Is it possible for a pregnant woman not to eat meat. What kind of meat can be eaten by pregnant women. Food during pregnancy at different times

Almost every woman during the period of bearing a baby has certain needs. And many men can “boast” that on a cold winter night they were looking for peaches, watermelon, pickles or paint with a certain smell for their wife. As it turned out, the desire for a particular product during pregnancy means a lack of any trace element in her body.

But those or other addictions / needs / preferences in food are relative and are associated with the hormone progesterone. During pregnancy, it rises and, like an anti-virus system on a computer, analyzes the resources of the pregnant woman's body in order to identify gaps in their deficiency and eliminate them through the emergence of her desire for certain foods.

Hence the conclusion, you should not adhere to the hackneyed opinion that has become an axiom: if you are craving salty - you are pregnant!

Do not be afraid of the fact that you want meat before trembling in your hamstrings during the period of bearing a child. Moreover, doctors are unanimous that meat should be present in the diet of a woman who is expecting a child, which will contribute to the normal development of the baby in the womb and saturate it with the necessary vitamins. After all, the expectant mother needs to take care not only of her health, but also of the needs of the baby.

The general benefits and effects of the cape on the body of a pregnant woman

Now let's talk directly about the benefits of meat in general, consider and analyze individual types of meat, their benefits for women who are expecting a baby.
In general about the benefits:

Meat activates the work of taste buds, the pancreas and helps to increase appetite, due to nitrogenous and benzonitrous extractives. In meat, vitamins of group B are presented in large volumes (otherwise, they are enemies of stress).

The full presence of vitamins of this group in the body helps to normalize metabolic processes in the cells of the body, prevent excessive accumulation of fats in the liver, strengthen the structure of the hair, their strength, color, maintain clarity of vision, etc.

This group of vitamins is essential for a stable pregnancy and childbirth.
In meat in a fair amount there are such minerals as: phosphorus, calcium, sodium, sulfur, potassium, chlorine, magnesium.

On a note: The main valuable property of meat is the presence of vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), B 9 (folic acid) and iron in it, which do not allow anemia to appear, reduce the risk of inferior development of the embryo and the likelihood of bleeding during and after childbirth. A lack of B 9 can lead to miscarriage.

Types of meat and their impact on the expectant mother

The most popular meat is chicken meat (chicken). It is rich in proteins, linoleic acid, which increase immunity, vitamins B1, B2, B6. Niacin present in chicken meat (vitamin B3) - normalizes the work of the stomach, heart muscle, regulates cholesterol levels; lysozyme - neutralizes and dissolves harmful microorganisms.

Note: Duck and turkey. Their meat is the most dietary and perfectly establishes and stimulates the work of the "gray matter", and also normalizes the skin of the expectant mother. The acid contained in it prevents the appearance and development of malignant tumors. Another plus is that it is possible to cook this meat without salt, due to the presence of sodium in it.

Turkey is the most valuable meat at the moment.
There are also benefits from beef (not to be confused with veal). It contains zinc, which promotes the processing of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other elements involved in the development and maturation of blood cells.
Note: The heart is a useful product, as it strengthens the cardiovascular system.

Pork has the largest supply of B vitamins, protein and iron. But the difficulty lies in its incomprehensibility.
Lamb is very easy to digest, and all the useful elements (iodine, magnesium, iron) from it are fully absorbed by the body of a pregnant woman. The lecithin consumed by the body from lamb monitors cholesterol levels! Lamb is especially useful for those expectant mothers in whose body there is a lack of iron. This meat restores blood and increases hemoglobin to the required level.
Note: lamb protects against caries.

How to cook meat for an expectant mother

It is important for expectant mothers to use only fresh, young and lean meat for cooking and eating.
Meat is best cooked by roasting, stewing, boiling or steaming.
To increase the digestibility of meat, it is beaten off and loosened before cooking.

For loosening, citric acid is used, as well as ficin from figs, papain from melon tree and bromelain from pineapples.

The greatest care and attention to meat delicacies should be shown in the third trimester. This is due to the accelerated growth and development of the fetus, which leads to increased uterine pressure on the stomach.
In order to avoid the entry into the body of harmful substances that are digested from meat during its cooking, this (first water) must be drained.

Be sure to use meat as an addition to the main dish of vegetables and herbs, fruits.

What are the risks of eating meat during pregnancy?

However, we all know that every product has not only useful properties, but can also be harmful!


When eating meat in an amount of no more than 150-200 g per day, as well as with its high-quality and careful selection for subsequent preparation and consumption, the body of the expectant mother and her developing child will be able to receive and assimilate all the most valuable and necessary, while avoiding negative reactions from excess

Note: They say that whims can indicate the sex of the child. A popular sign - if during pregnancy a woman has an uncontrollable craving for meat, then there will be a boy.

Pregnant menu: what should it be

What should not be eaten and drunk by pregnant women - what foods and drinks are preferred for consumption by expectant mothers? In fact, there are practically no strict restrictions for pregnant women. You can eat everything, but in moderation or minimal amounts of certain foods. Let's start with what pregnant women should not eat or at least should not be abused and for what specific reasons. We will also not forget to talk about the possible consequences of non-compliance with restrictions.

1. Liver. Not only are the offal very fatty, that is, from this delicacy, the expectant mother can simply become ill, but it also contains a high concentration of vitamin A, which can have a teratogenic effect on the fetus. Therefore, pregnant women should not eat the liver, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the child's organs are just being formed, and the expectant mother herself has any manifestations of toxicosis, which can be aggravated due to the use of the liver.
However, this is not a product that pregnant women absolutely cannot eat. Later, in the second and third trimester, the liver can be consumed occasionally if the body tolerates it well.

2. Sausages. There are two reasons why pregnant women should not eat sausages, sausages and sausages. In order to change their mind about eating them, it is enough for many to carefully read the fine print on the product packaging, to find out its composition. This is far from pure high quality meat. And at best, pork bacon with beef, generously seasoned with salt, dyes and flavors to make it more appetizing. From such "meat" there will be no benefit to the body. Yes, and the salt with which the sausage is stuffed is harmful to the expectant mother. Because due to an excess of salt in a woman, fluid is retained in the body. Outwardly, this is manifested by edema. And blood pressure rises, and this is already dangerous. Let's leave the sausage for the holidays, for salads.

3. Sweets. They should not be eaten by a pregnant woman due to the fact that chocolate, marmalade, cookies and similar treats are quickly digestible carbohydrates. All these products have a very high calorie content, but saturate the body, relieve hunger for a very short time. This makes the woman eat sweets again and again. By the way, the same applies to high-calorie honey. It is, of course, useful, but in the amount of literally half a teaspoon. Our women love honey in sweets, for example, in baklava. And they gain weight very quickly during pregnancy due to their passion for sweets. Meanwhile, all these calories are deposited on the body of the mother and do not bear the slightest benefit to the unborn child. But it becomes harder for a pregnant woman to walk, tachycardia, shortness of breath, pain in the back and lower back appear. And after giving birth, it is very difficult to part with extra pounds.

4. Salted tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. All this is a source of salt, the dangers of consuming large quantities of which we have already written earlier.

5. Alcohol. Adequate doctors always say that pregnant women should not drink alcohol at any time and in any quantity. Few of the expectant mothers have heard of FAS - fetal alcohol syndrome in the fetus. It occurs in most cases when taking a large amount of alcohol at once. The child can not only develop malformations as a result of such maternal libation, but also mental retardation, as well as typical manifestations on the face, like a genetic syndrome. And it is impossible to cure FAS, only prevent it by not drinking alcohol during pregnancy.

Meanwhile, the use of small doses of alcohol by the mother is also potentially dangerous for the fetus. Can provoke premature birth, placental abruption, low intelligence in a child.

