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There were no breakthroughs at the summit, but a couple of funny episodes occurred


On May 25, a NATO summit was held in Brussels. One of the important protocol moments of such an event is the official photography of distinguished guests. And here, in addition to the incident with US President Donald Trump (who unceremoniously pushed aside the Prime Minister of Montenegro in order to get into the front row), the public’s attention was also attracted by the traditional “women’s photo”, where the spouses of North Atlantic politicians collectively pose. But in this photograph, taken in the palace of the Belgian king, among the women there was suddenly... a man. Who is in the second row right behind Bridget Macron, Emine Erdogan and Melania Trump? It turns out that this is Gautier Destne - the legal husband of Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel. (In this duchy, non-traditional unions are allowed, which allowed the leader of the “biggest small state» it is legal to have a partner of the same sex).

True, from the point of view of liberal standards, the question remains open: does the appearance of a man in a hitherto female society violate gender equality? Otherwise, in the last elections in the United States and France, female candidates lost to male opponents; The Secretary General of NATO is a man, the King of Belgium is a man, and then there’s the “face” of a woman’s photograph male nationality» got stuck.

Speaking seriously, the key player in NATO with the second largest army among the Alliance countries is Turkey. And Emine Erdogan, the wife of the President of the Republic, is in the photo standing in a hijab right in front of the wife (husband?) of the Prime Minister of Luxembourg. Moreover, the arrangement in protocol photographs with persons of this level is agreed upon in advance, so this particular proximity is not an accident, although nothing prevented the organizers from distinguishing such different understandings of “liberal values” (and NATO, we recall, positions itself as “the union of the countries of the free world”) away from each other.

After all, if you are for feminism and gay marriage, then how does the hijab fit with them? Doesn't such a neighborhood offend the rights of feminists and gays? And most importantly, there are many religious fanatics in Turkey who consider Erdogan “too moderate.” And then suddenly, right behind his wife, stands someone who in neighboring Saudi Arabia, according to local traditions, would have been stoned, or maybe worse. So, no matter how Recep Teyip did not have to listen to harsh criticism at home after such gestures from his dear Brussels colleagues. Unfortunately, they do not have equal partners - only subordinates.

P.S. Who is on the photo? From left to right: First Lady of France Brigitte Tronier, wife of Turkish President Emine Erdogan, gay husband of Prime Minister of Luxembourg Gautier Destne, First Lady of the United States Melania Trump, common-law wife of the Prime Minister of Slovenia Milena* Stopnik, Queen Mathilde of Belgium, wife of the Prime Minister of Iceland Thor Margarita Baldfinsdottir, wife of the Secretary General NATO Ingrid Schulerud-Stoltenberg, First Lady of Bulgaria Desislava Radeva, common-law wife of Belgian Prime Minister Amelie Derboudrenghi.

On July 11, the NATO summit started in Brussels. While presidents and prime ministers lead serious conversations about politics, their other halves attend cultural and entertainment events. As part of the summit, they always come up with a separate program for the spouses of politicians so that they do not get bored, but at the same time show each other their outfits.

During the day, modestly and discreetly

In the afternoon, first ladies and wives of heads of government visited the Academy of Music in Waterloo. The first lady of France, Brigitte Macron, chose a white suit from her favorite brand Louis Vuitton with metal fittings for her daytime outing. A skirt length just above the knee is acceptable in a business dress code, although it is rarely used in practice. If you look at the rest of the politicians' companions, their outfits are a couple of centimeters below the knee - this is the classic protocol length. The midi-length dress of US First Lady Melania Trump and the outfit of the wife of Turkish President Emine Erdogan stand out against the general background.

Melania in most cases chooses a noble midi length - it is fashionable, beautiful, and comfortable. This time, Donald Trump's wife chose Calvin Klein for $2,430. TV presenter Tina Kandelaki previously appeared in public in such a dress, but it is unlikely that Melania’s stylist follows Russian stars. The First Lady of the USA's dress is quite modest, but due to the decor on the shoulder it looks interesting.

