Explanatory reason: menstrual. How to write an explanatory note (step-by-step instructions, examples)

The text is drawn up in free form, but the document itself must have a number of mandatory details:

  • addressee - full name and position of the manager, name of the organization, the document must have an indication of for whom it is intended;
  • title of the document and its title;
  • date of writing;
  • employee signature;
  • text describing the event and explaining what happened.

The main focus should be on the text. It is necessary to briefly and succinctly describe the situation - what kind of mistake was made in the work, what consequences this error caused for the organization’s activities.

The text should be concise and concise. An explanatory note should not be turned into an essay; it is still an important document intended for the head of the organization. Excessive information and emotions can raise unnecessary questions from management, so it’s worth writing succinctly and to the point.

After a description of the error made by the employee is given, the reasons for this should be written. We must try to indicate an objective and good reason. But if this is not possible, you should not shift the blame onto someone else, blame other employees; management will not approve of this. It is better to try to refer to the current circumstances - heavy workload, a large and continuous flow of clients, a mechanical error due to a busy day, bad feeling or another reason.

If an employee admits his guilt in making a mistake, he must express his repentance, assure management that such a mistake will not be made in the future, and convince everyone that all necessary measures will be taken to prevent this from happening.

An example of an explanatory note about a work error:

To the Director of Alpha LLC

Tupolev A.A.

from an accountant

Kuharkina A.P.

Explanatory letter

about an error in filling out documents

On August 26, 2015, I incorrectly indicated the prices for products in the delivery note No. 432 and invoice No. 564; they were inflated by 10%. The buyer, seeing the inflated prices, refused to accept the goods, and therefore he returned to the warehouse of Alpha LLC.

The error that occurred was caused by increased workload on the day the document was prepared. On August 26, my partner was absent due to illness, and therefore had to do the work for two. The documents were prepared at the end of the working day when extreme fatigue caused inattention when performing work.

I admit my mistake. I will try to be more attentive to my work and filling out documents in the future.

08/26/2015 Kuharkina A.P.

Also, as an example, we suggest downloading a sample explanatory note from the link below.

Explanatory note sample about an error in work - .

Discussion: 5 comments

    Hello, I made an overpayment upon dismissal, I need to write an explanatory note.


    1. Hello, Elena.
      Write in free form, indicate the reason for the overpayment - inattention, workload, fatigue, someone distracted, incorrect initial data, etc. Use the sample in the article.


    Hello! At the company from which I was fired on November 18, 2016, there was a check from statistics, as a result, which revealed distortions in the data on the report of 12 tons. They drew up a report and a protocol against me. Tomorrow is the trial. I need to write an explanatory note so that if they punish me, it will be to the minimum. IN job description the responsibilities stated “Drawing up established reports.” By order, I was not responsible for this report. + besides, I was on sick leave and on vacation, and I don’t know who provided the data for the report. In general, tomorrow we need to explain everything to the judge.


    Hello, tell me how to write an explanatory note. I work as a nurse in a hemodialysis laboratory. I made a mistake in the nephron program. In the month of August. And now, after the inspection, they demand an explanation. I have been working in hemodialysis since June of that year. And that’s why in August I didn’t really understand this program yet. And I don't know what to do


    1. Hello Veronica.
      So write, you did not have a sufficient level of knowledge in the field of the program, you had little experience. You made a mistake, so in the explanatory text, acknowledge the mistake and promise to be more attentive.


Hello to regular audience and new readers! I would like to raise a topic that will be of interest to everyone who has at least once made mistakes in their work - drawing up explanatory notes. What kind of stories can you hear in response to the question about the reason for being late: a sewer break, a meeting with a crowd of elderly women unable to cross the road, traffic jams on every street in the city... Doesn’t sound very convincing, right? Therefore, today I will tell you the secret of how to write a competent explanatory note so that your boss will withdraw his claims.

