What are the benefits of hay baths? The magical power of a hayloft to preserve beauty. Hay dust baths

At the beginning of blood poisoning, during frostbite, during abdominal cramps, this dust, brewed with boiling water, has never deceived me in my practice. For rheumatism, gout and scrofula, bandages and shirts soaked in a warm decoction of hay dust are of great help. But this does not mean that for these diseases you can get by with dust alone. More about this in part 3.

Laxative (Wuhlhuber)

About 40-50 years ago, laxatives were used only at certain times (once or twice a year, at a certain quarter of the moon); in the same way, it was customary to let blood at a certain time of the year indicated in the calendar. But times and people have changed.

However, even today, many are convinced that from time to time it is necessary to thoroughly examine and cleanse the stomach.

If the stomach is given too much work, i.e. overfill it, then it deteriorates and over time completely refuses to work.

To cleanse the stomach, you should use the simplest, harmless means that would not attack the stomach, but would support it, stimulating the vital force in it, i.e. strengthening gastric juice.

I seem to have found the composition of such products. There are two types of laxative infusion; each of them brings great benefits and therefore deserves attention.

The name “Wuhlhuber” (digger) was given to these remedies not by me, but by one gentleman who put his stomach in order thanks to this “Wuhlhuber”. Under this name (I did not find it necessary to change it) I sent it many times to Switzerland and Hungary, and it was of great help to many people.

The first recipe for this laxative is as follows.

Make a mixture of two tablespoons of ground dill, two tablespoons of crushed juniper berries, one tablespoon of camel hay and one tablespoon of sabour powder. This mixture should be stored in a dry place. The effect of this product appears after 12-30 hours. An infusion of this mixture is usually taken one small cup at a time before bedtime. For one cup of infusion, take one teaspoon of the mixture, first boil it in water and then drain it. The resulting infusion can be drunk cold or warm, with sugar if you like.

People of stronger constitution can drink one cup of this infusion for two days in a row.

Weak people should, on the contrary, divide one cup into two or three times, i.e. take 4-6 spoons per day as a medicine. It does not cause pain, and yet the patient feels its cleansing effect inside his body.

For some, this infusion does not have any effect, although it works diligently inside and tries to catch the thieves, like the police.

But this is not always possible. Then our remedy leaves the body alone and does not weaken it, like any other laxative.

The infusion acts on feces and urine, and also releases phlegm accumulated in the chest.

I know of cases where this laxative, after prolonged diarrhea, eliminated remaining impurities and acted in a sedative manner.

Second laxative recipe.

Make a mixture of two tablespoons of ground dill, three tablespoons of crushed juniper berries, three tablespoons of elderberry root powder, one tablespoon of camel hay and one tablespoon of sabur powder. Prepare an infusion from this mixture.

Instructions for use of senna herb indicate the main pharmacological effect of the drug - a laxative. The plant was described many centuries ago by Arabian healers. Today it is the most affordable and safe laxative in domestic pharmacology. Recommended not only for constipation, but also for all diseases when gentle bowel movements are desirable - fissures, hemorrhoids, bowel cleansing before surgery or examination, postoperative period.

Features of a medicinal plant

Cassia aculifolia and angustifolia are varieties of perennial tropical shrubs. The leaves and fruits of both varieties are harvested for medicinal purposes, but most often in pharmacology they use holly, or Alexandrian senna.

Habitat and harvesting of senna

Senna Alexandrina. Botanical illustration from the book “Köhler’s Medizinal-Pflanzen”, 1887.

Cassia grows in Asia and Africa. The shrub is most often found in India, Sudan, Somalia, and the Arabian Peninsula. In southern India it is grown for industrial purposes. In addition, this plant decorates the tropical landscape - it has a beautiful crown and bright yellow flowers collected in brushes.

The local population collects wild and cultivated Cassia Alexandrina several times during the summer. Collect leaves and mature fruits, which look like flat pods similar to leaves. Locals call them mother leaves because they were previously often used on women during childbirth. Under the USSR, the shrub was grown in Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, the Krasnodar Territory and southern Ukraine.

