X Wheel of Fortune. The total value in the layout

Last update: 18 Sept. 2018

Five of Pentacles

  • Lord of Material Insolvency
  • Anxiety
  • Job's suffering
  • The first decade of Taurus from April 21 to 30.
  • Astrological equivalents: Leo, Aquarius (Sun),
  • Mercury in Taurus
  • Saturn in the 2nd house as an indicator of crisis, decline.
  • Houses Fifth and Eleventh.

The total value in the layout

  • The Five of Pentacles has traditionally been considered a good card for love and a bad card for money. She foreshadowed young men and girls marriage for love, at the behest of the heart, but contrary to all materialistic considerations (and, accordingly, paradise in a hut without inheritances and dowries, in disfavor with relatives). Probably, there were those who rejoiced at such a prediction, and there were those whom it pretty much frightened.
  • The Five of Pentacles loves those who live by the heart. It supports the spiritual principle, sometimes destroying the material (so the disease of the body often guides the spirit on the true path). It usually means the loss of something material and the acquisition of worldly experience in return, learning a lesson. All Fives symbolize the beginning of the transformation that should fundamentally change our lives, and this does not go without pain.
  • The secret of the Five of Pentacles is that the most important thing on this card is the Temple. Spiritual strength helps to overcome life's miscalculations and becomes a natural inner support of a person in material activity, and a true feeling has great power and gives a person the opportunity to rise above circumstances. The traditional meaning is material hardships, but also the opportunity to receive the spiritual instead of the material.
  • The Five of Pentacles is a card of hard times, crisis, hardships, worries, losses. She speaks of the loss or lack of something necessary. At the same time, the card rarely serves as a harbinger of truly serious losses, sorrows or ruin (although in general for material issues this is a serious warning of danger), but mainly indicates the uncertainty of the situation and the fear of losing ground under your feet. It must be remembered that in life, as in any other journey, anxiety is a bad conductor. Such periods of decline are characteristic of any crisis of growth, when a person leaves a certain sphere that has become familiar, stable, and moves into a new, still unfamiliar, and possibly dangerous.
  • In any case, she speaks of a waste of some resources and energies that has exceeded the limits and of a collision with the consequences. You can also be impoverished by a good life. The creation of reverse welfare requires consistent actions (“a penny saves a ruble”). One of the old interpretations is a waste of time and effort.
  • The universal meaning of the card is unattained goals, failed enterprises, mistakes and failures, business disasters, material losses, even poverty. The questioner is or will soon find himself in a situation where money is tight, and the income he was counting on is passing by. Sometimes it is the result of uncontrollable circumstances, sometimes own actions, extravagance and imprudence.
  • This is a collision with unpleasant life realities that break the illusion of perfection. The card predicts loss and a depressed state of mind, and this is not necessarily about material problems - just that a difficult period lies ahead and you will have to tighten your belt to overcome it. This is a time of fatigue and exhaustion (lack of physical strength, loss vital energy and joy), or poverty, a beggarly existence (lack of money, inability to improve the financial situation), or desperate loneliness (lack of love, coldness, rejection, cut off from loved ones), or self-doubt (loss of faith in yourself, in your abilities and skills ).
  • The card says that for some (perhaps quite a long) time it is necessary to postpone expectations and hopes, be careful and save the rest. Life will be full of daily worries, worries and problems, difficulties and restrictions, perhaps failures, attempts to somehow make ends meet. She can carry an unstable position and self-doubt both with regards to work and relationships.
  • The traditional interpretation “everything will be resolved after five weeks” is often confirmed in practice. You need to know not to lose your head. It will take some time to suffer, but this time will end, even if now difficult circumstances are catching up with despondency, and strength is running out.
  • On this map, there are shocks caused by the beginning of some kind of transformation in life. As you know, in such cases it often becomes bad earlier than good - this is something like the state of a person who finally decided to take care of himself and went to the gym. The next day, even those muscles that he did not even suspect existed will be excruciatingly sore - that is, according to sensations, it has become worse than it was. The Five of Pentacles often describes such a "disaster" First stage and says, wait five weeks.

Personal state

  • Devastated and depressed, anxious and unhappy. According to the Five of Pentacles, a person sometimes stays in a kind of half-asleep and half-depression, when nothing attracts and there are no convincing reasons to either live or die. At best, “blessed are the poor in spirit.” This is a decline, an unhappy streak (lasting five weeks, according to ancient beliefs, and often it really works), when we feel miserable, abandoned, and sometimes actually in cramped circumstances.
  • Gloomy reflections, fears for one's position, pessimism, when it seems that everything around is just falling apart. The Five of Pentacles describes a difficult internal state, when thoughts go in circles, a black hole of hopelessness forms in the depths of the soul, and creative energy is blocked and it is impossible to do something sensible, to make any changes. This experience is always deeply touching. It cannot be pushed out so easily.
  • This card, following the Nine of Swords, often emphasizes anxiety, agonizing anxiety. Often this is literally the fear of poverty, the fear of difficulties and failure. Heavy thoughts about your loneliness, uselessness, abandonment, lack of love are possible. As Banzhaf and Akron write, “Anxiety and emptiness as a result of the summation negative influences in the wrong direction."
  • A map of debtors, the poor, the unemployed, outcasts, people who are extremely insecure or aware of some of their defects, limitations, inferiority. An inferiority complex is also the Five of Pentacles. This card indicates that currently a person lacks something very much - money, love, food, warmth ... he is lonely and does not take care of himself. According to the Five of Pentacles, a person may be in cramped circumstances, in a serious crisis, or be deeply offended. The ground leaves from under the feet and only a feeling of wretchedness and impotence remains.

