Celandine - plant photo, description and properties. Healing properties of large celandine: recommendations for use Grass celandine perennial or annual plant

Celandine (Chelidonium) is a weed plant, belongs to the poppy family, is a perennial. Exists in only one form. Central and North Asia, Europe are considered the birthplace of celandine. AT North America he was also taken. Ants in most cases carry the seeds of celandine, so it grows everywhere, near houses, in gardens and parks, in thickets, in the forest. In the photo you can see what the celandine grass is. Celandine usually grows up to 100 centimeters in length, in rare cases up to 120 centimeters. The plant has sparse hairs and a ribbed, hollow stem on which there are branches. From the underside, the leaves of celandine are blue, and from upper side green.

Celandine in the garden

This plant has soft leaves. Below on the roots they are larger pinnate, and at the top of the plant there are leaves similar to a lyre. The environment in which celandine grass grows affects the shape of the leaves. For example, in Siberia a variety with oblong leaves grows, and in central region leaves are more pointed. A celandine flower consists of several stamens and one pistil, it has four oval petals, bright yellow. Greenish leaves are a bowl for a flower. From May to September, celandine grass blooms. Of the eight flowers, the flowers of the plant are collected in a small umbrella. By appearance plants can be determined when it bears fruit. At this point, its leaves become dull and rough. New bright color leaves appear on celandine immediately after the plant sheds seeds. The grass can bear fruit several times during the summer.

Homeland: Asia North and Central, Europe.

Growth: Grows very fast.

Light: prefers shady places.

Flowering: from May to September.

Reproduction: seeds and segments of rhizomes.

Reproduction of celandine

With the diameter of a human finger, you can compare the size of short tap roots plants. There are many recommendations for treatment with celandine root, but given that this is its most poisonous part, it is better to refuse such treatment. Up to 40 percent of toxic substances are located in the root. It is not advisable to take parts of this plant separately for treatment. It is safer to take the roots of the plant with other parts of the herb.

This plant secretes thick orange juice, it is darker than the flowers, this is what distinguishes the celandine plant from others, it is shown in the photo. Bad smell and taste has the juice of celandine, in the root it is contained in large quantities. Celandine juice is used to dye fabrics, but it disappears when the grass is dried, since it contains an unstable coloring pigment. During flowering, it is recommended to collect celandine, and use its juice while the plant is alive.

Consider the area of ​​​​growth of this plant. Mostly in Russia. It does not grow only in the Far North, in all other regions, such as Siberia, the European part of Russia, Central Asia, the Caucasus, Belarus, Ukraine, this plant grows. It can be found in any forests, among bushes, near roads, rivers, on rocks and in other places. At high altitude it grows in the mountains in the forest area, and along the rivers it can be seen in the steppes. This plant also grows in gardens and orchards. His favorite area, in which there is a lot of moisture and lowlands. Celandine does not form dense thickets, but grows only in the form of small bushes.

Growing celandine at home

This plant helps to scare away various pests in the garden. Therefore, it is very useful when it grows near fruitful shrubs and trees, so that insects do not damage them. If there is no celandine in the garden, then you can grow it yourself at home. Artificially, it can be propagated in two ways: by seeds and segments of rhizomes. Seeds can be used both fresh and two years old. If you sow fresh celandine seeds, then you need to take them in June or July, when only the first seeds appear. On any right place they are planted.

Cultivation of celandine

The rows of celandine must be strictly observed through a gap of fifty centimeters. Only two years later, planted celandine at home will begin to bloom. It is not necessary to sprinkle celandine when sowing if it is planted before winter. Sprinkle the seeds of the plant with a thin layer of earth if it is planted in spring or at other times of the year. In unlit places with sun and high humidity, you need to plant celandine in the garden. After some time, the plant can form a fairly dense cover, as it reproduces not only with the help of seeds, but also with the renewal of buds. Up to three buds annually appear on the roots of celandine.

After he ascended, special care is not required for him, especially when he has already gained strength. Other plants can clog it only during the germination period, so at this time it is necessary to weed the site, loosen the ground and water it. A plant that has already grown enough does not require special care.

Various acids and a large number of other substances are in the composition of the herb. The plant contains a substance that is similar in its action to morphine, it is called chelidonin, is a very local anesthetic. strong action. A critical condition is observed in animals that have eaten this plant, after a while paralysis of the nervous system occurs. severe convulsions can start from an overdose.

Another substance contained in celandine, its name is sanguinarine, can have the same effect. After its application, the analgesic effect begins, this is possible only with topical application. In case of an overdose, salivation increases, intestinal activity increases.

Medicinal properties

The herb has an anti-inflammatory effect. It can also have antispasmodic and choleretic action. External malignant tumors greatly slow down their growth if celandine is used for treatment. With scabies effective tool may be a fresh plant. Its juice instead of iodine is used in some regions of Siberia. Celandine powder helps to quickly heal an ulcer that torments a person for a long time.

