Outline of a lesson on the surrounding world (middle group) on the topic: Summary of direct educational activities in the middle group on the topic: “Wild and domestic animals.” Summary of educational activities in the middle group. cognition. ftskm "traveling"

Place of work: MADOU "Kurmanaevsky kindergarten No. 1 "Teremok" of a general developmental type with priority implementation of artistic - aesthetic development" With. Kurmanaevka, Orenburg region

Target: systematize children's knowledge.

Program content:

Educational objectives:

To consolidate children's knowledge about migratory birds, the ability to count objects within 5; relate the number to the number of items; consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes ah, color; the ability to form words with a given sound.

Developing tasks:

Develop children's cognitive and play interest;

develop oral speech, balance, creative imagination, attention;

develop observation skills.

Educational tasks:

Foster a caring attitude towards nature;

educate children to behave correctly in the forest.

Working on a dictionary: enrich lexicon preschoolers with words: anthill,

ant, orderly, portrait.

Creating an environment for organizing and conducting GCD: projector, illustrations of migratory birds, an envelope with geometric shapes, a flag with a riddle, a slide with an anthill, numbers, pebbles cut out of colored cardboard, a bench, album sheets for each child, pencils, 2 Christmas trees, a door leading to a fairy tale, a cassette with bird voices, portraits of sad and cheerful Lesovik according to the number of children.

Preliminary work: Guessing riddles, learning poems: “forest rules”, “Hello forest”.

Techniques for guiding children’s activities:

1. Verbal: Artistic word, asking a riddle, conversation.

2. Practical: Children's creativity, imitation of movements (don't fall into the stream), play.

3. Visual: Demonstration of illustrations, posters, numbers, geometric shapes.

4. Game: Game situation.

Forms of organizing joint activities:

Children's activities

Forms and methods of organizing joint activities


Crossing the stream

Game situation




game "Each figure has its own home"

think of a word with the sound "M"


Playing to music


Drawing a portrait of Lesovik

Perception fiction and folklore

Reading poetry

Reading a riddle

GCD plan.

1. Introductory part (surprise moment “On a visit to Lesovik.”) 5 minutes.
2. Main part. 13 minutes.

Crossing the stream

Game "Each figure has its own home."

Guessing the riddle

Think of a word with the sound "M"

Drawing a portrait of Lesovik.

3. Final part. 2 minutes. Farewell to Lesovik; return to kindergarten; introspection.

GCD move

Children are sitting on the carpet.

Educator: Children, do you want to get into a fairy tale? (A recording of birdsong sounds.)
- Guys, whose voices are these? Where can they be heard? (In the woods)

Guys, it turns out that we have found ourselves in a forest clearing! Look how beautiful it is around!

Educator: Along the magical path

We can enter a fairy tale.

The music is about to start,

We will be able to get into a fairy tale.

(They go through the door leading to a fairy tale.)

Children: Hello, forest,

Dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles.

What are you making noise about?

On a dark, stormy night?

What do you whisper to us at dawn,

All in dew, like in silver?

Who is hiding in your wilderness,

What kind of animal? What bird?

Open everything, don’t hide it,

You see: we are our own.

(Lesovik enters)

Educator: Oh, who is this?

Lesovik: It’s me, the gray-haired old man,

I call myself Lesovik.

I keep order.

Educator: Forester, our children love nature, know how to care for plants and animals, and know forest rules. (The child reads the forest rules).

Lesovik: Okay, we’ve persuaded you, I’ll let you go. But with a condition: you will have to complete my tasks. Do you agree?

Well, then let's go for a walk in the forest. (They approach the Christmas tree, birds are sitting on the Christmas tree.) Well, here is the first task: What birds are sitting on the Christmas tree?

How can you call these birds in one word? (migratory) Why do you think they were called migratory birds? (Because they fly to warmer climes in the fall, and come back in the spring.)

How many birds are sitting on the top branch? Do the math Nina. Find and show

a figure that will correspond to this number of birds.

How many birds are sitting on the lower branch? Do the math Sasha. Find and show the number that corresponds to this number of birds.

How many birds are sitting on the middle branches?

Lesovik: Well done. We did a good job on the first task. Let's move on.

The children, together with the teacher and Lesovik, approach the river.

Educator: Guys, look, a river is blocking our way. How can we get to the other side of the river?

Lesovik: There are two ways to get to the other side of the river. 1. Method: You can walk over this bridge, or you can walk over these stones. Just be careful not to fall into the river. Guys, choose for yourself which way you will cross the river. I'll walk on the pebbles.

Educator: I’ll go across the bridge.

The children themselves choose which way they will cross the river. Some of the children follow Lesovik, and others follow the teacher.

Lesovik: Oh, I'm tired! He takes out a handkerchief and wipes his forehead. (At this time, an envelope falls from my pocket to the floor.) What kind of envelope fell out of me? Let's see! (Looks at the envelope, takes out geometric shapes from the envelope.) Guys, would you like to play interesting game? The game is called "Each figure has its own home." The figures are playing in the clearing to the music, when the music stops sounding, the figures occupy their home. Tanya, what a geometric figure you have. What color is it? (Ask 2-3 children.)

Summary of direct educational activities in middle group on the topic: “My body parts.”

Target: To form children's ideas about the human structure. Cultivate a desire to be healthy.

Tasks: Educational: develop children’s ideas about themselves and their bodies; activate dialogic speech; develop creative thinking, attention, imagination, fantasy, voluntary memory; develop the ability to correlate words with actions.

Educational: cultivate the habit of a healthy lifestyle; the ability to listen to each other and adults. Continue to cultivate friendly relationships between students; create a joyful mood.

Educational: learn to identify and correctly name parts of the body; Strengthen knowledge about the purpose individual parts bodies.

Material: a picture of a person and a part of the body, an audio recording of a song about a giraffe.

Preliminary work: looking at pictures that show human body, showing sense organs, talking about healthy way life; didactic game “Assemble a little man”.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: All the children gathered in a circle. I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's start our day with Have a good mood. What do you think a good mood means?

Children: This is when people smile.

Educator: That's right, let's smile at each other now. First we smile at the neighbor on the right, then at the neighbor on the left. So we shared our good mood with each other.

Educator: Let's say hello.

Hello, palms! (children clap their hands: clap-clap)

Hello boots! (stomp: stomp stomp)

Hello frogs! (croak qua-qua)

Hello, cuckoos! (cue: ku-ku)

Hello, ringing heel! (click their tongue: cluck – clink)

Hello, nimble breeze, (blow)

The train is long at the platform! (pull: toot-too-too)

Good afternoon wristwatch, (ticking: tick-tock)

Hello, radiant sun! (hands raised up)

Hello, kids, girls and boys! (hands forward).

Educator: And we will also play the game “We will not tell, but show”

I will tell you the parts of the body, and you will show them to me. During the game, I confuse the children by talking about one part of the body and pointing to another.

Physical education minute.

Song "The giraffe has spots, spots, spots everywhere."

Educator: As you already guessed, we will talk about a person. There are a lot of people on our Earth. People are similar, they can talk, think, walk. But all people are different. They differ in appearance, eye color, hair color, height, gait, voice, character.

Educator: Look carefully at each other and tell me how we are alike.

Children: We have arms, legs, heads, etc.

Educator: Well done! All people have arms, legs, a head, and a torso. Guess the riddle: They are not sown, they are not planted, they grow on their own.

Children: Hair.
Educator: Well done! There is hair on the head. The front part of a person’s head is the face; it has a mouth, ears, eyes, and nose. Why do we need them?

Children: eyes to see objects, people, distinguish colors, see the sun and stars, everything that surrounds us.

The nose is to smell, to breathe.

A mouth to eat, breathe, speak.

Ears to hear people speak, birds sing, music sounds.

Hands to work, sew, write, draw.

Legs to walk, stand, run, jump.

Teeth for chewing, biting.

Head to think and nod.

The torso connects all these parts together.

The teacher shows a picture of a person and body parts. Children look at the picture.

Educator: That's right, these are our assistants, since they help us learn everything about the world in which we live.

Educator: Let's play the game “Repeat the movements after me.”

Pull your ears; stroke your forehead; cover your eyes with your hands; stroke your cheeks with your hands; cover your nose with your hand;

Now I will confuse you, but you must show it correctly. Be careful.

Educator: All we touched now was our face, our head.

Educator: Guys, today we learned what parts of the body we have and what they are needed for.

Educator: Let's repeat once again, eyes help a person see objects around him, their color, size, shape. Thanks to hearing, we are able to distinguish sounds. A person uses his ears to hear the singing of birds and the voices of people, the babbling of a stream and the sound of the wind. Even the most small nose- a very important part of the body. We breathe through our nose. The nose also helps to sense and distinguish smells.

Educator: With the help of our fingers we can write, sew, draw, sculpt, and do many different things. With the help of our fingers we can feel heat and cold, feel whether an object is hard or soft, smooth or rough.

Educator: Guys, today you learned a lot of interesting things. Let's love our helpers and learn to protect them from dirt, illness and bruises. But you must not forget about the most important thing: a person must always be neat and clean. It is always a pleasure to communicate with such a person. And we’ll talk about how to protect them next time.

Educator: Shall we play with our fingers?

Educator: This finger wants to sleep,

This finger went to bed.

This little finger took a little nap.

This little finger is already asleep.

This one is fast, sound asleep.

Hush, hush, don't make noise!

The red sun will rise,

The red morning will come

The birds will chirp

Fingers will stand up.

Children alternately bend the fingers of the opposite hand with one hand and hold them in a fist. In response to the words “the fingers will rise,” the children raise their hand up and straighten their fingers.

Educator: And in conclusion, I invite you to listen to the poem:

We are given one head.

And two eyes and two ears,

And two temples, and two hands,

But there is one nose and mouth.

But if it were the other way around,

One leg, one arm,

But two mouths, two tongues

If only we knew

What they ate and chatted.

Elena Tsaplina
Summary of direct educational activities in the middle group on the topic “My village”

Summary of the educational field directly in the middle group on the topic: "My village»

Target: to form love for one’s family village and interest in its past and present;

Integration educational areas :

1. Social and communicative – expand children’s understanding of their native village, its attractions, to cultivate love for their native land.

2. Cognitive development- introduce children to the history of the name village, cultivate a sense of pride for their fellow countrymen;

3. Artistic and aesthetic - to cultivate love for home, family, kindergarten.

Preliminary work:

Conversations about village;

Excursions to the park, library, school.

Looking at photographs of views village;

Participation in festive events, dedicated to the Day district.

Materials and equipment: sheets of whatman paper with image of the sun, felt-tip pens, photographs with views village

Progress of the lesson:

Educator. Guys, let's stand in a circle, we form a round dance. Show your palms. Rub them together. What do you feel? (children's answer - Warmth)

This is the warmth of kind hands and good souls. We offer our warmth, our palms to friends and we talk:

The morning comes

The sun is rising.

We are going to,

Let's go on a good journey.

Let's look at each other

Let's talk about ourselves:

“Who's good?

Who is our handsome one?

Children take turns calling each other affectionate names.

Educator. I am very pleased that you are such affectionate, kind, smart guys. It is interesting to talk with such children. You probably guessed what we're going to talk about today?

(children’s answer is to talk about the Motherland, about mother, about the place where we live)

Educator. -In the world a lot of big and small cities, villages, villages, villages And we will talk about our village, about the most beloved, about the most beautiful, about Bezenchuk. I said correctly that ours the village is the most beautiful?

(children's answer - Handsome)

Educator. -Please tell me what you like about our village?

(children's answer - beautiful flower beds, playgrounds, a fountain in the central square, etc.)

Educator. - But it wasn’t always like this. You can imagine that once upon a time in this place where ours is now located village, There was nothing? children's answer

Educator. - Our the village was formed in 1866. At first it was called « Puteytsev village» because construction has started here railway, our village had the status of a village, but in 1950 an oil field was discovered here, the development of oil refineries began and fast growth village.

Everyone living in our village, considers it the most beautiful, the most comfortable and tries to do something useful, necessary, and leave behind a good memory. We have many people, our fellow countrymen, who do everything to the village became more beautiful, richer, we are proud of those grain growers, livestock breeders, teachers, doctors who teach and treat people. We are also proud of our athletes who participate in various competitions, poets who write such wonderful poems. These are all our fellow countrymen who live next to us, from whom we can take an example, from whom we can be proud. While you are still preschoolers, you still have to do great, good deeds. In the meantime, you need to love yours village, and to love means to know him.

Let's play a game: “What do you know about your village?”


1. What is the name of the street where you live? (Children's answers)

2. On what street is our kindergarten located? (Chapaeva st. 27 a)

3. What is located next to the kindergarten? (residential buildings)

4. What streets we know the village?

5. How should people and children treat their loved ones? village? (carefully, keep clean)

I see that you know yours well village. Guys, now I suggest you listen to the statements and determine whether they are true. If not, prove that it is not so.

Game “Is everything true, prove it.”

1. In our There are many kindergartens in the village, schools.

2. Our the village is located by the sea?

3. Do we have a monument on the square?

4. Our chapter village B. V. Putin. ?

Children answer

Fizminutka "Once we sit down"

Our rest is a physical education minute,

Take your seats:

Once - they sat down, twice - they stood up.

Everyone raised their hands up.

Sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up

It’s as if they became Vanka-vstanka.

And then they started galloping,

Like my elastic ball.

(children sit on chairs)

Educator. Do you like riddles?

(children's answer)

Educator. - There are different riddles - about animals, plants, natural phenomena. Now you will ask each other riddles about village.

Children take turns going to the table on which photographs with views are laid out. village, talk about one of them. The child who has guessed which photograph we are talking about comes to the table and shows it to all the children.

2. Hospital

3. Victory Park.

4. Chapel.

Educator. Well done! Today we talked about how our village what he is like now. With your answers you showed that you know and love your family village, respect history. As we wrap up our conversation, let's dream about what you want to do for village when you grow up. Our dream game will be called “Dreamers”, we can start it words: "When I grow up. ”

(Example - When I grow up, I will become an athlete and glorify my village)

Educator. - What wonderful dreams you have!

I think that each of you will definitely be able to fulfill your dream. In the meantime, you can do this on paper using felt-tip pens. Imagine being in the center village built a huge square of the Sun. Every ray of sunshine is your dream. I suggest you draw your dream at the ends of each ray.

On pre-prepared material from 4 sheets of whatman paper, a sun is drawn with rays emanating from it, at the end of which children draw their dream. Having finished drawing, the children walk around the table, looking at each other’s drawings and sharing their impressions.

Educator. I think that all of you, having matured, will be able to confess your love for our village. Some with poems, some with songs, and some with just good, kind deeds.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of direct educational activities for children of the middle group on the topic: “Professions” of State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 4 of Novokuibyshevsk.

Summary of direct educational activities in fine art in the middle group “Autumn Leaves” Goal: developing ideas about autumn. Objectives: to develop curiosity, creative imagination, coordination of movements with speech. learn.

Summary of direct educational activities on ecology in the middle group “Gifts of Autumn” Goal: to consolidate and organize the ideas about autumn accumulated by children. Clarify children's ideas about fruits and vegetables, names of trees.

Summary of direct educational activities on ecology in the second younger group on the theme: “Vegetables”, with elements of dramatization.

Goal: 1. Help children understand family relationships. 2. Develop ideas about family as people who live together and love.

