Examples of slogans to attract customers. How to create an effective slogan for a brand or company

Research indicates an interesting fact: a person may not remember what the advertisement was about with one image or another - he may not remember the name of the product and company advertised in it - but he will almost certainly remember the slogan used in the advertisement, the brand motto.

And this is not without reason: in the process of composing a motto, a number of subconscious associations are used, which allows you to manipulate the consciousness of consumers. Depending on the scale and main purpose of slogans, the latter are divided into categories:

  • Advertising slogans for products
  • Slogans (mottos) of companies
  • Slogans to maintain your image
  • Slogans - missions

How to come up with an advertising slogan

Speaking about the company's motto, it should be remembered that its main task is to describe the competitive advantages of the organization and highlight it in the market.

The following infographic will tell you what knowledge you will need in the process of creating a slogan.

How to create the best slogan

Step-by-step instructions: “how to create an effective slogan” are demonstrated in the following infographic. The first step in this process is highlight and display the company's main competitive advantage.

As an example of a technically memorable slogan, we chose the advertising slogan “M&M’s melts in your mouth, not in your hands.” It reflects the main competitive advantage of the product: the sugar glaze that covers the chocolate balls does not melt as quickly as chocolate, which reduces the likelihood of getting your hands dirty.

Among the not technical, but “psychological” successful examples is “Fresh breath makes it easier to understand.” The main advantage is revealed - moreover, a hint is made that fresh breath is important for lovers and for business negotiations - that is, for situations where understanding, facilitating understanding is at the forefront.

It is interesting to note that products of the same group may have similar slogans on the market. So, advertising campaigns cars carry the urge of success, reliability and security. For example, serious cars:

  • A symbol of your superiority
  • The pursuit of excellence
  • Manage dream
  • Pleasure without delay

The next steps in the slogan creation process are depicted in the infographic. Be sure to pay attention to your competitors’ slogans: try not to repeat or copy them. Then conduct a phonosemantic analysis. It is based on the peculiarity of sounds. Some are perceived by us as softer, rounder, others - harder, stricter. Analysis allows you to determine how potential consumers and your clients will perceive your appeal.

And finally, some tips on writing an effective slogan from Dave Smith:

  1. Give rhythm and rhyme. Even better is to make the slogan musical. Studies have shown that advertising a product or service presented in the form of a song is remembered faster than speech without a melody. For example: “Always Coca-Cola”, sung with a pleasant melody, but not read.
  2. Declare the company's commitment and continuous growth. The company's statement of commitment to its customers is also successful. For example, “We try harder” is the slogan of Avis airline. Or “The difference is in the attitude” - the slogan of Raiffeisen Bank.
  3. Stay honest. It is important that the slogan actually reflects the real activities of the company. Self-praise that has set teeth on edge, including the phrases “number one”, “like no one else” or “the best”, only harms the image of brands and companies. It is too obvious that this is either immodesty or untrue.

Finally, we note that outsourcing slogan creation is quite expensive: professional copywriters usually charge from 100 to 300 US dollars for every 10 proposed options.

Despite its apparent simplicity, creating an advertising slogan is hellish work. Ideally, you need to contain everything in 3-4 words:

  • Benefit of the product for the consumer
  • Company philosophy
  • Stand out from the crowd of competitors
  • Evoke the right emotions
  • Make the company's products memorable

The main thing is that the slogan should be firmly ingrained in memory. Preferably in the subconscious. Create a lasting association at the right time. Essentially, it combines incompatible things: creativity, simplicity and information content. Therefore, it takes days, weeks and even months to come up with the simplest phrase at first glance. And then every few years they change it to a more effective one.

A slogan is expensive. Some specialists charge $100-200 or even more for it. Behind 3-4 words are weeks of studying the market niche and determining the positioning (USP) of the company.

Those who claim that they don’t pay attention to annoying advertising are usually lying to themselves and those around them. There are very few who are truly principled. When we stand in front of a shop window and choose, for example, toothpaste, we first of all remember the reviews of our friends. If there are none, then advertising pops up in your memory. And along with visual images, this same slogan appears in memory. Trust arises: these people at least spent money on advertising, or else they’re just some kind of no-name.

The task of a slogan is to create strong first impression. The clothing of the company by which they are greeted. Nokia connectingpeople. (Nokia unites). McDonalds . Iloveit. Don't slow down - grab a snicker.L'Oreal. You deserve it. Rafaello . Instead of a thousand words. Yes, one worthy slogan can easily replace a thousand words. I'm not kidding.

Of course, an ideal is only an ideal because no one can achieve it. Even the most successful and large corporations can rarely boast of a truly high-quality slogan, reaching the heights of success solely due to the quality of their product and successful advertising texts. In this article I will give the most successful examples of advertising slogans for companies.

Examples of advertising slogans for Apple

Let's look at examples of slogans for Apple. Its main motto is “ Think differently" These two words contain a special deep meaning. After all, there is a special layer of people who want to show others that they are different from them. By betting on feature, Apple played on this, successfully taking 90% of the profits from the smartphone market. Now let’s look at examples of slogans for a company separately:

IPhone. Apple is reinventing the phone.

IPhone 3G. The iPhone you've been waiting for.

iPhone X . Hello future.

I hope the iPhone needs no introduction. This is a stereotypical indicator of success. The newer the iPhone, the more successful person. If the first iPhone really was a role model for future smartphones, then other iPhones simply exploit their own popularity as an expensive trinket.

IPhone 5. The biggest thing to happen to the iPhone since the iPhone.

Along with its popularity, the size of the display stands out.

IPhone SE . Small form at its best.

Mac mini . Giant in mini format.

Here, on the contrary, the small size is presented favorably.

iPhone 5S. Ahead of thinking.

IPhone 8. Shining Mind.

iPad Pro . Anything will get better.

The focus is on speed of work.

MacB ook Air . For a whole day of accomplishments.

The key indicator is a powerful battery.

iMac . The clearest view of things.

And here they praise the display.

Conclusion: All of the above advantages are mostly implemented in one model. Moreover, manufacturers may well make the perfect phone with a powerful processor and battery, but they don’t want to do it. Because they want to get the most out of development.

People make excuses specifications the latest iPhone as a plausible excuse to join the closed caste of successful people

Examples of advertising slogans for clothing companies

As examples of advertising slogans for clothing companies, let us recall the instantly recognizable slogan of Nike in all countries of the world: Just do it. "Just do it". In these in three words there is everything: a call to action (to buy in a clothing store, among other things), and motivation to play sports, and life philosophy active people. Neutral and positive inscription turned Nike into a mass cult.

Also notable are examples of advertising slogans for Adidas companies. The motto “Impossible is nothing” is also great at motivating people to achieve their goals, and has made the brand's clothing an instantly recognizable cult. In some languages, the word Adidas has become a common noun. For example, in Polish language the word "adidas" means "sneakers".

Using the example of the slogan for the Xerox company “ We taught the world to copy “You can see how much the slogan influences the company’s image. Having chosen a narrow niche in the slogan, they became the clear leader in sales of copying equipment, making the word “copier” a common noun. This was a double-edged sword. When Xerox decided to start producing computers, a huge fiasco was guaranteed. Customers were not willing to buy from Xerox something that could not copy information from one sheet of paper to another.

Examples of an advertising slogan for a car

New cars are mainly bought for image, even if they are workhorses. Therefore, examples of a slogan for a company are the most eloquent here.

Toyota . Manage dream.

Toyota . Strive for the best.

They seem like simple slogans, but there’s something catchy about them.

Ford . Get in and drive (USA).

This example of a slogan for Ford is simply captivating in its simplicity. Indeed, I want to sit down and go.

Ford . Feel itFeel the difference.

Each car model is different from the other, but the American automaker made it a slogan.

Let's look at the slogans of the German automobile industry:

Mercedes– we are the best on land, water and air.

Mercedes. The best or nothing.

Mercedes. Like no one else.

BMW. All-wheel drive and everything is under control.

MercedesGLE. Be the best on any road.

Mercedes new S-class. Experience intelligence in motion.

Mercedes C-class. The best does not need an alternative.

Mercedes E-class. A masterpiece of intellect.

