When pay lifting young professionals. State support for young professionals in rural areas

Young professionals- employees who have completed training course in secondary special, higher educational institutions. It should be added to this definition that the representative of this category first entered a paid position in his specialty. This status is valid only for a certain period - a year after receiving a diploma.

Legally, belonging to this category gives special guarantees and obligations in relation to other employees. But in practice, not every organization is ready to provide young professionals with a full social package. Many graduates are deprived of the opportunity to obtain the status in question, as they prefer to find a job on their own.

Status expiration date

Federal legislation, including the Labor Code, does not define the concept of "young specialist".

Regional regulations contain an indication that this status can be assigned up to 35, in some areas - 30 years.

Status validity - 3 years (starting date - conclusion employment contract); it is not re-assigned.

In some cases, this period can be extended up to 6 years:

  • passing urgent military (alternative) service;
  • full-time postgraduate studies (adjuncture);
  • stay on maternity leave of a pregnant woman and caring for a child.

Conditions for obtaining a status

In order for a graduate of the mentioned institutions to be recognized as a young specialist, he must study exclusively on a full-time basis. Another mandatory condition is that funds for his education are allocated from the regional/federal budget.

To obtain this status, a graduate must, after passing through the final certification, receive a state diploma. Finally, he must have a referral to a post of distribution. If even one condition is not met, the graduate will not receive the status young specialist.

Relations between a young specialist and the head of the organization are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In particular, art. 70 of this legislative act prohibits the employer to appoint a probationary period for such a person.

The Labor Code allows the dismissal of such workers only in certain cases (liquidation of an enterprise, temporary incapacity for work, health condition that impedes the performance of work).

Measures to support this category of citizens

There are currently no all-Russian measures to support this social category, assistance is provided only at the regional level. The following guarantees are usually provided:

  • lump-sum payments upon employment;
  • reimbursement of transport costs;
  • concessional loans, subsidies for the purchase (construction) of housing or the provision of corporate housing;
  • interest-free loan for development;
  • reimbursement (partial or full) of payment costs preschool institutions for children.

The priority areas in this area are education and healthcare.

Information on social support for novice teachers in a particular region is provided by the territorial division of the Department of Education.

If there is a shortage of funds in the local budget, it is not entitled to refuse a person claiming payments for this reason.

Lifting for young professionals

In 2012, a government decree was issued under the number 821, dated June 22. His idea is to draw up a bill in support of a person taking the first steps in his profession. According to this legal act, compensation payment must be carried out in the first month following the signing of the employment contract. This money is called lifting money. The size of the payment is affected by the specialty, place of work. This does not take into account how many rest days the employee was able to use. A month has passed since the decision was issued, and the corresponding law was adopted by the lower house of parliament. The main goal of this project is to encourage young professionals to start working in their specialty.

In case of relocation, no payment is provided. If the graduate is a member target program distribution, the permanent place of residence is determined by the city / village where he lived, while still an applicant.

List of documents

To apply for lifting, a young specialist, getting a job, writes a corresponding application. The employer draws up an order for payments, notifies the employee about this. The latter acquaints himself with the document and signs it.

The following registration procedure is provided: the employer attaches a copy of his diploma + a certified copy to the employee’s application work book. This confirms the time from which the employee was hired in this organization. The list of these documents allows you to issue payments to novice specialists, as provided by law.

Payments for young professionals

A young specialist can count on a lump sum payment. So, the educator (teacher) is usually entitled to a monthly salary increase for 3 years.

Russian legislation also provides for another option for making social payments: after the expiration of the term of the employment contract.

Elevation allowances began to be provided in 2012 to young people who received a specialist diploma in the previous (2011) and subsequent years.

Financial support when applying for a job is provided at a time. This amount ranges from 20,000-100,000 rubles. The largest amount of lifting relies on Moscow teachers - about 100,000 rubles. In St. Petersburg, the amount is set at 50,592 rubles.