What is the document

You are asked to provide such a document when the manager needs to make an assessment of the situation and take into account the opinion different sides. Typically, the reasons for drawing up an explanatory note are:

  • being late or absenteeism;
  • complete or partial failure to fulfill instructions;
  • failure to meet deadlines;

Also, an explanatory note is written when situations arise with ambiguous interpretation of the reasons. It also acts as an addition to projects or reports, clarifying their content; in this case, it is drawn up as an attachment and submitted to the head of the enterprise for signature.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 193), in the event of a disciplinary offense, the employer must invite you to write an explanatory note. You have the right to refuse, but in this case a corresponding act is drawn up, and the manager applies penalties without taking into account your vision of the situation. Writing an explanatory note becomes a chance to avoid punishment, so present your thoughts clearly, convincingly and concisely.

The provided document allows the person conducting the internal investigation to draw the correct conclusions.

Form for drawing up

How to write an explanatory note? There is no single form, but it is advisable to adhere to the following pattern:

  1. In the upper right corner, indicate the position and full name of the person to whom the document is addressed. Example: “To the director of Advanced Resources LLC, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov.”
  2. Below, please indicate your full name, position, if necessary, and structural subdivision: “from senior engineer Petrov Petrovich.” In some cases you need to write phone, fax and address Email.
  3. This is followed by the title of the document (“Explanatory”); there is no period after it.
  4. In the main part, list the reasons that led to the emergence of a controversial situation, and, if necessary, outline your vision of events. Use a sample explanatory note about being late for work:

    “On September 20, 2017, I showed up for workplace 2 hours later than expected due to a pipe burst in my apartment. It was technically impossible to turn off the water. After calling the emergency services, I tried to minimize damage to property; I couldn’t go to work because I live alone. The emergency crew arrived half an hour later and began repairs at 8.30. The work was completed at 9.30 am, after which I immediately went to the office and arrived at 10.00 am. I immediately notified the head of the department about what happened. Documents confirming the call emergency service and elimination of the breakdown, I enclose.”

  5. Finally, add a date and signature.

Stick to this scheme and save both your time and the time of your employer. If you are not at fault for what happened, no disciplinary action will be taken.

How to write an explanatory note when the blame is on you

When the reasons that led to a controversial situation are valid, it is easy to state them. But even responsible employees sometimes they make mistakes. What to do in this case? Take the advice of Sheila Dramis, CEO at HR Partners, who says honesty is the best policy. After all, ideally the team should be a cohesive team; when you cheat, you undermine trust.

Also apologize: the manager needs to understand that you are aware of the mistake and are trying not to serve bad example for colleagues. Indicate what steps you have taken to ensure that the controversial situation does not recur, because specifics are worth more than empty promises. Adhere to the following rules:

  1. If you are trying to deceive your colleagues or manager, you will have to remember for a long time what exactly you said and to whom. The act of dishonesty itself may be punished more severely than the original offense.
  2. Don't give too much information: too many details will make the story sound unconvincing, even if it is true.
  3. If you are late for work for a reason you cannot name, think about the wording. For example, when you are late at an interview with a competitor trying to lure you away, indicate that you were present at business meeting- it will be true!

Keep in mind that the reasons are essentially secondary, and the decisive role will be played by how systematically you are late. In case of a one-time mistake, you can write the following:

“I am extremely sorry for being late for the meeting with the representative of The Star agency. Because of my oversight, the company could lose a valuable client. I understand that our team must be consistently professional and reliable, which means the punctuality of each employee. The results of my lateness may affect the image of the entire enterprise.

I take measures to ensure that I always arrive on time for meetings. Since the delay was due to problems with transport, I leave with the expectation that force majeure circumstances will not prevent me from being on time at the appointed time.”