Chemical composition and pharmacological action

Chemical composition:

  • glycosides;
  • flavonoids;
  • organic acids;
  • resins;
  • alkaloids.

Senna fruits and leaves contain anthraquinones, which have a laxative effect.

Pharmachologic effect:

  • strong laxative;
  • diuretic;
  • secretory;
  • stimulant;
  • anti-inflammatory.


What are the uses of senna leaf in traditional medicine? For what diagnoses and symptoms is it prescribed?

  • Senna herb for constipation. Under the influence of glycosides, intestinal motility is normalized and natural emptying occurs. The herb helps with constipation of atonic origin. But for spastic constipation, its use should be limited and carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. The advantage of the herb is that it does not have a toxic effect and does not cause subsequent constipation. It is also used to treat hemorrhoids and rectal fissures. In the postoperative period, senna is given to avoid straining.
  • Liver and gallbladder diseases. The herb helps cleanse the body of toxins and waste, normalizes the functioning of the liver and gall bladder. In small doses it improves the digestion process, but in large doses it acts as a laxative.
  • Senna herb for weight loss. None of the instructions indicate that the herb is intended for weight loss. However, thanks to its laxative effect, the drug acts as a cleanser that removes not only toxins and waste, but also excess fluid in the body. The herb speeds up metabolism and normalizes appetite.
  • During pregnancy. There is no clear information on this issue. Some sources say that the herb is prescribed to women in labor for bowel movements on the eve of childbirth. Others mention that for frequent constipation in pregnant women, senna can relieve the condition. What harm can this herb cause to the expectant mother’s body? Firstly, severe intestinal spasms are possible, which can provoke uterine contractions and miscarriage in the early stages. Secondly, there is a risk of dehydration when taking senna, which is also harmful during pregnancy. Therefore, the issue of taking the herb should be decided individually with a gynecologist. Also, during lactation, taking a laxative is possible only after consulting a doctor.
  • Cosmetology and skin diseases. Much less frequently, the herb is used to care for facial skin and hair. It softens skin and hair well and protects against exposure to sunlight. For example, in Chinese medicine it is used for inflammation of the eyes, purulent skin lesions caused by streptococci and staphylococci. In Arabian medicine it was used to purify the blood for skin diseases.

Some herbalists contain information that senna aculifolia helps with oligomenorrhea - menstrual irregularities with a long delay in menstruation. It is also recommended for heart disease, back pain and joint pain.

Strict contraindications for senna herb: intestinal obstruction of various nature, ulcerative spastic colitis, abdominal pain and cramps, suspicion of appendicitis and peritonitis, acute inflammation of the intestines, cystitis, bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract, uterine bleeding, hernia, perforated ulcer. In rare cases, hypersensitivity to the drug occurs, an allergic reaction to anthraquinones, which manifests itself in the form of itching and urticaria.

Application in pharmacology and folk medicine

Dry senna raw materials have the appearance of thin, brittle leaves, yellow-green on top and bluish below. Pharmaceutical raw materials are most often crushed and come in powder form. Sometimes the grass is mistakenly given the name “hay dust”. Popularly, hay dust refers to the remains of fine grass under a haystack. It is also a remedy that is used for diseases of bones, joints, and skin.

Pharmacy drugs

Cassia belongs to the pharmacological group of laxatives. Laxative senna is a universal pharmaceutical preparation of plant origin for constipation. Due to its strong laxative effect, senna is included in various laxative teas.

  • Senna extract tablets. There are various commercial names for tablets based on cassia extract (“Regulax”, “Senade”, “Senadexin” and others). There are packages from 30 to 1000 pieces. The instructions indicate that the tablets can be taken by children from 6 years of age (1 or 2 pieces per day). Adult dosage - no more than 4 tablets per day. The course lasts no more than a week. During administration, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids and consume enough fiber. If side effects occur, the course of treatment is canceled, and you should not take the pills if you have not had a bowel movement for 2 days after taking it.
  • Vegetable crushed raw materials. Sold in paper bags of various packaging - from 25 to 300 g. The main indication for use is constipation caused by weak peristalsis and muscle hypotonicity. The herb also benefits and alleviates the condition of hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and inflammation of the rectum.
  • Tea . It is a powder in filter bags. They usually brew 2 bags; to get strong tea, take 4 bags.

Today there is more and more talk about the toxicity of senna preparations, about its negative impact on the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and immune system. It is one of the cheapest laxatives available over the counter, but is being phased out from the pharmaceutical industry.

Reception features

Cassia substances act as irritants on the intestinal walls, which leads to increased motility of the large intestine and stimulation of fluid secretion. The medicine has an astringent, pleasant sweetish taste. How to take senna for constipation?

  • Dosage. Depends on the concentration of the drink. Weak decoctions can be taken in ½ cup. Strong infusions are drunk 1 tbsp. spoon. Typically, the herb is taken once a day, before bed, or 2 hours before meals.
  • Well . Prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the diagnosis, contraindications, and identified side effects. The course of treatment with infusions and decoctions should not exceed 2 weeks.
  • Brewing method. You can pour boiling water over the herb and leave for up to 6 hours - in this case you get an infusion. You can prepare decoctions by keeping the mixture in a water bath. It is important not to exceed the dose of dry raw materials, otherwise this can lead to unpleasant side effects - severe cramps in the intestines.

The medicine acts on average 10 hours after oral administration. Enemas are also made from decoctions to empty the bowels before surgery.

How to prepare a decoction

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Leave in a water bath for 30 minutes.
  4. Leave until completely cool.

The decoctions are taken strained, ½ cup at night.

How to prepare an infusion

  1. Take 2 tbsp. l. dry leaves.
  2. Pour 1 cup boiling water.
  3. Leave for 6 hours.

Infusions are taken 1 tbsp. l. no more than 3 times a day before meals.

How to make tea

  1. Take 1 tsp. herbs.
  2. Pour a glass of cold water.
  3. Leave for 24 hours.
  4. Strain.

The tea is not brewed, but infused. There are positive reviews about iced senna tea. This method of preparation helps to avoid side effects - spasms and pain after administration. Take a glass at night.

In case of overdose and long-term use, side effects are possible:

  • severe cramps, pain, colic in the abdomen;
  • digestive disorders;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • bloating;
  • dizziness;
  • arrhythmia;
  • convulsions;
  • confusion;
  • brown coloration of urine;
  • leaching of electrolytes from the body (loss of potassium);
  • damage to the intermuscular plexus of the inner wall of the intestine;
  • Colonoscopy reveals a dark brown color to the intestinal walls.

The grass can harm the body. With prolonged use, addiction to the drug occurs. In this case, constipation may worsen due to impaired peristalsis and narrowing of the large intestine, the work of which has been stimulated all the time. Therefore, it is recommended to change medications, and for prolonged atonic constipation, use different laxatives. But you need to start with the softest ones.

Read more about taking herbs for weight loss

Senna is increasingly being mentioned in the context of weight loss. There are many positive reviews about the use of senna leaves for weight loss. To cleanse the intestines, decoctions, teas, and tablets are used. Most often, cassia is used in herbal preparations - with dandelion, mint, nettle, parsley, and dill seeds. They also prepare delicious mixtures with the addition of raisins, dried apricots, prunes, and honey. They are taken in small portions. It is important to remember that with long-term use of the herb, addiction occurs, a number of side effects occur, and beneficial substances are washed out of the body. You can’t stay on the “hay diet” for too long. It is advisable to consult a nutritionist before use.

Is it possible to give senna to children?

The herb senna is a potent laxative. It is also taken for liver diseases, to normalize appetite and metabolism, remove excess fluid from the body and lose weight. Externally used in cosmetology and in the treatment of skin diseases.

Nowadays, pain in the knees or back worries not only the elderly. Young people and even children have problems with salt deposits. The main thing in this matter is not to start the process. After all, then joint diseases(shoulder, hip, elbow, etc.) are successfully treated with folk remedies. Fortunately, there are many recipes for pain relief and healing.

Causes of morbidity and diagnosis

    Treatment of joint diseases with folk remedies.

Almost a third of the population suffers from musculoskeletal dysfunction. And, unfortunately, if treatment is not started on time, these conditions are fraught with disability.

Equally often, not only women suffer from such problems, as is commonly believed. But gender influences the localization of the process. So, treatment for joint diseases for men it is more often transferred to the spine, and for women - to the peripheral joints.


There are many reasons for the development of joint diseases. These can be different conditions, which determine the degree of pathology. Let's name the main ones:

  • salt deposits,
  • fractures and injuries,
  • infections,
  • allergy,
  • age-related changes,
  • hormonal pathologies,
  • heredity, weak immunity, etc.

Diagnosis: symptoms

The diagnosis is made based on a visual examination by a doctor and tests. There are also many symptoms of the disease, and each disease has its own. But it is customary to highlight the key ones.


  • Pain (both at rest and during or after exercise).
  • Restriction of movement.
  • Swelling, redness, or paresthesia.
  • Heat.
  • Crunching in the joints, their jamming, etc.

To clarify the diagnosis, additional examination is done (ultrasound, MRI, etc.).

Treatment of joint diseases with folk remedies: methods

    Treatment of joint diseases - proven folk remedies

So, starting on time is very important. Therefore, as soon as you have a crunch or a joint begins to hurt, you need to urgently address it. It is difficult to deal with advanced cases later, and they are sometimes fraught with immobility.

Both themselves and the approach to their healing differ significantly, because everything depends on the specific pathology.

Traditional medicine methods

Folk remedies for joint diseases, more precisely, their actions are different. They act as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial or analgesic, and as an antiseptic, and as a general tonic. The main thing is to choose an effective one - compresses, tinctures, ointments, heat baths, applications, rubbing, etc.

Folk remedies for joint diseases: compresses

They are considered very popular. Especially warming, quickly relieving pain and preventing its subsequent occurrence. Here are just a few recipes for preparing the most effective compresses, which can be dry or wet.

Recipe No. 1, from yellow clay

These folk remedies for joint diseases valuable for the content of healing minerals, their rapid penetration into the lesion and pain relief.


  • Dry clay


  1. The clay is mixed with warm boiled water.
  2. The proportions are maintained so that a thick mixture is obtained.
  3. Apply the mixture to the sore spot.
  4. Place cling film over the mixture.
  5. The joint is wrapped in warm cloth.
  6. The compress lasts overnight and is washed off in the morning with warm water.

The procedure takes a week. If the pain stops, for the sake of prevention, you can apply a compress 2 times a week.

Recipe No. 2, with lard

This type of compress is different in that it also warms perfectly.


  • Lard
  • Cotton fabric
  • Woolen scarf


  1. Fresh lard is cut into thin slices
  2. The plates are placed on the sore spot and secured with cloth.
  3. Covering the top with a scarf made of natural wool, the compress is kept for 10 hours.
  4. The procedure is done for at least 7 days.

Folk remedies for joint diseases: tinctures for external use

If they are prepared using medicinal plants, they cope well with inflammatory processes in the joints, quickly relieving or reducing pain.

Recipe No. 1, with fly agaric


  • Fly agaric caps
  • Vodka
  • 1 half liter dark glass bottle


  1. The caps are crushed.
  2. Half the volume of the bottle is filled with mushrooms.
  3. Vodka is poured to the top into the bottle.
  4. After a month of standing in a cool place, rub the joint with the tincture in the morning and evening.

Recipe No. 2, with chestnuts


  • 5 large chestnuts
  • 200ml gum turpentine


  1. The chestnuts are grated on a fine potato grater.
  2. Turpentine is poured into the vessel.
  3. After 14 days of storing the tincture in a dark, cool room, rub it on the joints.

These products are convenient, effective and can be used for a long time.

How to treat joint diseases with folk remedies: homemade ointments

It is considered no less beautiful treatment of joint diseases with folk remedies and pain relief in the form of ointments prepared according to folk recipes at home.

Recipe No. 1, with mumiyo and honey


  • 5 g mumiyo
  • 100g honey


  1. Mumiyo is thoroughly mixed with liquid honey.
  2. Every day before going to bed, rub this mixture on sore spots.

Recipe No. 2, with dry mustard, honey, salt and soda


  • 100g flower honey
  • 0.5 tsp dry mustard
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 0.5 tsp soda


  1. Honey is mixed with dry ingredients.
  2. The ointment is rubbed into the sore joint every evening for 5 days. Powerful warming effect relieves pain.

Recipe No. 2, with celandine and oil


  • 50g fresh celandine leaves
  • 500ml olive oil (unrefined) or sunflower oil (cold pressed)


  1. Fresh celandine leaves are crushed and placed in a half-liter jar.
  2. Oil is poured here (to the top).
  3. After 2 weeks, the strained ointment is rubbed gently into the sore joint two to three times a day.

Baths - treatment of joint diseases with traditional methods

How to treat joint diseases with traditional recipes in the form of baths? It is easy, pleasant and beneficial for the neck, lower back, and spine.

Recipe No. 1, with hay dust


  • 1kg hay dust
  • 1 bucket of water


  1. The grass is poured with boiling water.
  2. It is boiled for half an hour.
  3. After steeping for half an hour, the broth is filtered and poured into a hot bath. After steaming, you need to rub yourself, wrap yourself up and go to bed.

Recipe No. 2, with mustard


  • 150g mustard
  • Warm water


  1. Mustard is diluted with warm water until the mass resembles the consistency of liquid sour cream.
  2. The mixture is poured into a hot bath.
  3. Taking a bath is limited to 10-15 minutes.
  4. Afterwards, the remaining mustard is washed off with warm water. You need to dry yourself and, putting on something made of wool, wrap yourself up under a blanket.

Infusions for oral administration

Their action is also aimed at general strengthening of the body and an anti-inflammatory effect, improving metabolic processes in joint tissues and quickly eliminating pain.

Recipe No. 1, with horseradish


  • 1 horseradish rhizome
  • 200ml water


  1. The rhizome is grated.
  2. Hot boiled water is poured into the container with the rhizome.
  3. Infuse in a water bath for 20 minutes.
  4. Take 1 tbsp. 2-3 times a day (course - 3 weeks).

Recipe No. 2, with nettle, parsley root and willow bark


  • 1 tbsp dried nettle herb
  • 1 tbsp. parsley root
  • 1 tbsp willow bark
  • 200 ml water per 1 tbsp. mixtures


  1. Mix equal portions of ingredients.
  2. 1 tbsp. This mixture is poured into a thermos with 200 ml of boiling water.
  3. Let it infuse for an hour and take 100 ml after meals, 2 times a day, warm.

Attention: you need to know this!

Don’t wait until the pain gets worse and the disease begins to progress! Start on time treatment of joint diseases. Save these tips right now, introduce him to your friends by posting the link on social networks.

And remember that, in addition to effective folk remedies for joint diseases, there is prevention, moderate exercise, proper nutrition, etc.

Arthrosis is a difficult disease; treatment requires a lot of time, effort and patience. The approach is usually comprehensive, which allows you to influence the problem using several methods at once to achieve the best result. Along with drug therapy, physical therapy and physiotherapeutic procedures, non-traditional, folk treatment based on the use of natural remedies is also carried out. For arthrosis of the ankle joint, this aspect of treatment is considered the simplest, since its implementation does not require significant costs or special effort.

The feasibility of using traditional methods

As a rule, treatment of arthrosis is a complex process that is aimed at relieving inflammation, reducing the intensity of pain, and restoring mobility to the joint. Traditional medicine is a great way to implement additional measures for a speedy recovery. However, it should be remembered that traditional medicine cannot be the only method of treatment; rather, these are auxiliary procedures.

However, if you combine classical treatment with ointments and medications with traditional compresses or baths, the rehabilitation process will go much faster. In this case, the non-traditional approach is an applied method to relieve soreness or inflammation, which can be easily achieved with the help of natural products.

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Traditional medicine methods are varied; an unconventional approach can offer several options for the patient to choose from. Thus, for arthrosis of the ankle joint, compresses, rubbing solutions, ointments, internal remedies, etc. can be used.

Compresses for arthrosis of the ankle joint

A compress is a method that involves applying a certain composition to the damaged area for a while. Can be used both cold and hot, additionally providing a warming effect. The following recipes may be useful in the fight against arthrosis.

  • Horseradish compress to relieve pain. To prepare it, you need to grind the horseradish roots on a grater, then add water to them and leave on low heat until almost boiling. The steamed root is placed on a piece of thick fabric and applied to the ankle. The product must be fixed in a convenient way and left for several hours.
  • With arthrosis, the issue of combating accumulating salt deposits becomes relevant. The following compress will help to cope with this problem: iodine (5% solution), ammonia (10% solution), liquid honey, glycerin and medical bile. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and infused for 10 days. Before use, the tincture is heated slightly. To get the effect, you need to leave the compress overnight, warming it with a scarf. Can be used daily.
  • A cabbage juice compress helps relieve pain from arthrosis of the ankle joint. The cabbage is cut into several pieces, crushed in a bowl and passed through a juicer. The resulting juice is moistened with a piece of woolen cloth and applied once a day to the sore joint.
  • The simplest option is a cabbage leaf compress. Fresh leaves are smeared with honey and the same side is applied to the leg, fixing and insulating. Leave the compress overnight and repeat daily for a month to achieve a positive effect.
  • Oatmeal compress. 5 tablespoons of oatmeal are poured with hot water and boiled for 7 minutes until a viscous paste is obtained. The cooled mass is spread on a piece of natural fabric, applied to the sore spot and fixed with film. Exposure time is night. If you use the porridge every day, you need to cook it fresh every time.
  • The eggshells are dried and crushed, and then mixed with kefir. The result is a thick paste, which is used as a compress - wrapped in linen cloth and applied to the leg for a couple of hours every day.
  • Compress from tincture of wormwood. The tincture is prepared according to the standard recipe - a tablespoon of dried herbs per glass of hot water.

Gallery of ingredients used to prepare compresses

Specialist's note: the recipes for compresses are mostly universal; they do not have any fundamental differences in the treatment of different forms of arthrosis of the ankle joint (for example, deforming), since they are aimed at specific tasks: relieving inflammation, reducing pain, etc.

Recipes for rubbing and lapping

This method involves applying medicinal compounds directly to the skin, spreading it over it and rubbing it in. In the process, in addition to the delivery of useful substances, there is also a light massage with a warming effect, which also has a positive effect on the condition of the sore joint. For ankle arthrosis, you can use the following recipes:

  • Rubbing to minimize pain. To prepare, you will need 50 grams of dry elecampane root and 125 ml of pure vodka. The ingredients are combined and infused together for two weeks in a dark place where the sun's rays do not reach. You need to rub your ankle daily until you get the desired effect.
  • Honey rub. Honey, iodine, alcohol and glycerin are taken in approximately equal proportions. The ingredients are mixed and infused for several hours. Next, you need to soak a cotton swab with the mixture and lubricate the area of ​​the joint affected by arthrosis with light movements from top to bottom. To obtain the best effect, not only the painful area is coated, but also the surrounding tissue.
  • You can also rub in pure fir oil.
  • Dilute a couple of tablespoons of rock salt in warm water, dip a towel in the resulting mixture and gently wipe the area of ​​the inflamed joint.
  • Rubdowns can also be carried out using St. John's wort infusion (a tablespoon of herb is poured with a glass of boiling water and left for about half an hour).
  • Iodine rub. The ingredients you will need are a bottle of regular triple cologne, a bottle of iodine, juice from 6 aloe leaves and 5 crushed analgin tablets. All components are mixed, left for 10 days, after which the resulting mixture is rubbed on the affected joint.

Gallery of ingredients used to prepare rubs

Means for oral administration

One of the most popular methods of treating arthrosis in folk medicine are tinctures that are used orally. Below we consider the most reliable and proven recipes:

  • In a volume of 0.5 tablespoons, mix willow bark, birch leaves, calendula flowers, nettle leaves and pour a liter of boiling water over the dry mixture. The product is infused for 12 hours, after which it must be applied three times a day, one hundred grams for 2 months. The infusion should be drunk before meals, 30 minutes before the start of the meal.
  • The following composition has the same principle of preparation and administration, only it contains other herbs. To prepare, you will need to mix chamomile, St. John's wort, hop cones, wild rosemary herb, half a tablespoon of each. Then pour boiling water over the mixture and wait 12 hours, after which you can safely use it three times a day.
  • This remedy is represented by a decoction of raspberry roots, nettles and elecampane, which are used in the volume of one teaspoon. The components need to be poured with two glasses of boiling water, then boil the mixture in a water bath for ten minutes, then strain, cool and take 100 grams three times a day before meals.

Other remedies, such as medicinal baths, also have a good effect. We recommend preparing a pine bath - this method is useful and very pleasant, essential oils help you relax and calm down. You will need several pine branches with needles and a couple of earthen pear fruits (cut into small pieces). The components are immersed in hot water in the bath; for additional effect, you can also add sea salt or a couple of tablespoons of honey. When the water reaches a comfortable temperature, you can begin the procedure. You can stay in such a bath for no more than a third of an hour. Another option for a bath composition is hay dust (you can use everything: leaves, stems, and flowers).

Heating with natural materials also gives good results. The most common method is to use sea salt or sand. This method involves heating the product in the oven, after which sand or salt is poured into pre-prepared bags and applied to the sore spot. It is imperative to ensure that the temperature is not too high - heating should not burn the skin or cause pain.

An integrated approach to alternative treatment

Traditional medicine methods are usually used not one at a time, but in combination, thereby ensuring an impact on all aspects of the problem at once. Experts do not recommend using all the recipes in a row; this will not bring a positive effect; it is better to choose several specific methods and apply them systematically. So, recipes from different categories combine well, for example: rubbing during the day, taking a bath in the evening, compressing at night, and taking the product orally the recommended number of times. External influences help relieve swelling, minimize pain and improve ankle mobility, while tinctures and decoctions taken orally, in turn, normalize metabolism at the cellular level, block the action of enzymes that provoke inflammation, and deliver beneficial substances.

Expert advice: to improve the effect of compresses, it is advisable to take a medicinal bath before applying them.


Despite the fact that traditional medicine is considered a practically harmless technique, it must also be used taking into account certain rules and restrictions:

  • Do not apply compositions with aggressive substances to damaged skin or in case of skin diseases at the site of the affected joint;
  • Rubbing and any other massage effects should be abandoned during the acute stage of the disease;
  • You cannot take drugs inside that are not tolerated by the body, that is, you have an allergy.

Before you start using any remedy, be sure to notify your doctor - this will help avoid additional problems associated with incompatibility of treatment.


As non-traditional measures that could prevent the development of arthrosis of the ankle joint, you can use:

  • Pine baths. They have a significant positive effect on the body, relaxing it and saturating it with useful substances, while simultaneously preventing inflammatory processes in the joints.
  • Application to the joint area.
  • Herbal decoctions without alcohol. The described means for oral administration can also be used as a preventive measure, just drink not three times a day, but only once.

Gallery of prophylactic products

By carrying out complex, multifactorial therapy for arthrosis of the ankle joint, you can quickly relieve all symptoms and simply forget about the problem. Traditional methods will not only help with this, but will also prevent the development of a similar disease in the future.