Is it possible to bake Easter cakes and paint eggs on Good Friday? When to bake Easter cakes and paint eggs

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When they paint eggs and bake Easter cakes

On Holy Thursday it is customary to bake Easter cakes and paint eggs. Kulich is a must-have Easter dish. To prepare it, the dough is baked on the night from Wednesday to Thursday, baked all day on Thursday, and consecrated on the night from Saturday to Sunday. They are eaten throughout Easter week until Radonitsa.


Easter eggs never spoil, even if you store them for a month, and Easter cakes certainly won’t go stale for a week.

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According to tradition, everything must be done on Thursday, because... You can't do anything on Good Friday , and on Saturday morning they usually light up eggs and Easter cakes in the church. On Holy Saturday you should bless Easter cakes or Easter in the temple. This is the last day set aside for preparations for the Bright Holiday.



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Blessing of Easter cakes in church on Easter

According to pious Orthodox tradition When we come home after the festive Easter service, we break our fast with Easter cake, Easter cake and Easter eggs blessed in the church.

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In order to bless Easter cakes, Easter cakes and eggs, you should come to the temple during the day on Holy Saturday (As a rule, in city churches the consecration of Easter cakes takes place throughout the entire Saturday after the morning service).

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There is a reason for this: on this day the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great is combined with the Easter Great Vespers. The holiday begins, everything happens in an elevated mood and anticipation of tomorrow - the Resurrection of Christ.


The priesthood is performed in solemn white vestments.


After the cry of “Blessed be our God!” Before the prayer for consecration, the Sunday troparion in the 2nd tone is sung:


When you descended to death, the Immortal Belly,


then you killed hell with the brilliance of the Divine:


when you also raised those who died from the underworld,


all the powers of heaven cried out:


Life-giver, Christ our God, glory to Thee.

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Usually this same troparion is sung while the priest walks around the tables with Easter cakes and painted eggs, sprinkling them with holy water. To make it easier to understand its meaning, we provide a translation into modern Russian:


When You descended to death, Immortal Life,


then You killed hell with the radiance of the Divine.


When You raised the dead from the underworld,


all the Powers of Heaven cried out:


“Giver of life, Christ our God, glory to Thee!”

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The consecration of Easter cakes is usually performed as follows: believers place their offerings on a special table in the temple or on long tables in the temple courtyard. Those who came to bless the Easter cakes and eggs come to the table and wait for those who have already arrived and taken a place before them to leave.



When the table is free, you need to put what you brought, If possible, untie bags and packages, and, if desired, light candles.


A red Easter candle is inserted into the Easter cake and Easter, which is lit before the consecration begins. To do this, you need to take matches or a lighter with you. If the candles do not want to light up, they are blown out by the wind or flooded with rain - there is nothing to worry about. Lighting candles is an optional action that adds festiveness and beauty to the ceremony.

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The priest reads a prayer and sprinkles the offerings with holy water, after which parishioners donate part of the Easter food (usually eggs) to the temple. The priest is accompanied by: an altar boy with a large heavy bowl of holy water, a choir boy (or two), a staff member with a plate for collecting monetary offerings, and a staff member with a basket for eggs and other material gifts (but not money). When the priest approaches with a procession, you need to step back from the table two steps, giving the opportunity to pass and sprinkle what was brought. It's better to do this in advance.

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Sprinkling concerns only the food being consecrated. The priest can sprinkle the offerings at his own free will. This is not necessary, but all believers ask that water be sprinkled on them, especially small children. After this, everyone has joy in their eyes and smiles on their faces.

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In some parish churches, the consecration of Easter cakes and Easter cakes takes place directly at the Easter service.


After sprinkling and distributing alms, you can roll up the bags and packages and make room for the next visit.


We remind you that the grace emanating from holy water and sanctifying food passes through polyethylene without hindrance, and one drop of holy water is enough to sanctify the entire Easter cake. A package on which the knot does not give way is not a reason for disappointment. What is inside will still be sanctified.

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The main symbol of Easter, the decoration of the festive table and the pride of the hostess is a lush, fragrant Easter cake. Knowing when Easter cakes are baked is necessary in order to be on time for church services.

Easter cakes traditionally begin to be baked already at Maundy Thursday. But if you don’t plan to bless food on Easter, you can prepare everything even on Easter Sunday. But baking Easter cakes requires knowledge of certain subtleties, regardless of when they are baked.

When to bake Easter cakes for Easter in 2018

If the owners of the house are preparing to go to the Easter service, it is necessary to calculate the preparation time in advance. By the time you leave the house with the Easter cakes, they should have cooled completely and the icing on them should have hardened. It is customary to paint eggs in the morning on Maundy (aka Clean) Thursday. And Easter cakes are baked on Saturday morning. Consecration takes place either on Saturday evening or early Sunday morning. But if you expect that with the basket they go to evening service, which then turns into an all-night vigil, you need to prepare for everything in advance.

The cooking time for Easter cakes varies and depends on the recipe. Classic yeast dough for Easter cake, which comes up twice and is kneaded by hand for a long time, cooks for five to six hours. Then the cakes are baked and cooled after the oven.

Take hot baked goods out to Fresh air it is forbidden. Easter falls during a fairly cold time of year, and baked goods that have not cooled down in the air will quickly become stale. There are recipes that take more or less time to prepare Easter cakes. When calculating time, it is usually assumed that at least two hours must pass after the cake is removed from the oven. But it is better if four to six hours pass from the moment of applying the glaze to the start of all other manipulations with it.

Preparing Ingredients

Before baking Easter, all people make sure to take all the ingredients out of the refrigerator. The flour must be sifted, and it is better to do it twice. Milk must be heated - but to a temperature human body, and not to a boil! The swollen yeast is diluted in it, half the flour and sugar are added. The resulting composition must be mixed vigorously, but without fanaticism.

The vessel is covered with a clean towel and put away in a warm place (and without any drafts!). The butter is melted, but it is used warm in the dough, so you will need to give it time to cool. Some housewives put the dough in a bowl with hot water, but this is unreasonable: from below and from the sides it will heat up more than from above, as a result the dough will turn out to be inhomogeneous, and lumps may form.

Baking Easter: secrets

Before kneading the dough, the eggs must be warmed to room temperature. But then the subtleties begin! Skilled cooks, before baking Easter eggs, wash the eggs and carefully separate the whites and yolks. They should not mix under any circumstances. The egg whites are poured into a completely fat-free container - unless, of course, you want to beat them well afterwards. To guarantee, you can add a few grains of salt or the same number of drops of lemon juice. The vessel with the squirrels is placed in the cold - then they form a dense foam. At this time, the yolks are ground with sugar.

When to dye eggs for Easter in 2018

As a rule, eggs are painted on Holy Saturday, because the most mournful day of the church year has already ended - Good Friday (on this day, according to church scriptures, Jesus Christ was crucified in agony on the cross) and you can calmly get down to the festive table. But, if there are already a lot of things to do on Saturday, then you can also dye eggs from Monday to Maundy Thursday, inclusive.

Advice! Traditionally in Rus', the first painted egg was carefully kept in the house for a year, because it was believed a strong talisman. It was believed that such an egg had strong healing properties, even livestock can be treated with it throughout the year.

Particular attention when coloring eggs, and this can be done, as we have already found out in this article, on Holy Saturday before Easter, as well as throughout Holy Week with the exception of Good Friday, should be paid to their color, as well as to their pattern. Traditional color for easter eggs considered to be a red and orange hue, which is a symbol of the rebirth of life and its new round.

Why are eggs painted for Easter?

There are several versions. Here is one of them. In ancient times, during Lent, when you can’t eat animal food and chickens lay eggs non-stop, people boiled eggs so that they wouldn’t spoil. Boiled eggs were painted - this makes it easier to distinguish them from fresh ones.

Another version tells the following. The first Easter egg was presented by Mary Magdalene to Emperor Tiberius.

