How much sleep per year and month. Daily sleep requirement for a newborn. How to get your baby to sleep during the day

How much does a child sleep after a year? The younger the child, the more time he needs to recuperate ... Usually it is individual, but statistics ...

Insufficient sleep inevitably leads to nervous exhaustion. This is especially evident in young children, because their maturing body gets tired faster than usual, which means that they should sleep longer. Moreover, the younger the child, the more time he needs to restore strength and energy. Usually this is individual, the child sleeps as much as his body needs, and yet many parents worry about whether their child is getting enough sleep.

The most acute questions related to the norms and sleep patterns arise after a year, because a kindergarten with its own rules of routine is just around the corner.

How to understand if a child is getting enough sleep

Babies who have just been born sleep until 17-18 hours a day. Every month, the time spent in the arms of Morpheus gradually decreases, and by the year the little one should sleep only 13 or 14 hours.

These are the norms. In life, many crumbs deviate from the indicated figures by 1-2 hours, which gives another cause for alarm to their parents.

Lack of sleep can really have a bad effect on the health of the little man and lead to serious neurological disorders.

To exclude it, watch the little one:

  • How quickly does he concentrate and how long can he keep his attention on the subject?
  • Are there situations when he “freezes”, looking at one point for a long time?
  • Have you noticed how he often rubs his eyes, is lethargic and sleepy while awake?
  • Do unreasonable whims and tantrums often occur?

If most of the answers are in the affirmative, then you need to change something in the regimen and increase the amount of sleep. Now consider the reverse situation: what if your child sleeps too much. Oversleeping can also indicate possible problems.

A child is a year old, however, his daily sleep is 16-17 hours. What to look for: how to gain weight; how inquisitive and mobile he is while awake. If everything is fine, then most likely you just gave birth to a sleepyhead!

Norms and numbers for children from a year

How long does a yearling sleep? A baby of this age should sleep for about 14 hours, of which 2.5 are for two daytime rests, and 11.5 for the dark time of the day. The first daytime sleep occurs after about 3-4 hours of wakefulness. Usually it is shorter, the second time the baby will settle down during the day also 3-4 hours after waking up.

How much does a child sleep after a year? In the months that followed, nothing much would change, except that he would sleep only once during the day. The optimal time of wakefulness before falling asleep in the evening is 5-6 hours for a child of 18 months.

At the same time, children with increased excitability of the nervous system get tired much faster than their calm peers, because they spend more energy. Such children, even at 18 months, sleep twice a day, needing shorter periods of wakefulness. In the evening, it is also better to lay them down early.

How much to pack a toddler? It is best if at 20:00-21:30 the baby is already sleeping. This period is closest to the biological rhythms of the baby, which means that rest will bring the greatest benefit.

By the age of two, babies should sleep only 11 hours at night and 1.5 hours during the day.

Sleep features of yearlings

The sleep pattern of young children is different from that of adults. Babies fall asleep faster, and their sleep becomes deeper sooner. However, it is not so continuous, for example, babies of the first months of life wake up after 3.5 hours.

By 12 months, the baby's sleep is much less interrupted, and he sleeps until morning. What problems might arise?

Children who are one year old can be difficult to put to bed, they can sleep poorly at night, constantly waking up. This is due to the acquisition of new skills - walking and standing. The little one likes to train them again and again that he does not pay attention to the wrong time of day for this.

And yet the baby will have to explain that the night is meant for rest. Someone leaves the child in the crib to calm down and “shout” on their own, someone distracts the baby with a fairy tale and conversations. The most weak-willed try to put the rebel down with "sleeping" means, such as motion sickness, or succumb to "persuasion" and play with him in the middle of the night.

Features of sleep at 1.5 years

Starting at 18 months, some babies may interrupt their rest and get out of their crib. This is fraught with possible falls, so you need to prepare: lower the mattress; remove from the crib everything that can help the fidget get out; cover potentially dangerous places with pillows.

Also, don't express admiration when you see your baby get out of the crib on their own during the day. When it comes time to lay the baby, stand nearby, but not in his field of vision, in order to stop attempts to "escape" in time.

How to change sleep patterns

Although at the age of 1 year - 18 months it is still too early to say who the baby will be - "owl" or "lark", some sleep more during the day and it is difficult to put them to bed in the evening, others, on the contrary, go to bed by 7 pm and wake up early in the morning.

If you are not satisfied with what time the child goes to bed and gets up, you should not drastically change the daily routine. It is better to do it gradually, laying it down 15-30 minutes earlier or later than usual.

Calculate how long the baby sleeps, when it goes to bed and when it wakes up. If the baby falls asleep in the afternoon after 4:00 pm, it will be difficult for him to go to bed before midnight.

If the baby gets up badly in the morning, first of all, the parents themselves should not be lazy and get up. Allowing yourself to sometimes sleep longer than usual, you yourself violate the child's regimen.