Mercedes B-class. For all the best in life.

Mercedes G-class. The first on any road.

MercedesAMGGT-roadster. Feel the adrenaline rush.

Examples of an advertising slogan for a hotel

An extremely successful example of a slogan for a company Hilton: « Take me toHilton" (TakemetotheHilton) . Firstly, at least middle class people take taxis to the hotel. There is obvious selection target audience. Secondly, when a person arrives in an unfamiliar city, he is confused and feverishly thinking about where to stay. And when the taxi driver asks where to take him, a ready-made answer pops up in his head. Therefore, a simple, at first glance, slogan helped this hotel chain become instantly recognizable in many countries around the world.

Examples of an advertising slogan for a pharmacy

A few seemingly obvious phrases helped these pharmacy chains grab a decent piece of the pharmaceutical market.

Everything you need for health.

Low price pharmacy.

Your healthy choice.

A pharmacy I trust.

Examples of an advertising slogan for a travel agency

But here the key task is to entertain. It is better to connect the emotional component.

Alle-op and you are in Egypt.

Let's taste the exotic.

New Year's holiday in style.

Türkiye. Open to everyone.

Visit best places world - accessible and convenient.

Even more sun.

An example of an advertising slogan for a construction company.

We build your order for you.

Urgent objects are given priority.

Examples of an advertising slogan for a transport company

In most cases, people don't send packages very often. But if you really need to do this urgently, advertising slogans immediately come to mind.

FedEx. All over the world on time.

DHL. For great values, think about DHL.

Examples of slogans for an advertising agency

An advertising agency without a slogan is like a shoemaker without boots. The most successful examples of a slogan for a company that I took from the slogan database.

RA "Promotion". We make you money

Mass Post . New heights for your business

RA " Innovative technologies» . New horizons for successful business

Order an advertising slogan from a copywriter

If you carefully read successful examples of slogans for a company, you will notice one pattern - they are all in tune with the problems of customers. They eat into the subconscious and answer the question posed at the right moment when choosing a product.

But don’t mindlessly copy from your competitors. It's like taking a passport with a photo of another person for your own needs. After all, you already have a USP, don’t you? No matter how much you fake an acorn, a mighty oak will never grow from it. Keep this in mind when you come up with a slogan for a company yourself or decide to order an advertising slogan from a copywriter.

WITH Best wishes,

View prices

More attention to personality in the name of rustling cash!

Those who understand the meaning of the masterpiece have dollars and euros.

Be observant like Proust, then you will hear the crunch of bucks!

Normality is a road to nowhere. Be “weird” - and the Client will suddenly say “YES!”

It is very sad to live in the world without margin and without Art!

It’s high time to understand: the basis of business is the game!

In a whirlwind of creative rage, a sale is made!

Imagine yourself as a hero, and we will bury the profits in the garden!

Today Carlson, tomorrow - Don Juan, if only the money would fall into your pocket!

Instead of “tightening the screws,” start memorizing stories!

For business of any kind, freedom is more important than profit!

Today, the winner is the one who knows the best joke!

Emotions are the source of money! And therefore - run to the training!

Don't mix beer with vodka, don't mix life with wiring.

One of characteristic features- We have either a race or a concert!

The outcome of the game is unclear, but that’s why it’s wonderful!

Business is a preference: it gives an unclear chance!

Do you want to become a significant figure? Enjoy the business procedure!

Keep the price you need for a sufficient margin!

Spread with impunity, the sign means more than is shown.

The connection between active and passive is both useful and beautiful!

To make the act enjoyable, correct contact is important!

Get acquainted in the best style, so that later you will be forgiven!

No one has ever resisted persistent praise!

Selling is a merging of souls! And therefore - run to the shower!

Friendship, equality and brotherhood are the basis for wealth!

Speak slowly - this will make the connection more reliable!

If you want to be useful, try to be kind!

Similarity is better than superiority!

One of the modern truths: lucky is the one who is unselfish!

No quality system is possible without trickery!

Then we are only needed when we know how to be gentle!

Please be kind - and maybe avoid the abyss.

There are many intonations in life. Feel free to change!

By attending the seminar, sell positive!

Who you live with is what you give to – that’s the sales technique!

Success is available to everyone: you are wiser than everyone else in some ways!

A complaint is a reason to give a compliment: the Client teaches you business for free!

There are no bad roles in the play - there is a line and there is an answer!

Comrade, take advantage of the moment: art has become a tool!

Whether you are a hero or a simpleton, it doesn’t matter WHAT, but what matters is HOW!

Both a writer and a poet will give advice to an entrepreneur!

A thoughtless dandy is also useful when Gogol invented it!

Incomprehensible to the mind, there is a thread from “Hamlet” to “Mum”.

The balance of fantasy and meaning - this is the rocker of art!

Chestnuts and nasturtiums bloom at the tip of any instruction.

An algorithm cannot describe a life imbued with rhythm.

Today there is a demand for your ear, nose and throat! And also on other parts necessary for happiness!

Collect tricks and gimmicks for your daily workout!

Any of us in our life as a Jung is not yet aware of Jung!

While learning new concepts, don't forget contraception!

When dealing with the problem of upgrade, do not forget about Sigmund Freud.

Our flags - fly higher! The happiness of business is in Freud!

Any behavior is explained by love.

We answer the question by avoiding the word “No!”

Having chosen the question to answer, you will be right in the eyes of the Client!

Do you drink tea or whiskey?
Reduce your risks.
ITS disks –
This is happiness by subscription!

Why is it so characteristic of the mind
Sometimes ask: “why?”
And why sometimes then
We ask the question “why?”

No one has ever been loved by order.

Whatever meaning we recognize for a sign, that is what we will choose for its purpose.

Give meaning to phrases
The wise mind is adapted.
But bypassing any prohibitions
There is a path for poets!

For 1C:Enterprise sales, train your perception!

Have a couple of phrases in your stash that will hit you not in the eyebrow, but right in the eye!

The sage is dominated by the ice of logic and the hot flame of passion!

Whose character you like best, the accountant is drawn to it.

Wild nature is wise: there is no meaning in it, but there is a game!

Only what is interesting to us is useful for business.

The state of delight is a condition for bargaining!

The metaphor as a woman is beautiful: incomprehensible and diverse!

Sometimes, the number of nuances is equal to the amount of finances.

How can you always be yourself when fighting for money?

The words “Available and serious” do not mean “Quickly and to the point of tears.”

There is one road to happiness: a thought filled with passion!

Whoever has the Kama Sutra on their desk does something useful and wise!

Consult the Genius more often - and you will be ready for changes!

So that your pocket is not empty learn from the eternal art!

They say in six words
The vastness of feelings is hidden:
Happiness, anger, sadness and fear.
Eroticism and tenderness!
Accept yourself as you are and you will eat porridge with butter!

Give freedom to your imagination, to please the desired benefit! Create a unique style, and throw away everything unnecessary!

Don't compete, be different, which means very expensive!

Extravagant approaches promise considerable income!

The more fun ideas the more rich people!

Words are often worthless, but sometimes they become valuable assets owned by large firms along with technology, equipment, trained personnel and world-famous trademarks. They acquire such value when they turn from simple expressions into advertising slogans, also called English word“slogan” (slogan - motto, appeal).

It just seems that it’s easy to correctly, comprehensively and briefly express the philosophy of a product or company, but in fact, from dozens, hundreds, and sometimes thousands of options, only one, the most biting and memorable, is chosen. Almost every slogan has its own story, and sometimes a funny one. But this is all theory; it is much more interesting to consider real practical examples.

Metamorphoses of McDonald's slogans

We Do It All For You (“we do it all for you”) - this is how the product of the McDonald's franchise was advertised in 1975-1979. Before this, for five years, all clients “deserved a break today.” And the next slogan said that no one could do it like McDonald's. What exactly was not even worth clarifying. In general, many mottos have been invented during the history of the brand.

And about love

Young (or not so young) people used to talk about this high and bright feeling more often in connection with romantic experiences. Sometimes (most often in difficult moments in history) states reminded citizens of love for their homeland. The launch of the McDonald's branding campaign in 2003 marked a revolution in the understanding of this word. It turned out that the hamburgers, cheeseburgers and other edible products offered by this world's largest chain of fast food cafes are worthy of love. Since then, the slogan I’m Lovin’ It has been translated into many languages ​​of the world, including Russian. Who this person is who claims that he loves all this is not specified in the advertisement. It is unknown how much the introduction of this slogan increased sales volumes. You can’t just like these dishes - they are worthy only of love. At least that’s what the slogan’s authors think (or pretend to believe).

Kentucky Fried Chicken is about finger licking

The Kentucky Fried Chicken chain is second in popularity in the world after McDonald's. KFC cafes offer chicken dishes, and many people like them, although taste is subjective. The complaints made about the quality of the products are, in general, typical for all fast foods without exception: even the most devoted fans complain about being overweight, although perhaps they should blame themselves for this - for excess. As for the culture of food consumption, judging by the slogan “You will lick your fingers,” it is not given any importance here at all. The slogan appeared a long time ago and by accident. Someone actually put their fingers in their mouth in the background during a television broadcast, and this was back in the 50s, when live broadcasting was mostly practiced (there were no VCRs yet) and this outrage happened just when they were praising “ Kentucky chicken." KFC has and has had other slogans, about “North American hospitality”, “Sunday lunch seven times a week”, “follow your taste”, but the advertising about licking fingers is heard most often.

“Soon there will only be two types of people left” - a prophecy from Apple

The long slogan was invented by Apple marketers in the 80s. The meaning of the phrase is that humanity will soon face a dilemma - either computers or an apple - this is a play on words. Despite the verbosity, the ad turned out to be quite effective. However, perhaps it’s not the motto, but the quality of the product and its attractive consumer properties. Otherwise, it would hardly be possible to convince someone to buy a computer at a higher price than competitors.

Pause with KitKat

The topic of a break with a snack could be considered hackneyed, but in favor of the slogan Have a Break, Have a KitKat, it’s not just rhyme, but at least consonance, at least in the English version. “Take a break” is also suggested by the Mars company with its Twix, but in fairness it should be clarified that the KitKat chocolate brand used this motto much earlier, in 1958. And this product is older: the brand has been known since 1935.

Refreshing break with Coca-Cola

The Coca Cola company has many slogans, and all of them, to one degree or another, reflect the attractiveness of the taste. soft drinks, produced under this brand, however, the motto The Pause That Refreshes is recognized as the most successful of all, despite its venerable age (and perhaps because of it).

The main message, again, is that this soda is associated with rest, albeit short, but refreshing, that is, as we say, “a short break,” and this is always pleasant. Regardless of what a person drinks.

What money can’t buy and why you need a MasterCard credit card

A wonderful idea for a slogan, as it allows you to build an almost endless number of options for advertising stories. There are a lot of things that money cannot buy, and in each specific case there is an opportunity to remind about a system designed for quick and convenient payment everything else, that is, a variety of goods available for purchase, and here too the list is huge. Since 1997, this motto has helped promote plastic card services. Even the word “priceless” is registered as the company’s brand.

Slogans, mottos, slogans: Advertising

I always stand on good location.
NEWS OUTDOOR, outdoor advertising operator. Motto on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2011

I work without breaks for lunch and sleep.
NEWS OUTDOOR, outdoor advertising operator. Slogan for the Russian Federation, 2010

I will put all my wide-format soul into the matter.
NEWS OUTDOOR, outdoor advertising operator. Slogan on 6x3 billboards, 2010

I work in harsh winter conditions.
NEWS OUTDOOR, outdoor advertising operator. Slogan on lightboxes with scrolling surfaces, 2010

We talk about ENTERTAINMENT 25 different ways both outdoor and indoor.
NEWS OUTDOOR, outdoor advertising operator, 2007

Attention to people - attention to people.
NEWS OUTDOOR, outdoor advertising operator. Image slogan, 2007

Can you imagine? We implement.
You imagine. We make it happen.
JAMUTE, audio production. Slogan in Brazil, 2011

The sooner your ad is here, the better.
The sooner you advertise here, the better.
INTERBEST OUTDOOR, outdoor advertising operator. Slogan in New Zealand, 2010
The fat guy got rid of some of his clothes every week. Just as he was about to pull off his underpants, a life-saving advertisement appeared: “Oof! Thank you, Radio 2

Ideas light up the stars.
Ideas for star performance.
ADV, international advertising holding. Corporate slogan, 2009

Making fantasies sweeter.
Making imaginery sweeter.
CANDYLAB, advertising agency. Promoslogan, 2009
Candy - candy, English.

In our agency, 21 healthy hearts work for 72 million livers, 144 million kidneys, 72 million lungs, 16 million prostates, 28 million pairs of breasts, 72 million hearts.
In our agency, 21 healthy hearts work for 72 million livers, 144 million kidneys, 72 million lungs, 16 million prostate glands, 28 million pair of breasts, 72 million hearts.
TAZEFIKIR, advertising agency in Turkey in the field of medicine. Promoslogan, 2009

We're looking for an aspiring media planner to work with numbers.
We need junior media-planner to work with numbers.
BBDO Central Asia, advertising agency. Tagline personnel service, 2009
The trick is that all the letters are in English phrase replaced by Arabic numerals rotated by 90, 180, 270 degrees or around its axis

Good innovation.
Good innovation.
DENTSU, advertising corporation. Image slogan

Media planning fanatics.
Fanatics of media planning.
MEDIAPOOL, media agency in Vilnius. Image slogan
Spots reminiscent of the logos of Apple, McDonalds, Nike... and Mikhail Gorbachev with a clean bald head

What if digital capture no longer meets your needs?
As if digital capture didn't have enough challenges already.
KODAK Vision3 250D Color Negative Film, professional film. Southeast Asia, 2009

How do you talk about the DAGO studio - “she” or “it”? DAGO is us, in the third person it turns out to be “they”. We produce commercials.
DAGO, production. Headline and slogan of advertising in Russia, 2008

Big dialogue in a small format.
KOMMERSANT, daily newspaper. Slogan for a service for placing lowercase and small-format advertisements (Classifieds), 2008

We have nine such heads.
ADW GROUP, advertising agency, Rostov-on-Don. Image slogan, 2008
Depicted in a sectional view of the “head of an advertiser.” My head is full of vivid images

Adequate, but creative. Creative, but adequate.
ADEKVAT, advertising agency, Moscow. Image slogan, 2008

Stop sucking your paw! Paw.
FRESH BLOOD, competition for young creators; slogan calling for participation, 2008

Letterpress printing. Very.
Printing house in Moscow. Advertising slogan in Runet, 2009

Royal seal.
ALMAZ-PRESS, printing, 2008
In the photo - the original seal of Catherine II

Beyond the horizons.
Beyond horizons.
GOLDEN DRUM, advertising festival in Portorož, motto of the 14th festival, 2007

For an apple!
RED APPLE, Moscow International Advertising Festival, festival motto 2007

For those who are not shy about saving on outdoor advertising.
ATOR, outdoor service, 2007

High quality stamp!
Depicts a gold bar with embossing of the highest standard

Warm up your brains!
Drawing of a brain in swimming trunks

The naked truth: wonderful climate, super locations, modern equipment, open budget, professional team, low prices, perfect casting, attractive nightlife.
TANDEM, production, Romania, approx. 2005
Naked girl jumping against the backdrop of the Ceausescu Palace. The inscriptions seem to overlap intimate parts models and are placed on the poster with meaning, for example, “ Low prices" - at the bottom

Every Big city has a couple of secret places in the world. Olga. Big new little thing.
OLGA, production, Argentina, ca. 2005

Where do great ideas become great videos? Bring yours.
PELICAFILMS, production, Argentina, ca. 2005

We write texts for the winners.
COPYWRITER, creative agency. Image slogan in Runet

A seal meant for the great.

Advertisements are the engine of trade. (original title)
The advertisement is engine of the trade. (latest version)
CENTRAL OFFICE OF ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE TRADING HOUSE “L. and E. METZEL & Co., a prototype of a modern full-service advertising agency. Advertising slogan, first in St. Petersburg, then in Moscow, 1878. Russian advertising dates back to the opening of the Metzel Office