I felt a lump above the navel at 1 year old. Lump in the navel. After childbirth: beautiful breasts and flat stomach. Cosmetology


Based on the description of your problem, it is difficult to even make a reliable guess about the origin of such hardening.

I can say one thing for sure: pregnancy in this case is impossible, since in order to fertilize a woman’s egg, heterosexual sexual contact with the entry of the male reproductive cell into the genital tract is necessary. With self-masturbation, there can be no talk of any sperm reaching your egg. In addition, early signs of pregnancy do not include thickening or hardening of the abdomen in the navel area.

Otherwise, the symptom you described is not concrete or specific. It is not clear what kind of lump you felt, how it is localized, whether it is located in the layers of the skin or in the abdominal cavity, how it behaves when pressed, whether it responds with pain, and so on.

In front of the abdomen is the abdominal cavity, bounded above by the diaphragm and filled with abdominal organs. The diaphragm serves as the upper wall of the abdominal cavity, separating it from the chest cavity; The anterior wall of the abdominal cavity is formed by tendon stretches of the three broad abdominal muscles and the rectus abdominis muscles. At the bottom, the abdominal cavity passes into the pelvic cavity.

The retroperitoneal space contains the kidneys, ureters, adrenal glands, pancreas and most of the duodenum. The peritoneal cavity contains the gallbladder, stomach, spleen, jejunum, ileum, transverse colon, sigmoid colon and cecum with appendix. The descending and ascending colon are partially covered by peritoneum. The liver is covered almost completely by peritoneum.

Thus, hardness in the navel area can be caused by tension in the muscles, tendons and diaphragm, as well as enlargement, stones or tumors in any of the abdominal organs.

Regarding intestinal obstruction, we can say that it is characterized rather by the following symptoms:

Persistent, non-moving asymmetrical bloating, noticeable to the eye and detectable by touch;

With volvulus of the sigmoid colon, the swelling is localized closer to the right hypochondrium, while in the left iliac region, that is, where it is usually palpated, a retraction of the abdomen is noted;

Visible intestinal peristalsis, especially after palpation;

Increased intestinal peristalsis is replaced by a gradual decline in peristalsis.

Intestinal obstruction is also manifested by sudden cramping pain in the abdomen associated with peristalsis, retention of stool and gases, and vomiting.

The belly button area contains the small intestine, and hardness in this part of the abdomen may be due to bloating of the small intestine.

A thickening in the navel area may manifest itself as a cyst and fistula of urachos (umbilical ring), or umbilical hernia.

An umbilical hernia is characterized by the appearance of a gradually increasing protrusion in the navel area, abdominal pain during physical activity and coughing.

A lump (nodule) in the navel area may be a metastasis of stomach cancer to the navel, so a gastroenterological examination is advisable if an umbilical hernia is suspected.

Also, pain and lumps in the abdomen in the navel area may indicate diseases of the bladder, uterus and appendages in women.

If you are concerned about your health and you notice uncharacteristic signs in the abdominal area, it is better to undergo examination by a specialist.

Make an appointment with a surgeon or gynecologist if you suspect a gynecological origin of the hardening.

Each organ can fail, manifest itself with pain, swelling, swelling, or compaction in a certain area of ​​the abdomen.

It’s not scary if the protrusion is caused by muscle strain. If you experience bloating, hollowness of a separate part of the abdomen, or other symptoms (colic, diarrhea, vomiting, high temperature), then you should probably see a doctor and undergo an examination.

Protrusion is far from harmless; perhaps it is a signal that urgent measures need to be taken to avoid complications later. Most often localized in the right side of the abdomen. Let's consider the reasons for the appearance from all sides: right, left, above, below and when urgent treatment is required. You can no longer delay going to the doctors.

On right

On the right, just above the middle part of the abdomen, are located: the right kidney, the ascending colon.

Induration near the navel on the right, pain and discomfort may appear due to the following provoking factors:

  1. Appendicitis, with the appearance of troubles and inflammation of the appendix with a displacement to the right. Usually causes acute pain discomfort accompanied by fever and nausea. Patients need to urgently contact a surgeon.
  2. Lipoma as a benign wen or a consequence of blockage of the sebaceous glands. The tumor, soft to the touch, may increase in size and roll slightly under the skin. Requires surgery to remove.
  3. Atheroma in the form of a cyst up to 3 cm in diameter, tightly sealed to the skin. Perhaps the appearance of a dark dot in the middle of the abdomen, as a fact of gland blockage. Atheroma has an inflammatory course, so the signs are hotness to the touch, pain in the area. Requires surgical intervention to remove it.
  4. Fibrosarcoma is a malignant tumor up to 2-15 mm in diameter. It looks like a smooth scar (bump) on the skin, mobile and painful. The place in the middle part of the square of the peritoneum is tense, atrophies over time and can become covered with crust and erosion. Requires surgical removal.
  5. Diverticulitis is a type of hernia with the accumulation of intestinal contents as the inflammatory process develops. Provocateurs – infection with worms, heredity, unhealthy diet, decreased muscle tone. Symptoms: upset stool, passing blood particles, increased temperature, pain in the inflamed area. Treatment is antibiotics or surgery.


If you divide the abdominal cavity into 4 zones, then on the left side there are: the renal gate, ureter, omentum, intestine, intestinal loops.

Why is there a lump near the navel on the left:

  1. Intestinal obstruction with the appearance of persistent asymmetrical bloating, vomiting, gas formation in the walls of the large intestine, and stool retention.
  2. Abdominal aortic aneurysm with protrusion and expansion of the walls. More common in men. Causes: hypertension, atherosclerosis, bad habits, infection. There is a dull pain in the left peritoneum radiating to the lower back. Treatment is medication; in advanced cases, surgery.
  3. Hydronephrosis is a kidney disease that leads to accumulation of urine in the pelvis. Causes: urolithiasis, tumor, prostate adenoma in men, gynecological pathologies in women. Left-sided hydronephrosis is diagnosed taking into account the affected kidney on the left. Symptoms are increased blood pressure and temperature, colic in the lower back, difficult outflow of urine with stinging and burning.

Protrusion and pain when urinating are often observed in men with urinary tract infections and the development of diseases - cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis. Possible irritation of the gastric mucosa due to bloating and colic in the left quadrant of the abdomen.

Colic, nausea, vomiting, and fever may indicate problems with the pancreas. Hardening in the peritoneum indicates:

  • hernia;
  • umbilical ring fistula;
  • cyst development;
  • swelling of the walls of the small intestine;
  • metastasis to the navel in stomach cancer.

Such hardening can be extremely dangerous. Doctors do not advise letting the situation take its course and delaying the examination. Especially when special discomfort and characteristic signs appear, regardless of the location in the abdomen.


In the upper left part of the peritoneum there is: the spleen, diaphragm, stomach, pancreas, intestinal loops. Some diseases can cause the spleen to become enlarged or even rupture. The cause may be an injury or blow, when there is severe pain, a bluish seal near the navel from above.

Other causes of discomfort:

  • peritonitis;
  • perforation of a stomach ulcer;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane or cancer of the stomach, colon;
  • rupture, stretching of the tissues of the abdominal aorta;
  • sigmoid colon volvulus;
  • intestinal tumor;
  • Crohn's disease.

From below

A seal near the navel from below is observed if it is:

  • pinched hernia;
  • protrusion of the sigmoid colon;
  • rupture of the walls of the diverticulum;
  • inflammation of the pelvic organs in women;
  • intestinal obstruction in the lower sections;
  • increased gas formation in the walls of the large intestine;
  • localization of the tumor in the genital organs of men.

A lump in the lower abdomen can be caused by: IBS, intestinal inflammation, compression by nerves (extending from the spinal column), or movement of a kidney stone down the ureter.

Women's problems

Pathologies or reasons for the appearance of lumps in women are often gynecological in nature. Doctors advise not to wait for severe colic or other signs of pathology to appear: nausea, bleeding and to go to the clinic.

Provokes tumors in the abdomen in women:

  • adhesions in the uterine cavity;
  • torsion of the appendages, when a compaction is observed in the left, right part of the navel, in addition there is nausea, vomiting, throbbing pain, when surgical intervention is no longer possible;
  • ovarian cyst with compaction as the tumor reaches an impressive size;
  • menstrual irregularities.

Treatment will depend entirely on the type and size of the tumor - conservative or surgical.

It is not uncommon for sutures to harden in women after a cesarean section. Of course, the resulting lump does not always indicate pathology. But a caesarean section is a complex operation in which doctors have to cut tissue in the peritoneal area. Next is to seal the honey. materials, and fabrics are sewn with a ligature.

During the recovery period, the sutures are covered with scar tissue, but sometimes a growth appears in the peritoneum due to an autoimmune reaction, the use of low-quality materials, tissue infection, and the development of an abscess under the skin.

It is suppuration that can become a dangerous phenomenon in the event of damage to tissues under the skin, cell death, and mixing of dead tissue with keratinized skin particles. Bacteria may enter, which can lead to infection, modification of structures and compaction of tissues. Additionally, itching, burning, and ichor appear in the middle square of the peritoneum.

Dissection of the lymphatic channels during surgery can also lead to a lump above the suture. In the case of non-fusion of the damaged lymphatic channel, fluid moves into the free space in the peritoneal cavity filled with lymph.

A similar phenomenon can occur after laparoscopy, in the case of poorly performed surgery on the uterus and appendages. One way or another, the dissected tissue in the peritoneal cavity is stitched and secured with threads. Lack of quality or inexperience, the negligence of the surgeon leads to complications, infection of wounds and sutures, and the development of a bacterial infection.

In the best case, scar tissue forms under the skin, in the worst case – active proliferation of cells in this area, the formation of a keloid scar due to infection, the development of inflammation.

Women need to closely monitor their stitches after surgery:

  • follow preventive measures and doctors’ instructions;
  • Treat seams regularly with antiseptic solutions. Fukortsin, brilliant green);
  • stick the patch onto the surface of the seam.

Alarm bells should be a reason for an urgent visit to the gynecologist: severe pain and colic at the incision sites, oozing ichor from the wound with a serous smell of rot, high fever, redness and swelling at the stitching sites, unpleasant vaginal bleeding with itching, burning, and pain.

An examination is required and, most likely, an operation to clean the sutures in case of suppuration.


As the fetus grows, the skin of women during pregnancy stretches, but some tension in the peritoneum does not pose any particular danger. This often happens due to underdeveloped abdominal muscles and excessive tension.

However, sometimes the reasons are:

  • appendicitis accompanied by colic, pain;
  • gastroduodenitis with pain in the upper quadrant of the peritoneum;
  • cystitis with burning sensation, pain when urinating, retention and stagnation of urine;
  • umbilical hernia, a common occurrence in the postpartum period with the appearance of protrusion.

Even if the protrusion does not hurt or cause any particular discomfort, you should consult a doctor. So, for example, with oncology, the tumor does not hurt and may not make itself known for a long time. Meanwhile, it is dangerous due to its transformation into cancer and a malignant form, when the consequences can become completely irreversible.

It happens that the hernia is reduced on its own when taking a horizontal position. But sometimes it forms as a result of a cesarean section and becomes uncontrollable when medical intervention is already inevitable. Additionally, there is acute cramping pain, high fever, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.