If the child is difficult to put to bed, a short evening walk should help. The main thing is that at least 30 minutes remain before bedtime, otherwise the child's activity will increase, and he will not sleep well.

The “raging” fidget will be calmed by a warm bath with a few drops of lavender oil.

The child must not play in his bed. Having allowed to frolic in it once, then it will be difficult to explain that the bed is needed to sleep in it.

3 rules for parents

If your child is difficult to put to bed, try following the advice of experts.

  1. Increase physical activity and the duration of walks during the day.
  2. Do not overload the baby's nervous system at night: refrain from screaming and conflicts, exciting games and entertainment.
  3. Set an example. So that the child does not resist laying down, adults must themselves observe sleep hygiene.

Alternate days with one nap and two, depending on how and how much the child slept at night. This will make it easier for him to transition to a one-time “quiet hour”.

Why do children wake up

The fact that sick children experience sleep disturbances is understandable, but why does a healthy 1-year-old child wake up in the middle of the night and sleep poorly?

First, he may be thirsty. All parents know that the children's bedroom should have clean and cool air, but they still lay carpets, turn on heaters, and close the window. As a result, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract dry up, and the baby does not sleep well at night.

Secondly, children can grind their teeth at night. There are no exact explanations for this phenomenon, but, ultimately, it leads to the fact that the child can ruin his teeth and sleep badly.

Even if the baby is only a year old, he also has nightmares. He wakes up in the middle of the night and cries loudly, not reacting to adults. And although the nature of dreams is not at all studied, this often happens due to emotional overload during the day.

After 18 months, children's imagination is getting better and better, which can be the culprit in the appearance of the first fears. Because of them, kids do not fall asleep well, they are afraid to be alone. Parents need to treat such phenomena with respect, try to eliminate the irritant (if the fear of the dark, turn on the night light) and in no case make fun of the baby.

No matter how many children there are, two problems are associated with sleep - it is difficult to lay down and sleep poorly. Both of them are solved only by clear and consistent actions of parents: regimen, control over emotional and motor loads, hygiene of the sleeping area. Teach your child to order from childhood, and then you will not have to worry in the future!

The norms for the amount and duration of children's sleep are approximate. This means that if the child sleeps less or longer, more often or less often, you should not force him to sleep, or, conversely, wake him up early! The norms are just a guideline for the mother to correctly distribute the child's day regimen.

The duration of sleep of all children is individual.

As for an adult, a number of factors influence the duration of a child’s sleep: from psychological and physical condition to temperament and daily routine. If the child is healthy, feels good, alert and active during the day, but the child sleeps less than recommended, you should not worry. Unless, of course, we are talking about small deviations from the specified norms. However, there is a pattern: the smaller the child, the more he should sleep.

Here are the average values ​​for how much a child should sleep, depending on age:

From 1 to 2 months, the baby should sleep for about 18 hours;
From 3 to 4 months, the child should sleep 17-18 hours;
From 5 to 6 months, the baby should sleep for about 16 hours;
From 7 to 9 months, the baby should sleep for about 15 hours;
From 10 to 12 months, the baby should sleep for about 13 hours;
From 1 to 1.5 years old, the child sleeps 2 times a day: the 1st sleep lasts 2-2.5 hours, the 2nd sleep lasts 1.5 hours, the night sleep lasts 10-11 hours;
From 1.5 to 2 years, the child sleeps 1 time during the day for 2.5-3 hours, night sleep lasts 10-11 hours;
From 2 to 3 years old, the child sleeps 1 time during the day for 2-2.5 hours, night sleep lasts 10-11 hours;
From 3 to 7 years old, the child sleeps 1 time during the day for about 2 hours, night sleep lasts 10 hours;
After 7 years, the child does not have to sleep during the day; at night, a child at this age should sleep at least 8-9 hours.

Sleep 0 to 3 months

Before 3 months, a newborn sleeps quite a lot - about 17 to 18 hours a day during the first few weeks and 15 to 17 hours a day by three months.

Children almost never sleep more than three or four hours in a row, day or night. This means that you will not be able to sleep for many hours in a row either. You will have to get up at night to feed and change your baby; during the day you will play with it. Some babies sleep through the night as early as 8 weeks old, but most babies don't sleep continuously through the night, not only until 5 or 6 months, but beyond. It is necessary from birth to observe the rules of good sleep.

Sleep rules.

Here's what you can do at this age to help your child develop proper sleep habits:

    Look for signs of child fatigue

For the first six to eight weeks, your baby will not be able to stay awake for more than two hours straight. If you don't put him to bed longer than this time, he will be overtired and won't be able to sleep well. Watch until you notice that the child is becoming sleepy. Does he rub his eyes, tug at his ear, do faint dark circles appear under his eyes? If you observe these or any other signs of drowsiness, send him straight to the crib. Soon you will become so familiar with your baby's daily rhythms and behaviors that you will develop a sixth sense and instinctively know when he is ready for bed.

