Statements by other poets Fr. Statements by prominent writers about the Russian language. Gabriel Garcia Marquez

- Boys and girls! - said Raisa Ivanovna. – You finished this quarter well. Congratulations. Now you can rest. During the holidays we will organize a matinee and a carnival. Each of you can dress up as anyone, and a prize will be given for the best costume, so get ready. – And Raisa Ivanovna collected her notebooks, said goodbye to us and left.

And when we were walking home, Mishka said:

– I’ll be a gnome at the carnival. Yesterday they bought me a rain cape and a hood. I just cover my face with something, and the gnome is ready. Who will you dress up as?

- We'll see there.

And I forgot about this matter. Because at home my mother told me that she was going to a sanatorium for ten days and that I should behave well and watch my dad. And she left the next day, and my dad and I were completely exhausted. It was one thing, then another, and it was snowing outside, and all the time I was wondering when my mother would return. I crossed off the boxes on my calendar.

And suddenly Mishka suddenly comes running and shouts right from the doorway:

-Are you coming or not?

I'm asking:

The bear shouts:

- How - where? To school! Today is a matinee, and everyone will be in costumes! Don't you see that I'm already a gnome?

Indeed, he was wearing a cape with a hood.

I said:

– I don’t have a suit! Our mother left.

And Mishka says:

- Let's come up with something ourselves! Well, what's the weirdest thing you have at home? You put it on, and it will be a costume for the carnival.

I speak:

- We have nothing. Here are just my dad's shoe covers for fishing.

Shoe covers are so high rubber boots. If it’s raining or muddy, shoe covers are the first thing to do. There's no way you'll get your feet wet.

Mishka says:

- Well, put it on, let's see what happens!

I fit right into my dad's boots. It turned out that the shoe covers almost reached my armpits. I tried to walk around in them. Nothing, quite inconvenient. But they shine great. Mishka really liked it. He says:

- What kind of hat?

I speak:

– Maybe my mother’s straw, which is from the sun?

- Give her quickly!

I took out my hat and put it on. It turned out to be a little too big, it slides down to the nose, but still there are flowers on it.

Mishka looked and said:

- A good suit. I just don't understand what it means?

I speak:

- Maybe it means “fly agaric”?

Mishka laughed:

- What are you talking about, the fly agaric has a red hat! Most likely, your costume means “old fisherman”!

I waved at Mishka: “I said that too!” “Old fisherman”!.. Where is the beard?

Then Mishka became thoughtful, and I went out into the corridor, and our neighbor Vera Sergeevna was standing there. When she saw me, she clasped her hands and said:

- Oh! A real puss in boots!

I immediately guessed what my costume meant! I am “Puss in Boots”! It's just a shame there's no tail! I'm asking:

- Vera Sergeevna, do you have a tail?

And Vera Sergeevna says:

- Am I very much like the devil?

“No, not really,” I say. – But that’s not the point. You said that this costume means “Puss in Boots,” but what kind of cat can be without a tail? Need some kind of tail! Vera Sergeevna, help, please?

Then Vera Sergeevna said:

- One minute…

And she brought me a rather tattered red tail with black spots.

“Here,” he says, “this is the tail from an old boa.” I'm in Lately I use it to clean kerosene gas, but I think it will suit you just fine.

I said “thank you very much” and gave Mishka a tail.

When Mishka saw him, he said:

- Quickly give me a needle and thread, I’ll sew it on for you. This is a wonderful ponytail.

And Mishka began sewing my tail on from behind. He sewed quite deftly, but then suddenly he pricked me!

I shouted:

- Be quiet, brave little tailor! Don't you feel like you're sewing right to the quick? After all, you're injecting!

– I miscalculated this a little! - And again it stings!

- Bear, you better plan, otherwise I’ll crack you!

– I’m sewing for the first time in my life!

And again - what!..

I just shouted:

– Don’t you understand that after you I will be completely disabled and will not be able to sit?

But then Mishka said:

- Hooray! Ready! What a ponytail! Not every cat has one!

Then I took mascara and with a brush drew a mustache on myself, three mustaches on each side - long, long, reaching to the ears!

And we went to school.

There were a lot of people there, and everyone was in suits. There were about fifty gnomes alone. And there were also a lot of white “snowflakes”. This is the kind of costume where there is a lot of white gauze around, and some girl sticks out in the middle.

And we all had a lot of fun and danced.

And I danced too, but I kept stumbling and almost falling because of my big boots, and, as luck would have it, my hat was constantly sliding down almost to my chin.

And then our counselor Lucy came on stage and said in a ringing voice:

– We ask “Puss in Boots” to come out here to receive the first prize for the best costume!

And I went on stage, and when I entered the last step, I tripped and almost fell. Everyone laughed loudly, and Lyusya shook my hand and gave me two books: “Uncle Styopa” and “Riddled Fairy Tales.” Then Boris Sergeevich started playing the tunes, and I left the stage. And when he got down, he stumbled again and almost fell, and again everyone laughed.

And when we were walking home, Mishka said:

- Of course, there are many gnomes, but you are alone!

“Yes,” I said, “but all the gnomes were so-so, and you were very funny, and you also need a book.” Take one from me.

Mishka said:

- No need!

I asked:

- Which one do you want?

- “Uncle Styopa.”

And I gave him “Uncle Styopa”.

And at home, I took off my huge shoe covers, and ran to the calendar, and crossed out today’s box. And then I crossed out tomorrow too.

I looked and there were three days left before my mother’s arrival!