Zhanna Panzina
Summary of organized educational activities in the middle group

“How we disenchanted the forest theater”.

Integration of areas: "Cognition", "Speech development", « Physical Culture» , "Music".

Target: To develop children's interest in theatrical performances activities through different types activities: formation of elementary mathematical concepts, game activity. The desire to participate in theatrical games, stimulating children's initiative and evoking a positive emotional mood that promotes creativity imagination.


Learn to understand pictograms.

Practice ordinal counting up to 6. Learn to distinguish questions: "How many?", “What’s the score?”

Strengthen the ability to navigate space: left, right, ahead, behind.

Strengthen the name and recognition of geometric figures: rectangle, triangle, square. circle.

Find means of expressing images in motion, facial expressions, gestures, intonation.

Involve children in theatrical performances activities.

Develop communication skills.

Cultivate a friendly attitude between children.

Planned results: have a dialogical form of speech, are able to formulate answers to the teacher’s questions, listen carefully and react emotionally, actively and friendly interact with the teacher and peers during outdoor games and physical education. Participate in a theatrical activities.

Vocabulary work: performance, pictogram, middle, right, left, ahead, behind.

Preliminary work: conversation about the theater, acting out skits, didactic games on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, learning physical education minutes.

Equipment: letter, parcel, bell, flannelgraph, pictograms, set of Christmas trees - 6 pieces, animals from the Teremok fairy tale - 6 pieces, "teremok" made from geometric shapes, performance caps "Teremok", Fairy costume, magic wand, screen, music recording "Visiting a fairy tale".

Organizing time: Children sit on chairs. There is a knock on the door. Squirrel comes running (child) brings parcel:

I am a squirrel, a cheerful animal,

Jump and jump through the trees.

I brought you a parcel,

Here, take the kids.

Educator: Thank you, squirrel. Guys, to our address groups The package and letter arrived. Let's see what is written in the letter and what lies in this wonderful box?

The teacher reads the letter children: “Save, help! An evil wizard has bewitched our theater! We are sending you tips that will help you disenchant the theater correctly and quickly. The sound of a bell will tell you that you are on the right path. Forest animals."

Educator: Let's think about why the letter came to us specifically group?


1 child:

Our group -"Kapitoshki",

We are no longer kids.

We love to have fun

And practice from the heart.

2 child: We are children who love to work, dance, and have fun!

3 child: We are friends with books and read a lot!

4 child: We are polite, we always respect our elders!

5 child: We don’t hurt younger kids or girls!

6 child: We always help mothers with everything!

7child: We are clean and tidy, always neat!

Educator: What great fellows you are! Let's open the package and see what kind of clues are in it?

The teacher takes out cards with little men in motion on them. (pictograms).

Educator: -What do you think this is? (children's answers)

Tell me, how are the little men similar? (children's answers)

How are they different? (children's answers)

Let's perform the movements shown in the pictogram.

Children perform movements, the bell rings.

Educator: And now let’s go to the flannelgraph. The teacher takes out another envelope from the parcel, let's see what's in there. (The envelope contains animal figures, geometric shapes, Christmas trees).

Exercise: Compose a picture following the description. Children complete the task independently.

Place a house of geometric shapes in the middle of the flannelgraph.

Behind the house there is a Christmas tree, to the left of the house there is a frog and a hare, to the right of the house there is a fox, a wolf and a bear, in front there is a mouse.

Educator: What fairy tale did we draw a picture for?

Children: "Teremok"

Educator: What geometric shapes did you use to build the house?

How many animals came to the house? (6) .

And now I will put all the animals in one row. How much does a mouse cost? Etc.

What animals are these, wild or domestic? Why?

The bell is ringing.

Educator: Well done, and you completed this task. Now close your eyes and rest a little. (Children sit down). And when you open them, you will see a miracle.

The teacher goes behind the screen and puts on a fairy costume.