    Start explaining to him the difference between day and night.

Some babies are owls (you may have already noticed some hints of this during pregnancy). And while you want to turn off the light, the child may still be very active. For the first few days, you won't be able to do anything about it. But once your baby is about 2 weeks old, you can start teaching him to tell the difference between night and day.

When the child is alert and active during the day, play with him, turn on the lights in the house and in his room, do not try to reduce the usual daytime noises (sounds of the phone, TV or dishwasher). If he falls asleep while feeding, wake him up. Do not play with your child at night. When you enter his feeding room, dim the lights and noise, don't talk to him for too long. It won't be long before your baby starts to understand that night time is for sleep.

    Give him a chance to fall asleep on his own

When your baby is 6 to 8 weeks old, start giving him a chance to fall asleep on his own. How? Put him to bed when he's sleepy but still awake, experts advise. They discourage motion sickness or feeding the baby before bed. “Parents think that if they start teaching a child too early, it will not work,” they say, “But it is not. Babies develop sleep habits. If you rock your baby before bed every night for the first eight weeks, why should he expect anything different later?

What sleep problems can occur before three months?

By the time your baby is 2 or 3 months old, he may already be waking up at night more than he should and developing negative sleep associations.

Newborns must wake up at night for food, but some may accidentally wake themselves up before they really need to feed. To avoid this, try swaddling your baby (wrap him snugly in a blanket) before putting him to bed at night.

Avoid unnecessary associations with sleep - your child should not depend on motion sickness, feeding in order to fall asleep. Put the baby to bed before he falls asleep and let him fall asleep on his own.

Sleep 3 to 6 months

By 3 or 4 months, most babies sleep 15-17 hours a day, 10-11 of those at night, and the rest of the time is divided between 3 and mostly 4 2-hour naps.

At the beginning of this period, you may still get up once or twice a night for feeds, but by 6 months your baby will be able to sleep through the night. It is not a fact, of course, that he will sleep continuously all night, but it will depend on whether you develop sleep skills in him.

How to put a child to sleep?

    Set a clear nighttime and daytime sleep schedule and stick to it.

While your baby was a newborn, you could decide when to put him down during the night by watching for signs of sleepiness (rubbing his eyes, rubbing his ear, and so on). Now that he's a little older, you should set specific times for him to sleep at night and during the day.

In the evening, a good time for a child is between 19.00 and 20.30. Later, he will most likely be too tired and it will be difficult for him to fall asleep. Your child may not look tired late at night - on the contrary, he may seem very energetic. But believe me, this is a sure sign that it's time for the baby to sleep.

In the same way, you can set nap times - schedule them for the same time every day, or go by feel, putting your baby to bed when you see that he is tired and needs to rest. Either approach is acceptable as long as the baby is getting enough sleep.

    Start establishing a bedtime ritual

If you have not done this yet, then at the age of 3-6 months it is already time. A bedtime ritual may include the following: give him a bath, play quiet games with him, read a bedtime story or two, sing a lullaby. Kiss him and say goodnight.

No matter what your family's ritual involves, you must do it in the same order, at the same time, every night. Children need consistency, and sleep is no exception.

    wake up your child in the morning

If your child often sleeps more than 10 - 11 hours at night, it is advisable to wake him up in the morning. Thus, you will help him restore the mode. Keeping a nightly sleep schedule may not seem difficult to you, but remember that your child should sleep on schedule and during the day. Waking up at the same time every morning will help.

What sleep problems can occur before 6 months?

Two problems, nocturnal awakenings and the development of negative associations with sleep (when your baby becomes dependent on motion sickness or feeding as a prerequisite for falling asleep), affect both newborns and older children. But by about 3-6 months, another problem may arise - difficulty falling asleep.

If your child has a hard time falling asleep at night, first make sure he doesn't stay up too late (as we mentioned, an overtired child has a hard time falling asleep). If this is not the case, then he may have developed one or more associations associated with sleep. Now is the time to get rid of them. The child must learn to fall asleep on his own, but it does not matter if you fail.

Some recommend waiting until the child “screams and falls asleep”, but what is more important to you: the child’s nerves or your own convenience when you put the child to bed and forget? At the same time, some babies not only do not fall asleep, but are also so overexcited that the usual methods of lulling will no longer help you and the child will wake up crying all night.

Sleep 6 to 9 months

Children at this age need about 14-15 hours of sleep per night, and they can sleep for about 7 hours straight. If your baby sleeps longer than seven hours, he probably wakes up briefly, but manages to go back to sleep on his own - a great sign. This means that you have an excellent dormouse growing.

He probably falls asleep for a couple of hour and a half or two hour naps, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Remember: a consistent daytime and nighttime sleep schedule helps regulate sleep habits.

Norm - 10-11 hours of sleep at night and 3 times for 1.5 -2 hours during the day

How to put a child to sleep?

    Set up a bedtime ritual and always follow it.

