Removal of skin folds on the inner surface of the thigh. Thigh lift methods. Such restrictions include

Every woman dreams of having toned and slender legs. However, as we age, our skin stretches and is no longer as elastic as it used to be.

Is it possible to find some way out? What if the problem cannot be solved with the help of physical exercises?

A thigh lift is an effective procedure that can get rid of many problems. But how long the result will be saved, and whether everyone can use this method, we will consider below.


A thigh lift is a procedure in which excess fat is removed from the thighs. Basically, such methods of therapy are resorted to by those who are quickly losing weight, or after certain types of operations.

If no exercises can help you pump up your legs and make them more slender, then a thigh lift will undoubtedly be able to cope with the task. As an addition, liposuction can be used, but only if it is really necessary.

If in the future the patient adheres to the correct lifestyle and controls his weight, then the thigh lift will help to maintain the result for a long time, all the contours lost over the years will regain their strength.

Anatomy of the hips in men and women

In the female, the pelvic region is more powerful and wider, thanks to which they are more stable, because the center of gravity is slightly lower.

This has a significant effect on training. Since women are more flexible, they can perform a wider range of motion. In the lower body, women will be able to build muscle mass much faster.

But nevertheless, when performing some exercises, girls need to be more careful, especially when it comes to lifting weights due to the torso from above.

Since their shoulder joints are slightly narrower than in men, you need to be more careful, otherwise the tension can be very large.

It should be borne in mind that women have more fat deposited in the thigh area than men. This is due to hormonal differences.

However, problems related to excess fat in the thighs can be faced not only by women, but also by men who are overweight. And both of them physical exercises can not always help.

That is why it is necessary to turn to surgeons for help.

Distribution of body fat in men and women

The essence of the problem

Even in the mother’s stomach, the baby’s number of cells is laid in the hips and abdomen.

From a biological point of view, this is a kind of reserve in case of starvation. However, in our time, there is simply no need for such reserves, but nevertheless, the peculiarity of the body still has a place to be.

Fat deposits not only can grow, but if you follow a diet, it is quite difficult to get rid of them. It's like a fat trap, on which you will have to work for more than one month and even a year.

And if we take into account the fact that we do not fix the skin on the hips with anything, then after a while it will begin to lose its former elasticity, especially when a person is losing weight quickly.

It can be concluded that problems with sagging skin somehow bother everyone.

A thigh lift can and should be performed in the following cases:

  • If flabbiness of the skin leads to severe aesthetic discomfort, you can’t undress on the beach, you can’t wear short things. All this one way or another leads to the fact that there are complexes and self-doubt.
  • Tightening can be carried out for medical reasons - with a strong severity of fat deposits, as well as with omission of tissues. From rubbing the legs while walking, abrasions and diaper rash may appear, the blood supply will be disturbed.

Naturally, you must first undergo a comprehensive examination and only after that you can start treatment.

Indications and contraindications

Thanks to this procedure, you can significantly change the shape of your buttocks, as well as the upper leg area. However, not all people can carry out such an operation, because there are both indications and contraindications.

So, the indications for the procedure:

  • The subcutaneous fat layer is very thick.
  • Excess tissue sags very much in the hip area.
  • The shape of the buttocks is disproportionate.

Many after such a procedure are really convinced that it is very effective. The contours acquire elegance and smoothness.

But as mentioned above, there are contraindications that also need to be considered:

  • The patient has poor blood clotting.
  • There are pathologies associated with internal organs.
  • Infectious diseases in the acute stage.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Diabetes.
  • The mental state of the patient is unstable.
  • Such a terrible disease as heart disease.

Before going for surgery, the patient undergoes a complete examination, during which any contraindications may be identified.

Surgical method of thigh lift

This is usually done under general anesthesia. Previously, the necessary markings and incisions will be made on the operated area.

The doctor should discuss with the patient all the nuances of what result would be desirable in the end. You need to understand that you should not expect something perfect, because in the future you will have to work on your body on your own.


At a preliminary consultation, a correction method will be chosen. The surgeon is obliged to tell in detail about how the operation will take place, as well as about the consequences that may also be.

In addition, some time before the operation, the patient will have to adhere to some rules:

  • It is necessary to give up bad habits.
  • Avoid any drugs that thin the blood.
  • The diet should include as many healthy foods as possible.

Before proceeding with the correction, it is necessary to assess the fat layer, skin condition and other nuances.


Before the operation, you will be given the necessary medicines, under their influence, you will feel more comfortable. In most cases, doctors use general anesthesia.

At the time of the operation itself, your condition will be monitored on special sensors and monitors. When using general anesthesia, patients are left overnight in the hospital in order to monitor their condition.

Methods and technique of the operation

It can be used both to increase the volume of the hips, and to reduce them.

  • Increasing the internal volume with implants. An incision is made in the desired area, and as surgeons note, there is simply no universal incision, it is determined based on the purpose of the operation. After the implants are implanted, cosmetic sutures are applied. In the future, you will have to adhere to certain rules in order for the rehabilitation period to be successful.
  • Skin tightening. The purpose of this operation is to remove excess folds and fat on the skin, thanks to which the volume of the hips will be reduced.

Inner thigh tightening areas

Can it be combined with abdomino, cruro, gluteoplasty?

You can combine a thigh lift with the following types of plastic surgery - liposuction,. You must first consult with a plastic surgeon.


In order for the recovery period to pass safely, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules.

Restrictions include the following:

  • The first two months you can not play sports, as well as any physical activity.
  • Until the edema completely resolves, it is necessary to refrain from visiting saunas or baths.
  • To avoid pigmentation, do not sunbathe until the scar is fully formed.

But it is natural that the ban on sports does not mean that you just need to sit and do nothing, it is not only possible, but necessary to move.

Non-surgical lifting

Non-surgical lifting can be useful only if the defects on the skin are small. Running cases do not allow the use of such a technique.


  • For the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. In order to tighten the muscles of your priests and buttocks, you can do the following: jumping, running in place, walking in place, while you need to raise your knees high, smoothly swing your legs to the right and then to the left.
  • For the inner part (surface) of the thigh. There is one very effective exercise, thanks to which you can achieve a positive effect: lie on your back, put your hands under your ass, your back should be pressed very tightly to the floor. Raise your legs thirty centimeters from the floor and spread them apart, then cross. The thighs on the inside should be very tense. It is enough to do this exercise three to four times a day.
  • Yoga. Stand up straight, and spread your legs hip-width apart, start taking a deep breath, try to be very calm. Raise your right leg, bend, and then place the foot on the thigh of the second leg. Do the same with the other leg. The weight will thus be distributed back and forth. It is not always possible to put the foot immediately on the thigh, in this case, you can put it under the knee.
Pose to strengthen the muscles in the thighs


Many people confuse manual massage with anti-cellulite massage, but in fact they are two different things.

It is believed that the more bruises subsequently remain on the hips, the more effective the massage will be. Due to the force effect, the fat will be able to break down faster. Thanks to this massage, you can quickly get rid of sagging skin and its sagging.

Contour plastic

RF - lifting

This method is based on radio frequency radiation.

During such a procedure, collagen and elastin will begin to be produced, as you know, they are responsible for making the skin elastic.


Despite the fact that most clinics use a thread lift today, some still doubt its effectiveness.

The thing is that the effect of them becomes visible only in a static state. At the time of movement of the hips, the threads can shift, thereby delivering significant discomfort to the patient.

Possible areas for placement of threads on the thighs:


The duration of one session is approximately forty minutes. In order to get the desired effect, you must go through at least twelve sessions.

A positive result lasts a very long time.

The procedure takes place in several stages, initially the skin is treated with special antiseptics, after which injections are administered.


This procedure is one of the varieties of mesotherapy. In the area where there are large accumulations of fat, lipolytic drugs are injected.

The peculiarity of this method is that the needle is inserted approximately thirteen millimeters under the skin.


This is an effective method, as a result of which you can significantly pump up the muscles of your thighs, as well as get rid of excess fat.

Stimulates both the outer and inner thighs.

Such procedures are often combined with lymphatic drainage, as well as massage and body wraps.

At home

Cream Colistar

The cream is aimed at the elasticity of the skin.

It contains only natural ingredients, no chemicals or harmful additives. Due to menthol and red pepper, you can achieve quick results.

With the help of a tightening effect, you can model the skin not only on the hips, but also on the stomach.


Strongly corrective underwear is knickers and panties, which should have corset inserts.

As a rule, it is calculated for those women who have serious flaws in their figure. Thanks to linen, problem areas can be hidden. But you need to take into account the fact that some models of underwear can only be worn for a certain amount of time.

Usually all this is indicated on the packaging, which is why it is necessary to read the instructions.

Power correction

The diet should include exclusively low-calorie foods, during the load period, excess fat can be burned.

No flour, sweet and fried, you will have to forget about it. Eat as many protein-packed foods as possible. Vegetables can be eaten in unlimited quantities.

Try to drink as much water as possible, this will speed up your metabolism. The process of losing weight in this case will be much faster.

Before working on your forms yourself, be sure to consult with a beautician and surgeon.

Prices in Moscow


A thigh lift is designed to relieve patients of sagging skin. It can sag due to age or due to sudden weight loss.

Through the operation, you can achieve the following effect:

  • The thickness of the thighs will decrease significantly.
  • From the inside, the outline will be clearer.

Another nice thing is that the thighs on the inside will no longer touch each other. You will no longer be bothered by diaper rash and irritation in this area.

How long does the effect last?

If after the operation a person leads a correct lifestyle, follows the rules of nutrition, monitors his weight, then the result will please for many years. Therefore, your appearance in the future will depend solely on you.

Hip plasty is a plastic surgery aimed at removing fatty subcutaneous deposits and flabby skin. The need for an operation arises with a strong weakening of the skin tone in the thighs. The operation can last 1.5-3 hours, depending on medical indications.

Indications for hip plasty

  • Excessive amount of subcutaneous fat deposits on the inner thighs, combined with sagging skin;
  • unaesthetic large skin folds;
  • sagging, loss of elasticity, flabbiness of the skin, caused by rapid weight loss;
  • the presence of many wrinkles on the skin due to age-related changes;
  • pronounced discomfort during movement, the appearance of abrasion and diaper rash of the skin;
  • excess weight caused by a rapid increase in the amount of fiber under the skin.


Lifting can be carried out independently or in combination with other methods aimed at correcting excess weight. Hip plasty begins with the removal of fat located under the skin. The surgeon then makes an incision along the perineofemoral sulcus and excised the excess skin mass. The tissues and skin of the inner thighs are slightly tightened. The surgeon applies a "cosmetic" internal suture. The patient is put on a compression garment.

Contraindications for surgery

  • SARS (viral, colds, infectious diseases);
  • somatic diseases in a complex form;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • menstrual cycle;
  • violation of the process of blood clotting;
  • a sharp exacerbation of diseases that have a chronic form;
  • diseases and disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • herpes in advanced and active form;
  • oncological diseases of any etiology.

Rehabilitation after surgery

Hip plasty is usually performed on an outpatient basis using general anesthesia. After the operation, the patient stays in the clinic for 1-2 days under the supervision of a specialist. The rehabilitation period lasts 7-10 days, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

The patient needs to wear tight underwear for the first 2 weeks after plastic surgery. Within a few weeks, the patient may experience slight swelling in the operated areas; sensitivity is usually reduced, and there may be discomfort when walking. But all these consequences quickly pass, provided that the patient follows the recommendations.

All postoperative sutures are removed. The patient can return to sedentary and office work after 1-2 weeks. Full physical activity can usually be restored in 4-6 weeks. During this time, the patient should be constantly monitored by a doctor who monitors the correct formation of scars and gives recommendations regarding physical activity. If necessary, the doctor takes corrective measures aimed at preventing the displacement of scars.

Hip plastic results

  • Tightened, elastic, elastic skin in the area of ​​the buttocks and thighs;
  • high aesthetic and effect (improvement of the contours of the buttocks and thighs);
  • high cosmetological effect (after six months, postoperative sutures become almost invisible);
  • effective weight management;
  • increase in skin tone;
  • feeling of lightness during walking and active loads.

The final result of hip plasty can be assessed after 4-6 months. After the operation, the patient will develop new fat deposits evenly. The created contour of the figure will not be deformed. A high effect will be achieved only if the patient follows all the recommendations of his doctor (healthy diet, active lifestyle, regular physical activity).

Sign up for a consultation with the specialists of the clinic "JENES". They will conduct an examination, give recommendations, talk about the method of correction and answer all your questions.

Our specialists

Anesthesiologist-resuscitator. Doctor of the highest category. Active member of the Society "Aesthetic Medicine"

Features of the structure of some anatomical zones of our body are very difficult to correct by conventional methods. For this reason, many plastic surgeries are primarily aimed at correcting those anatomical areas that cannot be corrected in any other way. Such a zone requiring radical correction is the inner side of the thigh. Plastic surgery to correct the contours of the hips is called femoroplasty.

What is femoroplasty

Femoroplasty is a surgical operation, the purpose of which is the aesthetic correction of the inner side of the thigh and the elimination of cosmetic skin defects. The term femoroplasty comes from the Latin word femur, which means thigh bone.

Usually, femoroplasty is used by those patients who have excessive fat deposits on the thighs and experience discomfort from constant friction of the inner thighs during movement. This fact contributes to the development of irritation and microtrauma from friction, as well as the rapid wear of clothing (trousers, for example). Thus, not only the aesthetic factor can serve as an indication for hip correction.

Unfortunately, the above inconveniences, like sagging skin on the inside of the thighs, occur not only in adulthood, but also in young people. It all depends on the anatomical structure of the body, the hereditary predisposition of the patient and his lifestyle.

It happens that sometimes a person, with the help of diet and constant physical activity, still manages to get rid of excessive fat deposits in the area of ​​​​the inner thighs, but after massive weight loss, a large amount of excess skin remains, which gathers in folds and hangs down in the form of an “apron”. ". It is impossible to eliminate this defect by any means other than surgical plastic surgery of the hips.

Also, an indication for plastic surgery may be a lack of tissue in the thigh area. Too thin thighs and weak muscles of the inner thigh can also be corrected with femoroplasty.

In what cases resort to femoroplasty

Hip plasty is indicated in the following cases:

  • excess body fat in the thighs;
  • after removal of excess skin after massive weight loss or as a result of muscle tissue dystrophy;
  • with tissue ptosis in the thigh area;
  • uneven distribution of subcutaneous fat on the thighs (too thin thighs);
  • weak muscles of the inner thigh;
  • the presence of "riding breeches" zones (fatty tissue that has accumulated on the outer side of the thigh);
  • with cellulite (when pits and stretch marks appear on the skin).

With age, even in people with a normal body mass index, ptosis (sagging) of tissues in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inner thighs is observed. The reasons for this process are as follows:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • anatomical constitution of the body structure;
  • age-related muscle dystrophy in this area;
  • decrease in skin turgor;
  • massive weight loss;
  • decrease in skin elasticity;
  • after liposuction, when a large amount of fat is removed, but without tissue tightening.

Contraindications for hip plasty

Femoroplasty is not an easy surgical intervention. Therefore, factors that hinder its implementation should be taken into account. Hip correction surgery should not be performed in the following cases:

  • acute, chronic or infectious diseases in the active stage;
  • diabetes;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • thyroid disease;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergic diseases;
  • skin diseases in the intended area of ​​​​impact;
  • age restrictions (up to 18 years).