6. Tea and coffee. Many women find these drinks unacceptable because of the caffeine they contain. But in fact, not everything is so scary. The level of caffeine contained in two cups of coffee is absolutely safe for an expectant mother. But in 4 cups of coffee - it is already potentially dangerous. Pregnant women should not drink that much coffee.

If a woman regularly takes such a large amount of caffeine, the child may experience intrauterine growth retardation. Such children are born weak and underweight. But premature birth and miscarriages caffeine does not provoke.

Tea also contains caffeine in large quantities, but tea has almost no effect on the body, it does not have an invigorating effect, since it is almost not absorbed from this drink.

Other foods, such as chocolate, contain small amounts of caffeine. But in some medicines a lot. For example, the Citramon headache remedy contains caffeine in high concentrations. It should not be taken by expectant mothers.

7. Sugary carbonated drinks. They have a high calorie content and zero utility. Many preservatives, flavorings and dyes in the composition. If you really want fruit flavors, drink natural juice.

8. Narzan with high mineralization. Many of us consider mineral water beneficial for the body. This is true, but only if it is chosen and used correctly. Narzans differ not only in their taste, but also in composition. Some of them contain a lot of minerals, salts, and therefore should be consumed in minimal quantities and only for medical reasons, usually in sanatoriums. The temperature of narzan also plays a role in its digestibility.
Just as a drink, it is better to use water with a small mineralization. No more than 3 grams per liter (indicated on the label). This water will help with heartburn.
But salty narzan, for example, "Essentuki 17" can provoke an increase in blood pressure and swelling.

9. Fish. The menu of a pregnant woman should contain a minimum amount of fish. Especially large, marine. The fact is that sea water contains mercury. And the larger the fish, that is, the older, the more it accumulates in itself this dangerous metal. Therefore, women who are planning a child, already pregnant, and also breastfeeding should be careful with sea fish. Prefer smaller fish. Shrimps, salmon and light tuna are preferred from marine products. Shark meat and swordfish should be avoided. You can eat no more than 170 grams of sea fish per week. The weight indicated is fresh, uncooked fish.

11. Soft cheeses, cheese. They should be avoided due to the fact that they can be contaminated with a dangerous microorganism - listeria. Symptoms of listeriosis are nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The infection can lead to fetal damage and miscarriage.

This is an indicative list of what pregnant women should not eat and drink. It's probably incomplete. But most foods do not need to be completely eliminated from the diet. For example, citrus fruits. They should not be carried away by expectant mothers in order to avoid allergic reactions. But moderate consumption is allowed.

The diet of the expectant mother should be varied - this is the main requirement. Indeed, the health of the child will depend on the quality of nutrition, how complete it is, contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Of course, there are complex vitamin supplements for food, but it is better to get vitamins in their natural form. And in the form of tablets, you should take folic acid, potassium iodide. Iron and calcium as needed. Remember that folic acid deficiency provokes malformations in the fetus. Lack of calcium to damage to the teeth of the mother and a violation of the formation of the skeleton in the child. Lack of iodine leads to mental retardation of the baby. A lack of iron - to anemia in a child after birth, a delay in his mental and physical development.

Strict vegetarians, those who do not consume meat or dairy products, definitely need an additional intake of vitamin D in the amount of 400-400 IU / day, vitamin B-12 in the amount of 2 μg / day. Plus, you need to be sure to monitor the calorie content of your diet. It doesn't have to be low calorie.

By the way, what calorie content should the expectant mother have. There are different opinions. The most common is that it is about 200 kcal higher than that of a non-pregnant woman. In fact, it all depends on the initial weight, whether there is an excess or a lack of it. In addition, a woman with multiple pregnancies should eat a little more than the norm. On average, the weight gain in a woman with a normal body mass index during pregnancy is 10-12 kg.

And these are foods that must be in the diet.

1. Kefir, fermented baked milk, bifidok, milk. In this case, special emphasis should be placed on dairy products. Not every adult is able to digest milk well. For many, it provokes increased gas formation and diarrhea. And even more often this side effect is observed in expectant mothers.

Kefir, on the other hand, has a milder effect on the digestive system. And it must be present in the diet of a woman also as a prophylactic against constipation. For this purpose, it is advisable to drink the freshest sour-milk drinks, in this case they contain the maximum number of bacteria to normalize the intestinal microflora. It is advisable to consume about 500-600 grams of milk and sour-milk drinks per day.

On milk, you can cook yourself porridge - oatmeal, millet, rice, etc.

2. Cottage cheese and cheese. These are not only excellent products for the prevention of calcium deficiency, on a par with dairy products, but also sources of animal protein. Cottage cheese is desirable to use with a fat content of 4-9%. Enough 400 grams per week. Cheeses must be firm. Up to 100 grams per week.

3. Butter. It should not be abandoned. It is very good to add butter to cereal cereals, for example, to buckwheat. It is allowed to consume up to 100-150 grams of butter per week.

4. Meat. It should be low-fat varieties. Beef or poultry. But be sure to carefully prepared. Preferably boiled or baked. Meat is not only an invaluable source of protein, but also iron, which is lacking in the body of most expectant mothers. It is desirable to have meat in the daily diet. Approximately 150 grams.

5. Cereals. You can cook porridge by cooking in a saucepan, in the microwave, or buy cereal, which is enough to fill with water or milk. It doesn't play a big role. But it will bring tangible benefits. Cereals contain many useful substances for the body. They have a low calorie content, and therefore will not lead to rapid weight gain. And the huge amount of fiber that cereals contain will save you from constipation.

6. Vegetables. It can be consumed raw, in the form of salads, seasoned with olive or vegetable oil. Recommended 400 grams per day.

7. Fruits. Approximately 300 grams per day will be enough. It is advisable not to lean on citrus fruits. Drink fruit juices in moderation, as they contain a lot of sugar and no fiber.

Meat during pregnancy must be consumed. But in order to preserve and get all the valuable components from its composition, you need to choose the right variety and cook better for a couple. When roasted and smoked, the beneficial properties are lost, moreover, such food is heavy and is not recommended for women during the gestational period.

Taste addiction

During pregnancy, a woman usually notices that she wants deli meats and dishes. This is fine. The body requires more acids and fats, so the desire to consume such a product is quite natural.

But what about vegetarians? After all, women who adhere to this lifestyle do not eat meat even during pregnancy. The expectant mother must understand that by excluding the product from the diet, she deprives not only herself of vital elements and substances, but also the child. Deficiency of vitamins, amino acids can negatively affect the intrauterine development of the fetus, provoke a particular disease.

Sometimes a woman in labor cannot eat meat due to severe toxicosis. There is nausea and aversion to such hearty dishes. Therefore, it is necessary to replenish the level of proteins and other substances with the help of alternative products:

  • chicken eggs and dairy products;
  • nuts;
  • legumes;
  • special vitamin-mineral complexes for women in position (as prescribed by a doctor).

Most doctors are negative about pregnancy without meat. Therefore, it is better to consult a specialist and discuss the diet in order to exclude possible problems with your own health and the child.

Folk signs: who will be born a boy or a girl

Since ancient times, signs have been preserved with the help of which they used to try to determine the sex of the child. There were no ultrasound machines and similar technology, so people paid attention to the woman's addictions, the period of conception and the size of the abdomen.

Previously, it was assumed that if a pregnant woman wants meat, then a boy will be born. Naturally, such judgments are not relevant and are more like fortune telling. Modern medicine is now extremely rarely mistaken in determining gender. Already at the end of the first trimester, the beginning of the second, you can use ultrasound to find out who will be: a boy or a girl.

Types of meat and cooking rules

Each type of meat has certain advantages. Doctors strongly recommend using some of them for a pregnant woman, and some, on the contrary, are advised to exclude them.

  • Pork

There is an opinion that pork is not suitable for pregnant women, because the product is difficult to digest. But it contains almost all useful elements and amino acids, so use in reasonable portions will bring only a positive effect.

For the diet, it is better to choose tenderloin and steam it, without an abundance of spices. Combine with vegetables.

  • Beef

Beef contains a lot of protein and iron. These two components are essential for a pregnant woman. Especially iron, because every second woman in labor is faced with anemia. Vitamins E, B, iodine and magnesium form important compounds that contribute to the proper functioning of digestion.

But the amount of beef should be moderate, with excess, uric acids accumulate, which reduce immunity and contribute to the development of diseases (gout, osteochondrosis, and others).

You can use tenderloin, shoulder blade, liver. It is recommended to cook for a couple.

  • Chicken

Chicken meat is considered dietary and is often recommended by doctors for women who have gained excess weight during pregnancy.

The protein in the composition is easily absorbed by the body and has a positive effect on the baby.

You can cook on the grill, steam.

  • Mutton

The composition of lamb is similar to pork and beef. The most useful is the pulp of an animal up to two years of age. The advantage is that this meat has less cholesterol than pork.

You need to use carefully, the product must be fresh and of high quality. It is forbidden for women who have problems with digestion and gastrointestinal tract.

Pregnancy without meat

Due to toxicosis, it often turns back from meat during pregnancy and disgust arises. In most cases, by the end of the first trimester, these sensations disappear and the appetite returns to normal. But at this time it is necessary to eat foods that can replace the effect of meat on the body. The most affordable are dairy, eggs and nuts. The latter are useful throughout the entire gestational period, favorably affect breastfeeding after the birth of a baby.

A complete rejection of meat during pregnancy can contribute to intrauterine retardation in the development of the child, a woman's poor health. If you are a vegetarian, then you should correctly compose the menu so that the diet contains a sufficient amount of protein, vitamins, amino acids.

Many women in labor are interested in the question: why does meat feel sick during pregnancy? This is mainly due to toxicity. If the disgust is chronic, then most likely there are some health problems and you should undergo certain examinations.

Some women should not eat meat during pregnancy. Why? Such a ban applies to patients with gastrointestinal problems, individual food intolerance. But more often this applies to pork, because it has a lot of fat and cholesterol. Each case is considered individually by the doctor.

Most of the population is accustomed to eating meat dishes regularly. Now, of course, the number of vegetarians is growing, but still hearty pork or tasty chicken remain favorites. A pregnant woman, if she has no contraindications, must definitely include meat in her diet. During the period of toxicosis, it can be replaced with other products that are rich in proteins and vitamins.

Pregnancy is a special period in a woman's life. During this period, the body experiences serious stress and needs support, so you should take a very serious and responsible approach to the formation of the diet during the bearing of the child. Unfortunately, many expectant mothers mistakenly believe that a strict diet should be followed during pregnancy, excluding most of the usual foods from the menu, which are supposedly junk food. Very often, this misconception becomes the reason that meat completely disappears from the diet of a pregnant woman. In fact, this approach is erroneous and the main question is only what kind of meat can be eaten by pregnant women, and which one is better to refuse.

Meat is an essential part of the diet

Let's say it again, it is impossible to exclude meat from the diet of a pregnant or lactating woman in any case. This is a mistake that, under certain circumstances, can become fatal. The fact is that during this period the body needs a lot of energy, which it can get only from protein foods. Wherein the main source of protein for humans was, is and remains meat. In addition, it contains vital vitamins, amino acids, as well as trace elements such as zinc or iron.

It is important to understand that it is impossible to replace animal protein, which we get from meat, with an analogue from plant foods for many reasons. With a lack of precisely “meat” protein in the body of pregnant women, metabolic disorders and delayed formation of fetal bone tissues are observed. In addition, meat serves as an indispensable source of iron, the lack of which leads to a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood to critically low levels and, as a result, oxygen starvation.

The only period of pregnancy when meat should be treated with caution is the final stage, that is, 8-9 months. At this time, the baby in its development reaches a significant size and begins to put pressure on the stomach and intestines. As a result, digestive problems, especially constipation, are possible. In such circumstances, heavy food, which includes meat dishes, can aggravate the situation. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce meat consumption to a minimum, replace rich meat broths with vegetable broths and completely eliminate smoked foods.

What meat to choose?

So, meat is a very important and indispensable element of the diet of expectant mothers. The minimum daily intake should be 100 grams. However, meat is different for meat, and this must be taken into account when compiling the menu. So what kind of meat can pregnant women eat without fear for their own health and the development of the fetus?

Experts claim that the meat component of the diet must be constantly varied. It must contain beef, lamb and poultry. The only thing exception - pork. This type of meat is high in protein, B vitamins and iron, but the disadvantage of pork is that it is hard to digest and can cause digestive problems.

The lightest and most digestible of the common types of meat is chicken.. It is rich in protein and contains a lot of phosphorus, while it contains almost no carbohydrates, due to which it is well and quickly digested.

Beef is a product that perfectly stimulates blood formation. This is a very important circumstance during the period of bearing a child. But at the same time, the use of veal should be abandoned. Lamb is also fairly easy to digest and is rich in iodine and magnesium.

Speaking about what kind of meat pregnant women can eat, it is impossible not to mention that all kinds of meat delicacies must be completely excluded from the menu future mother. Sausages, sausages, frankfurters and other semi-finished products practically do not contain natural meat, while they contain a lot of fats, preservatives and other artificial additives. It will be very difficult for the digestive system of a pregnant woman to cope with such a load.

Cooking features

Do not forget that the benefits and harms of meat largely depend on the method of its preparation. This circumstance should be taken into account when deciding what kind of meat pregnant women can eat. The most preferred heat treatment option is steam cooking.. With this approach, the products retain their useful properties as much as possible. You can also bake the meat in the oven or boil. And here it is recommended to refuse frying, since in this case the calorie content of food increases, the cholesterol content rises, in addition, fried foods often cause heartburn and other digestive problems.

So, meat must be present in the diet of pregnant women- in no case should you refuse this component, following newfangled diets. Meat is an indispensable source of protein and a number of trace elements necessary for the body of any person, and even more so for a future mother. The negative consequences of eating meat food are mainly associated with abuse, erroneous choice of the type of meat and improper preparation of it. Preference should be given to lamb, beef and chicken. The recommended daily allowance is 150-200 grams, and it is best to cook meat for a couple or bake in the oven.

Be sure to read:

Future mom must eat well- this is the truth. While the baby is in her stomach, she provides all the necessary nutrients to both her and his body.

And if in ordinary life she could refuse some product, now this cannot be done, since the fetus will suffer.

Main proteins are the building blocks. And their main source is meat. However, with its use it is necessary to observe the "golden mean".

How much meat and what animals should mom eat? How can she replace it if she adheres to a vegetarian way of eating?

Why do they eat meat?

Meat contains complete proteins, rich in amino acids. Some of them are difficult and even impossible to obtain from other products.

Important components of meat- nitrogenous and benzonitrous extractives. They activate the production of gastric juice and increase appetite, are responsible for taste.

The body also receives with this food minerals- phosphorus, sodium, sulfur, potassium, chlorine, magnesium, although this is not their main source.

Meat is a real storehouse of B vitamins.:, riboflavin (B2), nicotinic acid (PP or B3), choline (B4), pantothenic acid (B5), biotin (H or B7).

This group is called the enemy of stress because it helps keep the nerves strong.

It will ensure skin health and normal cellular metabolism, prevent the deposition of fats in the liver, prevent the appearance of early gray hair, help keep eyesight sharp, etc.

These vitamins are essential for the normal course of pregnancy. After all, for example, lack of vitamin B9 is a prerequisite for .

Vitamin B6 is considered one of the most important during this period. If its pyridoxine is not enough, dental caries develops.

Also present in meat, which is also called the reproduction vitamin. It has a positive effect on the function of the sex glands, helps to restore the balance of hormones, and regulates the production of estrogens.

But the main value of meat for women in an "interesting position" is that it provides the body, and heme, which is much better absorbed than non-heme, obtained from plant foods.

These elements prevent the appearance when the blood cannot produce enough red blood cells, neuropathies that cause muscle weakness, reduce the risk of fetal developmental defects and the likelihood in the postpartum period.

meat during pregnancy

Meat is obtained from different animals, and each of its types should be present on the table in one way or another if a pregnant woman has no contraindications to it.


The benefits of pork have been debated for a long time. Previously, there was an opinion that it was a heavy and fatty product. After more careful study of its properties, it turned out that it is only slightly more difficult to digest than other types of meat.

Pork is useful because it contains the highest amount of vitamins and nutrients. It provides the body with B vitamins better than others, because nature has “collected” almost the entire group in it.

Valuable pork fat, which is eaten in small portions. An interesting feature: it has much less cholesterol than eggs or butter.

But fat is forbidden to those who have inflammation of the bile ducts, abnormal liver function, cholecystitis or atherosclerosis.

The disadvantage of pork is that the animal feeds on excrement, because of which its body produces a lot of hormones, antibodies.

As already mentioned, pork is useful:

  • with iron deficiency;
  • with diseases of the nervous system;
  • in frequent stressful situations.

Some parts of the carcass (ribs, brisket) are too fatty and high-calorie. They can not be eaten with extra pounds.


Eating beef is useful at any age. Its main value is heme iron and a complete protein., as well as minerals magnesium, selenium, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus.

It contains, PP, C, all B vitamins. Liver and meat are included in the diet for the treatment and prevention of iron deficiency anemia.

Beef contains purine bases that form uric acid, and its accumulation causes vascular permeability.

This leads to the development of gout, osteochondrosis and other ailments. Moreover, abuse of this type of meat reduces immunity.


Lamb has many valuable qualities: it contains easily digestible proteins, micro and macro elements and is very beneficial for health.

In terms of the amount of vitamins and minerals, it competes with pork and beef, and is ahead of the former in terms of iron content by about a third.

This meat has potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium, chromium, nickel, etc., as well as vitamins B1, B2. Especially valuable is the meat of young lambs and sheep castrated up to the age of 1.5 years.

Lamb has less cholesterol (4 times) and fat (3 times) than pork.

Lamb is shown to those who suffer from iron deficiency. It helps to restore the normal composition of the blood, bringing it to normal levels.

Lecithin normalizes cholesterol levels. It protects teeth from caries, which is important for future mothers to remember.

Despite all the benefits such meat is contraindicated if there are diseases liver, kidneys, as well as intestines, stomach, as it increases acidity.


Chicken bouillon has long been one of the most effective medicines for many diseases, and for good reason. After all, we are talking about one of the most valuable food products.

Chicken has significantly less fat than pork and beef and is much easier for humans to digest.

This meat is classified as dietary. It contains a lot of proteins, linoleic acid, which have a positive effect on immunity, B vitamins - B1, B2, B6.

Chicken contains:

    • niacin- normalizes the production of gastric juice, supports cardiac activity, regulates cholesterol levels;
  • lysozyme- destroys and dissolves pathogenic and putrefactive microorganisms.

But it is worth remembering that during long-term storage, many valuable qualities of the protein are lost.

One of the most unique food chicken. , which is essential for healthy bones and teeth, is slightly less than fish oil.

Yes, and minerals are combined in an optimal way. The yolk contains lecithin, which has a beneficial effect on fat metabolism.