Signs contribute to increased intestinal tone together with the uterus and can lead to miscarriage and premature birth.

Any deviations from the norm should be a reason to contact a gynecologist. Women should not ignore even minor unpleasant symptoms or visual changes in the navel area.

In children

The most common occurrence in a child from birth is an umbilical hernia or a hard lump that does not disappear upon palpation in the peri-umbilical area. Additionally, babies kick their legs and refuse to eat. Colic and bloating are observed. There are strangulated and reducible hernias. In boys it is usually the groin, in girls it is usually the umbilical. In any case, treatment and the help of a surgeon are required.

Mothers must necessarily treat the umbilical cord up to 4 times every day with antiseptics (Chlorophyllipt, Furacilin, Zelenka) until complete healing. Babies should only be bathed with the addition of a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Complications, infection of the umbilical zone can lead to the development of peritonitis, sepsis, and phlegmon.

Treatment measures

Methods are selected exclusively by the attending physician. It is possible to prescribe medications based on the results of diagnostics, other studies, tests, blood and urine tests. So, for example, if a hernia is detected, a correction is required, which means surgical intervention. The main thing is not to give the pathology a chance to develop further.

Additionally, in the case of a hernia in the area of ​​the umbilical ring in infants, it is recommended to massage, place the baby on the tummy more often, and apply a copper coin to the navel.

Reviews from women are such that in some cases the umbilical hernia resolves on its own. The main thing is to start preventive or therapeutic measures in time.

Often in infants a hernia is caused by poor ligation of the umbilical cord or accumulation of gases. It is enough to carry out simple manipulations in a timely manner, which will certainly help to avoid complications and surgery in the future.

Of course, in some diseases, a protrusion at the navel carries a mortal danger:

  • peritonitis;
  • abdominal aortic aneurysm;
  • duodenitis;
  • inflammation of the intestine, duodenum.


Immediate assistance from specialists is required. Connivance and lack of reaction to a protrusion in the abdomen on the part of parents can lead to irreversible consequences and death.

If suspicious signs appear in the form of a growth in the navel area, it hurts a lot and increases in size, then you need to consult a doctor immediately.

Lump in the abdomen, on the right side, near the navel

Umbilical hernia

One of the obvious signs of an umbilical hernia is a hard lump in the peri-umbilical area, which does not disappear when you press your fingers, but, on the contrary, becomes more noticeable and causes severe pain. In addition, the patient will be bothered by bloating, constipation, vomiting and rapid heartbeat. The hernia can be strangulated and reducible. In both cases, the help of a specialist is required, who in the first case will prescribe surgical intervention, and in the second, he will independently reduce the existing seal.

Torsion of the uterus

When the uterine appendage is torsion, when pressing on the abdomen, you can feel a fairly dense seal localized in the peri-umbilical part of the abdominal cavity. Along with this, the patient will suffer from severe pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back, and vomiting and nausea may occur. This disease occurs due to the fact that, by twisting around its axis, the uterine appendages prevent normal blood circulation. As a rule, this disease is diagnosed in women who have a large number of adhesions in the abdominal cavity.


This disease is nothing more than inflammation of the duodenum. Most often, the disease affects males. Signs of this disease, along with a cylindrical lump and pain to the right of the navel, are excessive salivation, dizziness, high blood pressure, vomiting with bile, general malaise, and dry mouth.

Abdominal aortic aneurysm

This is a very insidious disease, which, as a rule, develops asymptomatically over several years. You can suspect the presence of this disease by feeling a hard, pulsating lump in the right supra-umbilical area. Later, pain occurs in the abdomen, radiating to the back. The walls of the aorta gradually become thinner, as a result of which they can rupture, which in turn is very life-threatening.

Other diseases

  • A lump in the right lower abdomen may occur with the development of a malignant tumor of the right side of the large intestine.
  • Sausage-shaped, painful lumps located in the lower right abdomen are one of the symptoms of Crohn's disease. Along with this, the characteristic signs of this disease are cramping, sudden pain in the central part of the abdominal cavity, mainly in the umbilical area.
  • Bloating of the bladder. In the absence of the necessary measures to treat this disease at an early stage of its development, a painful lump in the abdomen, which initially occurs in the suprapubic region, can spread to the umbilical zone.
  • Hydronephrosis. This disease affects the kidneys and causes them to enlarge. If there is a pathology of the right kidney, a hard lump to the right of the navel may be observed.
  • Ovarian cyst. Reaching a large size, the cyst can provoke the formation of a round and smooth compaction in the lower right part of the abdomen, reminiscent of a swollen bladder.

Thus, if you detect a lump in the abdominal cavity, localized to the right of the navel, you must immediately seek medical help, since this symptom may indicate the presence of serious, sometimes life-threatening, diseases.

Stomach pain in the navel, why, what to do and what treatment can be taken

With abdominal pain, a person cannot move, work, or walk normally. However, keep in mind that if your stomach hurts in the navel area, this may be a symptom of serious diseases and pathologies.

The causes of pain in the abdominal area are varied, because pain in the peri-umbilical area is inherent in a number of diseases, and in order to make an accurate diagnosis, you need to undergo a medical examination by a surgeon, urologist, gynecologist, and undergo certain tests.

Peri-umbilical pain, its characteristics and localization

Pain in the navel area can indicate a huge number of different problems, so the main thing is to correctly determine the type of pain and start treatment on time

There are several systems and organs located in the umbilical region, and if there are problems in these systems, pain may occur. Based on the location of the pain and its nature, we can make a preliminary conclusion about the reasons that caused it.

Ask the patient what type of pain is it? He can tell you about the following possible types of pain:

Keep in mind that each pathology or disease has its own specific set of symptoms, so it is very important to notice any functional changes in the body so that you can make the most accurate diagnosis.

Why does my stomach hurt in the navel area?

Pain in the navel area will never be one single symptom, so watch and listen to your own body. Let us list the possible causes of pain in the navel area.

Pain below the navel

This is observed in the following conditions:

  1. Crohn's disease;
  2. Enteritis;
  3. Diseases of the large intestine;
  4. Nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  5. Mesadenitis;
  6. Endometriosis;
  7. Diverticulitis of the small intestine;
  8. Pathologies of the genitourinary system.

If it hurts to the left of the navel

  1. Accumulations of gases in the large intestine;
  2. Diseases of the pancreas, spleen.

When it hurts to the right of the navel

It is observed mainly in the following pathologies:

If it hurts around the navel

Check for the following conditions:

When it hurts above the navel

Two possible reasons:

  1. Gastropathy;
  2. Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Please note that almost all pain associated with pathologies of the peritoneal organs is initially localized near the navel. Therefore, you should monitor the specifics of pain in order to narrow down the search for a possible illness. To do this, you need to determine the nature of the pain (cutting, sharp, stabbing, etc.), as well as what preceded the onset of pain (food, physical activity). Also, what other symptoms were observed additionally (fever, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea).

Why does my belly button hurt?

Causes of possible pathologies in women, men, children and pregnant women

Medicine includes more than a dozen pathologies that are associated with the appearance of pain in the umbilical region. Some of them are specific to certain categories of patients: men, children, women.


In women, such pain may indicate problems with the reproductive system, so a doctor’s examination should not be postponed under any circumstances.

Most often, pain in the umbilical area occurs in women, which is due to the fact that pain in this area is usually associated with disorders in the urinary system or reproductive organs:

  1. Endometriosis. A congenital pathology in which endometrial particles fall outside the uterus.
  2. Inflammation of the pelvic organs (infectious diseases, tumors).
  3. Cystitis.
  4. Oncology: uterine cancer, uterine fibroid, ovarian cancer.
  5. When the appendages around the navel become inflamed, cramping pain may occur, which over time can radiate to the groin and thighs.
  6. When a follicle ruptures, a woman experiences sharp, short-term pain on the right or left side of the navel.


Pain in the umbilical region can occur in men due to the development of megacolon disease, in which the large intestine expands and constipation and stagnation of feces appear. Other possible reasons:

  1. Inflammation of the testicles and their appendages;
  2. Malignant or benign tumor processes in the genital organs;
  3. Acute phase of prostatitis (pain intensifies when urinating).

In the case of a child, you should carefully monitor his condition and if you detect more than one symptom, and not just pure pain in the navel area, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If a child has a stomach ache in the navel area, you should immediately interview the baby to find out the nature of the pain and its exact location.

The causes of pain in children can be:

  1. Abdominal disease. A hereditary pathology, which is often characterized by pain around the navel, usually occurs in adolescence. Accompanied by severe headache and paleness of the extremities. Teenagers often confuse the symptoms of the disease with ordinary food poisoning.
  2. Intestinal volvulus. It is quite common among children and requires immediate hospitalization.
  3. Digestive disorders. Typical for newborns, colic in the umbilical area goes away on its own at six months of age.

You should always be prepared and if pain occurs in the navel area in children, it is advisable to immediately call a doctor or an ambulance. Under no circumstances should you treat a child yourself, nor should you give him any medications.

Dr. Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky argues that one should not panic if a child experiences pain in the navel area. It is possible that pain can occur due to stress and anxiety. If your child does not get better and additional symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor.

Pregnant women

You should carefully monitor the appearance of additional symptoms, since they often characterize the presence or absence of a problem.

If your stomach hurts in the navel area during pregnancy, it can have both trivial and quite serious reasons:

  1. Belly growth. With natural enlargement of the abdomen, minor pain in the navel area may occur. The painful syndrome is so mild that it is usually confused with ordinary discomfort.
  2. Stretching the rounded ligament. When the peritoneal organs are displaced during fetal maturation, tension occurs in the rounded ligament of the liver. This may cause pain in the belly button.
  3. Umbilical hernia. If a pregnant woman has too weak abdominal muscles, then during the period of active growth of the baby, a hernia may occur in the navel. Usually the symptoms are temporary, but if they are accompanied by problems with bowel movements, severe vomiting, and rapid pulse, then immediate medical intervention is required.
  4. Intestinal infection. With cramping pain accompanied by upset stool, nausea, and increased heartbeat, there is a risk of intestinal infection.

If pain of any kind occurs in the navel area, a pregnant woman should report this to her doctor, as this may pose a threat of termination of pregnancy.

Pain in the navel - dangerous ailments

You will learn dangerous pathologies that may cause pain in the navel from the following table. Always keep in mind that simple symptoms can easily reveal serious problems, so don’t be afraid to slightly palpate (feel) the area where it hurts to try to find the source of the pain.

Lump near the navel - possible causes and treatment options

Sometimes, when palpating the abdominal muscles, you can detect a lump or small lump. What might such a sign indicate, whether a doctor’s consultation is required, whether there is a danger - these are just some of the possible questions in this situation. Next, we will consider the probable reasons why a lump may form near the navel, as well as the procedure for action in each of the described cases.

Possible reasons

Any compaction, including in the abdominal area, is a cause for concern. The reasons that may underlie this phenomenon often pose a serious threat to health and sometimes life. In addition, the principle “the sooner the better” could not be more relevant in this type of formation. Sometimes timely medical intervention allows you to solve the problem and avoid serious complications. The main thing is not to try to deal with the lump on your own: take antibacterial drugs, apply external agents, massage - all this may turn out to be useless at best.