Preparing for hip plasty

Preparation for the operation includes several stages:

  • consultation with a surgeon;
  • comprehensive examination;
  • laboratory diagnostics.

The first step in preparing for surgery is a consultation with the surgeon. This must be done so that the doctor can find out the wishes of the patient, talk about how the surgical intervention will take place and what the final result will be. If an operation to increase the hips is performed, it is necessary to take measurements for the manufacture of prostheses.

The second stage includes the identification of contraindications to surgery and the presence of allergic reactions in patients. Consultation with related specialists is also necessary.

Laboratory studies include the following tests:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • analysis for (RW) Wasserman reaction (syphilis);
  • blood clotting test;
  • analysis for the detection of HIV infection;
  • analysis for hepatitis B and C;
  • fluorography;
  • electrocardiogram.

It is important to know that if sagging skin has occurred as a result of massive weight loss, then you should not immediately resort to removing excess skin on the thighs. After losing weight, you need to wait until the weight stabilizes, as there is a high probability of recovery of fat complications, which will lead to the original state of the thighs.

Methods of surgical plasty of the hips

There are several methods for performing femoroplasty, depending on the surgical access to this area:

  1. Through an incision in the inguinal folds.
  2. Through incisions on the surface of the thighs;
  3. Through a large incision from the groin to the knee.

The first method is the most gentle, with minimal aesthetic consequences. If the deformation of the tissues on the inner side of the thigh is mild, then it is pulled through small incisions in the inguinal region. Then the excess subcutaneous fat is removed. If the outer side of the thigh needs correction, then the incision is made from the inguinal region around the hip joint. The second method is resorted to with medium volumes of subcutaneous fat, and the latter - with a large excess of excess skin.

If the hip correction is performed in combination with the buttocks, then oval-shaped incisions are made that pass through the thighs and the upper part of the buttocks.

To correct all sides of the thighs (inner, outer and back), an incision is made from the fold line of the buttocks along the inguinal folds.

At the end of the operation, the incisions are sutured. It is very important that the sutures are properly placed, otherwise there is a possibility of tissue displacement or deformation of the external genitalia. If necessary, drainage tubes are placed in the wound, and after the operation, the patient immediately puts on compression underwear.

Femoroplasty is also performed in conjunction with liposuction and abdominoplasty. Liposuction is performed before hip plasty, since during this operation only a small amount of fatty tissue is removed, and the main part of the subcutaneous fat is removed only with the help of liposuction. Correction of the hips primarily involves skin tightening and the formation of clear contours.

Hip correction surgery lasts 2-3 hours, usually under general anesthesia, but sometimes spinal anesthesia is used. If additional corrective manipulations are carried out, then the operation time increases.

Procedure for hip augmentation

Among patients, hip reduction surgery is in special demand, plastic surgery to increase the size of the hips is resorted to much less frequently. Most often, the reason is the uneven distribution of subcutaneous fat on the thighs. Too thin and poorly developed hips are perfectly corrected with silicone implants.

The materials from which prostheses are made are distinguished by their strength and safety, as well as high biological adhesiveness to the tissues of the human body.

With hip augmentation, incisions are made in the subgluteal fold, which will make the sutures completely invisible in the future. Also, cosmetic seams should be aesthetically pleasing.

rehabilitation period

After the operation, the patient spends some time in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor. In the early days, you can not get up, walk and even sit. During this period, the patient experiences pain, an increase in temperature, tissue swelling, and a feeling of discomfort in the operated area. The swelling goes away within a week. The sutures that were placed on the inner side of the thigh are made from biodegradable threads and do not require removal. External stitches are removed after 7-10 days.

In order to make the recovery period as comfortable as possible. You must follow a few simple rules:

  • pay special attention to the seams, with proper care they will heal faster;
  • immediately after the operation, the patient should wear compression underwear, which contributes to the rapid recovery of tissues;
  • regardless of the patient's condition, mandatory antibiotic therapy is carried out;
  • you should not visit baths, saunas, pools and solariums;
  • do not take hot baths;
  • avoid direct sunlight;
  • for a long time in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe scars, discomfort may occur when walking, squatting and getting up;
  • avoid intense physical activity.

The effect of femoroplasty will become effective a year after surgery.

Possible complications after hip plasty

As with any plastic surgery, a number of possible complications develop after femoroplasty. As a rule, they appear in the form:

  1. Hematoma and gray. This complication happens quite often. It occurs due to damage to a large number of blood vessels and lymphatic capillaries. This leads to the accumulation of both serous fluid and blood in the wound cavity. Large seromas and hematomas are excised surgically, small ones resolve on their own.
  2. Necrosis of the skin on which the scar is located. Usually, tissue necrosis occurs due to poor circulation in the area of ​​the inner thighs and strong tension on the edges of the wound. This leads not only to tissue necrosis, but also to the divergence of the seams.
  3. Violation of the lymphatic and venous outflow. The complication develops due to damage to the lymphatic vessels and impaired lymph microcirculation. Under the skin of the thighs there is a large accumulation of lymphatic vessels, through which the lymph flows to the lower extremities. As a result, there may be prolonged swelling in the legs. In some cases, the violation of the lymphatic outflow can become chronic, leading to elephantiasis (its large accumulation in the legs).
  4. Infection and suppuration of wounds. The complication is caused by a bacterial infection, tissue necrosis and the formation of hematomas and seromas. Eliminated by antibiotic therapy.
  5. Partial or complete loss of sensation. This complication is temporary and gradually disappears completely.
  6. Increased skin sensitivity. This phenomenon is called hypertension. Sometimes hypersensitivity persists for life.
  7. Unsuccessful result. Unfortunately, this also happens. It develops as a result of the fact that the skin is not able to contract to the extent that it provides the necessary firmness and elasticity.
  8. Fat embolism. A complication develops when elements enter the blood or lymph that are not found there under normal conditions. Fat embolism often causes vascular occlusion, which causes disruption of local circulation. This is the most formidable complication that leads to a terminal state.
  9. Change in skin color of postoperative scars. In place of scars, persistent pigmentation may occur. It can be removed only by special cosmetic methods.
  10. Displacement of inguinal scars in the thigh area. The displacement and stretching of the scars makes them very visible. This happens with a large-scale surgical intervention.
  11. Asymmetry of the genitals. This complication occurs due to the strong tension of the tissues.

The occurrence of complications after hip plasty depends both on the professional training of the surgeon and on the patient's compliance with the rules during the rehabilitation period.

Advantages and disadvantages of femoroplasty

Like any surgical intervention, this method has some advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of hip plasty:

  • long effect of the procedure (10-15 years);
  • return to tissues of elasticity, and to the legs of harmony;
  • getting rid of excess subcutaneous fat forever (subject to a lifelong diet and constant body weight);
  • the acquisition of harmony, harmony and proportionality of the hips.
  • deep scars and scars;
  • if liposuction is performed, then only in conjunction with a thigh lift, otherwise the skin will hang in unaesthetic folds;
  • after plastic surgery, bumps and bumps on the skin may appear, which implies additional correction of the hips;
  • long rehabilitation period;
  • high risk of complications.

Reading time: 27 minutes

Do you want to achieve slender toned legs, but the fat on the inside of the thigh does not allow you to get closer to your desired goal? We offer you a unique selection of exercises for the inner thigh without equipment + a ready-made lesson plan that can be performed even at home.

Ready-made training scheme for the inner thigh

On the inside of the thigh are the adductor muscles of the thigh (adductors), which are most effectively worked out with the help of isolation exercises. But for weight loss in the inner thigh in addition to strengthening the adductor muscles, you must also eliminate the fat layer, which is located above the muscles.

We offer you a ready-made training scheme that will help you not only work out the adductor muscles qualitatively, but also enhance the fat burning process.

This scheme includes 3 types of exercises for the inner thigh:

  • Standing exercises (squats and lunges)
  • Cardio exercises (with an emphasis on the inner thigh)
  • Floor exercises (lifts and leg extensions)

It means that your workout should be divided into three segments, roughly equal in time. For example, if you train for 45 minutes, then give each group of exercises 15 minutes. If you train for 30 minutes, then each segment will last 10 minutes. Thanks to this scheme of exercises for the inner thigh, you will tighten the muscles, reduce the fat layer, and improve the lines of the legs.

Below are illustrative pictures of exercises for the inner thigh and ready-made execution schemes. You can take our version of classes, or you can create your own program. But before we go directly to the exercises, let's clarify some points on the features of training on the inside of the thigh.

Questions and Answers on Inner Thigh Workouts

1. What if I am a beginner?

If you are just starting out, then allocate no more than 15-20 minutes a day for training. Take breaks, keep a moderate pace, and gradually increase the time of the sessions, the number of repetitions and the complexity of the exercises.

2. What if I don't like cardio?

5. How can the proposed exercises be made more difficult?

You can easily make your inner thigh exercises more difficult by using leg weights or (although dumbbells are not suitable for all exercises). You can also use a fitness elastic band - this is one of the most effective devices for strengthening leg muscles.

6. How often do I do inner thigh exercises?

Exercise no more than 2-3 times a week. On average, it is enough to devote about 1 hour per week to the problem area. It is also very important to train not only the adductors, but also the quadriceps, hamstrings, muscle corset and gluteal muscles. It does not make sense to deal with only a separate muscle group - you need to train the whole body as a whole. Be sure to check out:

The first segment of the workout: exercises for the inner thigh while standing

During squats and lunges, watch your posture, your back should remain straight, your knees should not go beyond your toes. Also, try not to tip your back forward and do not bend your lower back, otherwise the load on the muscles of the legs will decrease. If you do not have enough eversion in the hips (knees do not look in opposite directions), that's all right. Choose the most stable position possible for you. Do your inner thigh exercises to the best of your ability.

If you have trouble keeping your balance in a plie squat (with legs wide apart and feet turned), then you can use a chair as a support. This selection of exercises will help you work out not only the inner side of the thigh, but also the gluteal muscles and quadriceps.

2. Plie Squats with One Toe Raise

Execution scheme

We offer you 3 options for combinations of exercises to choose from. The number of repetitions is indicated next to the exercise. If you are a beginner, do the minimum number of repetitions.

Your workout will consist of 6 exercises that are repeated in 2-3 circles. Rest between exercises 15-30 seconds. Rest between rounds 1 minute.

Example 1:

    25-35 times 20-30 times 20-30 times 10-15 times on each side

Example 2:

  • Plie squats with one toe raise (right leg): 20-30 times
  • 10-15 times on each side
  • Plie squats with one toe raise (left leg): 20-30 times
  • Lateral lunge on toes (right leg): 10-20 times
  • 20-30 times
  • Lateral lunge on toes (left leg): 10-20 times

Example 3:

    20-30 times
  • Side lunge (right leg): 15-25 reps
  • 20-30 times
  • Side lunge (left leg): 15-25 reps
  • 10-15 times on each side 25-35 times

You can alternate between the 3 inner thigh combinations, choose just one, or create your own exercise plan. After completing the squat and lunge segment, move on to cardio exercises for the inner thigh.

The second segment of the workout: cardio exercises for the inner thigh

Plyometric (jumping) training is one of the most effective ways to burn fat in the lower body and shape lean legs. If you have no contraindications, then cardio training should definitely be part of your fitness plan.

The presented cardio exercises for the inner thigh are formed level from simple to complex. You can choose only a few exercises that suit your level of difficulty or alternate groups of exercises with each other. Perform exercises only in sneakers!

3. Plank jumps with leg extension

Execution scheme

We offer you 2 options for combinations of cardio exercises for the inner thigh: for beginners and advanced.

An example of a cardio workout for the inner thigh for beginners:

  • Plank jumps with leg extension

Exercises are performed according to the scheme: 30 seconds of work + 30 seconds of rest (e.g. Jumping with arms and legs 30 seconds, then 30 seconds rest, then move to Plyometric Side Lunge - 30 seconds, then 30 seconds rest, etc.). We repeat the exercises in 2 circles, in the second circle we perform a side lunge on the other leg. 1 minute rest between rounds. This type of cardio workout will last 10 minutes.

Advanced Inner Thigh Cardio Workout Example:

  • Plank jump with leg extension

Exercises are performed according to the scheme: 45 seconds of work + 15 seconds of rest (e.g. Jump into a wide squat for 45 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds, then move on to Jump in the plank with legs apart - 45 seconds, then 15 seconds rest, etc.). We repeat the exercises in 2 circles, between circles 1 minute of rest. This type of cardio workout will last 10 minutes.

After cardio exercises, we move on to exercises for the inner thigh on the floor.

The third segment of the workout: exercises for the inner thigh on the floor

These inner thigh exercises are done on the floor. They are low-impact and do not put a load on the joints and blood vessels, so you can perform them if you are worried about your knees or varicose veins. While exercising, try to keep your leg muscles tense and your stomach toned.

Thank you youtube channels for the gifs: mfit, Linda Wooldridge, Jessica Valant Pilates, Christina Carlyle.

Execution scheme

We offer you 3 options for combinations of exercises for the inner thigh to choose from. The number of repetitions is indicated next to the exercise. If you are a beginner, do the minimum number of repetitions.

Your workout will consist of 8 exercises that are performed in 1-2 circles. Rest between exercises 15-30 seconds. Rest between rounds 1 minute.

Example 1:

    25-35 times
  • Inner thigh leg lift (right leg): 15-25 reps
  • Leg lift for the inside of the thigh (left leg): 15-25 times
  • 30-40 times

Example 2:

  • Circular movements lying on your side (right leg): 15-30 times
  • Circular movements lying on your side (left leg): 15-30 times
  • Shell complicated (right leg): 15-25 times
  • 20-25 reps for each leg
  • Shell complicated (left leg): 15-25 times
  • Raise of the closed legs (right side): 10-20 times
  • Raise of the closed legs (left side): 10-20 times
  • 15-25 times

Example 3:

  • Adduction of the thigh lying on its side (right leg): 20-35 times
  • Adduction of the thigh lying on its side (left leg): 20-35 times
  • Shell (right leg): 20-30 times
  • 15-25 times
  • Shell (left leg): 20-30 times
  • Leg raises with a chair (right leg): 15-25 times
  • Leg raises with a chair (left leg): 15-25 times
  • 20-30 times

You can alternate between the 3 inner thigh combinations, choose just one, or create your own exercise plan.

Basic rules for exercises for the inner thigh

  1. Always start your workout with a warm-up and end with a stretch. Never train without warming up, otherwise you risk injury!
  2. During the exercises for the inner thigh, you should feel the target muscles. Keep the body collected and concentrated, do not perform the exercises thoughtlessly and loosely.
  3. Try to change exercises periodically, do not constantly perform the same exercises. Don't let your muscles adapt to the load.
  4. If cardio exercises are especially difficult for you, then you can start your workout with them, and not with squats and lunges. But do not put cardio at the end of the session, exercises for a local zone are best done after aerobic exercises to increase blood circulation in the target area of ​​​​the body.
  5. Remember that the inner side of the thigh will only decrease with overall body weight loss, so reasonable dietary restrictions are a prerequisite for getting rid of fat in this area.
  6. Isolated adductor exercises are very helpful for targeting the problem area on the inner thighs, but don't forget to work the rest of the leg and core muscles as well. With a balanced work on all muscle groups, you will reach your goal much faster.
  7. Remember that fat does not melt in the part of the body that you pump hard. The whole body is emaciated. But you can help him eliminate the problem area by doing interval training and working on body tone.
  8. If you like doing ready-made video workouts, then be sure to check out our selection: Top 25 Best Videos for the Inner Thigh.

Video for the inner thigh in Russian

1. How to make a gap between the thighs

2. Exercises for the inner thigh

3. Inner thigh

Plastic surgery aimed at removing excess sagging skin and restoring the aesthetics of the contour of the inner surface of the thigh. The purpose of a thigh lift is to correct cosmetic imperfections resulting from reduced elasticity and sagging skin. With an excess of adipose tissue, liposuction can be performed simultaneously with femoroplasty.

Skin defects along the inner surface of the thigh cause not only psychological discomfort, but also cause medical problems. Many patients complain of diaper rash, irritation, constant inflammation in the skin folds. Hip plasty helps to eliminate the aesthetic defect and successfully solves the functional problems associated with it.

Operation description

The purpose of femoroplasty is to eliminate cosmetic defects caused by stretching of the skin of the inner (mainly) surface of the thigh and a decrease in its elasticity. Also, the tasks of a thigh lift can be formulated as follows:

  • Modeling the outer and inner contour of the legs.
  • Reducing the circumference of the hips by removing excess skin.
  • Recreation of harmonious proportions of the hips and buttocks.

Removal of excess adipose tissue is not the goal of femoroplasty. To solve this problem, liposuction is used, which can be performed together with femoroplasty. According to the indications, a buttock lift, gluteoplasty, and abdominoplasty can be performed simultaneously with the plastic surgery of the inner surface of the thigh.

The final strategy for rejuvenation of the femoral and gluteal region depends on the specific aesthetic problems and the wishes of the patient. Certain restrictions are imposed by the state of health and age of the patient, since the operations listed above are complex and are accompanied by a long rehabilitation period.

Types of thigh lift

Removal of sagging skin, folds and sagging is performed through incisions on the inner surface of the thigh or in the groin area. Depending on the type of surgical access, there are three types of femoroplasty:

  1. Median.
  2. Vertical.
  3. Combined.

1. Middle way. Median, or medial, femoroplasty is performed through an incision along the inguinal fold. Since the incision is in a natural skin fold, it is easy to hide under underwear or a swimsuit.

2. Vertical femoroplasty. Vertical femoroplasty uses a long vertical incision along the inner thigh to remove excess skin. The incision is long, leaving a noticeable scar after the operation. The vertical method is used for significant skin defects, which cannot be corrected by sparing median femoroplasty.

3. Combined femoroplasty. When using this technique, the incision in the inguinal region is supplemented by a surgical access along the inner surface of the thigh, but its length is less than with vertical plasty.

When choosing a method of plasty of the inner surface of the thigh, the surgeon takes into account the nature of the aesthetic problem, its severity and localization. For example, if the main cosmetic defect is located in the upper-medial femur, it can be successfully eliminated with the help of median femoroplasty. If the folds and sagging of the skin are located along the entire inner surface or near the knee joints, a vertical or combined method is used.

Femoroplasty: is there an alternative?

There are no alternatives to surgical plasty of the inner thigh. Femoroplasty is performed only with a pronounced skin defect and a significant deformation of the contour of the legs. If there are indications for plastic surgery, then non-surgical methods are no longer effective! Minor surgical interventions, for example, tightening the skin of the thigh with threads, also do not give an effect.

Preparing for a thigh lift

A thigh lift requires a full preoperative preparation. The patient undergoes a complete medical examination, which includes an electrocardiogram, blood and urine tests for dangerous infections, a coagulogram, and fluorography. According to the indications, the list of diagnostic procedures can be expanded, and the patient can be assigned consultations of narrow specialists.

A complete medical examination is necessary because the plasty of the inner surface of the thigh lasts from 2 to 4 hours. All this time the person is under anesthesia. To minimize operational and anesthetic risks, the team of doctors must have the most complete and up-to-date information about the patient's health status.

2-3 weeks before a thigh lift, you must give up alcohol and smoking. You also need to stop or limit the use of drugs that affect the performance of the blood coagulation system. You should be aware that many medicines for colds, joint pain, menstrual pain, and headaches, which are dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription, worsen blood clotting.

Indications for the operation

The main indication for femoroplasty is excess skin on the inner surface of the thigh with signs of a decrease in the elasticity of the skin, the formation of noticeable defects in the form of sagging, folds, bumps.

A thigh lift can also eliminate an aesthetic skin defect along the front, outer or back of the thigh. But in practice, plastic surgeons rarely encounter skin changes in these anatomical areas, which is explained by the peculiarities of their histological structure and endocrine regulation.

The above aesthetic problems can be caused by one of the following reasons:

  • A sharp change in body weight: weight loss of 15-20 or more kilograms within a year or a year and a half.
  • Fluctuations in the volume of adipose tissue along the inner surface of the thighs, caused by changes in the hormonal background, pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Age-related changes, manifested by a deterioration in skin elasticity and turgor.

One of the main reasons for the formation of defects on the inner surface of the thighs is a lack of motor activity and excess body weight. Subsequent attempts to normalize body weight have some effect, but leave excess skin prone to sagging and deforming. The risk of developing a pronounced cosmetic defect is higher if weight loss measures are taken at an older age.

A thigh lift is a "female" operation. Men do not turn to plastic surgeons with a similar problem. This is explained by the peculiarities of the distribution of adipose tissue in the female and male body. In women, a significant amount of fat depots is concentrated in the thigh area. In men, excess adipose tissue appears mainly in the anterior wall of the abdomen.

Contraindications for the operation

Restrictions for plastic surgery of the inner thighs:

  • diabetes
  • cardiological pathology in the stage of decompensation
  • thrombophlebitis of the vessels of the lower extremities
  • obliterating atherosclerosis
  • chronic venous insufficiency (varicose disease) of the lower extremities
  • malignant tumor of any localization
  • pathology of the blood coagulation system
  • severe kidney and liver failure
  • pregnancy, lactation

Rehabilitation after surgery

Long-term hospitalization is not necessary. The patient stays in the hospital for a day, after which he returns home. Scheduled examinations after femoroplasty are prescribed on the 7th, 14th and 21st day. Based on the patient's health status, the schedule of examinations can be changed at the discretion of the plastic surgeon. In the future, it is necessary to come for scheduled examinations once a month for six months after the operation.

To speed up recovery and get the maximum aesthetic result, it is enough to strictly follow the recommendations of the operating surgeon:

  • Wear compression stockings for at least 2-3 months.
  • Do not exercise unless expressly authorized by your doctor.
  • Limit physical activity.
  • Take only those medicines that have been prescribed or approved by your doctor.

Femoroplasty gives a stable, in fact, lifelong aesthetic result. Practice shows that re-correction is never necessary.

Prices for a thigh lift at the GALAXY Beauty Institute

The prices for the operation can be found in , which is located on the site in the appropriate section.

The cost of the operation includes:

  1. Inspections (initial and subsequent)
  2. Dressings
  3. Stay in the ward (robe, towel, slippers, disposable hygiene kit)
  4. anesthesia
  5. Food

Upon admission to the department:

  • As prescribed by the anesthesiologist, compression stockings are issued;
  • By appointment of a plastic surgeon, compression underwear is issued.

After the operation, according to the appointment of a plastic surgeon, a referral for rehabilitation procedures is issued.

Every woman wants to have beautiful and toned hips. Women's slender legs have always attracted the attention of men. Therefore, the unaesthetic, unattractiveness of the hips often upsets a woman.

The appearance of the hips can deteriorate due to severe weight loss, due to age-related changes, a decrease in skin elasticity, due to hormonal failure and a number of other reasons. Excess skin in the thigh area is a common indication for aesthetic surgery - thigh lift.

Some women are not satisfied with only the inner thighs, where the skin is often less elastic and the tissues are more loose. Due to friction on the inner surface of the thighs, irritations on the skin are often observed and, in general, inconvenience is felt when moving.

Of course, the expediency of the operation is discussed at the consultation, after examination by a plastic surgeon.

According to the indications, a tightening of the inner and / or outer thighs is performed.

The most frequent types of operations:

  • tightening of the inner surface of the thigh;
  • tightening of the outer surface of the thigh;
  • tightening of both outer and inner thighs.

The location of the incisions is discussed during the consultation. As a rule, postoperative scars are hidden under linen.


The volume of the upcoming correction entirely depends on the initial state of the patient's hips, as well as on his wishes for their appearance after the operation.

According to the indications, liposuction of the thighs is additionally performed.

A thigh lift is performed under general anesthesia. The duration of the operation is on average about 2 hours. At the end of the operation, cosmetic sutures are applied.

The patient stays in the hospital for 1 day or more (if necessary).

After a thigh lift, it is mandatory to wear special compression underwear for a month.

Recovery after a thigh lift

Recovery after a surgical thigh lift takes approximately 3 months. During the rehabilitation period, you must strictly follow all the recommendations of your doctor.

The first weeks should be more rest. Minor physical activity is allowed 2 weeks after a thigh lift. Active sports - not earlier than in 2-3 months. At least a month it is forbidden to visit the sauna, bath, solarium, expose the operated area to direct sunlight.

Hormonal and age-related changes affect not only visible parts of the body. The hips can also become unattractive as a result of losing weight, after childbirth, or have aesthetic defects initially. Usually they are spoiled by folds that have arisen due to sagging skin, an increase in volume, ptosis of soft tissues. Plastic surgery of the hips (femoroplasty) will help to solve these and other problems. This method will give an effect where diet and sports are ineffective.

Read in this article

What is the procedure

The operation is done in order to restore smoothness, elasticity, firmness and harmony to the hips. In some cases, it is also necessary to adjust the volumes, for which plastic surgery is combined with liposuction. It is also used for medical purposes. After all, sagging tissues of this zone can interfere with walking, cause abrasions on the skin, physical discomfort, problems with the selection of clothes and the need for frequent replacement due to rapid wear.

Hip correction is needed in different areas of this part of the body. Femoroplasty changes the appearance:

  • inner surface;
  • outdoor area;
  • thighs completely;
  • hips combined with buttocks.

In accordance with the location of the problem area, incisions are made, excess tissues are excised, the remaining tissues are moved and the wound is sutured.

Useful video

For information on how and why plastic surgery of the inner thighs is done, see this video:

Indications for carrying out

Not all leg defects can be corrected with plastic surgery. And if the unaesthetic appearance of the hips is caused by an excess of excess weight, it is possible that the patient will first have to lose weight. The operation to correct them is in this case the finishing touch, and not the main method of solving the problem.

For hip plasty, there are clear criteria that make it necessary:

  • stretching of the skin and the folds and irregularities caused by it;
  • rollers of fat on the outside, giving unwanted extra volume;
  • irritation on the surface of the skin caused by too close contact due to excess tissue during movement.


For any type of intervention to improve the appearance of the thighs, indications alone are not enough. It is also necessary that there are no reasons why the operation could be dangerous for the patient. Contraindications to its implementation include:

  • pathology of the heart and blood vessels;
  • oncological diseases;
  • serious disturbances in the work of the endocrine system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pathologies that violate blood clotting;
  • periods of pregnancy and lactation;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Preparation for the event

The most frequently performed operation is plastic surgery of the inner surface of the thigh. It, like the surgical correction of other areas, requires. The first stage is an examination that allows you to find out the state of health of the patient. It consists of:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • blood coagulation studies;
  • tests for infections;
  • fluorography;
  • therapist consultation.

If the general state of health allows for the operation, the patient should take measures to facilitate its successful implementation and avoid complications:

  • 2 weeks before the intervention, stop taking anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents;
  • for the same time, exclude alcohol from life, forget about smoking;
  • do not sit on a rigid diet that weakens the body, but do not overeat;
  • take vitamins to avoid colds;
  • do not expose the skin to ultraviolet rays.

Plastic surgery is done on an empty stomach, that is, the last meal before it should be completed 8 hours before the start of the intervention.

How is it carried out

Surgical correction of the hips is done under general anesthesia. In total, the operation takes 2 - 2.5 hours, if not combined with other interventions. Often, along with femoroplasty, liposuction of this zone is performed, as well as a buttock and abdomen lift.

The intervention begins with the patient receiving anesthesia. It is laid with legs apart and raised in the knee area. Then the surgeon makes markings on the skin in order to clarify the nuances of the operation (where to make incisions, what and how much tissue to remove, tighten, etc.). Further actions of the doctor depend on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thighs that will be corrected:

  • If this is the outer surface, the incision starts from the groin and circles the hip joint. The seam is then covered with underwear.
  • If it is necessary to tighten the entire surface of the problem area, access is through an incision from the crease under the buttocks, running along the border of the groin and ending along the edge of the junction of the thigh and pubis. It looks like a spiral.
  • The joint improvement of the buttocks and thighs dictates the need for ellipsoid incisions through their upper border, from one thigh to the other. This minimizes the forced tissue trauma.
  • Plastic surgery of the inner part of the thigh is done through an incision from the inguinal folds to the knee zone. This is a clearly visible area where it is difficult to mask the seam. Access is also possible only through a dissection in the region of the inguinal fold or one vertical one up to the knee.


Recovery of a patient after hip plasty begins from the moment of his transfer to the ward. You will have to stay in the hospital for 1 to 3 days, where the stitches are cared for, the drainage tubes are gradually removed. At first, there is pain and swelling in the thighs, bruises. But after 2-3 weeks these problems disappear. To relieve pain, you can take pills. Compression underwear will help to get rid of the syndrome faster, alleviate it, and make the entire recovery period easily bearable. It is put on immediately after the end of the operation and worn for up to 2 months.

Sunbathing and swimming in the pool is prohibited for 30 days

What are the other features of rehabilitation after hip plasty:

  • you can get up the next day if the operation was not supplemented by liposuction;
  • on the third day, it is allowed to take a shower, avoiding water on the incision lines (hygiene of the genital organs is permissible even earlier);
  • after 10-14 days, the stitches are removed, at the same time light physical activity is allowed;
  • swelling disappears in 3-5 weeks, by this time you can go to work;
  • the first 30 days you can not visit the sauna, swimming pool, solarium, take a hot bath;
  • it is forbidden to drink alcohol, it is undesirable to smoke;
  • active physical activity is allowed no earlier than 2 months after surgery.


The effect that hip plasty provides, before and after, makes noticeable differences. But it will finally manifest itself after a while, when the swelling subsides, the tissues adapt to the new position. With the help of the operation it is possible:

  • get rid of wrinkles, sagging skin;
  • eliminate the "ears" on the inside of the thighs;
  • to give this part of the legs greater harmony, which they were deprived of due to ptosis and soft tissue deformation;
  • flatten the surface of the thighs.

Some time ago, it became possible not only to reduce this part of the body, but also, if necessary, to enlarge it. The need for an increase arises due to the disproportionate size of the hips, as well as their insufficient harmony. The contours are changed with the help of silicone implants, installed through the crease under the buttock into the formed muscle pocket. The result in this case is a slight increase in the circumference of the hips and giving them harmony.


Since the correction often has to be done by older patients, and she herself surgery is a serious intervention in the body, it does not exclude the occurrence of complications. Contributes to them non-compliance with the conditions of rehabilitation.

The most common complications of femoroplasty Causes of appearance and places of damage
Rough scars Their occurrence may be caused by the body's tendency to form hypertrophic scars. But there is a concomitant factor here - the friction of the seams on the clothes, since it sits tightly on the hips, and when moving, the contact increases. This can provoke the appearance of wounds, that is, longer healing.
Skin necrosis The problem also arises in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe seams. One of the reasons is too tight tissue tension due to their excessive excision. The provoking factor is that there is a rather sluggish blood supply in the thigh area.
Change in skin sensitivity May be temporary, but also a long term nuisance. Occurs on the basis of injury to the nerves, manifested by numbness or, conversely, soreness
hip asymmetry The problem appears due to uneven removal of excess subcutaneous fat

In addition to these complications typical for this type of operation, there are others that are characteristic of many aesthetic (and not only) interventions:

  • seromas and hematomas;
  • violation of lymphatic drainage, leading to swelling of the legs;
  • infection;
  • development of thrombosis.

In addition, implants not only give an increase in the hips, plastic with their use can result in the rejection of foreign materials, their displacement.


The cost of femoroplasty varies from 130,000 to 300,000 rubles. It is determined by the type of surgical correction, the scale of work, and the qualifications of the doctor. It's not worth saving, especially when hip augmentation is required. These operations are done recently, here the skill of the surgeon and the accuracy of actions are more important than ever.

Hip correction surgery is an extreme measure used to restore the beauty and harmony of this part of the body. But with good quality of conduct, it provides the most stable result. However, to maintain it, further efforts will still be needed - proper nutrition and sports.

The reasons for hip plasty are as follows:

Femoroplasty is not performed if there are such restrictions as:

If the patient has the following contraindications during preparation, then to eliminate hip deficiencies, it is worth considering cosmetic and hardware techniques - SplitFat Sistem, mesotherapy,


The procedure varies by type of surgical approach. The pull can be:

  • Internal (median or medial). Assumes correction with an incision along the inguinal fold. Excess skin is excised, then the inner thigh is pulled up. Surgeons use this method for minor ptosis. The technology is the most sparing and carries a minimum of complications.
  • Spiral (outer or side). The scalpel passes around the thigh - from the inguinal fold, the cut passes into the infragluteal and again to the groin. Suitable for such an indication as a sharp weight loss. The skin is tightened on all sides of the upper leg, and the contour of the buttocks is also corrected. Often this technology is combined with gluteoplasty. This type of femoroplasty is more traumatic because the scars are deeper.
  • vertical. The incision runs along the inside of the thigh and resembles a triangle, starting from the groin to and tapering towards the knee. The skin wedge is removed and the wound is sutured with horizontal sutures. The method is appropriate for a large area of ​​sagging dermis.
  • Combined. It implies a combination of the above types with each other. Ellipsoidal cuts are made. Used for ptosis III and IV degree.


During the consultation, the surgeon assesses the condition of the hips and identifies the cause that led to ptosis. To identify contraindications, the doctor gives a referral for testing.

Before plastic surgery, you must adhere to the following preparatory recommendations:

  • Increase your water intake to three liters per day.
  • Avoid cigarettes and alcohol. Bad habits affect wound healing.
  • Limit the intake of aspirin, hormonal drugs.
  • Postpone sports training for at least three to four months.
  • Stick to a diet.

The course of the procedure

Femoroplasty technology involves the use of general anesthesia. Correction, as a rule, lasts about three hours.

The operation begins with marking and inhalation or intravenous administration of an anesthetic injection. After that, incisions are made, the fat layer and excess skin are removed. The last step is suturing in layers. When lifting the thighs, this point is important and the final result depends on it. Otherwise, tissue displacement or damage to the genitals is possible.

First, the surgeon puts internal sutures on the fascia of the thigh muscles, after which the skin is sutured with double threads. In this case, the edges of the dermis should not fit snugly against each other in order to avoid the appearance of rough keloid scars. The procedure ends with the installation of drainage tubes and the application of a sterile dressing.


If there are no signs of tissue infection, then the patient is allowed to go home on the second or third day. External sutures are removed on the tenth day, and the sutures from the inner side of the thigh do not need to be removed, because. they are made of self-absorbable threads.

Such unpleasant phenomena as pain, burning, fever, redness, swelling, numbness are pursued for two weeks. To stop them, the doctor prescribes painkillers.

During three months:

  • It is forbidden to massage the thighs.
  • Do not treat scars with ointments and creams for quick healing. They will increase swelling.
  • It is necessary to avoid thermal exposure - baths, saunas.
  • Limit exposure to the sun until the scar is completely formed, otherwise age spots may appear.

During the month:

  • To reduce the risk of complications, it is necessary to treat wounds with antiseptic solutions twice a day.
  • To reduce the severity of edema and bruising, it is imperative to wear compression underwear. It reduces the likelihood of divergence of the seams when walking.

During the first week:

  • It is forbidden to bend over.
  • You can't get out of bed and sit.
  • You are only allowed to lie on your back.

In addition, active sports are prohibited, but motor activity cannot be completely excluded.

Features of the structure of some anatomical zones of our body are very difficult to correct by conventional methods. Diet or exercise in some cases has little effect on the condition of the skin and subcutaneous fat. Moreover, it is difficult for patients of a certain age category to undergo intense physical activity if they have never practiced sports before. For this reason, many plastic surgeries are primarily aimed at correcting those anatomical areas that cannot be corrected in any other way. Such a zone requiring radical correction is the inner side of the thigh. Plastic surgery to correct the contours of the hips is called femoroplasty.

Femoroplasty is a surgical operation, the purpose of which is the aesthetic correction of the inner side of the thigh and the elimination of cosmetic skin defects. The term femoroplasty comes from the Latin word femur, which means thigh bone.

Usually, femoroplasty is used by those patients who have excessive fat deposits on the thighs and experience discomfort from constant friction of the inner thighs during movement. This fact contributes to the development of irritation and microtrauma from friction, as well as the rapid wear of clothing (trousers, for example). Thus, not only the aesthetic factor can serve as an indication for hip correction.

Unfortunately, the above inconveniences, like sagging skin on the inside of the thighs, occur not only in adulthood, but also in young people. It all depends on the anatomical structure of the body, the hereditary predisposition of the patient and his lifestyle.

It happens that sometimes a person, with the help of diet and constant physical activity, still manages to get rid of excessive fat deposits in the area of ​​​​the inner thighs, but after massive weight loss, a large amount of excess skin remains, which gathers in folds and hangs down in the form of an “apron”. ". It is impossible to eliminate this defect by any means other than surgical plastic surgery of the hips.

Also, an indication for plastic surgery may be a lack of tissue in the thigh area. Too thin thighs and weak muscles of the inner thigh can also be corrected with femoroplasty.

In what cases resort to femoroplasty

Hip plasty is indicated in the following cases:

  • excess body fat in the thighs;
  • after removal of excess skin after massive weight loss or as a result of muscle tissue dystrophy;
  • with tissue ptosis in the thigh area;
  • uneven distribution of subcutaneous fat on the thighs (too thin thighs);
  • weak muscles of the inner thigh;
  • the presence of "riding breeches" zones (fatty tissue that has accumulated on the outer side of the thigh);
  • with cellulite (when pits and stretch marks appear on the skin).

With age, even in people with a normal body mass index, ptosis (sagging) of tissues in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inner thighs is observed. The reasons for this process are as follows:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • anatomical constitution of the body structure;
  • age-related muscle dystrophy in this area;
  • decrease in skin turgor;
  • massive weight loss;
  • decrease in skin elasticity;
  • after liposuction, when a large amount of fat is removed, but without tissue tightening.

Contraindications for hip plasty

Femoroplasty is not an easy surgical intervention. Therefore, factors that hinder its implementation should be taken into account. Hip correction surgery should not be performed in the following cases:

  • acute, chronic or infectious diseases in the active stage;
  • diabetes;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • thyroid disease;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergic diseases;
  • skin diseases in the intended area of ​​​​impact;
  • age restrictions (up to 18 years).

Preparing for hip plasty

Preparation for the operation includes several stages:

  • consultation with a surgeon;
  • comprehensive examination;
  • laboratory diagnostics.

The first step in preparing for surgery is a consultation with the surgeon. This must be done so that the doctor can find out the wishes of the patient, talk about how the surgical intervention will take place and what the final result will be. If an operation to increase the hips is performed, it is necessary to take measurements for the manufacture of prostheses.

The second stage includes the identification of contraindications to surgery and the presence of allergic reactions in patients. Consultation with related specialists is also necessary.

Laboratory studies include the following tests:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • analysis for (RW) Wasserman reaction (syphilis);
  • blood clotting test;
  • analysis for the detection of HIV infection;
  • analysis for hepatitis B and C;
  • fluorography;
  • electrocardiogram.

It is important to know that if sagging skin has occurred as a result of massive weight loss, then you should not immediately resort to removing excess skin on the thighs. After losing weight, you need to wait until the weight stabilizes, as there is a high probability of recovery of fat complications, which will lead to the original state of the thighs.

Methods of surgical plasty of the hips

There are several methods for performing femoroplasty, depending on the surgical access to this area:

  1. Through an incision in the inguinal folds.
  2. Through incisions on the surface of the thighs;
  3. Through a large incision from the groin to the knee.

The first method is the most gentle, with minimal aesthetic consequences. If the deformation of the tissues on the inner side of the thigh is mild, then it is pulled through small incisions in the inguinal region. Then the excess subcutaneous fat is removed. If the outer side of the thigh needs correction, then the incision is made from the inguinal region around the hip joint. The second method is resorted to with medium volumes of subcutaneous fat, and the latter - with a large excess of excess skin.

If the hip correction is performed in combination with the buttocks, then oval-shaped incisions are made that pass through the thighs and the upper part of the buttocks.

To correct all sides of the thighs (inner, outer and back), an incision is made from the fold line of the buttocks along the inguinal folds.

At the end of the operation, the incisions are sutured. It is very important that the sutures are properly placed, otherwise there is a possibility of tissue displacement or deformation of the external genitalia. If necessary, drainage tubes are placed in the wound, and after the operation, the patient immediately puts on compression underwear.

Femoroplasty is also performed in conjunction with liposuction and abdominoplasty. Liposuction is performed before hip plasty, since during this operation only a small amount of fatty tissue is removed, and the main part of the subcutaneous fat is removed only with the help of liposuction. Correction of the hips primarily involves skin tightening and the formation of clear contours.

Hip correction surgery lasts 2-3 hours, usually under general anesthesia, but sometimes spinal anesthesia is used. If additional corrective manipulations are carried out, then the operation time increases.

Procedure for hip augmentation

Among patients, hip reduction surgery is in special demand, plastic surgery to increase the size of the hips is resorted to much less frequently. Most often, the reason is the uneven distribution of subcutaneous fat on the thighs. Too thin and poorly developed hips are perfectly corrected with silicone implants.

The materials from which prostheses are made are distinguished by their strength and safety, as well as high biological adhesiveness to the tissues of the human body.

With hip augmentation, incisions are made in the subgluteal fold, which will make the sutures completely invisible in the future. Also, cosmetic seams should be aesthetically pleasing.

rehabilitation period

After the operation, the patient spends some time in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor. In the early days, you can not get up, walk and even sit. During this period, the patient experiences pain, an increase in temperature, tissue swelling, and a feeling of discomfort in the operated area. The swelling goes away within a week. The sutures that were placed on the inner side of the thigh are made from biodegradable threads and do not require removal. External stitches are removed after 7-10 days.

In order to make the recovery period as comfortable as possible. You must follow a few simple rules:

  • pay special attention to the seams, with proper care they will heal faster;
  • immediately after the operation, the patient should wear compression underwear, which contributes to the rapid recovery of tissues;
  • regardless of the patient's condition, mandatory antibiotic therapy is carried out;
  • you should not visit baths, saunas, pools and solariums;
  • do not take hot baths;
  • avoid direct sunlight;
  • for a long time in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe scars, discomfort may occur when walking, squatting and getting up;
  • avoid intense physical activity.

The effect of femoroplasty will become effective a year after surgery.

Possible complications after hip plasty

As with any plastic surgery, a number of possible complications develop after femoroplasty. As a rule, they appear in the form:

  1. Hematoma and gray. This complication happens quite often. It occurs due to damage to a large number of blood vessels and lymphatic capillaries. This leads to the accumulation of both serous fluid and blood in the wound cavity. Large seromas and hematomas are excised surgically, small ones resolve on their own.
  2. Necrosis of the skin on which the scar is located. Usually, tissue necrosis occurs due to poor circulation in the area of ​​the inner thighs and strong tension on the edges of the wound. This leads not only to tissue necrosis, but also to the divergence of the seams.
  3. Violation of the lymphatic and venous outflow. The complication develops due to damage to the lymphatic vessels and impaired lymph microcirculation. Under the skin of the thighs there is a large accumulation of lymphatic vessels, through which the lymph flows to the lower extremities. As a result, there may be prolonged swelling in the legs. In some cases, the violation of the lymphatic outflow can become chronic, leading to elephantiasis (its large accumulation in the legs).
  4. Infection and suppuration of wounds. The complication is caused by a bacterial infection, tissue necrosis and the formation of hematomas and seromas. Eliminated by antibiotic therapy.
  5. Partial or complete loss of sensation. This complication is temporary and gradually disappears completely.
  6. Increased skin sensitivity. This phenomenon is called hypertension. Sometimes hypersensitivity persists for life.
  7. Unsuccessful result. Unfortunately, this also happens. It develops as a result of the fact that the skin is not able to contract to the extent that it provides the necessary firmness and elasticity.
  8. Fat embolism. A complication develops when elements enter the blood or lymph that are not found there under normal conditions. Fat embolism often causes vascular occlusion, which causes disruption of local circulation. This is the most formidable complication that leads to a terminal state.
  9. Change in skin color of postoperative scars. In place of scars, persistent pigmentation may occur. It can be removed only by special cosmetic methods.
  10. Displacement of inguinal scars in the thigh area. The displacement and stretching of the scars makes them very visible. This happens with a large-scale surgical intervention.
  11. Asymmetry of the genitals. This complication occurs due to the strong tension of the tissues.

The occurrence of complications after hip plasty depends both on the professional training of the surgeon and on the patient's compliance with the rules during the rehabilitation period.

Advantages and disadvantages of femoroplasty

Like any surgical intervention, this method has some advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of hip plasty:

  • long effect of the procedure (10-15 years);
  • return to tissues of elasticity, and to the legs of harmony;
  • getting rid of excess subcutaneous fat forever (subject to a lifelong diet and constant body weight);
  • the acquisition of harmony, harmony and proportionality of the hips.
  • deep scars and scars;
  • if liposuction is performed, then only in conjunction with a thigh lift, otherwise the skin will hang in unaesthetic folds;
  • after plastic surgery, bumps and bumps on the skin may appear, which implies additional correction of the hips;
  • long rehabilitation period;
  • high risk of complications.