Chicken meat is good for who suffer from peptic ulcer, gout, polyarthritis. It helps to prevent stroke, hypertension, atherosclerosis.

But you have to be careful because chicken contains histamines that cause allergic reactions. It is also contraindicated for people with individual protein intolerance.

turkey meat

No less useful turkey. It has little fat, cholesterol, the body digests and assimilates it quite easily.

This type of meat contains calcium, potassium, sulfur, sodium, manganese, etc. Nutritionists have calculated that a person can get 60% of the daily dose of vitamins from one serving.

Especially a lot in it vitamins of beauty and youth - A and E. Because of the abundance of sodium, you can cook meat without adding salt to it.

Here are some other benefits of turkey meat for pregnant women:

    • contains a lot of vitamin B9, especially liver. Folic acid is great for anemia;
    • hypoallergenicity;
    • contains tryptophan, which is a natural sleeping pill, saves from the effects of stress;
    • contains a lot of protein, which is converted into energy;
  • in terms of phosphorus content is not inferior.

Turkey meat can be attributed to the safest products animal origin.

Only people with kidney disease and gout need to be careful with it because of the high protein content.

Hypertension patients and pregnant women should take into account that the portion of salt should be reduced, since meat, as mentioned above, has a lot of sodium.

Cooking rules

The skin must be removed from the bird before cooking. It is recommended to eat boiled, steamed (cutlets) or baked meat. It is better to refuse fried smoked meats.

As for eggs, they are hard boiled - the protein and yolk should be hard, but only the protein is eaten.

If mom is a vegetarian

Vegetarianism is becoming more and more popular. There are many reasons for this - religious beliefs, ethical preferences, medical indications.

But as stated above, meat contains proteins that are extremely important for the health and normal development of the fetus. What foods can vegetarians get these substances from?

There are two concepts: vegetarianism and veganism.

Vegetarians they eat milk and eggs. They fully cover the need for animal protein. From vegetable products protein with full composition of amino acids contains only soy. In other plants, proteins are incomplete.

Vegans To replace meat in their diet, they must know which plants contain one or another component, and be able to combine them.

According to this principle, the menu of a pregnant woman who consumes exclusively plant products should contain:

    • , - a source of arginine, valine;
    • chickpeas, rye,
      • 200 g stewed or canned beans, 40 g red or green lentils, 5-6 falafels, 60 g dry oats, 140 g canned or dried chickpeas - 10 g protein;
      • 50 g of quinoa or amaranth, 60 g of buckwheat, 70 g of millet (all in dry weight) - 7.5 g of protein;
    • 20 g peanut butter, peanuts, seeds, 25 g cashew nuts or sunflower seeds, 70 g frozen, 75 g dry rice - 5 g protein.

    How to replace meat - the program "Live healthy!"

    Correct use

    For the duration of pregnancy it is advisable to exclude sausages from the diet- They have a lot of fat. The daily portion should be divided into two parts.

    It is preferable to use lean meat, poultry. It must be remembered that white meat always has less fat.

    Also during pregnancy undesirable offal - kidneys, brains. The same applies to the liver, unless the doctor says otherwise.

    Canned food, goose and duck meat will not add health They also have excess fat. From scrambled eggs for a while will have to give up.

    It is undesirable to add sauces and ketchups for meat dishes.

    Meat should not be the main course, but only as an addition to side dishes, salads. Be sure to eat: they facilitate the absorption of the product.

    Finally, it should be noted that no matter how excellent the recommendations of a particular product are, you should always focus on the characteristics of your body.

    What about vegetarianism and veganism?, then, perhaps, for a while, while a new life is born and develops in the mother's womb, it is better to give up your preferences in favor of the health of the unborn child.

    Meat cannot replace any other product. This research has shown held in one and the villages.

    There, all pregnant women adhered to veganism. As a result, each of them was found to be deficient in iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12.