Easter is the most important, most joyful and solemn of all Christian holidays. The word "passover" is Hebrew and means "passing" and "deliverance." Easter for Christians is the passage from death to eternal life. Therefore, this holiday is celebrated most solemnly.

Many people associate it with spring, the joyful ringing of bells, shouts of “Christ is risen,” colored eggs and the aroma of Easter cakes. But here’s the question: when should you bake Easter cakes and paint eggs? In this article we will answer it.

Holy Week

There is a lot to do in the last week before Easter. We must prepare for this important day both spiritually and financially. How to manage everything?

Maundy Thursday is probably the busiest day of Holy Week. This is the day when the Last Supper took place, at which the sacrament of communion was established by Christ himself. According to tradition, on this day they clean their homes, wash everything, clean it, wash themselves, which is why it is called “Clean Thursday”. And the best time to paint eggs is on Thursday.

Also, usually on Thursday the dough for Easter cakes is kneaded, but it is not forbidden to bake Easter cakes on another day, when it is convenient.

It is only undesirable to do household chores on Friday, at least until three o’clock in the afternoon, the time of Christ’s crucifixion. This is the saddest day of the year. It is better to go to church on this day, read the Gospel, and mentally walk with Christ his sorrowful path.

On Saturday after the liturgy, consecration takes place in churches Easter cakes, eggs and paskas.

When are Easter cakes baked and eggs painted in 2018?

Bright Resurrection is a moving holiday. It is celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon following the spring equinox. In 2018, this day will be April 8th. And here it is necessary to note the peculiarity of this year - the Easter holiday will be immediately preceded by another Christian holiday, the Annunciation, which is always celebrated on April 7.

On this day, an angel announced to the Virgin Mary about her immaculate conception of the divine baby. And she humbly accepted God's will. On this holiday, as they used to say in the old days, the bird does not build a nest, the maiden does not braid her hair.

Therefore, it is highly undesirable to leave any work for this day. We must try to do everything in advance so that everything is ready by Saturday. You can, for example, knead the dough on Wednesday evening and bake the cakes on Thursday.

Cooking Easter cakes

Now we can talk about how Easter cakes are baked. Traditionally, Easter cakes are usually baked from yeast dough. The whole process takes quite a long time. You need to place the dough, then when it increases 2-3 times, knead the dough and beat it thoroughly for an hour.

Then it is either left for another 2-3 hours, or spices, nuts, raisins are added and the greased dishes are filled with it. butter form by 1/3, after which the dough should rise again, and only then bake.

The finished Easter cakes are decorated with icing or sprinkled with powdered sugar, crushed nuts and candied fruits.

You can also bake Easter cake from yeast-free dough. Then, so that the dough rises well, Special attention you need to devote time to beating the eggs.

Tips for baking Easter cakes:

  • you need to take softly ground flour, it is advisable to spread it in a thin layer and dry it for 2 days, then sift it;
  • beat the yolks and whites separately;
  • the yeast must be fresh;
  • There should be no drafts during the entire cooking process; the room must be ventilated in advance;
  • stock up on butter, as a lot of it goes into greasing the molds.

How to decorate eggs

The traditional way of coloring eggs is in onion skins. Depending on the amount of husk and coloring time, you can get different shades of beige-brown. If you take the skins of a red onion, you can get a beautiful red color.

By the way, eggs were originally painted red. Different colors can also be obtained using natural ingredients - juices and decoctions different vegetables and berries: beets, red cabbage, carrots, red grapes, cranberries, blueberries, turmeric. You can use ready-made purchased dyes, but the dyeing time in this case should be short so that the paint does not have time to penetrate inside the shell.

Very interesting and unpredictable patterns are obtained by coloring eggs in patches. To do this, use shreds or threads that shed heavily (silk, wool), wrap them around the egg, then wrap it with gauze or nylon stocking, secure it and boil the eggs for 15-20 minutes.