Educator: You can open your eyes. I am a fairy. I have a magic wand. I’ll wave it now, and you will no longer be able to speak, but will only move. An exercise on facial expressions and gestures is performed.

As soon as we arrived in the forest, mosquitoes appeared (Children show how they drive away mosquitoes).

There are two girlfriends in the swamp, two green frogs.

In the morning we washed ourselves early and rubbed ourselves with a towel.

They spanked with their paws and clapped their paws.

Paws together, paws apart,

Paws straight, paws askew,

Paws here and paws there,

What a noise and what a commotion!

Educator: Well done guys, you have now very expressively shown mosquitoes and frogs using gestures and facial expressions.

The bell is ringing.

The teacher takes out the animal hats. Why do you think they are here?

Children: We can show the performance.

Educator: That's right, we completed the tasks of the forest animals and disenchanted the forest theater.

And now, the artists will go behind the screen, and the audience will take their seats.

Yes, just be quiet, kids, don't make noise,

Don't scare away our fairy tale.

There are miracles in it...

The fairy tale is hidden for now!

Music plays, children behind the screen put on animal hats and show a reenactment of the Russian folk tale "Teremok".

Publications on the topic:

Summary of organized educational activities on FEMP in the middle group “Counting within 5” Objectives: Practice counting within 5 Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, intelligence, and attention. Equipment and materials:.

Summary of organized educational activities in mathematics in the middle group “Journey to the North” Goals: to consolidate ordinal counting skills within 5; consolidate the ability to indicate in words the position of the animal.

Summary of organized educational activities in the middle group “Washing and ironing” MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 51" Cheboksary Abstract of organized educational activities in the educational field "Cognitive.

Summary of organized educational activities on speech development in the secondary group “Transport” Summary of organized educational activities on speech development in the secondary group “Transport” using information and communication.

Summary of organized educational activities “Street of my city” in the middle group SUMMARY OF ORGANIZED EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY “THE STREET OF MY CITY” using health-saving technologies. middle group.

Summary of direct educational activities in the middle group on the topic “Professions” (educational field “Communication”)

Teacher of the first qualification category

Popova Anna Fedorovna

Summary of direct educational activities (NOD)

in the middle group on the topic: “Professions”

(educational field “Communication”).

Target: Summarize knowledge on the topic “Professions”.



· Expand and enrich children’s ideas about professions, tools, labor actions (“Cognition”).

· Develop the ability to classify, compare, analyze (“Cognition”).

· Form an active vocabulary in accordance with the lexical topic “Professions” (“Communication”).

· Develop the ability to express your idea using drawings, consolidate the techniques of creating an image with pencils (“Artistic creativity”).

· Consolidate development work by strictly following the rules of the game; follow the instructions and instructions of the teacher in order to avoid injuries (“Socialization”, “Safety”).


· Develop the ability to construct complete answers, the ability to listen carefully (“Communication”).

· Develop memory, attention, logical thinking (“Cognition”).

· Develop initiative and the ability to act in a team (“Socialization”).


· Cultivate respect for people of different professions.

· Foster feelings of responsiveness and mutual assistance.

Integration of educational areas: “Communication”, “Cognition”, “Socialization”, “Reading fiction”, “Safety”, “Artistic creativity”, “Health”, “Music”.

Form of activity: joint activities of the teacher and children.

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, educational, productive.

Preliminary work:

Reading works of fiction.

Examination of illustrations and albums on the topic “Professions”

Making riddles.

Articulation and finger gymnastics (use of health-saving technologies), attention exercises.

Conversations about people of different professions; what do the parents do?

Role-playing games.

Didactic games “Who needs what?”, “What’s extra”, “Who should I be?”, cut lotto “Professions”, “Collect a picture”.

Planned results: children have basic ideas about people of different professions; use nouns in their speech that denote professions; verbs that characterize labor actions; can classify, compare, analyze; actively and kindly interact with the teacher and peers.

Materials and equipment: pictures depicting representatives of different professions; items they need in their work; ball, colored pencils, sheets of white paper with a picture of a car, multimedia equipment, attributes for the outdoor game “Driver”.

1. Organizational moment, names of professions.

What is a profession? (this is who the person works for)

In the fall, birds fly south, bears, insects go into hibernation for the winter, and people work. They go to work in the rain and cold. What professions of people do you know? (children call)

I show pictures depicting people of different professions, the children name them.

2.Reading poems about different professions

The janitor will get up at dawn,

Thinking about the kids.

The janitor will remove the garbage

And the sand will cover the ice.

Good chef in a cap

With a ladle in hand,

He's cooking for lunch

Porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette.

All diseases are treated by a doctor,

He will prick - don't cry.

Look around you more cheerfully

A pediatrician is a friend to the children!

He drives the car skillfully

After all, this is not the first year I’ve been driving!

The tight tires rustle slightly,

He takes us around the city.

Finger gymnastics “Cook”

3.Speech games:

“Name the words - actions”

I name a profession, and the children say words - actions that people of this profession perform

The doctor listens, writes a prescription, looks at the throat, measures the temperature, prescribes medications.

The seller weighs, shows, cuts, wraps, counts.

Cook - cuts, peels, cooks, fries, bakes, tastes, salts.

Hairdresser - combs, cuts, washes hair, does hairstyles, shaves beard and mustache.

Physical education lesson “Pilot”:

It’s good to be a driver (they run in circles, “steer”),

But it’s better to be a pilot (they run in a circle, arms to the sides).

I would become a pilot

Let them teach me.

I pour gasoline into the tank (they stop, “pour”),

I start the propeller (circular movements with my right hand),

“Take the engine to heaven (they run in a circle, arms to the sides),

So that the birds can sing."

"Who needs these items"

Scales, goods, counter (for the seller).

Scissors, fabric, sewing machine(for a dressmaker).

Ladle, saucepan, food (for the cook).

Tires, bus, steering wheel (for the driver).

Syringe, cotton wool, bandage (for the doctor).

Bricks, cement, trowel (for the builder).

Paint, brush, bucket (for the painter).

4. Exercise to develop logic.

“Who needs this item?”

(On the carpet there is a helmet, a rod, a sewing machine, a syringe, a hammer, a wrench, a colander, a comb, a newspaper, a molar brush, a notebook, and a plane).

Children move in a circle to the music, the music stops - the children take objects and say:

What is the name of this item?

What profession do people need it for?

What does a person in this profession do?

5. “What are the objects for?”

Children stand in a circle, throw the ball and name the object. The child who has the ball must quickly say what is being done with this object.

Knife - cutting

Sweep with a broom

Saw - sawing

With an ax they chop

Ladle - pour

Shovel - digging

Needle - sewing

Scissors - cutting

Thermometer - measure temperature

Comb - comb your hair

Brush - paint

Boil in a saucepan

In a frying pan - fried

On the scales - weighed

6. “What’s extra?”

Kettle, helmet, fire extinguisher, fire truck.

Shovel, rake, broom, steering wheel.

Thread, scissors, sewing machine, newspaper.

7. “Who needs what?”

I choose four children and give them pictures of a hairdresser, a doctor, a cook, a salesman. The rest of the children take a card with a picture of an object needed by one of the professions. Children run around the room to the music. As soon as the music stops, the children combine the pictures into pairs: a representative of the profession and an object needed by him.

8. “Find the mistake”

The doctor is making soup.

The cook drives the car.

The teacher cuts his hair.

The dressmaker heals people.

A policeman weighs food.

The hairdresser treats people.

Outdoor game: “Driver”(conducted by the head of physical education).

9. “Drawing a plot composition”

Road for a car. Children draw a plot composition (calm music sounds). Near the road they can draw trees, houses, grass with flowers, etc.

10. Reflection:

What did we talk about today?

What did you like about the lesson?

What did you have difficulty with?

The teacher praises the children.