Also find out a lawyer’s opinion on how to correctly write an explanatory note:

How to write an explanatory note about mistakes during work

Since the current pace of doing business implies efficiency, mistakes cannot be avoided. After all, business requires more and more intelligence, strength, compliance high standards. Employees have to make critical decisions, so mistakes are more costly. To smooth out unpleasant consequences, learn how to write explanatory notes if you made a mistake during your work:

  1. Describe the situation so that the manager has a clear understanding of what happened. This part should be objective, so don't be apologetic. Write to the point! Example: “On August 31, 2017, a store visitor asked me to exchange a previously purchased item. Since he did not have a receipt with him, I, acting as an administrator, trading floor, reported that it was impossible to satisfy the request. When a visitor accused me of unprofessionalism and demanded to call the director, I lost my temper and responded unnecessarily rudely.”
  2. Be sure to admit responsibility for the incident. It is important not to pass it on to colleagues or clients when you are at fault: you will demonstrate an understanding that the actions were unacceptable. Example: “Because the customer expressed dissatisfaction with the service, I had to contact a higher-ranking person. In addition, I overlooked that in some cases returns without receipts are allowed. As a result, the store may have lost a loyal customer; besides, my rudeness did not contribute to the successful resolution of the situation.”
  3. The next step is to apologize. This can be unpleasant, but a mature and responsible person does not consider it humiliating to ask for forgiveness for his mistakes. Example: “I deeply regret that I did not contact my superiors and was harsh with the buyer.”
  4. Briefly explain the reasons why the situation arose. Be restrained, do not ingratiate yourself, because your goal is to show that the mistake was unintentional. Example: “I took the initiative so as not to complicate the work process for the higher-ups. I decided that I could handle it on my own; Unfortunately, in the end I made a mistake.”
  5. Instead of the standard “I will do my best to ensure that the controversial situation does not happen again,” describe exactly what actions should have been taken. Example: “I refreshed my memory of the company's policies in such cases and worked on my communication skills. In the future, I will carefully check the store’s rules, and if I have the slightest doubt, contact the supervisor for instructions.”

Conclude by briefly apologizing again, but without ingratiating yourself. All that remains is to convey explanatory note to the authorities and wait for his decision. If you do not make mistakes on a regular basis, then with a high probability the boss will turn a blind eye to a one-time mistake

How to write an explanatory note to a child at school

Not only work situations require writing explanatory notes: if you have a schoolchild, then the ability to draw up this document will be useful in case of absences or delays. It won't be much different:

  • in the header, instead of the employer's information, indicate the full name and position of the class teacher or school director;
  • in the main part, specify that the explanatory statement is submitted by the child’s parent.

You can write the following:

“I, Ivanova Maria Sergeevna, mother of a student of class 5 “A” Ivanov Sergey, regarding his absence from classes, I can explain the following. On the morning of April 10, 2017, the son complained of feeling unwell. We consulted a doctor who recommended rest for the child. In this regard, Sergei was not present in class that day. I am attaching a medical certificate confirming my words.”


If you made a mistake at work, then correct composition an explanatory one will give a chance to justify itself in the eyes of management. Be polite, express remorse, but do not fawn: focus on analyzing the causes and what you can do to prevent similar situations in future. When I see that an employee realizes his mistake and approaches the matter constructively, I try to accommodate him halfway. I am sure that your superiors will show understanding!

A mistake at work, depending on the events that followed it, can become either an annoying misunderstanding or the cause of serious and even dramatic consequences. Most likely, in a fit of momentary anger, management will not be able, and will not want, to listen to the HR officer’s arguments about what is wrong decision employee and negligence at work are not the same thing. When emotions have cooled down, an explanatory note about the error in work, prudently requested from the employee, will help to correctly assess what happened and its root causes.

Normative base

After discovering or admitting a mistake, a specialist may hear quite a few unflattering words addressed to him: about negligence, about fines, and about a “bad” clause in the labor contract. Even if the manager is so hot that he begins to threaten even before a detailed analysis of the situation, the employee must remember the norms of the law, which in most cases will come to his protection.

First of all, you need to understand that the Labor Code does not contain such concepts as error, negligence or fine. The most severe disciplinary punishment - dismissal without preliminary procedures - is provided only by clause 6 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for gross violations of labor duties:

  • Absenteeism;
  • Drunkenness;
  • Disclosure of information constituting secrets or personal information;
  • Theft;
  • Neglect of labor protection.