While you've probably established some sort of bedtime ritual long ago, your child is only now really starting to participate. Your ritual might include taking a bath, playing quietly, reading a bedtime story or two, or a lullaby. Remember that you must do all of these steps in the same order and at the same time each evening. The child will appreciate your consistency. Young children love a consistent schedule they can rely on.

Your bedtime ritual will indicate that it is time to gradually calm down and get ready for sleep.

    Keep a regular daytime and nighttime sleep schedule

Both you and your child will benefit from having a regular schedule that includes both daytime and nighttime naps. This means that you should try to stick to a predetermined schedule. When your child sleeps during the day, eats, plays, goes to bed at the same time every day, it will be much easier for him to fall asleep. Make sure you give your child the opportunity to fall asleep on their own.

The child must learn to fall asleep on his own. Put him in the crib before he falls asleep and try not to accustom him to external factors (sickness or feeding) as a necessary condition for falling asleep. If the child is crying, then further behavior depends on you. Most experts advise waiting at least a few minutes to see if the child is really upset. Others advise not to wait until the child bursts into tears and advocate the joint sleep of the child with the parents.

Young children who have never had trouble sleeping may at this age suddenly start waking up in the middle of the night or have trouble falling asleep. Sleep disturbances are more often associated with the fact that right now your child is learning to sit, roll over, crawl, and perhaps even stand up on his own, it is not surprising that he will want to try out his new skills during sleep. The baby may wake up at night to try to sit or stand again.

In a half-asleep state, the child sits down or gets up, and then cannot lower himself and lie down on his own. Of course, he finally wakes up and starts crying and calling for his mother. Your task is to calm the child and help him lie down.

If your child goes to bed after 8:30 pm and suddenly starts waking up during the night, try to sleep half an hour earlier. You will be surprised to find that the child began to sleep soundly.

Sleep 9 to 12 months

Your baby is already sleeping between 10 and 12 hours at night. And two more times a day for 1.5 -2 hours. Make sure he gets enough of it - the duration of sleep plays a big role in the development of the child. It's also important to stick to a consistent nap schedule. If this schedule is movable, then it is likely that the child will have difficulty falling asleep and wake up frequently during the night.

How to put a child to sleep?

    Evening ritual

Follow a regular bedtime ritual. This is important: a bath, a bedtime story, bedtime. You can also add some quiet play, just make sure you follow the same pattern every night. Children prefer consistency and feel safe when they know what to expect.

    Day and night sleep mode

The child's sleep will become better if you follow the regimen not only at night, but also during the day. If the child eats, plays and goes to bed exactly on the clock, at the same time, most likely it will always be easy for him to fall asleep.

Let your child fall asleep on their own. Don't stop him from practicing this important skill. If a baby's sleep depends on feeding, rocking, or a lullaby, it will be hard for him to fall asleep again when he wakes up during the night. He might even cry.

What sleep problems can arise?

The development of the child is in full swing: he can sit down, roll over, crawl, stand up and, finally, take a few steps. At this age, he hones and trains his skills. This means that he may become overly excited and have difficulty falling asleep, or may wake up at night to exercise.

If the child cannot calm down and fall asleep on his own, he will cry and call you. Come and comfort the child.

Your child may also wake up at night because of the fear of being abandoned, he misses you and worries that you will never return. He will most likely calm down as soon as you approach him.

Sleep norms. From year to 3

Your child is already quite big. But he also, as before, needs a lot of sleep.

Sleep 12 to 18 months

Up to two years, the child should sleep 13-14 hours a day, 11 hours of them at night. The rest will go into daytime sleep. At 12 months he will still need two naps, but by 18 months he is ready for one (one and a half to two hour) naps. This regime will last up to 4-5 years.

Going from two naps to one can be difficult. Experts recommend alternating two nap days with one nap days, depending on how much your baby slept the night before. If the child slept once during the day, it is better to put him down early in the evening.

How to put a child to sleep?

Until age 2, there is almost nothing new to help your baby sleep well. Follow the strategies you've learned so far.

Follow a regular bedtime ritual

A proper bedtime ritual will help your child gradually calm down at the end of the day and get ready for bed.

If your child needs a burst of energy, let him run around for a bit before moving on to quieter activities (such as quiet play, a bath, or a bedtime story). Follow the same pattern every evening - even when you're away from home. Children love it when everything is crisp and clear. The ability to predict when an event will happen helps them to control the situation.

Make sure your child has a consistent daytime and nighttime sleep schedule

The baby's sleep will become more regular if you try to keep the regimen constantly. If he sleeps during the day, eats, plays, goes to bed every day at the same time, most likely it will be easy for him to fall asleep in the evening.

Let your child fall asleep on their own

Don't forget how important it is for your child to be able to fall asleep on their own every night. Sleep should not depend on motion sickness, feeding or a lullaby. If such a dependence exists, the child, waking up at night, will not be able to fall asleep on his own and will call you. What to do if this happens is up to you.

At this age, the child may have difficulty falling asleep and may also wake up frequently during the night. The cause of both problems is new milestones in the development of the child, especially standing and walking. Your toddler is so excited about his new skills that he wants to keep doing them, even if you say it's bedtime.

If the child resists and does not want to go to bed, most experts advise leaving him in his room for a few minutes to see if he calms himself down. If the child does not calm down, we change tactics.

You will also have to decide what to do if the child wakes up at night, cannot calm himself and calls you. Try to go in and see: if he is standing, you must help him lie down. But if the child wants you to stay and play with him, don't give up. He must understand that night time is for sleep.

Sleep 18 to 24 months

Now your baby should sleep approximately 10-12 hours at night plus a two-hour afternoon rest. Some children cannot do without two shorter naps until the age of two. If your child is one of them, don't fight it.

How to help a child fall asleep?

Help your child break bad sleep habits

Your child should be able to fall asleep on their own, without motion sickness, breastfeeding, or other sleep aids. If his sleep is dependent on any of these external factors, he will not be able to fall asleep on his own at night if he wakes up and you are not around.

Experts say: “Imagine that you fall asleep lying on a pillow, then wake up in the middle of the night and find that there is no pillow. Most likely, you will be disturbed by its absence and start looking for it, thereby finally awakening from sleep. Similarly, if a child falls asleep every night listening to a specific CD, when he wakes up at night and does not hear music, he will wonder "what happened?". A puzzled child is unlikely to fall asleep easily. To prevent this situation, try putting him to bed, when he is sleepy but still awake, so that he can fall asleep on his own.

Give your child an acceptable choice before bed

These days your little one is starting to test the limits of his newly discovered independence, wanting to assert control over the world around him. To cut down on bedtime confrontation, let your child make choices whenever possible during his evening ritual - what story he would like to hear, what pajamas he would like to wear.

Always offer only two or three alternatives and make sure you're happy with either choice. For example, don't ask, "Do you want to go to bed now?" Of course, the child will answer “No”, which is not an acceptable answer. Instead, try asking, "Do you want to go to bed now or in five minutes?" The child is happy that he can choose, and you win no matter what choice he makes.

What difficulties with sleep and falling asleep can arise?

The two most common sleep problems in children of all ages are difficulty falling asleep and frequent nocturnal awakenings.

This age group has its own peculiarity. Sometime between 18 and 24 months, many babies begin to rise from their crib, potentially putting themselves in danger (falling out of a crib can be quite painful). Unfortunately, just because your little one can get out of his crib doesn't mean he's ready for a big bed. Try to keep him out of harm's way by following these tips.

Lower the mattress. Or make the walls of the crib higher. If it is possible of course. However, when the child gets older, this may not work.
Free the bed. Your child can use toys and extra pillows as coasters to help them climb out.
Don't encourage your child to get out of bed. If the baby gets out of the crib, don't get excited, don't swear, and don't let him get into your bed. Remain calm and neutral, say firmly that this is not necessary and put the baby back in his crib. He will learn this rule pretty quickly.
Use a bed canopy. These products are attached to the crib rails and ensure the safety of the baby.
Follow the child. Stand in a position where you can see the baby in the crib but he can't see you. If he tries to climb out, immediately tell him not to. After you reprimand a few times, he will probably become more obedient.
Make the environment safe. If you can't keep your baby from getting out of the crib, you can at least make sure he stays safe. Soft pillows on the floor around his crib and on nearby drawers, nightstands, and other objects that he might bump into. If he is completely unwilling to stop getting up and out of bed, you can lower the crib rail and leave a chair nearby. At least then you won't have to worry about him falling and hurting himself.

Sleep rates: two to three

Typical sleep at this age

Two to three year olds need approximately 11 hours of sleep at night and one to one and a half to two hours of afternoon rest.

Most children this age go to bed between 7:00 pm and 9:00 pm and wake up between 6:30 and 8:00 am. It seems that your child's sleep finally resembles yours, but the difference is that a child under four spends more time in so-called "light" or "REM" sleep. Result? Because he makes more transitions from one sleep stage to another, he wakes up more often than you do. That is why it is so important that the child knows how to calm himself and fall asleep on his own.

How to instill healthy sleep habits?

Now that your child is older, you can try some new methods to improve nighttime sleep.

Move the child to a large bed and praise him when he stays in it.

At this age, your little one is likely to move from a crib to a large bed. The birth of a younger brother may also hasten this transition.

If you're pregnant, move your baby to a new bed at least six to eight weeks before your due date, sleep expert Jody Mindell advises: bed." If the child does not want to change the bed, do not rush him. Wait until his newborn sibling is three or four months old. An infant can spend these months in a wicker basket or cradle, and your older child will have enough time to get used to it. This will create the prerequisites for an easier bed-to-bed transition.

The main reason why you should think about moving your baby to bed is because of his frequent climbing out of the crib and toilet training. Your child has to get up at night to go to the bathroom.

When your baby moves into a new bed, don't forget to praise him when he goes to bed and stays in it all night. After moving out of the crib, the baby may get up from his big bed again and again just because it is comfortable for him to do so. If your baby gets up, don't swear or get nervous. Just put him back in bed, tell him firmly it's time to go to bed, and leave.

Fulfill all his requests and include them in your bedtime ritual

Your toddler may be trying to delay bedtime by begging for "one more time" - a story, a song, a glass of water. Try to comply with all reasonable requests of the child and make them part of your bedtime ritual. Then you can allow the child one additional request - but only one. The child will feel like he is getting his way, but you will know that in fact you stand your ground.

An extra kiss and goodnight

Promise your child an extra "goodnight" kiss after you put him to bed and tuck him in for the first time. Tell him you'll be back in a few minutes. Perhaps by the time you return, he will already be sound asleep.

What sleep difficulties can arise?

If your baby starts getting up more often than before after moving to a larger bed, put him back in the crib and give him a gentle kiss.

Another common sleep problem at this age is the refusal to go to sleep. You can solve this problem if you manage your child's requests before bed. However, be realistic: no child happily runs to bed every night, so be prepared for a fight.

You've probably noticed that the baby has some new nighttime worries. He may be afraid of the dark, monsters under the bed, separation from you - these are common childhood fears, do not worry too much. Fears are part of your child's normal development. If he has a nightmare, immediately approach him, calm him down and talk about his bad dream. If nightmares recur, it is necessary to look for sources of anxiety in the child's daily life. Most experts agree that if a child is truly frightened, they can sometimes be allowed into your bed.

Sleep is a state of the body necessary for full development. It performs protective functions, restores and corrects processes. It is impossible to accurately answer the question of how much a baby should sleep at 1 year old. Speaking of time, it is necessary to take into account the age and temperament of the baby.

Daytime sleep is necessary for a one-year-old child for harmonious physical and psychological development.

Some children have a daily routine from birth, which changes as they grow up. The child falls asleep without difficulty, sleeps for a long time, waking up in the middle of the night, quickly “turns off”. The parents of such a baby do not know problems with sleep. Too bad most kids aren't like that. Often parents have to help the child with sleep.

Babies sleep about 17 hours a day. At the age of one year, the norm decreases to 14 hours and lasts up to 2 years.

It is not scary if the child slept a few hours more or less than the norm. This is due to personal characteristics or diseases. You can determine neurological disorders in a baby if you ask yourself a number of questions:

  • whether the child is able to concentrate for a long time on one subject;
  • how often does it happen that the baby sits, watching one point, and does not react to the environment;
  • whether he experiences daytime sleepiness;
  • the child is calm or too nervous and capricious.

When a child has all the above signs, it means that he does not get enough sleep. But do not worry if the baby does not experience discomfort with a lack of sleep and feels good. He just doesn't need a long rest.

If the baby sleeps too much, then you should also be puzzled and answer the questions:

  • whether the child is growing and developing well;
  • the child is attentive or too distracted;
  • whether it is active during wakefulness.

Sleeping too long during the day may indicate health or developmental problems.

Lack of sleep leads to disruption of the nervous system and rapid fatigue. Time statistics should serve as a guide for parents. However, oversleeping will not benefit a 12-month-old baby, it makes him lethargic and capricious.

Signs that your child needs to rest

An infant of one year may not show any particular signs of fatigue. He will be active, smiling, but in fact he is very tired and wants to rest. When a child has some problems falling asleep, including during the day, the parent should carefully study his behavior during the approach of sleep. This will help determine the individual features of the manifestation of fatigue in the baby and prevent tantrums. Some parents keep a notebook for this purpose, where they record hours of sleep and activity, as well as behavior before a quiet hour. These notes can help you understand what interferes with rest and how to prepare your child for sleep.

Behavior that allows you to identify the drowsiness of the child:

  • yawns;
  • rubs eyes and ears;
  • hysteria;
  • indifferent to surroundings and entertainment;
  • refuses to eat;
  • requires increased attention from the parent (asking for hands);
  • too active;
  • looks sleepy, moves awkwardly.

The hysteria and cries of the child may indicate that he wants to sleep.

If you put a one-year-old child to bed in time, he will easily fall asleep. Being late will lead to overexcitation, nervousness, refusal to rest. The baby will be ready to play, but such activity will lead to a sleep disorder.

Noteworthy features may not appear, then it is recommended to note the time when the child falls asleep best. 20 minutes before that, you can start preparing for the rest.

Mode change

Some babies are very fond of sleeping during the day, but do not want to fall asleep at night. Others go to bed early in the evening but wake up at three in the morning.

How much time is needed depends on the individual, on average a child should rest up to 13 hours per night and about three in the daytime.

If the child gets up very early and raises the parents, the schedule can be changed. You need to gradually change the time, each time putting the baby to bed 30 minutes later. In this way, the lights out can be delayed by two or three hours. The kid does not welcome such big shifts? They can be reduced to 10 minutes. At the same time, it is not recommended to move the usual procedures and entertainment.

The duration of a baby's daytime sleep depends on his temperament and development.

Why daytime sleep is needed

A one-year-old baby needs regular daytime naps. The required number of hours of rest during daylight hours ranges from two to three. The child is recommended to be put to bed at lunchtime (once before noon, once after two in the afternoon). This rhythm is considered optimal. However, many babies already at the age of one year go to one afternoon rest.

During daytime sleep, the brain is disconnected from third-party stimuli and analyzes the information received during the day.. It is important for protecting the body from fatigue of the spine and nervous system (NS), muscle tone.

It is a mistake to believe that if the child is not allowed to fall asleep during the day, then at night the sleep will be deeper and calmer. Without resting the NA, a 12-18-month-old baby will be very tired by the evening, which will prevent him from falling asleep.

The complete absence of daytime sleep leads to severe drowning.

  1. Plan your child's schedule. It is believed that children whose daytime sleep starts after 4 o'clock are rarely tired before midnight.
  2. When a 12-18 month old gets up late, you can try waking him up early.. Changing the schedule is best done as a game.
  3. It happens that the violation of the regime is associated with sluggish physical activity. In this case, it is recommended to increase the number of walks and involve the baby in active games.
  4. For a good night's sleep, you can take the child for a walk in the evening.
  5. Warm water is relaxing. A bath will help you sleep. For an enhanced effect, you can add lavender or sandalwood oil to it.
  6. A child in bed should sleep, not play. This is necessary in order for the baby to form the opinion that the bed is a place to sleep. Lying down in it, out of habit, he will feel drowsy. Before going to bed, the children's room is ventilated.

A clear daily routine for the baby contributes to the formation of the habit of daytime sleep.

Common Mistakes

  1. It is worth gradually transferring the child to a separate place to sleep, especially if before that he slept with his parents. If a child under 18 months already had a bed, then it can be moved.
  2. When a child is naughty and calls for mom, it is better not to ignore him.. Otherwise, after a while, he will stop crying, but not because he calmed down, but because of fatigue.
  3. Don't yell at the child. He will be silent, but he will not calm down. Do not tell your baby horror stories, he will be afraid to go to bed.


It is important to monitor the regular sleep of the baby. Serious deviations lead to nervousness and developmental delay. If you have problems with sleep, it is recommended to seek help from a doctor.

A child at the age of one year is no longer a baby, his intellectual sphere develops, personality traits appear. However, from the point of view of physiology, it is still a rapidly growing organism, consuming a large amount of energy, which can be replenished with sleep that is sufficient in duration and depth.

At this age, the daily rhythm of sleep and wakefulness has already been formed, and children confuse day and night only in extreme cases. This usually occurs due to the physiological discomfort experienced by the child, or due to any somatic disorders. However, as in infancy, a one-year-old child continues to be sensitive to any external discomfort, his sleep for this reason may be intermittent. To avoid this, you should take care of a dry diaper for the baby in advance (as a rule, this is still necessary, especially at night), feed, but not overfeed, the child, ventilate the room, prepare a comfortable one.

It is better to go about your business after the baby has fallen deeply asleep, and for this you need to see if the muscles of the face have relaxed and the fists have unclenched.

How much does a one year old baby sleep?

On average, at the age of one year, a healthy child sleeps 12-14 hours. Of these, 1.5–3 hours is lunchtime sleep. This is less than, whose sleep is 17-19 hours, but also seriously exceeds this figure for children of the toddler period of life. The rather high duration of sleep is explained by its physiological characteristics.

The child's body continues to grow rapidly, the energy necessary for the proper development of the central nervous system accumulates.

If at the age of up to one year it was important for parents to form the daily regimen of the child’s life, to exclude confusion for them day and night, at the age of one it is already necessary to form the actual sleep regimen. To do this, it is important to observe the same time for going to bed, both during the day and in the evening, to plan hygiene procedures correctly, to form a stable habituation to the ritual of going to bed: reading fairy tales, dimmed nightlight, favorite toy will not only help the baby fall asleep, but also form his corresponding habit.

A properly formed daily sleep and wakefulness regimen for a child is the most important means of ensuring his health and the proper development of the central nervous system.

How much should a 1 year old baby sleep? All parents ponder this question. It acquires particular relevance when the time comes to send the baby to a preschool. It's no secret that children need a daily routine appropriate for their age. And it doesn’t matter how old the child is: six months, a year, five, seven or ten years. Particular attention should be paid to sleep, since its lack negatively affects the emotional state of the child, making him irritable, capricious, aggressive.

A little about the importance of the daily routine

Children as young as 1 need special attention as each day is filled with discovery. It is also important that in less than a year most of them will go to kindergarten. So, it's time to start working on getting used to a new way of life. Having set out to find out, at the age of 1, young parents study information on the Internet, consult with friends and relatives. It is not uncommon for data obtained from different sources to contradict each other. And then the question arises before the parents, what should be the daily routine of a one-year-old child?

It is important to understand that anyone is exemplary. When compiling it, one should take into account not only the recommendations of doctors and psychologists, but also the individual characteristics of the baby. However, parents should be careful not to change their usual way of life abruptly, since a child at such a young age cannot quickly adapt. Sudden changes can be a source of stress, so changes should be made gradually.

Basic Rules

Answering the question of how much a child should sleep at 1 year old, most experts agree that in total this process should take 12-13 hours. You need to take 8-10 hours for night sleep, and the rest of the day for daytime sleep. When compiling a daily routine for a child, it is important to adhere not only to these recommendations, but also to a few simple rules.

  1. First, get up in the morning at the same time. The desire of the mother to lie down for an extra hour can adversely affect the baby, who will instantly feel the mood of the parent and react accordingly.
  2. Secondly, the beginning of a new day should become a ritual for the baby. It should be in a playful way to teach him to wash, dress and do exercises. The process can be accompanied by thematic poems and songs.
  3. Thirdly, you should strictly adhere to the chosen time of eating. Do not give slack and allow the baby to constantly chew something during the day. In kindergarten, he will not have such an opportunity.
  4. Fourth, walks should be daily. One in the morning, the second - after lunch. If the weather is not conducive to walking, then you can go out to the balcony and watch with your child how it rains or snows.
  5. Fifthly, a night's sleep should be preceded by certain rituals. You should teach your baby to clean up toys after himself, and before going to bed, the whole family can read a fairy tale and sing a lullaby. This will allow the baby to calm down and tune in to the coming dream.

Half day mode

It is better to wake up a one-year-old baby between 6:30 and 7:00. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the habits of other children, if they are in the family.

Breakfast should be scheduled between 7:30 and 8:00. Before the first meal, the child will have half an hour to wash and do exercises. When choosing food for breakfast, you should give preference to cottage cheese, cereals, scrambled eggs. These dishes will not only saturate the child, but also give the charge of vivacity that is necessary in the morning.

On independent games, the baby should be given a few hours. At 10:00-10:30 it is desirable to organize a second breakfast. Apple, banana or some other fruit, juice, yogurt - the choice of product depends on the preferences of the baby. This meal should not be neglected, because the digestive system of a one-year-old child is still imperfect, and therefore prolonged fasting will not benefit him.

Between 11:00 and 12:00 it is best to go for a walk. Outdoor outdoor games will ensure a good appetite during lunch and a sound midday sleep.

Daily schedule in the afternoon

Lunch should be scheduled for 12:30.

The period from 12:30 to 15:00 is the rest time. The sleep of a child at 1 year old should be approximately two and a half to three hours.

Between 15:00 and 15:30 the child should have an afternoon snack. After the next meal, it's time to play.

16:30-17:30 - evening walk.

At 18:00, the child should be given dinner. After that, it's time for games. It is desirable to give preference to activities that will calm the baby after an active day, tune in to the coming dream.

From 20:00, preparation for sleep begins: washing, changing clothes, reading bedtime stories.

Follows at 21:00. No need to put off a night's sleep and try to adjust the child's regimen to the habits of the parents. at 1 year suggests that at night the baby should sleep at least 8 hours. Otherwise, he will not be able to sleep and the next day will be capricious and excitable.

Organization of daytime sleep

When the baby turns 1 year old, most parents begin to transfer him to a single daytime sleep. Up to this point, many children slept two or three times a day during the daytime hours. During this period, parents should be patient and not impose a new daily routine, otherwise whims and tantrums are guaranteed. If it is difficult for the baby to fall asleep alone, then the mother can lie down next to her. At the same time, it is important to understand that the child should not get used to sleeping with his mother, otherwise he may have difficulties in kindergarten. Don't expect instant results. It is important to understand that it will take more than one day to get used to.

Preparing for evening sleep

Evening is the time for quiet games. Outdoor games are better to postpone until the morning. It is important that the child tune in to the upcoming sleep, so it is best to offer the baby activities that do not require high physical activity. It can be drawing, modeling, reading books. An evening warm bath is another way to unwind after a long day. If the child was weaned relatively recently, and it is still difficult for him not to get food at night, you can give him a glass of kefir or warm milk before going to bed.

Summing up

Only parents can decide how much a child should sleep at 1 year old. Not only the recommendations of specialists - psychologists, pediatricians are important, but also the personality of the child, his habits and character. At the same time, it is important to be critical of the advice of friends and relatives from whom you found out how much children sleep.

Stories about how the neighbor boy Vova or the girl Lera live will certainly be useful, but only as an example. You can not transfer the habits and features of the development of one child to another. What the baby lives, what interests him, how he falls asleep, how he wakes up - only parents have this information. Therefore, it is they who should make up the daily routine of a one-year-old child.