Celandine flowers

Consider the main contraindications and the most common side effects of this plant. Pets in the fields do not eat celandine. This plant contains a lot of poison. Like morphine, chelidonin is dangerous, overdose in animals can cause paralysis of the nervous system. If it is used in medicinal purposes, then it must be taken with extreme caution. Irritation may occur digestive system, diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness, decreased blood pressure in case of poisoning with celandine. Fainting state and delirium may arise from severe overdose of plant poisons. Alkaloids, which are present in the composition of celandine juice, cause these side effects. When poisoning with celandine poisons occurs, you need to wash the stomach abundantly and call an ambulance.

Huge damage to health will cause alkaloids contained in the plant. Women who are breastfeeding, pregnant women and children should not be treated with this herb. Patients who suffer from epilepsy are strictly forbidden to use celandine, as it causes convulsions. Severe inflammation can appear on the skin if at least a small wound gets celandine juice. A side effect may be dysbacteriosis and constipation from taking celandine.

Celandine and its history of use

This plant has more than one name. Swallow Grass (Chelidonium majus) is the scientific name for celandine, it arose due to the fact that when the swallows arrive, the grass begins to bloom, and flowering ends when the swallows fly away. A similar name "gove" was given to this herb in Russia. The plant makes a loud sound when the pod opens, for which it received the name "nutcracker". "Podtynnik" in Russia is sometimes referred to as celandine, it was nicknamed so because it grows under the tyn. A huge number of names for this plant is due to its medicinal properties.

The dried plant has a sharp and bitter taste. In this form, it can be seen in the photo. The dried root at the break looks yellowish, and from above it becomes almost black. Within three years medicinal properties herbs can be preserved if properly harvested. It can be applied in different types such as tinctures, decoctions, ointments, oils.

All healing power contained in the juice of celandine, so it is considered effective means. When the plant blooms, it must be collected and scrolled through a meat grinder or chopped with a blender. Celandine passed through a meat grinder is placed in the refrigerator for three days in a glass jar, after this time it gives juice, it must be filtered through a fine sieve or gauze. One and a half liters of celandine juice can be obtained from a bucket of grass. In order for the juice to ferment less from the container, it is necessary to periodically bleed the air. Fermentation ends after three weeks. It can be stored in the refrigerator for several years.

An ointment made from this herb is excellent remedy against many ailments. Fats, creams or regular petroleum jelly can be used to make an ointment, they will be used as a base. You can make an ointment from the juice of a plant, or you can directly from a dried plant, it is important that it is very finely chopped. In a coffee grinder, you can grind dry celandine.

In case of a burn in nature, celandine can be used. It copes well with burns of any kind, helps with burns after sunburn in the sun. Several times you need to apply the juice of the plant on the burn and wait until it is absorbed, then apply again and so on several times. Effective treatment will be if a lot of juice gets on the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. In addition to all this, celandine has an analgesic effect, so the pain from burns is dulled. With frostbite, celandine juice also has a miraculous effect. It is necessary to apply a soaked bandage in the juice of the plant to the frostbitten area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

With the help of the medicinal properties of celandine, you can fight herpes when it is just starting to appear. Ointment, tincture or juice from celandine should be applied to the skin area where signs of herpes are felt. Do the procedure at least three times. herbal infusion celandine can help get rid of various diseases, which is why doctors value this herb so highly and often use it in various fields. This plant is widely used in medicine.

(warthog, chistuha, swallow grass, yellow milkweed, pure grass, yellow spurge, light grass, etc.) At present, taxonomists believe that the genus of celandine includes only one species - large celandine. The plant, known in the Middle Ages under the name of small celandine, is now called spring shstyaks; it is highlighted in independent genus and assigned to another family. However, the ancients had some grounds for combining these two dissimilar plants.

Modern research has established that the spring chistyak contains the same alkaloids as the great celandine. Pliny reports the origin of the generic name:

Grass with their arrival begins to grow
And dries up when out of habit they fly away
And “chelidonia” is the name from here she got it: after all, “chelidon” -
This winged bird is commonly called by the Greeks.

This opinion was generally accepted for 2000 years, hence the name "swallow grass". However, there is another version that explains the origin of this name from the ancient Latin coeli donum, which means "gift of heaven."

A large group of Russian names for celandine is associated with the unusual yellow color of its juice: yellow milkweed, yellow spurge, etc. The unusual color of milky juice for our plants in the Middle Ages attracted close attention alchemists. They attributed this to the undoubted relationship of celandine with gold. And since the main goal of the research of alchemists was the transformation of base metals into gold, the celandine had to visit the crucibles and retorts of alchemists. Modern scientists have explained the reason for such an unusual color of milky juice by the presence of a large number red-orange pigment - carotene. The reason for the name "bright grass" was the fact that many generations of doctors, starting from the ancient Greek, Avicenna and up to the 18th century, considered celandine to be useful for eye diseases. This belief was based on an old legend, which says that a swallow treats the eyes of its blind chicks with celandine juice.

For the treatment of eye diseases, celandine juice was boiled with honey over low heat until the foam stopped and it itself became like honey. This liquid should be smeared on the eyes as often as possible.

The largest group of names - celandine, chistuha, warthog - is associated with the traditional use of celandine in the treatment of skin diseases.