Return of payments to the state

An important point: if a specialist leaves for own will, he will have to return to the organization the lifting money received earlier from its budget.

A young specialist who has concluded an employment contract must work in distribution for at least 2 years. Otherwise, he will have to reimburse the state for the money spent on his training.

The state may also require the employer to reimburse the funds allocated for the training of a specialist. For example, if the boss, before the expiration of a two-year period, dismisses an employee with the mentioned status or transfers him to a job that is not related to the received specialty.

State and regional support

A newly minted teacher has the right to claim payments, which are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the legislative acts of the Russian Federation. The money is issued directly by the employer, who provides the graduate with workplace. The state allowance for young professionals, designed to support new staff, is not subject to taxation.

Participation in this program has a condition: the teacher is obliged to work in the acquired specialty for the next 5 years after receiving the payment. Such payments are also provided for physicians living in the village.

Local authorities are also implementing social programs of this kind. A priority for them is also to support young professionals who are going to work in the village. The sources of financing are district, city, regional budgets.

Housing allowance

An additional preference provided for young professionals is a special housing acquisition program. The right to use this university graduate gives the presence of five years of experience in a particular organization. Improving the living conditions for such a worker should be an urgent need. It is even easier to implement such a program for rural residents seeking to have housing in the village. After working for 5 years, they can visit the social protection authority and submit an application to the employee of this authority about their intention to permanently reside in the village.

The procedure for obtaining housing

The first step in obtaining preferential housing is the submission of documents. The collected copies must be accompanied by papers confirming the lack of housing in the possession or the need to improve the housing issue. The disadvantage of this program is the high initial payment. Its amount reaches 30% of the total value of the property provided. It can be a room, an apartment, a house. However, this contribution can be made by the employer. Refunds will be made by deducting part of the debt from the employee's salary or in another agreed and documented way.

Help for budding healthcare professionals

Young doctors who have moved to work in the countryside need to be paid compensation in the amount of 1 million rubles. This is how the all-Russian social program "Zemsky doctor" manifests itself.

The procedure for obtaining such assistance provides for the conclusion of a contract at the place of employment. One side is the worker, the other is the local government. This body is usually the administration of the district center.

Lifting rely exclusively on citizens with higher medical education who got a job according to their profile. A young physician must also complete an internship in order to start self-employment.

The main condition for granting financial assistance is five years of experience. young doctor in the village. If he retires early, part of the amount paid will have to be returned.

Providing doctors with housing

Along with the payment of money, the state must provide such citizens with housing, providing premises for living or land plot for construction. A part of the loan (loan) for the purchase of this property by a qualified physician may also be compensated.

The one-time payment to young specialists is targeted: one million rubles is intended solely for improving living conditions. So, in case of partial reimbursement by the state of a loan for the purchase of housing, the remaining part is supposed to be repaid from the money paid under the above program.

Benefits for young teachers are a way to motivate young professionals to engage in such an unpopular activity today as pedagogy. Specialists who meet the criteria (see below) can count not only on an abbreviated working week and longer holidays, but also on preferential terms when purchasing real estate on credit. However, is everything as rosy as it looks in words?

Young legal professional

  • Received a primary, secondary or higher professional education(which can be confirmed by a diploma).
  • Studied full-time on a budget basis.
  • Started teaching within a year after graduation.

It is important to remember that the status of a young specialist is valid only for 3 years from the date of employment. This period may be extended if the specialist was called up to the Armed Forces or took parental leave.

labor benefits

First of all, a young teacher gets the right to a working week, more than halved compared to the standard one - its duration is only 18 hours. The remaining time the teacher can spend on part-time work or part-time work - for example, tutoring.

The second privilege is an extended vacation, the duration of which, according to Art. 334 of the Labor Code, can be from 42 to 56 days. Art. 335 of the Labor Code establishes that once every 10 years a teacher has the right to take a long-term leave of 1 year, however, this privilege is given only to those who work in organizations founded by the Ministry of Education (Order No. 3570 dated 07.12.2000) .

Benefits for young teachers also often include a small supplement for the purchase of specialized educational literature and the absence of the need to pass entrance examinations for employment.

Are young teachers entitled to affordable housing?

Teachers cannot expect high salaries, so most of them have difficulty buying their own corner. It is for this reason that in Russia there are benefits for young teachers to purchase housing with a mortgage. Help can come in several forms:

  • The state partially pays the cost of housing (up to 40%).
  • The state offers to buy municipal housing at a reduced cost. This form of assistance is the most dubious - it is not known what the price was compared to.
  • The government pays mortgage interest. And this form of assistance, on the contrary, is very attractive - modern mortgages in Russia have such crazy interest rates that the borrower has to overpay twice or three times.
  • The teacher is offered a low interest rate - up to 8.5%, while the national average is 11-12%.

The form of providing assistance to a young teacher is determined by the authorities of a particular subject of the Russian Federation.

A young teacher in the village: will there be help?

Additional housing privileges were previously granted to rural teachers - it was the village that had to take care of where the teacher would live. Now there is no obligation to provide a rural teacher with housing - benefits for a young teacher in rural areas are limited to the following list:

  • Up to 30% for the purchase of a house is paid by the state.
  • 5-10 salaries are provided for home improvement (if there is something to equip).
  • Incentive payment - is that the first 3 years the teacher receives a salary of 5-10% higher.

It should also be mentioned that since 2013, all rural teachers have received compensation for utilities in a fixed amount of 1,200 rubles, although previously the amount of compensation depended on the real cost of resources in the region.

How are benefits calculated?

As a rule, the procedure for calculating benefits for young specialist teachers is quite simple - they are simply added to the amount of wages. However, since preferential rights regulated primarily by the subjects of the Russian Federation, regional authorities reserve the right to assign a different order. For example, in some areas, you can get a benefit only after paying utility bills - by contacting the municipal accounting department with a paid receipt.

The current benefit package is unlikely to make the teaching profession more popular among young people. Despite numerous labor privileges, teachers' remuneration remains at a very low level, and it is the salary that is the key criterion for choosing a field of activity among today's youth.

In Russia, for several decades in a row, there has been a problem of employment, and it is especially acute for those who are just starting their careers. labor activity specialists: doctors, teachers and representatives of other professions. Employers are often reluctant to hire boys and girls who have just graduated from college or university. For this reason, the Russian Federation provides for payments to young professionals. Let's find out what benefits university and college graduates can apply for and how you can get them.

State assistance at the federal and regional levels

IN Russian Federation There are the following types of payments for young professionals:

  1. One-time payments;
  2. Lift payments.

In the following sections, we'll take a closer look at how these benefits differ, as well as how to get a lift-up payment or a lump sum.

Lump sum payments

Help for teachers and educators who have just started working in education, the state offers a monthly allowance to wages. The funds will be paid annually by the organization in which the young specialist works. Lump sum payments to young professional teachers and other education workers are paid in a fixed amount. As of 2017, the amounts of such benefits are:

  • For the 1st year of work - 50,000 rubles;
  • For the 2nd year of work - 45,000 rubles;
  • For the 3rd year of work - 40,000 rubles.

The amount of this payment may vary. For example, for university graduates who work in the Far North or in the countryside, the size of the lump sum increases. How much is determined by the regional authorities.

lifting allowance

Since 2012, the legislation of Russia has been introduced new law, which describes all the conditions for providing financial assistance to young workers as part of innovations. Lifting payments to a young specialist are accrued as follows:

  1. A graduate of a higher educational institution (full-time education is obligatory) must get a job in his specialty at state enterprise;
  2. A citizen must work in the area where he was assigned by the university. Relocation is not included in this project;
  3. A person must be employed under a civil law or labor contract;
  4. Within thirty days after employment, lifting payments to young professionals will be accrued;
  5. The amount of such benefits depends on the place of employment, specialty and a host of other factors. For example, in Moscow, a young specialist will receive about 90,000 rubles, and a university graduate who is employed in the countryside will receive about 30,000 rubles;
  6. Also, within the framework of this program, it is possible to purchase housing on preferential terms: the state will pay part of the cost of the house.

To receive such a payment, you need to write an application at the municipal department of the city or locality.

Grounds and procedure for receiving payments

Under Russian law, the right to receive any cash payments for university graduates from the state have young professionals.

From the point of view of jurisprudence, a young specialist is a person who has a specialized secondary or higher education and got a job within one year after graduating from their university or technical school.

The main conditions for the accrual of any benefits to recent university graduates are:

  1. Day form of study. Those specialists who studied in absentia cannot apply for payment;
  2. Obtaining education on a state basis. At the same time, it is not necessary to be a scholarship holder, but the state must pay for studies for the student;
  3. Successful defense of the diploma and its receipt. It is not necessary to graduate from a university with honors: it is enough to pass certification and receive a state diploma;
  4. Employment by distribution from a university or technical school. The university should provide jobs for specialists who studied at the expense of the federal or regional budget.

Receipt of payment may be denied if at least one of the above items is not met.

Additional Criteria

In addition to the above conditions, there are a number of specific criteria that a specialist must meet. So, this status is assigned:

  • Persons under the age of thirty-five;
  • Employment under a distribution program from an institute or technical school;
  • For representatives medical specialties must work in the countryside;
  • Conclusion of an employment contract with the enterprise for a period of three years;
  • If a citizen applies for a mortgage on preferential terms, work experience of at least a year is required.

Each region of Russia has its own regional support programs, so the conditions for receiving financial assistance may depend on the place of residence.

How to receive

Payments are accrued by the organization in which the graduate is employed. It should be taken into account that the state enterprise must necessarily allocate funds for the newly employed worker, but the commercial organization is not obliged to pay any allowance.

To receive funds you need:

  1. Collect a package of necessary documents (you will find a list of papers in the next section);
  2. Contact your employer with documents and write a statement that he wants to receive compensation as a young specialist;
  3. Within a month, the employer must respond to the employee's request, and either provide funds or refuse to pay. Refusal must be justified.

If a positive decision is made, the allowance will be paid to bank card(if the salary is transferred there) or in cash through the cash desk of the organization.

List of required documents

As mentioned above, a young professional applying for financial assistance needs to provide documents to his employer. The list of required papers is not long:

  • State diploma on graduation from a higher educational institution. In addition to the diploma itself, you need to bring an insert with grades that is issued to him;
  • Employment history. The document must be verified by a lawyer. Please note that it must contain the date of commencement of work and the signature of the employer.

These papers must be attached to the application. A sample application can be obtained from the accounting department of the enterprise where the citizen works.

Overview of existing support programs for young professionals in 2017-18

The largest number of labor resources is concentrated in cities, especially large ones. In the villages, there is now an acute shortage of qualified workers: teachers, educators, doctors, and so on. The state is trying to attract university graduates to work in rural areas. The following projects have been created:

  1. Young specialist in the countryside;
  2. Country doctor.

These are the two main programs to support young professionals, which are presented by the government of the Russian Federation today. In the following sections, we will take a detailed look at how they function and what their conditions are.

Young professional in the countryside

Within the framework of this program, regional and federal organizations pay compensation to representatives of various professions: young teachers, nurses, doctors the highest category etc. It is worth considering that the funds are paid for the purchase or construction of their own housing. According to the terms of the program, the state covers up to 70% of all costs associated with the purchase of your own home.

Applicants for the program are subject to the following criteria:

  • Possession of a higher education diploma. Also, full-time students who are already graduating from the university (fifth or sixth year) are allowed to participate in the program. Thus, the program provides an opportunity to find a job for students who have not even graduated from the university;
  • Age up to 35 years. The project is designed only for young people and middle-aged people;
  • A citizen must provide a certificate of absence of housing;

If a person meets all of the above criteria, they will be asked to sign a contract to participate in the program. Its conditions are:

  • Work for at least five years in a relevant specialty in countryside;
  • Have cash savings to cover 30% of the cost of housing;
  • Have the intention to live in the countryside on a permanent basis.

In order to become a member of the project "Young professional in the countryside", you must contact the municipal department of your city or locality and write an application there. Consideration of the request takes up to two months, after which the competent persons will provide instructions on how to proceed.

Zemsky doctor

From the name it is clear that this project is designed for all kinds of doctors: surgeons, obstetrician-gynecologists, nurses etc. In rural areas, there is an acute shortage of qualified doctors. Therefore, if a villager urgently needs health care, he often has to be transported several kilometers to the nearest hospital: such cases can end lethal outcome. For this reason, the Zemsky Doctor program was developed. The criteria for applicants to participate in it are as follows:

  1. medical specialty;
  2. Possession of a university degree;
  3. Passage of residency and internship;
  4. Age - up to 45 years;
  5. Willingness to move and further life in the village.

According to the terms of the program, a young specialist receives the following benefits and additional payments from the state:

  • A one-time payment to young professionals who are participants in the Zemsky Doctor program ranges from 50,000 to 70,000 rubles (depending on the medical profile and qualifications);
  • The possibility of compensation of 70% of the cost of the house (provided that the house will be purchased in a rural area);
  • Financial assistance in running Agriculture;
  • 50% discount on public transport (this includes buses, trains and trains).

To participate in this program, you must contact the municipal department of your city or locality, provide Required documents(their list can be found at the institution's stand) and wait for an answer. The decision is made at the regional level, so all payments and compensation will come from the regional budget.

After graduating from a higher educational institution, former students face the problem of finding employment in their specialty. Nobody needs even graduates with red diplomas. Most employers do not want to hire young professionals without work experience. This problem became larger. In order to solve it and attract young cadres to enterprises, plants, factories and companies, the state has created special programs for young graduates.

About the payment of lifting to a young specialist, as well as about who has the right to financial assistance will be discussed in this article.

Who is considered a young professional

Young professionals are students who have completed a full course of secondary special or higher education. They must be trained in day hospital and from the state budget. This status is assigned for a year from the date of graduation.

A graduate is sent to work by distribution, that is, in accordance with the law. He is accepted immediately for a permanent job, without an internship. All conditions must be met to obtain the status of "young specialist". This is the Labor Code, lifting payments Art. 70 of the Law of the Russian Federation regulates the relationship between the employer and the young employee.

Responsibilities of the employer and young worker

When employing a young specialist, the employer must pay an allowance in the amount of 3 tariff rates 1 category, as well as to issue wages in the amount of at least 80% of the average monthly salary. If the employee does not have a place of residence, then the employer is obliged to provide housing from the fund of corporate temporary housing. An employee without experience has the right to ask the employer for financial assistance at the birth of a child, marriage, and child care allowance is also due.

The graduate after the conclusion of the employment contract is obliged to work in the company for 2 years. If he decides to quit, he will have to return to the state compensation for his education and training on the job. It is possible to dismiss a specialist without experience in the TC only if the organization is liquidated, or due to the health of the specialist, which does not allow him to perform work duties.

But in most cases, companies cannot provide a specialist without experience with full social package. Graduates themselves, upon graduation, try to get a job on their own, therefore they do not receive the status of "Young Specialist".

What payments can a young specialist receive?

Such employees are financially supported by the state. Social benefits of the state are divided into two categories:

  1. The lump sum is legally required to be paid at the end of the employment contract. If the employee himself writes a letter of resignation, then he will have to return the social money to the state budget.
  2. Starting from 2012, the young specialist’s lifting allowance has been accrued to those employees who have graduated educational institution in 2011 and in the following years.

Elevation payment to a young specialist

On June 22, 2012, the state adopted Decree No. 821 on incentive payments for material support of young and inexperienced employees. The payment of lifting to a young specialist should be accrued within the first month from the date of signing the employment contract. The amount of financial assistance depends on the specialty and position. If a graduate moves to another city or village, payments will be cancelled.

The purpose of such a project is to attract young, energetic and full of ideas graduates to work in their specialty. Also, an additional benefit and social assistance is a social program for the purchase of housing. To get housing, you need to work in one organization for more than 5 years and need an apartment.

How should an order for the payment of lifting to a young specialist be drawn up (sample)

The accrual of lifting payments is carried out on the basis of an order. The employer must independently draw up it and warn the employee. The employee needs to sign the order only after familiarization. An application, a copy of the diploma and a copy of the work book (the date of registration for work is noted in it), certified by a notary, is attached to the order. Documents for calculating financial assistance:

  1. Order issued by the employer. It approves Appendix 1 “On the procedure and conditions for additional payments to an employee without work experience”, as well as Appendix 2. At the end of the order, the date and signature of the head of the department are put.
  2. Appendix 1 “On the procedure and conditions for additional payments to an employee without work experience” is attached to the order. Contains general position, order of appointment and amount of payments.
  3. Attachment 2 to the order is an application for financial assistance written by a young employee.

Cash payment for teachers

The payment of lifting to a young specialist - teachers, is carried out on certain conditions. Criteria for receiving financial assistance:

  • the teacher must be no older than 35 years;
  • immediately after graduation, the graduate is obliged to get a job;
  • an employment contract must be signed for 3 years or more;
  • Experience in the specialty is required to obtain a preferential mortgage.

The size of the lift depends on the city and on the size of the scholarship that the student received during his studies. Teachers without experience can be paid three types of social assistance:

  1. One time payment. Its amount is from 20 thousand to 100 thousand rubles.
  2. Salary increase. In the capital, the increase is 40% of the basic rate, and for graduates with honors - 50%.
  3. Mortgages on preferential terms. A certain part of the mortgage is paid by the state.

All benefits that accrue for support are tax-free. To obtain housing on preferential terms, it is necessary to add a certificate to the general set of documents, which confirms the need for an apartment. The only disadvantage of preferential housing is the payment of the first installment in the amount of 30% of the total price of housing.

Cash payments to doctors

Elevation payments to young medical professionals can vary. This category of specialists has federal support. Lifting payments to young specialists-doctors reach 1 million rubles. subject to a number of conditions:

  • higher medical education;
  • age up to 50 years;
  • moving to the village with employment for 5 years or more.

A one-time payment is due only to doctors who have completed their internship. Lifting payments to young specialists-nurses, paramedics are not paid. They are not eligible to participate in the Zemsky Doctor program. The main goal of the Zemsky Doctor program is an incentive payment for medical professionals who work in rural areas.

Financial assistance is paid by the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (MHIF). Within 3 days, the MHIF forms the payment. In 2016, 60% was paid by the federal budget and 40% by the regional budget.

To receive financial assistance, a physician must send the necessary set of documents to the MHIF. List of required documents:

  • passport;
  • certificate of higher education;
  • certificate confirming the completion of residency;
  • a certificate confirming work in a medical institution;
  • statement, which was concluded with the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

It is necessary to have not only original documents, but also copies certified by a notary.

Cash assistance to agricultural workers

Due to the low standard of living, today there are few specialists who want to work in the villages. Lifting payments to young agricultural specialists are the encouragement and attraction of young workers in the agricultural sector. The amount of payments is determined by the specialty and district.

From 2002 to 2020 there is a program to improve the living standards of the inhabitants of villages and villages. In accordance with it, citizens will receive subsidies.

A program has been created for young professionals that provides assistance in acquiring housing in the village. You can use this program only once. Young professionals are given a subsidy in the form of a soft loan, where the interest rate is 5% per year. The employee needs to contribute about 30% of his funding, since the amount of the subsidy is no more than 70%.

Participants must meet certain eligibility criteria to be eligible for the Young Professional Housing Program. Program conditions:

  • not older than 35 years;
  • live permanently in the village;
  • have a document that confirms the need for an apartment or house;
  • you need to have a certificate that confirms the availability of funds in the amount of 30% of the cost of housing;
  • diploma of completion of secondary or higher education;
  • have a document that confirms employment upon completion of training within 3 months;
  • work in the organization for more than 3 years.

Lump sum payments in 2017

There are no changes in 2017 for lifting payments for state employees. The amounts of all material benefits are set at the federal or regional level and are not subject to indexation. They can increase only because of the growth of the wages of the worker.

Payments to young workers are accrued once a year for 3 years. Novosibirsk, Ufa and Nizhny Novgorod the first payment is 40 thousand rubles, the second - 35 thousand rubles, and the third - 30 thousand rubles. In large cities, St. Petersburg and Moscow, the amount of accruals is much higher, as the standard of living and average earnings are higher.

Young university graduates often face the problem of finding employment.

Employers are reluctant to hire specialists without experience, even if they have a red diploma. As a result, graduates are forced to take low-paying positions.

At the same time, there is an acute shortage of professional personnel in the countryside. The main problem of the villages is low level life.

For a long time there has been a tendency for the outflow of young people from villages to cities. As a result, specialists are required in the village in all sectors.

In order to resolve the current situation and attract young cadres to the countryside, the program "Young specialist in the countryside" was introduced at the legislative level.

Who are the young professionals

The legislation does not define the term "young specialist". But this concept is found quite often in regulatory legal acts that establish labor Relations young cadres.

Article 70 Labor Code there is an explanation about a person who has completed training in an institution that has received state accreditation and got a job in his specialty. A prerequisite Employment within the first year after graduation is considered.

Young specialists are considered to be graduates who have received education in labor professions in specialized institutions.

The category of young professionals also includes citizens who have not yet turned 35 years old, if they completed a course of study with a break from production and went to work in the organization in their specialty no later than three months after completing their studies. The status of a young specialist in this case lasts three years from the date of execution of the employment contract. The employee is obliged to work in the organization with which the contract is signed for at least three years.

Summarizing the above, one can distinguish three main criteria characterizing the concept of a young specialist:

  1. A graduate who has received professional education in an institution with state accreditation;
  2. The specialist is obliged, after receiving the specialty, to get a job according to the profile;
  3. It is necessary to find a job within a year after graduation.

Types of payments and social programs for support

For young professionals, there are a number of payments and social programs.

They can count on:

  1. One-time payment;
  2. Lifting.

The lump sum payment is calculated in different ways. For example, kindergarten teachers and teachers receive a monthly bonus for three years in addition to their salary. In accordance with the law, payment can be made at the end of the term of the employment contract.

Lifting payouts have appeared since 2012. A compensation or incentive payment must be issued to a specialist in the first month after signing the contract. The amount of the payment depends on the specialty and place of work.

If a young specialist leaves of his own free will, then he will have to return to the budget of the organization, the enterprise, the lifting payments that were issued to him.

All processing for the issuance of payments, the employer takes over.

State allowance intended to support young workers is not taxed. In order for an employee to participate in social program, he is obliged to work in this organization after receiving lifting at least five years. Besides, professional activity should be related only to the received specialty.

Medical workers can only receive payment if they live in a village, according to.

Goals and conditions of the state support program

Since 2002, a program has been launched to improve the living conditions of citizens who live in rural areas.

To date program action calculated until 2020.

In accordance with federal law Funds for improving housing conditions are provided through the allocation of subsidies to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation from the federal budget. Subsidies are allocated within the framework of the rural development program.

Housing for young professionals in the countryside is a program that is designed to help families buy an apartment or house in a rural area. A village refers to rural settlements and areas between villages.

To take advantage of the right to improve living conditions with the help of state support at the expense of the budget can be granted to young professionals once in a lifetime.