As you can see, a single mistake cannot be summed up under any point. In order for separation “under the article” to become a reality, it is necessary to make mistakes in work systematically, and even intentionally, clause 3 or clause 5 of Art. 81 TK.

In any case, no one will dare to fire immediately; such a decision is allowed to be made only based on the results of consideration of the explanatory statement about the error in the work. The same procedure is provided for in proceedings regarding the degree of guilt and the amount of damage caused by the employee’s behavior, Art. 247 TK. The manager is obliged to request a written explanation and give the employee two working days to draw it up. Refusal to provide it does not prevent the application of disciplinary liability against the employee if it was drawn up in an act and signed by witnesses, Art. 193 TK.

Step-by-step instructions for preparing an explanatory note

In any unpleasant work situation, just as it was not difficult to object to the bosses, the employee needs to understand that only the arguments set out on paper will be taken into account. That is why oral conversations are good only until the moment when the documentation of circumstances and particulars begins. As soon as the employer asks you to sign the request for an explanation, the words immediately lose any weight.

How to write an explanatory note about an error in work will also depend on whether the employee considers himself to blame for what happened, or whether he can put forward counterarguments. However, the principle of its compilation is the same:

  1. We are writing a hat. Here you need to determine the addressee, his position and full name. It is quite possible that the document will be forwarded outside the company, for example, to the Federal Tax Service or Social Insurance Fund.
  2. We indicate the full name and position of the employee in the genitive case.
  3. The title of the paper is “Explanatory note about an error in work.”
  4. We clearly state the essence. You need to adhere to a business style, avoiding empty accusations and statements not supported by documents. The situation should be described objectively and in detail, but without lengthy formulations and reasoning.
  5. We offer ways to solve the problem or describe steps already taken in this direction. You can also mention the measures that were taken to prevent the error.
  6. We draw a conclusion. The end of the story should contain the employee’s position regarding the guilty party.
  7. We put a date and signature

You can see an example of an explanatory note on our website ()

The nuances of writing a note If guilt is admitted If guilt is not admitted
Conclusion The employee can only “sprinkle ashes on his head” and promise that this will not happen again in the future. Separately, it should be mentioned that there was no intent or self-interest in the specialist’s actions. The conclusion about one’s own innocence or joint responsibility must be stated immediately so that it cannot be interpreted in one’s own way. If an employee believes that the situation is out of control because someone previously failed to fulfill their duties, then they need to write about this too.
Arguments As an excuse, you can refer to fatigue, overload, peak activity in the work process or poor health Most the right approach To justify the actions of an employee lies in strict compliance with the job description. If everything was done in strict accordance with this document, then the employee can safely refer to this, even if undesirable consequences occur for the enterprise.

Separately, it is necessary to mention a situation that goes beyond the concept of normal working conditions. In this case, documents are needed confirming the employee’s intention to do everything right, and what prevented him from doing so.

Applications Supporting documents are unlikely to be needed. Maybe a doctor's certificate for more sympathy. Here you need to show foresight and stock up on papers: about a sudden deterioration in health, about the actions of third-party organizations, about the technical condition of equipment or the sufficiency of material support. Even eyewitness testimony will do.

After providing an explanatory note, the employer has 30 days to consider and make a decision on the penalty, Art. 193 TK.

Features of explanatory

When it comes to labor law, then it states that the decision to provide or not provide an explanatory note about an error in work is made by the employee independently. The code does not provide for liability simply for the fact that an employee refused to explain his behavior in writing.

The regulatory authorities have a slightly different approach to this issue. For example, tax code The Russian Federation imposes a financial penalty for refusal to provide explanations. When it comes to situations involving the police or accident investigations, refusal to testify may result in criminal liability.

It must be said that explanatory notes addressed to government authorities are usually written not on behalf of the employee who made the mistake, but on behalf of the business entity. The employee's explanation is most often a document for internal use or a basis for making personnel decisions. Alternatively, it may be useful for selecting a person from whose income a fine or other material damage imposed on the company will be withheld.

