What should be the ratio of bju weight loss. How many calories do you need per day, learn how to calculate kbzhu. Complex and simple carbohydrates

Yulia Vins- Russian powerlifter, which became popular in these Internets of yours at the end of 2013, when she was 17 years old. Julia Vins attracted the attention of the enlightened public due to the combination of a feminine face, which in some media is called " barbie face", and a muscular body, which in the aforementioned media is called " Hulk's body". Julia Vince was born on May 21, 1996. Julia Vince is 165 centimeters tall, a the weight is in the range from 60 to 65 kilograms. Strength indicators of Yulia Vins significantly exceed the strength indicators of the average subscriber of our public in the social network Vkontakte: bench press - 100 kilograms, squats with a barbell - 202 kilograms, deadlift - 165 kilograms. Yulia Vins started powerlifting in 2012, that is, at the age of 16. At the same time, before the start of training, forgive the author of this material pedobear, she looked quite fuckable.

As can be seen from the anthropometric data published above, Julia Vins is neither tall nor heavy, but her body looks unnaturally muscular. It would seem, is it possible in the 21st century to be surprised unnaturally muscular female body? After all, chicks use anabolic steroids indiscriminately and we all know about the existence Anna Turaeva, Lyudmila Gaiduchenko, Natalia Trukhina and other, no less fapable, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. However, unlike the above-mentioned beautiful ladies, Julia Vins there are no signs of masculinization, which would say that she uses anabolic steroids. With the exception of muscles, which are not a clear sign of masculinization. Julia Vins herself, of course, denies the use of anabolic steroids and says that pumped up exclusively thanks to sports nutrition: protein, amino acids, pre-workout complexes, fat burners and so on and so forth. Perhaps the average viewer of the Russia 1 TV channel, who does not distinguish prateins from asteroids, will believe in the story of pumping solely with the help of sports nutrition, and, however, people who know the difference between creatine and carnitine will most likely not believe it. Because it will be difficult even for males to achieve such results solely with the help of sports nutrition, and for females even more so. On the other hand, Julia Vins does not have such a large muscle mass (weight 60-65 kilograms with a height of 165 centimeters) that one can definitely talk about the use of anabolic steroids. Power indicators are also not amazing. Yes, a bench press of 100 kilograms or a squat with a barbell of 200 kilograms is not bad for a girl, but this is very far from those strength indicators that would make it possible to speak unambiguously about the use of anabolic steroids. Plus, Julia Vins competes at competitions held by the division AWPC federations WPC which are carried out with mandatory doping control of participants. Given the above, the question of anabolic steroid use by Julia Vince remains open for now.

In 2016 Julia Vins joined the team Primeval Labs and began to advertise this brand of sports nutrition. Primeval Labs is an American underground sports nutrition brand that produces prohormones, SARMs and other equally interesting sports supplements. Formally, prohormones can be related to sports nutrition, but in their action they are not much different from anabolic steroids. That is, Julia Vince can be smeared with prohormones, which, as it were, belong to sports nutrition, and tell everyone that she is rocking in kind. Considering that prohormones are generally weaker than anabolic steroids, this version, as they say, rings true, I believe it. However, doping control would reveal the fact of the use of prohormones, so the question still remains open.

It is worth noting that Julia Vins is a rather boring character, to which, by and large, there are no questions, except questions about the use of anabolic steroids. She didn’t tug at the webcam, she didn’t act in porn, she didn’t provide sex services. In short, I didn’t do what fitonies usually do. Yes, and no other zashkvarov behind her is not listed. At least as of November 2018, there is no such information.

The only scandal associated with Julia Vince is Yulia Vins and Svetlana Smirnova fight(MSMK in powerlifting) at the Russian Powerlifting Championship in Saratov in 2014. The essence of the conflict is simple, like two fingers on the point of a mens physicist - the heifers quarreled on Vkontakte, met at competitions in Saratov, a mini-brawl took place between them, during which Smirnova splashed Vince from a gas spray. This is where it all ended. Fucking boring, especially since there is no video footage of these chicken fights.

You already know that in order to lose weight, you need to expend more calories than you consume with food. However, there are several important points to consider when losing weight. Success in weight loss depends not only on, but also on a balanced diet, regular exercise, drinking regimen, adequate sleep and good psychological tone.

For people who are slightly overweight, you should choose a more intense program, for example, and do 150-300 minutes of cardio per week.

Other factors include basal activity, fluid intake, stress control, adequate sleep, and diet.

Basic activity is your mobility in everyday life, that is. You spend calories to perform any activity, and the more active you are at home, the more energy you spend.

Helps digest food, relieves swelling, promotes better appetite control, and also stimulates metabolic processes. When you drink cool water, your body burns calories to warm it up. And clean water is a source of the most important mineral salts for metabolism. On average, you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of pure water per day.

Stress control is important because it occurs during times of nervous tension. During stress, the body produces, which retains water in the body, which masks weight loss.

Should be 7-9 hours. Regular sleep deprivation causes fatigue, the production of the aforementioned cortisol hormone, provokes overeating, and also reduces insulin sensitivity, which makes you feel forever hungry and puts your body in calorie storage mode.

Speaking of insulin, it is important to note that fractional meals help regulate the secretion of this hormone. The body produces insulin in response to food. The task of the hormone is to direct nutrients to the cells of the body. The higher your blood sugar rises after a meal, the higher your insulin levels and the more difficult it is to control your appetite. Evaluate, and then decide what suits you best.

The number of meals should be convenient for you, the main thing is to follow the regime - do not starve and do not overeat, but eat in a balanced way, in accordance with the needs of your body. Regular exercise, adequate sleep, clean water and stress control will become your invisible helpers in losing weight.

And the last figures: the average daily caloric content of food for a woman is 2000 kcal. To lose weight, a woman should reduce her diet by about 8kcal per kilogram of body weight. An example, in order to effectively lose weight for a woman weighing 70 kg, she must reduce her diet by 560 kcal, that is, consume 1440 kcal per day.
So we know that: 1 gram of protein gives us 4 kcal.
1 gram of carbohydrates is also 4 kcal.
1 gram of alcohol provides 7 kcal.
1 gram of fat gives us 9 kcal.

Proteins in food
Proteins are the main material for building cells of the body, various amino acids are synthesized from them. Proteins in the body do not accumulate, their intake is possible only with food. Daily protein intake 1 - 1.3 g per day per kilogram of body weight. Proteins are divided into animal and vegetable. Approximately 55% of proteins the body should receive from animals, the remaining 45% are vegetable proteins ( beans, buckwheat, soy, oatmeal).
List of major protein foods
Chicken breast - contains 18.9g of protein per 100g of product
Turkey fillet - contains 25.4g of protein per 100g of product
Beef - 27g per 100g of product
Trout - 17g per 100g of fish
Pink salmon - 21g per 100g of finished product
Tuna (canned) - 24g per 100g of product
Red caviar - 29g per 100g caviar
Eggs - 13g per 100g of product
Cottage cheese (fat-free) - 16.5g per 100g of product
Kefir - 3g per 100ml of product
Beans (canned) - 6.5g per 100g of product
Rice - 14g per 100g cooked non-polished rice
Buckwheat - 12.5 g of protein per 100 g of porridge
This list is enough to choose the right product for your diet. Nutritionists call proteins proteins and.

Fats in food
Fats are complex organic compounds (a class of lipids) that supply energy to the human body. They are also needed for the absorption of certain vitamins (fat-soluble). Reference: The human brain is 60% fat In no case should you refuse fats, the harm of this is enormous. Adipose tissue of the body is a reserve for unforeseen situations. Fat is stored in the body so that it can be used later.

Fats are animal and vegetable. Animal fats are present in fatty meats, butter, fish, vegetable fats are present in vegetable oils. Fats vary greatly in their health benefits. Some are vital to us, and some are better off.
Fats contain saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Saturated can be formed directly in the human body, it is they that are deposited in fat reserves. Unsaturated acids take part in many metabolic processes, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, they are active. Fats contain stearins. They are also necessary for the body, as they take part in the formation of hormones, affect blood clotting. The best known is cholesterol. In the human diet, the ratio of animal and vegetable fats should be approximately 70% and 30%. With age, the amount of animal fats should be reduced.

List of major fat-containing foods
Butter - 72 -86g per 100g of product
Sour cream, cheese - 20-45g per 100g of product
Fat cottage cheese - 20g per 100g of product
Milk, kefir - 1-3.6g per 100g of product, depending on fat content
Cream ice cream - 20g per 100g of product
Sausages, sausages - 20-40g per 100g of product
Lean meat, poultry - up to 9g per 100g of product
Oily fish - 10-19g per 100g of product
Lean fish - 3-9g per 100g of product
Cake, cake - up to 40g per 100g piece
Vegetable oil - 83g per 100ml of product
Pine nuts - up to 37g per 100g of product
Walnuts - up to 36g per 100g of product
It should be noted that the fat content is indicated by manufacturers, but what kind of fat it is is extremely rare.

Carbohydrates in food

Carbohydrates are organic compounds (sugars) that are a source of energy for a person, if fats accumulate in the body in the form of fat reserves, carbohydrates are broken down immediately. They are necessary for the work of muscles, determine the metabolism of proteins and fats, form many of the hormones and enzymes necessary for the body.

Carbohydrates are simple and complex. Previously, simple carbohydrates were considered "white death", but according to recent data (WHO, 2002), their harmfulness has been questioned, they are not dangerous to humans, excessive consumption reduces the nutritional value of other foods. Carbohydrates are too large a class of organic compounds that differ in their properties.
Glucose is the source of energy for the brain
Fructose - easily absorbed by the body, insulin is not needed for processing
Lactose - normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, suppresses putrefactive processes in the body, calcium is better absorbed in its presence
Maltose is a delayed source of energy, if glucose is broken down almost immediately, maltose is digested more slowly
Dietary fiber - carbohydrates of various types
Fiber - carbohydrates of a complex structure, are not absorbed in the digestive tract, but with its help toxins are removed
Pectins - improve the digestive process.

List of foods containing carbohydrates
Honey - 65g per 100g
Sugar - 65g per 100g of product
Sweets - 65g per 100g of product
Cereals, pasta - 65g per 100g of product
Beans, peas - 50g per 100g of finished product
Bread - 40g per 100g of product
Ice cream - 20g per 100g of product
Chocolate - 43g per 100g of product
Potatoes - up to 20g per 100g of finished product
Sweet fruits - up to 20g per 100g of product
Unsweetened fruits, berries - up to 10g per 100g of product.
If there are a lot of carbohydrates in the human diet, then obesity is almost inevitable. If there are few carbohydrates, then there is an imbalance in digestion and disruptions in metabolic processes.
Fats and carbohydrates are interchangeable. 1 gram of fat can replace 2.25 grams of carbohydrates.

The path to a stable ideal weight is proper nutrition.
Proper nutrition involves a certain balance between proteins, fats and carbohydrates. World scientists have come to the conclusion that the following ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is the most optimal in terms of health:

10%-35% of calories should come from protein
20%-35% of calories should come from fat
45%-65% of calories should come from carbohydrates

Achieve such a correct ratio of BJU (proteins-fats-carbohydrates)
the following recommendations:

Try to eat varied and balanced.
Track how many calories you consume daily, try not to exceed (and not reduce!) the required rate
Carefully study the labels of products - they indicate the content of BJU in 100 gr. product
Choose complex carbohydrates like whole grain breads, cereals, brown rice. Avoid refined (highly refined) light carbohydrates such as wheat products, sugar, juices
Choose healthy fats and avoid trans fats (chips, margarine)
Choose high quality protein sources such as cottage cheese, lean beef, fish, beans. Pork, chicken legs often contain more fat than protein.

And proteins, and carbohydrates, and even unloved fats - all of them are necessary for the human body to function 100% efficiently.
It is their correct ratio in nutrition that will save the body from such problems as improper metabolism, excess weight, diseases of the digestive system.

People who are actively involved in sports, and those who wish to lose weight, often strictly adhere to the formula 30 - 20 - 50 (BJU ratio), which fits into generally accepted standards, and at the same time gives the most effective result.

BJU balance

The daily rate of BJU and calories is determined quite simply. Remember the last number in your calculations - we calculated the base calorie, multiplied by the activity factor and calculated how many calories you need depending on losing weight, gaining mass or maintaining your current weight. In the context of losing weight, let's take for example the figure in 1500 kilocalories, from which we will proceed in further calculations.

So, we gradually got close to the calculation of BJU. It is produced based on the following data: 1 gram of proteins and carbohydrates - 4 kcal each, and 1 gram of fat is 9 kcal. At the same time, protein in the diet should be 40%, fat - 20%, and carbohydrates - 40%. You can calculate your rate using the formulas:
1. Proteins = (1500 x 0.4) // 4 = 150 g.
2. Fats = (1500 x 0.2) // 9 = 33 g.
3. Carbohydrates = (1500 x 0.4) // 4 = 150 g.

Report Form:
Date..........NAME _______
My Weight: initial _____kg__, today's ____kg__, target (no more than 3 kg from today's)______kg_.ideal ____kg
Today I took the next step towards my slim figure by reading the topic carefully
1. My food diary. / please insert the menu for the day / ____
2. I calculated my daily calorie requirement, in order to lose weight I need to consume ............... kcal
3. Now I know what balance of BJU for weight loss I need. .................................
4. I calculated my norm and wrote it down in my food diary (in settings)
1. Proteins \u003d (......... x 0 ......) // 4 \u003d ........ g.
2. Fats \u003d (......... x 0 ....) // 9 \u003d .......... g.
3. Carbohydrates = (..... x 0....) // 4 = ........g.
I will stick to the findings to effectively lose weight!
I eat varied, if possible, monitor the calorie content of the daily diet, and carefully read the information on the package, which indicates the content of BJU in the product to be taken into account with my rational diet

More and more often, formulas for calculating KBJU for weight loss appear on the network. The worst thing is that people who distribute these formulas understand little about the basics of adequate nutrition and sports nutrition.

Most often, these are bikini athletes (bikini fitness or FB), girls who, due to their youth, perseverance, and health under the guidance of a coach, reached the stage, and after that they became fitness instructors.

Everything is fine, you can rejoice and be proud of their work and perseverance, but it’s not a task when such “pros” undertake to teach people to lose weight, not just engage in health fitness, but to lose weight. This is where the thrashing starts.

No knowledge, no understanding of the elementary rules of dietology. The whole rule of losing weight for such pros comes down to the formula:

“Expense is more than Income = Weight loss” and to the BJU scheme: 30-35 / 10-15(20)/ 50(45)-60

And if Expenditure > Incoming is correct, but not enough, then the nutrient distribution scheme is not amenable to any criticism.

BJU 30/20/50 - THIS IS TOTAL CRAP!!!

Of course, in this scenario, you can lose weight, BUT at what cost?

And now we'll talk about the price.

To do this, we need WHO standards.

So, WHO tells us to be healthy and active, you need to consume:

1g per kg of weight - Protein;

1.1 g per kg of weight - Fats;

4g per kg of weight - Carbohydrates.

What fits into the BJU scheme: 10-15% / 30-35% / 50 -60% and is comparable with the proposed scheme during weight loss 30-35 / 10-15 / 50 -60, i.e. proteins began to perform an energy function unusual for them in place of fat.

Cool? - Not!

Fat has separate roles in the body. The most important: energy and plastic. The condition of the skin, hair, nails are all fats.

And if you look wider - VITAMINS.

With a diet that is only 10-15% fat, there will simply be a lack of fat-soluble vitamins!

Fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, K.

First signs vitamin deficiencyA- "night blindness".

vitamin deficiencyD :

- Depression and loss of strength;

- Problems with conception;

- Diabetes and obesity (Vitamin D helps reduce parathyroid hormone, which in the long run helps weight loss. It also increases the level of leptin, a hormone that controls fat accumulation and is responsible for feeling full);

- Muscle weakness;

- Osteoporosis (you need not only to carry "extra" weight on yourself, but also make the bones rotten)

VitaminE- has the strongest antioxidant effect. Prevents the formation of blood clots and prevents the development of atherosclerosis of blood vessels. And why do we need this vitamin, right?

VitaminK- increases blood clotting, reduces capillary permeability and improves tissue regeneration. Also not necessary for weight loss? I doubt…

And now it's time to do the calculations. As they say cognitive in numbers.