Five of Pentacles on a deeper level

  • The Five of Pentacles card describes one of life's toughest challenges is to stay spiritual and creative when there's nothing to eat. Stay strong and whole while sick or disabled. Do not lose inner beauty by contemplating physical defects in the mirror.
  • Stay true to your principles when it threatens with loss and suffering. This is the opposition of external and internal, physical and mental, material and spiritual, worldly and heavenly, and the question is - what will you have enough for? Is it really not bread alone? Are the poor in spirit truly blessed? Fives are connected with the mystery of the Fifth Arcana. This card reflects the simplicity and incomprehensibility of the Sermon on the Mount. In the historical sense, this Arcana corresponds to all kinds of pauperurum commolitonum - monastic formations with an emphasis on poverty, non-possession and elevation of the spirit through the humility of the soul.
  • One of the interesting meanings of the card is that it often really indicates closeness to the church and its ideals. The hermit and ascetic life, purifying the soul with hardships, humility and patience cease to be a metaphor here, and the old observation comes to mind that deeply religious people endure life's hardships and stresses in a completely different way. The light emanating from the teachings of the church warms and supports in the midst of truly difficult times quite realistically. The Five of Pentacles can speak of the need to maintain a humble and highly spiritual position under any circumstances and remind us that such trials and sufferings are transient (the mystery of Job).
  • Snow on the map is a sign of the presence of water, the possibility of future purification. Crowley and Philadoro make an interesting observation that keyword The Five of Pentacles is the anxiety that a person feels because of the loss of the imaginary security that until yesterday determined his thinking (itself being a great illusion). And the root of this anxiety is a lack of faith. We are losing her.
  • After all, in ordinary life we all “walk over the hitch”, all our well-being and life itself can end hour by hour, but the belief that this will not happen, that everything will be fine, allows us to feel completely carefree, comfortable and self-confident on a perch above the abyss. At the moment when the Five of Pentacles falls to us, this faith disappears somewhere and we feel terribly vulnerable, defenseless and “above the abyss” - the soil on which we so firmly and thoughtlessly leaned suddenly leaves from under our feet.
  • There is an opinion that the Five of Pentacles acts on a sleepy soul in the midst of everyday life like a stone thrown into a swamp. No other card so accurately reflects the state of the hero, crazy from the benign state of the Four of Pentacles, like the Five of Pentacles. From an astrological point of view, the theme of this card is Uranus exiled in Leo. Where Aquarius is "absorbed" by a new idea, Leo will get himself a mistress, so the Five of Pentacles often means erotic adventures, passion, flirting, love games (and inverted - disharmony in love, fear, waste of energy).
  • The situation of a rake, revelers often walks along the Five of Pentacles. The explosion of the calm atmosphere of the Four, of course, is not given just like that. It is often accompanied by monetary losses, breakdowns, failures, disappointments, ambiguous situations. Sometimes the disturbance of the Four turns out to be erroneous, and the person only thinks about how he could return back (the demon beguiled). At the same time, it should be noted that the Five of Pentacles symbolizes karmic situations, that is, those that were originally set. Payment of karmic debts, the theme of the return of the prodigal son.
  • In general, if Fours are confidence and order in life, then Fives are an external influence that breaks the illusion of perfection and plunges into a depressed state of mind.
  • The Five of Pentacles means difficulties, difficulties leading to success and affirmation at a new level (according to the Six of Pentacles, this is at least good luck in getting help), or returning back to the level of the Four. One way or another, the memory of the lived experience remains, regardless of whether it was positive or negative.
  • The sign of Taurus symbolizes the ability to creative work. But true creation is a harmonious combination of the material and the spiritual into a single whole. If the actions of Capricorn are based on their own inner rod and his “I” is able to lead him to the goal because it turns out to be more significant for this sign than everything else, then for Taurus his “I” dissolves in feeling and desire.
  • If the “I” of a person is satisfied and nothing else forces him to act, then in order to get down to business, there should be a desire to do “something” for which the world around you will be grateful. Therefore, the main task of the first decade of Taurus is to realize your feelings, understand the desires that have crept into the soul and respond to them. This decade is characterized by enterprise in everything that concerns the sensual sphere, and therefore it is distinguished by successful functioning and administrative activity in the field of art.
  • She also has an emotional receptivity, which is endowed by her inquisitive Mercury, her ruler, although Taurus is characterized by slowness of perception. Feeling assimilates information not at the same speed as the mind, but firmly: comprehending, it lays the foundation for the building of the future. Sensory experience becomes the basis of life wisdom. And wisdom traditionally speaks of the frailty of everything perishable.
  • The map shows beggars under the windows of the temple. The pitiful figures of two cripples show how much a person has no power over the earthly. Free will often only cripples a person: he is often unable to follow his life path without mistakes (and as a result feels uneasy due to waste and violations). This card shows the space that a person creates himself, but often it turns out to be far from perfect due to his excessive ambitions and unfulfilled desires.

There is an opinion that two beggars wandering into the snow reflect general state of all mankind. The light in the stained glass window symbolizes esoteric wisdom, the comprehension of which gives liberation from worldly adversity. Alas, the poor fellows wander past, not realizing that deliverance is near, although a bell hangs on the cripple's chest, symbolizing the voice of intuition.

  • The advice is to save money and not get into any risky ventures. Now is not the time to test yourself. Simplify your lifestyle by reducing needs to what is necessary. Prefer solitude over maintaining a dark bond. Any material donations now help spiritual growth. Difficulties rally together with truly close ones. Sometimes the card advises to seek help in a difficult situation - the world is not without good people.
  • The trap is to become rigid in habitual and eternal dissatisfaction (including with oneself), to show shame, toil with a feeling of inferiority, to be terribly afraid of rejection. Get stuck in a hopeless situation. This card is often a warning, an indication of the need to pay due attention to things, follow every step, demonstrate commitment to work, do your duty and stop wastefulness. Often this is a hint of cards that we spend the money we have on anything, just do not invest it in our own stability, security and development. The card can also indicate that unjustified pride prevents you from accepting the already offered and much needed help more than once.

Professional Situation and the Five of Pentacles

  • "Wow, how everything is running."
  • Catastrophic business failures.
  • Enterprise bankruptcy. Unpromising projects. Crisis, helplessness, despondency, hopeless affairs, hopeless plans, hostility and bullying. “This is a beggar business” - it either literally lacks financial injections, or it is generally deprived of any solid foundations. This can be expressed, for example, as a lack of demand.
  • At the same time, surrounded by favorable cards, the Five of Pentacles can indicate a very promising business, who has to "start in the barn", like the founder of Micfosoft. At first, it will be difficult, some may not understand the intentions and even condemn them, you will have to defend yourself and your convictions, working in a difficult environment.
  • As a symbol of the collapse of the balanced scheme of the Four, it can manifest itself in the form of anarchy, confusion and vacillation, a clash of group interests.
    Ziegler's brilliant words about the Five of Pentacles - "this is a black hole that affects the very depths of the subconscious, the wandering of thoughts in a circle in a fruitless internal dialogue, despite the fact that the energy is blocked" - you can only really feel when you find yourself in such a situation. Difficulties, bullying, expulsion from the group. Problematic communication, its disgusting residual negativity, a sense of loss like "I'm bad - you're bad", which brings loss of vitality and joy.
  • The Five of Pentacles can describe both being overwhelmed with work with clearly insufficient remuneration, and dismissal, job loss, unemployment.
  • It is curious that in modern tarology it is believed that this is a card of sponsors, patrons, the purpose of money for the development of art (again, in the sense of sacrificing the material and gaining the spiritual).
    As a symbol of professional affiliation, it can be related to working with a hospital, a nursing home, a hospice, a social center, less often in churches or in organizations that provide assistance to refugees and victims of mass disasters.

Financial and housing situation

  • Money loss. material difficulties. Ruin, poverty. Loss of roof over head. This is a map of poverty, hard times, need, loss, lack of material resources, impoverishment, lack of prosperity. Unemployment, living on welfare or a small pension. The need to save every ounce of resources (any, not necessarily money), dependence on others, the compulsion to beg (one way or another), the need for charitable assistance.
  • Tight with money - through their own fault or due to circumstances. Loss of advantages and advantageous position. The income for which the calculation was made will pass by, the invested funds will not be returned. This may be a situation where a person spends more than he earns. "So interesting, it's creepy." Burdened with excessive financial obligations, the need for immediate repayment of debts, a fine.
  • The best that a card can give is freedom from the obligations associated with money and property, but few people have such a level of philosophical perception of reality as to appreciate this freedom as something especially positive.
    An inverted Five of Pentacles can mean unexpected gains.

Personal relationships

  • As for relationships, here, after all, everyone must draw a conclusion from personal experience.
  • Often this card is attributed the meaning of attachment to a lover or mistress, but it is rather the meaning of a strong, inseparable connection between two people who suffer together, unrecognized by society, but will never part, no matter how hard their connection implies.
  • This card symbolizes people (or a person) who have gotten used to their position and do not even think that it can be changed. The basis of their relationship is the joint struggle against the cruel world (therefore, inverted, this card, promising a general improvement in life, puts such relationships at risk). Sometimes a person goes through it through moral torment to a literally hard-won decision.
  • In some interpretations, she speaks of the legitimization of relations (sometimes it is an indicator of the court, legal instances), of obligation, decency, bonds and connections, of decency (and only inverted speaks of discord, damage, chaos, disorder, discord and ruin).
  • Sometimes this card still means precisely deprivation, deprivation of love, loss. Sometimes the card says that the two are tired of each other and there is nothing much to look forward to now. Sometimes it is expressed both in separation from a partner, and in loneliness, and in a sudden break in relations (the departure of one, the abandonment of another, the departing may feel abandoned, etc.). Other cards of the layout can give a hint. This may be a period in a relationship when at least one of the partners is crying into the pillow from a feeling of defenselessness and self-doubt, he is hurt and scared and he is tormented by the feeling that he has nothing to do next to the other, he is unloved and unnecessary. Inferiority complex and the mindset of the victim. Feeling of loneliness, uselessness, abandonment, rejection, mental wounding.
  • Another meaning is an exhausting relationship in which the partner clearly abuses the resources of the questioner - money, emotions, sexual energy ... whatever the case, there is vampirism without a glimpse of mercy. The result is a loss of vitality and joy. Perhaps the lack of money interferes with love. Another meaning is erotic adventures leading to losses in business.
  • Sometimes - the separation of people, problematic communication in relationships, they are under threat and everything seems completely hopeless and impossible.
  • However, the Five of Pentacles is not so simple, and not in vain in ancient times she was considered to be directly related to the theme of love. She can describe a passionately loving and deeply suffering partner who “stands at the door and knocks” (and sometimes literally ready to live under the door in the stairwell) as long as he is much richer in heart than the rejecter. He stands at the locked doors of another cruel heart like a beggar, repeating "have pity!" And in fact, he asks NOT FOR HIMSELF. He stands for another as a beggar, so that something in his heart changes, so that his hand gives him what he asks, so that he learns this for himself.

Health status

  • Bad! Serious problems with health.
  • Depression, depression, a sharp decline in strength. Energy hit.
  • Complete depletion of vital resources, sitting immunity. Chronic disease, debilitating vitality. Cancer.
  • Syndrome chronic fatigue, professional burnout, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
  • The presence of bad habits that undermine health.
  • Anorexia, beriberi, malnutrition.
  • Colds, diseases caused by hypothermia, pneumonia.
  • Fractures (especially of the legs), injuries.
  • Malformations, congenital pathologies.

Reversed Five of Pentacles

  • In an inverted position, the Five of Pentacles means overexpenditure of energy, waste of reserves, extravagance, vulnerability, fear. It can symbolize disharmony in love relationships. Here the struck sign of Leo or the Fifth House is played out. Traditionally - "shameful love", "dissolute way of life".
  • The card can also indicate stagnation in business, worldly worries, discontent. It may happen that the questioner sees great opportunities for himself, but they are not yet fully within reach.
  • At best, the card may indicate that the losses are not as great as one might fear. Getting a job (at least temporarily) after being unemployed, improving (at least temporarily) health after illness, restoring prosperity after bankruptcy, amnesty. The prospect of spiritual rebirth, the end of an unfavorable streak. Mary Greer writes that when turned upside down, the window on the map becomes a door leading to a peaceful haven. Humility, patience, calmness are attributed to this card.

Manifestation in combinations

  • - strength, endurance, endurance in trials
    • Job's suffering
    • "Seven Skinny Years"
    • "Be those who have as those who have not."

Four denarii means excessive concern for the future, manifested in greed, stinginess and a deeply rooted fear of any change. Such a “setting” is essentially hostile to life, because any attempts to “stop the moment”, to keep everything as it is, are not only futile, but also contradict the natural course of things. Thus, this card usually indicates that we are one step away from stagnation (stagnation), and is often a harbinger of the Tower (16), meaning the rupture of the hardened crust. If the Four Denarii finds themselves in a position that requires such behavior from us, then this means that at the moment we need to concentrate, limit ourselves in something, retreat - or, having taken up the matter, no longer let it out of our hands.


Here, this card shows that we cling to our position, or at least expect it to guarantee us a stable income and well-being. It is an expression of an overly conservative attitude towards life that blocks our way to new, more favorable situations. Sometimes it means that we are simply used to thinking and acting in a certain way, not wanting to either reconsider our positions or learn new things. We are desperately trying to squeeze out at least something more from a field that has exhausted itself, while new paths and opportunities have long been waiting for us; or we simply do not want to notice them, because we do not believe in their reliability, preferring to hold on to our wretched but familiar chair.


At the level of consciousness, the Four Denarius means a certain fixed idea or an ingrained prejudice that prevents us from perceiving new opportunities and views. Here it plays the role of a warning: we are close to falling victim to our own stubbornness or our own narrow-mindedness. This card should be taken as an advice to abandon our old ideas as soon as possible, to learn to accept new views and ways of acting, because otherwise we will face a crisis that will eventually force us to do so.

Personal relationships and love

Sad state. A person is afraid of open, natural relationships, trying to replace them with rituals and once and for all set patterns of behavior. A person "clings" to a partner, which indicates his subconscious fear of being abandoned, abandoned. And, although these attempts are humanly understandable, they are at the same time stupid: where trust is replaced by constant concern (“what will happen tomorrow?”), And natural human relationships are replaced by ritual, “contractual”, all love dies. Therefore, the Four Denarius here also serves as a warning: even if such concern is the result of the best intentions, it will still lead to a break.

inner meaning

The Four of Pentacles tarot card is a card for owning and preserving what is yours. The property is yours by right, you have earned or inherited it. (Note that "inherited" possessions include skill and talent.)

The Four of Pentacles also suggests that the Questioner feels the need to defend or protect his property. Other cards in the spread will indicate whether this feeling is justified or not. This card also warns that resting on your laurels may be nice, but it gets in the way of moving forward and preparing yourself for the future.

Combinations in other cards


Crazy: spontaneity, impulsiveness

Empress: openness of heart, extravagance

Wheel of Happiness: movement, rapid change

Hanged Man: Retirement, Relinquishing Control


Emperor: control, order

Chariot: control

2 swords: stalemate

2 of Pentacles: Satisfaction with the status quo, unwillingness to change




Sun in Capricorn

20°—30° Capricorn

Original title: Lord of Earthly Power Original composition in the Golden Dawn system: A hand is extended from the clouds at the bottom of the card, holding a branch of a rose tree with a single fully opened white rose in the center. Four disks are located at the vertices of the square

The color of Chesed on the Princess scale: intense azure flecked with yellow
Colors of the Sun on four scales: orange; golden yellow; juicy amber; amber with red veins
Colors of Capricorn on four scales: indigo; black; blue-black; cold dark gray approaching black
Formula: Four (Chesed) + Disks (Asia) + Sun in Capricorn = POWER.

This map is aptly named. It corresponds to the Sun in Capricorn, and according to the ideas of the ancients, the Sun shows its highest power annually upon entering the sign of Capricorn, where it conquers death and stops moving down, to the south, into darkness. In The Book of Thoth, Crowley points out that Chesed “symbolizes the establishment of the Universe in three dimensions, i.e. below the abyss." And in the ritual of Saturn from the Eleusinian Rites, he calls this sephirah "a fortress on the frontier of the Abyss." This is an excellent description of the Four of Disks.

To see this map properly, imagine that we are hovering a few hundred feet above a square fortified citadel surrounded by a wide moat. We are moving from the bottom edge of the map up, but have not yet reached the "dead center". From the four corners of the citadel, four watchtowers rise high above the fortress walls, the upper platforms of which are marked with symbols of the elements. The main gate of the fortress is at the bottom of the map; a fortified bridge is thrown over the moat. From this vantage point, we can see only one additional entrance to the fortress - a tiny opening in the opposite wall (not equipped with a bridge). It is possible that there are similar passages in the other two walls - on the right and on the left, but we cannot say for sure. And by the way, the roads lead to the moat from all four sides, so our assumption may well turn out to be correct. But, one way or another, the imagery of this card does not reveal all its secrets.


Lon Milo Duquette "The Magic of Aleister Crowley"

Description of the lasso

This woman has surrounded herself with a fortress and clings to the possession of her imaginary treasures. In fact, she accumulated so much rubbish, trying to decorate herself - even feathers and furs - and by this effort disfigured herself.

Direct position

The meaning of the card

The moment you become stingy, you are approaching the basic phenomenon of life - breadth, generosity. The moment you start clinging to something, you miss the target. Since things are not the goal, you, your inner being is the goal - not a beautiful house, but your beauty, not the amount of money, but your wealth, not the number of things, but an open being accessible to a million things. (Osho)

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This is probably Alice, who overate Rusty-Bulki!)))

Characteristic: a person has an attack of curiosity, but he has too few opportunities to satisfy him. The card plays out situations when a person urgently needs a large amount of information than he has on hand, but he actually does not have access to it. The person considers how he can get this access.

In everyday life, he often acts tritely - the need for fresh gossip .. Little things that attract attention because something significant is probably hidden behind them.