Clarifications to the tax office

As you know, Russia has taken a course to reduce the number of inspections for businesses. But few people realize that any paper submitted to the Federal Tax Service is subject to a desk audit. This means that after submitting the report, tax inspectors analyze its content, compare the indicators within the report itself and with the data available to the Federal Tax Service. Up to counter checks.

If a discrepancy is identified, fiscal officials have the right to demand an explanation, Art. 88 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Despite the fact that this document is not a report, it must be sent to the inspector within five days, since delay or refusal to submit can cost 5,000 rubles.

There are two forms for submitting explanations:

  • the actual letter in free form with detailed description reasons for discrepancies;
  • Sending a new reporting or clarifying calculation (declaration) if deviations were the result of an error by the person responsible for its preparation.

Explanatory documents in the FSS

If the Fund has no questions about the reporting provided, this does not mean that its employees will not require other explanations. Most often this concerns the circumstances and reasons for the appointment of social benefits for disability as a result of domestic injuries.

More stringent requirements for written explanations are imposed on the enterprise if an accident or an industrial injury is recorded there. A mandatory step in the investigation of this incident is the collection and analysis of explanatory statements from the victim and witnesses, Art. 229.2 TK.

The qualification of his injury and the amount of insurance payments will depend on how the victim himself describes his actions and relates them to the need to perform his job duties. If an explanatory statement is not provided deliberately or it is not possible to obtain it, then this will not become a basis for stopping the investigation. Then conclusions will be based on eyewitness testimony and examination results.

A disciplinary sanction can be applied no later than six months after it was committed. An exception was made only for those errors that were identified during the audit. Punishment for them can be applied even after two years, Art. 193 TK.

Explanatory note about the error from the accountant

Accounting and tax accounting are fraught with so many pitfalls and conventions that a rare specialist in this field was able to avoid mistakes. The danger of this profession is that any inaccuracy threatens financial losses:

  • An error in the amount of the calculated salary means trouble with the employee, even going to court;
  • Understating obligations for taxes and duties - troubles and fines from the Federal Tax Service;
  • Late payment or reporting deadlines are subject to administrative liability or sanctions under the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

That is why the accountant responsible for the violation will not only write an explanatory note about the error at work addressed to the director, but will also have to provide clarifying reports.

If employment contract If a specialist provides compensation for fines imposed due to the fault of a specific accountant, the amount of the financial sanction is withheld from his salary. If this clause is absent in the employee’s contract, then only the amount of average monthly earnings can be withheld, and only with the consent of the employee, Art. 137 TK. If the accountant objects and gives his arguments in explanation, then compensation for damage is possible only through the court.

Written explanations from the nurse

Medicine is another area in which specialists of all ranks bear enormous responsibility not only as employees, but also as professionals influencing the lives and health of people. And if the cost of incorrectly filled out forms and logs is usually small, then errors in manipulations and procedures turn into the most serious tragedies. This applies equally to representatives of both junior and mid-level medical staff.

Most often, nurses are forced to write explanations about patient complaints or inaccuracies in work. If the consequences of such errors do not go beyond the scope of organizational problems, then the employee’s written repentance will become the basis for imposing a disciplinary sanction (Article 193 of the Labor Code) or refusal of it (Article 192 of the Labor Code).

More serious consequences will require investigation and may lead to litigation. Then, already at the stage of drawing up an explanatory note about an error in work, you need to carefully compare the actions of the nurse with the standards and job responsibilities approved by the Ministry of Health. It is also necessary to focus on the fact that the situation was not the result of neglect of one’s labor functions or malicious intent.

Another peculiarity of the nursing profession is that they have a great moral and ethical responsibility for the well-being of patients. Violations in this area may also be the subject of proceedings and penalties. How well the health worker presents his position will determine whether a simple apology is enough or whether higher authorities will need to be involved.