Initial data:

Let's take the most common case of obesity of the first degree:

Woman: weight - 90kg, height - 165cm, age 30 years, BMI - 33.1 (first degree obesity).

Calorie content for maintaining weight 2600 kcal according to the Mifflin-San Geor formula and Kfa = 1.46. Sports are missing.

Results for the scheme 2600 kcal and 30/10/60:

Protein: 780kcal and 195g per day; 2.2g per kg of weight - Excessive protein intake!!!

Fats: 260kcal and 29g per day; 0.3 g per kg of weight - Does not fit into any framework !!!

Carbohydrates: 1560kcal and 390g per day; 4.3g per kg of weight - More than the recommended rate!!!

The result for the 2600kcal and 30/20/50 scheme for fats looks better, but still not perfect:

Protein: 780kcal and 195g per day; 2.2g per kg of weight - Excessive protein intake !!!

Fats: 520kcal and 58g per day; 0.6g per kg of weight - Fats did not reach the minimum recommended norms !!!

Carbohydrates: 1300kcal and 325g per day; 3.6g per kg of weight - The norm for weight loss, but the diet is to maintain weight.

Now the same thing, but for moderate weight loss. Let's create a deficit of 500kcal.

And consider the second scheme 2100 30/20/50 as less absurd compared to 30/10/60.

Protein: 630kcal and 158g per day; 1.8g per kg body weight - Excessive protein intake!!!

Fats: 420kcal and 47g per day; 0.5g per kg of weight - Fats did not reach the minimum recommended norms !!!

Carbohydrates: 1050kcal and 263g per day; 2.9g per kg of weight - Norm for weight loss.

Now the girl has lost weight up to 80 kg and now she needs 2300 kcal to maintain her weight and 1800 kcal to lose weight.

Calculation according to the scheme 1800 kcal and 30/20/50

Protein: 540kcal and 135g per day; 1.5g per kg of weight - Excessive protein intake!!!

Fats: 360kcal and 40g per day; 0.4g per kg of weight - Fats did not reach the minimum recommended norms !!!

Carbohydrates: 900kcal and 225g per day; 2.5g per kg of weight - Norm for weight loss.

Proteins: 70-105g per day and makes up 10-15% of daily calories.

Fats: 70-105g per day 30-35% of daily calories.

Face results. A complete and frank skew in nutrition.

And now the consequences of such a wonderful diet:

  1. Excessive protein intake leads to:

- increased load on the liver and kidneys up to damage. The level of urea in the blood rises. Eating an increased amount of protein is not recommended for people with type 2 diabetes. And this happens often with obesity;

- increased load on the gastrointestinal tract;

- putrefaction of proteins in the colon (rotten dyspepsia);

  1. Inadmissibly low fat intake leads to the destruction of cell membranes (plastic function).

(For an analogy, imagine that your apartment has no windows and doors. Whoever wants to come in, take what they want, put what they want, bring it, take it away. Would you like this state of affairs? The answer is obvious).

  1. Deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins.
  2. Dry skin, peeling, decreased resistance to infections.
  3. Low fat content can lead to menstrual dysfunction and impair fertility.

And most importantly, they get fat not from fats, but from inadequate intake of simple carbohydrates (sugars) and imbalance in the diet.

And now a short digression into the history of how the 30/20/50 scheme appeared

The classic norm of BJU in grams is 1:1:4, which gives 4:9:16 in calories, or as a percentage 14:31:55. This is with normal nutrition for retention. “Khudelki” reduce caloric content by 50% (Instead of 2400 kcal put on hold, they eat 1200 kcal, nutritionists are of the same opinion), i.e. eat half of it. You can and should cut off only at the expense of fats and carbohydrates, proteins cannot be touched. That is, 14 must be subtracted from 4:9:16 (in total 29), of which 5 in proportion from fats and 9 from carbohydrates. It remains 4:4:7, which gives 27:27:46 as a percentage. This is where 30:20:50 comes from - they additionally rounded up, they also increased proteins by 3%, who doesn’t know that they lose weight from proteins, reduced fats, because they get fat from fats, and even threw fats on carbohydrates - like vegetables useful for weight loss. That's about such a train of thought was, then most likely everything was forgotten, but the formula remained. That is, this formula "30:20:50" is only for a weight loss diet, in which fats and carbohydrates are cut in quantity. And proteins increased sharply only in percentage terms, but in quantitative terms they remained practically the same.

That's the whole story of the origin of 30/20/50. Conclusion, this diet is only for a calorie content of 1200 kcal. And they put it anywhere.

In general, the distribution of BJU by percentage is a bad idea.

For a more correct calculation, it is necessary to build on the weight.

For Private“weight loss”, the norm for proteins is 1 g per kg of weight, and this is a constant.

Next comes a proportional reduction in fats and carbohydrates, i.e., if it is necessary to create a deficit of 400-500 kcal, then this is done at the expense of fats and carbohydrates. At the same time, fats and carbohydrates decrease proportionally. Also, do not forget to look at the borderline norms and, if we go beyond them when calculating, then it is necessary to stop at these norms and recalculate calories.

Only then the created calorie deficit will not differ so sharply from the recommended norms and a strong bias in the BJU will not be created, and, as a result, weight loss will proceed without harm to health.

For those who have been in the gym for a long time and have introduced sports into their daily lives, the calculation is based on other standards that have nothing to do with the recommendations of WHO and RAMS, but that's another story.

Women who want to lose weight need to start by counting the calories of the foods they eat and controlling BJU - proteins, fats, carbohydrates. It is also important to make a calculation of the relationship between age, height, training and nutrition, so that a balance is maintained and the body receives the necessary elements.

Nutrition plays a major role on the way to a beautiful body. To lose weight, you need to know your BJU - the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Read also -. We will talk about how to correctly calculate the ratio of BJU for weight loss for women in this article.

What is energy balance

The human body is designed in such a way that the calorie content of foods provides the body with a certain amount of energy. In the process of life, a person spends this energy. The ratio of calories received and expended is the energy balance of the body.

If a woman receives and expends the same amount of energy, her weight remains unchanged; when she consumes more than she spends (surplus), she gets better; and if he consumes less than he spends (deficit), he loses weight.

The number of calories consumed by the body depends on several components:

  1. Basal metabolism is the metabolism that ensures the functioning of the respiratory, circulatory and other body systems at rest.
  2. The cost of energy for any activity - it can be both mental and physical labor.

How to Calculate Metabolic Rate

When a person does nothing at all (for example, just lies on the couch), his body burns approximately 60% of the calories consumed, the remaining 40% is spent on physical activity.

The more muscle you have in your body, the more calories you burn at rest. That is, doing regular sports and building muscle mass, weight loss will occur not only during training, but also during rest.

To calculate the basal metabolic rate (hereinafter referred to as BMR, from the English Basal Metabolic Rate) in women, the following formula is used:

BMR = 665.09 + (9.56 * body weight in kg) + (1.84 * height in cm) - (4.67 * number of years).

Calculate the BMR for a girl aged 25 years with a height of 165 cm and a weight of 55 kg: 665.09 + (9.56 * 55) + (1.84 * 165) - (4.67 * 25) = 665.09 + 525, 8 + 303.6 - 116.75 = 1380 kcal - burned by the body at rest, without any physical activity.

Calculating calories burned based on activity level

A woman's need for calories is based on many factors - age, weight, body condition (% fat and muscle mass), lifestyle, in particular - the level of physical activity, hormonal levels and much more.

The calculation of the number of calories burned is based on the application of the coefficient of physical activity:

  • sedentary lifestyle (lack of training and physical work) - 1.2;
  • low activity (walking several times a week and / or 1-2 workouts, cleaning the house) - 1,375;
  • moderate exercise (training at home or in the gym 3-4 times a week, active lifestyle) - 1.55;
  • mobile lifestyle (high-intensity training 5-6 times a week; work related to physical labor) - 1,725;
  • intensive lifestyle (professional sports, work associated with heavy physical labor) - 1.9.

So, if the average girl, for whom the previous calculations were made, has a low level of activity, then the number of calories spent per day is calculated as follows: 1380 * 1.375 = 1897 kcal.

Consuming 1897 kcal per day, the girl will not get better, but she will not lose weight either. Since we are interested in losing weight, we need to create a deficit. To do this, subtract 10-20% from the resulting number:

  • 1897 - 10% = 1707 kcal;
  • 1897 - 20% = 1517 kcal.

For weight loss with the selected parameters, you need to consume from 1517 to 1707 kcal per day.

The value of BJU for the body

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are the necessary components of the diet, without which the normal functioning of the body is impossible.

Proteins are the building blocks of all cells and tissues in the body. Without them, it is impossible to build muscle mass. With a lack of carbohydrates in the body, proteins become a source of energy.

Fats are the main component of all cells. Only in fats are the necessary substances responsible for the regeneration of the skin, the strength and beauty of the hair, the normalization of the hormonal background. For women, fat intake is especially important, so they should never be excluded from the diet.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy. Once in the stomach, these nutrients are broken down into glucose, which provides the body with energy.

Types of carbohydrates:

  • simple;
  • complex;
  • cellulose.

You need to try to get complex carbohydrates and fiber from food, and minimize or eliminate the intake of simple carbohydrates from food.

BJU calculation

The norm of BJU for weight loss for women is calculated based on the number of grams of the substance per kilogram of weight. Ratios like 40-20-40 or 30-20-50 tend to give a misleading idea of ​​how many ingredients are needed.

Each gram of proteins, fats and carbohydrates corresponds to a certain number of calories:

  • proteins - 4;
  • fats - 9;
  • carbohydrates - 4.

BJU calculation:

  1. Proteins - for a woman with a moderate level of activity, 1-1.5 g is needed for each kg of weight: 55 * 1 \u003d 55 g; 55 * 1.5 = 82 g.
  2. Fats - 0.8-1 g per kg of weight: 55 * 0.8 \u003d 44 g; 55 * 1 = 55 g.
  3. Carbohydrates - calculated by subtracting calories from proteins and fats from the total daily diet: 1517 - 55 * 4 - 44 * 9 \u003d 901 kcal \u003d 225 g; 1707 - 82 * 4 - 55 * 9 \u003d 884 kcal \u003d 221 g. It turns out about 4 g of carbohydrates for every kg of weight.

Thus, BJU for a losing weight girl aged 25, weighing 55 kg, 165 cm tall and with a low level of activity (1-2 workouts per week):

  • calories - 1517-1707;
  • proteins - 55-82 g;
  • fats - 44-55 g;
  • carbohydrates - 221-225 g.

Proper nutrition plays a major role in weight loss. No wonder they say that 70% of success on the way to a beautiful figure depends on nutrition, and only 30% on training.

But in no case do not exhaust yourself with diets. Nutrition should be complete and balanced, and the menu should be varied. In addition, you need to know your norms of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which depend on many factors.

We hope this article has helped you understand how to correctly calculate your individual indicators. Be beautiful and never stop there.


Olga Zhirova

Comments: 17 .

    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Recently, I firmly decided to lose weight ... I got into the Internet, and there are so many things, my eyes run wide!! Now I don’t know what to do, where to start .. Therefore, I turn to you! How did you lose weight? what REALLY HELPED?? I would very much like to cope with excess weight on my own, without nutritionists and doctors ..

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    Well, I don’t know, as for me, most diets are garbage, just torture yourself. No matter how much I tried, nothing helped. The only thing that helped to throw off about 7 kg is X-Slim. I found out about him by chance, from this article. I know many girls who have also lost weight.

    P.S. Only now I myself am from the city and we did not find it for sale, I ordered it via the Internet.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    megan92, so it is indicated in the article) I will duplicate just in case - X slim official website

    Rita 10 days ago

    Isn't this a divorce? Why sell online?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Rita, you seem to have fallen from the moon. In pharmacies - grabbers and even want to make money on it! And what kind of divorce can there be if you pay after receiving and you can get one package for free? For example, I ordered this X-Slim once - the courier brought me, I checked everything, looked and only then paid. At the post office - the same thing, there is also a payment upon receipt. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes and shoes to appliances and furniture.

    Rita 10 days ago

    Sorry, I didn't notice at first the information about the cash on delivery. Then everything is in order for sure, if the payment is upon receipt.

    Elena (SPB) 8 days ago

    I read the reviews and realized that I should take it) I'll go to place an order.

    Dima () A week ago

    Also ordered. They promised to deliver within a week (), what will we wait