- Boys and girls! - said Raisa Ivanovna. — You finished this quarter well. Congratulations. Now you can rest. During the holidays we will organize a matinee and a carnival. Each of you can dress up as anyone, and a prize will be given for the best costume, so get ready. - And Raisa Ivanovna collected her notebooks, said goodbye to us and left.
And when we were walking home, Mishka said:
“I’ll be a gnome at the carnival.” Yesterday they bought me a rain cape and a hood. I just cover my face with something, and the gnome is ready. Who will you dress up as?
- We'll see there.
And I forgot about this matter. Because at home my mother told me that she was going to a sanatorium for ten days and that I should behave well and watch my dad. And she left the next day, and my dad and I were completely exhausted. It was one thing, then another, and it was snowing outside, and all the time I was wondering when my mother would return. I crossed off the boxes on my calendar.
And suddenly Mishka suddenly comes running and shouts right from the doorway:
-Are you coming or not?
I'm asking:
- Where?
The bear shouts:
- How - where? To school! Today is a matinee, and everyone will be in costumes! Don't you see that I'm already a gnome?
Indeed, he was wearing a cape with a hood.
I said:
- I don’t have a suit! Our mother left.
And Mishka says:
- Let's come up with something ourselves! Well, what's the weirdest thing you have at home? You put it on, and it will be a costume for the carnival.
I speak:
- We have nothing. Here are just my dad's shoe covers for fishing.
Shoe covers are high rubber boots. If it’s raining or muddy, shoe covers are the first thing to do. There's no way you'll get your feet wet.
Mishka says:
- Well, put it on, let's see what happens!
I fit right into my dad's boots. It turned out that the shoe covers almost reached my armpits. I tried to walk around in them. Nothing, quite inconvenient. But they shine great. Mishka really liked it. He says:
- What kind of hat?
I speak:
- Maybe my mother’s straw, which is from the sun?
- Give her quickly!
I took out my hat and put it on. It turned out to be a little too big, it slides down to the nose, but still there are flowers on it.
Mishka looked and said:
- A good suit. I just don't understand what it means?
I speak:
- Maybe it means “fly agaric”?
Mishka laughed:
- What are you talking about, the fly agaric has a red hat! Most likely, your costume means “old fisherman”!
I waved at Mishka: “I said that too!” “Old fisherman”!.. Where is the beard?
Then Mishka became thoughtful, and I went out into the corridor, and our neighbor Vera Sergeevna was standing there. When she saw me, she clasped her hands and said:
- Oh! A real puss in boots!
I immediately guessed what my costume meant! I am “Puss in Boots”! It's just a shame there's no tail! I'm asking:
- Vera Sergeevna, do you have a tail?
And Vera Sergeevna says:
- Do I really look like the devil?
“No, not really,” I say. - But that’s not the point. You said that this costume means ““, but what kind of cat can be without a tail? Need some kind of tail! Vera Sergeevna, help, please?
Then Vera Sergeevna said:
- One minute…
And she brought me a rather tattered red tail with black spots.
“Here,” he says, “this is the tail from an old boa.” I've been cleaning kerosene gas with it lately, but I think it will suit you just fine.
I said “thank you very much” and gave Mishka a tail.
When Mishka saw him, he said:
- Quickly give me a needle and thread, I’ll sew it on for you. This is a wonderful ponytail.
And Mishka began sewing my tail on from behind. He sewed quite deftly, but then suddenly he pricked me!
I shouted:
- Be quiet, brave little tailor! Don't you feel like you're sewing right to the quick? After all, you're injecting!
- I miscalculated this a little! - And again it stings!
- Bear, you better plan, otherwise I’ll crack you!
And he:
“I’m sewing for the first time in my life!”
And again - what!..
I just shouted:
- Don’t you understand that after you I will be completely disabled and will not be able to sit?
But then Mishka said:
- Hooray! Ready! What a ponytail! Not every cat has one!
Then I took mascara and with a brush I drew a mustache for myself, three mustaches on each side - long, long, reaching to my ears!
And we went to school.
There were a lot of people there, and everyone was in suits. There were about fifty gnomes alone. And there were also a lot of white “snowflakes”. This is the kind of costume where there is a lot of white gauze around, and some girl sticks out in the middle.
And we all had a lot of fun and danced.
And I danced too, but I kept stumbling and almost falling because of my big boots, and, as luck would have it, my hat was constantly sliding down almost to my chin.
And then our counselor Lucy came on stage and said in a ringing voice:
— We ask “Puss in Boots” to come out here to receive the first prize for the best costume!
And I went on stage, and when I entered the last step, I tripped and almost fell. Everyone laughed loudly, and Lyusya shook my hand and gave me two books: “Uncle Styopa” and “Riddled Fairy Tales.” Then Boris Sergeevich started playing the tunes, and I left the stage. And when he got down, he stumbled again and almost fell, and again everyone laughed.
And when we were walking home, Mishka said:
- Of course, there are many gnomes, but you are alone!
“Yes,” I said, “but all the gnomes were so-so, and you were very funny, and you also need a book.” Take one from me.
Mishka said:
- No need!
I asked:
- Which one do you want?
- “Uncle Styopa.”
And I gave him “Uncle Styopa”.
And at home, I took off my huge shoe covers, and ran to the calendar, and crossed out today’s box. And then I crossed out tomorrow too.
I looked and there were three days left before my mother’s arrival!
Stories by Victor Dragunsky. Text of the story
"Puss in Boots" Read for free online.

Dear friend, we want to believe that reading the fairy tale “Puss in Boots” by V. Yu. Dragunsky will be interesting and exciting for you. Having become familiar with the inner world and qualities of the main character, the young reader involuntarily experiences a feeling of nobility, responsibility and high degree morality. Everyday issues are an incredibly successful way, with the help of simple, ordinary examples, to convey to the reader the most valuable centuries-old experience. “Good always triumphs over evil” - creations like this one are built on this foundation, laying the foundation for our worldview from an early age. Tens, hundreds of years separate us from the time of creation of the work, but the problems and morals of people remain the same, practically unchanged. All images are simple, ordinary and do not cause youthful misunderstanding, because we encounter them every day in our everyday life. Here you can feel harmony in everything, even the negative characters seem to be an integral part of existence, although, of course, they go beyond the boundaries of what is acceptable. The fairy tale “Puss in Boots” by Dragunsky V.Yu. is worth reading for free online for everyone, there is deep wisdom, philosophy, and simplicity of the plot with a good ending.