One attempt to define professional malpractice is that it is a form of honest mistake in performing job responsibilities. It follows from this that the person did not pursue the goal of causing harm and did not even imagine such a development of events. And if the employee manages to draw up an explanatory note so that the employer does not doubt his sincerity, then the punishment is usually applied most leniently or not at all.

Lawyer at the Legal Defense Board. Specializes in handling cases related to labor disputes. Defense in court, preparation of claims and others regulatory documents to regulatory authorities.

Situations when you have to write an explanatory note arise quite often. Therefore, it is worth knowing how to draw up this document correctly. In our article we will talk about all the features of the design of an explanatory note, depending on where it is submitted.

○ What is an explanatory note?

An explanatory note is a document explaining any reasons (absence from work, being late, failure to fulfill one’s duties, etc.). It should be borne in mind that the legislation does not provide for this concept, but the employer is obliged to demand an explanation from the employee before applying a disciplinary sanction to him.

Before applying disciplinary action, the employer must request a written explanation from the employee. If after two working days the employee does not provide the specified explanation, then a corresponding act is drawn up.
(v. 19 Labor Code RF).

○ Rules for drawing up explanatory notes.

The law does not regulate the mandatory form of document preparation. There is a unified form of the submitted document, which was approved on May 14, 2007 under number 25, but it is advisory in nature. Therefore, organizations can use their own structure, having previously issued an order regulating it.

Text structure.

Regardless of the form used, the following parts must be included in the document:

  • Factual, where the facts that served as the reason for creating the document are indicated.
  • Causal, explaining the offense.

You also need to indicate the following facts:

  • The name of the organization where the person works.
  • Place where the document was compiled.
  • Information about the compiler (full name and position).
  • Name of the document (“Explanatory Note”).
  • Indication of explanations of the reasons for the misconduct.
  • Date of writing.
  • Registered number.
  • Signature.

How to formulate the reasons?

The form for drawing up the document is free. This means that you can express your thoughts freely. However, the writing style should be taken into account - it is necessary to follow business ethics and comply with the norms of the Russian language.

The main thing in this document is to correctly formulate the reason for your misconduct so that management does not have doubts about the lack of intentionality and honesty of the employee. Rules to consider when explaining reasons:

  • Conciseness – write briefly and to the point.
  • Reasonableness - indicate the reasons for the misconduct.
  • Awareness – show that you understand your mistake.

Using these rules will allow you to draw up a document that will help you avoid disciplinary action.

○ Where can it be useful?

Despite the fact that explanatory is most often used in labor relations, it may be needed in other situations. Let's consider each option in detail.

Explanatory note to school.

Such a document may be needed at school due to the child's absence from classes without prior notice or if the parents did not attend the meeting. The document is drawn up by hand, it contains standard data: the addressee of the appeal, date and place of writing, data of the originator, explanations given and signature.

A distinctive feature of this type of explanatory statement is that it is drawn up not by the truant child, but by his parents.

An example of such a document is given here:

Explanatory note to the institute.

This type of document is drawn up by the student addressed to the dean of the faculty where he is studying. In addition to standard information, the document must additionally indicate the number of school days missed, indicate the dates and reason for absence. If there is a supporting document (for example, medical certificate), it must be attached to the explanation.

Explanatory note for work.

This type of explanatory note is the most common and is drawn up before management makes a decision on disciplinary action.

It can be issued as an explanation for one’s absence or failure to fulfill official duties. In the second case, the explanatory note is part of the main document.

Explanatory report to the police.

There are situations when explanations have to be written to the police. Such a need may arise in the following cases:

  • Calling the squad, who has to give written assurance that there was a response to the call.
  • Committing unlawful acts against the applicant, who explains what exactly happened.
  • Execution of a document by the offender, which explains where he was and what he was doing at a certain point in time.

The document contains standard information about the recipient of the explanatory note, the originator, the essence of the document, the date of execution and signature. A sample can be viewed here.

The note of explanation is business letter, which is intended for internal circulation in any institution. The content of the letter reflects an explanation of events, and, as a rule, past negative circumstances. In this case, explanatory notes regarding absences from classes will be considered.