To substantiate this statement, here are some examples of possible reasons why a lump may form in the navel area:

  1. umbilical hernia;
  2. malignant neoplasm;
  3. cyst;
  4. duodenitis;
  5. abdominal aortic aneurysm;
  6. bloating of the small intestine, etc.

This is not a complete list of possible reasons. It can be supplemented by pathologies such as hydronephrosis, Crohn's disease, bladder distension, diverticula and much more. Under such circumstances, the likelihood of self-identification of a lump in the umbilical region is practically zero. Meanwhile, each of the described conditions not only poses a health hazard, but can also be accompanied by severe, debilitating symptoms.

A lump above the navel may indicate inflammation of the duodenum - duodenitis. It occurs due to reasons such as:

  • poisoning with toxic substances;
  • damage to the mucous membrane by foreign objects;
  • simultaneous consumption of alcoholic beverages and spicy foods.

A large number of probable causes of the formation of a seal near the navel, their nature and degree of danger require a professional approach and immediate treatment. Therefore, if upon palpation a firmly compacted area is discovered near the navel, you should seek medical help, since the likelihood of it disappearing on its own is low. The signs of some conditions should be considered in more detail.

Photo of seals near the navel in men

Signs of some diseases and their treatment

Of all the options listed, an umbilical hernia is the most obvious. It can form at any age, from infancy to old age. It is expressed in the form of a lump-shaped compaction in the navel area. This compaction occurs due to a number of reasons, in particular high physical activity. This may cause symptoms such as:

  • pain in the area of ​​the seal when pressed;
  • increased pain when coughing, abdominal tension;
  • bloating;
  • vomit;
  • increased heart rate;
  • constipation, etc.

The hernia is treated by a surgeon. Sometimes it is possible to repair a hernia, but doing it yourself is strictly prohibited. If necessary, the doctor decides on surgical intervention.

One of the most dangerous and insidious conditions, accompanied by the formation of a seal in the navel area, is an abdominal aortic aneurysm. In this case, the lump can be felt just above the navel with a slight shift to the right. The disease is asymptomatic at the initial stage. As it develops, the following signs appear:

  1. a lump above and to the right of the navel;
  2. upon palpation, the compaction pulsates;
  3. abdominal pain;
  4. pain in the dorsal region.

The disease, at the time of the onset of these symptoms, is at its peak of development, and accordingly, immediate treatment is required. An abdominal aortic aneurysm poses a threat to human life. As a result of thinning of the aortic wall, if left untreated, it may rupture - this is the most severe and dangerous outcome of the disease.

Another reason for the formation of a lump on the abdomen can be pathological conditions of the intestines. There are many such conditions, and one of them is duodenitis. It causes a lump near the navel on the right, or just above it. Most often, this disease affects men, although it can also occur in women. This condition is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the area of ​​compaction;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • increased salivation;
  • vomit;
  • dizziness, etc.

In fact, the disease is an inflammation of the duodenum and requires serious treatment, which includes drug therapy, surgery, and diet. Duodenitis is very often accompanied by concomitant diseases, so a complete diagnosis of the body’s condition is required.

Based on the above, it can be argued that the formation of a lump in the umbilical region is most often a formidable sign, indicating a real danger to human life and health. Having assessed the symptoms accompanying it, we can make an assumption regarding its nature and possible consequences. However, in any case, it will not be possible to do without treatment, so it is better not to delay this process. Its effectiveness will largely depend on the timeliness of medical intervention.

What to do if a lump appears near the navel on the right or left?

A swelling or lump under the skin of the abdominal cavity is a hernia, lipoma or atheroma. In addition, compaction near the navel occurs with malignant tumors of internal organs. A person notices or feels a tumor on his stomach on his own or learns about the existence of a lump in the stomach at a doctor’s appointment. Lumps in the navel area are not necessarily associated with cancer, but in any case require attention and treatment.

Lipoma and atheroma - rounded tubercles under the skin

Wen is a benign formation, palpable as a soft lump from 10 mm to 20 cm in diameter. Lipoma in the navel area is less common than similar tumors on the chest and back. Wen causes discomfort and pain when it reaches large sizes. One of the significant differences is slow growth, absence of an excretory duct and inflammation, preservation of skin mobility over the seal.

Atheroma occurs when the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland is blocked. The cyst is visible as a bump on the skin. The diameter of the atheroma reaches 1–3 cm; inside there is a lard-like mass. At the top you can see a dark dot or a tiny hole - a clogged duct.

Conservative treatment will not help the “resorption” of lipoma and atheroma. The seal is removed in cases where its size increases, inflammation begins, and cosmetic discomfort occurs. The surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia; Hospitalization of the patient is not necessary.

You should definitely see a doctor if the lump near the navel increases in size, becomes hard, and hurts. Such changes occur during the formation of a benign tumor containing adipose tissue and blood vessels (angiolipomas). A malignant formation - liposarcoma - develops as soft tissue cancer. Lymphadenitis, dermatosarcoma, and hygroma are “masked” as lipoma and atheroma.

Umbilical hernia

Parts of the intestine or greater omentum may protrude into the navel area. Here is the so-called umbilical ring - a small hole in the anterior abdominal wall. Another way to form a hernia is when a loop of intestine comes out through a postoperative scar on the abdomen.

The painful lump above the navel almost disappears in a horizontal position of the body. The protrusion becomes more noticeable during physical activity and coughing. Sometimes it is possible to use your fingers to push the hernia back through the enlarged umbilical ring.

Symptoms of an umbilical hernia:

  • hard lump above the navel;
  • painful formation when pressing on it;
  • bloating, vomiting;
  • constipation.

Diagnostic methods make it possible to detect an umbilical hernia at an early stage. The surgeon conducts an external examination of the patient, offers to undergo an ultrasound, x-ray, and gastroscopy. Treatment of umbilical hernia is only surgical. The patient requires emergency care for strangulated or inflamed hernia, stagnation of feces in the colon.

Diverticula - protrusion of the intestine

The disease resembles a hernia in that peculiar bags form in the intestinal wall. Remnants of digested food get stuck in these diverticula, which promotes the proliferation of bacteria and fungi. The inflammatory process is called “diverticulitis”. Most often, this disease causes a lump near the left navel and pain in the same area of ​​the abdomen. The temperature rises, constipation alternates with diarrhea. Every tenth patient notices blood in the stool or on toilet paper.

Researchers say that every second person after 60 years has diverticula. Inflammation - diverticulitis - is diagnosed only in 20% of cases.

Consumption of meat and confectionery products to the detriment of plant foods rich in fiber contributes to the development of the disease. Most often, diverticula form in the left half of the colon and in the sigmoid colon. A large hernia-like growth can reach a length of 0.5 to 12 cm, and its cavity is the size of a large apple. Destruction of the diverticulum wall leads to inflammation of the abdominal cavity, and intoxication leads to malignant degeneration.

Signs of diverticulitis are also characteristic of other diseases of the abdominal organs. For example, pain occurs at the lower left of the navel and does not go away for several days. Pain increases with coughing, sneezing, and physical activity. Stool upset and slight bleeding in the stool appear. Treatment of diverticulitis in outpatient and inpatient settings is carried out with antibiotics. In some cases, surgery is indicated.

Malignant formations

Metastases of cancerous tumors of internal organs are less common than other types of lumps near the navel. A nodule or other compaction that appears in the thickness of the skin of the abdomen grows. At first, the patient feels something hard near the navel, but rarely complains of pain. It happens that the surface of the skin above the tumor darkens and peels off. Sarcoma develops under the skin, lymphoma - in the area of ​​the lymph node.

Signs of malignancy:

  • adhesion of the tumor to the skin, immobility;
  • enlargement of nearby lymph nodes;
  • bleeding of the skin over the lesion;
  • uneven borders;
  • fast growth.

If a lump in the navel area is bothering you, then first contact a surgeon. When suspicions arise about malignant degeneration, an appointment is made with an oncologist. You can go for an examination to your local physician; the doctor will tell you which specialists you still need to visit.

Torsion of the uterine appendages is a dangerous pathology

Gynecological problems arise for a variety of reasons, most often in girls, pregnant women, and women with adhesions in the abdominal cavity. The lump is localized near the navel on the right or left and can be felt by pressing on the abdomen. Patients complain of severe pain below the navel. Nausea and vomiting often occur. With the development of an ovarian cyst and hydronephrosis of the right kidney, compaction to the right of the navel is also observed.

Omphalitis - a disease in the navel area in infants

Infection of an unhealed umbilical cord in a newborn leads to inflammation, purulent exudation, and intoxication of the child’s body. Serious complications such as cellulitis, peritonitis or sepsis may occur.

Treatment of a simple form of the disease includes treating the navel with a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide 3-4 times a day. Then they switch to furatsilin, brilliant green, chlorophyllipt. Bath the child in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Vishnevsky ointment is applied to the navel area, and the child is given antibiotics prescribed by the doctor.

What to do if a lump is felt near the navel?

A large lump near the navel can be felt on your own, but a small lump can only be detected when you see a doctor. In the abdominal area there is the abdominal cavity with the internal organs of the digestive system, which can fall out through holes in the abdominal muscles. The occurrence of skin tumors is possible. In any case, the problem should not be ignored.

The causes of hernia are as follows:

  • abdominal muscle defects;
  • increased physical activity;
  • lifting weights;
  • overweight;
  • chronic constipation;
  • surgical interventions.

The condition may be accompanied by pain, nausea, bloating, and constipation. The hernia becomes more noticeable when coughing or physical activity. If an organ is infringed, intestinal patency is impaired. Treatment of pathology is exclusively surgical.

The causes of the disease are considered:

  1. unhealthy diet (predominance of fatty foods, sweets, lack of fiber in the diet);
  2. bad heredity;
  3. intestinal inflammation;
  4. worms;
  5. age-related decrease in muscle tone.

More often, a lump appears near the navel on the left, pain, temperature rises, either diarrhea or constipation occurs, after defecation, blood remains in the stool and on toilet paper.

The risk of the disease increases in people over 60 years of age, but inflammation is diagnosed only in 20% of cases. The patient is prescribed antibacterial therapy, and in advanced forms, surgical intervention.

The wall of the diverticulum may collapse. As a result, toxins enter the abdominal cavity.

The causes of lipoma are:

  • metabolic failures;
  • poor nutrition;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • frequent stress.

The seal is soft and easily moves under the skin, does not cause pain, and increases very slowly. When it reaches a large size, it is removed.

The progressive disease is characterized by the appearance of erosions, crusts on the surface of the skin, germination of the lump inward and damage to internal organs.

The following factors cause pathology:

A person complains of a dull aching pain to the left of the navel, radiating to the back. Small aneurysms can be treated with medications. The remaining patients are indicated for surgery.

There is excessive salivation, pain, dizziness, vomiting of bile, dry mouth, weakness, and increased blood pressure.

From all of the above, it becomes clear that it is quite difficult to independently determine the exact cause of compaction in the umbilical area. Only a doctor is able to identify the disease based on a thorough diagnosis. Therefore, you should not delay going to the hospital, endure pain and other unpleasant symptoms. After all, some pathologies can be treated only in the early stages.

There are several types of hernias located in the abdominal area (epigastric, inguinal, femoral). But the most common is an umbilical hernia, due to the weakness of the connective tissue of the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity, the complete absence of muscles and subcutaneous tissue (fat) in the area of ​​the umbilical ring. Up to 10% of the population is susceptible to developing this pathology, most of whom are women.

An umbilical hernia is a pathological condition in which prolapse of organs and tissues of the peritoneum occurs through a gap in the umbilical ring and the formation of an unaesthetic, rather large lump or tumor in the navel area.

A hernia consists of three components:

1 Hernial orifice- a hole formed in the connective tissues through which part of the tissue or organ falls out.

2 Hernial contents- an organ or part of the subcutaneous tissue that, under the influence of intra-abdominal pressure, has moved through the hernial orifice.

3 Hernial sac- tissues covering the hernial contents and forming a protrusion similar to a tumor.


An umbilical hernia occurs when the balance between the pressure exerted by organs and physiological fluids on the abdominal walls and the ability of the abdominal wall muscles to withstand this pressure is disturbed. Or other factors appear that increase the load on the abdominal muscles. In adults, there are several reasons leading to the occurrence of an umbilical hernia:

1 A congenital feature of the structure of the umbilical ring. Normally, the umbilical ring in newborn children is open and closes only by 2–3 years. But it happens that the connective tissue is weak, the hole cannot heal completely and a small hole remains, which is not noticeable in childhood. Over time and when exposed to other factors, the hole may gradually expand.

2 Hereditary pathology. The rarest cause, but in some cases there is an inherited underdevelopment of the connective tissues of the body due to a lack of mineral trace elements and vitamins to produce the required amount of collagen.

3 Pregnancy. Over the course of 9 months, the abdominal tissue of a pregnant woman stretches, and the growing baby puts pressure on the walls of the uterus and other organs, thereby increasing intra-abdominal pressure. Women with multiple pregnancies and a large amount of amniotic fluid are at risk for umbilical hernia. The situation can be aggravated by constipation that often occurs during pregnancy and heavy prolonged pushing during childbirth.

4 Overweight or obesity. An increase in fat mass in the abdominal area leads to stretching and weakening of the abdominal muscles, as well as an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. Most often, the problem of excess weight occurs due to poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle, which can be a decisive factor for the formation of an umbilical hernia.

5 Diseases that cause sudden changes or constant increases in intra-abdominal pressure. Such diseases include diseases of the gastrointestinal tract associated with difficulty defecating and diseases of the respiratory tract, causing severe and frequent coughing. With constipation, as with chronic cough, a person often has to experience prolonged and quite strong attempts, which sharply increase the pressure on the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity.

6 Heavy lifting or improper exercise. If you suddenly and without additional preparation begin to lift any weights, this can lead to a jump in intra-abdominal pressure and the formation of a hernia.

7 Operations on the abdominal organs. A hernia can occur at the site of a postoperative suture if the patient violates the doctor’s recommendations to maintain rest.

8 Injuries. Rupture or disruption of the muscle corset and connective tissue can lead to the formation of a gap in the umbilical ring and prolapse of the hernia.

9 Sudden weight loss. Due to the rapid loss of body weight, which can be caused by a serious illness or an incorrect approach to nutrition (fasting, exhausting diets), metabolic disorders and muscle weakening occur. The abdominal muscles that support the umbilical ring also suffer.


During pregnancy, you must carefully monitor the condition of your abdomen (the navel area and linea alba) and strictly follow all doctor’s prescriptions, because the growing belly of a pregnant woman is the most common cause of the formation of an umbilical hernia, which affects up to 70% of all women.


An umbilical hernia appears gradually and goes through two stages in its development: free (or reducible) and irreducible. Each stage has its own characteristics:

1 Reducible hernia is detected immediately because it can be seen and felt as a small round tumor at the navel, which disappears when lying down and appears when the abdominal muscles are tense. At this stage, the hernia does not cause any discomfort, only occasionally slight pain may be felt when coughing and pushing.

2 irreducible hernia increases in size, does not disappear in a horizontal position, which indicates the formation of fusion and compaction of tissues. Visually, the hernial sac changes: it becomes swollen and acquires a reddish tint. The patient begins to experience pain, the nature of which depends on which organ has entered the hernial contents and whether the inflammatory process has begun. If there is a loop of intestine inside, the patient will be bothered by constipation, nausea, vomiting and other problems in the gastrointestinal tract. If part of the bladder is found in the hernial contents, the patient will have difficulty and painful urination.

Photo of an umbilical hernia in an adult man.


At first glance, diagnosing an umbilical hernia is easy and simple, because you can see and feel it yourself. But other serious diseases also have a similar appearance - tumors of the hypodermis (subcutaneous tissue), secondary manifestations of stomach cancer and abnormalities in the development of tissues in the navel area. To be sure that your assumptions are correct and know the exact diagnosis, you need to seek help from a surgeon who will conduct a number of necessary studies:

  • Inspection and conversation. During the examination, the patient will need to take a standing and lying position. Before the examination, you need to remove clothes to the waist so that the surgeon can make sure that there are no other hernial protrusions in the abdominal area. The doctor palpates the navel area, while asking the patient to strain or cough in order to understand the changes that are characteristic of a hernia. During the conversation, the surgeon finds out all the circumstances that will help prescribe the most effective treatment: whether the patient has any immediate relatives who have been diagnosed with a hernia; whether you have previously undergone surgery on the abdominal organs; are there any other changes in the general condition of the body and in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; determines the time and circumstances of the appearance of a hernia; whether (and how often) pain is present.
  • Ultrasound examination (abdominal). An ultrasound is prescribed to determine the size of the contents, whether any organ is present in the hernial sac, whether there are compactions and fusions of connective tissue.
  • Herniography. The patient is given anesthesia, then a contrast solution is injected with a needle, he is asked to turn over on his stomach and strain or cough so that the solution penetrates the hernial sac. After which X-rays are taken. This study is carried out in order to determine which organ has penetrated the hernial contents if the doctor has any doubts. Sometimes this diagnostic method is replaced by x-rays of the stomach and duodenum using contrast liquid (in this case, barium sulfate is given to drink).

In rare cases, the doctor also prescribes a computed tomography and endoscopic examination of the stomach.

If a small tumor appears in the navel area, you should immediately consult a specialist for diagnosis.


The only effective way to completely get rid of this pathology is surgery, which should not be postponed, since there is a high probability of injury, which can lead to serious consequences and a more expensive and complex healing process. None of the methods described in traditional medicine can guarantee complete relief from a hernia. A contraindication to surgery can only be the presence of an infectious disease, which can pose a risk of even greater harm to the patient’s health.

According to the method of carrying out operations, they are divided into those that are performed in an open manner and in which endoscopes with visual monitoring devices are used (laparoscopic surgery).

The open method consists of cutting the necessary areas of the peri-umbilical region to access the hernial sac. The duration of such an operation is about 30 minutes and may vary depending on the complexity of the situation.


The video shows an operation to remove an open umbilical hernia, which is performed by a surgeon using his own technique.

The operation using endoscopes is carried out without serious tissue trauma (which greatly simplifies the rehabilitation period); several small incisions are made to insert the endoscope into the abdominal cavity. Endoscopes contain surgical instruments and optical devices that allow you to monitor the process from the inside. The duration of the operation is 10 – 15 minutes.

The operation is carried out in three stages:

I An incision is made in the tissue to provide access to the hernial contents.

II The hernial sac with its contents is excised or reduced.

III Fixation (or suturing) of the hernial orifice. Suturing is carried out using two methods: tension - after reduction, the bag is sutured to the patient’s own tissue; non-tension - the gate is sutured using a synthetic mesh implant with a reserve, which creates an additional barrier and helps prevent relapse until the hernia is completely restored and cured. Most surgeons prefer the non-tension suturing method, because the sutured implant does not cause discomfort to the patient and guarantees a positive outcome of the operation

Operation price

When calculating the cost of an operation, the complexity and urgency of the operation, the method of execution, the quality of the materials used, and the qualifications of the operating specialist are taken into account. Prices are indicated in rubles.


Clinic of Practical Medicine (multidisciplinary center




Clinic "First Surgery"




OAO "Medicine"




Saint Petersburg





Hospital of the Holy Great Martyr George




Abia Medical Center









Clinic "Dune"




Center "Carnelian"




Additional Information!

In public medical institutions, the cost of the operation is covered by the compulsory medical insurance policy.

Treatment without surgery

According to most doctors, treating an umbilical hernia without surgery is impossible and no other treatment method can be considered effective. However, if surgery is contraindicated for some reason (the patient has a confirmed diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, has a cancerous tumor, heart failure or pregnancy), then we can only rely on proven folk remedies that will allow us to get rid of the hernia forever.

The most famous folk remedy for treating an umbilical hernia is applying a copper coin to the umbilical area and fixing it. This method of treatment will be effective only for children under 3 years of age, whose umbilical ring has not yet completely closed and it is possible to reduce the hernial contents, and the hole will naturally close. In adults, a hernia occurs due to the appearance of a hole that can only be corrected surgically.

  • Decoction of weeping grass(loosestrife). The decoction is prepared from 1 tbsp. tablespoons of crushed leaves infused in 500 ml. boiling water and take 50 ml. every day. The course of treatment lasts 2 weeks.
  • Oak leaf tincture and red wine (in arbitrary proportions). The course of treatment is 2-3 months.
  • Compress of thick and sticky oatmeal, which is boiled in water. It is necessary to form a ball from the porridge, which is applied to the previously reduced hernia and held for 2 hours. The course of treatment is at least 10 days.
  • Compress from 1 tbsp. spoons of fresh nettle leaves and 1 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, which must be covered with plastic wrap.
  • Rubbing sea buckthorn oil into the navel area for two weeks 3 times a day.
  • Pine resin compress, which is applied to the umbilical area and pressed, having previously reduced the tumor.
  • Onion compress. The onion must be baked in the oven, then half should be applied to the hernia and pressed tightly with a scarf or belt. You need to keep the compress for 3 hours a day for a month.
  • Compress from 1 tbsp. spoons of bee propolis and 1 glass of alcohol, which is infused for a week, then 100 ml is added. melted butter. Apply to the umbilical area and periodically check to ensure that this mass does not get inside the navel.

The most implausible and ineffective method of treatment can be considered conspiracies for umbilical hernia. Such a pseudoscientific method of treatment cannot be chosen as the main one and any others should be excluded, because its effectiveness has not been confirmed and, according to all the laws of logic, is impossible.

Traditional methods of treatment can significantly improve the general condition of the patient and have some positive effects, even if the umbilical hernia is in the free stage.


After the operation, the patient expects a long period of rehabilitation (from 1 month) according to strict and mandatory rules:

  • Wearing a bandage. The bandage is a wide belt, with a seal in the form of a pad on the inside, which must be applied to the hernia and the bandage tightly fastened. This device helps to avoid strangulation of the hernia, as well as to support the abdominal muscles after surgery. Occasionally, a doctor advises wearing a patch to get rid of a hernia or rehabilitation after surgery, because it is less effective than a bandage.
  • Taking medications to relieve pain and prevent complications.
  • Refusal of physical exercise and any stress on the abdominal muscles.
  • Following a special diet.



In the video, the surgeon talks in detail about what rules must be followed when performing any exercises for people with a predisposition to umbilical hernia, as well as what type of massage will be useful when fighting the disease.

To prevent the formation of an umbilical hernia, any exercises aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles are suitable. If a hernia has already formed, then it is necessary to perform a set of exercises that eliminate additional stress on the navel area:

  • Breathing exercises, which are borrowed from yoga practices.
  • Ab crunches with slow turns.
  • Raising the pelvis from the supine position.
  • Raising the chest from a supine position.
  • Various body turns.


Before performing any exercises, you should consult your doctor so as not to aggravate the disease with complications. After surgery, exercises can only be done after one month.


The occurrence of an umbilical hernia is directly related to weakening of the abdominal muscles and excess body weight, therefore, for preventive purposes or during the treatment of a hernia, it is necessary to follow a certain diet, which will help get rid of the problem much faster.

If following a diet is necessary to keep the body in shape, then you should select foods and the method of consuming them in consultation with a specialist who will help you create a menu that meets the needs of your body.

If an umbilical hernia appears, then proper nutrition will help relieve symptoms and increase the effectiveness of treatment procedures. The following rules must be adhered to:

  • exclude heavy foods: fried meat, confectionery and bakery products, canned food, hot seasonings;
  • exclude the consumption of alcoholic beverages, coffee, strong tea;
  • eat fractionally (5-6 times a day in small portions);
  • give preference only to thermally processed products.

If the patient has already undergone surgery to remove a hernia, then he needs to improve the general condition of the body by adhering to the following dietary rules:

  • For several days after surgery, try to eat only liquid foods that will not cause constipation;
  • exclude marinades, smoked meats, spicy dishes;
  • exclude fruit juices;
  • add protein dishes to your daily diet.

At first glance, an umbilical hernia is a simple and understandable disease that is detected independently, but must be treated according to the recommendations and under the supervision of a specialist. If you use the available information, respond in a timely manner and follow all doctor’s orders, the cure will be complete and quick.

(Total 8,780, today 1)

Among abdominal hernias, peri-umbilical or paraumbilical hernias are often diagnosed. This protrusion occurs below or above the navel, which is why it is often confused with an umbilical hernia. This is a disease in which the abdominal organs go beyond their anatomical limits and protrude into the space near the navel along the midline. The white or midline line is horizontal and it separates the right and left abdominal muscles. In adults, a supra-umbilical hernia is detected much less frequently than in young children; it occurs in 5% of cases of all abdominal hernias and is associated with great physical exertion.
The following internal and external factors can provoke the appearance of a protrusion above or below the navel in adults:

  • strength sports, bodybuilding, jumping;
  • chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract or lungs;
  • failure of metabolic processes, cachexia or, on the contrary, excess weight;
  • poor healing of scars after abdominal surgery.

In children, this disease is associated with a violation of the formation of the aponeurosis, but it can manifest itself in adults after 40 years, when other gastrointestinal diseases occur that increase intrauterine pressure.

Signs and diagnosis of peri-umbilical hernia

The first manifestation of the pathology will be the appearance of a ball-shaped protrusion above the navel, which slightly protrudes above other tissues and gradually increases. A hernia without complications is painless for an adult, and if there is excess weight, it is quite difficult to suspect it. The formed hernia is well palpated when palpating the area above the navel, but what is characteristic is that the umbilical ring is normal. Very rarely, peri-umbilical protrusion occurs together with an umbilical hernia.

The initial signs of the disease are vague, there is no pain, and only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis in the case of atypical localization.

The hernia forms gradually, first a preperitoneal lipoma appears, then a hernial sac forms, and high pressure bulges part of the organ along with the hernial sac through an expanded area of ​​the anterior abdominal wall.

At the last stage, paraumbilical hernia in adults gives the following symptoms:

  1. A visually visible small ball above the navel, easily palpable, you can feel the presence of a hernial sac;
  2. When touched, the protrusion is painless and can move back into the abdominal cavity or go away on its own when the patient is relaxed and lies on his back;
  3. It is not uncommon to observe separation of the linea alba muscles;
  4. Dyspeptic disorders gradually develop: flatulence, nausea, heaviness in the stomach after eating, constipation;
  5. General malaise is typical for a complicated hernia in adults; there are symptoms of intoxication, bowel dysfunction, fever and acute pain at the site of the protrusion.

An alarming signal is severe pain along with nausea and vomiting, which indicates a complication of the hernia, and you should immediately call a doctor. The cause of the injury may be severe tension, heavy lifting without a support bandage, or severe coughing.

An adult is scheduled to undergo hernioplasty after undergoing diagnostics:

  1. Gastroduodenoscopy – examination of the abdominal organs and identification of accompanying diseases that may become contraindications to one of the surgical treatment options;
  2. X-ray of the abdominal cavity - shows the organ located in the hernial sac;
  3. Ultrasound diagnostics - reveals the contents of the hernia, its exact location, and allows you to assess the condition of nearby structures.


Hernias of the white line can only be eliminated surgically, but conservative therapy is prescribed to maintain the condition of the internal organs and the patient’s well-being before and after surgery. Even a small protrusion requires removal and suturing of the hernial orifice, since strangulation of an organ in the hernial sac can occur at any time and urgent surgery has a greater risk of postoperative complications.

The standard treatment option for a supra-umbilical hernia is hernioplasty.

The operation is carried out with suturing of the defect using the patient’s own tissues or an implant, but today the low effectiveness of tension hernioplasty (suturing with nearby tissues) has been proven and specialists guarantee successful recovery after installing an artificial mesh.

Before surgery to remove a supra-umbilical hernia, it is important to exclude infection and inflammation, therefore blood biochemistry and a urine test are prescribed.

Stages of standard hernioplasty for periumbilical hernia:

    1. Creating access to the hernial sac;
    2. Opening the hernia and assessing the degree of organ damage;
    3. Return of the organ to the abdominal cavity;
    4. Suturing the extended area of ​​the white line and installing a mesh;
    5. Stitching.

Hernioplasty is not the most successful surgical option in terms of recovery after treatment. Rehabilitation is long and limiting physical activity is necessary for a year, as is dieting and avoiding stress. In the case of laparoscopic surgery, this period is reduced to several weeks.

Relative contraindications for surgery

The operation is not performed in the following cases:

  1. Pregnancy period - a woman wears a bandage, rests more, watches her diet;
  2. Inflammatory diseases - the patient is first treated for concomitant diseases, after which surgery is performed;
  3. Young children - the treatment of a child depends on his general condition and the choice of the parents; doctors recommend waiting up to 5 years, trying to remove the hernia conservatively, using massage, gymnastics, and following a healthy diet.

These are relative contraindications, after elimination of which it is necessary to undergo surgical treatment.

Appetite and stool are normal. There is no blood in the stool. There is a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium. Ultrasound of the abdominal organs is normal. Not long ago I took a biochemical blood test - ALT, AST and bilirubin were elevated. I drank Esliver Forte. Afterwards, bilirubin became 8 (it was 20). ALT -30 (was 50) and AST -50 (was 51). I was tested for hepatitis B, C and HIV - negative. What kind of lump is this - hernia, cancer?

You need to start by visiting the surgeon and conducting an examination. In terms of further examination, an ultrasound of the soft tissues of the anterior abdominal wall may be required.

QUESTION FOR CLARIFICATION 05/22/2015 Elena, Arkhangelsk

Good afternoon. Yesterday I had an appointment with the surgeon. She was sent for an ultrasound of the soft tissues of the abdominal wall; no pathological changes were detected. But they found a wandering kidney on the right (although no matter how much it went before, everything was always normal). The doctor said it needed stitching. In this regard, I had several questions: can a kidney really go so low? Could this cause abdominal pain and change bowel habits? The surgeon said that the reason could be that I lost 14 kg in 8 months.

The presence of a “wandering” kidney has nothing to do with a lump in the abdomen. Nephroptosis cannot produce the symptoms you describe.

QUESTION FOR CLARIFICATION 05/23/2015 Elena, Arkhangelsk

What should I do? Can a com tamograph of the abdominal cavity pass through. I'm really afraid that it's cancer.

Lump in the abdomen, on the right side, near the navel

Umbilical hernia

One of the obvious signs of an umbilical hernia is a hard lump in the peri-umbilical area, which does not disappear when you press your fingers, but, on the contrary, becomes more noticeable and causes severe pain. In addition, the patient will be bothered by bloating, constipation, vomiting and rapid heartbeat. The hernia can be strangulated and reducible. In both cases, the help of a specialist is required, who in the first case will prescribe surgical intervention, and in the second, he will independently reduce the existing seal.

Torsion of the uterus

When the uterine appendage is torsion, when pressing on the abdomen, you can feel a fairly dense seal localized in the peri-umbilical part of the abdominal cavity. Along with this, the patient will suffer from severe pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back, and vomiting and nausea may occur. This disease occurs due to the fact that, by twisting around its axis, the uterine appendages prevent normal blood circulation. As a rule, this disease is diagnosed in women who have a large number of adhesions in the abdominal cavity.


This disease is nothing more than inflammation of the duodenum. Most often, the disease affects males. Signs of this disease, along with a cylindrical lump and pain to the right of the navel, are excessive salivation, dizziness, high blood pressure, vomiting with bile, general malaise, and dry mouth.

Abdominal aortic aneurysm

This is a very insidious disease, which, as a rule, develops asymptomatically over several years. You can suspect the presence of this disease by feeling a hard, pulsating lump in the right supra-umbilical area. Later, pain occurs in the abdomen, radiating to the back. The walls of the aorta gradually become thinner, as a result of which they can rupture, which in turn is very life-threatening.

Other diseases

  • A lump in the right lower abdomen may occur with the development of a malignant tumor of the right side of the large intestine.
  • Sausage-shaped, painful lumps located in the lower right abdomen are one of the symptoms of Crohn's disease. Along with this, the characteristic signs of this disease are cramping, sudden pain in the central part of the abdominal cavity, mainly in the umbilical area.
  • Bloating of the bladder. In the absence of the necessary measures to treat this disease at an early stage of its development, a painful lump in the abdomen, which initially occurs in the suprapubic region, can spread to the umbilical zone.
  • Hydronephrosis. This disease affects the kidneys and causes them to enlarge. If there is a pathology of the right kidney, a hard lump to the right of the navel may be observed.
  • Ovarian cyst. Reaching a large size, the cyst can provoke the formation of a round and smooth compaction in the lower right part of the abdomen, reminiscent of a swollen bladder.

Thus, if you detect a lump in the abdominal cavity, localized to the right of the navel, you must immediately seek medical help, since this symptom may indicate the presence of serious, sometimes life-threatening, diseases.

Lump near the navel

A lump near the navel is a common occurrence in people of any age. And this is understandable, because in the retroperitoneal space there are many systems and organs (spleen, stomach, gall bladder, colon, jejunum, ileum, greater omentum, upper part of the kidneys and ureter, digestive and urinary systems). Each organ can fail, manifest itself with pain, swelling, swelling, or compaction in a certain area of ​​the abdomen.

It’s not scary if the protrusion is caused by muscle strain. If you experience bloating, hollowness of a separate part of the abdomen, or other symptoms (colic, diarrhea, vomiting, high temperature), then you should probably see a doctor and undergo an examination.

Protrusion is far from harmless; perhaps it is a signal that urgent measures need to be taken to avoid complications later. Most often localized in the right side of the abdomen. Let's consider the reasons for the appearance from all sides: right, left, above, below and when urgent treatment is required. You can no longer delay going to the doctors.

On right

On the right, just above the middle part of the abdomen, are located: the right kidney, the ascending colon.

Induration near the navel on the right, pain and discomfort may appear due to the following provoking factors:

  1. Appendicitis, with the appearance of troubles and inflammation of the appendix with a displacement to the right. Usually causes acute pain discomfort accompanied by fever and nausea. Patients need to urgently contact a surgeon.
  2. Lipoma as a benign wen or a consequence of blockage of the sebaceous glands. The tumor, soft to the touch, may increase in size and roll slightly under the skin. Requires surgery to remove.
  3. Atheroma in the form of a cyst up to 3 cm in diameter, tightly sealed to the skin. Perhaps the appearance of a dark dot in the middle of the abdomen, as a fact of gland blockage. Atheroma has an inflammatory course, so the signs are hotness to the touch, pain in the area. Requires surgical intervention to remove it.
  4. Fibrosarcoma is a malignant tumor up to 2-15 mm in diameter. It looks like a smooth scar (bump) on the skin, mobile and painful. The place in the middle part of the square of the peritoneum is tense, atrophies over time and can become covered with crust and erosion. Requires surgical removal.
  5. Diverticulitis is a type of hernia with the accumulation of intestinal contents as the inflammatory process develops. Provocateurs – infection with worms, heredity, unhealthy diet, decreased muscle tone. Symptoms: upset stool, passing blood particles, increased temperature, pain in the inflamed area. Treatment is antibiotics or surgery.


If you divide the abdominal cavity into 4 zones, then on the left side there are: the renal gate, ureter, omentum, intestine, intestinal loops.

Why is there a lump near the navel on the left:

  1. Intestinal obstruction with the appearance of persistent asymmetrical bloating, vomiting, gas formation in the walls of the large intestine, and stool retention.
  2. Abdominal aortic aneurysm with protrusion and expansion of the walls. More common in men. Causes: hypertension, atherosclerosis, bad habits, infection. There is a dull pain in the left peritoneum radiating to the lower back. Treatment is medication; in advanced cases, surgery.
  3. Hydronephrosis is a kidney disease that leads to accumulation of urine in the pelvis. Causes: urolithiasis, tumor, prostate adenoma in men, gynecological pathologies in women. Left-sided hydronephrosis is diagnosed taking into account the affected kidney on the left. Symptoms are increased blood pressure and temperature, colic in the lower back, difficult outflow of urine with stinging and burning.

Protrusion and pain when urinating are often observed in men with urinary tract infections and the development of diseases - cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis. Possible irritation of the gastric mucosa due to bloating and colic in the left quadrant of the abdomen.

Colic, nausea, vomiting, and fever may indicate problems with the pancreas. Hardening in the peritoneum indicates:

  • hernia;
  • umbilical ring fistula;
  • cyst development;
  • swelling of the walls of the small intestine;
  • metastasis to the navel in stomach cancer.

Such hardening can be extremely dangerous. Doctors do not advise letting the situation take its course and delaying the examination. Especially when special discomfort and characteristic signs appear, regardless of the location in the abdomen.


In the upper left part of the peritoneum there is: the spleen, diaphragm, stomach, pancreas, intestinal loops. Some diseases can cause the spleen to become enlarged or even rupture. The cause may be an injury or blow, when there is severe pain, a bluish seal near the navel from above.

Other causes of discomfort:

  • peritonitis;
  • perforation of a stomach ulcer;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane or cancer of the stomach, colon;
  • rupture, stretching of the tissues of the abdominal aorta;
  • sigmoid colon volvulus;
  • intestinal tumor;
  • Crohn's disease.

From below

A seal near the navel from below is observed if it is:

  • pinched hernia;
  • protrusion of the sigmoid colon;
  • rupture of the walls of the diverticulum;
  • inflammation of the pelvic organs in women;
  • intestinal obstruction in the lower sections;
  • increased gas formation in the walls of the large intestine;
  • localization of the tumor in the genital organs of men.

A lump in the lower abdomen can be caused by: IBS, intestinal inflammation, compression by nerves (extending from the spinal column), or movement of a kidney stone down the ureter.

Women's problems

Pathologies or reasons for the appearance of lumps in women are often gynecological in nature. Doctors advise not to wait for severe colic or other signs of pathology to appear: nausea, bleeding and to go to the clinic.

Provokes tumors in the abdomen in women:

  • adhesions in the uterine cavity;
  • torsion of the appendages, when a compaction is observed in the left, right part of the navel, in addition there is nausea, vomiting, throbbing pain, when surgical intervention is no longer possible;
  • ovarian cyst with compaction as the tumor reaches an impressive size;
  • menstrual irregularities.

Treatment will depend entirely on the type and size of the tumor - conservative or surgical.

It is not uncommon for sutures to harden in women after a cesarean section. Of course, the resulting lump does not always indicate pathology. But a caesarean section is a complex operation in which doctors have to cut tissue in the peritoneal area. Next is to seal the honey. materials, and fabrics are sewn with a ligature.

During the recovery period, the sutures are covered with scar tissue, but sometimes a growth appears in the peritoneum due to an autoimmune reaction, the use of low-quality materials, tissue infection, and the development of an abscess under the skin.

It is suppuration that can become a dangerous phenomenon in the event of damage to tissues under the skin, cell death, and mixing of dead tissue with keratinized skin particles. Bacteria may enter, which can lead to infection, modification of structures and compaction of tissues. Additionally, itching, burning, and ichor appear in the middle square of the peritoneum.

Dissection of the lymphatic channels during surgery can also lead to a lump above the suture. In the case of non-fusion of the damaged lymphatic channel, fluid moves into the free space in the peritoneal cavity filled with lymph.

A similar phenomenon can occur after laparoscopy, in the case of poorly performed surgery on the uterus and appendages. One way or another, the dissected tissue in the peritoneal cavity is stitched and secured with threads. Lack of quality or inexperience, the negligence of the surgeon leads to complications, infection of wounds and sutures, and the development of a bacterial infection.

In the best case, scar tissue forms under the skin, in the worst case – active proliferation of cells in this area, the formation of a keloid scar due to infection, the development of inflammation.

Women need to closely monitor their stitches after surgery:

  • follow preventive measures and doctors’ instructions;
  • Treat seams regularly with antiseptic solutions. Fukortsin, brilliant green);
  • stick the patch onto the surface of the seam.

Alarm bells should be a reason for an urgent visit to the gynecologist: severe pain and colic at the incision sites, oozing ichor from the wound with a serous smell of rot, high fever, redness and swelling at the stitching sites, unpleasant vaginal bleeding with itching, burning, and pain.

An examination is required and, most likely, an operation to clean the sutures in case of suppuration.


As the fetus grows, the skin of women during pregnancy stretches, but some tension in the peritoneum does not pose any particular danger. This often happens due to underdeveloped abdominal muscles and excessive tension.

However, sometimes the reasons are:

  • appendicitis accompanied by colic, pain;
  • gastroduodenitis with pain in the upper quadrant of the peritoneum;
  • cystitis with burning sensation, pain when urinating, retention and stagnation of urine;
  • umbilical hernia, a common occurrence in the postpartum period with the appearance of protrusion.

Even if the protrusion does not hurt or cause any particular discomfort, you should consult a doctor. So, for example, with oncology, the tumor does not hurt and may not make itself known for a long time. Meanwhile, it is dangerous due to its transformation into cancer and a malignant form, when the consequences can become completely irreversible.

It happens that the hernia is reduced on its own when taking a horizontal position. But sometimes it forms as a result of a cesarean section and becomes uncontrollable when medical intervention is already inevitable. Additionally, there is acute cramping pain, high fever, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.

Signs contribute to increased intestinal tone together with the uterus and can lead to miscarriage and premature birth.

Any deviations from the norm should be a reason to contact a gynecologist. Women should not ignore even minor unpleasant symptoms or visual changes in the navel area.

In children

The most common occurrence in a child from birth is an umbilical hernia or a hard lump that does not disappear upon palpation in the peri-umbilical area. Additionally, babies kick their legs and refuse to eat. Colic and bloating are observed. There are strangulated and reducible hernias. In boys it is usually the groin, in girls it is usually the umbilical. In any case, treatment and the help of a surgeon are required.

Mothers must necessarily treat the umbilical cord up to 4 times every day with antiseptics (Chlorophyllipt, Furacilin, Zelenka) until complete healing. Babies should only be bathed with the addition of a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Complications, infection of the umbilical zone can lead to the development of peritonitis, sepsis, and phlegmon.

Treatment measures

Methods are selected exclusively by the attending physician. It is possible to prescribe medications based on the results of diagnostics, other studies, tests, blood and urine tests. So, for example, if a hernia is detected, a correction is required, which means surgical intervention. The main thing is not to give the pathology a chance to develop further.

Additionally, in the case of a hernia in the area of ​​the umbilical ring in infants, it is recommended to massage, place the baby on the tummy more often, and apply a copper coin to the navel.

Reviews from women are such that in some cases the umbilical hernia resolves on its own. The main thing is to start preventive or therapeutic measures in time.

Often in infants a hernia is caused by poor ligation of the umbilical cord or accumulation of gases. It is enough to carry out simple manipulations in a timely manner, which will certainly help to avoid complications and surgery in the future.

Of course, in some diseases, a protrusion at the navel carries a mortal danger:

  • peritonitis;
  • abdominal aortic aneurysm;
  • duodenitis;
  • inflammation of the intestine, duodenum.


Immediate assistance from specialists is required. Connivance and lack of reaction to a protrusion in the abdomen on the part of parents can lead to irreversible consequences and death.

If suspicious signs appear in the form of a growth in the navel area, it hurts a lot and increases in size, then you need to consult a doctor immediately.

Abdominal pain on the right

Registration: 12/07/2012 Messages: 7

Abdominal pain on the right

Hello. I am bothered by feelings of cohesion, congestion in the lower abdomen on the right, pulling sensations, pain, radiating to the leg, the side of the buttock, sometimes the side of the lower back; become more intense in a vertical position of the body - it is uncomfortable to walk normally. The stomach growls, swells, overflows, moves (feeling as if the contents of the intestine on the right are experiencing difficulty when moving). The lower abdomen enlarges at times. If you relax your stomach while standing, about 2 hours after eating, you will see a bulge to the left of the navel (they checked for a hernia, it doesn’t seem to be there). To the right of the navel, closer to the side, standing (especially when hungry) you can feel an oval lump; under it there is mild pain; at the beginning of the disease 2.5 years ago there was more pain there. Some doctors, after palpation, as well as an ultrasound specialist, said that it was a kidney - I don’t know, it wasn’t there 2.5 years ago. A combination of stool retention for 2, 3, 4 days with increased stool frequency later. The feces are soft even with stool retention, often thin and little by little, a feeling of incomplete emptying, sometimes there is mucus. Digestive problems. Weight is only 42 kg with a height of 174 cm, age 35 years. About 3 years ago I often suffered from acute gastroenterocolitis (of unknown etymology) and ended up in the hospital with it. Digestion was examined several times. Here are some of them from the last 2 years.

Colonoscopy (2 years ago) in August 2010: atrophic proctosigmoiditis.

FGS in May 2012: erosive gastritis.

Rectosigmoscopy in May 2012: the rectoscope tube was inserted 30 cm; intestinal tone is reduced, there is accumulation of mucus in the intestinal lumen and on the walls; the mucous membrane is hyperemic, its surface is rough, dull, matte, the vascular pattern is blurred; I don’t see ulcers or polyps; conclusion: chronic colitis.

Irrigoscopy in May 2012: barium suspension fills all parts of the intestine; the intestinal loops are somewhat distended; haustration is expressed satisfactorily; no narrowings, deformations, or filling defects were detected along the loops; intestinal ptosis is noted in a vertical position; after emptying, the usual relief of the mucous membrane of the large intestine is visible.

2 years ago I had a capsule endoscopy of the small intestine: polyposis of the small intestine (distal ileum). I recently repeated capsule endoscopy of the small intestine, in October 2012: no pathology was found (but there is a slowdown in the passage of the capsule through the intestine - 7 hours, instead of the usual 5; also in places there is pronounced folding of the intestine). They said that 2 years ago there might have been pseudopolyps rather than polyps (from inflammation?).

I took the prescribed treatments, did not feel any noticeable results, it only got worse. At times there is a subfebrile temperature of 37.2-37.5 during the day, mild chills, in an upright position of the body - it increases slightly, and also increases with deterioration - indigestion.

Some important excerpts from a CT scan in October 2010: ... in the projection of the small pelvis, on the right and left, phleboliths are determined, measuring up to 3-6 mm; ...single small calcifications are noted in the projection of the prostate parenchyma.

Some important excerpts from a CT scan in June 2012: ...the contours of the pancreas are clear, smooth, the structure of the parenchyma is heterogeneous, due to the presence in the projection of the tail of a cyst-like formation, up to 6 mm in size, with clear, even boundaries, with the density of the liquid in the native study, accumulating contrast agent up to +58 units N (in comparison with CT from October 2010, the size of the formation did not change significantly); ...the right kidney is located at the level of the L2-L4 vertebral bodies; contrasting of the CL and ureters in the delayed phase is sufficient, an inflection of the right ureter in the ureteropelvic segment is revealed; ...the presence of an accessory renal artery on the right is noted; conclusion: CT picture of a cystic formation in the tail of the pancreas (cystadenoma?); lumbar dystopia of the right kidney.

Previously, in 2009, there was a crushing of a stone in the right ureter. The urologist says that the prolapse of the kidney is slight, the kidney is functioning normally according to the CT scan, it should not give my problems and such symptoms in the abdomen.

I also have a prosthetic aortic valve as a result of infective endocarditis (surgery at the end of 2010), and I take warfarin. A damaged aortic valve was discovered while looking for disease in the abdomen on a CT scan about 2 years ago. From cardiac concerns: a feeling of chest compression and difficulty breathing in an upright position, doctors say that these cardiac symptoms may not be cardiac (vegetatives, neuralgia).

What should I do to identify the disease in my stomach that is bothering me? Could this be a disease associated with blood vessels, particularly in the abdomen? Are phleboliths at work here or not? I suspect I have Crohn's disease, UC, intestinal ischemia, diverticula, adhesive disease (from crushing a stone in the ureter, from a former varicocele on the left, from inflammation in former acute gastroenterocolitis), abscess, infiltrate, megacolon, tumor, etc. Could this be secondary? involvement of the nerve plexus in the right iliac region (due to some pathological process)? In what direction would you recommend getting examined, which doctors should I contact? What could it be? Thank you.

Lump in the lower abdomen on the right


can the uterus be felt in the lower abdomen?

Good afternoon And what was that?

Lump in the lower abdomen

Oh, it happens to me all the time, now on one side, now on the other, and today I saw how this place twitched))

oh, I was already thinking tone or something)))) thanks, it made me feel better))))

Lump on the right side of the lower abdomen!

I don’t think that at 10 weeks your uterus is so large; most likely, in places you feel the intestines, the work of which in the first weeks, as you might feel, is not as ideal as before pregnancy. Check in a day or two and ask your doctor

If the crumb is attached at the top and on the front wall, then the tummy may well bulge.

I started going out at 10. The belly appeared early.

Question about ectopic!

My first ectopic was asymptomatic. because the baby didn't break the pipe. but the bleeding started. as if my period had arrived. That's how we found out.

An ectopic tumor cannot be asymptomatic. This is not a natural state; in any case, the body must report some kind of pain.

ectopic - you would bend over in pain, and there would be blood... otherwise you just have early toxicosis

Girls, good morning ☀️

Stomach problems

I almost always have good tone. I drink Utrozhestan constantly and when my stomach hurts, no matter what. There was a case when, due to nervousness, the tone was generally strong, there was a threat, they also prescribed magnesium

most likely stuck something out

Interesting information, extremely relevant. I really like the free women's program

Woman Calendar from ZAYA (http://zaya-soft.com/wcalendar).

She helps me monitor the progress of my pregnancy and find out how my baby is developing week by week.

Pregnancy Calendar!


If you are diagnosed with a 6-week pregnancy, is it possible to quickly get pregnant again and have twins? And also, how can you contrive so that you get a boy and a girl? And what is the probability that triplets will be born?

It is true that Muslim children are born with dark butts. I just have a suspicion that my wife didn’t give birth to me

I was dying of laughter, what a joke. You have to think of something like that. The mood has been lifted, thank you!

A lot, but very funny))😂😂😂

Where did you get this?! jokes for the year ahead! .

Getting pregnant from soap?

Laugh before bed.

I saved it and will read it later! I liked it about the sperm of different people that kill each other!

About stepping on a condom, it’s just something with something! she needs to go to a mental hospital and not to a psychologist)) so lie.

a lot of useful information about tests, infections, diseases, for those planning! Part 6

thanks, bookmarked it)

Pregnancy. The fourth month is calm. (ARTICLE)

thank you for such interesting articles))) it’s so cool and everything is described in detail)))

For yourself. about ovulation

Hygiene during the postpartum period and much more (article)

How suspiciousness and/or observation can complicate life

These are the cockroaches living in your head.

Colonoscopy. My experience.

Thanks for your feedback!


I'm afraid…

Do you need a gynecologist after childbirth?

Problems that may arise during breastfeeding. Found it on the Internet

Massage for congenital muscular torticollis.

We ourselves did not dare to do a massage for torticollis, but in general I prefer to trust specialists in such matters. We went to Krasnogorsk to see Alla Sukhotskaya, when we got older, she advised us on physical therapy exercises and taught us how to do them correctly - we did them. There is no trace left of the torticollis! But this, of course, is a colossal job for the mother; she cannot be left to chance.

Thank you, I finally found a fully covered topic.

If we have the left side, should we put more on the right?

Abdominal lump (unspecified)

A lump in the abdomen may be a symptom of the following diseases:

Which doctors should I contact if there is a lump in the abdomen?

Questions and answers on the topic “Lump in the abdomen”

Question: Hello. The month is already worrying. When pressed, fluid bubbles and flows. No pain. Occasional mushy stools. I went to the doctor and he said it was dysbacteriosis. I prescribed Linux. But my hands still want to press on my stomach. If you grab your right side with your hand and squeeze, then bubbling occurs, liquid flows, and sometimes you can feel a seal on the right that goes inside.

Question: Hello doctor, just yesterday I felt a lump on the right side, just below the navel. The lump is the size of a pea, dense, does not hurt, I am thin.

Question: Hello. I'll start from afar. A week ago I was twirling a hula hoop as usual. And she gave them a bruise (this happens). The bruise was very small, in its place I felt a lump, but I thought that this usually happens. And she continued to spin the hoop every day, the bruise healed, and another one appeared, a little lower. It's not a matter of bruises at all. Just yesterday (11/24) I discovered a lump just above the location of the previous bruise. Oh yes, I'm overweight. Feeling through the fat (a lump on the abdomen, closer to the bone, on the left), I found this: the ball was about 1 cm in diameter, dense, there was pain when palpating, but not severe. This ball does not stick out and in general it is as if it is not there until you press in that place. What could it be? Which doctor should I go to?

Question: Hello. About a month ago, a lump appeared on my stomach (in the fatty part). I went to the doctor and was told to make a compress with alcohol and levomekol. The seal did not dissolve. After some time, a barely noticeable bruise appeared at the site of the compaction on the skin. What could it be? Thank you in advance.

Question: Hello, Doctor! My name is Lyubov, 35 years old. I have this problem. About a month ago, I noticed in my upper abdomen (in the area of ​​the stomach and up to the navel) in the center some kind of tumor or something, in general a lump similar to the hard intestine. I thought it would go away, but it got bigger and added to that were abdominal pain and diarrhea. I can’t get to see a doctor any time soon; I don’t have an appointment for May. And this lump and diarrhea scare me. What could it be? Please help with advice! Thank you very much in advance.

Question: Please help me!! I have some kind of pain on the right side of my stomach! Just below the navel! Sometimes it moves! The belly is hard and as soon as we eat it becomes big!! If you press a little on your stomach it starts to hurt! What could it be.

Question: Hello, Doctor! I am very concerned about this problem: about a year ago I discovered some kind of floating lump in the right half of the abdomen, when pressure is applied it seems to go deeper, the abdomen is a little painful on palpation, especially in the navel area, the pain radiates in different directions. There is a slight asymmetry of the abdomen (the right side is enlarged, there is a small mound and a feeling of fullness). At the same time, in the evenings the temperature rises to 36.9-37.1 for several hours (also for about a year). I did an ultrasound of internal organs and gynecology, colonoscopy and endoscopy of the stomach, CT scan of the chest. Nothing but dolichosigma and kidney stones were found. I calmed down a little, but recently, during an examination by a therapist (I’ve been getting colds very often lately), he pressed on my stomach and asked in surprise if I was pregnant (and I’m definitely not pregnant) and then what kind of lump in my stomach was this. Now I’m worried again, I’m worried: is this cancer? and is it possible that nothing other than fever and periodic pain will manifest itself during the year? I may have cancerophobia, but this is not the first time I have found signs of cancer in myself or is it something else? Tell me what I need to do to live in peace. Thank you very much for your answer.

Health, life, hobbies, relationships

Lump in the right lower abdomen

We don’t always know everything that happens to our body. Sometimes the question arises, what to do if you have a lump in the abdomen on the right, how to react to it and how to treat it. The answer is simple - of course, consult a doctor, because only he will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

But sometimes it’s enough to simply be informed about what it could be.

The formation of painful or painless lumps that appear under the skin can be caused by a number of reasons:

  • metabolic problems;
  • long insolation;
  • injuries;
  • exacerbation of one disease;
  • infections;
  • emotional stress, etc.

Often this formation can be the only manifestation of a disease. In this case, if you detect any lumps under the skin, even small ones, you must definitely come to see a doctor in order to rule out malignant neoplasms or begin prompt treatment if they appear.

Most often you can find: lipomas, hygromas, atheromas, enlarged lymph nodes, abscesses and other inflammatory diseases, milia, hernias, consequences of injuries and operations, malignant neoplasms and so on.

Let's take a closer look at some of them.

A lipoma, or wen, is an elastic, soft, movable compaction under the skin in the shape of a ball that does not cause pain when touched. The sizes of lipomas can be varied, usually from 1 to 5 cm. They can appear on any part of the body.

Atheroma most often appears on the scalp, back, face, and neck. They look like a hard lump under the skin that won't hurt or itch, has clear boundaries and is more round in shape. Sometimes, when pressing, you can observe the release of sebum from the center of the atheroma.

Hygroma can occur under the skin of the hands and wrist joints. It can be up to a couple of centimeters in size. It is usually painless.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes is a painful lump that is located under the skin and can occur as a result of enlargement of the lymph nodes, for example, with the development of infectious diseases. Most often, the lymph nodes of the neck, axillary, submandibular, and groin areas may become larger. Not far from the inflamed lymph node, there may be a scratch or deeper wound that can cause pain. When, after treating this infected wound, the lump under the skin does not become smaller or continues to hurt, then you should not be lazy and go to the doctor so that he can conduct an examination and the necessary examinations.

If there is a situation where the lump under the skin causes pain, the skin over it has become red, hot to the touch, there is an increase in temperature, complete malaise, and the day before there could have been provoking factors that violated the integrity of the skin (impact, trauma, injection), then it may it could be an abscess. It is important to immediately contact a surgeon in order to carry out treatment and prevent possible complications.

What to do if a lump is felt near the navel?

A large lump near the navel can be felt on your own, but a small lump can only be detected when you see a doctor. In the abdominal area there is the abdominal cavity with the internal organs of the digestive system, which can fall out through holes in the abdominal muscles. The occurrence of skin tumors is possible. In any case, the problem should not be ignored.

The causes of hernia are as follows:

  • abdominal muscle defects;
  • increased physical activity;
  • lifting weights;
  • overweight;
  • chronic constipation;
  • surgical interventions.

The condition may be accompanied by pain, nausea, bloating, and constipation. The hernia becomes more noticeable when coughing or physical activity. If an organ is infringed, intestinal patency is impaired. Treatment of pathology is exclusively surgical.

The causes of the disease are considered:

  1. unhealthy diet (predominance of fatty foods, sweets, lack of fiber in the diet);
  2. bad heredity;
  3. intestinal inflammation;
  4. worms;
  5. age-related decrease in muscle tone.

More often, a lump appears near the navel on the left, pain, temperature rises, either diarrhea or constipation occurs, after defecation, blood remains in the stool and on toilet paper.

The risk of the disease increases in people over 60 years of age, but inflammation is diagnosed only in 20% of cases. The patient is prescribed antibacterial therapy, and in advanced forms, surgical intervention.

The wall of the diverticulum may collapse. As a result, toxins enter the abdominal cavity.

The causes of lipoma are:

The seal is soft and easily moves under the skin, does not cause pain, and increases very slowly. When it reaches a large size, it is removed.

The progressive disease is characterized by the appearance of erosions, crusts on the surface of the skin, germination of the lump inward and damage to internal organs.

The following factors cause pathology:

A person complains of a dull aching pain to the left of the navel, radiating to the back. Small aneurysms can be treated with medications. The remaining patients are indicated for surgery.

There is excessive salivation, pain, dizziness, vomiting of bile, dry mouth, weakness, and increased blood pressure.

From all of the above, it becomes clear that it is quite difficult to independently determine the exact cause of compaction in the umbilical area. Only a doctor is able to identify the disease based on a thorough diagnosis. Therefore, you should not delay going to the hospital, endure pain and other unpleasant symptoms. After all, some pathologies can be treated only in the early stages.

Lump in the right lower abdomen

If you experience pain on the right side of the abdomen without making an appropriate diagnosis, you should never self-medicate. It is not allowed to apply a heating pad with ice or hot water to the sore spot.

If pain occurs, it is possible to take a painkiller. This is possibly drotaverine or no-spa. If you have persistent severe pain, it is best to call an ambulance and consult a surgeon. And this is just non-specialized advice for pain in the right side of the abdomen. Having examined specific diseases, you can understand where this pain comes from and answer the question: So, under what circumstances does the belly on the right hurt?

To answer the question posed, you first need to figure out what specific organs a person has are located on the right side of the abdomen. Of course, this is the liver, pancreas, part of the intestines and genitourinary system, gall bladder and the right side of the diaphragm. Abdominal pain on the right. can appear both due to disease and injury to the listed organs. So, let's consider the most common circumstances of the origin of these pains.

Pain in the right lower abdomen is the appendix

If pain on the right side of the abdomen, in its lower part, lasts for 12 hours and does not subside, and you can point to the location of the pain with one finger, then these are most likely indicators of appendicitis. Similar symptoms can also appear in the navel area, which also indicates the presence of appendicitis. In similar cases, you need to contact a surgeon as soon as possible. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, surgery will be required.

Liver pain

Painful sensations in the liver appear in cases when something causes its swelling or inflammation. The most common viral infection is hepatitis A. It can be contracted by drinking plain tap water. With hepatitis, nagging pain appears on the right side of the abdomen. Many medications contain various chemicals and toxins, which can also lead to liver inflammation. Alcohol has a harmful effect on the liver. Excessive drinking leads to the formation of so-called alcoholic hepatitis. Liver pain is felt internally, not externally, and is localized in the upper right abdomen. It is possible to identify liver disease or injury by constant aching pain.

The pain on the right is the kidneys

As we know, the kidneys are located on both sides of the body. In some cases, malfunction of the right kidney results in the right upper abdomen. Painful sensations are experienced more in the side and back. The pain may be caused by a small pebble that comes out of the kidney. Along with this, the pain is wave-like and excruciating. You need to see a urologist.


At a time when doctors cannot determine the correct diagnosis, they do more and more tests on you, they suspect that you have inflammation of the gallbladder, pancreatitis or hepatitis, then most likely it is shingles. At the initial stage of the disease, a person feels a burning sensation in the stomach, followed by itching on the skin. After about 5 days, pain appears in the abdominal area on the right. After another couple of days, reddish pimples form at the location of the pain, which gives the doctor the opportunity to establish the correct diagnosis.

Right belly hurts during pregnancy

The origin of pain in the right side of the abdomen is also likely to occur during a short period of pregnancy, at a time when the process of implantation of the embryo into the uterus is underway. An increase in the uterus due to the development of the fetus can also cause pain in the lower abdomen on the right. This occurs due to the fact that under the influence of pregnancy hormones, the ligaments and tissues surrounding the uterus relax, and the uterus itself stretches. These reactions are completely natural. But you should not wait for possible complications; you must immediately consult a doctor. Pain in the right lower abdomen in women may also indicate the presence of important complications, such as infectious diseases (cystitis), digestive disorders, and appendicitis.

Nagging pain in the right lower abdomen - this is an acute belly

The term acute abdomen combines many painful conditions that appear with acute pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), peritonitis of various origins. It is in these conditions that a person experiences nagging pain in the right lower abdomen. Characteristic symptoms are high fever, acute nagging pain throughout the lower abdomen (closer to the right side), severe bouts of vomiting, and general unwellness. On palpation, muscle tension can be observed in the area of ​​the anterior wall of the peritoneum. In this situation, emergency hospitalization in a surgical hospital is required. You need to know that until the ambulance arrives, a sick person should not take painkillers. to avoid misdiagnosis.

Aching pain in the lower abdomen on the right

The circumstances of the origin of aching pain in the lower abdomen on the right in men can be

problems associated with the intestines. Chronic prostatitis often manifests itself in a similar way. You need a comprehensive examination by a gastroenterologist and an appointment with a urologist.

Aching pain in the lower abdomen on the right side in women, in most cases, is associated with the presence of diseases of the genitourinary system. Along with this, pain is usually accompanied by increased fatigue, general weakness and discharge from the genitals.

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Lump in lower right abdomen

A lump in the abdomen located to the right of the navel is much more often detected during a detailed physical examination. This pathology in most cases begins unnoticed by a person and, when detected, makes one really think about the state of health. Let's look at the circumstances under which a lump may appear in the abdominal cavity to the right of the navel.

Umbilical hernia

One of the obvious indicators of an umbilical hernia is a hard seal in the peri-umbilical area, which does not disappear when pressed with fingers, but, on the contrary, becomes more noticeable and causes severe pain. In addition, the patient will be disturbed by bloating, constipation, vomiting and rapid heartbeat. The hernia may be strangulated and reducible. In both cases, the help of an expert is required, who in the first case will prescribe surgical intervention, and in the second, he will independently correct the existing seal.

Torsion of the uterus

When the uterine appendage is torsion, when pressing on the belly, it is possible to palpate a fairly dense seal localized in the peri-umbilical part of the abdominal cavity. Along with this, the patient will suffer from severe pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back, and vomiting and nausea may occur. This disease appears due to the fact that, by twisting around its axis, the uterine appendages interfere with normal blood circulation. In most cases, this disease is diagnosed in women who have many adhesions in the abdominal cavity.


This disease is nothing more than inflammation of the duodenum. Much more often the disease affects males. Indicators of this disease, along with a cylindrical seal and pain to the right of the navel, are excessive salivation, dizziness, high blood pressure, vomiting with bile, general malaise, and dry mouth.

Abdominal aortic aneurysm

This is a very insidious disease, which, in most cases, begins asymptomatically within several years. It is possible to suspect the presence of this disease by feeling a hard, pulsating lump in the right supra-umbilical area. Later, pain appears in the abdomen, radiating to the back. The walls of the aorta are slowly thinning, thanks to which they can break through, which in turn is very dangerous for life.

Other diseases

  • A lump in the right lower abdomen may appear with the development of a malignant tumor of the right part of the large intestine.
  • Sausage-shaped, painful lumps located in the lower right abdomen are one of the signs of Crohn's disease. Along with this, characteristic indicators of this disease are cramping, unexpectedly appearing pain in the center of the abdominal cavity, mainly in the peri-umbilical area.
  • Bloating of the bladder. In the absence of the necessary measures to treat this disease at an early stage of its development, a painful lump in the abdomen, which initially appears in the suprapubic region, can spread to the umbilical area.
  • Hydronephrosis. This disease affects the kidneys and causes them to become enlarged. If there is a pathology of the right kidney, a hard compaction to the right of the navel may be observed.
  • Ovarian cyst. Reaching enormous sizes, the cyst can cause the formation of a round and smooth compaction in the lower right part of the abdomen, reminiscent of a swollen bladder.

So, if you detect a lump in the abdominal cavity, localized to the right of the navel, you should immediately seek medical help, since this symptom may indicate the presence of important, sometimes life-threatening diseases.