As a medicinal plant, celandine was widely used in ancient Rome, in Arabic medicine. In the Middle Ages, celandine root was used to treat liver diseases, celandine juice with goat lard was applied to ulcers. In Russia, scrofulous children were bathed in a decoction of herbs, skin tuberculosis and scabies were treated, warts and freckles were reduced. In some places, celandine was used for treatment malignant tumors, but scientific medicine treated these reports with distrust, until in 1896 the Russian doctor Denisenko published a report on several cases of successful treatment of malignant diseases with celandine extract. The drug was supplied to him by the famous Moscow pharmacy company Ferrein.

A.P. Chekhov writes in a letter to A.S. Suvorin: “A cure for cancer has been found. It's been almost a year since light hand Russian doctor Denisenko try the juice of celandine, or warthog, and now one has to read about the amazing results. Unfortunately, the preparations of celandine did not differ in the constancy of action, no explanation was found for this, and gradually the enthusiasm of the doctors faded. A series of experiments have now been carried out using the latest achievements science, the results of which showed that celandine preparations retard the growth of tumors, especially on the skin and mucous membranes.

In scientific medicine, the juice and powder from the herb is used to cauterize warts, condylomas, polyps, and in the initial forms of lupus erythematosus. It is also used in diseases of the stomach and liver. Inside it is used only under medical supervision. Poisonous!

In homeopathy, it is used to treat diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

Large celandine - a large plant up to 1 m with a succulent ribbed stem. Rosette leaves overwinter. All leaves are pinnately dissected with rounded crenate lobes along the edge. Feature leaves - their two-color. From above they are bright green, from below - gray from a wax coating. Flowers up to 1 cm in diameter, collected in simple umbrellas. They are bright yellow, four-petalled,

with a falling calyx when flowering. The fruit is a long pod-like capsule with a large number of small black seeds. These seeds are provided with a white, cartilaginous seed coat that ants love to eat. By spreading the seeds, ants contribute to the resettlement of celandine. Therefore, its bushes can be found in the most unexpected places: in a crack in the asphalt pavement, in a corner of the yard, between blocks of a stone wall. But in general, the celandine loves rich manured soils and therefore settles closer to a person. It occurs throughout the country, but does not form large thickets anywhere. All organs of the plant contain a yellow milky sap that stains hands and clothes. In particularly sensitive people, even inflammation or blisters on the skin may appear. Celandine grass contains more than a dozen alkaloids. In addition, essential oil, carotene, flavonoids, saponins and other substances were found.

Celandine grass can be used as a good insecticide against pests in gardens and orchards. Celandine juice is used for blackening metals, seed oil - as a good anti-corrosion agent. A yellow dye is obtained from the roots. In some areas, celandine grass is hovered over milk jugs so that they do not turn sour, they fumigate livestock from the case.

Celandine - unpretentious herbaceous plant, which can be found in almost all European countries. The beneficial properties of the plant are widely used in folk medicine, especially in the treatment of various dermatological problems. How to properly harvest celandine - a photo of a plant will help you understand which flowers should be collected.

General description of celandine

Celandine grass is a weed from the poppy family, you can see it almost everywhere. Where does celandine grow? You can meet a plant in almost every European country, America, is widespread in Russia and Ukraine.

What does it look like? The plant has a straight stem, reaches a length of 1 m. If the stem is broken, a bright yellow milky juice will appear. The leaves are bluish in the lower part, green on top.

You can recognize celandine by golden yellow flowers that have the correct shape of an umbrella. The plant blooms from May to August, during this period it must be collected and dried in order to be used for medicinal purposes.

A photo

Medicinal properties and contraindications

Great celandine is often used to eliminate various skin rashes and neoplasms. But this plant can also help in the treatment of other diseases.

Beneficial features:

  • reduces discomfort from heartburn, effectively eliminates cholecystitis, hepatitis, ulcerative processes and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • celandine has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties - it is used on early stages tuberculosis, pneumonia, polyps in the large intestine;
  • effectively fights colds, respiratory diseases, improves sputum separation;
  • the plant has a diuretic effect, helps with gout, kidney pathologies;
  • to use celandine inside is recommended for diabetes, problems with the thyroid gland.

Important! Celandine has antitumor properties - doctors recommend using it on initial stages cancer to prevent growth cancer cells. You can use the plant as a cancer prevention.

Celandine has a lot of contraindications - it cannot be used by pregnant and lactating women, children under 12 years old. Angina pectoris, epilepsy, chronic constipation - for all these diseases, celandine cannot be used. With bronchial asthma, the recommended dosages help to improve the condition, with an overdose, standing can greatly worsen.

Application in traditional medicine

AT alternative medicine celandine juice is used, decoctions, infusions and tinctures are prepared from the plant, oil and healing ointments are made.

Celandine infusion is prepared from 3 g of raw materials and 250 ml of boiling water, strain after 20 minutes. Apply 30-40 ml three times a day to normalize the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Alcohol tincture is used to eliminate pain in the liver, stomach, it cleanses well genitourinary system, strengthens protective functions, improves appetite. Tincture is recommended for use in the initial stages of oncological diseases to get rid of polyps.

How to prepare the tincture:

  1. Pour 20 g of chopped herbs into a glass container, pour 200 ml of vodka, leave for 14 days, filter thoroughly. Take 10 drops three times a day, previously diluted in 110 ml of water.
  2. Mix celandine juice and vodka in equal proportions, pour into a glass container, put in a cool room for 2 weeks. Dilute 15 drops of the drug in 120 ml of water, take before breakfast.

Celandine ointment helps with eczema, diathesis, oncological diseases skin. In cosmetology, it is used to remove freckles and age spots.

Mix with 60 g of vaseline 15 ml of fresh celandine juice or 6 g of dry chopped grass. Use the prepared ointment 3-5 times a day.

The milky juice of celandine effectively helps against warts and papillomas - it is enough to pluck the plant and gently burn the formation on the skin.

Juice can cauterize acne, prepare a solution for gargling and oral cavity, instill in the nose, use for enemas with polyps. Douching with celandine juice helps with prostatitis and women's diseases.

Important! Do not drink juice inside pure form.

Treatment with juice is recommended to be carried out according to the royal method - the ladder method. Dilute 1 drop of juice in 75 ml of water and drink. Every day you need to increase the dose by 2 drops, bring the amount to 20 drops, take a break for 10 days. Then start counting down reverse side by reducing the daily dose by 1 drop. The duration of therapy is 3 months. For prevention, 1 course per year is enough.

How to use juice:

  • for gargling, for dental problems - dissolve 5 ml of juice in 120 ml, carry out the procedure three times a day;
  • for the treatment of sinusitis influenza, polyps in the nose - in 50 ml of water, drop 20 drops of juice, instill 2 drops of medication in each nasal passage;
  • for douching - dissolve 7 drops of juice in 55 ml of warm water.

Celandine juice helps with psoriasis - it must be rubbed continuously for 25 minutes into the affected areas, take a break for 5 minutes. Repeat the procedure 5 times.

The Mountain celandine balm effectively helps against papillomas, the photo will help to purchase natural high-quality products, and not a fake. In addition to celandine, its composition includes an extract from a string, gentian, crow's feet and rhododendron. To get rid of neoplasms, you need to apply 1 drop of the product on papilloma az per day. The duration of therapy is 5-7 days.

Important! The drug Super celandine does not contain extracts from the plant - it contains only potassium and sodium alkali. The remedy can quickly get rid of warts, but scars and scars may remain.

Essential and cosmetic oil of celandine helps to solve many dermatological, dental and gynecological problems. It can be used by mothers to eliminate rashes and peeling on the skin of young children. It is also used in cosmetology - the oil helps to get rid of age spots, acne, small scars, peeling, dandruff and seborrhea.

The oil is used in its pure form, or added a few drops to daily skin care products.

Important! With regular use of celandine oil, elasticity is noticeably increased. skin slows down the formation of new wrinkles.

How to make your own butter:

  1. Fill a glass jar with 500 g of fresh herbs, crush a little until the juice appears.
  2. Pour 130–150 ml of sunflower or olive oil.
  3. Clean in a dark room for 14 days, mix every 2 days.
  4. Filter, pour into a dark glass container.

The oil can be stored longer than the juice, it does not cause burns, it has fewer side effects. Externally, it should be applied to the skin for 10-15 minutes, repeat the procedure 4 times a day.

With fibroids, erosion with oil, you need to soak the swab with oil, insert it into the vagina for a quarter of an hour, repeat the procedure twice a day.

Essential oil can help eliminate fungal diseases nails, psoriasis, microbial eczema. It is enough to apply a cotton pad soaked in oil to the problem area three times a day for 2-3 minutes - the skin will stop itching, inflammation will go away, and the process of tissue repair will accelerate.

Precautionary measures

Celandine is not only medicinal, but also very poisonous plant, During the harvesting of raw materials, self-treatment, walking through the forest, it is easy to get burned by celandine. The injury is not very dangerous, but a timely first health care help to avoid the development of various complications.

How to treat a burn from celandine pharmacy:

  1. Rinse the injured area under running water, you can use soda or soap for the skin.
  2. To reduce inflammation and irritation, the skin should be wiped with an ice cube.
  3. Severe itching can be eliminated with hormonal creams and ointments - Sinaflan. To dry the wound, you need to make a compress with Zinc ointment.
  4. After a burn, the damaged area should be protected from direct sunlight for 3-5 days.

Important! If the juice of a poisonous plant gets into your eyes, you should definitely consult a doctor. The juice can cause severe swelling of the eye, conjunctivitis, temporary or permanent blindness.

You can wipe the burnt area with aloe or pumpkin juice, strong cold black tea leaves, apply chopped raw potatoes.

Celandine effectively helps to get rid of warts and other serious dermatological problems. But you always need to remember - the plant is poisonous, it is better to use gloves during collection and treatment. The juice of the plant should not get on the mucous membranes, so you can not chew the leaves, use the juice to wash your eyes or nose in its pure form.

Great celandine (Chelidonium majus) is a perennial herbaceous plant that has gained popularity among the people as a medicinal plant with a very a wide range applications. Due to the high concentration in the plant of alkaloids and other potent chemical substances, the Greater celandine plant is very popular among both traditional healers, and in pharmacology, and is considered one of the most famous plants with numerous medicinal properties. Many beneficial features Celandine can be used in everyday life. For example, powder from crushed dry celandine is sprinkled cultivated plants from pests and microspore diseases. In the villages, celandine juice is still used as a natural dye for wool and homespun canvas. Celandine oil, squeezed from seeds, has anti-corrosion properties.

What is the popular name for the plant celandine

The Latin name - (Chelidonium majus) is translated as "swallow grass". In the European part of the continent, celandine blooms with the arrival of the first swallows - in early May, and finishes flowering with their departure at the end of August. Alchemists were attracted by the milky juice of celandine, which, when in contact with air, acquired a shade of pure gold. This forced them to conduct numerous experiments to search for traces of precious metal in the plant, and the plant was called "golden grass" In the traditions of Russian folk medicine Big Celandine was considered the first remedy for removing warts, papillomas, condylomas. From here came such folk names as "warthog", "warthog".

Here are some more plant names:

  • “Glodushnik”, “pure grass”, “chistoplot” or “chistushnik” - young girls prepared an ointment from celandine for the face and used it to reduce freckles, age spots, acne and other skin rashes;
  • "jaundice" - for taking celandine in the treatment of jaundice;
  • "yellow milkweed", "yellow milkweed", "red milkweed" - for carotene-rich milky juice of a bright orange color;
  • "podtynnik" - for the custom to grow near fences and hedges;
  • "devil's grass" or "devil's grass" - dry celandine was worn on the chest as a protective amulet against "dark forces" or as a means of relieving severe melancholy;
  • "lichen grass" - for the treatment of ringworm with celandine;
  • "prozornik" - celandine oil was used for eye diseases, including for information "thorn".
  • "dog soap" - for the ability of celandine to rid pets of ticks and fleas.

Appearance and biological description

Large celandine (warthog, jaundice) belongs to the monotypic genus Celandine of the Poppy family (Papaveraceae). This is a tall (from 30 cm to 1 m tall) beautiful plant with a branched stem, growing like a small shaped bush. It can often be found in gardens, parks and kitchen gardens, where it grows as a weed. In the southern regions of the country, celandine is cultivated for the preparation of pharmacological raw materials (the grass is mowed twice a season).

The root system is pivotal; the rhizome is reddish-brown, bright orange when cut, with well-branched lateral roots.

Stem (one or more) erect, hollow, branched, ribbed-nodular.

The leaves are lyre-shaped, unpaired pinnately dissected from 3-5 segments, with a bluish-lilac bloom from below, on long petioles. The upper leaves are small, sessile.

The flowers are not large, with four bright yellow petals, collected in umbellate inflorescences of 5-7 flowers on small pedicels.

The fruit is a pod with small black oval seeds.

Myrmecochory - as a kind of symbiotic interaction in nature

Celandine seeds are equipped with elaiosomes - a kind of evolutionary adaptations that increase their attractiveness for ants, and with it - the likelihood of plant reproduction. It is a comb-like, whitish growth on seeds containing protein and lipid compounds that attract the attention of ants as supplies. Insects drag celandine seeds with elaiosomes deep into the depths of the anthill to feed the larvae. After the elaiosomal bait is eaten, the celandine seeds that have become unattractive to ants will be taken to the “dump” of the anthill, where, surrounded by a nutrient medium from the decaying remains of the ant family, they can successfully germinate by the beginning of the next season. This is one of the amazing phenomena of symbiotic cooperation between insects and plants - myrmecochory, that is, the spread of plant seeds by ants.

Distribution area and habitat of the Great Celandine

Great celandine is distributed throughout the European part of the continent, with the exception of the regions of the Far North, it is found in the Far East and in some regions of Siberia, in the mountains of the North Caucasus, Alatau, Tien Shan.

The celandine plant grows in coniferous, broad-leaved and mixed forests, in places protected from the open sun and wind. on the edges, among low shrubs along the banks of rivers. Spreading bushes of celandine do not form continuous thickets, more often they grow singly or two or three plants side by side. Celandine prefers moist fertile soils, therefore, it often grows along the banks of rivers fertilized with silt. In mountainous areas, the border of the distribution of celandine reaches the zone of alpine meadows. In gardens, orchards, in city parks and wastelands, celandine grows like weeds,

Chemical composition and properties of celandine

The medicinal properties of celandine, used for many centuries in the treatment of many diseases, are explained by the high concentration of potent chemicals in the plant. All parts of the celandine, and the roots - to a greater extent, contain alkaloids - complex potent substances that have medicinal properties in small doses, explaining the benefits of celandine in the treatment of many diseases, and in large doses - poisonous.

  • Protoberberins;
  • Protopins;
  • Benzophenanthredines and other groups of alkaloids.

One of the most effective alkaloids that determine the use of celandine in medicine is chelidonin, which acts like morphine. The presence of chelidonin, for example, explains the analgesic effect when using juice or tincture of celandine for toothache, intestinal cramps, and also as an anticonvulsant. In addition, the antimicrobial activity of chilidonin on anthrax pathogens and bactericidal effect on Staphylococcus aureus was noted.

Berberine also has an analgesic effect, and in addition enhances uterine contractions, which explains the use of celandine preparations in gynecology.

Alkaloids of the benzophenanthredine group delay the mitosis of tumor cells, increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy, proving the appropriateness of the use of celandine preparations in the treatment of cancer.

In addition to alkaloids, the medicinal properties of celandine provide essential oils, organic acids, carotene, etc.

From the history of celandine treatment

The healing properties of Celandine have been known for a very long time. Healers and healers treated medicines based on it with great confidence. Many recipes for the treatment of celandine have survived to this day. How dosage forms apply the juice from the plant, extracts, decoctions of herbs and roots, oil from the seeds of celandine, as well as powder from dried chopped grass. In the scientific literature, the description of drugs based on celandine has been known since Ancient Greece. Even Claudius Galen, a well-known pharmacist and doctor, recommended celandine extract for the treatment of liver diseases, describing in detail both its hepatoprotective properties and the method of preparing the medicine by distillation. Subsequently, all medical preparations, made in a similar way (extraction of the extract) were called "Galen".

The famous Persian scientist, doctor, philosopher Abu Ibn Sina (Avicena) widely used in medical practice celandine treatment. He claimed that the juice of celandine "strongly cleanses" the body, having a beneficial effect on the "organs of the eruption" - the kidneys and intestines. History has preserved the written instructions of Avicena to his students on how to treat cancer, liver diseases and diseases with celandine. skin diseases: eczema, psoriasis, non-healing trophic ulcers.

From generation to generation, herbalists and healers pass on various drugs based on celandine grass: extracts, decoctions, ointments, freshly squeezed celandine juice, dry celandine powder. It was used as a hepatoprotective, weak diuretic, anti-inflammatory agent. Celandine was prescribed for spasms or atony of the intestines, diseases of the kidneys and liver, to relieve pain during attacks of rheumatism. Polyps in the nose were treated with celandine juice, warts and age spots were reduced. However, it should be remembered that all parts of the plant are poisonous, so the use of celandine at home should be done with great care and only after consulting with experts. So, absolute contraindication for the treatment of celandine is pregnancy and lactation, epilepsy and cardiovascular diseases. Do not prescribe celandine drugs and children under the age of three.

How to take celandine: folk recipes

An old recipe for reducing warts with celandine juice

The part of the body on which the growth of the skin has formed - the wart - wash clean and steam well. Lubricate the skin around the growth with oil or petroleum jelly so that it does not burn. On a steamed wart, drip juice from a freshly cut stem of celandine at least three times a day, each time cutting off a fresh stem. If a hard crust is obtained on the skin of the growth, it must be steamed out again and removed, and then continue treatment.

A decoction of celandine for the treatment of intestinal atony

  • Chopped celandine rhizome - 6 teaspoons;
  • Water - 6 glasses.

Roots pour cold water and, bringing to a boil, simmer for at least 20 minutes. To enhance peristalsis, take a third of a tea glass 4 times a day.

Preparation of tincture of celandine on vodka

Before cutting, rinse the leaves of the plant in water and dry. Fold the cut leaves into an enameled or glass dish with opaque walls, fill the container with leaves by 2/3 of the volume. Then pour the dishes with vodka and put in a dark place, tightly closed with a lid, for 3 weeks. Strain the finished celandine tincture through a sieve and pour into a bottle with a well-fitted lid. With a tincture of celandine, wipe the warts with a cotton swab dipped in the tincture at least three times a day until they are completely dry.

Tincture on celandine juice with medical alcohol

Rinse the excavated celandine plants well together with the roots, chop and pass through a meat grinder. Keep the finished gruel for two days in a dark, cool place. Then strain and mix in a 4:1 ratio with pure medical alcohol. Alcohol can be replaced with vodka (take one part of vodka for two parts of squeezed juice).

Means for the treatment of celandine nail fungus

  • Celandine juice - 5 drops;
  • Oregano juice - 2 drops;
  • Calendula tincture - 2 drops;
  • Water - 3 tablespoons.

Treat the affected areas of the nail with the resulting solution 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.

Baths with celandine in the treatment of psoriasis

100 grams of celandine roots finely chopped and pour 10 liters cold water. Leave for 2 hours. Then bring water with chopped grass to a boil and boil for 30 minutes. Strain the finished broth and pour into a bath of warm water. Baths should be taken daily for 10 days.

Ointment based on celandine for the treatment of herpes on the lips

teaspoon alcohol tincture mix celandine with two teaspoons of calendula tincture. Add a few drops eucalyptus oil. Lubricate the hardening site on the lip with the resulting solution or apply a cotton swab moistened with the solution to it.

Remedy for the treatment of toothache

Mix in equal proportions freshly squeezed Kalanchoe juice with celandine juice. Mix the solution. Moisten a cotton swab in the resulting product and apply to the gum from the side of the diseased tooth.

Celandine is called - warthog, smooth, glechkopar, yellow milkweed, spurge, red milkweed, seer, light grass, dog soap, pure grass. For the beneficial properties of the herb celandine at skin diseases the name of the plant is chistukha, warthog.

The generic name is from the Greek word - swallow or swallow grass. According to the second version, the name comes from an ancient phrase translated as a gift from heaven, a gift from heaven, which indicates the high healing properties of celandine.

The specific name is from the Latin word translated as big, given for big sizes celandine plants.

Many names refer to yellow celandine juice. Light grass was called because of the benefits of celandine in eye diseases. This is based on the oldest legend according to which a swallow cured blind chicks with celandine juice.

celandine description

Perennial herb of the poppy family. Not to be confused with another plant. This plant, when broken, exudes droplets of thick yellow sap with a heavy odor and a pungent bitter taste. Especially in the roots. Grows up to a meter long. The celandine stem is straight, branched. Leaves large, green

The flowers are yellow-golden, on long stalks. Each flower consists of 4 petals up to a centimeter long. Celandine blooms from May to August.

Where does celandine grow

All regions of European Russia, Siberia, Far East, Caucasus. Grows in sparse, wet forests, ravines, on the outskirts of swamps, in ditches, in trash cans, likes to settle near housing. Prefers shady places with nitrogen-rich soil. It also grows in America, where it was brought in 1672 as a remedy for the treatment of skin diseases.

Collection of celandine grass

Celandine grass is harvested when the plant begins to bloom in May, June. The plant should be a rich green color without damage.

The bushes are pulled out along with the root, dry leaves are removed from the ground. They are washed, tied in bundles, hung in the shade, as the celandine loses its beneficial properties under the sun.

Dry celandine is packed in clean paper bags, boxes, boxes. Store in a dry, ventilated room for up to three years.

Celandine grass juice is preserved for the winter. To do this, the stems with flowers 15 cm long are crushed with a meat grinder, juice is squeezed out of the resulting mass. For each liter of juice add 0.5 liters of alcohol. The liquid is tightly closed with a stopper. During fermentation, the lid is very carefully unscrewed several times, the gas is released.

Celandine plant composition

  • alkaloids are found in all parts of the plant; there are more than 20 of them;
  • essential oil;
  • vitamin C;
  • carotene;
  • organic acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • saponins;
  • bitterness;
  • the milky juice of the plant contains resins, fatty oil;
  • seeds up to 68% fatty oil.

Grass celandine application

  • prevents the growth of malignant tumors;
  • celandine has - antipruritic, cauterizing, antiviral action;
  • prevents the development of fungal diseases;
  • stomach cancer - as an anesthetic;
  • soothes nervous system useful in neuroses;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • celandine helps with psoriasis - baths with a decoction of celandine;
  • goiter, leukemia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • effective remedy - rheumatism, gout;
  • food poisoning;
  • tuberculosis;
  • swelling of the uterus - they suck out the juice from one leaf of celandine, what is left to spit out;
  • in small doses inside - diseases of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, stomach ulcers, ulcerative colitis;
  • decoction - a means of polishing the blood;
  • juice and infusion of celandine - hemorrhoids;
  • compresses with grass - burns, bites;
  • scrofulous children with skin tuberculosis, scabies are bathed in a decoction;
  • celandine grass powder, steamed grass is useful for treating wounds, ulcers;
  • sinusitis, runny nose - lubricate the bridge of the nose with juice, nasal sinuses with tincture of celandine;
  • milky juice of celandine - removes warts, condylomas, corns, corns, treats lichen, cracks on the heels and hands, heals small abrasions well. For this purpose, they smear fresh juice 3 times a day problem areas. The plant is effective even with severe, chronic diseases skin;
  • treats adenodes, polyps;
  • celandine juice helps - herpes on the lips, eczema, fungi, acne, boils, fistulas;
  • crushed dry grass was applied to the soles of the feet as mustard plasters during bouts of malaria;
  • relieves redness and peeling of the skin;
  • helps to get rid of age spots, other skin defects;
  • celandine extract gives a healthy shine to dry, weakened hair;
  • in order to scare away ticks, 100 ml of juice is enough, mixed with 50 ml of alcohol. Take 1 tbsp for half a glass of water. and lubricate open areas of the skin;
  • used in veterinary medicine to get rid of helminths;

Celandine herb treatment

Celandine herb tincture: 100 g of fresh grass, 200 ml of medical alcohol, stand for three weeks in a dark place, sometimes shaking the contents, then decanted. Use 15 drops with 1/4 glass of water three times a day. Apply tincture - diseases of the liver, bladder.

Color tincture: 100g flowers with grass. 0.5 l of 70% alcohol, insist 7 days. Pulmonary diseases, tuberculosis - 20 drops three times.

Celandine for women

breast tumor - a dry sprig of celandine is placed in an enameled pan, a handful of crushed roots of bergenia thick-leaved, comfrey, calamus marsh, upright cinquefoil, 3 sprigs of juniper are added. Herbs are poured with 2 liters of hot sunflower oil.

The mixture is boiled on a small fire for 40 minutes under the lid, filtered. Then they put it on fire again, add a few crushed aloe leaves. Separately melt 20 g of propolis, put in ready mix. Boil for another 10 minutes, strain. The last put on 1st.l. good honey, birch tar. When the mass has cooled, add fish fat 20ml The mixture is stored in sterile jars, under iron lids. Lubricate sore spots twice a day.