- Boys and girls! - said Raisa Ivanovna. – You finished this quarter well. Congratulations. Now you can rest. During the holidays we will organize a matinee and a carnival. Each of you can dress up as anyone, and a prize will be given for the best costume, so get ready. – And Raisa Ivanovna collected her notebooks, said goodbye to us and left.

And when we were walking home, Mishka said:

– I’ll be a gnome at the carnival. Yesterday they bought me a rain cape and a hood. I just cover my face with something, and the gnome is ready. Who will you dress up as?

- We'll see there.

And I forgot about this matter. Because at home my mother told me that she was going to a sanatorium for ten days and that I should behave well and watch my dad. And she left the next day, and my dad and I were completely exhausted. It was one thing, then another, and it was snowing outside, and all the time I was wondering when my mother would return. I crossed off the boxes on my calendar.

And suddenly Mishka suddenly comes running and shouts right from the doorway:

-Are you coming or not?

I'm asking:

The bear shouts:

- How - where? To school! Today is a matinee, and everyone will be in costumes! Don't you see that I'm already a gnome?

Indeed, he was wearing a cape with a hood.

I said:

– I don’t have a suit! Our mother left.

And Mishka says:

- Let's come up with something ourselves! Well, what's the weirdest thing you have at home? You put it on, and it will be a costume for the carnival.

I speak:

- We have nothing. Here are just my dad's shoe covers for fishing.

Shoe covers are high rubber boots. If it’s raining or muddy, shoe covers are the first thing to do. There's no way you'll get your feet wet.

Mishka says:

- Well, put it on, let's see what happens!

I fit right into my dad's boots. It turned out that the shoe covers almost reached my armpits. I tried to walk around in them. Nothing, quite inconvenient. But they shine great. Mishka really liked it. He says:

- What kind of hat?

I speak:

– Maybe my mother’s straw, which is from the sun?

- Give her quickly!

I took out my hat and put it on. It turned out to be a little too big, it slides down to the nose, but still there are flowers on it.

Mishka looked and said:

- A good suit. I just don't understand what it means?

I speak:

- Maybe it means “fly agaric”?

Mishka laughed:

- What are you talking about, the fly agaric has a red hat! Most likely, your costume means “old fisherman”!

I waved at Mishka: “I said that too!” “Old fisherman”!.. Where is the beard?

Then Mishka became thoughtful, and I went out into the corridor, and our neighbor Vera Sergeevna was standing there. When she saw me, she clasped her hands and said:

- Oh! A real puss in boots!

I immediately guessed what my costume meant! I am “Puss in Boots”! It's just a shame there's no tail! I'm asking:

- Vera Sergeevna, do you have a tail?

And Vera Sergeevna says:

- Am I very much like the devil?

“No, not really,” I say. – But that’s not the point. You said that this costume means “Puss in Boots,” but what kind of cat can be without a tail? Need some kind of tail! Vera Sergeevna, help, please?

Then Vera Sergeevna said:

- One minute…

And she brought me a rather tattered red tail with black spots.

“Here,” he says, “this is the tail from an old boa.” I've been cleaning kerosene gas with it lately, but I think it will suit you just fine.

I said “thank you very much” and gave Mishka a tail.

When Mishka saw him, he said:

- Quickly give me a needle and thread, I’ll sew it on for you. This is a wonderful ponytail.

And Mishka began sewing my tail on from behind. He sewed quite deftly, but then suddenly he pricked me!

I shouted:

- Be quiet, brave little tailor! Don't you feel like you're sewing right to the quick? After all, you're injecting!

– I miscalculated this a little! - And again it stings!

- Bear, you better plan, otherwise I’ll crack you!

– I’m sewing for the first time in my life!

And again - what!..

I just shouted:

– Don’t you understand that after you I will be completely disabled and will not be able to sit?

But then Mishka said:

- Hooray! Ready! What a ponytail! Not every cat has one!

Then I took mascara and with a brush drew a mustache on myself, three mustaches on each side - long, long, reaching to the ears!

And we went to school.

There were a lot of people there, and everyone was in suits. There were about fifty gnomes alone. And there were also a lot of white “snowflakes”. This is the kind of costume where there is a lot of white gauze around, and some girl sticks out in the middle.

And we all had a lot of fun and danced.

And I danced too, but I kept stumbling and almost falling because of my big boots, and, as luck would have it, my hat was constantly sliding down almost to my chin.

And then our counselor Lucy came on stage and said in a ringing voice:

– We ask “Puss in Boots” to come out here to receive the first prize for the best costume!

And I went on stage, and when I entered the last step, I tripped and almost fell. Everyone laughed loudly, and Lyusya shook my hand and gave me two books: “Uncle Styopa” and “Riddled Fairy Tales.” Then Boris Sergeevich started playing the tunes, and I left the stage. And when he got down, he stumbled again and almost fell, and again everyone laughed.

- Boys and girls! - said Raisa Ivanovna. – You finished this quarter well. Congratulations. Now you can rest. During the holidays we will organize a matinee and a carnival. Each of you can dress up as anyone, and a prize will be given for the best costume, so get ready. – And Raisa Ivanovna collected her notebooks, said goodbye to us and left.

And when we were walking home, Mishka said:

– I’ll be a gnome at the carnival. Yesterday they bought me a rain cape and a hood. I just cover my face with something, and the gnome is ready. Who will you dress up as?

- We'll see there.

And I forgot about this matter. Because at home my mother told me that she was going to a sanatorium for ten days and that I should behave well and watch my dad. And she left the next day, and my dad and I were completely exhausted. It was one thing, then another, and it was snowing outside, and all the time I was wondering when my mother would return. I crossed off the boxes on my calendar.

And suddenly Mishka suddenly comes running and shouts right from the doorway:

-Are you coming or not?

I'm asking:

The bear shouts:

- How - where? To school! Today is a matinee, and everyone will be in costumes! Don't you see that I'm already a gnome?


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Victor Dragunsky

- Boys and girls! - said Raisa Ivanovna. – You finished this quarter well. Congratulations. Now you can rest. During the holidays we will organize a matinee and a carnival. Each of you can dress up as anyone, and a prize will be given for the best costume, so get ready. – And Raisa Ivanovna collected her notebooks, said goodbye to us and left.

And when we were walking home, Mishka said:

– I’ll be a gnome at the carnival. Yesterday they bought me a rain cape and a hood. I just cover my face with something, and the gnome is ready. Who will you dress up as?

- We'll see there.

And I forgot about this matter. Because at home my mother told me that she was going to a sanatorium for ten days and that I should behave well and watch my dad. And she left the next day, and my dad and I were completely exhausted. It was one thing, then another, and it was snowing outside, and all the time I was wondering when my mother would return. I crossed off the boxes on my calendar.

And suddenly Mishka suddenly comes running and shouts right from the doorway:

-Are you coming or not?

I'm asking:

The bear shouts:

- How - where? To school! Today is a matinee, and everyone will be in costumes! Don't you see that I'm already a gnome?

Indeed, he was wearing a cape with a hood.

I said:

– I don’t have a suit! Our mother left.

And Mishka says:

Puss in Boots

I speak:

- We have nothing. Here are just my dad's shoe covers for fishing.

- Let's come up with something ourselves! Well, what's the weirdest thing you have at home? You put it on, and it will be a costume for the carnival.

Mishka says:

- Well, put it on, let's see what happens!

Shoe covers are high rubber boots. If it’s raining or muddy, shoe covers are the first thing to do. You won't get your feet wet.

I fit right into my dad's boots.

- What kind of hat?

I speak:

– Maybe my mother’s straw, which is from the sun?

It turned out that the shoe covers almost reached my armpits. I tried to walk around in them. Nothing, quite inconvenient. But they shine great. Mishka really liked it. He says:

- Give it quickly!

Mishka looked and said:

- A good suit. I just don't understand what it means?

I speak:

I took out my hat and put it on. It turned out that it was a little too big, sliding down to the nose, but still there were flowers on it.

- Maybe oh

end of introductory fragment

Attention! This is an introductory fragment of the book. If you liked the beginning of the book, then full version