Tips for coloring eggs:

  • Before cooking, keep the eggs in warm water for 15 minutes;
  • When cooking, do not put the eggs in boiling water, it is better in warm water so that the eggs do not burst due to temperature changes;
  • Before staining, wipe the eggs with an alcohol or vinegar solution;
  • After coloring, wipe the eggs vegetable oil for shine.

In general, there are a great many ways to decorate Easter eggs. You can paint them, you can simply wrap them in beautiful wrapping paper, or use stickers and iron-on stickers with various designs from chickens to popular prints. But you should avoid jewelry with the faces of saints.

Where does the tradition come from?

Why is it necessary to paint eggs and bake Easter cakes for Easter? The custom of dyeing eggs dates back to the 1st century. According to legend, Mary Magdalene came to Emperor Tiberius to tell about the miraculous resurrection of Christ and brought a simple gift from poverty. egg. The emperor did not believe her and said that a dead person could not be resurrected, just as he could not white egg turn red. And at that same moment the egg in Maria’s hands turned red.

This is where the tradition came from - painting eggs for Easter and giving them to each other. Initially, eggs were painted only red, but then they began to use different colors and shades. Later, gift Easter eggs appeared, made of wood, silver, porcelain and real jewelry, for example, for everyone famous works Faberge.

What does the Easter cake symbolize? This is the main Easter dish. It is with this that one should begin the festive Easter meal and break the fast. Fluffy and light, it is the ideal product for the transition from a long fast to a quick meal.

In terms of form and meaning, it can be called the younger brother of artos, a special church bread that is blessed on the day of Bright Resurrection. This custom came from the apostles, who at meals left bread for Christ in the main place, thereby symbolizing his presence at the table. And the Easter cake also reminds all believers of the blessing of bread by the Savior after his resurrection: “... taking the bread, he blessed, broke it and gave it to them” (Gospel of Luke).

Which days of Holy Week are exactly suitable for the period when you can bake Easter cakes and paint eggs in 2017? Of course, we are talking about almost the entire period of Holy Week, with the exception of Good Friday. However, not knowing this fact, some housewives put off these tasks until the last minute: only on Holy Saturday, as a result of which they spin like a squirrel in a wheel all day and often simply do not have time to do everything planned.

Therefore, let’s look at why on Monday and Tuesday, as well as Wednesday and Thursday of Holy Week, you can also eat Easter cakes and eggs, as well as what rules must be taken into account within each day.

ABOUT exact dates egg dyeing

As a rule, eggs are painted on Holy Saturday, because the most sorrowful day of the church year has already ended - Good Friday (on this day, according to church scriptures, Jesus Christ was crucified in agony on the cross) and you can calmly get down to the festive table. But, if there are already a lot of things to do on Saturday, then you can also dye eggs from Monday to Maundy Thursday, inclusive.

Advice! Traditionally in Rus', the first painted egg was carefully kept in the house for a year, because it was considered a strong amulet. It was believed that such an egg had strong healing properties; even livestock could be treated with it for a year.

Particular attention when coloring eggs, and this can be done, as we have already found out in this article, on Holy Saturday before Easter, as well as throughout Holy Week with the exception of Good Friday, should be paid to their color, as well as to their pattern. The traditional colors for Easter eggs are red and orange, which are a symbol of the rebirth of life and its new round.

When are Easter cakes baked?

Housewives are usually interested in the question of when to bake Easter cakes and paint eggs in 2017. The tradition of baking Easter cakes, as well as coloring eggs for this holiday, of course, also did not appear by chance. Housewives can choose any day of Holy Week to make the dough, traditionally, with the exception of Good Friday, when nothing at all can be done around the house. On the Easter holiday table you can serve meat in French with potatoes in the oven: recipe with photo.

As a rule, many people make Easter cakes on Maundy Thursday. But here you need to remember that you cannot do eggs and Easter cakes on Maundy Thursday until the general cleaning of the house is completed: this is considered bad sign and a bad omen. Traditionally, among the Slavs, Thursday was considered the best day for making Easter cakes. Modern housewives postpone the preparation of this dish to Holy Saturday, so that every Easter cake served festive table, was as fresh, soft and tasty as possible.

Why paint eggs and bake Easter cakes?

Many are asking the pressing question of when to bake Easter cakes and paint eggs in 2017, but they themselves do not fully understand why this tradition is followed and why it appeared. Color the eggs according to various reasons, there is no single legend why this tradition arose. The most common is the story of Mary Magdalene. She brought eggs as a gift to the Roman emperor and told that Christ is Risen. The Emperor laughed in her face and said that a person cannot rise from the dead, just like the eggs in this basket cannot turn red. Immediately the eggs in the basket changed their color, and the emperor had no choice but to say: “Truly He is Risen.”

Also on Easter day, Easter cottage cheese is placed on the table. By the way, you can also cook it on any day of Holy Week with the exception of Friday. You should not put Easter cottage cheese on Saturday, because it may not have enough time to set. It’s better to take care of this particular dish at the beginning of the week. Cottage cheese Easter is the personification of the tomb of Jesus Christ. In shape it should be a truncated pyramid with the initials H.V.

As for Easter cakes, this is a sweet, rich bread that is a symbol of worship. If this pastry is present on the Easter table, it is a sign that God, the Holy Spirit and the Savior live in the house. Now we know not only the exact days when to bake Easter cakes and paint eggs in 2017, but also the traditions why painted eggs and Easter cakes must be on the Easter table.


The last week before Easter, called Holy Week according to the Church canons, makes some adjustments to ordinary life lay people

There is a lot to do this week: tidy up the yard, put things in order in the house, clear your thoughts of negativity and have time to prepare the main attributes of the holiday - bake Easter cake and color eggs.

When to bake Easter cakes and paint eggs according to the church calendar: when can you paint eggs?

Easter is a bright holiday, preceded by many things to do.

When is the best time to find time to bake fragrant Easter cakes and paint eggs?

Starting from Maundy Thursday, they prepared for the festive table, painted and painted eggs. According to ancient tradition, colored eggs were placed on freshly sprouted oats and wheat.

Easter is preceded by Maundy Thursday. It is called Pure - after all, on this day it is customary to cleanse the house, body and soul.

Also on Maundy Thursday, preparations for Easter take place - on this day you need to paint eggs, knead the dough and bake Easter cakes. If you still have too many things planned for Thursday, you can knead the dough on Wednesday and start baking the cakes on Thursday.

If, due to circumstances, it was not possible to paint eggs on Maundy Thursday, then this can be done on Saturday morning.

Under no circumstances should you dye eggs on Good Friday. On Friday, until the time of Christ's crucifixion, it is better not to do household chores at all. On this day you can go to temple or just spend it in a quiet family circle.

When should you bake Easter cakes and paint eggs according to the church calendar: when are Easter cakes baked?

Easter is the most important, most joyful and solemn of all Christian holidays. The word "passover" is Hebrew and means "passing" and "deliverance." Easter for Christians is the passage from death to eternal life, therefore this holiday is celebrated most solemnly.

Despite the abundance of Easter cakes and paskas in stores, many housewives prefer to bake them themselves, not accepting any store-bought baked goods.

Usually on Thursday the dough for Easter cakes is kneaded, but it is not forbidden to bake Easter cakes on another day, when it is convenient.

Traditionally, Easter cakes are usually baked from yeast dough. The whole process takes quite a long time. You need to place the dough, then when it increases 2-3 times, knead the dough and beat it thoroughly for an hour.

Then either leave it for another 2-3 hours, or add spices, nuts, raisins and fill 1/3 of the butter-greased molds with it, after which the dough should rise again, and only then bake.

The finished Easter cakes are decorated with icing or sprinkled with powdered sugar, crushed nuts and candied fruits.

Before you take the cake to church, at least 2-3 hours must pass so that the cake has time to cool completely and the icing on it to harden.

Already on Saturday, April 7, after the evening liturgy in churches, the consecration of Easter cakes and eggs takes place, so it is better to paint eggs and prepare other food for the Easter table on Thursday, April 5, or Saturday, April 7, in the morning.

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