Download the presentation on the topic of water resources. Presentation Water resources of our region presentation for a lesson on the surrounding world (4th grade) on the topic. Causes of fresh water shortage

Slide 1sea
Slide 2 river
Slide 3lake
Slide 4Water wealth
Slide 5 Let's learn how to talk about parts of the river using a diagram. Let's find out what makes up the water resources of our planet. Let's learn to notice and appreciate the beauty of nature.
Slide 6 The water resources of our planet: oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, canals, ponds, reservoirs.
Slide 7 Natural - Artificial - natural, natural, native. man-made, unnatural.
Slide 8 Natural reservoirs River Lake Stream Sea Artificial reservoirs Pond Canal reservoir
Slide 9 trickle trickle
Slide 10 stream stream lake
Slide 11 streamlet stream stream
Slide 12 stream stream stream stream
Slide 13 streamlet stream stream stream river

Slide 15Rivers Each river begins with a fontanel, stream, lake, swamp, glacier. The beginning of a river is called its source.
Slide 16The place where a river flows into the sea, lake or other river is called the mouth.
Slide 17 The depression through which a river flows is called a channel.
Slide 18 The river has left and right banks. To determine where the left bank is and where the right bank is, where the left tributary is and where the right bank is, you need to face the current, towards the mouth and on the right there will be the right bank, and on the left the left bank.
Slide 19 On its way, the river meets other rivers and streams that flow into it. These are tributaries of the river. A river can have left and right tributaries.
Slide 20Parts of the river. What is the beginning of the river called? Source What is the mouth of a river? The place where a river flows into another river, lake or sea is called the mouth. Mouth What is a river bed? A channel is a depression through which a river flows. The river has a right and a left bank. How to identify them? If you look towards the flow of the river, the right bank will be on the right, and the left bank on the left. Right Bank Left Bank On its way, the river meets other rivers and streams that flow into it and give up their water. They are called tributaries. Left tributary Right tributary
Slide 21Lake Baikal
Slide 22The Angara River - the daughter of Baikal
Slide 23 Work in pairs 1. Read the text. 2. Identify the main sentences in the text.
Slide 24Uchan-Su River
Slide 25Salgir River
Slide 26Lake Moinaki
Slide 27 Lake Sasyk-Sivash
Slide 28Simferopol reservoir.
Slide 29North Crimean Canal
Slide 30Black Sea
Slide 31 Bread, father, the river waters the sea. We don't value water until the well runs dry. water mother. The stream feeds the river,
Slide 32 Bread father, water mother. The stream feeds the river, the river feeds the sea. We don't value water until the well runs dry.
Slide 33First line. 1 word – concept or topic (noun). ● Second line. 2 words – description of this concept (adjectives). ● Third line. 3 words – actions (verbs). ● Fourth line. A phrase or sentence showing an attitude to the topic (aphorism) ● Fifth line. 1 word is a synonym that repeats the essence of the topic.
Slide 34 “Unfinished sentence” Today I learned... I learned... I was surprised... What did the lesson make you think about?
Slide 35 Lesson over

The world

Topic: Water resources of our region

Lesson type: learning new material

Target: create conditions for familiarizing students with the diversity of reservoirs in our region, revealing the importance of reservoirs in nature and human life; contribute to the formation of ideas about reservoirs, about natural and artificial reservoirs, about reservoirs of the country, about parts of the river; develop interest in the subject “The world around us”

Planned educational results

Subject: will have the opportunity to learn how to work with a textbook; form the concept of a river and its parts, teach to distinguish between bodies of natural and artificial origin, recognize them by description; to form concepts of the importance of bodies of water in life

Personal: have a responsible attitude towards learning; show readiness and ability for self-development and self-education based on motivation to learn

Meta-subject results

Cognitive UUD: search for the necessary information in the textbook; find patterns; observe and draw your own conclusions

Regulatory UUD: be aware of the task, accept it, strive for its successful solution; plan your actions; monitor and evaluate your work

Communication UUD: willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, express your opinion and argue your point of view

Basic concepts: reservoirs, source, channel, mouth, tributaries

Equipment: TV, laptop



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Slide captions:

Lesson on the surrounding world on the topic “Water resources” 4th grade Municipal state educational institution “Krymrozovskaya secondary school” Primary school teacher Tomko Valentina Vasilievna

Bottom Slope Top

Parts of the river. What is the beginning of the river called? Source What is the mouth of a river? The place where a river flows into another river, lake or sea is called the mouth. Mouth What is a river bed? A channel is a depression through which a river flows. The river has a right and a left bank. How to identify them? If you look towards the flow of the river, the right bank will be on the right, and the left bank on the left. Right Bank Left Bank On its way, the river meets other rivers and streams that flow into it and give up their water. They are called tributaries. Left tributary Right tributary

"The water resources of our region"

RESERVOIR Natural Artificial? Created by nature Created by man River, sea, lake, ocean, swamp. Pond, canal, reservoir



What importance do bodies of water have for nature and humans?

Wastewater Garbage Fertilizers and pesticides Vehicle washing

Reflection In today's lesson I learned.. In this lesson I would praise myself for... After the lesson I wanted... Today I was able to...

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Water resources of our region

The world around us Topic: Water resources of our region Lesson type: learning new material Purpose: to create conditions for students to become familiar with the diversity of water bodies of our region, to reveal the significance of water bodies...

Water resources of our region

The presentation is intended to familiarize students with some of the rivers of our region. Where do they originate, where do they flow, the flora and fauna of these rivers......

“Water Resources of the World” - The riches of the World Ocean can be considered: What minerals is the World Ocean rich in? Since the beginning of the 90s, more than 40 thousand reservoirs have been exploited on Earth. What are the ways to solve the problem of water resources? Sometimes such workings go under the seabed at a distance of 10-20 km from the coast.

“Water Resources of Russia” - Natural phenomena: Mudflows - mud-stone flows. WATER RESOURCES SURFACE UNDERGROUND WITHOUT WATER PEOPLE CANNOT LIVE! To consolidate knowledge about the inland waters of Russia (concepts, types of waters). "Water resources. Natural phenomena. Presentation on the topic: Most of fresh water is spent in agriculture for irrigation.

“Water resources” - It is impossible to stop development. The reason is the lack of reliable information on actual water consumption. Planning water supply activities requires a reliable forecast of future water consumption. The need to control and optimize the management of water bodies. Head Department of Integrated Use of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, Moscow State University of Environmental Management Ratkovich L.D.

“Aquatic environment” - Lesson topic: Aquatic environment. Comparison of living conditions in different environments. Questions for review: Lake reed. Today we will learn: Look for water where cattails grow. Inhabitants of the aquatic environment. Cattail angustifolia.

“Protection of water resources” - For the production of 1t of paper – 900M3 of water. Naledi. Showers. Water cadastre. A large metallurgical plant consumes about 1 million per day. Improve production technology at enterprises. Snowfalls. Avalanches. To produce 1t of sugar, 100m3 of water is consumed. To produce 1t of rubber – 1500M3 of water.

“Aquatic plants” - 1. Teacher’s introduction: The importance of water for plants. Biology teacher of the highest category Olga Georgievna Golubkova. The teacher corrects the students' search activity as the task progresses. Biology lessons (botany, ecology) using information technology. The teacher invites students to the board if they wish.

Waters suitable for use.

In a broader sense - in O waters in liquid, solid and gaseous states and their distribution on Earth.

Inland waters of Russia

Straybulova A. N.

4. What applies to inland waters?

Inland waters





Artificial reservoirs

The groundwater

  • Our country is rich in significant river systems. All rivers are of great importance for the national economy. Rivers are used for navigation, generating electricity, irrigating fields, water supply to populated areas, and fishing.

The rivers of Russia receive water from rain, melting snow, glaciers and underground drains. Almost all rivers in Russia freeze in winter.

  • In Russia, there are more than two million small rivers, or 99.9% of the total number of watercourses. Only 0.1% falls on medium and large watercourses. Small rivers feed the main arteries, determine their flow, purity and life. Therefore, if large rivers become shallow, the reasons should be sought in their tributaries, since a significant part of the river flow occurs through them.

  • Each river system represents a unity economically, socially and environmentally. Small streams are important local resources. These rivers are widely used in various areas of the national economy: they create small hydroelectric power stations, water mills, and are used for water supply, agricultural production, irrigation and recreation.

Rivers of Russia

  • Arctic Ocean basin – 2/3 S of the country
  • Ob (Irtysh, Ishim, Tobol), Lena (Vilyuy, Aldan),

Northern Dvina, Olenyok, Khatanga, Yenisei (Angara, Lower Tunguska, Podkamennaya Tungussk), Pechora, Yana, Indigirka, Kolyma.

  • Pacific Ocean basin - about 20% of the country
  • Shilka, Argun, Amur (Zeya, Bureya, Ussuri), Anadyr.
  • Inland drainage basin – about 10% of the country
  • Volga (Oka, Kama), Ural, Terek.
  • Atlantic Ocean basin - about 3% of the country's S
  • Western Dvina, Volkhov, Don, Kuban, Dnieper.

The influence of topography on rivers

  • A fall– the excess of the river source over the mouth (in meters). Source height – Mouth height = Fall.
  • Slope= Drop (in cm)/Length (in km).

Climate influence on rivers

  • Annual flow- the amount of water that the river

carries out per year (in km).

  • Water consumption– the amount of water that flows

through a cross section of a river per unit time

  • River mode– intra-annual distribution of runoff.


  • rain
  • glacial
  • snowy
  • ground (underground)
  • mixed


  • Solid waste– small particles (silt, clay, sand) that the river carries.

Lena River Delta

Natural disasters associated with the river

  • What is a flood?
  • What does it lead to?
  • What is their reason?
  • Where in our country do floods most often occur?
  • How is the magnitude of flood damage estimated?
  • What flood protection methods do you know?