Presentation - the evolution of the circulatory system. Presentation - evolution of the circulatory system Evolution of the circulatory system presentation

"Information about blood" - Explain the picture. Blood movement. We do training. The speed of blood flow. Vaccine. What is shown in the picture. Admission to the emergency room. Blood. type of bleeding. Heart attack. The movement of blood through the blood vessels.

"Blood type" - group I dominates among the natives of Australia and Polynesia. II (AO, AA) appeared later, presumably in the Middle East. Appeared only, maybe one or two thousand years ago. I group. Creative, bright personalities. Theoretically substantiate the belonging of a person to four blood groups. It is hard to endure stress and long quarrels.

"Blood Composition" - Proteins. Phagocytosis is the ability of cells to capture and digest microparticles of a substance or microorganisms. Name I.I. Mechnikov is world famous. Blood. Homeostasis is the property of living organisms to maintain the constancy of the internal environment of the body. decay products. Platelets are platelets.

"Blood Grade 8" - Plasma; Serum; Thrombus; Fibrin; fibrinogen; Phagocytosis; blood clotting; Scheme of oxygen transport by hemoglobin. The quantitative composition of the blood. Leukocytes. Phagocytosis is the process of absorption and digestion of microbes and other foreign substances by leukocytes. But millions of ships leave the harbors again to sail.

"Blood as the internal environment of the body" - Blood as a component of the internal environment of the body. The internal environment of the body. platelets. blood plasma. Blood clotting. Blood transfusion. Characteristics of blood groups. Internal environment. Leukocytes. The human circulatory system. Erythrocytes.

"Human blood groups" - Blood group and sport. In my research, I used psychological tests. But there is another point of view. II group. The blood type diet became popular a few years ago. They believe in themselves, they are not devoid of emotionality. The most suitable diet for people with the second blood type is vegetarian.

There are 16 presentations in total in the topic

"Animal respiratory organs" - The trachea is divided into two bronchi, which enter the right and left lungs. The respiratory system of birds. The structure and functions of the respiratory system. nasal cavity. Types of respiration Pulmonary Tissue (external) (cellular). Fish gills. organs of the respiratory system. Blood. Biology lesson Grade 8 L.K. Yushkova. Respiratory system.

"Evolution of the circulatory system of animals" - Big circle: F-aorta-arteries -capillaries of organs -veins-PP. E) CLASS BIRDS and MAMMALS 2 circles of blood circulation, 4-chambered heart (PP, LP, RV, LV). Composition of the blood: The circles are the same. To get acquainted with the evolution of the circulatory system and blood circulation in different animals. C) CLASS Amphibians: 2 circles of blood circulation (small and large) 3-chambered heart (PP, LP, F).

"The structure of the nervous system of animals" - The meaning of the nervous system. Structure and functions of the nervous system. Nervous system of amphibians. Nervous system of flatworms. Nervous system of vertebrates. Test your knowledge. The nervous system of molluscs. The brain of birds. Nerve cell - a neuron consists of a body and processes. The nervous system of diffuse invertebrates.

"Organs and systems of organs of animals" - Organs and systems of organs of animals. Anal opening. A network of branched thin tubes through which air moves. Justify with the given examples. 2. Esophagus. eleven. ? Organ.

"Biology of the respiratory system" - Lungs - a system of increasingly branching tubules - flowing. Respiration of amphibians. Respiratory system of insects. 1.mouth. 2. Throat. 3. Trachea. 4. Bronchi. Respiration of crustaceans. How the breathing process takes place can be seen on the following slides. Spider breath. The respiratory system of birds. Presentation for a biology lesson Medvedeva N.V. MBOU “Likino - Dulevo Lyceum.

"Organs of excretion" - Ribbon-like kidneys. Malpighian vessels are located in the body cavity. 1. 5. 4. Excretory organs of fish. 3. The simplest. Infusoria - shoe. 1. Contractile vacuole - an organ of excretion. Ringed worms. 3. Organs of excretion - nephridia. 4.7.

There are 26 presentations in total in the topic

Type Annelids A closed circulatory system appears.
Blood moves along the dorsal (forward) and abdominal
(back) to vessels that communicate by annular
vessels in each segment.
The first five annular vessels pulsate,
ensuring the movement of blood.
The blood is colorless, red or green.


The circulatory system is closed.
The dorsal vessel passes over the digestive system.
In the abdominal vessel, blood moves backward.
In the region of the esophagus, the abdominal and dorsal vessels are united 5
pairs of muscle tubes - "hearts".
In each segment, capillaries depart from the main vessels.
The blood is red.

Type Shellfish

The circulatory system is not closed.
The contracting two-chambered heart pumps blood into
open space (lacunae) surrounding
body organs and
having its own walls.

Type Arthropods

The main part of the body cavity is the hemocoel (part of
open circulatory system).
The tubular heart is located in the dorsal part of the body.
Vessels flow from the heart into the hemocoel.
Blood enters the heart through special openings
valves - ostia.

Type Chordates

Pisces class
Class Amphibians
Bird class

Pisces class

The circulatory system is closed, there is one circle
Blood carries gases, nutrients and waste products.
There is a two-chambered heart with muscular walls,
equipped with valves.
Blood from the veins enters the atrium, and from there to the ventricle.
From the ventricle, blood enters the abdominal aorta, which carries it to
gills where gas exchange takes place.
The ventricle and atrium contract sequentially.
Venous blood is dark, because it has little O2 (blood in the heart
Bright red, arterial blood exits the gills and collects
into the dorsal aorta, passing under the spine (in the tail it
goes in the lower arches of the vertebrae).
Arteries branch in tissues into capillaries, in which
gas exchange occurs, i.e., the blood becomes venous.
The heart beats rarely, blood flow is slow, so the level
metabolism in fish is low and the temperature is only 1 - 2 ° C higher
ambient temperature.

Class Amphibians

A three-chambered heart consists of one ventricle and two atria.
Both atria and then the ventricle contract alternately.
The right atrium receives venous blood from the systemic circulation
Arterial blood from the lung enters the left atrium.
In the ventricle, the blood is only partially mixed due to the presence of special
distribution mechanisms (spiral valve, outgrowths and pockets),
preventing mixing of portions of blood coming from different atria into
Only the brain receives oxygen-rich arterial blood,
which enters through the carotid arteries leaving the heart.
The trunk and limbs are supplied with mixed blood coming through the arcs.
Oxygen-depleted blood enters the skin-pulmonary arteries (small circle
Low blood flow velocity and mixing of blood in the ventricles - evidence
low metabolic rate.
Body temperature depends on the temperature of the environment.
In hot weather, evaporation can cool the body.
When it gets cold, the activity of animals decreases.
In winter they hibernate.

Heart of Amphibians

Frog circulatory system

Reptile class

The circulatory system separates the venous and
arterial blood is better than that of amphibians.
An incomplete septum in the ventricle reduces
blood mixing.
3 vessels depart from different places of the ventricle:
pulmonary artery with venous blood and two arches
aorta supplying arterial
blood to the head and forelimbs and
mixed blood - to the rest of the body.
This did not raise the metabolic rate to warm-bloodedness.

The circulatory system of a lizard

Bird class

Arterial and venous blood is separated by
four-chambered heart.
The aortic arch emerging from the right ventricle disappeared,
also eliminates the mixing of blood. The aortic arch remains
emerging from the left ventricle (in birds, this arc
called right).
Two vessels emerge from the heart:
pulmonary artery - branches from the right ventricle to
right aortic arch - departs from the left ventricle and gives
the beginning of a large circle of blood circulation.
The sparrow has a pulse at rest of 500 beats per minute, and in flight
- 1,000, for a dove at rest - 165, and in flight - 550 strokes
per minute.

Class Mammals

The heart is four-chambered.
Two circles of blood circulation: large and small.
The large circle begins in the left ventricle, from
which departs one left aortic arch, bearing
arterial blood to organs. Ends in the right
atrium, where venous blood is collected from the organs.
The small circle begins in the right ventricle, from which
The pulmonary artery carries venous blood to the lungs.
Arterial blood from the lungs through the pulmonary veins
enters the left atrium.
Small non-nucleated mammalian erythrocytes
filled with hemoglobin carrying O2 and CO2.
The heart rate is the greater, the smaller
animal (a bull has 24 beats per minute, a mouse has 600).

slide 1

Biology presentation on the topic “Evolution of the circulatory system”
Shanaeva O.V. Biology teacher

slide 2

The circulatory system is
a system of tubes and planes through which blood circulation occurs. As well as the organ system that provides blood circulation in the human body and animals. Thanks to the blood circulation, oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the organs and tissues of the whole body, while carbon dioxide, other metabolic products and waste products are removed.

slide 3

slide 4

The circulatory system of annelids.
Annelids are the first group of organisms to have a circulatory system. The basis of the circulatory system of worms is: The abdominal vessel; dorsal vessel; Ring vessels.

slide 5

Features of the circulatory system of annelids:
1. Closed (blood flows exclusively through the vessels, thus the exchange of substances takes place between the blood and the tissue only through the walls of the vessels). 2. There is an iron-containing protein in the blood, close to hemoglobin. 3. Annelids have no heart at all. It is replaced by 5 large annular vessels (hearts), the walls of which are able to contract. They drive blood from the back of the body to the front. From there, the blood passes into the abdominal vessel, where it moves in the opposite direction - from front to back; the walls of the abdominal vessel cannot contract.

slide 6

The circulatory system of mollusks (on the example of a pond snail).
Features: 1. Open (vessels are interrupted by spaces that do not have special walls, and blood interacts with body tissues directly). 2. Clams have a heart. Consists of two atria and one ventricle. 3. Oxygenated blood enters the atria from the gills or lungs, then it passes into the ventricle and is pushed out into the arteries, then the blood is distributed to organs and tissues.

Slide 7

The circulatory system of arthropods.

Slide 8

Features of the circulatory system of arthropods:
1. The circulatory system is not closed, because hemolymph circulates, in fact, in the mixocele - a "mixed" body cavity formed from the primary cavity and the remnants of the secondary cavity. Blood thus fills the space between the internal organs. 2. Arthropods don't have real blood! Instead, it flows in their body - hemolymph (does not have red blood cells and hemoglobin). The hemolymph consists of - plasma, inorganic salts and organic compounds. 3. Hemoglobin substitute - hemocyanin (contains copper instead of iron and performs the same function - oxygen transport).

Slide 9

Circulatory system of chordates.

Slide 10

Features of the circulatory system of the lancelet.
1. Partially closed 2. He has only one circulation. 3. Venous and arterial blood practically do not differ in composition. 4. The thin walls of the vessels allow oxygenation of the blood not only through the branchial arteries, but also through the entire surface of the body.

slide 11

Features of the circulatory system of fish:
1. Consists of - a two-chambered heart; abdominal aorta; dorsal aorta; an additional artery and capillaries that feed various organs; a vein that collects “used” blood. 2. Closed. Has one circle of blood circulation. 3. Fish blood contains fewer red blood cells but more white blood cells (due to low metabolism and abundance of microorganisms)

slide 12

Features of the circulatory system of amphibians.
1. Closed 2. The second circle of blood circulation appears. 3. The heart consists of three chambers (ventricle and two atria).

slide 13

Features of the circulatory system of reptiles.
1. Closed 2. Two circles of blood circulation. 3. Each atrium has an individual opening that opens into the cardiac ventricle with a valve formed by the folds of the inner lining. 4. An incomplete septum of the ventricle, during the period of tension of the heart muscle, completely separates both of its parts, which makes it possible to divide blood flows with different oxygen composition. The right side of the ventricle receives venous blood displaced by the arterial component of blood from the left atrium.


  • In the lower invertebrates animals: sponges, coelenterates and flatworms, the delivery of nutrients and oxygen from the place of their perception to parts of the body occurs by diffuse currents in tissue fluids. But some animals develop pathways through which circulation takes place. This is how primitive vessels arise.
  • The circulatory system is mainly mesodermal in origin.
  • the evolution of the circulatory system is connected:
  • with the development of muscle tissue in the walls of blood vessels, due to which they can contract;
  • with the transformation of the fluid that fills the vessels into a special tissue - blood, in which various blood cells are formed.








Gas exchange





Gas exchange

The heart is sometimes two, more often 3-chambered (in nautilus-4)

Gas exchange. Food





Heart - on the dorsal side

There are 2 vessels - dorsal and abdominal, interconnected annular vessels going around the esophagus.


Blood vessels pour blood into the spaces between organs. Then the blood is again collected in the vessels and enters the gills or lung.

The movement of blood occurs in a certain direction - on the dorsal side towards the head end, on the abdominal side - back

Hemocyanin, hemoglobin


Pentagonal bag n(in crustaceans)

Single chamber in the form of a bag(for spiders)

In insects:

Multi-chamber in the form of a tube (ostia)

The hemolymph moves to the front of the body, into the only vessel - into the head aorta - and pours into the body cavity







Gas exchange





Gas exchange








Gas exchange




3-chamber with a partition

Gas exchange

Mixed in the stomach

Abdominal aorta - to the gills



4-chamber in crocodiles


Partially mixed in the ventricle

Arterial cone and three pairs of arterial vessels


Gas exchange

Pulmonary artery. Right (arterial blood) and left (mixed blood) aortic arch



Right aortic arch

Complete separation of arterial and venous blood

Left aortic arch


evolution of gill arches in vertebrates.

  • In all vertebrate embryos, an unpaired abdominal aorta is laid in front of the heart, from which the gill arches of the arteries depart. They are homologous arterial arches in the circulatory system of the lancelet. But they have a small number of arterial arches and is equal to the number of visceral arches. So the fish have six of them. The first two pairs of arches in all vertebrates experience reduction, i.e. atrophy. The remaining four arcs behave as follows.
  • In fish, the branchial arteries are divided into those that bring to the gills and those that carry them out of the gills.
  • The third arterial arch in all vertebrates, starting with the tailed amphibians, turns into carotid arteries and carries blood to the head.
  • The fourth arterial arch reaches significant development. From it, in all vertebrates, again, starting with the tailed amphibians, the aortic arch proper is formed. In amphibians and reptiles, they are paired, in birds the right arch (left atrophies), and in mammals the left aortic arch (right atrophies).
  • The fifth pair of arterial arches in all vertebrates, with the exception of the caudate amphibians, atrophies.
  • The sixth pair of arterial arches loses its connection with the dorsal aorta, and the pulmonary arteries form from it.
  • The vessel that connects the pulmonary artery with the dorsal aorta during embryonic development is called the bottal duct. As an adult, it persists in tailed amphibians and some reptiles. As a result of disruption of normal development, this duct may persist in other vertebrates and humans. It will be a congenital heart disease and in this case surgery is necessary.


birds mammals




  • chordates
  • Mollusks arthropods lancelet
  • Annelids
  • Worms are round
  • Worms are flat
  • coelenterates
  • Protozoa

Evolution of the respiratory system


Breathe all over



Breathe all over


Planaria - breathing with the help of the skin epithelium (body surface). Liver fluke - no respiratory organs




Respiration by the surface of the body or respiratory organs is absent, energy is obtained due to glycolysis

Breathing by the surface of the body, in a number of species (marine annelids) dorsal skin outgrowths appear - pinnate gills



In most mollusks, the respiratory organs are lamellar and feathery gills lying in the mantle cavity. Terrestrial mollusks breathe by modifying the mantle cavity - lungs




Trachea and lung sacs

Trachea(ectodermal invaginations in the form of tubules that conduct air from the external environment to the tissues). The tracheae open on the abdomen with openings called spiracles.


  • The evolution of the respiratory organs in vertebrates followed the path:
  • increase in the area of ​​pulmonary partitions; – improvement of transport systems for delivering oxygen to cells located inside the body.
  • Presence of gill slits in the pharynx. The slits are hidden under the skin and open into a special peribranchial cavity with frequent changes of water.

Evolution of the respiratory system

The structure of the lungs



Shape of the lungs




Breathing mechanism




The water swallowed by the fish enters the oral cavity and exits through the gill filaments to the outside, washing them



Weakly developed, tracheo-laryngeal,


Dense spongy bodies

consist gill arches, gill rakers and gill filaments with many blood vessels

Lengthen. Appear trachea and bronchi

Breathing occurs by lowering and raising the floor of the mouth.


Discharge type

Inhalation and exhalation occur due to a change in the volume of the chest - there are intercostal muscles

The bronchi are strongly branched, there are air sacs. The singing larynx is located at the point where the trachea divides into bronchi

Only in larvae

Dense alveolar bodies

Birds have double breathing: gas exchange occurs during both inhalation and exhalation.

Each bronchus ends in an alveolus

Inhalation and exhalation occur due to the contraction of the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm