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Visiting France is the dream of many. This is an opportunity to see an amazing country, taste delicious cuisine, get acquainted with French culture, rich history and architecture. However, a trip to France can also be a turning point for you in learning the language.

Do you dream of speaking a foreign language, and from time to time sit down to study, but always give up?
Is this a familiar picture? Well, this does not mean that you will never succeed. Let's figure out what barriers are preventing you from achieving your desired goal and how to get around them.

School course, like the institute, a foreign language has always disgusted me with its irresistible nudism. And apparently, useless. At least, close acquaintance with foreign language teachers convinced me that they do not know the language.

Often, students are faced with the problem of choosing a textbook or manual in a foreign language. Of course, no matter what publication is chosen at the beginning of the “path,” even if it is not a very good one, then the student will definitely come to the right book. Another thing is that time will be lost. We hope that our comments will help you decide on a French textbook that will allow you to effectively learn the language and quickly progress in it.

Christmas has become one of the main Christian holidays, uniting Christian believers all over the world. On this day, according to ancient legend, the Son of God appeared into the world, becoming the Savior of the entire human race.

Residents of a particular country tend to invent myths about foreigners. Among the nations about which it was invented greatest number legends, we can name the French, whose culture has become the object of universal imitation.

The French are often called the most drinking nation. However, this is a very subjective opinion. 30% of French people do not drink alcohol at all. The inhabitants of Hexagon received a “bad” reputation due to the fact that France is considered one of the leading exporters of wine on the planet.

The most famous French desserts are distinguished by their ease of preparation and simultaneous refinement of taste. Some sweets were borrowed from other peoples. The French often changed ready-made recipes and made adjustments to the cooking method.

Unlike Brazil, France can hardly be called a “football” country. Some French people are interested in this sport. Others simply don't care about him. Several of the most famous football players were able to glorify French football, proving that it is not only in Brazil that real champions are born.

Cinema owes its appearance to France. One of the most beloved entertainments was created more than a hundred years ago. A lot has changed over the years: new equipment has appeared, the film industry has mastered special effects, and more than one generation of actors has changed.

Paris, the city of pleasures and pleasures, offers its guests not only luxurious restaurants and museums, but, above all, shops for every taste and budget. Each tourist has his own interests. Some people came to a foreign country to get acquainted with its culture, while others are only interested in shopping.

There are things that determine the essence of national culture; every educated person must know them. And although we will not talk about Villon’s poetry or Monet’s painting, this area of ​​life in France is treated in the same way as art. Let's talk about French cuisine.

Do you know…..which flowers cannot be given as a gift in France? Which part of a French sailor's costume brings good luck? Why can't you light three cigarettes with one match?

The French, like most Europeans, celebrate Christmas on December 25th. Although in some areas of the country Christmas begins to be celebrated on December 6 - in Saint Nicholas Day. And you certainly won’t see a magnificent celebration on the night of December 31 to January 1; for residents of France, this is only the calendar New Year...

There are things that determine the essence of national culture; every educated person must know them. And although we will not talk about Villon’s poetry or Monet’s painting, this area of ​​life in France is treated in the same way as art. Let's talk about French cuisine...

As one of the most romantic countries in the world, France has unimaginable beauty and charm, combining style, charm and culture. public life. Getting to know France...

Perhaps no city in the world has been written about as much as Paris. This city delights people...

Today, the French can afford to choose their place of residence without worrying about employment problems...

The experience of living in France is a promising event that for representatives of one nation or culture...

The way of life in France is sometimes very different from ours. Therefore, if you are not prepared, you may encounter a number of problems. The article contains some tips to help you settle in better if you plan to live in France for a while.

I learned French when I was 8 years old. I studied for a year at a regular high school near my home. In the summer, my parents sent me to camp. There a Madame taught us a song called "Savez-vous planter les choux?" Since this all started...

In France, they really love les fêtes (“le fet” - holidays). The French are not interested in the origin of this or that celebration. All that matters is the atmosphere of happiness, fun and joy.

Bastille Day is one of the main national holidays in France, celebrated in mid-summer. The common name is Le Quatorze Juillet (“le quatorze juillet” - July 14, the day when it is customary to celebrate the National Day). ...

European countries are traditionally famous for their Christmas markets, and France is no exception. Christmas markets usually open at the end of November, about a month before Catholic Christmas and every evening they gather in the main squares of townspeople who want to plunge...

Bienvenue a la semaine du go ût! Welcome to the "Week of Taste" - a holiday that has been held in France for more than 20 years. Every year, from the third Monday in October, more than 200 restaurants in the country hold tastings of a variety of French food. Who in the world doesn’t know that the best chefs and gourmets in the world live in this country? That is why “Taste Week” is a significant event for every Frenchman.

August 15 - religious holiday, celebrated in all countries with the Orthodox and Catholic faith, dedicated to the memory of the death (dormition) of the Mother of God...

If you were lucky enough to visit Paris, then you probably visited the legendary square la place de la Bastille. But best time for a visit to the capital of France - July 14...

If you have already started learning French, you have probably noticed that pronunciation French words quite different from the spelling. For example, the word “many” is “beaucoup”, which is read like “boku”: only four sounds instead of eight letters.

A person who is about to travel by air for the first time often feels confused. If you intend to fly abroad, you may feel even more discomfort. To prevent your first flight to or from France from becoming an unpleasant memory, follow the rules

Les verbes irréguliers are verbs whose changes in time, gender and number do not occur according to the rules. Although Irregular Verbs cause difficulties even for native speakers themselves; students are introduced to them already in the first stages of learning French. This is especially true for lexical units often used in speech.

Le dialecte (“le dialect” - dialect) - regional version state language. The appearance of such variants is typical for many languages ​​of the world. French was also no exception. Until the middle of the 16th century, there were many dialects in the French kingdom: Picardy, Champagne and others

Christmas and New Year in France they are associated with compositions traditional for these holidays. Nobody remembers their authors. There are no permanent performers for these songs. They are sung by pop stars, opera performers, and people far from music at family celebrations.

The French do not celebrate the New Year as widely as the Russians. This holiday in France is preferred over Christmas, which is usually celebrated with those closest to you. New Year is usually celebrated in a cafe, restaurant or right on the street. Mass celebrations in New Year's Eve can usually be seen only in Paris.

Starting to study une langue étrangère (“une langue étrangère” - foreign language), beginners often don’t know where to start, which method to prefer, etc. Everyone will have their own path to success, and the recommendations below will certainly help in their work.

A birthday in France is the same reason for a noisy feast as in Russia. In general, French and Russian celebrations are similar, but there are a number of differences. Children's birthdays, for example, are celebrated on Wednesday or Saturday. These days are days off for schoolchildren, so the holiday is postponed. It is customary to send invitations to friends of the birthday boy, indicating the day, time and place of the holiday.

For modern French people, dating has ceased to be a complex ritual, as it was 100-150 years ago. Nowadays, for example, a woman can meet a man first without the risk of appearing immodest. However, as a tribute to tradition, the French continue to use a number of speech cliches when starting a conversation with a stranger.

The process of word formation is characteristic of most languages ​​of the world. The language is constantly replenished with new lexical units, getting rid of those that are no longer relevant.

As in Russian, the numeral in French is an independent part of speech. All numerals are divided into ordinal and cardinal...

Teaching a foreign language involves not only the transfer of oral and written communication skills, but also requires knowledge of highly specialized terminology.

Finding himself among native French speakers, a person who has studied the language for several years may find, to his horror, that he does not understand those with whom he has to speak. Native speakers often replace academic French with its colloquial version.

Strangers or people we barely know usually talk about the weather. This great way start a conversation. The phrases below will help you learn how to talk about the weather in French.

The French film industry has changed a lot since the days of the Lumière brothers. But, despite any changes, the old was not forgotten. Guests of Paris will be able to enjoy not only new films, but also many old films and newsreels.

Visitors to Paris usually have no problems finding a suitable hotel. The French capital has enough hotels to suit every taste. Most hotels in Paris belong to the three or four star category. There is simply no point in excessive luxury. Before you book a room, make your choice...

Studying le français (“le français” is the French language, the nasal sound is highlighted in bold) on their own is quite possible for those who already speak other Romance languages ​​at one level or another: Spanish, Italian, etc. If possible, it is better contact a specialist. However, the presence of a good tutorial with audio recordings partially compensates for the lack of a tutor.

The school course, like the institute course, of a foreign language always disgusted me with its irresistible nudism. And apparently, useless. At least, close acquaintance with foreign language teachers convinced me that they do not know the language. So I was always searching and inventing different ways learning languages ​​on their own that would be easy - which turned out to be impossible, and interesting - which turned out to be very practically achievable. I want to introduce one of these methods to those who want to learn a foreign language, but who don’t know where to start.

Imagine that there, in glorious freedom-loving France, you will hear many, many familiar words - and not only the well-known lampshade, keychain and blinds. Linguists count about 2000 words that our ancestors different time borrowed from the French.

Today we will talk about nasal vowels - [õ], [ẽ], [õ], which give the French language a unique charm and beauty, but usually represent serious problem for Russian speakers.

Those who begin to learn French often have problems reading texts. In order to learn to read without errors, you need to constantly practice, pronounce words out loud, and learn the rules. This article will focus on the difficulty of recognizing the boundaries between words - one of the most common problems for those starting to learn French. The problem arises from such characteristic phenomena in the French language as "coupling" and "linking"...

French is spoken by about 98 million people, living mainly in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Canada and...

French- the phenomenon is very heterogeneous. It has been formed over the centuries, and in Lately it also changes dynamically: new words appear, old idioms acquire a new meaning, some words are borrowed, other words leave the language...

The Unified State Exam has been held in our country since 2003. At first, this exam format was conducted as an experiment, and since 2009 it has become a unified form of state certification of applicants. Of course, just like for a regular exam, you need to prepare for the Unified State Exam in a foreign language. And the goal of preparation is not only a good knowledge of the material, but also the ability to perform test tasks correctly.

Why is it important to think things through before choosing a date to leave Russia? What else can you do at home to help you find a job in a short time when you arrive? Where to start your search? What should you do if your employer asks you to come into work for a day or two to decide whether to hire you or not? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article.

Plot: The father of one not-so-prosperous family decides to make money through unjust means by snatching part of the batch of white potion from the Big Boss. But not everything is so simple in this world: money does not come from anywhere, and does not disappear into nowhere.

Plot: The French director has made a cocktail film in which detective and comedy coexist peacefully. His “8 women” dance and sing next to corpses, while deliberate artificiality and ostentatious theatricality in the film coexist with serious seriousness.

Plot: French cinema is experiencing another triumph, and this triumph has gradually reached the country where the struggle between good and evil continues to this day. Somewhat disturbed by the fact that the undisputed leader at the Oscars last year - "Amelie" - was passed over for prizes, they sent another masterpiece - "Triplets Of Belleville" to the country of the world's best hamburgers and the largest Milanese steaks.

Plot: More than three decades ago, Sam Peckinpah shocked audiences with extremely brutal scenes of rape and massacre of scum in Straw Dogs. The audience was finished off in the same 1971 by Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange. Surely Gaspar Noe in his Argentine childhood met a compassionate auntie who let him into the cinema, despite his snotty age. It was permissible for the youth, who was seriously wounded in the brain, not to delve into the essence of these films, when all the reserves of imagination were thrown into assimilating the “funny pictures”.

Plot: Probably, someone finally told Besson that “Dancer”, “Yamakashi” and other wasabi are complete crap and incredibly cheap, so he decided to return to what he considered a win-win option - further development the story of super-fast taxi driver Daniel (Sami Naseri) and his stupid police friend Emelya (Frederic Dufenthal).

Plot: This story happened a long time ago, when Julius Caesar conquered Egypt and Queen Cleopatra won the heart of the great emperor of the Roman Empire. Cleopatra bet with Caesar that in three months the Egyptians would build a luxurious palace for the ruler of Rome, and from scratch. The bet is made, and pride will not allow the queen to lose shamefully. The problem is that the main, and, it seems, the only architect in Egypt, Numernobis, has little idea of ​​how to build not only palaces, but even an elementary house.

Plot: Wasabi" is another film by Luc Besson. Is it worth watching? Well, of course, there are a lot of jokes ala Luc, although less than in his previous films - "Taxi", "Taxi 2". And why we still love Besson : for his extraordinary sense of humor, good production and direction of films, and of course for his super-cool science fiction action movie “The Fifth Element”, and not only!

Plot: The Germans die too. Some of them do it in very different ways. On the other hand, if you have a few days left to live, weeks at most, you want to spend them with special meaning. I just wish I knew when there were a few days (or weeks) left until the end of my life. Let's take me for example. What would I do if I found out that I am terminally white? Option one. I have a very rich friend. The plan is this: I borrow 10,000 bucks from him for a couple of months at 100% interest and head off to Paris. You can really have a good time in Paris last days own life. Of course, it’s a pity for my friend - but it’s okay, he’s talented, he’ll still make money.

Plot: It's hard to imagine Jean Reno as a child. Luc Besson probably has a better developed imagination, so he found a boy who was surprisingly similar to Renault in individual features and in general. This kid plays little Enzo, who lives on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea and eventually grows into a full-fledged Jean Reno. Enzo becomes a thirty-year-old healthy man, a world champion in diving, and he is consumed by one desire: to win in a fair fight his childhood friend, Jacques Maillol (that, by the way, was the name of the real diver, the idol of young Besson - in “The Abyss” he serves as a consultant) . The two guys grew up together on the shore of the same warm sea, and they had no equal in scuba diving.

Plot: Amelie Poulain (Audrey Tautou) is a twenty-three-year-old waitress in small cafe Montmartre. One day, by chance, she came across a small children's cache left in the 50s of the twentieth century. It's hard to say what made Amelie go looking for the owner and return the contents of the box to him - but the result changed the lives of many people. The brilliant truth that says that human happiness is not a global order, but a set of little things and moments, has never been so clear and accessible - and the heroine decides to give a little “help” to those around her. A little push, it turns out, can turn a constantly sneezing and grumpy old maid into a charming and kind person, and the forever unshaven and gloomy gentleman will now be able to eat chicken tail not alone, but with his grandson. Launched chain reaction, like falling dominoes, begins to transform the city, but will Amelie, behind all this, be able to improve her life and become happy herself?..

Now in order to learn French in high level, there is no need to travel abroad or attend expensive courses. Studying via Skype with a native speaker is a wonderful opportunity to immerse yourself in the language environment, being in a cozy home atmosphere and without overpaying a large sum.

French is one of the three most beautiful and melodic languages ​​in the world. They wrote their own on it best works such giants of world literature as Honore de Balzac, Victor Marie Hugo, Gustave Flaubert and others. Therefore, every art lover or person who decides to move to France should master French.

International language English has long been the language of communication, and yet many people willingly and with great interest study French. There are many reasons for this: a foreign language opens up new career opportunities, gives you more freedom when traveling, and allows you to expand your horizons.

Learning a new language opens up incredible possibilities for you. This concerns your development both as a person and as a specialist in the activity in which you are engaged. The French language sounds melodic and beautiful, and at the same time allows you to plunge into the culture of this colorful country. In addition, it is the second most common language in Europe, because its speakers alone are 130 million people, and it is impossible to count how many people know French today.

Computer learning has become an integral part of education, and online English tutors are now in great demand. So, distance learning– this is the interaction between a student and a teacher at a distance...

La France est sise dans la partie occidentale de l’Europe.

Elle ressemble à l’hexagone, alors est souvent appelée –l’Hexagone. Plusieurs îles font partie de la France; la plus grande c'est la Corse. Sa superficie est de 550,000 kilometres carrés. En Corse il y a 57 million d'habitants.

Les pays voisins de la France sont la Belgique, l'Allemagne, la Suisse, le Luxembourg, l'Espagne et l'Italie. Elle est presque toujours séparée de ces six pays par un massif montagneux: le Jura, les Alpes, les Pyrénées; ce sont des frontières naturelles.

La France est aussi entourée par de mers. La mer du Nord et la Manche baignent le nord du pays, l’Océan Atlantique – l’ouest, la mer Méditerranée – le sud.

En France il y a trois grands fleuves: la Seine, la Loire et la Garonne. Il y aussi deux autres grands fleuves qui traversent le pays, Le Rhône et le Rhin; ils naissent en Suisse.

Le climat de la France est assez tempéré. Il ne fait pas très chaud et il ne fait pas très froid. Il fait doux en hiver, pour les températures, c’est entre -1 et 9 degrés au-dessus du zéro; les températures moyennes d'été sont entre 15 et 25 degrés. Chaque région a son climate, vu la situation géographique.

Presque tous les grandes branches d'activité font partie de l'économie française: l'industrie (le 4 ème rang mondial, le 2 ème rang européen), l'agriculture (le 2 ème rang mondial, le 1 er rang européen), le secteur de pêche (le 9 ème rang mondial, pour sa flotte). Pour les exportations, la France occupe le 5 ème rang mondial.

Les grandes villes françaises sont Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Toulouse, Nice, Lille, Grenoble, Bordeaux, etc.


  • occidental [ɔksidɑ̃tal, -o], - occidentale; - occidentaux western
  • ressembler [ʀ(ə)sɑ̃ble] (à qn, à qch) to be similar, to resemble
  • hexagone m [ɛgzagɔn] hexagon
  • île f island
  • faire party be part of
  • superficie f area
  • massif m montagneux mountain range
  • séparé, - séparée divided
  • frontière f naturelle orographic boundary (passing along natural boundaries, taking into account the terrain)
  • habitant, - habitante resident, resident
  • fleuve m river (flowing into the sea)
  • tempéré, - tempérée moderate
  • sector m industry

France is located in Western Europe. It is similar in shape to a hexagon, which is why it is often called l’Hexagone. Several islands are part of France; the largest is Corsica. Its area is 550,000 square kilometers. Corsica has 57 million inhabitants.

France's neighboring countries are Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Spain and Italy. It is almost always separated from these six countries by a mountain range: the Jura, the Alps, the Pyrenees, which are natural borders.

France is also surrounded by seas. The North Sea and English Channel bathe the north of the country, the Atlantic Ocean - the west, and the Mediterranean Sea - the south.

There are three large French rivers in France: the Seine, the Loire and the Garonne. There are also two other large rivers that cross the country, the Rhone and the Rhine; they are born in Switzerland.

The weather in France is quite moderate. Not very warm and not very cold. Winters are mild, around -1 and 9 degrees above zero; in summer the average temperatures are about 15 and 25 degrees. The climate differs from region to region due to its geographical location.

The French economy includes almost all sectors: industry (4th place in the world, 2nd in Europe), Agriculture(2nd place in the world, 1st in Europe), fishing(9th place in the world, thanks to the fleet). In terms of exports, France ranks 5th in the world.

Among the largest cities in France are Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Toulouse, Nice, Lille, Grenoble, Bordeaux, etc.

France - incredible beautiful country, every city, every corner is connected with the historical past. We have already told you about the sights of the capital of France, the city of Paris. Today we want to talk in general about the beautiful places of this beautiful country.

If you are ready to take a virtual trip with us, then welcome to France!

Bienvenu en France!

So, we are in France. In order to be able to visit all its beautiful places, let's get to know its attractions in French.

  • Versailles– the famous palace of the kings, built by order of the Sun King Louis XIV, Versailles is amazing. Located in the suburbs of Paris, this palace combines several styles of architecture: classical, baroque, rococo. Before him, the residence of kings was the Louvre, but Louis XIV did not like the Louvre; it seemed gloomy and unfriendly to him. Having become king, he ordered the construction of a new, bright and majestic palace for himself, which would reflect the royal power.
Versailles - residence of kings
  • LaCathédraledeReims – Reims Cathedral- This is the legendary temple in which French kings were crowned. The sacred oil, with which the clergy crowned kings, appeared under Clovis, and according to legend, it never ended.
  • LeFontainebleau– small town Fontainebleau 60 kilometers from Paris is famous for its magnificent Renaissance palace. This palace was the residence of many rulers of France. The city is definitely worth a visit for those who are interested in the history of France: everything here reminds of the French kings.
  • LeDisneylanddeParis – Disneyland Paris based on the animated stories of Walt Disney. Here you will meet your favorite cartoon characters and take part in the most interesting attractions. A wonderful vacation for both children and parents!
  • LeChâ teaud'Yf– famous Chateau d'If invites us to the pages of Alexandre Dumas’s novel “The Count of Monte Cristo”. Initially, the Château d'If was built under King Francis I in the 16th century as a fortress to defend against enemies from the sea. Gradually, this fortress began to serve as a prison. Now it is a historical exhibit, and crowds of tourists come to the castle every year to feel like they are in the shoes of their favorite book hero.
  • LeCô ted'Azur– sunny and warm Cote d'Azur It just beckons you! This is a great place to relax for those who want to have an unforgettable time on the seashore. Luxurious hotels, impeccable service, sun, sea, sand - all this awaits you on the Cote d'Azur!
  • LacimetièreSainte-GenevievedesBois– this cemetery is considered “Russian” and is predominantly Orthodox. This complex includes Orthodox Church Assumption Holy Mother of God. Many Russian philosophers, artists, writers, poets and other artists who died in France are buried here. You can find the graves of many participants in the White movement during civil war in Russia. The cemetery was founded by the Russian Elderly Home in 1927.
  • LePalaisdesPapesenAvignonPapal Palace in Avignon very beautiful and majestic. It is associated with an important event in the history of France. There was such a king at the end of the 13th – beginning of the 14th centuries, Philip IV the Handsome. Really beautiful. But also wise. He managed to arrange captivity for the Pope in his France, in the city of Avignon. Popes were elected under the strict control of the king. This was very beneficial, both for the king himself and for the political interests of France. The Avignon captivity of the Popes lasted 70 years!

Friends, French sights are a topic that can be discussed endlessly! After all, there are so many more museums, attractions, and architectural complexes in France! In every city there are cathedrals, representing an architectural ensemble of some era!

Medieval castles are living witnesses of history

Friends, we all remember the famous Cardinal Richelieu from Dumas’s novel “The Three Musketeers”. In fact, he was a very good and wise minister of King Louis XIII. Fearing the influence of the nobility, many castles were unfortunately destroyed on his orders in order to pacify the nobles and bring them to obedience to the king. Fortunately, not all castles were destroyed. The most beautiful works of architectural art have been preserved and have come to us in their full splendor.

The most famous castles in France are those on the Loire River, they are distinguished by their beauty and style:

  • LeChâ teaudeChambord – Chambord Castle built by order of the lover of everything beautiful and the renovator of the Renaissance in France, the patron of science and art, King Francis I in the 16th century. The castle has survived to this day and attracts many tourists.
  • LeChateaudeChenonceaux – Chenonceaux Castle built in the 16th century specifically for the favorite of King Henry II - Diane de Poitiers. The king wanted to give his beloved something as beautiful as herself. He succeeded!
  • Château de Plessis-lès-Tours – Plessis-les-Tours was once the residence of King Louis XI, who did not really trust Paris. The castle looks more like a military fortress than a king's palace.
  • Chateau de Chinon- in the castle Chinon The Dauphin of France, the future King Charles VII, took refuge during the Hundred Years' War. The castle is famous for its thick and reliable walls, which was very useful in military conditions.

Chanonceau Castle

It is worth mentioning Le ChateaudeRambouilletRambouillet castle, which is located in the city of Rambouillet. This is the summer residence of French presidents, as well as a meeting place for many world politicians. The area of ​​Rambouillet is very picturesque. Many French kings loved to hunt here; they often visited here. Many world issues were discussed here, for example, the status of Kosovo.

Friends, if you have such an opportunity, be sure to go to France and see it all with your own eyes!