Young professionals can get a subsidy in the form of a soft loan. Interest rate for which the loan will be granted is 5% per annum. It is possible to return the money within 10 years in equal installments.

Subsidy amount regulated by the regulations of each region separately, depending on the market value per square meter of housing. But its size cannot exceed 70% of the amount of housing, that is, a young specialist must have 30% own funds to buy an apartment. Each region sets the maximum price limit for an apartment, above which it will be impossible to purchase housing under the program. If both family members fall under the category of young professionals, then the amount increases.

You can buy housing both in the secondary and in the primary market.

What benefits are provided by this program "Providing housing for young professionals in the countryside"

The main plus of the program is that participants have the right to receive a loan on preferential terms at 5% per annum from the state budget for up to 10 years.

The estimated cost of the subsidy is determined based on the total area of ​​​​the dwelling, taking into account the norm for the number of family members. For one person, this norm is considered 33 sq.m., for a family of two, the norm is 42 sq.m., for three or more, the calculation is carried out at 18 sq.m. per person.

Specialist has the right to use payment for:

  • Purchase of housing in rural areas, which has been in operation for no more than five years;
  • Construction of a residential private house or to complete an already begun construction;
  • Buying an apartment in a building under construction apartment building in the village.

Who can become a member

The right to receive a subsidy under the program "Providing housing for young professionals in the countryside" the following categories:

  • Citizens not older than 35 years;
  • Those who live permanently in rural areas;
  • Recognized as in need of better housing conditions;
  • Having on hand documentary evidence of their own funds of at least 30% of the cost of housing;
  • Received secondary or higher education in an institution with state accreditation;
  • Specialists who were employed in their specialty no later than three months after receiving a diploma in the direction of the Department of Education in the countryside;
  • Worked in the specialty for at least three years.

When receiving a social subsidy, program participants are obligated to work in rural areas in social sphere or in agro-industrial production at least five years. Agro-industrial enterprises are understood as producers of agricultural goods, this list does not include owners of individual subsidiary plots.

Employment in the social sphere is understood as any form of labor in rural areas, including individual entrepreneurship, in the field of education, health care, physical culture, social service.

Registration procedure

To participate in the program, the specialist must apply to the housing committee in your subject. Before submitting documents for participation in the program “Providing housing for young professionals in the countryside”, you must be recognized as in need of improved housing conditions. After receiving the relevant document, you can apply for a grant.

To do this, you must provide:

The list of documents can be extended by the regulations of the regions.

Local authorities check the submitted documents and form a list of program participants. Application processing time is 2 months. After the expiration of the period, the applicant is sent an official response on the inclusion of a specialist in the queue for a subsidy.

Terms of receipt depend on the regions and the number of specialists applying for a subsidy.

Rural administrations send lists to the executive authorities by September 1 before the coming year. Focusing on the number of applicants, the approximate size and number of subsidies are compiled. Executive authorities form lists of applicants and notify them.

Calculation of the number and amount of subsidies, which will be sent from the federation to the subjects, is made after the approval of the annual budget, after November 1.

The Ministry of Agriculture takes into account the following factors in the allocation:

  • The population in the village, the standard of living;
  • How much emergency and dilapidated housing is in this rural area;
  • Lack of labor force in the region;
  • Average cost per square meter.

The subsidy is issued to young professionals for a period of not more than 10 years at 5% per annum. The amount of payments is divided into equal parts.

The transfer of funds from the subsidy allocated by the state is made by the credit institution to the account:

  • Seller, in case of purchasing an apartment under a contract of sale from a private person;
  • A contractor who is building a house for a young specialist;
  • Developer, if the apartment is purchased in a house under construction;
  • To the seller of building materials under a contract of sale, if a private residential building is being built on its own.

During the program, many regions have acquired professional specialists in the countryside. The results of the program cannot go unnoticed. Graduates have an incentive to get not only a well-paid job, but also to purchase housing on favorable terms.

About the implementation of this program in the Kuraginsky district, see the following video: