Puzzles about the Internet are very difficult. Fascinating puzzles, puzzles and puzzles for adults and children (11 photos)

Puzzles for adults are interesting riddles in pictures. Rebuses are a game in which words are encrypted using pictures, and sometimes entire phrases or statements. Along with drawings, the picture may contain letters, numbers, signs, and symbols. Puzzles, of course, are also divided by level of difficulty, and first you need to solve only the simplest puzzles in order to understand their principle, and only then you can take on deciphering entire sentences. In any case, it doesn’t matter at what age you decided to learn how to solve puzzles, this is a very useful activity to usefully spend your leisure time.

Let's take a look at those first puzzles, which you can even draw on paper yourself and invite your family members to solve them. These are puzzles with spatial prepositions, that is, when deciphering, you can add “in”, “above”, “on”, “under”, “for”, “on”, “from”, “in front”, “at” to the word. , "With". For example, you see that in the picture in the foreground there are two letters “KA”, they are drawn in volume and bright, and in the background the letter “Z” is depicted, you should immediately understand that “Z” stands for “KA”, and Based on this, substitute the correct spatial preposition and decipher the word, that is, in this case the word “ZA-KA-Z” was encrypted.

The next puzzle is perfect for those who have already graduated from high school, because it will mention such a mathematical symbol as “Pi,” which looks like a capital “P.” The picture shows a large letter “O” with the letter “Pi” inside the oval. Surely, if a child comes up to his father and asks what word is encrypted here, he will be able to guess that it is “Pi-V-O”.

More complex puzzles with answers contain not only letters, but also images and signs, for example, a rebus consists of a large letter “O”, in the center of which roses are depicted, and after the letter “O” there are two commas and three more letters “BAY” are written. Of course, a spatial preposition is used here, because the letter “O” contains roses. After the first part of the rebus, which can be deciphered as “V-O-ROSES”, there are two commas, which indicate that the last two letters from this word must be eliminated, that is, we get the word “V-O-RO” and we also add “BAY”, and it becomes clear that the word “Sparrow” was encrypted, why not puzzles with answers in the Russian language.

Of course, the most interesting puzzle riddles for adults will contain only letters and, depending on their location relative to each other, the word will be determined. This is how the word “Sole” can be encrypted: in the figure, the letter “O” is written at the top, a line is drawn under it and below the letter “A” is written, inside which is written “W”.

You can also make up others, for example, the words “Mail”, this is when “ta” is drawn on the capital letter “H”. And the word “head” can also be encrypted very simply, just write “holo” in the capital letter “A”.

To learn how to compose and understand puzzles, it is worth understanding what they are.

Word "rebus" of Latin origin (Latin rebus, with the help of things, “Non verbis sed rebus” - “Not with words, but with the help of things”). The rebus originated in France in the 15th century, and the first printed collection of rebuses, published in this country in 1582, was compiled by Etienne Taboureau. Over the time that has passed since then, the technique of composing rebus problems has been enriched with many different techniques.

So, rebus- This is one of the types of puzzles, a riddle to decipher words. Encrypted according to certain rules in a rebus, there can be not only a single word, but also a proverb, a saying, a quote, a riddle, and even a whole short story. Words and phrases in the rebus are depicted in the form of pictures, letters, numbers, notes and other various symbols, the number of which is not limited. Solving a rebus is a whole science. When solving a rebus, you need to write down all the signs in the form of a meaningful word or sentence. Although there are several types of puzzles (literary, mathematical, musical, sound, etc.), there are some general rules their compilation and solving.

example of a rebus


A word or sentence is divided into parts that can be depicted in the form of a picture or any sign. The rebus is read from left to right, less often from top to bottom. Punctuation marks and spaces are not taken into account in the rebus. If there is one word in the rebus, then it should, as a rule, be a noun, and in the singular and in the nominative case. Deviations from this rule must be specified in the terms of the rebus. If a sentence is made (a proverb, an aphorism, etc.), then, naturally, it can contain not only nouns, but also verbs and other parts of speech. In this case, the terms of the rebus must contain the appropriate phrase (for example: “Guess the riddle”). A rebus must have a solution, and, as a rule, only one. The ambiguity of the answer should be specified in the conditions of the rebus. For example: “Find two solutions to this puzzle.” The number of techniques and their combinations used in one rebus is not limited.


The simplest option is when the rebus consists of two pictures, which will help you create a new word. The names of the objects depicted in the rebus should be read in the nominative case singular or multiple, if several objects are depicted.

rebus 1


rebus 2


rebus 3


From the last example it is clear that the picture in the rebus can have more than one name (eye and eye, bees and swarm, etc.); or the image may have a general or private name (bird - general name; swift, swallow, chicken - private name). If the depicted object has two meanings, then logically you need to determine the appropriate one. This is the most difficult thing about puzzles.

If the picture upside down, this means that the word is read “back to front”.

rebus 4

Inverted NOSE = SLEEP

If to the right or left of the picture there is one or more letters- this means that these letters should simply be added. Sometimes they are preceded by a “+” sign. Sometimes the desired object in the picture is indicated by an arrow.

rebus 5


rebus 6

Letter X + LEV = STORY


Commas to the right or left of the picture means that in the word guessed using the picture you need to remove as many letters as there are commas. In this case, commas in front of the picture indicate how many letters need to be removed at the beginning of the hidden word, commas at the end of the picture indicate how many letters need to be removed from the end of the word. Sometimes commas to the left of the image are drawn upside down, although this does not play a fundamental role.

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The arrow pointing to the left, shown above the picture, indicates that after the word has been deciphered, it must be read backwards.

rebus 10

DRESSER - KO, read from right to left = HOUSE


If it is above the picture crossed out letter, and there is another one next to it, then this letter in the word needs to be changed to the indicated one. If one or more letters are simply crossed out, then they need to be removed from the word. The "=" sign also serves to replace one of the letters with another.

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rebus 13


If the crossed out letter(s) stands as an independent figure, then it must be read with the addition of the particle “not”.

rebus 14


Numbers can be used instead of pictures. If part of a word in a rebus is represented by a number, then the number is pronounced as a numeral.

rebus 15

Number SEVEN + letter I = FAMILY

rebus 16

Number STO + letter L = TABLE

We keep in mind that a number can have more than one name.

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rebus 18

Letter Ш + KOL + letter A = SCHOOL

rebus 19

Letter P + ONE + AR KA = MOLE

rebus 20


Several identical letters or other images in a row mean that you need to try to count them.

rebus 21

SEVEN letters I = FAMILY

rebus 22


rebus 23

A PAIR of letters D = PARADE

Numbers next to the picture serve to number letters in a word. The number indicates the place of the letter in a given word, and the order in which the numbers are written determines the new place of this letter.

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If there are fewer numbers indicated than letters in the hidden word, this means that only the specified number of letters must be selected from the hidden word.

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The use of crossed out numbers means that the corresponding letters must be removed from the hidden word.

rebus 27


If next to the picture there are two numbers with arrows pointing in different sides, which means that in the word the letters indicated by the numbers must be swapped.

rebus 28

Z A M OK = Smear

Roman numerals may also be used.

rebus 29

Forty A = FORTY

The use of fractions is not excluded. When a fraction is used in a puzzle, it is solved as "ON THE"(divide by). If the rebus uses a fraction with a denominator of 2, then it can be solved as "FLOOR"(half).

rebus 30

Z divided by K = SIGN

rebus 31

Gender of the letter E = FIELD

Crossed out sign "=" between the pictures should be read as "NOT".

rebus 32

And not Y = FROST


Often in puzzles they draw letters placed in an unusual angle relative to each other (one inside the other, one under or above the other, one running towards the other, one coming out of the other, etc.). This means that it is necessary to describe a picture or letter combinations using prepositions and conjunctions: “I”, “B”, “K”, “U”, “C”, “FOR”, “FROM”, “ON”, “PO” , "BEFORE" and others.

If objects, numbers or letters are depicted one within the other, then their names are read with the addition of a preposition "IN" before or between titles.

rebus 33

In the letter O the letter Z = WHO

rebus 34

Letter Z in letter O + letter N = RINGING

If one object is depicted behind another, then their names are read with the addition of a preposition "BEFORE" or "BEHIND".

rebus 35

Behind the letter L is the letter P = VALLEY

Usage horizontal line between pictures, letters or numbers placed one below the other means the use of prepositions "ON THE", "ABOVE", "UNDER".

rebus 36

On the letter C the letter T = NAST

rebus 37

Under the letter C kok = JUMP

rebus 38

From the letter N to the letter E + letter G = SNOW

Mathematical games puzzles in pictures for schoolchildren of grades 5-7

Klochkova Natalya Konstantinovna, mathematics teacher, MBOU "Bukharay Secondary School" Bukharay village, Zainsky district
Description: This work can be used in mathematics lessons in grades 5–7. Solving puzzles can be offered to students when performing oral calculations; it can be offered as a didactic material for homework. This work can serve as a guide for conducting extracurricular activities, electives. Solving puzzles develops a child’s intelligence and teaches him to find a way out. difficult situations, which, of course, will be useful in life. By solving puzzles, children replenish their lexicon, develop attention and creative thinking, train visual memory, learn to write correctly and remember new words.
Target: development of intellectual abilities, formation of logical thinking.
Educational: teach students to solve puzzles with a mathematical theme.
Developmental: broaden students' horizons in the field of mathematics.
Educational: to cultivate a conscious attitude towards mathematics as an important subject.
A rebus is a puzzle in which a word is encrypted. This word is given in the form of pictures using letters and numbers, as well as certain shapes or objects. Rebus is one of the most interesting puzzles.
The word COMPUTER is encrypted in this picture.

Exist certain rules for solving puzzles.
1. A comma at the very beginning of a word indicates that you need to remove the first letter in this word, and a comma at the end means that you need to remove the last letter in the word. Two commas - remove two letters. In the word mosquito we remove the last two letters AP, in the word iron we remove the first letter U and the last letter G.
2. Crossed out numbers indicate that the letters standing in this place are removed. In the word five we remove the second and third letters, that is, YAT. If letters are crossed out, they are also removed from the word.
3. Numbers that are not crossed out indicate that the letters in places 2 and 3 must be swapped. In the word iron, the letters T and Y are swapped YUT. Now we read the word in full.
This picture encrypts the word PERPENDICULAR.

4. If the picture is upside down, then the word guessed using the picture is read from right to left. The word read is not turnip, but aper. The first letter A is removed. In the word stump, the last letter b is removed. The word whale is read backwards. In the word chair, the first two letters ST are removed. The names of all objects depicted in the rebus are read only in the nominative case.
5.An “arrow” or an “equals” sign indicates that one letter must be replaced by another. In our case, in the word tick, the letter T must be replaced with the letter D. Now the word can be read in full.
The word EAST is encrypted in this picture.

6.Letters, words or pictures can be depicted inside other letters, above other letters, under and behind them. Then prepositions are added: IN, ON, ABOVE, UNDER, FOR. Our letter O contains the number STO, so it turns out B-O-STO-K.
The word MAP is encrypted in this picture.

7.The numbers under the picture indicate that from this word you need to take the letters located in places numbered 7,2,4,3,8 and compose them in the order in which the numbers are located. In the word cheesecake you need to take the letters 7-K, 2-A, 4-P, 3-T, 8-A. You can read the word.
Let's try to solve a few puzzles in the field of mathematics.





















All tasks are decorated with bright pictures and interestingly illustrated, so the puzzles will captivate the children. Or you can try and make it yourself. This will be even more interesting.

Rebus is an exciting puzzle game that develops ingenuity, logic and the ability to find the unusual in a picture. These puzzles will be interesting for both adults and children, as some of them have very high level difficulties. They are used in schools to teach the child to quickly use data, process it and arrange it in the right position. Often a rebus of letters or words has several spelling options and you need to choose the most suitable sound, which allows you to develop memory and vocabulary. Only the child who has enough words in his memory so that he can recognize and understand them can take on solving puzzles. Simpler problems are given to children from the second grade, when they already know the alphabet and numbers well; a younger child simply will not understand how to solve it. You need to start with picture puzzles, they are considered simpler; letter puzzles and note puzzles will be more difficult. They will only be possible for a child with special knowledge.

Rebuses have a rich history; they appeared even before writing. After all, it was with the help of pictures that ancient people tried to convey to others the meaning of certain events. Nowadays, puzzles are used as entertainment and a game that will captivate the whole family. In order to solve them, you need to remember a number of rules in order to understand what is read and in what order.

What could a rebus be?

A rebus is a picture that can show:

  • letters;
  • numbers;
  • arrows;
  • Pictures;
  • fractions;
  • notes;
  • commas and periods.

They can be upside down, located in each other and in different positions in the picture. All such puzzles are divided by difficulty level. The simplest ones can be read very easily, for example, “Bumblebee” and “Table”:

You will have to think about more complex pictures.

And there are those for which you will have to be patient with pen and paper.

But for all of them there are certain rules by which puzzles are solved. If you figure it out, even the most complex proverb puzzles will yield and become understandable.

How to read a rebus?

The rebus itself is a whole picture; before you start solving it, you need to understand whether special rules for reading it. If they are not there, then the words or phrases are read as usual, from left to right, but if they are, then this must be taken into account. There are two main signs:

Arrows from right to left indicate that a word or several words should be read in reverse: from right to left.

Rules for solving the rebus

The image itself includes letters, numbers and pictures that must be read and combined in a certain order. Therefore, they look not only at what is drawn, but also at how it is done. If there is a picture in the rebus, they select a word that goes with it, here you need to turn on your imagination and remember that sometimes it can be a jar, and sometimes what lies in it. All other elements are “read” in order, taking into account some rules:

Numbers, signs and commas

Very often the image is accompanied by commas, equal signs, minus signs or a row of numbers. This talks about what to do with the letters that make up a word. All actions can be seen in the pictures below, in which a “flower” is drawn, which must be turned into a “current”.

If there are commas near the picture, you need to look where they are and count them. When they appear before a word, the first letters are subtracted; if after it, then the last ones, in the amount of commas.

Sometimes there are crossed out letters next to the picture, this indicates that they need to be removed from the word.

And when there are “=”, “+” or “-” next to each other and additional letters or a picture, this indicates that this action needs to be done with the word. Letters are added either before the word or at the end. But sometimes "+" or "-" indicate that you need to add "to" or "from". We must always remember this.

The numbers next to the word indicate in what order and what letters should be taken.

Large numbers and signs

Large numbers and signs drawn in a rebus the size of the main pictures are perceived as a word or action. When they are present, different letters or syllables are added to the word.

  • a large “+” indicates that you need to add “to”, “with” or “and”;
  • a large “-” indicates that you need to add “from”;
  • a number adds those letters that are in the word that signifies it.

For example, there are three pictures above: R + C = rice, ok-mol = hammer, 100l = table.

How to solve letter puzzles?

Sometimes a rebus consists of only letters, which are drawn in in different forms and position. The same decision rules apply to them:

  • if the letter is drawn in a letter, then add: “in”;
  • if the letter is above the letter, add: “above” or “on”;
  • if the letter is under the letter, “under” will be added;
  • if the letters are drawn from letters, you should definitely indicate this by adding “from”.

For example:

In the letter “O” we have “ron” written, that is, it should be read as “crow”.

The letters “S”, “D” and “T” grabbed the handles together, so the letter “i” is added between them - and we get the word “sits”.

This suggests that you need to add “on” to the sentence.

The letter “E” contains the letters “TKE”, that is, it is read as “v+e+tke” - “branch”.

All that remains is to connect all the words and we get: a crow is sitting on a branch. Letter puzzles allow you to develop your imagination well and learn to quickly form words.

How to solve puzzles with notes

Puzzles with notes are designed for those children who study music and it is not difficult for them to determine which note is drawn in the picture. To solve the puzzle, take seven notes and use their names.

This is the note "C" and "m", read as "house".

And these are “fa” and “sol”, that is, “beans”.

Such puzzles help you quickly remember how to write notes and quickly, subconsciously use them.

How to solve complex puzzles made from pictures, letters and numbers?

Puzzles are divided by level of difficulty. They mean not only words, but also phrases. If the picture seems too complicated, don’t be shy to take a pen and paper and break it down into its components. When you need to guess not just one word, but a proverb or a well-known phrase, the author usually writes about it. Let's take, for example, a rebus:

and let's try to solve it. We remember that rebuses are read from left to right like words in a book; if there are no additional icons, and this rebus does not have them, then you should start from the right.

From the letter “E” the letters “la” move away, that is, the whole picture needs to be read as “s+e+la”, that is, we get the first part: “sela”

Here we see that the letters “ha” are holding the letter “m” in their hands and we get the following combination “m+u+ha”. Of course, you can also read “u+ha+m”, but, in my opinion, the fly is still better.

This is a big jar delicious jam, since there are no commas, numbers or signs next to it, this indicates that the entire word must be used in its entirety, without changes.

And this indicates what is being added – “on” or “above”. In our case, “on” is more suitable.

As a result of the fact that the complex picture was decomposed into simple elements, we received a simple rebus from the words: village + fly + jam + on. As a result, we get the phrase: “A fly sat on the jam.”

In each case, it is worth turning on your imagination and learning to quickly use the rules - and then complex puzzles will not be so difficult. The main thing is to always be careful and not lose any elements.

In this article we will look at the most interesting puzzles intended for children, but not every adult can master them. They managed to stupefy more than one Internet user and gained enormous popularity on the Internet, as did comic tests with answers - but how quickly can you cope with them? The correct answers are waiting for you at the end of the article!

Where does the bus go?

If we talk about the most popular children's tasks on the Internet, this is one of them. Here is a picture of a bus. Which way is he heading?

How many points are there?

More attentiveness tasks for the most eagle-eyed users: how many black dots do you see at the intersections of lines?

Which circle is bigger?

Now let's solve interesting graphic puzzles. Can you answer which of the yellow circles shown in the picture is larger?

Moving the matches

The following children's puzzles are also often given to first-graders to solve: they require you to move matches in a certain way to get a given figure.

Find the panda!

The Internet was also blown up by the following graphic puzzles by artists who placed an image of a panda in complex pictures and invited other users to find it. They hid the panda among a crowd of Star Wars stormtroopers, a metalhead gathering, and even tried to hide it among a myriad of massage tables. Check your attentiveness!

Japanese IQ test

But what kind of IQ test did the Japanese come up with? On the shore there is a man with two sons, a mother with two daughters and a policeman with a criminal. In front of them is a raft on which they need to get to the other side. Try to think about how they can be transported there, taking into account such interesting conditions:

  • Only two people can fit on the raft at a time, and it cannot float without people at all.
  • Children can only travel on the raft with an adult. But sons cannot remain alone with the girls’ mother, and daughters cannot remain alone with the boys’ father.
  • And the criminal cannot be left alone with others without the supervision of a police officer.

Found the answer? If not, watch this interesting test in the video:

Right answers

There can be two correct answers to this puzzle. The first is that the bus goes to the left, since on the other side, invisible to the viewer, there are doors through which passengers get inside. This answer is valid for our roads with right-hand traffic. But for countries where traffic left-handed, the correct answer is right.

The picture shows parking places, and the car occupies one of them. If you turn the picture over, you will realize that you originally saw the numbers upside down. Therefore, the number under the car is 87. No matter how much you try to calculate some clever polynomial here, such interesting puzzles are not designed for algebraic logic, but rather for ingenuity.

Missing value = 2. To solve such children's puzzles, you need to put yourself in the shoes of the children. Do kids know how to decide? complex equations, count arithmetic progressions? But they notice that the values ​​in the columns depend on the number of circles in each set of numbers. Let's take, for example, the row 6855: in the number 6 there is one circle, and in the number 8 there are two, so the output is 1+2 =3, that is, 6855=3. And in row 2581 only the number 8 has two circles, so the solution is 2.

There are 12 points in total in the figure. But our brain is designed in such a way that it does not allow us to see them all at the same time, so at a time we can only notice three or four black dots.

The mugs are exactly the same! These simple puzzles are based on visual illusion. The blue circles on the left side of the picture are large and some distance from the yellow one. The circles on the right side are small and stand close to the yellow circle, which is why it seems to us that it is larger than the first one.

Here's how to solve interesting children's puzzles with matches:

Unmasking the panda: