Do nebulizer inhalations help with a runny nose? Is it worth doing inhalations for a runny nose in children and what recipes are effective? How to inhale with a nasal nebulizer

Runny nose again! Your nose is running, you can hardly distinguish smells, it’s hard to breathe, and your throat seems to be starting to hurt... Do you know this picture? If you are familiar, read on. And we’ll find out why inhalations help with a runny nose better than pills or injections. And why are they more useful than simply instilling them, using ointments and sprays? And now everything is in order.

Where does a runny nose come from?

First, let's look at this seemingly simple question: why does a runny nose start in the first place? Because I got an infection in my nose? But germs enter the nose all the time - in greater or lesser quantities. However, just yesterday we didn’t notice these microbes, but today we got sick.

The cold has nothing to do with it

Maybe a runny nose starts due to hypothermia? What about walruses then? After all, they don’t catch a cold at all, although they are constantly hypothermic. They certainly don’t need pills, injections, nasal drops, or inhalation solutions.

What's the matter? It turns out that it’s all about the condition of the nasal mucosa. Its functions include protecting our body from harmful substances, microorganisms, as well as from the low temperature of inhaled air.

Every second war against infection: who will win the battle?

If a person is absolutely healthy, the mucous membrane works flawlessly. And we don’t even think about the fact that with every breath, a small battle takes place in our nose between the occupying allied troops (cold, dust, germs) and the defenders of the immune system (mucosal cells).

When the defense is strong, a person does not face a cold, even if he is attacked by a terrible flu. And he is not interested in inhalations, and he is unlikely to read this article. Why, if everything is fine with your health? Just how much have you seen? healthy people? Unfortunately, today there are only a few of them.

And all because, literally from early childhood, our body, including our nose, is attacked by a huge number of allergens and oncogenes from the constantly polluted (by us!) environment.

From their destructive action, the thread-like outgrowths of the nasal mucosa - microhairs - get sick and die. It is these formations, amazing in their functions and unique in structure, that guard our health, warming the air coming from outside and not letting in harmful substances inside respiratory tract. As they say, they “take the fire.”

When microhairs fail, the mucous membrane ceases to cope with its tasks, changes and swells. The result is a runny nose, also known as rhinitis (rinos from Latin - nose).

>>Recommended: if you are interested effective methods getting rid of chronic runny nose, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis and persistent colds, then be sure to check out this site page after reading this article. Information based on personal experience author and has helped many people, we hope it will help you too. Now let's return to the article.<<

Now let's move on to the main thing. Why does an inhalation solution for a runny nose quickly relieve the condition, but treating rhinitis with tablets rarely gives a good result, and often even creates additional problems?

Because before reaching the site of inflammation, the medicine, when taken orally, enters the stomach and intestines, and only from there into the blood, with which it enters the nasal mucosa.

It goes without saying that along the way, a significant part of the active substances loses their effectiveness. And, in addition, the tablets have an adverse effect on the stomach and intestines, liver and kidneys, and other organs and systems.

As for drugs that enter the blood immediately, with the help of injections, then, of course, they are much more effective than tablets, and they act much faster. However, this method of drug administration:

  • traumatic for the patient;
  • often causes serious and dangerous allergic and other reactions;
  • rarely necessary: ​​in most cases, rhinitis does not require emergency treatment.

The most important: Only as a result of local treatment for a runny nose, the bacteria that are in the secreted mucus are destroyed, they feel great there and are not afraid of either pills or injections.

You will say: but there are other methods of local treatment of the nose. And ask: why are inhalations recommended to children and adults by all ENT doctors without exception as the most effective help?

We answer: because only inhalations provide a complete, long-lasting and at the same time mild effect of the medicinal base on the nasal mucosa - the site of rhinitis.

The real benefits and high effectiveness of inhalations for the treatment of nasal diseases, including in comparison with other local methods of treatment, are explained quite simply...

Why not drops?

Let's say you use drops to treat rhinitis. But when instilled, they quickly leave the nasal cavity, flowing inside, where they are destroyed under the action of saliva (in the best case, and in the worst, they enter the stomach and are absorbed into the blood).

This method of local treatment of rhinitis, compared to inhalations, has another significant drawback: the medicinal solution does not penetrate everywhere. Therefore, it is not possible to completely get rid of the infection.

Why not ointments?

Now let’s say that you are too lazy to inhale with an inhaler for a runny nose, and you chose an ointment. Well, that's your right.

The ointment stays in the nose for a long time and does not dry out the nasal mucosa (unlike most solutions). And a good ointment is really quite effective. But she cannot penetrate deeply. This means: if a runny nose is complicated by severe swelling of the mucous membrane, or even sinusitis, then the ointment will be of little use.

Why not sprays?

In general, in terms of its principle of action, the spray is most similar to the solution from an inhaler. Modern dispenser packages with nasal sprays ensure a uniform flow of medication microparticles into the nose. Almost the same as inhalers do.

But unlike the solution for inhalation, which constantly enters the nasal cavity for several minutes, the effect of the spray on a runny nose is short-term.

How do inhalation medications work?

Only medicinal substances received during inhalation:

  • reach the most remote corners of the nasal cavity;
  • have a long-lasting and gentle effect;
  • in the absence of individual intolerance, they practically do not cause side effects and allergies;
  • penetrate not only the nose, but also the upper respiratory tract, eliminating both runny nose and cough.

Everything about inhalations: from ancient recipes to modern Nebulizers

As we have already said, inhalations in children and adults for rhinitis have been used since the dawn of humanity. Many recipes have survived to this day. And they work very successfully.

So, what to do with inhalations if you want to be treated with folk remedies?

Inhalations with sea water. Why does this help and how can it be replaced?

Sea water contains many healthy substances. Its unique composition successfully fights infection, allows you to quickly restore the functionality of the nasal mucosa and increase its resistance to disease. Do you want to never get rhinitis? Every year, go to the sea and breathe the sea air for a long time, sitting on the shore during a storm. The result is guaranteed.

And if this is not possible, do not despair. After all, there is always sea salt on sale - it can be dissolved in boiled water in a ratio of approximately 1 gram per 100 ml (half a glass) of water - and sea water is ready. But this is not at all necessary.

Nebulizer inhalations are a new word in the treatment of rhinitis. Is there an alternative?

How to inhale for a runny nose? This question applies not only to the solution, but also to the device itself - the inhaler.

It would seem that the answer is obvious: use an inhaler - what else?!

It turns out that not everything is so simple here either. Inhaler is different from inhaler. There is a huge number of different devices, each of which is presented by its manufacturer as the most perfect.

How to choose an inhaler and not make a mistake? Should we focus only on the budget or spare no money on newfangled devices? The opinions of specialists and inhaler owners differ on this issue, but there are two devices that can be recommended to absolutely everyone.

The first of them is a simple and cheap glass inhaler of a bizarre shape, developed by the German scientist Machold in the middle of the last century.

How does this device work? Very simple and very smart.

Due to the numerous bends and expansions of the glass flask, when inhaling, particles of the solution pass into the inhaled air and are evenly distributed in the nasal cavity.

In addition, the shape of the inhaler provides a gentle massage of the upper respiratory tract due to the vibration of the liquid as air passes through it. Therefore, Machold inhalers help to cure not only rhinitis, but also cough with pharyngitis, laryngotracheitis and even bronchitis.

The inhaler is universal: you can add any solutions and medications to it.

Recently, this extremely popular and very cheap inhaler has acquired a “formidable rival” called the Nebulizer. Why is it called that? Because the Latin word “nebula” means “fog”. Namely, inhalation preparations are closest in consistency to fog if they are used to treat rhinitis using a Nebulizer.

The inventors of this ultrasonic device are confident: the effectiveness of Nebulizer inhalations for diseases of the ENT organs is several times higher than the effectiveness of other types of inhalers.

And they have every reason for this statement: Nebulizer inhalations ensure the penetration of drug particles of only a certain size (from 2 to 5 microns) into the deep parts of the upper respiratory tract (from 2 to 5 microns), which tens of times increases the benefit of the procedure for a runny nose and more.

And all because when inhaled with a conventional inhaler, both very large (10 microns) and very small (1 microns or less) particles of the substance enter the nasal cavity and upper respiratory tract. The first ones do not penetrate deeply, settling immediately in the nasal cavity. And too small particles do not settle on the mucous membrane at all, but are exhaled back.

Another tangible benefit of the Nebulizer is the vibrational effect of ultrasound, which leads to liquefaction and easy removal of sputum and purulent mucus.

However, from all of the above it is clear that inhalation with a Nebulizer for rhinitis is not as necessary as for bronchitis or sinusitis: after all, with a mild cold, it is not at all necessary that the solution particles penetrate very deeply. Therefore, to treat it, it is quite possible to use a simpler device.

We recommend that you read...“Inhalers for children. Which one to choose and how to use it correctly? " is a very educational and informative article about nebulizers.

What's the result?

As a result, we strengthen our immune system, strengthen ourselves and give up smoking. We also avoid treating a runny nose with drugs that injure and change the nasal mucosa.

And we make sure to include an inhaler in our home first aid kit, just in case.

Three other useful articles

Children's problems with a runny nose and stuffy nose are familiar to all parents. They become especially relevant with the onset of cold weather. You can eliminate the “leaks” with medicinal drops. But is it worth accustoming the body to chemicals from an early age and spending money in search of a suitable medicine? Most likely, every mother will want to relieve her child of nasal congestion and congestion effectively, quickly and inexpensively. Inhalations will help in this matter.

When comparing home physiotherapy with medications, a number of positive aspects of the 1st option are revealed:

  1. atraumaticity of the nasal mucosa, which occurs when the cavity is irrigated with sprays (children under 1 year of age usually resist the instillation procedure);
  2. possibility of inhalation for infants;
  3. affecting the medicinal vapors of the nasal mucosa, adjacent sinuses, larynx, lungs;
  4. By making inhalations for a child with a runny nose, mothers achieve a lasting effect in eliminating congestion and mucus discharge.

How to do inhalation correctly?

For maximum benefit from the procedure, inhalation for a runny nose must be done according to certain rules. First, the mother must inhale the vapor herself - this is necessary to prevent burns to the child’s nasal mucosa. The healing liquid must be heated, but the temperature should be 37°C. Infants are allowed to breathe steam for 5 minutes; at 2–3 years old, children are given a session for no more than 10 minutes.

In relation to food intake, the procedure should be performed either an hour before a meal, or an hour and a half after it. The baby is not allowed outside for at least 3 hours. It is especially worth avoiding walking after inhalation in cold weather.

Steam physiotherapy can be performed on infants with extreme caution. Its feasibility must be discussed with a doctor. It will be difficult and dangerous to sit a baby under 1 year of age over a saucepan or kettle, so parents will need a special inhaler with a nozzle or mask that is placed on the children’s face when they have a runny nose.

Grandmother's steam inhalations

Small children can be seated over steam inhalations from the age of 2 years. You can already explain to a child of this age that you need to inhale steam through your nose. The procedure is simple: add a medicinal substance to boiled water and cool the solution to a pleasantly warm temperature. The baby is comfortably seated over the container, asked to bend over and a warm towel is thrown over his head, reminding him to breathe through his nose. The baby should hold out in this position for several minutes.

Another method of performing children's inhalations is based on the use of a metal kettle. The dishes are filled with water at a temperature of 40 degrees and a cone made of thick paper is attached to the spout. The wide part should protrude outward - through it the patient will breathe warm vapors.

Recipes for simple inhalations are not limited to warm water or a decoction of potato peelings. To warm up the nasopharynx, inhalations are done with saline solution. It can be either an independent component or a basic one, to which various medicinal components will be added.

To speed up the outflow of mucus, doctors suggest using essential oils. The best products for a runny nose are esters of menthol, eucalyptus, and juniper. Sea buckthorn ether is included in inhalation recipes as follows:

  • 15 drops of oil are stirred in a glass of saline solution;
  • the mass is heated to 70 degrees;
  • the composition is cooled to 40°C and the child is seated over it for the required time.

If you are not allergic to esters, you can alternate oils. If mother decides to take oily Kalanchoe instead of sea buckthorn product, she should only heat it to 50°C.

When treating a runny nose with inhalations, it is allowed to include medicinal plants and propolis in the procedure. Infusions and decoctions are prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. phyto raw materials per 200 ml of water. Bring the mixture to a boil, remove from heat and leave for about 2 hours. The problem of runny nose in children is effectively solved by:

  1. pine buds;
  2. herb oregano and St. John's wort;
  3. sage, chamomile, calendula flowers;
  4. raspberry, coltsfoot, blackberry leaves.

The infusion is poured into water for inhalation and the baby is treated. All variants of procedures are recommended to be carried out 5 - 6 r. per day.

Nebulizer in the treatment of runny nose

A nebulizer is designed to quickly and without hassle clean the nasal passages and relieve swelling from the mucous membrane. Doctors allow this device for home physiotherapy to be used even for treating a newborn child. The principle of operation of the device is to spray tiny particles of drugs, which subsequently settle in the respiratory tract. But manufacturers warn: you should not inhale essential oils through a nebulizer, since their dispersed particles can clog the lumens in the bronchi and cause inflammation.

What is it permissible to use with a nebulizer against a runny nose? Typically, pediatricians and otolaryngologists suggest using the following solutions:

  • glucocorticosteroids – Hydrocortisone;
  • alkaline - sodium bicarbonate or sodium chloride;
  • antibacterial - Malavit, Dioxidin, Furacilin;
  • mucolytic – Lazolvan, Acetylcysteine, Mucomist;
  • with bronchodilators - Berotec, Salbutamol, Berodual, Atrovent.

Nebulizer - modern inhalation

If the runny nose has become protracted, inhalations with interferon will help your baby get rid of it. Recipes require combining 1 ampoule of the medicine with saline solution (3 ml). The composition is placed in the tank of the device and a mask is put on the baby. The manipulation is performed twice a day.

Children under 1 year of age are allowed to use Tonzilong for inhalation with a nebulizer. For children under 7 years of age, the drug is diluted with saline at a rate of 1:2. For infants, the drug is prepared in a ratio of 1:3. For one session, it is recommended to use 4 ml of the product. Inhalation is done twice a day.

Recipes for inhalation with Chlorophyllipt require dilution of the drug in a ratio of 1: 10. For each procedure performed with a nebulizer, 3 ml of the mixture is required. Such inhalations are given to children no more than 3 times a day. per day.

To eliminate acute inflammation of the nose and nasopharyngeal cavities, the nebulizer is filled with calendula tincture. The drug is diluted with saline, maintaining a ratio of 1: 40. At each session, the baby must inhale the vapors coming from 4 ml of the drug. The daily number of inhalations with calendula is 3 per day.

For variety, inhalation with a nebulizer is done with an alcohol tincture of propolis. The pharmaceutical product and saline solution are combined 1:20.

If the baby is prone to allergic reactions, Komarovsky does not recommend such treatment for a runny nose.

Inhalations for a runny nose in children can effectively moisturize the nasal mucosa, thin out accumulated and thickened mucus, and remove excess snot from the nose. With these procedures it is almost impossible to influence the causes of the disease, especially with bacterial or allergic rhinitis. The overall effectiveness of the procedures is low - due to the lack of therapeutic effect, they can only slightly improve the child’s condition and shorten the recovery time. A runny nose usually lasts 4-5 days; a decrease in duration may not be noticed.

In general, inhalations are just a way to well and completely moisturize the dry nasal mucosa of a child; for other purposes - fighting a bacterial or viral infection, eliminating allergy symptoms, they are not suitable, and it is better to use other means instead. When conducting them, you must adhere to the following rules:

If a child has snot and a stuffy nose, then most likely he does not need an inhaler for treatment.

We will explain all these rules in detail below. Now let’s look at what kind of inhalations should be carried out for a runny nose.

The procedure for inhalation for a runny nose in children

To treat a runny nose, it makes sense for children to inhale only with a simple saline solution. It is either bought at a pharmacy or prepared at home - a teaspoon of salt is poured into a liter of boiled water and mixed thoroughly.

10-20 ml of saline solution is poured into a steam inhaler, the device is plugged in, and as soon as steam begins to be released, the child can begin to breathe it.

If the device is equipped with a face mask, it must be placed so high that the child can breathe normally through his nose. During the procedure, the child's mouth must be closed.

Children's steam inhaler with face mask

A child can fit their entire head into a facial sauna. It is safe because the steam there has a temperature of 43°C.

If the procedures are carried out using a saucepan, the child should tilt his head over it at such a height that the steam does not burn and it is comfortable to breathe. It is advisable to cover the child's head with a towel.

On a note

When carrying out inhalations over the pan, there must be an adult next to the child. The biggest danger of such procedures is burns from boiling water when accidentally turning the pan over. The adult’s task is to ensure that the child does not accidentally spill boiling water on himself, does not play or bend too low over the solution.

Burns from an overturned pot of boiling water

The average duration of inhalation is 3-4 minutes. This time is usually enough to treat the nasal mucosa. Two, maximum three procedures should be performed per day.

Now let's answer the questions.

Why should only saline solution be used as an inhalation solution for nasal congestion and sneezing, despite the large number of other means?

A large number of medicines are produced specifically for compressor and ultrasonic inhalers. These devices are effective for laryngitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia, but they will be of no use if you have a runny nose. When using a compressor device, any product will fly with steam through the nose and settle in the throat or bronchi. It will not have any effect on a runny nose.

Compressor inhaler for the treatment of throat and lung diseases

If you try to use the same products in a steam inhaler, then they either will not evaporate with water and will remain in the pan, or will lose all their properties due to heating.

Let's put it simply: any remedy can be used for inhalation in children with a runny nose, but it will not have any effect. Only water will get into your nose.

The only exceptions to this rule are:

Chamomile decoction is a popular folk remedy for the common cold. In fact, its effectiveness turns out to be very low.

Remember: the only ones useful for children are only with saline solution, without any additives. This is just a way to moisturize the nasal mucosa and nothing more. You should not try to add more components to the solution - this will not give any effect.

Choosing an inhaler to treat a runny nose in a child

When you have a runny nose, it makes sense to use only a steam inhaler. Using this device, heated water vapor is produced, which mixes with air, cools and forms an aerosol with particles of sufficiently large size that will settle immediately after entering the respiratory tract, on the nasal mucosa.

Compressor and ultrasonic nebulizers create aerosols with particles that are too small in diameter. As a result, all such aerosol passes through the nose and settles in the throat or deeper. There is no therapeutic effect on the nasal mucosa.

The nebulizer produces a fine aerosol that does not settle in the nose.

Thai pencil inhalers and special patches are completely useless against a runny nose. These are placebos in which essential oils are used, and the patient thinks that if he breathes a good smell, it will certainly help. Experiments show that such drugs do not have any pronounced therapeutic effect.

Useful video: how to choose the right inhaler?

When children have a runny nose, you can perform steam inhalations using a simple saucepan. This is especially true for home conditions and for those parents who cannot afford to buy an expensive device. However, procedures over a pan are very dangerous for two reasons:

  1. The steam above the pan is very hot, and the child can simply burn his respiratory tract;
  2. There is a high risk of turning a pan of boiling water on itself.

Because of these shortcomings, “pan” therapy is categorically not recommended. If there are clear indications (and this happens in very rare cases), it is better to use an inhaler. The steam in it has a temperature of 43°C and the risk of a child getting burned is minimal.

At home, it is most convenient for children to carry out treatment using steam inhalers with a face mask. Such devices are compact and easy to use.

Inhalers with a facial sauna are quite bulky and are rarely stored in apartments. They are often used in beauty salons, and at home they are usually used by those who can bring such a device from work.

Details about steam inhalations for children

How to perform inhalations for infants

Inhalations for infants with a runny nose are strictly prohibited! Firstly, children in the first year of life have very narrow nasal passages. This is normal, and they will expand as the year approaches. But due to this structure of the nasopharynx, the child:

  1. He often sniffles and sleeps with his mouth open, and worried parents begin to think that he has a runny nose and definitely needs to be treated;
  2. After inhalations you will feel much worse. The mucus in his nose will swell and close the already narrow passages. This can lead to ear congestion and inflammation, and then to chronic otitis media and even deafness.

Otitis media in a child may be a consequence of inhalation.

Let’s not talk about the fact that, purely organizationally, it is impossible to do inhalation for an infant with a runny nose - he will not sit over the device or breathe in a face mask. We just hope that parents will not think of treating children under 1 year of age with this method. Not a single doctor would recommend this to an infant, and to treat a runny nose, he would prescribe completely different remedies and procedures. In addition, let us once again note the particular danger of pots with boiling water.

Treatment of cough and runny nose at the same time

Each inhaler (including the pan) produces an aerosol with particles of a certain diameter. The parameter that determines the particle size is called dispersion.

For a runny nose, an aerosol with a dispersion of 8-10 microns is needed. It is these particles that settle on the nasal mucosa.

When coughing, an aerosol with a dispersion of 2-5 microns is required. Such particles settle in the throat, bronchi and lungs.

Thus, bronchitis or laryngitis is treated. But not a runny nose.

There is no inhaler that produces both 3 and 10 µm particles at the same time. Consequently, each specific procedure will be effective either for a runny nose or for a cough.

There are compressor inhalers that allow you to vary the size of aerosol particles. This change occurs within 1-7 microns, that is, such devices allow you to treat different parts of the throat and bronchi, but they will not help against a runny nose. But when coughing, such devices are effective; they can also use a huge number of different products.

Consequently, inhalations that are effective for a runny nose are useless for a cough. Conversely, procedures that are given to children for coughing do not help with nasal congestion and sneezing.

Steam inhaler with facial sauna.

At the same time, inhalation for a runny nose and cough in children is physically impossible. In this situation, cough and runny nose should be treated separately.

Inhalations are prescribed to children by a doctor after a thorough examination.

Contraindications for inhalation therapy for children

The only indication for inhalation is the complete drying of mucus in the nose. It is extremely rare. In most cases, these procedures will be useless, harmful and dangerous. They will not help in any way against an allergic rhinitis, nor will they help against a viral one. But sometimes they can cause serious harm. For example:

Now look at your child: if he is not yet 8 years old, or his snot is running, or his snot is green, or his ear is blocked, inhalations are contraindicated for him. But the main thing is to think about whether it’s worth doing this at all, if this procedure will not give any effect other than moisturizing the nose? Most likely, it’s enough to just wait a couple of days until the runny nose goes away on its own.

So take care of your baby and don’t do stupid things just because others are doing them!

Details about the rules for inhalation in children

Nebulizer for runny nose and cough. How to be treated with a nebulizer? Please note that some of the recommendations in this article are outdated. The site contains up-to-date recommendations regarding.

  • It is necessary to select the correct size of sprayed particles to treat each disease. To treat a runny nose, you need a nebulizer that sprays particles 10 microns in size and larger or a special design. To treat pharyngitis, particles with a size of 5-10 microns are needed, for laryngitis and tracheitis - about 5 microns, for bronchitis and bronchial asthma - 2-5 microns, for the treatment of pneumonia -0.5-2 microns. (See article)
  • Inhalations are recommended to be carried out at least 1 hour before meals or 1 hour after.
  • If pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis and below are being treated, it is recommended to breathe through the mouth. If the child can breathe through a mouthpiece, it is better to use it rather than a mask to better deliver the medication into the respiratory tract. It is recommended to breathe through your nose only to treat a runny nose.
  • You should use only those medications that are permitted by the instructions for your nebulizer model. It is recommended to use standard pharmaceutical saline solution as a solvent.
  • Inhalations with heated steam (some nebulizers have this function) cannot be performed during the first 3 days of illness. And also at elevated body temperature (above 37.2 ° C). You need to wait until the temperature drops (stably stays below 37.2°C for at least 2 days). Otherwise, inhalation may cause a rise in temperature and worsening of the disease. But during the period of resolution of the disease, inhalation of heated steam improves blood circulation in the mucous membrane. They relieve spasm and swelling better and promote better sputum discharge.
  • Inhalations with steam at room temperature (most nebulizers produce such steam) can be carried out from the first days of illness, but only as prescribed by a doctor. Many medications cannot be used in the first days. This may make the condition worse. Others, on the contrary, are used only in the first days and then become useless. Self-administration of fine aerosols (with particles less than 5 microns) from the first days of illness is especially dangerous.

Medicines and nebulizers

You need to carefully study the instructions for your nebulizer and find out what medications it allows you to use. Most nebulizers only work with industrially manufactured, standard solutions. And it does not allow the use of self-prepared herbal decoctions, oil solutions, plant juices, etc. These liquids can be harmful to health if they enter deep into the lungs and can also damage the device.

Treatment of ARVI

To fight viruses


A substance that activates the production of antiviral protein by cells. Effective only for acute viral infections.

  • Interferon is not absorbed from the surface of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and acts only locally (at its location). Consequently, interferon can be used in the form of drops or inhalations only in the first three days of illness. Or for prevention (in case of contact with a sick person) while the virus is still on the mucous membrane and has not penetrated the blood.
  • Interferon is destroyed when heated above 37°C, so it can only be used without using the heating function.
  • The entry points for infection are the nasal passages, nasopharynx and oropharynx. Therefore, interferon is most often prescribed in the form of drops or a nasal spray. Its use in the form of inhalation will be even more effective if you use a device that sprays particles 5 microns in size or more. Nebulizers with particle sizes greater than 10 microns are very suitable. Interferon must be breathed through the nose. During inhalation, the drug will be evenly distributed throughout the mucous membrane and the effect will be much greater than when used in drops or sprays. But inhalations with interferon through a nebulizer with a spray particle size of less than 5 microns will be completely useless, because the medicine will settle in the lower respiratory tract, leaving the “gate” for viruses open.
  • It is diluted as standard: 1 ampoule of the drug per 2-3 ml of distilled water - the volume of the drug for 1 inhalation. Inhalations can be carried out 2-4 times a day.

The most popular, harmless and universal solutions for inhalation

Soda solution or sodium bicarbonate

  • It thins mucus, reduces its secretion, promotes the removal of mucus and phlegm, creates an alkaline environment at the site of inflammation and reduces swelling. It is used for diseases of any part of the respiratory tract.
  • From the first days of illness, it is most often prescribed to children prone to laryngitis, laryngotracheitis, often complicated by stenosis. The recommended particle size for such patients is 5-10 microns.
  • A 2% soda solution of 2-3 ml is used for inhalation.
  • Some inhalers allow the use of alkaline mineral water (from a pharmacy) Esentuki 4; before use, the mineral water is opened and left to allow gas to escape.
  • Alkaline inhalations can be used repeatedly (every 2-3 hours).

Sodium chloride

  • 0.9% (saline solution) is used to moisturize mucous membranes, soften, and relieve irritation.
  • 2% hypertonic solution - thins mucus, promotes its better separation, relieves swelling.
  • Sodium chloride at room temperature can be used for diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract from the first days of illness. But it is necessary to select the correct size of the sprayed particles.
  • Can be used repeatedly every 2-3 hours.

Inhalation through a nebulizer for a runny nose and cough

For a runny nose (rhinitis and sinusitis), inhalations are performed with a suspended particle size of 10 microns or more. Or in special models of nebulizers for the treatment of sinusitis.

  • Vasoconstrictor drugs: naphthyzine, xylometazoline relieve swelling from the mucous membrane of the nose and sinuses, temporarily facilitating nasal breathing. Most effective in the first days for nasal congestion. Most often, they are used in the form of drops or a spray for a runny nose. In children under 1 year of age, they are not used as inhalations. The concentration of drugs is no more than 0.01% for children from 1 to 2 years old, 0.025% for children up to 7 years old, 0.05% for children up to 12 years old. 4-5 drops of the drug of the required concentration are diluted in 2-3 ml of saline solution. Inhalations can be repeated 2 times a day. The maximum duration of treatment is 5-7 days.
  • Isofra is an antibiotic that is most often used in the form of a spray, not from the first days of illness, but in the case of prolonged rhinitis or rhinosinusitis (when a secondary infection is attached). In inhalation through a nebulizer, the drug will be even more effective if the conditions stated above are followed. Can be used in children from birth. For one inhalation, 1 spray of spray is used in a container with 2-3 ml of saline solution. Inhalations are carried out 2-3 times a day, the maximum duration of treatment is 7 days.
  • Polydexa - combines several drugs: a vasoconstrictor, a hormonal drug (dexamethasone) and 2 antibiotics. Allowed for children from 2.5 years old. The dosage and recommendations are the same as for isofra.
  • Bioparox is a local antibiotic. Used in children from 2.5 years of age. The dose and recommendations are the same. Maximum course of treatment 7 days
  • Rinofluimucil is a combined drug: a vasoconstrictor that thins mucus and promotes its removal and restores the mucous membrane. It is used for prolonged rhinitis and rhinosinusitis (not from the first days of illness). It is widely used in children from 3 years of age, and very rarely before 3 years of age. Most often used in the form of a spray. Dosage and recommendations for inhalations, as for isofra.

Inhalations for cough Nebulizer for runny nose and cough

Acute laryngotracheitis with laryngeal stenosis and acute attack of bronchial obstruction first aid

  • All drugs can be used from the moment the first symptoms of stenosis or obstruction appear
  • The aerosol particle size should be about 5 microns for laryngitis and 2-5 microns for bronchitis.
  • You can start inhalations with soda or sodium chloride on your own.
  • Other medications can only be used as prescribed by a doctor, because there is a danger of side effects and overdose.


Naphthyzin is used in inhalation through a nebulizer for laryngeal stenosis only in Russia. Such treatment is carried out only in a hospital under the supervision of doctors, because in this case, naphthyzine is used in a larger dose than for the treatment of a runny nose, so overdose symptoms very often occur. It is not used for bronchitis and asthma in children.


Berodual is not a hormonal drug. It is most often prescribed to children by pediatricians to relieve lagingospasm and bronchial obstruction at home and in the hospital. But the drug has side effects: rapid heartbeat, tremors (shaking hands), increased blood pressure, etc. Therefore, the dose for each child is selected individually by the doctor (up to 6 years, no more than 10 drops per dose, no more than 30 drops per day, 6 -12 years 10-20 drops and 30-60 drops, respectively, treatment begins with small doses, in severe cases the dose can be increased). The required dose of Berodual is diluted in the volume of saline solution required for one inhalation.

Hormonal drugs

  • Pulmicort is a hormonal drug used to relieve laryngeal stenosis or an attack of bronchial obstruction. Used in children from 6 months at an initial dose of 0.25-05 mg per day. The required dose of the medicine is diluted in 2-4 ml of saline solution. Inhalations are carried out 2 times a day.
  • Inhalation with hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, prednisolone through a nebulizer is possible. But these drugs penetrate the bloodstream and have a systemic effect on the body. Previously they were used often, now they are rarely used, because... Special hormonal inhaled drugs have appeared (for example, Pulmicort), which act locally on the respiratory tract and do not have a systemic effect on the body.

We will not consider drugs prescribed for the treatment of bronchial asthma and cystic fibrosis in this article.

Expectorants Nebulizer for runny nose and cough

  • Lazolvan (ambroxol) is prescribed to children in the presence of viscous, difficult to separate sputum due to pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tracheitis and laryngotracheitis in the presence of an unproductive cough with difficult to separate sputum. There are special solutions of lazolvan and ambroxol for oral administration and inhalation. Allowed for children from birth. Dosage for children under 2 years old: 1 ml + volume of saline solution - 2 times a day, required for one inhalation; from 2 to 6 years old: 1 ml - 3 times a day; over 6 years: 2 ml 2-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 5-10 days.
  • ACC, acetylcysteine, fluimucil - means for thinning sputum and facilitating its secretion - all of these drugs have acetylcysteine ​​as the active ingredient. It is used in children from 2 years of age in the same cases as ambroxol. It is not recommended to use simultaneously with certain antibiotics (ampicillins, tetracyclines, amphotericin), because these drugs reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics. A 10% solution for inhalation is prescribed, 2-3 ml per 1 inhalation, 2 times a day, the course of treatment is 5-10 days.

For dry cough Nebulizer for runny nose and cough

  • In the first hours and days, soda solution and sodium chloride solution help well; frequent repeated use of inhalations every 2-3 hours during the day is recommended.
  • Berodual and Pulmicort can be used if there are signs of bronchial obstruction.
  • For dry, persistent cough, including whooping cough, in children over 2 years of age, a 2% lidocaine solution is used. Up to 6 years, 0.5 ml per 2-3 ml of saline solution per 1 inhalation, 6-12 years, 1 ml + 2 ml of saline solution, over 12 years, 2 ml of lidocaine per inhalation. Inhalations are carried out 1-2 times a day - to relieve an attack of dry cough. Use only as directed and under the supervision of a doctor (in a hospital).

Antibiotics Nebulizer for runny nose and cough

Bioparox is a local anibiotic and is not absorbed from mucous membranes. Can be used only as prescribed by a doctor in children over 2.5 years old and with pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, in case of secondary infection. The size of suspended particles is 5 microns and larger. Solution for inhalation: 1 injection of bioparox aerosol into a container with the volume of saline solution for 1 inhalation. 2-4 inhalations per day for 5-7 days.

Fluimucil-antibiotic is a combination of an antibiotic and acetylcysteine ​​- a combination drug. Used in children from 2 years of age. 125 mg of the drug is dissolved in 2-3 ml of saline solution. Inhalations are carried out 1-2 times a day for 5-7 days.

When using a nebulizer correctly, the results from its use are very good, often much more noticeable than from conventional steam inhalations, as well as from tablets and mixtures taken orally. Therefore, it is useful to have a nebulizer in every home where there is a child.

The sources of information are the same as in the previous article. Nebulizer for runny nose and cough

A runny nose is one of the most unpleasant symptoms of various diseases. As a rule, these are either colds or viral diseases. It is especially unpleasant when it appears in children.

There are several ways to get rid of a runny nose. However, the safest is inhalation. This procedure involves inhaling steam mixed with various medicinal herbs or special medicinal substances, and in some cases this is simply necessary and advisable. You should not refuse inhalation for a runny nose for children, as this will stop the inflammatory process that occurs in the nasal cavity, as well as speed up the recovery process.

Is it possible to do inhalations with a runny nose?

During illness, a person simply puts drops into his nose, which solves the problem almost instantly. But these drugs are not recommended for use in treating children with a runny nose, since they bring relative health benefits. Before you begin treatment with inhalation, you need to realize that one procedure will not be enough. It is not possible to remove discharge from a child’s nose in one go, unlike other means. Inhalations for runny noses for children are a gentler way to help the nasal mucosa recover faster from an illness, as well as neutralize all the microbes that are there.

The result of inhalation is that nasal discharge becomes more liquid, which means it is easier to remove from the cavity. That is why, when children are ill, inhalation for a runny nose is simply necessary. They can be carried out using special medications, essential oils, a nebulizer or

General rules for inhalation

In order for the procedure to bring the desired effect and not harm the child, it must be carried out correctly, and the type of inhaler and the composition of the solution do not matter. The general rules for the procedure are:

  • inhalations for a runny nose for children should be done an hour before meals or an hour after it;
  • The procedure cannot be carried out if the child’s temperature is elevated, in particular, it is higher than 37.5 degrees;
  • After inhalation, it is not recommended to go outside for about three more hours, especially if the child gets sick in the winter;
  • the child should not be allowed to breathe hot steam, there will be no positive effect from this, and the risk of burns to the respiratory tract increases many times, the ideal temperature for inhalation for a runny nose is about 40 degrees;
  • During the procedure you need to breathe only through your nose, which should be carefully explained to your baby.

When should inhalations be carried out?

Any inhalation device can only be used on the upper respiratory tract. Therefore, it can only be used if the disease is short-term and uncomplicated, for example, with rhinitis or pharyngitis. If a severe diagnosis is made, for example asthma or bronchitis, inhalation can only be carried out as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision, since it is necessary to carefully select the type of inhaler, the medicine that will be added to the aerosol, you also need to monitor the time of the procedure, mode and temperature of the solution. The doctor should choose which inhalation to give to a child with a runny nose. For diseases of the lower respiratory tract, self-medication is unacceptable.

Features of inhalation for the common cold for young children

Steam inhalations should never be used to treat newborns, infants and children under one year of age. Children under 6 years of age can be treated in this way only if prescribed by a doctor, if there are no contraindications. This is because a steam inhaler works in much the same way as an expectorant. If a child over 6 years old can expectorate, cough and blow his nose on his own, as a result of which it becomes easier to breathe, then it becomes more difficult for a baby to breathe due to the underdevelopment of the respiratory muscles.

Features of inhalation with essential oils

Many people wonder: what to use for inhalation when a child has a runny nose? The safest way is to use essential oils. Despite their relative safety, a similar procedure can be performed on children over 3 years of age. However, this procedure is prohibited if the child suffers from allergies or asthma. The oils most often used to relieve a runny nose are fir, pine and eucalyptus oils, lavender and other similar oils. It is enough to pour a few drops of oil into a pan of water, cover with a towel with your child and breathe in the beneficial healing steam. It will have a beneficial effect on the upper respiratory tract, which will lead to recovery. This inhalation will save children from coughs and runny noses.

Performance conditions

The positive effect of steam inhalation is possible only if:

  • the procedure is carried out at an early stage of an acute respiratory disease, that is, the amount of mucus in the upper respiratory tract is insignificant;
  • in addition to inhalation, an optimal climate for the child is organized, in particular, it should be sufficiently humid and cool;
  • the child drinks heavily.

In winter, when the central heating is turned on in the apartment and the room is practically not ventilated or humidified, regardless of the number of procedures, steam inhalation will not give any result.


This is the most modern way of performing inhalation during a child’s runny nose. This device is an ultrasonic device, in some cases which forms particles of a medicinal solution. These drops penetrate the bronchi as deeply as possible, as a result of which the effectiveness of the procedure increases many times. The advantage of using this type of inhaler is that you can independently configure the nebulizer to spray medications in large drops. In this case, they will settle in the child’s nasal passages, so during a runny nose they will help remove phlegm.

For very young patients there are special inhalers that include masks. Their advantage is that the procedure can be performed in any position, lying or sitting. The duration of the procedure is reduced to 10 minutes.

Inhalations for a runny nose with a nebulizer: recipes for children

The following compositions can serve as:

  1. 100 grams of pine buds, 2 tbsp. l. eucalyptus leaves, 4 tbsp. l. a mixture of calendula and St. John's wort flowers. Pour the mixture with two liters of boiling water, keep it on low heat for about 10 minutes and let it brew for half an hour. Before the procedure, warm up the product and pour it into the nebulizer. Storage duration is no more than two days.
  2. Inhalations with Kalanchoe juice. The healing properties of this plant have been known for a long time. Almost everyone has used it at least once in their life to fight viruses. It is with the help of Kalanchoe that the child’s condition can be normalized. To carry out inhalation, you need to dilute two tablespoons with water and pour into the reservoir.
  3. The drug "Rotokan" has proven itself well. It can be freely purchased at a pharmacy. It is made on the basis of natural ingredients, in particular, it contains extracts of calendula, chamomile and yarrow. To prepare a solution for inhalation, you need to dilute two tablespoons of Rotokan in half a liter of water and pour it into the nebulizer.
  4. For children, you can use the Borjomi alkaline solution. This liquid can thin the mucus in the nose, causing it to be removed much faster. They have the same effect for children with a runny nose.

The effectiveness of this procedure has been proven by many doctors. Inhalations for a runny nose have a positive effect on the child’s general condition and relieve a runny nose in the shortest possible time. The only drawback that may exist is that the child may be afraid to use this device. But there is always a way out. There are special inhalers that visually attract children. If you don’t have the option to buy one, you can use a regular one. You need to show your child how the procedure will go, and then his fear will disappear.

Types of inhalers

The most effective and efficient inhalations are carried out using special instruments and devices. There is an explanation for this: the device allows steam to penetrate deep inside the bronchi.

All devices are divided into:

  1. For aerosol medications, which are a canister filled with a special agent. To carry out the procedure, it is enough to spray the contents from a can into the nasal cavity.
  2. Pocket inhalers can be powder or liquid. The first of them is a small can, which is sold in combination with containers. It contains capsules of medicinal powder. This allows small particles of powder to appear to shoot into your nose. Pocket liquid inhalers have a similar effect.
  3. Steam inhalers are a device that has a reservoir. A medicinal liquid is poured into it, which, in turn, is converted into steam with the help of a heater. It is this steam that you need to breathe through your nose.
  4. A compression inhaler is an aerosol that is created using a stream of air.
  5. The ultrasonic nebulizer allows the formation of volatile particles under the influence of ultrasound.
  6. A mesh nebulizer is a modern inhaler that helps create the smallest particles. This allows medications to be delivered to the most remote corners of the respiratory tract.

Steam inhalers are most often used for a runny nose, as they create coarse particles that settle in the sinuses.


For some diseases, inhalation is strictly prohibited, as it can be dangerous to the child’s health. Such pathologies are:

  1. Angina. This is a bacterial disease, which means that a humid, warm environment will cause microbes to multiply rapidly.
  2. Otitis. This disease is associated with the accumulation of mucus in the narrow space of the Eustachian tube. As a result, the person begins to feel severe pain. Inhalation will cause the mucus to swell and increase in size, which will increase pressure and increase pain.

There are other contraindications to inhalation:

  • the age of the child is under 1 year, for children from one to 6 years of age, inhalations are carried out strictly as prescribed by the doctor;
  • increased body temperature;
  • presence of bacterial infections;
  • earache;
  • presence of blood in sputum.

Treating a runny nose using inhalation, in particular when using a nebulizer, is quite easy, convenient, quick and safe. But before you decide to perform this procedure at home, you need to be examined by a doctor. Only a specialist should choose what to inhale with a nebulizer for a child with a runny nose. This also applies to other treatment methods.