International Dentist Day congratulations. Congratulations on International Dentist Day. Congratulations in prose

February 9 is International Dentist Day in Belarus and abroad. Many of us associate going to this doctor with unpleasant memories, but our snow-white smile and health are entirely dependent on the representatives of this wonderful profession. It doesn’t matter when you last sat in the dentist’s chair, remember your doctor on this holiday and give him warm words and congratulations on Dentist’s Day.

Congratulations in verse

1. On Dentist's Day, I want to wish smiles!
So that the patient learns not to scream from pain,
So that fillings, fluxes, stomatitis are treated with "Hurrah!"
And so that the salary of the doctor was worthy!

2. To all dentists today
We send our fiery greetings.
Thank you for what we can
We nibble nuts for lunch.

For a Hollywood smile
Bow to you low and merci.
Only sorcerers with a drill
Under the power of a tooth sometimes save.

We wish you health, happiness,
Good luck and victories in everything,
Sufficiency, so that if desired
We were able to open our office.

3. Famous doctor, dentist,
Drill treats a tooth,
So that the fillings stand for a long time!
We appreciate your hard work!

On this day, we hasten to congratulate
Faithful to the cause of doctors,
You health, happiness, glory,
Live forever without worries.

4. Thank you very much dentist
Why am I screaming so loudly in the office!
I want to scare other patients,
To congratulate you alone!

I wish you success, health, victories,
So that there are no bad weather and troubles in life
And so that you go to work with a smile,
And all the patients brought you flowers!

5. Today is a holiday for
Who treats teeth easily for us!
Drills, grinds and buzzes,
We are in a hurry to return the smile!

We wish you big salaries
And golden patients
Health, happiness and love -
"Thank you" we say to you!

6. Let's remember the people
Dressed in white coats.
About nurses and about doctors,
Who is in office not for a salary.

Let's wish them
Health, happiness and good luck!
Let the sky be blue
And all problems are solved.

7. How many professions are there in the world:
Your job is a doctor's office.
You are not an ENT, not an ophthalmologist, not a rheumatologist,
You - professional dentist!

Today is your holiday, I wish you
In work - good luck, peace - in the soul!
And those who come to you as a torture,
I want to leave with a white smile!

8. Your professional holiday -
The day of the dentist has come
I wish you beautiful days
And so that the income does not dry out.
Of course, happiness and hope,
And, of course, kindness,
To be joyful as before
So that all dreams come true!

9. I love dentists
I'll be very honest,
And I endure terrible pain,
I am silent, I sit on the spot.

But on this day I want to say
To you, dentists,
It's better not to find you
among other doctors.

I don't want to get sick either.
And be healthier
What you wish to have
Laugh and love!

Congratulations in prose

Congratulations on Dentist's Day in prose are relevant if you want to express words of gratitude orally. A fresh selection of warm words will please the doctor in the most stressful everyday life.

1. Dear dentists! Your work is invaluable, useful and important! Although sometimes we are afraid to go into the dentist's office, we know that it is you who make our smiles snow-white, our teeth are even, and our mood is good! Thank you for your understanding, kindness and professionalism. Happy holiday!

2. Congratulations on International Dentist Day! You make us healthy and therefore happy! So let you also enjoy your work, let your smiles energize each patient, let your golden hands never get tired, and your eyes shine with happiness. I thank you for every caries cured, canal passed and tooth polished. You deserve respect and low bow for professionalism!

3. Congratulations to our beloved dentists on their professional holiday! We wish you more grateful patients, worthy rewards, competent colleagues! Our smiles are yours! May you always have a great mood, family comfort, health and well-being. Let work be a joy!

4. Please accept my congratulations on your professional holiday. We wish peace, kindness, prosperity, joy, success, health to you and your loved ones. Your fine work makes our smiles beautiful and dazzling. Let patients not be afraid of you, but go to the reception as if it were a holiday. You work wonders, so let your work be a joy!

5. Low bow to the dentist for his work, professionalism and patience! May you be valued at work and at home, may, while curing our teeth, you yourself always remain healthy, may snow-white smiles patients cheer up doctors. Congratulations on International Dentist Day and we wish you gratitude for your work, good luck in your career, love in life and comfort at work!

6. Dear dentists! Congratulations on International Dentist Day! We wish you fun and good mood, happiness and fulfillment of desires! May your path be illuminated by a lucky star, and in life you are always lucky!

7. You create kind smiles! Thank you for that! I want to wish that all dreams come true, that you never lose heart, smile more often! May patients be grateful and healthy, colleagues courteous and friendly, management condescending and generous!

SMS congratulations

On International Dentist Day, every doctor will be pleased to receive an SMS from his patient. In order not to seem banal, our portal has selected for you simple and sincere congratulations in verse and prose.
1. Thank you, you are an amazing doctor! Now all the seals are in place!
I want to wish you good luck, smiles on your lips!

2. Bow to you, dear dentist!
Let there be a long working life,
"Thank you" on a holiday they say
All patients to you in a row!

3. Congratulations on your professional holiday - International Dentist Day! Thank you for giving us dazzling and healthy smiles! I wish that every day you hear words of gratitude from your patients!

4. Happy International Dentist Day!
Let the patient rush to the reception,
Let them raise your salary!
Comfort, tranquility await at home!
"Thank you!" tell the doctors!

5. Happy professional holiday! Happy International Dentist Day! Let the patients not be afraid of you, colleagues respect you, and the authorities appreciate you!

6. To get paid for idleness,
I wish all the teethers a lifetime!
We have - so that the teeth are strong and do not hurt
And we just went to visit you!

7. Please accept our sincere congratulations on the Day of the Dentist! Let the career go uphill, health does not fail, and close and dear people will be nearby!

8. I want to wish you
To always be lucky
Never lose heart
Happiness - all out of spite!

Full sea of ​​joy
Let success come
Dentists need
Joy without interference!

9. I am sending you a poem on this holiday!
Let a bag of bills fall on you,
I want to get rich at work
And every time you want more and more!

Funny congratulations on Dentist's Day

Dentists have always had a great sense of humor. They know how to cheer up the patient in difficult moments cheer up, bring to life. Colleagues often give wishes to each other on Dentist Day with humor and irony. And if the patient congratulates the dentist cheerfully and coolly, the doctor will certainly appreciate such an original approach. For this case, we have prepared best words on the occasion of the holiday.

1. Sitting in the clinic
In the mouth of a stranger always looks,
He looks at his teeth,
Caries is always looking for.

And find - then give up:
Snuggle up tight to the chair
The doctor will treat us
Drill a tooth with a drill.

2. No drills or chisels needed!
The nerve was slightly pressed -
Having passed with battles the oral cavity,
We won!

Happy Dentist Day, friends!
Let luck await in everything!
Let it be an easy path
And caries cry!

3. Let your smile shine
After all, today is your holiday!
You help everyone smile
And don't be shy about your smile!

Congratulations on your holiday!
Let the income grow, and with it
May health grow stronger, and in addition
Let luck accompany you in life!

4. Usually shaking knees
And the blood freezes in the veins sometimes ...
But on Dentist's Day boldly
I'm going to make you happy!

With your flawless smile,
Flowers, a box of chocolates,
May your fillings last forever
Not a year or two - many years!

5. Male gynecologists look at you with envy, male dentists! During your working day, unlike them, you look exactly where you should look! Therefore, you only dream about pleasant things at night - snow-white female smiles and beautiful even teeth. And every morning this joyful dream comes true, because all this is your doing!

6. You are the master of the drill,
She saws everything without gasoline,
And you always look at the root,
Dentists from us - Hooray!

7. Let patients not be afraid to enter you,
The countdown of merit was not enough for the fingers,
Forget for a day drill buzzing
Yes, in a stormy, cheerful revelry!

You have more work, salaries, bonuses,
“And you are just a master” - let them tell you!
Serve the heart's desire to Hippocrates,
A special fate, so that the best is not needed!

We wish you success, excellent health!
Let joy be your usual state!
Happiness, health and joy to you!
Today you can drink 100 grams!

8. White coat, drill,
The smell of drugs in the office -
What is this picture?
Who is the most important person in the world?

Dentist, of course
He'll take the pain away!
I wish you to be successful
Cheerful, have willpower!

9. Only if they don't help. folk methods, grandmother's advice and recipes from the Internet, we risk our own nervous system and sign up for your appointment! But here are miracles ... You, like a magician, relieve any pain with one right hand! We may have to endure a little the terrible squeal of the machine, piercing pain in the gums, but then we shine with a smile and there is no trace of pain! Thank you for this, for your work and patience, for your professionalism and goodwill, for good words and a soft look from under the mask. Let International Dentist Day be celebrated once a month: you deserve congratulations and words of gratitude!