How to write explanation for missing classes?

The note with explanations is intended to clarify the circumstances that happened to the person who is the main character of the events, and it is possible that he is the culprit. The purpose of an explanatory letter is to understand the circumstances of what happened in order to form the correct conclusion.

Art. 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the head is obliged to demand an explanation in writing from a student who has committed a disciplinary offense. In this case, the student has the right to refuse to provide such a document - this is provided for by law. However, under such circumstances, the management of the institution has the right to impose disciplinary punishment on the offending student. Naturally, for this, an act of refusal to provide an explanation in the presence of two witnesses must be drawn up.

The template for such a document provides for the following generally accepted rules::

  • The note is drawn up on A4 sheet and the volume of the letter should be within 1-2 pages.
  • The letter is written to the head of the educational institution, indicating his name and the position held by the head in this institution. This text is filled in in the upper right corner of the sheet in the dative case.
  • Next, you need to write down the information of the author of the written document (full name and position in the genitive case)
  • Then fill in the title of the letter - “Explanatory Note” and the title to the text ( “Regarding...”, “Oh...” etc.)
  • In some cases, after the title, the letter is registered at the reception with a number assigned and the date of sending is written. In others, the date and signature of the author of the letter is written at the end of the note.
  • The main part of the letter contains the text explaining the circumstances that happened. It describes the events that occurred, their reasons, and if the author is guilty, then repentance and a promise that this will not happen again.
  • At the end of the document there is a date, if not included during registration, and the signature of the author of the letter.

If a student is studying in college and for some reason missed classes, then naturally classroom teacher groups or the college management will require an explanation from the student. Why were classes missed?

Not every student knows how to write such letters. However, modern youth, savvy on the Internet, can find patterns (samples) of such explanations. Therefore, in this section we will not describe the rules for drawing up such documents, especially since the previous section describes in detail the structure of such a note.

Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization Sokolov I.I.

from a student of the 15th mech group Ivanov G.P.

Explanatory letter

I, Ivanov Genady Petrovich, missed training sessions on November 28 (3 paired lessons and 1 laboratory work), because my mother came to my dormitory from the village. Dolinovka.

Mother came to study at the institute functional diagnostics body examinations. She performs this examination annually. This time she arrived on November 28, 2019. She suddenly became ill, and I was forced to call an ambulance for my mother.

After the mother was examined by a doctor, she was asked to spend the whole day in peace. I had to skip classes to monitor her condition. Ambulance doctor Sidorov A.V. At my request, he drew up a conclusion that the mother needed observation. The doctor's report is attached. Please consider your absence from classes to be for a valid reason.

November 29, 2019 Student of the 15th group (signature) Ivanov G.P.

The status of a student of a higher educational institution is regulated by Art. 16 of the Law. The ninth part of this article states that for a student’s failure to comply with the rules established by the Charter of the educational institution and the rules of its internal schedule, disciplinary penalties may be applied to him. According to the Law, punishment can be applied after the student writes a written explanation. At the same time, attraction to disciplinary action possible on the basis of an explanatory note only to the student who committed the offense. In the event of a collective violation of the routine at the university, an explanation is taken from each student. According to one explanation, it is impossible to punish all guilty students.

As already noted, a written explanation is actually considered a document describing to immediate management the circumstances of failure to complete homework, laboratory work, violations of attendance at classes at the institute, etc. Such letters can also be used as accompanying attachments to the main document, for example, to a plan or report. IN this option the note provides clarification of the contents of certain provisions of the main document. Such a note is filled out on the institution’s letterhead.

Explanatory notes reflecting incidents and situations are usually filled out on an A4 sheet of paper for submission to management. The rules for filling out such notes at the institute are no different from other explanations in other industries National economy. Here the structure of the document is the same as described in the first section of this article.

The structure of the document includes two parts:

  • The factual section, which displays the facts that led to the writing of the note.
  • Reasons explaining the created situation or the fact of misconduct.