The First Lady of Turkey, Emine Erdogan, adheres to the Muslim dress code: all parts of the body are covered, and the head is covered with a headscarf. Emine's constant accessory is glasses. The fashion world knows several examples of Muslim women politicians dressing modernly and stylishly, while still being within the bounds of tradition. For example, the former first lady and mother of the current emir of Qatar. But Emine Erdogan deliberately ignores the European concept of style, dressing in classic clothes for Muslim women. In her outfit, you can praise the red color - it is now at the peak of popularity.

Amélie Derbaudrenghien, friend of the Prime Minister of Belgium, has an interesting dress. She chose a bright yellow dress with asymmetrical shoulders. Everything is within the framework of the protocol, but at the same time, due to the color, Amelie does not get lost against the background of other women.

Hidden among the women is the husband of Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel, Gauthier Erdegan. The couple is officially married. Bettel is the country's first openly gay leader.

More glamor in the evening

In the evening, the ladies changed clothes to join the spouses for dinner. Linen and cotton dresses were replaced by fabrics more suitable for the evening - velvet, silk, guipure, organza.

Melania Trump stands out noticeably against the general background in a chic dress from Lebanese designer Elie Saab. Can't do without his outfits. Melania's image is feminine and sexy at the same time. Once again, her favorite length is midi. Melania chose a dress from the Elie Saab spring-summer 2018 collection. A beige underdress was specially sewn for the First Lady of the United States so that her naked body would not be visible under the semi-transparent fabric.

We expected a little more from Brigitte Macron. But the first lady of France again chose a suit from Louis Vuitton. Apparently, she wanted to emphasize that the summit was still a business event.

The friend of the Belgian Prime Minister wore a dress in the now fashionable peach shade. The emphasis in the outfit is on the floral decoration on the left side and on the hem. Amelie chose a shade of lipstick to match her dress.

The wife of NATO Secretary General Ingrid Shulerud looks flawless in a classic little black dress. Since it's dinner, she draped a shawl over her shoulders, making the look more formal.

Emine Erdogan also changed her clothes for the evening, replacing the bright red cardigan with a black guipure cape. The wife of the Prime Minister of Slovenia, Moika Stropnik, chose a very beautiful raspberry shade of the dress. It has an interesting asymmetrical neckline.

The wife of the Swedish Prime Minister, Ulla Löfven, stands out from the rest. Her White dress with a floral print would be more suitable for a daytime outing.

The G20 summit in Argentina ignited passions even before it officially kicked off. Donald Trump's sudden decision to cancel a meeting with Vladimir Putin, Angela Merkel's plane malfunctioning, the controversial visit of the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia - the G20 certainly promises to be rich in news.

However, it is encouraging that at least the hosts of the summit - Argentine President Mauricio Macri and his wife Juliana Awada - remain calm and are determined to spend the coming two days as efficiently (and friendly) as possible.

Traditionally, the G20 summit is not only a meeting of heads of state, bilateral negotiations and a joint communiqué, but also a parade of diplomatic fashion performed by the first ladies. Which of the wives of presidents and prime ministers will be the most stylish?

This year, the First Lady of Argentina is taking over the leisure time of the spouses of presidents and prime ministers and, apparently, is determined to “rule the show.” Ms. Awada, frankly speaking, has never been an inconspicuous figure at such events, but this time she has every chance of becoming the main star of the G20, eclipsing Brigitte Macron and Melania Trump themselves.

Juliana Awada ─ First Lady of Argentina

The President and First Lady of Argentina before their visit to Casa Rosada by Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron, November 29, 2018

And in the evening of the same day after a meeting with Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie. “End of the day,” Julian captioned the photo on her Instagram.

The day before the start of the summit, the President and First Lady of Argentina managed to meet with several participants of the event, and, let’s face it, Juliana Awada looked impeccable every time, periodically interpreting the canons of the business dress code in her own way (the woman changed three looks in a few hours). So, for a visit to Casa Rosada by Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron, the wife of the President of Argentina chose a silk robe dress with a floral print, pairing it with open sandals to match (it’s funny how the first lady’s pedicure was in harmony with the color of the pattern on the dress). Of course, Brigitte also looked gorgeous in a white suit with military-style elements - and yet Juliana’s relaxed image invariably drew all the attention from the look of Madame Macron, already familiar to millions.

On the same day, by the way, Juliana attended another event - the Investment Forum, where, among other things, the topic of increased participation of women in global finance and economics was raised. Juliana is not only the country's first lady, but also an ex-entrepreneur for whom the issue of women's empowerment is very close to her heart. But what's interesting is that right hand From Mrs. Awada was Queen Maxima herself. The Netherlands is not participating in the G20 summit, but is invited as guests. Prime Minister Mark Rutte represents the country in Buenos Aires, but, apparently, Her Majesty, a native of Argentina and an economist by training, could not miss the events taking place in her homeland.

It was hardly possible to recognize the queen the first time without her signature wide-brimmed hats and bright monochrome looks. But Juliana Awada - in a red suit, with a jacket casually thrown over her shoulders and a “disheveled” ponytail - immediately stood out. Judging by the very warm relationship between Maxima and Juliana, it is unlikely that the First Lady of Argentina and the Queen of the Netherlands even thought about who looked like them. And yet, a certain fashion contrast has emerged - and clearly not in favor of Her Majesty.

That evening, the President and First Lady of Argentina had another important meeting - with their “colleagues” from Canada. Mauricio and Juliana met Justin and Sophie at the "presidential villa" of Quinta de Olivos. Both couples were dressed more for an evening cocktail than a political meeting, unexpectedly coordinating their outfits. The first ladies bet on the color black, although they played it in different ways. Sophie - due to a bright clutch with an ethnic print, and Juliana - due to the mini-length of the dress.

Let us note that G20 participants began arriving in Buenos Aires on Wednesday - in order not only to relax before a series of diplomatic events, but also to attend several meetings outside the summit. Thus, over the past two days, Ezeiza International Airport welcomed the “first planes” of France, China, Turkey, Canada, South Korea and the United States. Of the first ladies, the following have already arrived in Argentina: Brigitte Macron and Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau, Peng Liyuan, who showed herself brilliantly in Spain (about this: “The impeccable style of the First Lady of China in Spain”), Emine Erdogan, Melania Trump and many others.

Donald and Melania Trump (USA)

Moon Jae In and Kim Jongsuk ( South Korea) Recep and Emine Erdogan (Türkiye)

Justin Trudeau and Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau (Canada)

Xi Jinping and Peng Liyuan (PRC)

It is obvious that the first ladies from different countries flew to Argentina with a carefully thought-out wardrobe, and there is no doubt that all the ladies will look elegant, appropriate and stylish. But will they be able to outshine the hostess of the summit? After Juliana Awad's three magnificent appearances, watching the fashionable diplomatic parade in Argentina will be even more interesting.

Melania Trump, Queen Matilda and Ingrid Shulerud

The meeting of the first ladies of the G7 countries is being vigorously discussed online. However, it is not because of Melania Trump, as one might think: the cause of the fuss was 38-year-old Gautier Destenay, the husband of 44-year-old Prime Minister of Luxembourg Xavier Bettel. Gaultier became the first man to take part in the official meeting of the first ladies. However, this did not bother him at all: the husband of the Luxembourg politician gladly posed for invited photographers, smiling widely.

After the meeting in the royal palace, an official protocol photograph was taken with all participants. Gautier Destenay also took part in the photocall: he stood behind the wife of Turkish President Emine Erdogan and Melania Trump. In addition to them, in the photo you can see the First Lady of France Brigitte Macron, the companion of NATO Secretary General Ingrid Shulerud, the friend of the President of Bulgaria Desislava Radev, the beloved Prime Minister of Belgium Amelie Derbaudrengien, the common-law wife of the Prime Minister of Slovenia Moika Stropnik and the wife of the Prime Minister of Iceland Margret Baldvinsdottir.

First Ladies of NATO countries and Gauthier Destiny

Let us remind you that Gautier Destinay has been a Luxembourg politician of Xavier Bettel since May 2015. The Prime Minister became the third head of government in the world (after Bertrand Delanoë in Paris and Klaus Wowereit in Berlin) to enter into a same-sex marriage.

Today the G7 summit opens in Taormina, Sicily, where all heads of NATO countries will gather. US leader Donald Trump and his wife Melania are already in Italy.

Xavier Bettel and Gautier Destinay