theory.

Hay divided all food into 3 classes: foods rich in proteins, carbohydrates and neutral. He called vegetables and fruits the basis of the diet. The naturopath recommended eliminating some foods altogether. Like Shelton, Hay had an extremely negative attitude towards refined foods like sausages.

The doctor believed that a person eats too much food, which “acidifies” the body. As a result of this “overacidification,” we suffer from a variety of ailments, from headaches and acne to stomach diseases. Therefore, Hay recommends eating more foods that cause an alkaline reaction in the body: fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits, whole milk. The share of such products should be 4 times higher than the share of “acidic” food, which consists of meat, fish products, eggs, citrus fruits, coffee, alcohol, and sweets.

Food compatibility - groups

Sweet fruits

Consume all fruits and juices from them separately or before meals so that they have time to be absorbed and do not begin to rot on top of the food. The fruits are compatible within their group and with sour fruits. Feel free to add fermented milk foods to them. Also combine dried fruits with cereal porridges.

Semi-sweet (semi-sour fruits)

This includes berries (cherries, plums, blueberries, raspberries, watermelon, etc.), apples, pears, peaches, apricots, mangoes, etc. They can be combined with any fruit group, as well as sour milk products. They are well absorbed with protein-fatty foods (legumes, dairy products). Eat melon, blueberries, peaches, and grapes only separately.

Sour fruits

This includes citrus fruits, pineapples, pomegranates, and some berries (blackberries, cranberries, currants). The class is compatible with semi-sweet fruits, herbs, sour milk products, and fatty dairy products. It is better not to mix animal proteins, starches, and vegetables with it.

Compatible vegetables

The class includes most vegetables (carrots, bell peppers, cabbage, onions, garlic, beets, etc.), which are combined both with each other and with all other categories - hence the name. The only deviation is milk, with which not only vegetables, but also any other food are poorly combined.

Less compatible vegetables

Pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant, cauliflower, etc. are digested with starches and vegetables. Mixing with vegetable fats is permissible, but combining with animal protein, whole milk and fruit groups is contraindicated.

Starch-rich foods

Cereals, cereals, potatoes. This also includes baked goods and pasta. Good in combination with any vegetables, herbs and fats. Within the group, the components combine poorly; such combinations are dangerous if you have weight problems. Mixing them with animal protein, milk, fruits, and sugar will cause harm.

Protein-Rich Foods

This includes animal (meat, fish and dairy products) and plant proteins (legumes, seeds, nuts). The best combination is with vegetables. Plant proteins are digested with any fats, but animal proteins are digested only with fats of animal origin. A negative effect will be caused by an association with starches, fruits, and sugars. Always drink milk separately.


The group includes all green herbs that are used for cooking. Greens combine with all food groups. Eating a bunch of greens every day will speed up the absorption of nutrients from other foods.


This includes all oils, animal fat, lard, and full-fat dairy products. Fats are combined with herbs, vegetables, and starches. Do not eat fats with sugars, and also avoid combinations of fats of different origins.


Sugar, fructose, jams, honey, syrups. Eat sweets separately from other foods and especially avoid eating sugar after your main meal.

Separate food - product compatibility table

The main data of the methodology are listed in the table. Guided by it, you can create your own in a matter of seconds according to the principles of separate nutrition.

Proper nutrition - compatibility table of products for weight loss

By following the rules of food separation, you can bring your weight back to normal, regardless of whether you are overweight or underweight. Among diets, separate meals rightfully occupy one of the leading positions. This is not even a diet, but only a set of tips on choosing foods, which, by the way, can be consumed without exception.

Compatibility of weight loss products

The following combinations of products lead to completeness:

  • proteins and flour dishes;
  • a combination of different proteins in one meal;
  • a combination of several types of flour dishes;
  • protein foods and sugars;
  • fruits and flour;
  • milk and flour;
  • milk and protein.

90-day split diet

A real treasure for those who were unable to lose weight on other diets and exhausted their body with them. In the initial stages, you will need a little patience to get used to the new diet. Then the diet will continue easily, without effort. This system will teach your body to eat on time and with the right foods, so when you leave the diet you will be protected from food breakdowns.

The basis of the technique is a repeating cycle of 4 days: protein, starch, carbohydrate and vitamin. By alternating your diet in this sequence, you will achieve good results in losing weight and will not experience a shortage of certain foods. On a carbohydrate day, you are allowed to eat sweet foods, including cakes, pastries, and chocolate.

Food Compatibility Chart - Pros and Cons

Positive sides...

  1. Due to proper digestion, products do not linger at different stages of digestion, and rotting and fermentation do not occur. Intoxication of the body is reduced.
  2. The load on all organs that are involved in digestion is significantly reduced.
  3. General well-being improves, a person gets more energy from food.
  4. Separate nutrition allows you to always keep your weight normal.
  5. The body absorbs more nutrients from food.

Contents [Show]

An incorrect diet not only adds extra pounds, but also affects the quality and length of a person’s life. But as soon as you change your diet and choose the right combination of foods, your health will immediately improve: digestion will improve, extra pounds will go away, and your body will be filled with useful substances. For this, nutritionists have compiled special proper nutrition tables that help organize a varied and healthy diet, balanced in calories and rich in vitamins and minerals.

Principles of product combinations

Watching a person having lunch, you can notice how many different and incompatible foods he eats at one time. Even if the portion of food is small, there is always enough food in it: soup with potatoes and meat for the first course is usually supplemented with cutlets with a heavy side dish for the second, and the meal ends with a sweet dessert or fruit.

To process each of these foods, the gastrointestinal tract will have to do some hard work. After all, none of the listed dishes will be completely digested at one time, the nutrients will not be able to be fully absorbed, and the whole mess will begin to rot and release poisons into the body. The result is heartburn, heaviness in the stomach, lethargy, and the consequences are gastritis and peptic ulcers.

The basic principle of combining foods is that different foods are digested differently, because... requires reactions of food juices of a certain composition. Therefore, there is a special system of separate nutrition, which involves combining products into several groups, which are either combined or not combined with each other to varying degrees.

Separate nutrition does not mean that you will need to limit yourself to one food or another. Using food combination tables, you can create a varied and tasty menu that is suitable for the healthy, the sick, and those on a diet.

Shelton combination table

The food combination table was first developed by nutritionist Herbert Shelton. Moreover, the doctor recommended eating no more than three foods at a time (the ideal option is 1 product per meal).

Products Combinations
The best Worst
Green vegetables All starches and all proteins Dairy products, milk
Sour fruits Other sour fruits, nuts Proteins, bread, starches, all sweets (except nuts).
Semi-acidic or non-acidic foods Sour milk Proteins, starches, milk, sour fruits.
Meat (any kind) Green vegetables Sweets, starches, milk, sour vegetables and fruits, other proteins, oil (vegetable and butter), cream or sour cream.
Starches Green vegetables, vegetable or animal fats All fruits, sugars, all acids and all proteins.
Eggs Green vegetables Sweets, milk, sour foods, other proteins, starches, cream, vegetable or butter.
Nuts Fruits are sour, vegetables are green Acidic foods, cream, vegetable or butter, starches, other proteins, milk.
Cereals (cereals) Green vegetables All sweets and all proteins, sour fruits, milk.
Cheese Green vegetables Sour fruits, starches, vegetable and butter, sweets, cream, other proteins.
Vegetable fats, animal fats (rendered lard, cream, butter) Green vegetables Any proteins.
Melons of any kind Best consumed separately from any foods Any products.
Peas (except green peas), all legumes, salads Green vegetables Milk, all proteins and all sweets, vegetable oil, butter, cream, any fruit.

Shelton's system of proper nutrition can be defined by several basic rules:

  1. Proteins are proteins. You cannot eat two (or more) concentrated proteins at the same time. For example: nuts and meat, cheese and eggs, eggs and meat, etc. The first rule of proper nutrition is one protein at a time, and in order to get a sufficient variety of proteins, you should consume them in different meals.
  2. Fats are proteins. Proteins should not be eaten with fats, for example: vegetable oil and eggs, nuts and cream, butter and cheese, etc. Fats suppress the action of the gastric glands and inhibit the release of enzymes for protein digestion. The second rule is that the less complex the food combination, the more efficient digestion is.
  3. Protein-acid. You cannot combine sour fruits with proteins, for example: citrus fruits, pineapples, tomatoes are not eaten with eggs, nuts, meat, cheese. Sour fruits interfere with the secretion of gastric juice required for the absorption of protein foods. The same applies to sour drinks and marinades; you cannot consume them with proteins: orange, pineapple, grapefruit and other juices, vinegar, lemon juice and other marinades. Third rule: any dishes made from meat, eggs, cheese along with fruit are very harmful to health.
  4. Starch is sugar. Starches and sugars combine to cause fermentation. You cannot combine potatoes, bread, cereals with honey, syrups, jams, any fruits with baked goods, or eat sweet pastries. Fourth rule: sugar in combination with starch causes severe discomfort in the stomach and intestines.
  5. Starch – starch. It is very dangerous to eat several starches at one meal (for example, potatoes and bread), this inevitably leads to fermentation in the stomach. Fifth rule: no more than one starch per meal.
  6. Melon. Melon (and watermelon) quickly decompose in the stomach, and if consumed with other foods, they are sure to cause upset. As a separate dish, melon is perfectly digestible and quickly passes through the stomach. Sixth rule: Melon and watermelon are a separate dish.
  7. Milk. The fat contained in milk prevents the secretion of gastric juice for some time after eating. Since milk is absorbed in the duodenum, the stomach does not react to the presence of milk, which interferes with the absorption of other foods. Although acidic foods in combination with milk do not interfere with its absorption and do not cause distress. Seventh rule: milk should be consumed separately from all foods or not drunk at all.

Compliance with all these rules of healthy eating and the table below will help you create a diet so that digestion is not disturbed and meals are as healthy as possible.

Hay combination table

American doctor William Hay introduced his own method of combining products. According to it, all food is divided into 3 classes: foods rich in carbohydrates, foods rich in proteins and neutral. The basis of the diet should include fruits, vegetables, herbs, which cause an alkaline reaction in the body - the share of such products should be four times higher than the share of other foods (alcohol, sweets, fish and meat dishes, citrus fruits, eggs, coffee).

Below is a table of food combinations, better known as the “Hay diet”.

Products 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1 Meat, poultry, fish X - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2 Pulses - X * + + - * - - - + + - - - - *
3 Butter, cream - * X * - - + + * - + + * - * - -
4 Sour cream - + * X * - + + + * + + - + * * -
5 Vegetable oil - + - * X - + + * * + + - - - - *
6 Confectionery, sugar - - - - - X - - - - + - - - - - -
7 Bread, potatoes, cereals - * + + + - X - - - + + - - * - *
8 Sour fruits and vegetables - - + + + - - X + * + * - * + - +
9 Semi-acidic fruits - - * + * - - + X + + * * + * - +
10 Sweet fruits, dried fruits - - - * * - - * + X + * * + - - *
11 Non-starchy green vegetables + + + + + + + + + + X + - + + + +
12 Starchy vegetables * + + + + - + * * * + X * + + * +
13 Milk - - * - - - - - * * - * X - - - -
14 Cottage cheese, sour milk products - - - + - - - * + + + + - X + - +
15 Cheese and cheese - - * * - - * + * - + + - + X - *
16 Eggs - - - * - - - - - - + * - - - X -
17 Nuts - * - - + - * + + * + + - + * - X

The table allows you to create your own menu, based on information about the compatibility of certain product groups.

How the table works: each product group has its own number, where the row number corresponds to the column number, and their intersection determines the degree of compatibility of products:

  • “-“ - do not fit well;
  • “+” - fit well;
  • "*" is an acceptable combination.

For example, meat is best combined with vegetables, not potatoes. Let's check: at the intersection of column 1 (meat) with non-starchy (line 11) and starchy (line 12) vegetables there are “+” and “*”, and with potatoes (line 7) - minus.

A separate nutrition table will help not only improve and regulate the digestive process, but also bring your weight back to normal. It is not without reason that among various types of diets, separate nutrition occupies a leading position, although in essence it is not a diet, but only a set of tips and rules for choosing products to create the right diet.


Hello, dear readers of my blog! While studying information about proper nutrition, I repeatedly came across the concept of “Food compatibility chart for proper nutrition.” I decided to familiarize myself with the basics of separate nutrition, understand food groups and learn how to combine them.

The right combination of foods for a healthy diet

The main ideologist of the compatibility (incompatibility) of products is Herbert Shelton. He conducted research for several years and identified the enzymes involved in the digestion of food. This allowed him to think through and implement the concept of separate nutrition according to Shelton. Its basics are perfectly demonstrated by the product compatibility table.

Combination of foods for proper nutrition table

So, what is a table and how to use it? Seventeen cells horizontally, seventeen vertically. The most popular products are listed here. For convenience, they are numbered. Each number has a corresponding column.

A certain color at the intersection of a row and a column indicates the level of compatibility:

  • Yellow – combined at an acceptable level;
  • Green – combine well;
  • Red – they don’t combine well.

So that you finally understand the principle of working with a table, I will give an example. Bread and meat - can they be served on one dish and consumed in one meal? Bread - number 7. Meat - number 1. Let's see what color is at the intersection of row No. 7 and column No. 1 - red. Consequently, they do not combine well, which means a lot of time will be spent on digesting them.

For convenience, I recommend downloading the product compatibility table and placing it in a visible place. This way you won’t go wrong with the right selection of ingredients for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Look at the “color” of compatibility and adjust the menu.

Products from the table

I won't tell you about products such as eggs or vegetable oil. Everything is clear here. But let’s call them generalized groups, which consist of several products at once; I propose to talk separately.

Meat, fish, poultry- These are proteins of animal origin and a group of the most difficult to digest foods. It is better to cook them without fat. They go well with green and non-starchy vegetables. Worse with starchy foods, incompatible with bread, cereals, potatoes. Let me remind you that you cannot drink alcohol with animal proteins.

Sample menu:

  • Baked chicken with stewed carrot and cauliflower puree
  • Fish cutlets with salad of iceberg leaves, arugula, radish
  • Veal soup with celery, leeks, carrots

Pulses– this includes lentils, beans, beans, peas, soybeans. But this does not include green peas and green beans. Pulses are capricious and are well compatible with herbs and vegetables (starchy and non-starchy).

Sample menu:

  • Chickpea salad with steamed pumpkin, carrots, pumpkin seed oil dressing
  • Lentil cutlets with white cabbage salad, dill, olive oil dressing
  • Beans stewed with cauliflower, carrots, celery

Bread, cereals, potatoes– oats, wheat, rye, buckwheat, rice, millet. Of course, potatoes, bread. Pairs well with herbs and vegetables.

Sample menu:

  • Potatoes stewed with eggplants, bell peppers, carrots, onions
  • Toasts with aromatic green butter (for this you need to mix butter with a fat content of at least 80% with basil, chili pepper, parsley)
  • Green buckwheat with baked beet salad, garlic, sesame oil dressing

Sour fruits, tomatoes– these are grapefruits, tangerines, oranges, lemons, pineapple, cranberries, pomegranates, grapes, sour apples. Plus tomatoes, so beloved by many gourmets. They combine most successfully with vegetables, cheese, and nuts.

Sample menu:

  • Smoothie made from green apples, spinach, lemon juice
  • Baked apples with nuts and cinnamon
  • Caprese salad

Semi-acidic fruits– raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, wild strawberries, sweet apples, apricots, plums, peaches, cherries.

Sample menu:

  • Freshly squeezed grapefruit and orange juice
  • Fruit salad of apples, strawberries, blueberries
  • Ice cream made from frozen berries, flavored with cinnamon and a dash of honey.

Sweet fruits, dried fruits– bananas, persimmons, figs, dates, raisins.

Sample menu:

  • Banana, date, almond milk smoothie
  • Prunes stuffed with hazelnuts and honey
  • Dried fruits compote

Vegetables are green and non-starchy– parsley, celery, dill, beet tops, radishes, lettuce. This also includes white cabbage, onions, green onions, eggplants, cucumbers, garlic, bell peppers, and green peas.

Sample menu:

  • Salad of radishes, cucumbers, dill, white cabbage with sunflower oil dressing
  • Eggplant baked with tomatoes, cheese, garnished with basil
  • Soup from cabbage, celery, carrots, garlic, bell pepper

Starchy vegetables– carrots, beets, zucchini, horseradish, squash, pumpkin, cauliflower, celery root, parsley. This group of products also includes turnips, radishes, radishes, and rutabaga.

Sample menu:

  • Oven-baked carrots with pumpkin, seasoned with pumpkin seeds, olive oil
  • Zucchini spaghetti with pesto sauce
  • Cauliflower puree soup

I would also like to say something about melon. It doesn't go with anything. It must be eaten separately, as an independent dish.

Separate meals for weight loss

Compatibility of products for proper nutrition is also very important for losing weight. This is not a diet, it is a special approach that takes into account how one product combines with another. See how the real inhabitants of nature - animals - behave. They do not combine different foods. They don’t fry it or process it. Only a person carries out a lot of manipulations with food before it enters his stomach. This can cause bloating, heartburn or nausea. The problem is that the products are not digested. But they are not assimilated because they do not fit together. The simpler the food, the less processed it is, the fewer different components it contains, the easier it is for the body. When there are no such problems, the excess weight goes away by itself.

Therefore, all you have to do is be more vigilant about cooking and eat only compatible foods at one meal.


Olesya: By changing my diet and starting to cook using the compatibility table, I lost weight from 65 kg to 53 kg. Plus shaping twice a week. I hung a table in the kitchen and cook according to it. It’s difficult at first, but then I got used to it.

Elena: This is already the second week since I switched to separate meals. 5 kg are already gone. I decided to switch to this diet not to lose weight, but to have stomach problems. The heaviness went away, and after eating the lightness.

Alexandra: I didn’t suffer from excess weight, I ate separately. And after giving birth, everything changed. I didn’t have enough time to cook, I ate everything in a row, and gained 12 kilos. Only after 1.5 years I decided to pull myself together. With separate meals, I forgot not only the problems with the gastrointestinal tract, but also the extra pounds.

Arguments against the food compatibility table

There are people who believe that separate meals and cooking according to the food compatibility table are harmful. They make the following arguments:

Below in the comments see the opinion of a gastroenterologist

I really like to repeat that only the body itself will help you determine the right type of nutrition.

With this separate diet, my sister-in-law lost 9 kilograms. Well, and shaping 3 times a week. That's the whole secret. I hung this sign over the kitchen table and every time I needed to cook, I turned to it. And in order not to overeat, I bought a simple kitchen scale to weigh dishes.

He says it was difficult at first. It took me a week to get used to the new diet. The sign helped her be more disciplined. In 3 months I dropped from 64 kilos to 53. I changed my entire wardrobe to size 42. And she began to look much younger. Here's the story.

To help everyone who wants to lose weight. At the same time, do not torture yourself with a hunger strike, chewing one cucumber per day and washing it down with water. I recommend reading the book “Diet for Gourmets. Nutrition plan from Dr. Kovalkov." This is one of the well-known nutritionists in RuNet. I ordered one myself and am now sorting out the recipes. In fact, they are very simple and easy to prepare. And with our Russian products. I recommend.

By the way, here is a video of him:

Be sure to focus on your well-being. Well, if in doubt, then consult a competent doctor. Get tested and make sure everything goes smoothly and without health consequences.

I say see you soon, dear readers! And good plumbing to you. And subscribe to new articles. I will continue to study the topic of proper nutrition.

Sincerely, Olga Sologub


Hello readers of my blog.
Today I want to continue the topic of proper nutrition, started in this article.

I also already talked about components proper nutrition and the importance of their balance.

Here, I want to talk about another fact that needs to be taken into account when compiling our daily menu - the compatibility of products for proper nutrition.

Eating compatible foods will help our body fully absorb the nutrients of a particular product.

How does this happen?

All food products have a different chemical composition, which of course affects their “digestibility” in our body:
this is the time that needs to be spent on digesting a certain group of foods;
these are certain enzymes that process this food.

Let me explain this in a little more detail.

There are foods that are quickly digested, and there are foods that are slowly digested.
If we use them together, then food, which should quickly leave our body, will linger longer, the digestion process is disrupted - the food is not digested, but simply - rots or ferments!

For example, an apple eaten at work (as a snack) leaves the stomach within half an hour. If we “snack” an apple after potatoes and meat (it takes more than 4 hours to digest), then it remains with these “slow” products and after 30 minutes it is already completely fermented.

In addition, a particular product in the stomach requires a different environment. So meat needs an acidic environment, and potatoes are “processed” into an alkaline environment.

The large intestine is also involved in all this. In it, food is no longer “processed” by our enzymes, but by our microorganisms - bacteria.

Let's roughly divide them into good and bad.

Good They increase our immunity, help us “absorb” vitamins, process fiber, fight bad bacteria, etc.

Bad– these are all sorts of pathogenic microorganisms that are always present in our body. But some even help - they fight our “wrong” food, help quickly process it and remove it from the body.

So - raw plant food is processed by our well-wishers - beneficial bacteria, and the more and longer we consume such food, the more of them and the stronger our immunity becomes. And when we mix food - meat with salad, then a war begins in the intestines (and the consequences are gases) of who will win.

Therefore, it is very important for us to know how to properly combine foods with proper nutrition so that digestion time, enzymes, etc. more or less coincided, and there will be no imbalance in the process of their processing, because this is the basis healthy lifestyle.

Of course, we don’t know what we process with what, and what is combined with what.

But there was a doctor, Herbert Shelton, who offered us his table of food compatibility for proper nutrition.

There are controversial points in this table that modern scientists criticize (we know how they feel about everything that contradicts their dogmas).
Of course, we cannot determine the correctness of all combinations of products, so whether to believe or not is up to you.

And further. You can always check with your body, and it will always tell you whether you have chosen the right combination or not.

Compatibility of products for proper nutrition, Shelton table

Some explanations to the table - compatibility of products for proper nutrition

This table contains (vertically and horizontally) the products that we often use in our diet.
The skin product is assigned a number in the “product name” column, which is duplicated in the line with numbers.

For example, line number 9 is “semi-sour fruits” and column number 9 is also “semi-sour fruits”. Their intersection is highlighted in white.

How to Use a Food Combination Chart

The highlighted color means:
Green cell– compatible products.
Yellow– can be combined.
Red– incompatible products.

For example, let’s look at how butter and bread combine.
Butter - No. 3, bread - No. 7. We look at the intersection of No. 3 with No. 7 - we see green, ideal. That is, these are compatible products.

Explanation of some products from the table

No. 8. Tomatoes and sour fruits
These are tomatoes and fruits that have acid - currants, strawberries, pineapples, pomegranates, strawberries, limes, tangerines, grapefruits and oranges.

No. 9. Semi-acidic fruits
This includes - quince, grapes, gooseberries and raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, gooseberries, nectarines and peaches, pears and apples, plums and apricots

No. 10. Sweet fruits
These are figs, bananas, dried fruits, mangoes, persimmons, etc.

No. 11. Non-starchy vegetables
Brussels sprouts, white cabbage and cauliflower, broccoli, parsnips, celery, sorrel, cucumbers, eggplant, lettuce, peppers (sweet), rutabaga.
Sprouts: wheat, barley, alfalfa, etc.

No. 12. Starchy vegetables
Artichoke, beans, carrots, corn, peanuts* Jerusalem artichoke, peas, potatoes, pumpkin.
* Peanuts, lentils, legumes and all grains combine both protein and starch.

How to combine food at the table, 7 rules

1. One type of protein food at a time
Let it be fish, or chicken fillet - but only one thing.

2. Carbohydrates and proteins - do not eat together
Protein foods require an acidic environment for digestion.

3. You can’t eat sour and starchy foods together.
Acidic foods neutralize the alkaline environment, which is so necessary for the processing of starch. As a result, fermentation begins in the stomach, as patients say - “the stomach does not cook.”

4. Protein foods and sour fruits should not be eaten together.
Such fruits suppress the secretion of our stomach, which digests protein. And undigested protein is decomposed by bacteria, not enzymes. Which can lead to toxic poisoning.

5. Eat fats and proteins in different dishes.
Some foods, especially nuts, have more than 50% fat, which takes a long time for our body to process.

6. Watermelons, melons - eat without anything
These products cannot be combined with anything in our body. Well, it’s easy - I think few people eat melon or watermelon with something.

7. Eat sweet fruits and protein foods separately

8. Never wash down food with water, tea, juice, etc.

Eh... my favorite sandwich with sweet tea...

The liquid that comes with food dilutes the gastric juice, making it less concentrated, as a result of which its “strength” of digestibility decreases. Food is not digested properly, a lot of unprocessed food enters the intestines and a heaviness is felt in the stomach.

If something is not clear, you can watch a video on the topic, it explains everything perfectly.

Well, that’s all for me for today. I look forward to your comments. Goodbye.


The manifestation of many diseases of the endocrine and digestive systems, skin, hair, nails, etc. can be associated with improper human nutrition. We are accustomed to eating incompatible foods, which cause various adverse reactions in the body and lead to malfunctions in its functioning. The food combination table is a reminder for people seeking a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Let's learn to help the body!

The correct combination of products (the table is given below) guarantees high efficiency of the digestive system. Eating meals that include compatible ingredients will relieve you of the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the gastrointestinal tract.

Each product is absorbed by the human body differently:

  1. Firstly, any food requires digestive juice of a certain composition.
  2. Secondly, each individual product has its own time for digestion.
  3. Thirdly, the most effective absorption of food is possible only with the correct combination of its components.

You need to come to terms with the first two points to the extent that this is how our body works. But you need to know useful combinations of products and be able to use them. This is an essential condition for good digestion, which has a direct impact on human health.

Mixed and separate meals

Despite the fact that many sources today talk about the benefits of consuming correctly combined foods, there are still supporters of traditional food intake. This means that many people believe that the mixed diet familiar to everyone from time immemorial does not harm the body. And they call the idea that separating foods promotes better digestion simply a fashionable trend.

Is it so? In fact, food can be mixed, this has been done at all times. But there are a number of foods that simply cannot be digested at the same time. This is explained by the fact that for the assimilation of each of them, certain conditions are necessary - different enzymes and media.

Combination of food flavors

Carbohydrates consumed by a person begin to be broken down in the oral cavity, and then in the intestines. The protein, in turn, is processed by the stomach. Therefore, if you mix them, the absorption process becomes more difficult for the entire digestive system.

The effectiveness and usefulness of separate meals is spoken about not only by people who have tried the method on themselves, but also by doctors who have conducted research in this area. The right combination of foods is not only fashionable, but also necessary for health. The table is shown below. Thanks to her, we will learn to eat wisely.

Product combination table

For clarity and simplification of the concept of “separate nutrition,” we bring to your attention a diagram that will indicate what you can and should eat with.

Product combination table

type of product 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

fish, poultry, meat

1 - - - - - - - - + D - - - - -


2 - D + + - D - - + + - - - - +

cream, butter

3 - D D - - + + - + + D - D - -
sour cream 4 - + D D - + + D + + - - - - +
vegetable oil 5 - + - D - + + D + + - - - - +
sweets, including sugar 6 - - - - - - - - + - - - - - -
bread, potatoes 7 - D + + + - - - + + - - D - D
tomatoes, sour fruits 8 - - + + + - - D + D - D + - +
dried fruits, sweet fruits 9 - - - + + - - D + D D + - - D
non-starchy and green vegetables 10 + + + + + + + + + + - + + + +
starchy vegetables 11 D + + + + - + D D + D + + D +
milk 12 - - D - - - - - D - D - - - -
dairy products 13 - - - - - - - D + + + - + - +
cheese, feta cheese 14 - - D - - - D + - + + - + - D
eggs 15 - - - - - - - - - + D - - - -
nuts 16 - + - + + - D + D + + - + D -

“-” products are incompatible; "+" compatible; "D" mixing is acceptable.

Explanation of the table

Each line contains information about a specific product and its serial number. Be careful! The columns contain the same products, but only their numbers are indicated. This table requires strict compliance with all points. The combination of foods indicated in it helps improve the functioning of the digestive system and your body.

Separate nutrition as an option for high-quality weight loss

Proper nutrition is not only about health, but also about getting rid of extra pounds. Separate consumption of food and proper combination of foods for weight loss is an excellent method. You can see this for yourself.

The food combination table should always be at your fingertips; it would be great to switch to this way of eating for life. At first the sensations will be ambiguous. However, over time, you will get a guaranteed result, and tasty and habitual meals will become an absolute norm for you.

Why can't you eat eggs and cheese at the same meal? When is the best time to eat fruit, and how do cottage cheese and jam combine with each other? Natalya Davydova, a nutritionist at the Horizon Medical Center, explains how some beneficial substances can interfere with the absorption process of others eaten together.

Natalia Davydova
nutritionist at the Horizon Medical Center

Protein products should not be eaten with cereals, pasta and potatoes (complex carbohydrates)

Proteins eaten simultaneously with potatoes, cereals, pasta, as well as with any dough, “stop” all processes in the stomach. The thing is that proteins and starches contradict each other. For normal breakdown of complex carbohydrates (pasta, cereals, potatoes) a slightly alkaline environment is required. Acid is needed to digest proteins.

If protein foods (meat, fish) along with carbohydrate-containing foods (potatoes, pasta) enter the stomach at the same time, digestion begins to stall. This causes the putrefaction of proteins in the intestines simultaneously with the fermentation of carbohydrates. Enzymes - amylase and pepsin (responsible for the breakdown of carbohydrates and proteins) - counteract each other. As a result, the body does not receive enough proteins or carbohydrates.

Food eaten incorrectly is “stored” and converted into fatty tissue. There is heaviness in the stomach, drowsiness, fatigue and weakness. Such food poisons the blood, provokes gastritis, constipation, ulcers and, in the saddest outcome, stomach cancer (of course, slowly and imperceptibly). In this case, the pancreas is forced to work hundreds of times more intensely, which over the years leads to wear and tear and, as a consequence, pancreatitis.

Meat and fish are best eaten with herbs and vegetables

That's why meat and fish lovers better know that protein goes well with vegetables. When meat is digested and decomposed in the intestines, a dangerous substance (a special iron molecule) is formed, which has carcinogenic properties.

You can neutralize its harmful effects with the help of chlorophyll. This substance is found in abundance in all leafy vegetables: salads, spinach, sorrel, parsley, cilantro, dill, basil. It is also found in avocados and white cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower, green peppers and cucumbers, and celery.

You cannot combine nuts and meat, eggs and meat, cheese and nuts, cheese and eggs in one meal. Two proteins of different types and composition require their own digestive juices. Moreover, the concentration and time of release of these juices in the stomach differ.

Meat is incompatible with nuts due to their high energy value. After such a dish, heaviness and heartburn occur from the abundant release of acid. It is also better not to eat scrambled eggs with grated cheese. These are incompatible products. It is advisable to eat the egg alone or with greens (green salad). There is only one rule: one protein per meal. If you want variety, eat them at different times.

Pulses go well with both potatoes and vegetables

Lentils, beans, beans, soybeans, and peas can be consumed with other foods with virtually no restrictions. The peculiarity of the compatibility of legumes is explained by their dual nature. As starches, they go well with fats, especially easy-to-digest fats - vegetable oil and sour cream. As a source of plant protein, pulses are good with greens and starchy vegetables.

Mushrooms should not be eaten with potatoes

Mushrooms go well with many foods: greens, cereals, bread, nuts, legumes, cheese and seafood. They are also compatible with vegetables. However, it is difficult for them to “get along” with potatoes: potatoes contain too much starch.

Complex carbohydrates (cereals, pasta, potatoes) - independent food

You should not “combine” cereals with meat - cereals contain phytin compounds that impair the absorption of iron from meat. An excellent addition to porridge or baked potatoes are vegetables. They are suitable in any form: fresh, stewed, baked, pickled (salted).

Cereals are tasty and healthy with seafood, seaweed, mushrooms, and herbs. If you like sweet porridge, you can add some dried fruits.

For pasta lovers, it is best to avoid meat sauces, but using sauces based on vegetables and herbs will suit your stomach’s taste.

It is advisable to consume fruits separately

Fruits do not go well with other foods (for example, cereals). The thing is that they contain simple sugars that are quickly digested. This means that fruit should not remain in the stomach for long. That is why it is advisable to eat the fruit not before or after a meal, but as a meal.

Foods high in fat, protein and starch will take much longer to digest. If you eat fruit after a hearty lunch, then fruit sugar will wait its turn, that is, it will stagnate and ferment in the stomach.

Alcoholic drinks do not go well with meat and sweets

It is not advisable to drink alcohol with meat dishes (especially fried ones). As a result of their combination, pepsin is deposited, which is needed for the digestion of animal proteins. Fatty and fried foods exacerbate and prolong the effect of alcohols, while doubling the load on the liver and gall bladder.

When combining alcohol and sweets (cake or chocolate), the cake will win the fight for digestion. After all, glucose is more important for the body, and alcohol will be postponed for later. As a result, the body will have time to be “poisoned” with toxic substances.

Milk is an independent product

Milk does not combine well with other products, which is explained by the presence of protein and fat in its composition. The only exception is sour fruits.

In the acidic environment of the stomach, milk coagulates and envelops particles of other food, while isolating them from the action of gastric juice. It turns out that until the milk is broken down, other food will not have access to digestion. Of the dairy products, the most harmless are fermented milk products, since the foreign milk protein is already “decomposed” by lactic acid bacteria.

Fermented milk products are best consumed before bed. This promotes the production of the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for sleep quality.

Cottage cheese does not go well with jam

There is no need to add sugar, jam, or syrup to the cottage cheese. If you want both taste and benefits, sweeten the cottage cheese with raisins, dried apricots or honey. You can also add seeds.

Jam usually contains a lot of sugar. If you eat cottage cheese with jam, the sweetness will be digested first and only then the cottage cheese. While the latter is waiting for its turn to be digested, you may feel discomfort in your stomach.

Product combination

The question of combining products has been studied since ancient times.

Ibn Sina, for example, in the “Canon of Medical Science” examines in detail,

which types of food can be consumed at one time and which cannot.

Ignorance of these rules leads to the fact that very often it is possible

to see how at lunch people eat a plate of cottage cheese and bread first,

then pea soup with meat, potatoes and also bread, then porridge

with the basics, wash it all down with sweet compote or, even better, juice (or even

with cake!) and finally eat an orange or an apple (they say


A familiar picture, isn't it? But as a result of such a “lunch” neither

one of the listed products cannot be properly digested and

The calories received will barely cover the costs of digestion and

neutralization of toxins, the excretory system will groan from the flow

poisons formed when food spoils in the stomach and intestines.

An apple, for example, eaten on an empty stomach, leaves it already

after 15 - 20 minutes, the orange is even faster. What happens when

Does fruit end up in a full stomach, that is, after another meal? They

cannot move into the intestines and after the same 15-20 minutes they simply

begin to rot.

And the rest of the products in our example are not related to each other

better. Cottage cheese - peas, cottage cheese - meat, peas - meat, bread - meat, etc.

All these combinations are extremely unfortunate.

It has already been said about the selective action of the digestive

enzymes and that each type of food requires digestive

juices of their composition. Moreover, the conditions for digesting various foods

in the stomach are often opposite.

Proteins, for example, require an acidic environment (certain acidity

for each type of protein) for the normal functioning of pepsin - an enzyme,

breaking down proteins.

Hydrolysis of starches occurs only in an alkaline solution,

acids inhibit the activity of the corresponding enzymes. Therefore not

For the same reason, it is harmful to eat starches with acidic foods - with

vinegar, citrus fruits, tomato sauce, etc. If, say, you drink

bread with tomato or orange juice, then salivary enzymes are still in the mouth

will lose their activity.

True, intestinal digestion still remains. Under the influence

pancreatic juice breaks down all nutrients - both proteins and

carbohydrates, and fats. This, by the way, is the main argument of opponents

separate food. But the body is far from indifferent in what

combinations of these components come.

It’s one thing when a person eats porridge with water. She envelops

gastric mucosa, not very strong juice is secreted moderately, in

Salivary enzymes continue to operate in the deeper layers. Perfect

the semi-liquid mixture processed in the stomach quickly enters

intestines, where it is completely and almost without loss absorbed, not

overloading the digestive organs.

And a completely different picture if the same porridge is eaten with meat. Stomach

cannot produce juice that is equally good for porridge and meat. IN

As a result, both are retained in the stomach and leave it in

insufficiently processed form.

Of course, pancreatic enzymes to some extent

complete the splitting. But the normal operation of a well-coordinated mechanism is already

broken. Food masses entered the intestines unprepared.

The liver, pancreas, and thin gland will have to be strained

gut. And to top it off, the composition of the intestinal microflora will change, top in

which the putrid “freeloaders” will take.

The human digestive tract is oriented primarily towards

various fruits - fruits, cereals, juicy vegetables and herbs. And intestinal

microflora plays a very prominent role in it. It depends on its composition

will the incoming substances be converted into nutritional components or into

toxins, and how well digestion will proceed.

In fact, in the intestines there are representatives of a huge variety

various microorganisms. Some species predominate, others

oppressed. The ratio is determined mainly by the nature of the food and

the performance of the digestive system as a whole. With healthy food,

consumed in the right combinations and in reasonable quantities,

“friendly” microflora is established.

With unnatural combinations of products or with excessive

the amount of food eaten disrupts the gastric and then intestinal

digestion. Underdigested, long-lingering masses

become prey for putrefactive bacteria. A flood of toxins hits the liver,

kidneys, poisons the entire body and leads to numerous diseases.

The founder of the theory of separate nutrition G. Shelton, works

which nutritionists all over the world now use, wrote: “We don’t get

benefits from food that is not digested. Eating and spoiling at the same time

food in the digestive tract is a waste of food. But it's even worse

Spoiled food leads to the formation of poisons, which are very

harmful...A surprising number of food allergies are disappearing

completely when patients begin to eat food in the right combinations.

Such people suffer not from allergies, but from indigestion of food. Allergy -

is a term applied to protein poisoning. Abnormal

Digestion carries into the bloodstream not nutrients, but poisons.”

Below is a classification of food products with indications of

ideal, acceptable and harmful combinations. All products

are divided into 10 groups. But unlike the generally accepted classification

vegetables here are divided into compatible and less compatible, and not into

"non-starchy" and "moderately starchy". This is due to the fact that

vegetables traditionally classified as “moderately starchy”, in

in fact, they often contain very little starch, and even

compatibility with other products many of the "moderately starchy"

practically no different from “non-starchy” vegetables.

Such, for example, are carrots, which go well with almost

all products. Or beets, which contain even less starch than

green beans (beets contain a lot of sugar). Meanwhile, beets are usually

classified as “moderately starchy” vegetables.

Therefore, vegetables are classified not according to their starch content, but according to their

ability to combine with most other products.

So, 10 groups.

Group 1. Sweet fruits

Bananas, dates, persimmons, figs, all dried fruits, raisins, dried melon.

Fruits are fast-digesting foods. Several sweet fruits

stay in the stomach longer, more acidic ones - less. All fruits

Best eaten separately from other foods. Particularly harmful

eat them as desserts after meals. In this case they

cause fermentation (especially sweet fruits). The same applies to

fruit juices.

Both fruits and juices are best consumed as a separate meal or

half an hour to an hour before meals, but so that after the previous meal

at least 3 hours have passed.

Sweet fruits go perfectly together (raisins with

prunes) and with semi-acidic fruits (persimmon with apple).

Sweet fruits can also be combined with cream, sour cream,

greens, dairy products. Dried fruits in small quantities

it is acceptable to add to some porridges (for example, pilaf with raisins or

dried apricots, etc.)

The peculiarities of our digestion do not seem to prevent us from combining

any fruits and vegetables, but still eating them together

undesirable. People instinctively feel this, and few people come to this

head to eat persimmons with cucumbers or dates with cabbage. But there is also

exceptions. Acceptable, for example, are apple and carrot puree, vegetable

salads with cranberries or lemon juice, etc.

Group 2. Semi-acidic fruits

Sometimes they are called semi-sweet. These are mango, blueberry, blueberry,

strawberries, raspberries, as well as sweet-tasting ones: apples, pears, cherries,

plums, grapes, apricots, peaches, etc. This also includes watermelons.

Semi-acidic fruits go well with each other and sweet ones.

fruits (pear with figs), with sour fruits (apple with tangerine) and

with fermented milk products (grapes with kefir).

Compatible with cream, sour cream, herbs, as well as protein

foods containing a lot of fat - cheese, nuts, fatty

cottage cheese. Some berries can be consumed with warm milk.

Combinations with other protein foods (meat, eggs, fish,

mushrooms, legumes) are harmful, mainly due to the difference in speed

digestion. Compounds with starches are even less desirable.

Peaches, blueberries, blueberries, grapes, and melons are known for their

special "delicacy".

They are perfectly digestible when eaten on their own.

but are not compatible with any other product (except some

semi-sour fruits). It is best to eat them not before or after meals, but in

quality of food.

According to their properties, the group of semi-acidic fruits also includes

tomatoes - due to their high acid content. But, like all vegetables,

tomatoes don't go well with fruit and, unlike fruit,

relatively well compatible with proteins and vegetables.

Group 3. Sour fruits

Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, pineapples, pomegranates, lemons,

currants, blackberries, cranberries; and also sour in taste: apples, pears,

plums, apricots, grapes, etc.

They go well with each other, with semi-acidic fruits, with

fermented milk products, cream, sour cream, full-fat cottage cheese.

Combinations with nuts, cheeses, and herbs are acceptable.

Incompatible with animal protein products, grain legumes,

starches and less compatible vegetables.

Group 4. Compatible vegetables

Cucumbers, raw cabbage (except cauliflower), radishes, sweet peppers,

green beans, radishes, onions, garlic, beets, turnips, rutabaga, carrots,

young pumpkin, young zucchini, lettuce and some others.

They go well with almost any food, helping to

its better absorption: with proteins (meat with cucumber, carrots with cottage cheese),

fats (cabbage with butter), with all vegetables, starches (bread with

beets), greens.

All vegetables are incompatible with milk.

Compounds with fruits are also undesirable, although they are possible


Group 5. Less compatible vegetables

Cauliflower, boiled white cabbage, green peas,

late pumpkin, late zucchini, eggplant.

Pairs well with starches (zucchini and bread) and all

vegetables, with fats (eggplant with sour cream), with herbs.

It is acceptable to combine with cheese.

Less desirable are combinations with animal proteins (cauliflower with

meat, green peas with egg).

Incompatible with fruits and milk.

Group 6. Starchy foods

Wheat, rye, oats and products made from them (bread, pasta, etc.);

cereals: buckwheat, rice, millet, etc.; potatoes, chestnuts, ripe


Ideally combined with herbs, fats and all vegetables.

It is also possible to combine different types of starches with each other,

In addition, different cereals and grains differ greatly in composition

proteins, and ideally it is better not to mix them.

When consuming starchy foods with fats, it is recommended

also eat some greens or vegetables.

Combinations of starches with proteins, especially animal proteins (bread with

meat, potatoes with fish), with milk and fermented milk products (porridge

with milk, kefir with bread), with sugars (bread with jam, porridge with

sugar), with any fruits and fruit juices.

Group 7. Protein products

Meat, fish, eggs; cottage cheese, cheese, feta cheese; milk, curdled milk, kefir

and etc.; dry beans, beans, lentils and peas; nuts, seeds; mushrooms.

Ideally combined with herbs and compatible vegetables. More

In addition, these products promote good digestion of proteins and

removal of many toxic compounds.

The exception here is milk, which is best drunk separately.

Moreover, warm (but not boiled!) milk is most easily digestible.

Milk can sometimes be combined with fruits, but the tolerance of such

connection varies from person to person.

It is acceptable to consume proteins with fats, and animal proteins

are better combined with animal fats, and vegetable proteins - with

animal fats and vegetable fats. But fats slow down digestion,

Therefore, it is advisable to add vegetables and fats to the combination of proteins and fats.

Proteins are incompatible with starchy foods, fruits and


Exceptions: cottage cheese, cheese, fermented milk products, nuts, seeds,

which can sometimes be consumed with fruit.

Group 8. Greens

Lettuce, nettle, plantain, green onion, sorrel, sorrel, coriander,

parsley, acacia, rose petals, clover, dill, etc.

Greens go well with all foods except milk.

a bunch of greenery. Its use with starches and proteins is especially useful,

in this case, it promotes excellent digestion, neutralizes

toxins, replenishes the deficiency of subtle prana and vitamins, improves


Group 9. Fats

Butter and ghee, cream, sour cream; vegetable oils;

lard and other animal fats. Sometimes fatty foods are also included in this group.

meat, fatty fish, nuts.

The general property of fats is that they inhibit the secretion

gastric juice, especially if consumed at the beginning of a meal. Together with

Thus, fats mitigate the negative effects of some unsuccessful foods

combinations. For example, low-fat cottage cheese with bread and sour cream will be digested

better than the same cottage cheese with bread, but without sour cream (although cottage cheese with

bread - a very unfortunate example).

Fats are ideally combined with herbs, vegetables (salad with

sour cream), with starchy foods (porridge with butter). Sometimes

it is permissible to combine fats with fruits, especially berries (strawberries with

sour cream).

It is undesirable to combine fats with sugars (cream with sugar,

confectionery). Here are the negative consequences of the inhibitory

The effects of fats are especially pronounced.

plant origin, although exceptions are possible. Vegetable

oil, for example, goes relatively well with fish, in which

It often goes better with other foods than cream.

Group 10. Sahara

White and yellow sugar, fructose, jam, syrups, honey, molasses.

When combined with proteins and starches, they cause fermentation,

contribute to spoilage of other products.

It is best to consume sweets separately (if at all).

use). For example, have tea with jam or

sweets. In principle, you can eat 2-3 candies if you really want to

40 - 60 minutes before meals, but in no case after meals!

An exception to the general rule is honey. It contains substances

prevent rotting, and in small quantities is compatible with many

products (except animal food). But honey is biologically strong

active remedy, and it is not advisable to eat it every day (to

the body is not used to it). Sometimes you can drink herbal tea with honey

or add a teaspoon of honey to your porridge or salad.

The proposed classification is intended to help navigate

variety of products, remember the basic principles of their combination.

However, products within each group in relation to a particular food

often behave differently. For example, cottage cheese with jam - more

a better combination than cheese and jam, although, of course, such compounds

best avoided. Yes, and people differ from each other in enzyme composition

juices, the predominant microflora. Suitable combinations for one will be

not always as successful for another, although the main provisions

It seems there is nothing easier than choosing what to serve with buckwheat or rice. After all, cereals are a popular, versatile and healthy side dish. However, there are several secrets in combining grains with other foods.

The first secret of the correct combination of cereals with other products is that porridge should not be served with meat.

It’s a paradox, but this is precisely the opinion expressed by adherents of proper, healthy nutrition. And this is how they explain it:

Some foods on their own have great benefits for the body, but in certain combinations they impair the absorption of nutrients. For example, buckwheat is considered one of the healthiest cereals due to the presence of a number of vitamins and minerals, and meat saturates the body with proteins and fats of animal origin. And the above-mentioned “paradox” is that phytic compounds found in buckwheat impair the absorption of iron found in meat.

But don’t be afraid that you will now have to reconsider your diet and replace your usual dishes with some new ones. In general, the generally accepted and beloved combinations of cereals + meat will not do any harm if you eat a varied, nutritious and regular diet. And yet, if you want to make your own diet the most functional in order to get the maximum benefit from each product, you should remember these few simple secrets.

The second secret: the best combination of cereals is with seafood, vegetables, herbs, mushrooms, dairy products and oils.

Leading nutritionists and nutrition experts think so.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular cereals:

Barley is best eaten with vegetables, herbs, mushrooms and butter (for example, perlotto with mushrooms)

And the last secret is: it is better to combine cereals with berries and fruits, and not with sugar.

Especially for people who have problems with excess weight and the cardiovascular system.

The fact is that cereals, fruits and berries contain a fairly large amount of slow carbohydrates. They take a long time to digest and bring a gradual surge of strength. That is, these carbohydrates are broken down slowly, and blood sugar levels also increase gradually.

But sugar, on the contrary, consists of fast carbohydrates, which are broken down almost instantly and lead to a jump in glucose in the blood. And if you do not immediately consume the energy received, it is stored in reserve in the form of fat deposits.

Thus, cereals themselves, unlike sugar, will not lead to excess weight. However, if these 2 categories of products are combined in one dish, then it is better to do this to quickly restore strength at moments of maximum physical or mental stress.

Now, knowing the basic rules for combining cereals with other foods, you can formulate your diet absolutely correctly in order to get the maximum benefit and effectiveness from each meal.

Eat right, be healthy and irresistible!