Fibromyoma: 100 g of plant juice, 100 g of alcohol, 200 g of honey are mixed with a wooden spoon. Place a glass container, tightly close. They insist a week. They use a dessert spoon for a month before eating, eating a small piece of butter. The treatment is repeated after two months. Do at least three courses.

Thrush: douche with a decoction of celandine - 2 tbsp. a liter of boiling water, simmer for 3 minutes, insist an hour.

Trichomonas colpitis, cervical erosion: 3 tablespoons dry crushed plant, 1l hot water, simmer for 20 minutes, filter . Used for douching.

celandine for men

prostate adenoma, prostatitis - mix 15 parts of celandine herb, yarrow herb, 20 parts of calamus roots, 35 parts of crushed chaga, St. John's wort herb. 1 tbsp collection, 300 ml of bubbling water, keep the thermos for 3 hours, filter. Take 0.3 cup with honey 3 times before meals. Every three weeks, a break of 7 days. Duration three months.

Celandine use for skin diseases

Wet eczema: liter of celandine juice, 100 g of nightshade, 2 tbsp. viburnum juice, 2 egg whites, 2 tbsp. unsalted lard. The mixture is well whipped, insist 10 days. Sore spots are lubricated with the finished composition. The tool helps to clear the skin of eczema.


  1. a glass of celandine juice, 50 g of pharmacy grease, 100 g of honey, 40 g of boric acid powder, 5 egg whites. Boric acid combine with proteins, add honey, then juice. Everything is mixed, grease is added. Lubricate problem areas, store the refrigerator;
  2. 30g each of celandine, willow bark, veronica, calendula, 20g each of smoke, walnut shells, yarrow herb, 10g oak bark, 40g meadowsweet, 50g nettle. A teaspoon with the top of the collection is steamed with 200 ml of boiling water, kept for three minutes. Up to two liters of infusion are drunk per day;
  3. 5g celandine juice, 50g interior fat. Lubricate the problem areas with the resulting ointment;
  4. bath - for 2 liters of boiling water 300 g of fresh or 500 g of dry grass, stand for an hour, filter;

scrofula, skin diseases

  1. 4 tablespoons celandine, 1.5 liters of boiling water boil a small fire for 5 minutes, after 8 hours, strain;
  2. 10 g of fresh grass, 100 ml of boiling water, simmer for 10 minutes on a small fire, stand for half an hour, decant.

Neurodermatitis, eczema, ulcers: 100 g of celandine roots, add chilled water, incubate for 2 hours. Then cook a small fire for 30 minutes. Take 12 baths at a temperature of 36 degrees.

Diuretic, laxative, analgesic: a tablespoon of celandine grass, a glass of boiling water, heat for 15 minutes, insist in a room tightly closed. Filter, squeeze the sprat, top up. Drink a third of a glass three times before meals.

Stones in the liver: a branch of celandine 20 cm long with flowers, a glass of boiling water, drink hot after 20 minutes. Treatment two weeks, break 2 weeks.

Polyps in the nose: 2 tablespoons of celandine herbs, chamomile herbs, 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave to cool completely, strain. Draw in through the nostrils 6 times a day for 10 days . Repeat the treatment after a ten-day break. For children, a spray bottle is suitable.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with celandine: drink tea with celandine three times a day for a week. You will need 20 filter bags. Repeat in a month, drink one sachet in the morning before meals. At the same time, the sore spot is steamed with infusion. Take 4 tablespoons, 4 liters of boiling water, cool to 38 degrees. Baths are taken daily for two weeks.

Cholagogue: a teaspoon of juice, a glass of boiled water, kept for 30 minutes, filtered. Drink chilled 100 ml per day.

kidney disease

  1. mix taken equally grass celandine, blue cornflower. A tablespoon of the collection in 3 cups of boiling water. Insist hour, filter. Use 0.25 cup 3 times before meals;
  2. mix 4 parts of celandine grass, shepherd's purse, blueberry leaves, horsetail grass, 2 parts of heather flowers, 3 parts of pine buds. 2 tsp spoons of the mixture, 200 ml of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes. Drink 45 days 2 tsp. before eating;
  3. mix celandine, cinquefoil, birch leaves. 1 tbsp collection, 200 ml of hot water, insist, decant. Use a glass of warm infusion at night.

Polyps in the intestines: 15-60g of chopped grass, pour ten times the volume of water. While the infusion cools, make cleansing enemas. Healing mixture slowly injected into the intestines for two hours. Course 14 days. If the procedure is poorly tolerated, do it every other day. Conduct 3 courses per season, do it in a row for three years.

Arthrosis: 1 tbsp dry celandine, chopped aloe leaf (do not water the flower before cutting for 2 weeks), add finely cut bitter pepper, 0.5 l of vodka. Leave for three weeks, shaking daily. The tincture is filtered. They lubricate the sore spot, wrap up warmly, go to bed.

Grass celandine contraindications

In sensitive people, celandine juice causes inflammation, blisters on the body. Contraindicated in patients with epilepsy bronchial asthma, angina pectoris. Celandine is a large poisonous plant, so take it with care. If used incorrectly or large doses can be severely poisoned. There is vomiting, nausea, convulsions, dizziness, fainting. In cases of poisoning, the stomach is washed.