Business: the desire to find out "how are the competitors doing"; employees dying of curiosity because of what is happening behind the closed doors of the office of the authorities, when there is a meeting or someone called "on the carpet." It can show the interest of a businessman/competitor/employee in some information, access to which is currently closed or severely restricted.

4 of Pentacles, 6 of Swords, 2 of Wands acted out the surveillance of the company's system administrator over employees and the selection of passwords for access to someone else's classified information.

Did the combination of Page of Cups, 4 of Pentacles, 3 of Wands, Justice win back the investigator? who found a lead to initiate a criminal case against the firm.

Relationship: one partner is interested in information about the second partner, but access to this information is too limited. The card can win back the appearance of something small and insignificant, causing the intense curiosity of one of the partners, or the curiosity of someone from the environment to the couple. For example, where does the partner get the money for this purchase. Also, the card can win back that a couple or one of the partners can give rise to gossip.

Advice: look for ways to obtain information - it may be important and necessary for you.

Warning: access to information is too limited, you do not yet have the opportunity to get it in its entirety; curiosity can be punished, you can put yourself in danger or learn something unpleasant.

© Loki

Door- A situation of discrepancy between reality and potential.

Key– The need to find another option., or the achievement of the goal should be postponed.

Direct position. Premature attempts to take matters into their own hands. An almost hopeless situation, however, one should not despair, because all the same, neither physical strength, nor capabilities, nor strength of mind will be enough to do anything. Confusion before events due to lack of understanding of what is happening. Everything will remain at the achieved level, since the four is a stable number, and the card shows a dead end. Territorial issues; questions about property boundaries. The card advises to think about the need for action in general, whether it is worth spending effort and money, maybe this is not necessary.

Reversed position. There is no sense in getting into the situation. Restrictions taken on. Reluctance to share anything with others. Closure. Wrong vision of the situation, which prevents overcoming obstacles. awkwardness; shame; discomfort.

P. Makarov

Moral thirsty. He is afraid or ashamed to show his feelings. Doubting whether it is necessary to show a loved one that he loves him. He is afraid to trust his heart in solving problems and uses cold calculation. If feelings are not used, they will go sour and you will be left alone. Do not be shy about feelings, not everything in the world is decided by calculation.

Fortune-telling: you will be denied a loan or credit. In a straight position, you can still try to convince a person or get help from other hands. In the opposite position - the case is almost hopeless (they will not give a loan anywhere).

In financial matters

Four represents the strengthening of positions and the concentration of money and / or other resources.

This card indicates gradual accumulation of wealth or solid financial support. In some cases, it may mean that your investments are safe. In addition, it can also denote an excessive desire to accumulate money and values.

In matters of love

This card reflects a stable relationship that is distinguished by devotion. However, it can also indicate a relationship that is too rationalized, deprived of freedom and inspiration. In some cases, the four acts as a symbol of relationships, which are based only on money and the desire for one's own security.

In matters of work

The situation at work is stable and far from financial turmoil. Your abilities are appreciated, which allows you to have a good income. However, it is quite possible that, due to its stability, work no longer brings its former joy.

This card also symbolizes the power and status that comes with money.

Like a personal growth map

Use your own ideas and creativity to achieve stability. You may need to find balance and peace within yourself to do this. Meditate with this card to increase your self-respect.

The King of the Denarii personifies the male side of the elements of the earth. Thus, he personifies our desire to possess property, to be confident in the future and in real values, to be in harmony with the surrounding reality. For him, the main thing is deeds, not words, dreams or good intentions. This is our desire for the strength and reliability of being, for the ability to constantly refer to what is familiar. At the same time, the Denarius King is distinguished by a good instinct, an instinct that allows him to recognize what is real and what is not, what business is worth doing, and what is nothing to take on, and what the result will be. In addition, he has a great sense of time: he understands that true values ​​“ripen” slowly, and knows how to wait. He is patient and does not recognize haste. In addition, it expresses our joy in life, love of entertainment and pleasure, as well as carnal sensuality.


This card indicates, first of all, our desire for reliability and confidence in the future, love for everything durable, stable, permanent. Joyful work, high skill, patience and the ability to bring things to the end, which distinguish many peasants, artisans or bankers. With finances, the King of the Denarii is usually always in order, besides, his really outstanding nose for everything that can bring money helps him. He will never miss his chance. On the other hand, he is able to accurately recognize deceivers and charlatans. He loves and knows how to work "in a team", single individuals among such people are almost never found.


The King of the Denarii shows that we have decided to trust our sense of reality, giving up the pursuit of high but unrealizable ideals and preferring "a tit in the hand." This is a period when, on the one hand, we strive to create a clear and practical picture of the world for ourselves, and, on the other hand, to fulfill our desires and good intentions as fully as possible. The card of the King of the Denarii is a peasant trick. It means that for us the cause and its result are most important, and that we are ready to take small steps (and even do it with pleasure) if we know that in this case no other path will bring us closer to the goal.

Personal relationships and love

Here, this card means constancy, strong friendship, reliability, fidelity and warmth, which are dearer to us than entertainment or novelty. It is in this area that the aspect of sensual joy inherent in this card is most pronounced. She speaks of our desire for a bright, sensual and lasting union in which we feel safe. In some cases, it may mean a desire to start a family. If there is no sense of security, the Denarius King may indicate jealousy, ready to take dangerous forms.

inner meaning

The King of Pentacles Tarot should evoke the image of a mature man, rich and bold. Like the King of Swords, he personifies power, but in a more positive sense. He firmly defends his rights and can hold the reins of power in his hands. In addition, he is personally gifted and (or) interested in gifted people. He uses his influence to support the sciences and arts, in most cases, no doubt for his own purposes, but also for the love of art. The King of Pentacles Tarot is a man so confident and authoritative that he can patronize the arts; it also represents a fairly stable society where the sciences and arts flourish.

If the King of Pentacles personifies a certain person, then this is the personification of the "enlightened monarch", powerful and wise. He is a man of success and personal qualities whom the Questioner will admire. If this card represents a situation, then it predicts financial certainty and some stability in a society where culture flourishes.



Knight of Disks

Main meaning: Father of harvest and fertility. Hardness. Sobriety. Persistence. Enduring values. Reliability. Directness. Natural sensual man. Realist. Pragmatist. Reliability guarantee.

Profession: Responsible post. Business ability. Uncompromising approach. Profitable deals. Stable income. Practical ability. Developed sense of ownership.

Consciousness: Awareness of the responsibility that comes with possession.

Relationships: Stable relationship. Mutual respect. Confidence.

Tip: Enjoy what you have achieved, use your resources and resources responsibly.

Warning: Stubbornness and aimless hoarding.

General value: The Knight of Disks is synonymous with constancy, equanimity, common sense and well thought out actions. The card indicates a period when things need to be done with high quality, and not be content with "hasty" hack work.

The Knight of Disks represents the fiery part of the Earth, especially the phenomena of mountains, earthquakes and gravity, but also the activity of the Earth as life-producing. It governs from the 21st degree of Leo to the 20th of Virgo, and is therefore closely associated with agriculture. This warrior is short and stocky, dressed in very hard armor, but the visor of his helmet, decorated with a deer's head, is thrown back, for at the moment its function is limited to the production of food. Therefore, he is armed with a flail for threshing. The disk in his hand is very hard; he represents food. To match the warrior and his horse - a heavy truck, firmly stepping on all four legs, unlike the horses of other Knights. The warrior rides through the fertile lands; even on distant hills, cultivated fields are visible. The people it symbolizes are usually dull, heavy, and preoccupied with material things. They are industrious and patient, but they cannot intellectually grasp even that which concerns them in the most direct way. They owe their success in business more to instinct, to imitation of Nature. They lack initiative; their fire is the smoky flame of the process of growth. In a bad elemental environment, these people are hopelessly stupid, non-independent, incapable of foreseeing the development of even their own affairs and generally consciously interested in anything outside their little world. They are rude, uncouth and stupidly jealous of what they instinctively realize more high status others. But to improve themselves, they lack the courage or intelligence. However, they interfere with everything with annoying persistence and inevitably spoil everything in their path. In the I-ching, the fiery part of the Earth is represented by the 62nd hexagram, Xiao Guo, which is no less important than Zhong Fu (see Prince of Cups) that complements it. ; this is the "big Kan", the trigram of the Moon, in which each feature is doubled. It also resembles the geomantic figure "Conjunctio" (Mercury in Virgo), which actually corresponds to the Fire of the Earth in the Kabbalistic system. To the Chinese sages, the shape of this figure resembled a bird; accordingly, its meaning has changed under human influence a more frivolous and irresponsible character: Shakespeare's "whore", the "souvent femme varie" of the French cynic, the fickle crowd of "Coriolanus"; yes, in fact, history itself. But Mercury in Virgo also symbolizes the Reason (and even the creative Idea) in relation to agriculture; and this (again!) is in perfect harmony with the Ten of Disks ruled by this Planet and this Sign. Another proof that this whole symbolistic system is based on the Realities of Nature, as understood by the materialistic Scientific School - if such a school still exists in some forgotten old-fashioned university! Such coherence, such self-centered peeling, cannot be an accidental parallelism in the dreams of vague philosophies. So, the character described by this card is extremely complex, but at the same time delightfully strong; the symbols of the moon and birds indicate the dangers that lie in wait for him. In the happiest case, it is only romanticism and imagination, but too often such "sons of the soil" are arrogant, ambitious, superstitious, like to chase ignus fatuus and dream in vain. Thomas Hardy painted many wonderful portraits of these types. Truly unfortunate and black with bile is the one who defiled the Holy Fire, did not ignite the Earth to a new, more abundant, more diverse life, but, staring at the deceptive moonlight, turned his face away from his mother, the Earth.


Aleister Crowley "The BOOK OF THOT"

Description of the lasso

This image, reminiscent of Dionysius, depicts a whole person who can drink wine, dance on the beach, sing in the rain, and at the same time enjoy the depths of understanding and wisdom available to the sage. In one hand he holds a lotus, showing that he respects and contains the grace of femininity. His open chest (open heart) and relaxed stomach show that he also lives in harmony with his masculinity, self-sufficiency. The four elements of earth, fire, water and sky are united in the Rainbow King, who sits on the book of the wisdom of life.

Direct position

If you are a woman, the Rainbow King brings support for your masculine energy, the conjunction of opposing energies within you. For a man, this card represents a time of breaking traditional male stereotypes; you must allow the fullness of the human being to light the way.

The meaning of the card

In the East people condemned the body, condemned matter, called matter "illusory", maya - it does not really exist, it only seems to exist, it is made of the same stuff as dreams. They have renounced the world, and therefore the East remains poor, sick, starving. Half of humanity accepted the inner world, but denied the outer one. The other half of humanity accepted the material world and denied the inner world. They are both halves, and no one will say that half can be satisfied. You need to be whole, rich in body, rich in science, rich in meditation, rich in mind. For me, only the whole person is holy. I want Zorba and Buddha to meet. One Zorba is empty. His dance has no eternal significance, it is a fleeting pleasure. He will soon get tired of it. Until you have inexhaustible resources available to you from the cosmos itself... until you become more existential, you cannot become whole. This is my gift to mankind: a whole person. (Osho)


Not a day goes by in our lives that we don't use the doors. We are constantly entering and exiting, “passing” through doors, and we are so used to this indispensable detail of our life that we have forgotten about the most important symbolic role of doors.
The door is the entrance. In many cultures, the concept of "discovery" is associated with rituals that symbolize a change in psychological and spiritual meaning - a new status - a new worldview, insight and, in fact, discovery, or in occult terminology - "Initiation". In ancient traditions, the entrances to the sanctuaries and chromes were guarded by the "Guardians of the Threshold" to remind of the deep sacred meaning of this "passage": they were statues of knights, dragons, lions, sphinxes, angels and deities, like, for example, the Catholic Janus. The role of the Threshold Guards was to keep demons, evil forces and unworthy people out of the door. This put a tradition that has come down to our time, when the groom in his arms brings the bride to the door of the house, as if consecrating her as a wife and presenting the Guard as the mistress of the house. Open or closed, the door always defines the boundary of the space of sacred power.

In the Gospel of John, Christ speaks. “I am the door. If anyone enters through me, he will be saved. In the churches of ancient Judea there was a door and the Holy of Holies where sacrifices were made for the sins of the people, into which only the High Priest could enter. For independent Turks, the "Supreme Portal" was a symbol of power. For alchemists, the door is a common symbol connecting the outer world with the inner world. The ritual of crossing the threshold, the possibility of passing through the door is a metaphorical act associated with spiritual growth, transformation and Initiation.


Every door has a Key.
It doesn't matter if it's small or big, gold or metal,
simple or intricate - the main thing is that it should fit the castle.
The task of the Key is to “open” or “close”, which symbolizes the possibility of access to almost everything: to power, place, person, and even public consciousness. The key is needed to enter. To this we may add: "to bind" or "to release." In a deeper sense, the key is a magical tool that allows you to overcome the border between the conscious and the unconscious, meaning Initiation and the presence of higher knowledge. In some Masonic lodges, the key is the emblem and hallmark of the Master.

Every case has its own key. So, for example, in the architecture of Gothic temples, the key, or "cornerstone" that supports the entire multi-ton structure of the vaults, are the architraves. The inability to correctly calculate their parameters, that is, the manufacture of an Unsuitable key, can cross out all the work and even lead to the collapse of the building and the death of people. We must also not forget that the key, which is not used, rusts, which makes it unusable.

Understanding a book, metaphor, or piece of music also requires "keys" that are often stored in our memory and suddenly come to mind when we strive to know and uncover secrets. The symbolic images and variants of the "key" are countless. Great scientists and esotericists were engaged in the search for "keys" to knowledge. An example is the famous English mystic and linguist Edward A. Waite, who dedicated his book The Illustrated Key to the Tarot to the interpretation of the symbols and signs of the Tarot. In the introduction to the book there are these words: “The true Tarot is symbolism; no other language and other signs are unknown to him. His emblems, from the point of view of their hidden meaning, add up to a kind of alphabet, forming a myriad of combinations and giving everything true meaning. On the highest level it gives us the key to the Mysteries…”.

Two types of doors

The door can serve as an entrance or exit, it can be open or closed.
In the same way, the cards of this deck have double meanings. A closed door always has negative meaning. This can be seen as a physical or imagined barrier that limits our progress. It is the lack of flexibility, exile, the impossibility of contact with others, all that does not allow the flow of energy to flow freely and naturally.

How can we overcome resistance and open the door? There are different possibilities: for example, to use force and destroy an obstacle, as the biblical Samson, locked in Gaza, did, who, in order to get out, simply lifted the city gates and carried them to a nearby mountain; you can look for another door; you can think and find the key that fits exactly to that door.

An open door always has a positive meaning, symbolizing overcoming obstacles and entering. We have the opportunity to imagine what is on the other side, expanding the boundaries of our space. The door is also a thirst for knowledge, a desire for change and change, a direct vision of one's own. open doors allow you to better understand, hear the beating of the heart, analyze the past in order to create the future and, finally, look into the depths of your consciousness and be open to others.

The inverted (upside down) position of the card is interpreted as the opposite of the direct one.

0 (XXII) Fool

All established rules are overturned. You have to get a completely new creative experience, often quite chaotic. However, it is not very helpful in finding the correct key.

I Mage

The door opens onto a path full of possibilities, and in order to use them, you have to master the skills of the Mage and the Illusionist. To do this, you will have to work hard, which will take a lot of time.

II High Priestess

The door opens to knowledge. The prospect of your future accomplishments and the dramas of your life path is unfolding before your very eyes. If you are patient, holding back your desires, this vision will help you and become a good adviser.

III Empress

The door opens into a garden of emotions and beauty. You have the opportunity to see the most important milestones and directions of your journey. The map may also indicate young mother or a new friend.

IV Emperor

The Emperor opens the doors of the kingdom of success and security. completed plans and good business create a stable position for you. A noble person or a wealthy groom.

V High Priest

You are given the keys to spiritual growth. You can safely trust an authoritative person, a leader. It can also be Our inner voice and heavenly Teacher.

VI Beloved

Choosing the right door in matters of love can be more difficult than expected. Small obstacles or a "love triangle" are possible.

VII Chariot

Honors and well-being, the doors of success are flung open, and all that remains for you to do is to enter and reap the rewards. Keep believing in yourself and don't refuse to help those who are less fortunate.

VIII (XI) Strength

The lions that guard the door of the Force can be feared or your best allies. You have the opportunity to use your instincts, transforming them into future willpower and self-control.

IX Hermit

Doors that are not permanently closed mean a short-term expectation of favorable circumstances or indicate the ability to independently open another door to the inner area. This card marks a period of introspection when loneliness does not mean isolation.

X Wheel of Fortune

The door of a new phase is open to transformation, a process of change, an opportunity not to be missed. Float peacefully into the new on the waves of a changing destiny.

XI (VIII) Justice

If you have followed the path of honesty, you have no reason to fear anything from the door of Justice. Take on your problems with energy and at the moment when you least expect it, you will find wise people who are ready to give good advice.

XII The Hanged Man

You may feel unable to find the right key and not in control of the situation. Your time has not yet come. It takes time for the past to model the future. Be sure - the door will open on time.

XIII Death

The danger that may be lurking behind this door comes from the fact that the desire to change the old situation is not correct. And yet every end leads to a new beginning. This is the law of being.

XIV Temperance

The vital energies within you are once again balanced, opening the door to recovery and peace of mind. Deep friendships can also be born or strengthened. Optimism.

XV Devil

It is a great temptation to open some doors that should probably remain closed. The game can be dangerous. Strong sexual impulses, magnetism, even moral temptation is possible.

XVI Tower
The doors are thrown open by a hurricane of destruction, destroying old ideas and inflexible facets of individuality. Fearlessly cross the threshold of temporary setbacks if you feel that this is leading you to rebirth.


Door to infinity leading to higher mind, - directly within you. Follow creative inspiration from deep within your soul. Romantic connections.


This door opens into the depths of the soul, and entering it can bring a wonderful or disturbing experience. Everything that is manifested is in continuous change, reality is harmoniously combined with memories and illusions.


All shadows are destroyed, all doubts are erased. Meet the dance of life with an open heart and positive emotions. Important goals will be realized, the fear of fateful decisions will disappear.

XX Last Judgment

It's time to wake up, inhale new strength into every aspect of your life. Don't be afraid of the unexpected and embrace any change, no matter how surprising it may be. Give up old dogmas and stereotypes and follow the light, a long journey is possible.

XXI World

You have found the key you were looking for. The cycle has ended and another begins. Current plans will bring success. Rejoice in stability, peace and all the gifts that are given to you.

Ace of Wands- Creative potential. Inspiration that gives extra energy to achieve future goals.
Two of Wands– Curiosity leading to intellectual development and discovery. Realization of own ideas.
Three of Wands– The ability to find an alternative way to implement new ideas. Cooperation.
Four of Wands- Satisfaction with what was earned by conscientious work. Good organization, trustworthy friends, affection of employees.
Five of Wands- Ambition, composure, sweeping away all obstacles in the way, even friendship.
Six of Wands- Deserved success and promotion career ladder or an increase in social status. Appreciation.
Seven of Wands- Interest in "closed doors" and the secrets of the world. Great courage, will and physical strength.
Eight of Wands– Intuition that helps in making difficult decisions. clairvoyance. Clairaudience.
Nine of Wands– The transition from the end of the project to the beginning of a successful enterprise, the final settlement, the final stage, the gratitude of employers for what has been done.
Ten of Wands– Waste of energy searching for useless values ​​or due to the pressure of heavy responsibility.
Page of Wands A young man full of enthusiasm. Fan.
Knight of Wands- Passionate and impetuous person. Impatience and inability to restrain.
Queen of Wands– A sensual woman with a very strong character. Creative and sensitive nature.
King of Wands“A powerful man with an iron will. Overly serious at times.

Ace of Cups- Emotional outburst. Love. to another person or an emotional approach to something.
Two of Cups- Strong affection, lover or sincere friend.
Three of Cups- Generosity and kindness. Inner balance and good health.
Four of Cups– Calmness and contentment can lead to stagnation and inertia.
Five of Cups– Pain for something lost, regret. Stop looking back at the past and open up to the future.
Six of Cups- welfare. Look at life with simplicity and curiosity, like a child.
Seven of Cups– Because of the unconscious fear of reality, there is a tendency to seek comfort in the illusory world.
Eight of Cups– Discarded ideas. In the search for something sublime, you can lose friends or a stable position.
Nine of Cups- Recognition of the virtues that give a stable state. Wealth and conscious desires.
Ten of Cups– Happiness in feelings, rewarded love that bears fruit.
Page of Cups– A sensitive and dreamy person, a little superficial at times. Future news related to the realm of feelings.
Knight of Cups– An impulsive and romantic-minded person, a utopian and a dreamer.
Queen of Cups- A generous woman, tender, with a great sense of sacrifice. Spiritual wealth.
King of Cups– An educated and creative person with a highly developed intuition and sense of humor.

Ace of Swords– Creation of new ideas. Imagination. Idealism, which sometimes threatens to degenerate into egoism.
Two of Swords– The need to protect influential friends; surprise from an unexpected but positive situation.
Three of Swords– Doubts and pessimism that cause suffering, but after a period of intervention, will be overcome. Resumption.
Four of Swords– Introspection and self-centeredness, which can lead to indifference or emotional emptiness.
Five of Swords- Despondency and lack of faith in one's own strength, which, when faced with a problem, prevent it from being overcome.
Six of Swords– The ability to change the daily routine of life by going on a Journey or in any other way. Hobbies and romantic thoughts.
Seven of Swords- Aspiration and persistent search, an impetus to discover new solutions to any problems.
Eight of Swords– Fear and indecision that lead to isolation and devastation. The pressure of society and state power.
Nine of Swords- Loneliness, as the main cause of pessimism, fatigue, inaction or life by inertia.
Ten of Swords– Worries and unresolved issues leading to seeking refuge in fantasies and surreal dream worlds. Jealousy.
Page of Swords– An intellectual and critic who can also be cunning and vengeful.
Knight of Swords- A brave and elusive man for enemies. The need to protect the fruits of their labor and intellectual activity.
Queen of Swords– An energetic and independent woman whose personality can set her apart from others. Trance.
King of Swords- A highly educated person with a strong tendency to control others. A narrow and indifferent view of the world.

Ace of Pentacles- Various keys of material happiness. Wealth defined by money and property.
Two of Pentacles- A new and unknown cause, which turned out to be quite successful, especially if you do not neglect the help of a strong ally.
Three of Pentacles– Development and implementation of plans. Ability to solve problems and find multiple solutions.
Four of Pentacles- Rage and fight at any level, the desire to prove one's case in any way - all this is too much and will lead to meanness and devastation.
Five of Pentacles- An agonizing wait for a solution to the problem. Material worries and worries.
Six of Pentacles- An unexpected increase in wealth and gifts. A generous person who is willing to help others.
Seven of Pentacles- Constant excessive demands on oneself, which leads to hassle and the desire to quit everything.
Eight of Pentacles- Pettiness and craving for monotonous painstaking work. Tendency to follow the movement of the crowd and herd feeling.
Nine of Pentacles- Satisfaction with financial situation. Creativity, regulated by a certain amount of prudence.
Ten of Pentacles- Material security, giving family happiness and stability in relationships.
Page of Pentacles– A capable and thoughtful person, scientist or public figure.
Knight of Pentacles- Responsible and generous person. Carefully thought out plans.
Queen of Pentacles“A charming and ambitious woman. The need to listen to other people's opinions.
King of Pentacles– Energetic, patient and practical person. Tendency to empty fantasies.