10. You are a dentist! Skillful hands!
The credo of the profession is to do good!
Those who experienced terrible torment,
They know that life is not sweet anyway
If it hurts from hot drinks,
If the cold is not eaten at all.
The main thing is to gather strength and spirit,
Sit in this healer's chair!
And sparkle without holes and stains
White teeth, beckoning with a smile,
Your work, my friend, is very pleasant to us,
Happy holiday, we congratulate you!

We are used to congratulating relatives and friends on joyful occasions, but sometimes we forget that there are people to whom we should be grateful for their work. Doctors will be pleased to hear congratulations on Dentist's Day in verse or prose, receive a short SMS or a thematic postcard. Thanks to our resource, you will not be confused when choosing right words dear doctor.

International Dentist Day is the professional holiday of dentists. Dentists, dentists and their assistants take part in the celebration. They are joined by teachers, students, interns and graduates of specialized medical colleges and universities.

The purpose of the holiday is to draw public attention to dental health, instill a culture of regular check-ups and raise the prestige of the dentist profession.

TO international day the dentist is timed with festive events, at which dentists are congratulated, they are awarded with certificates, diplomas for achievements in their work. Scientific congresses, conferences and seminars are organized at which specialists improve their skills and share their experience. Television programs broadcast on the prevention and treatment of dental diseases.

history of the holiday

International Dentist Day originated in the USA. The date of the holiday is dedicated to the creation of the first boron machine on March 6, 1790. The device was invented by John Greenwood, the personal dentist of the first President of the United States, George Washington.

Holiday traditions

This day leadership medical institutions awards dentists with certificates, diplomas for achievements in their work. Doctors examine and advise patients. Events are held to improve skills and exchange experience. Charitable foundations raise money to help people in need. Conferences, seminars, educational lectures are arranged. Radio and television broadcast programs about the life and success of dentists, maintaining health oral cavity, course and consequences of dental diseases.

Patients, relatives and close friends of dentists join the congratulations and festive events.

Task for the day

Take an interest in the composition of the toothpaste you use. Learn about the properties of the main components and active substances.

  • February 9 is celebrated
  • The dentist has a specialized secondary medical education, and the dentist - higher professional.
  • When a shark loses a tooth, a new one will soon grow. Biotechnologists are trying to instill a similar function in people.
  • The first drill machine had a foot drive. Its function was performed by the spinning wheel.
  • Anthropologists have found traces of dent drilling in people who lived 9,000 years ago. The hole diameter did not exceed 3 mm.
  • The most hard tissue human body - enamel. It is not made up of cells.


“Congratulations on the International Day of the Dentist and with all my heart I wish you a wonderful and good peace with bright and healthy smiles. May clients not scream, may work not be annoying, may prosperity grow every day, may happiness be pure, bright and flawless, like the smile of a Hollywood star.

Raising a glass to dentists! Let your hands always be sure of what they are doing, and let your head be filled with useful knowledge and skills. We wish you many thanks and good patients who will sincerely admire your talent as a doctor and give you their healthy and joyful smiles. May a warm hearth, family happiness and prosperity always burn in your house.

“From the bottom of our hearts and with all our hearts we congratulate dentists on their professional holiday! Let your kind and skillful hands know no fatigue, your sensitive heart - anxiety, and your gaze more often smiles in all 32 white and healthy teeth!


Bouquet. A bouquet of flowers is an official and pleasant gift for the holiday. An original version of a gift can be a bouquet of sweets, fruits, vegetables, decorated with decorative elements.

Medical accessories. A medical cap, a mask with an interesting print, a brooch in the form of a tooth, a smile or dental instruments will please the dentist and diversify his everyday work image.

A set of coffee or tea. A set of coffee or tea with unusual flavors will become a good gift for the holidays, and will allow you to enjoy your favorite drinks during breaks.

Gift Certificate. Gift certificates to shops, for a massage, personal training or a visit to a movie show will be a pleasant and original present for the holiday.


Accuracy Competition
For the competition, it is necessary to prepare plastic cups and syringes. Participants line up. Plastic cups are placed in front of them at a distance of 1-2 meters. Competitors are given syringes and containers with water. The task of the competition is to fill the cups at speed without moving. The fastest and most accurate participant wins.

Movie Mania
The contestants are divided into two teams and take turns naming films about doctors and medicine. You have 30 seconds to think. The winner is the team that in its arsenal will gain more titles films.

For the competition, it is necessary to make a thermometer out of cardboard in advance. Participants are divided into two teams and stand in a line. The first person in line holds the thermometer under their arm. On command, the participants begin to pass the thermometer to each other without resorting to the help of their hands. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

About the profession of dentists

Dentist is a term that combines many dental specialties, which include dentists, surgeons, periodontists, orthodontists, orthopedists. They are engaged in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the teeth and oral cavity, perform operations, eliminate cosmetic defects engaged in prosthetics of teeth and jaws.

Dental professions are highly sought after and well paid. They are suitable for people who have developed coordination and fine motor skills hands, good eyesight, memory and developed communication skills. The professional path begins with the development of a profile medical specialty V educational institutions. For many dentists, a family medical dynasty is not uncommon.

This holiday in other countries

International Dentist Day, as in Russia, is celebrated on March 6 by dentists in the United States, India, and most European countries.

Every year on March 6 we celebrate the professional holiday of the dentist, because today is March 6 - International Dentist Day! Congratulations to the dentist, in verse and prose!

Let your teeth shine like pearls
Money in the purse rustle,
And there will be a big queue
Customers will come to you in a crowd,
And there will be a lot of happiness
On your Dentist's Day!

For a visit to the dentist
You need a good reason all the time.
In response, I always want to hear:
« Healthy teeth, you are free!"
Perhaps from the spring of breath
The blood in my veins is hot.
Congratulations to all dentists!
Today is Dentist's Day.
May every new treatment
You succeed, doctors,
And thousands of satisfied patients
They can fix your teeth!

So I sometimes read novels about vampires ... And I keep thinking ... And what about their teeth? Happy Dentist's Day! I wish you never have vampires in your patients! Better than ordinary and very grateful patients! And also - have a dozen wallets and gold cards for all the cash!

Let patients not be afraid to enter you,
The countdown of merit was not enough for the fingers,
Forget for a day the buzzing machine,
Yes, in a stormy, cheerful revelry!
You have more work, salaries, bonuses,
“And you are just a master” - let them tell you!
Serve the heart's desire to Hippocrates,
A special fate, so that the best is not needed!
We wish you success, excellent health!
Let joy be your usual state!
Happiness, health and joy to you
Today you can drink 100 grams!

We will thank you for the accuracy of the work,
For diligence, clarity and care.
Accept gratitude and low bow!
Happy Dentist Day!

dental office
With the itch of drills
People are scared from childhood.
Let's solve the problem!
After all, we now have anesthesia,
That will let everyone forget
About the myths of the old-old years
And about toothache.
On the international day of the doctor -
Dental, not simple,
Thank you doctors
Caring we are again!

Dear our dentists! Congratulations on your professional holiday! Thank you so much for your work and our beautiful smiles. We wish you dear good health, moral stability, warmth, sincerity, mutual love and grateful patients. Let them love and respect you, and not be afraid!

Thirty-two nature-given teeth -
What we had to chew, we do not save!
And one day the buzzer sounds:
Tooth nerve suddenly irritated!
Who saves? good dentist,
Master of sealed gifts,
The look is affectionate, but by no means prickly,
Drill - gentle, not harsh!
Congratulations on the holiday with love!
Dentist gives grace
Patients - never dental
Do not grind on a sick motive!

On Dentist's Day
I wish you patience
To work quickly
Easy, inspirational
To increase income
Filled their pockets
For paths to lead
To your desired goals!

white smile,
So pleasing to all eyes.
We thank you for it
Dentist - doctor.
Unpleasant procedures.
But the result is great
Come into the treatment room
Cabinet just like that.
We wish you success
Lots of happiness and warmth
A life full of light, laughter,
Thanks, good!

Dear and beloved dentist! Congratulations on your international professional holiday! We wish that those whom you treated never come again, because your treatment is very effective and of high quality! We wish respect and admiration from patients, recognition from superiors, love from relatives and friends! May everyone be healthy, beautiful, with snow-white charming smiles! Light to you and joy, health and good luck, love and harmony in life!

Dentist Day! I glorify him loudly in verses!
I glorify solemnly, as long as the line allows,
Correction of bite with braces for a child,
Building bridges over an old man's toothless gum!
I would play the piano, sob with a virtuoso violin,
To express gratitude! But on the dentist's day -
Silently shine stingy Hollywood smile
In gratitude to his drill and filling cases!

Happy Dentist's Day!
Let it be easy life,
Dentist Career
Aiming straight up!
May all patients
Will be satisfied
And difficult moments
They won't hurt!

Dentist, I wish you a holiday,
To have happiness in life
And to leave fate
Problems and bad weather!
Let the crowd come to you
People treat their teeth.
You are never with them.
Don't be rude!

I congratulate you on the International Dentist's Day and sincerely wish you a wonderful and kind world with bright and healthy smiles. Let clients not scream, let work not irritate, let prosperity grow every day, let happiness be pure, bright and flawless, like the smile of a Hollywood star.

How many professions are there in the world:
Your job is a doctor's office.
You are not an ENT, not an ophthalmologist, not a rheumatologist,
You are a professional dentist!
Today is your holiday, I wish you
In work - good luck, peace - in the soul!
And those who come to you as a torture,
I want to leave with a white smile!

Since childhood, I was a little afraid of dentists,
But I managed to overcome my fear
And so he would be left without his teeth,
And only porridge would have to eat.
Well, without jokes, so that the century is long
And from a smile your day became radiant,
I congratulate all dentists in the world,
Happy life you for a century!

Dentist - dentist,
You celebrate your day.
congratulations today
You are not too lazy to write!
Let there be many clients
And some money too
And let you work
The Lord Himself will help!

Congratulations on International Dentist Day. May every business in life stand at the right source, may your professionalism never be questioned, may each client be satisfied with the work of the master, may your personality be surrounded by respect and happiness, may your soul always be calm and easy.

This is a doctor without sentiment,
Treats teeth, tears roots.
To him the record of patients
Two months ahead.
Will drive a tooth under the crown,
It is necessary - insert an implant,
All desires will be fulfilled -
He will always help you!
And today we congratulate
Miracle doctor in a hurry.
We want to glorify the whole world
May you be saved by fate!

Happy Dentist Day! You are the right doctor
There are no unresolved tasks for you,
You can easily defeat periodontitis,
The tooth has served - you will remove it!

That's why on your holiday I want
Wishing you happiness, I'm not kidding!
Let there be joy all the time at the feet,
Your good God will fulfill your dreams!

Happy personal day, you are a dentist,
We congratulate you with a smile.
And without shyness and fear,
We open our mouths for you!

Let caries "get stronger"
Bringing clients to you.
Well, the seals fly out,
Only your competitors!

Dentist's Day is a celebration of great merit.
After all, the dentist will relieve any toothache and ailment.
Today I want to congratulate you on the holiday from the bottom of my heart
Your profession is important in the life of each of us, I'm not kidding.

I wish you to boldly remove stones from under your feet and from your teeth,
I wish you to close your smile from caries and pulpitis.
And let the patients leave your office happy,
May the whole world shine with beautiful smiles thanks to you.

Congratulations, dentist!
Let the path of life be long!
Patients are not capricious
Life is full of surprises!

Be precise in your work
Don't let the tool fail
Let the income multiply
Every month, every year!

Comic congratulations on Dentist Day to a man

Congratulations, dentist!
You are an excellent and competent specialist.
Let success be short.
You are the biggest guy!

Let income and blessings come
And luck is on the heels
May Fortune embrace you
On your holiday, to make your dreams come true!

Celebrating Dentist's Day
AND laudatory odes hand over.
In your business you are a master and an ace,
Congratulations from us!

You are a pro, a dentist from God,
May good luck pave the way for you!
In gratitude, let the patients
Dividends are sent to you with a smile!

Your strong hands remove bad teeth
Like woodcutters felling trees in the forest.
And today I congratulate you on the Day of the dentist,
When working with a drill, you are the best technologist.

Let every patient leave you satisfied,
I wish you to live in a happy fashion.
Root out any problem
To write a cheerful poem without caries and stones.

You are a dentist, a woman, you are an ace!
You overwhelmed us with your skill!
We will only go to you for treatment,
We will love you forever for your hands!

Health to you, growing income,
From patients and colleagues of love, honor,
May their gratitude pay dividends,
So that in the future they could live on interest!

Funny congratulations to a woman on Dentist's Day

You are a sweet lady and a competent doctor,
I wish you success in your day and good luck.
And, if the malicious flux disturbs me,
Then only I will turn to you!

You will cure a tooth in a single moment,
I'll compliment you for that.
That there is no lady more beautiful than you,
After all, you are a dream dentist!

The dentist is walking today
Bor machine, let him rest.
If there is a hole in the teeth, everyone knows
He will definitely come to you!

Your tender female hands,
Will be able to cure caries in time.
Not enduring the treatment of flour,
Pain could you, cheers, tame.

So what if a woman who said she was weak?
You will take down any ailment from your tooth, like a warrior with a saber.
And today I sincerely congratulate you on the day of the dentist,
And I will leave wishes of good luck and money for you.

Let the "one, two, three" worthless roots be removed,
May prospects appear in the field every day,
May your bright smile serve as a true example for everyone,
How to take care of your teeth without fillings made of photopolymers.

You are a handsome dentist!
Success in your work, in your personal life,
May everything always work out perfectly
Let life, like a song, quickly, loudly pour!

Let the wind not walk in your pockets,
And patients love, respect,
Let the family appreciate, protect, cherish, cherish,
We wish you not to know the toothache!

Congratulations to dentists in prose

Happy Dentist's Day, I congratulate you as an excellent specialist, a wonderful person with a big soul and a pure heart. After all, only having such qualities, you can successfully and easily help people, as you do. I wish you happy moments, joyful moments, inexhaustible benefits, a large supply of sparkling optimism and energy driving success!

Dear genius of dentistry, please accept our sincere congratulations on your professional holiday - Dentist's Day! Let the flow of patients not dry up, and leaving your office, they always smile white-toothed and happily! Let your hands be firm and precise, and work and salary a joy.

Happy Dentist Day. Your profession is not easy and requires caution, attentiveness, strength, confidence and excellent knowledge. Therefore, I sincerely wish you never doubt yourself, confidently hold the tool in your hands, always know what is what, and cope with any, even the most difficult, situation. And may happiness, luck and love be your constant companions in life.

From the dentist in the afternoon! Skill, talent, ambition! So that patients are always satisfied with your work! So that they enter the office without fear, and leave it with a smile! We wish you happiness, peace, long years, let your light not go out in your soul! Let professionalism, income, luck, joy, optimism grow!

Short congratulations on Dentist's Day (SMS)

Happy Dentist Day! Let patients
They give poems, and also compliments.
Let the authorities give you
Urgently raises your salary!

The path to success was your long one,
But now you are an ace!
Congratulations dentist,
Happy day, accept from us!

On Dentist's Day I wish
Give smiles to everyone around
Put your teeth on strong piles
Love work and make your leisure time interesting.

Happy Dentist Day!
We wish you good patients!
Let them love you, do not be afraid!
We wish to take place in the profession!

No dentist can imagine their activities without a drill. Her invention was a real breakthrough in the dentistry industry. It happened on March 6, 1790. The brilliant idea to create this unit belongs to John Greenwood. He worked as a personal dentist for George Washington, the first President of the United States. His homemade device although it looked intimidating, it worked perfectly. Such a great event did not go unnoticed, so now every year all people involved in the dental business celebrate March 6 as International Dentist Day.

history of the holiday

The history of the holiday can be safely considered the centuries-old development of the dental business until March 6, 1790. In ancient times, people had a treatment system very similar to the modern one, that is, they made a hole in the tooth, cleaned it, and then tried to fill it. Mayan Indians used gems. Interesting fact, but even now diamond decoration is in special demand among rich people in show business. Initially, International Dentist Day was celebrated exclusively in the United States, but colleagues from other countries also liked this good tradition. For this reason, the holiday has an official status in different parts of the world.

If we talk about the first dental drill, then he was a heavy drill with a foot drive, which did not stop John Greenwood on his way when he managed to get 4 removable dentures made for George Washington. It is curious that the doctor made the spinning wheel used by his mother with a foot drive of the bur.

Only after more than 100 years, specifically - in 1907, an electric drill appeared. Other notable "tooth" innovations include the invention of the toothpaste tube by Dr. Washington Sheffield, the introduction of the world's first toothbrush with man-made synthetic nylon fiber instead of natural bristles.