Eclipse in August, what do they mean? Astrological meaning and significance of eclipses. What to do and how to behave in the eclipse corridor

Among the astrological events of 2017 are two solar and two lunar eclipses. They carry a powerful impulse that can lead to unexpected changes. Under their influence, events are possible that take us out of our comfort zone, forcing us to look at the circumstances with a fresh look, take on something new or, in another version, do away with the old.

However, you should not be afraid of them. If earlier these celestial phenomena were considered as ominous omens, now astrologers have moved away from such interpretations. Now the prevailing point of view is that they measure the stages of life, help to correctly set priorities, and identify new goals.

In general, the energies of solar and lunar eclipses in 2017 are much more favorable than in the previous year. The stars promise support for plans and endeavors, and our task is to take advantage of our chances.

To find out when the nearest solar and lunar eclipse is in 2017, see the article below.

Lunar eclipses in 2017

Partial lunar eclipse August 7, 2017

The second lunar eclipse occurs on August 7, 2017 at 18:20 UTC or 21:20 Moscow time. It can be seen in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and Antarctica. In most of Russia (except for the Far East) it can also be observed.

This lunar eclipse, like the previous one, occurs on the zodiac axis Leo - Aquarius, when the Moon at 15 degrees of Aquarius forms an opposition with the Sun in Leo. There is a balance of the elements of Fire and Air - the Sun in Leo and the Moon in Aquarius form a harmonious relationship with Jupiter in Libra and Saturn in Sagittarius. All this gives good hope and allows us to expect a favorable outcome of events. This celestial phenomenon marks an important turning point, inviting one to forget the disappointments of the past and boldly enter a new phase of life. The creativity of Leo and the creativity of Aquarius are a successful combination, and the optimism of Jupiter and the sanity of Saturn complement it. By expressing yourself creatively, you will feel liberated and shine with your own light.

Solar eclipses in 2017

During a solar eclipse, the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, temporarily blocking sunlight so that it cannot reach the Earth. In astrology, it is believed that solar eclipses open up new perspectives and encourage us to travel to unknown worlds. Although their influence can cause upheavals in life, they are great for stimulating personal growth.

Annular solar eclipse February 26, 2017

Occurs on February 26, 2017 at 14:58 UTC or 17:58 Moscow time. This celestial event can be seen in South and West Africa, South America, Antarctica. It will not be visible on Russian territory.

In the eclipse chart, the Sun and Moon at 8 degrees Pisces form a conjunction with Mercury and Neptune, so the energies are quite chaotic and diffuse. The influence of Neptune in Pisces plunges us into an ocean of fantasy, but the presence of Mercury reminds us of the need to remain objective and sensibly evaluate the facts. However, its effects can be positive in many areas, and it is especially good for creative individuals and artists. Some can literally change their lives completely.

Total solar eclipse August 21, 2017

Second solar eclipse in 2017 it falls on August 21, it will take place at 18:21 UTC or 21:21 Moscow time. It can be observed in the USA and Canada, Central and South America, Western Europe, West Africa. In Russia, partial phases are visible in the northeast of the country (Chukotka).

The August eclipse is significantly different from the February one, its impact will have a positive impact on everyone, regardless of the zodiac sign. The Sun and Moon at 28 degrees Leo conjunct Mars while simultaneously forming a trine to Uranus in Aries and Saturn in Sagittarius. This is a beneficial combination, so it makes sense to plan important things and not doubt your abilities. The results will be impressive, but you shouldn’t hope to achieve them quickly, because Saturn, the “guardian of time,” is involved in the aspect. Solar energy will have the biggest impact on long-term projects that span many months or even years.

Modern astrologers do not consider eclipses as impending disasters, although they completely underestimate their influence. And what happens at the moment of eclipses has a fateful influence, and can manifest itself both two to three weeks before the eclipse itself, and after. But the consequences of eclipses affecting astrological chart a person, sometimes last much longer; it happens that decades can pass.

Relatively fatality associated with eclipses, it must be said that this inevitability is directly related to both the personal choice of a person made earlier, which entailed events - consequences associated with it, and with the implementation of what was planned, what was chosen by us even before incarnation. Therefore, during periods of eclipses, we need to be more attentive to what is happening around us, with us, our friends and loved ones. Because what happens during these periods is more significant than we may at first assume. Projects, events and ideas and people who come to us during periods of eclipses become an important part of our lives for a long time.

But still, it must be remembered that You should NOT make any decisions during the period between eclipses as well as not necessary on days of eclipses:
- start important events, transactions;
- decisions;
- participate in public events;
- get married;
- do shopping;
- perform operations;
- sign contracts.

Planned events even during the week before the eclipse it is rarely possible to reconcile with how they were conceived, planned due to the fact that, as a rule, they tend to acquire a different scope at a much greater speed.

And what's happening on the day of the eclipse , practically uncontrollable at all. Especially during sunny, since at this time the information that could be provided to us, but was not perceived by our consciousness objectively and completely. That is why decisions should be made no earlier than a week after the eclipse. That is, solar eclipses are dictated external circumstances and are associated with events occurring outside our will, like karmic predestination. Whereas lunar eclipses, on the contrary, are caused by our thoughts and feelings. They point to the area of ​​life where changes associated with the solar eclipse will occur.

When a lunar eclipse precedes a solar eclipse, it means that the situation is approaching critical point and needs reorganization and new approaches to understanding and searching for meaning in a certain area of ​​life.

In August 2017, two will occur, a partial lunar and a full solar.

1. Partial lunar eclipse will happen August 7, 2017 at 18:20 UTC ( 21:20 Moscow time) V 16° Aquarius saros series 1 N. The eclipse will be visible in America, Europe, Africa, Asia.

Saros Series 1 N
Unexpected events involving friends or groups of people place great pressure on personal relationships. Relationship issues may become exaggerated when an eclipse affects the chart. A person should exercise prudence and not make any hasty decisions, as the information is distorted and possibly erroneous. The essence of the eclipse is also fatigue and related health problems.

2. This year's eclipse series will close total solar eclipse August 21, 2017 year at 18:25 UTC ( 21:25 Moscow time) V 29° Leo same saros series 1 N that the previous eclipse. The eclipse will be visible in North America.

Here we talk about the difference in effects between eclipses, what to do during each eclipse and how to program your life according to the rhythms of the Universe and eclipses.

And this article describes the meanings when the eclipse degree is conjunct with the radix planets.

The Universe calls us to mercy, altruism and love, as well as to knowledge of its secrets. Are you ready for this?

On this site in the comments you have the opportunity to ask the author, astropsychologist Delphi, your question about a specific eclipse and where the degree of any of the eclipses falls in your horoscope, indicating:

1. Date (, time (local) And your place of birth.

2. Place of residence And being at the moment of the eclipse.

Event locations- indicate country, region, district and locality so that I can establish the exact geographical coordinates of this place.

Moreover, no exact time of birth it is impossible to indicate the house of the natal chart, since even in 4 minutes time the grid of houses shifts by 1 degree, A in 24 hours does full rotation around its axis.

It is not entirely correct to talk about the influence of astrological factors on events and people’s behavior; some astrologers generally avoid such formulations, because there is an opinion that planets and stars do not affect us, so to speak, physically, but only give instructions, proving the rule “as above, so below.”

However, when it comes to the Moon, it is probably difficult to deny that the Moon is the most nearest celestial body to us, really has an impact on all living and nonliving things on our planet.

There are always three people involved in eclipses: this is directly our planet Earth, from which, in fact, the observation is carried out, as well as the Sun and Moon. At lunar eclipse we see the shadow of the Earth covering the full Moon. At sunny– The Moon covers the Sun. In both cases, all three celestial bodies line up in one line. Only in the first case the Earth is between the Moon and the Sun, and in the second - on the edge of them.

Eclipses are one of the forecasting methods that shows changes, changes, as well as events that may occur during a month, six months, a year or as long as 18 years.

An astrologer can tell you the subtleties of exactly how an eclipse can affect you personally during a personal consultation. It often happens that eclipses “don’t touch” personal cards, then they pass unnoticed by humans. Sometimes, on the contrary, they give indications of very serious events and changes.

However, today I would like to generalize the prognosis and talk about what events are more likely to take place in life Zodiac signs, based on the degree of eclipses, as well as the movement of the planets in this month.

ARIES Eclipses of August 2017 will occur on the symbolic axis of the 5th and 11th houses, thereby affecting your sign’s relationship withlovers, children and friends. This may indicate not entirely favorable events in personal life, for example, yours love relationship may not seem the most ideal to you now, and you will seriously think about changing something about them.

But even without your participation, situations in the near future may develop in such a way that you will not be able to influence the development of events. Since eclipse points will not make negative aspects to planets in your home sign, there is a high probability that even the most unpleasant events will turn out to be a plus for you.

In general, August 2017 promises to be pretty for you eventful month. You will have a lot of fun, creative people will feel a surge of strength and new emotions that will give inspiration.

You will have a desire to change something in life, and if you move in the right direction, you will not have any difficulties with this. The main thing now is notice all the signs, which you will receive along the way. If there are obstacles in business, then you should somehow change your tactics. If everything goes like clockwork, then there is nothing to worry about and you are moving in the right direction.

Attention those who were born during the period from April 3 to April 7, but especially April 17 to 19 any year. This eclipse may bring you new interesting events that will change your life next 6 months. Or you may be expected unexpected events of a pleasant nature in August, but also in other months until the next solar eclipse (until February 2018).

Stress level : short

Areas of greatest activity : love relationships, relationships with children, creativity.

CALF The axis of eclipses falls into your housesfamily and career. This means that you will now think about what you would like to change in your work. If you are not happy with your job right now, you should consider changing it. A solar eclipse gives you an indication that you may be experiencing housing-related changes in the near future.

Your home may need major renovation, or you might want to change your place of residence altogether, completely change your surroundings and neighbors. There is a possibility of relocation.

Remember that the beginning of events may take place already this month, and the development and consequences may last longer, until the next eclipse in February 2018.

Active planet Mars in your symbolic 4th house may also indicate that you want to change something in your home. Now you can do repair work, change something, buy furniture. The home planet - Venus - will make many negative aspects, which can lead to quarrels and misunderstandings with loved ones, relatives or neighbors. Now you should be careful when communicating with other people, as even minor grievances can lead to serious consequences up to the point of breaking up the relationship.

Attention those who were born during the period from 4 to 8 May and with 17 to 20 May any year. August eclipses will make negative aspects to the Sun in your chart. In your life, this eclipse will especially bring changes that you may find quite painful. In the next six months, you may feel changes related to your sense of self, confidence, and appearance.

Stress level : high

Areas of greatest activity : house, family, land.

TWINS Eclipses on axis symbolic houses 3/9may include events that relate to travel, travel, relocation or education. In the next six months, events in these areas will probably occupy your thoughts; you may go somewhere to study, or you will go on trips, most likely with partners. During these months, you will also make serious decisions based onpartners' opinions and adviceor other people.

However, we advise you not to take too much advantage of other people's kindness and trust, because over time this can lead to quarrels and disputes with these people. It is likely that there will be some matters related to brothers or sisters; you may be asked to resolve some of their issues.

This month you will especially have to use your intellectual abilities, ingenuity and logic to solve some issues. You may have to do several things at once. The best thing use old connections, you will actively seek information on any issues.

However, already in the middle of the month, your home planet Mercury will turn back, and many things may slow down. You will find it difficult to move forward and find it harder to concentrate. IN unfavorable days For months, we especially do not recommend going on trips or drafting or signing important documents.

Attention those who were born during the period from 18 to 21 June any year. August and the next six months can bring many opportunities into your life. Perhaps you should learn something new. Your usual social circle may also change: some people will disappear from your horizon, others will appear.

Stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : relationships with close relatives and neighbors, affairs of brothers/sisters, education.

CANCER The August 2017 solar eclipse in your house of money may bring up money-related issues. For example, you canlose money, or vice versa, will help increase income.

In your life in the next 6 months, as well as in August, events may occur that will entail changes in the way you earn money: someone will find a new job, someone will retire, etc.

Due to the fact that eclipses will take place on the axis 2/8 at home, questions may also arise not only of your personal, but also of other people’s money. It is quite possible that you will no longer be able to rely on your partners in the future, and you will have to look for work on your own.

You should be especially careful on busy days of the month, especially during a lunar eclipse ( August 5-8), since you are very sensitive to this kind of events. They may trigger your subconscious impulses and you may behave in very unexpected ways. Take care of your health and do not take risks at this time.

This month your activity may also be closely related to money and earnings. You may be looking for a new job or seriously thinking about how you can make money in the future.

This is not the best time to start your own business. However after August 21 you may try to start a completely different activity. It is better to change your job also after eclipses, and preferably at the very end of the month. Your activities this month can bring the desired profit.

Attention those who were born during the period from 9 to 15 July any year. This month will not be particularly favorable for you. A negative aspect of Jupiter to your Sun can bring various troubles that can undermine your self-esteem and even your reputation in society. Now it's important not to behave too arrogant and do not try to put yourself above others: this may affect your relationships with others. There may be extra expenses and unexpected expenses.

Stress level : high

Areas of greatest activity : money, earnings.

A LION The solar eclipse in your sign this month will have a fairly large impact on all Leos. It will give you the opportunity to look at yourself and those around you undercompletely different angle. You will become more sensitive and spend more time on yourself and your desires. This is a good month to start rebuilding yourself, to set new goals and make new wishes. Your life promises to change somewhat from this month. Changes in your personal life are also possible.

This month will be quite active; you will have a lot of things to do. To you it will be difficult to sit still, you will constantly want to run and do something useful. If you take a vacation, it will be an active vacation. You will have to think about a lot and make important decisions on your own. However, this, of course, will not be a problem for you.

Now it's important to show care and attention to yourself, your appearance and your health. If you have been planning to visit a cosmetologist, a doctor, or undergo some tests for a long time, but you always did not have enough time for this, now is the time to address these issues.

Attention those who were born during the period from 18 to 22 August any year. It is more likely that some changes will take place in your life, and the effect of the eclipse will be felt all year until your next birthday. This year we are waiting for you serious changes in the areas for which the Sun is responsible for you. But in any case, these changes will affect your personality and sense of self. The events that began this month could have far-reaching consequences.

Bad days : No

Stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : personal achievements, health, appearance.

VIRGO Events this month may be related to visitinghospitals or clinicsMoreover, it is not at all necessary that you will be concerned about your health; it is quite likely that you will have to visit sick friends or relatives. In general, events related to medical institutions, may also play out in other months before the next eclipse, but for the most part they should be expected right now.

In August you will be more in touch with yourself, your thoughts and your feelings. You won't want to share this with anyone and you'll want more spend time alone. To prevent gloomy thoughts from overpowering you, we advise you to find some activity, for example, reading or some kind of creative activity, or maybe you will be interested in some philosophical or secret sciences that can distract you from thoughts about loneliness or other sad things.

This month you should not start new important things: your planet Mercury will be static, and then will turn in the opposite direction, and this can affect and negatively affect the progress of various cases. It will be very difficult for you to make any personal decisions now, so we advise you to wait for a more favorable time.

Attention those who were born during the period from 2 to 4 September any year. Mercury will be unfolding exactly in the place where your Sun is located, so you will now feel its retrograde effect with particular force. This month everything will fall out of your hands; there may be delays, annoying mistakes, unsuccessful purchases, etc. Also, people from the past may return to you, or you will hear news from them.

Stress level : high

Areas of greatest activity : health, secret knowledge, creation.

SCALES This month may give you the opportunity to be involved in group activities. Perhaps you will be working on something with friends or a group of like-minded people, or want to attend somemeetings, meetings or courses. On the other hand, family and close people may not bring the desired joy; you will feel that one of them has become a stranger to you, moving away from you.

This month's activities will also be related to friendly groups. You may see friends more often, or you will have joint projects or activities. If you have any interesting ideas , friends can help you implement them. This month can also bring favorable new friendships.

On the other hand, it will be more difficult for you escape from stress now. The negative aspects of Jupiter, who is visiting your sign, can cause obstacles and will not allow you to become popular among like-minded people. Friends will not approve of your actions and will not share your opinion on some issues. This is not the best month for implementation personal ambitions, new business or new important projects. To do this, it is better to wait for a better time.

Attention those who were born during the period from 10 to 16 October any year. This month promises to be more successful for you than for other representatives of your sign. You may have the support of influential people, or you will simply lead in some areas(especially where your Sun is).

Stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : groups of friends and like-minded people, relationships with friends.

♏ SCORPIO This month's eclipses in your symbolic house of career and personal achievements and goals will include events and situations in these particular areas. Are you seriously thinking aboutwhat do you want to achieve, perhaps you will have new goals that you will actively strive for. This month and in the next six months you will be actively working towards a specific goal. This can be not only work and professional achievements, but also some personal moments, major purchases, etc.

Perhaps it is at this time that you will strive harder for your goal than ever before. If you work for a company, questions may arise about some changes in work. It is also possible that you will want to change your job and find a better paying one. Remember: everything is in your hands!

In August, most of your energy will be focused on work. It is better not to go on long journeys now and not to communicate particularly closely with foreigners, since there will be no success in this activity. The month is more suitable for work, you can achieve a lot.

Attention those who were born during the period from November 6 to 9 and from November 19 to 22 any year. This month, eclipses will not aspect your Sun in the best way. This means that you will harder to work and it is more difficult to achieve your goals due to personal reasons, problems with self-esteem or self-confidence. You may seriously reconsider your attitude towards certain things related to your work or some other areas for which the Sun is responsible in your horoscope. Psychologically, this month will be difficult for you.

Stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : work, career, goals.

SAGITTARIUS This time the eclipses will activate your home -home of travel and education.The events of this month or the next 6 months may change your attitude towards certain things, change your worldview. You will most likely learn a lot during this time, you may meet people from other cultures, people with completely different values, which will most likely influence you a lot.

You are planning a long trip, or maybe even several. Your prospects will be expanded, which is important to you. Even if some not-so-positive events take place, there is still a greater chance that they will ultimately turn out to be positive for you and your development.

It will be difficult for you to sit still in August; you will want to move, move around, active rest. If you go on vacation, you will most likely do a lot of walking, climbing or exercising active look sports Also this month may bring you new knowledge, new acquaintances, but it is better if you meet after eclipses (after August 21). The first two thirds of the month are not as successful as the last third.

Attention those who were born during the period from 9 to 15 December any year. This month promises to be especially favorable for you. Trips and new acquaintances will be successful; it is possible that you will want to learn something new. This month will also be successful for meeting old friends and like-minded people.

Stress level : short

Areas of greatest activity : travel, dating, training.

CAPRICORN This month's eclipses include areas that are responsible for other people's finances, insurance, inheritance or tax issues. It is quite likely that there will be events that are directly related to the money of your partners (both personal and business). Some Capricorns of childbearing age will think aboutbirth of a child(this is especially true for women, so pregnancy and childbirth cannot be ruled out in the next six months).

On the other hand, not everything will turn out perfectly as you would like. There may also be crises, which, on the one hand, will make you worry, and on the other hand, will make you actively act to solve problems.

You will have a feeling of confidence and courage in making decisions. It is possible that this month you will have some dealings with banks. For example, you can apply for loans or, conversely, take money to banks. For support in any matter, you can turn to an influential person who will not refuse help. The main thing is to set realistic goals and follow the law.

Attention those who were born during the period from 7 to 13 January any year. This month will not be particularly successful for you for your career and solving important professional issues. It is best to relax this month and not take on anything serious. There may be monetary losses unexpected expenses, earnings will be less than expected. It is dangerous to overeat, try not to overeat harmful products: easy to type excess weight or feel unpleasant symptoms.

Stress level : short

Areas of greatest activity : someone else's money, financial questions, partners' money.

AQUARIUS A lunar eclipse in your sign may make you think aboutroles of partnersyour life, about your status, about how you feel free man. Perhaps this eclipse will encourage you to discard everything unnecessary in your relationship and start new life. The solar eclipse will take place in the symbolic house of your partners, and this may signify changes in the area of ​​partnership.

It is possible that this month and in the next six months you may meet new partner or bring relationships with old partners to new level. Relationships with your closest friends may also change, or there will be some serious changes in the lives of friends.

This month is good for establishing relationships and business cooperation. You will be guided in this, you can easily find new partners, or convince old ones of something. If you are persistent and persistent, you will succeed. Yours home planet Uranus will go retrograde this month, which could take you back to the past. You may now have to continue some unfinished business in the past.

Attention those who were born during the period from February 3 to 6 and from February 15 to 19 any year. The eclipses of this month will have a particularly serious impact on you, and they may last for the next six months. In your life, you should especially expect changes related to partnerships or those areas ruled by the Sun in your horoscope. In any case, the coming year will be remembered as one of the most important.

Stress level : high

Areas of greatest activity : partnership, relationships with partners and friends, affairs of partners.

FISH Eclipses of this period can make adjustments to your usual routine life. What once seemed familiar and self-evident to you may now seemalien and inharmonious. In the next 6 months, your work style may change; you may start a new job, new responsibilities, or a new position.

It is likely that you will now need to monitor your health with special care. It is possible that you will have to leave some bad habits , or switch to another, healthier type of diet due to some illness. Your tastes for food may also change.

This month you will have a chance to change something around you, in your usual environment. They may open now prospects new job . Success can also be stimulated by increased income, so we advise you to grab any opportunity.

Towards the end of the month, there will be enough responsibilities and worries to completely load you up. Although you need time to recover and rest, most likely on the 20th You won't have it in August.

Attention those who were born during the period from 1 to 3 March any year. This month may bring you absent-mindedness and inattention, so we advise you to be especially careful when working with documents, as there is a very high probability of errors. Your relationships with your partners may also worsen due to various misunderstandings or not very tactfully chosen words.

Stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : work, relationships in the work team, health.

The Ininsky rock garden is located in the Barguzin Valley. It was as if someone had deliberately scattered the huge stones or placed them deliberately. And in places where megaliths are located, something mysterious always happens.

One of the attractions of Buryatia is the Ininsky rock garden in the Barguzin Valley. It makes an amazing impression - huge stones scattered in disorder on a completely flat surface. It was as if someone had either scattered them on purpose, or had placed them with intent. And in places where megaliths are located, something mysterious always happens.

Power of nature

In general, “rock garden” is the Japanese name for an artificial landscape in which the key role is played by stones arranged in strict rules. “Karesansui” (dry landscape) has been cultivated in Japan since the 14th century, and it appeared for a reason. It was believed that gods lived in places with a large accumulation of stones, as a result of which the stones themselves began to be given divine meaning. Of course, now the Japanese use rock gardens as a place for meditation, where it is convenient to indulge in philosophical reflection.

And this is what philosophy has to do with it. The seemingly chaotic arrangement of stones is, in fact, strictly subject to certain laws. Firstly, the asymmetry and difference in the sizes of the stones must be observed. There are certain observation points in the garden, depending on the time when you are going to contemplate the structure of your microcosm. And the main trick is that from any observation point there should always be one stone that... is not visible.

The most famous rock garden in Japan is located in Kyoto, the ancient capital of the country of samurai, in the Ryoanji Temple. This is the refuge of Buddhist monks. And here in Buryatia, the “rock garden” appeared without human effort - its author is Nature itself.

In the southwestern part of the Barguzin Valley, 15 kilometers from the village of Suvo, where the Ina River emerges from the Ikat Range, this place is located with an area of ​​more than 10 square kilometers. Significantly more than any Japanese rock garden - in the same proportion as a Japanese bonsai is smaller than a Buryat cedar. Here, large blocks of stone reaching 4-5 meters in diameter protrude from the flat ground, and these boulders go up to 10 meters deep!

The distance of these megaliths from the mountain range reaches 5 kilometers or more. What kind of force could scatter these huge stones over such distances? The fact that this was not done by a person became clear from recent history: a 3-kilometer canal was dug here for irrigation purposes. And here and there in the channel bed there are huge boulders that go down to a depth of 10 meters. They fought with them, of course, but to no avail. As a result, all work on the canal was stopped.

Scientists have put forward different versions of the origin of the Ininsky rock garden. Many people consider these blocks to be moraine boulders, that is, glacial deposits. Scientists call their ages different (E.I. Muravsky believes that they are 40-50 thousand years old, and V.V. Lamakin - more than 100 thousand years!), depending on which glaciation they are counting.

According to geologists, in ancient times the Barguzin depression was a freshwater shallow lake, which was separated from Lake Baikal by a narrow and low mountain bridge connecting the Barguzin and Ikat ridges. As the water level rose, a runoff formed, turning into a river bed that cut deeper and deeper into the hard crystalline rocks. It is known how storm water flows in the spring or after heavy rain erode steep slopes, leaving deep furrows in gullies and ravines. Over time, the water level dropped, and the area of ​​the lake decreased due to the abundance of suspended material brought into it by rivers. As a result, the lake disappeared, and in its place there remained a wide valley with boulders, which were later classified as natural monuments.

But recently, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences G.F. Ufimtsev suggested very original idea, which has nothing to do with glaciations. In his opinion, the Ininsky rock garden was formed as a result of a relatively recent, catastrophic, gigantic ejection of large blocky material.

According to his observations, glacial activity on the Ikat ridge manifested itself only in a small area in the upper reaches of the Turokchi and Bogunda rivers, while in the middle part of these rivers there are no traces of glaciation. Thus, according to the scientist, the dam of the dammed lake along the Ina River and its tributaries broke. As a result of a breakthrough from the upper reaches of the Ina, a large volume of blocky material was thrown into the Barguzin Valley by a mudflow or a ground avalanche. This version is supported by the fact of severe destruction of the bedrock sides of the Ina River valley at the confluence with Turokcha, which may indicate the removal of a large volume of rock by the mudflow.

In the same section of the Ina River, Ufimtsev noted two large “amphitheatres” (resembling a huge funnel) measuring 2.0 by 1.3 kilometers and 1.2 by 0.8 kilometers, which could probably be the bed of large dammed lakes. The dam’s breakthrough and the release of water, according to Ufimtsev, could have occurred as a result of seismic processes, since both slope “amphitheaters” are confined to the zone of a young fault with thermal water outlets.

The gods were naughty here

This amazing place has long been of interest local residents. And for the “rock garden” people came up with a legend that goes back to ancient times. The beginning is simple. Once two rivers, Ina and Barguzin, argued which of them would be the first to reach Lake Baikal. Barguzin cheated and set off on the road that evening, and in the morning the angry Ina rushed after him, angrily throwing huge boulders out of her way. So they still lie on both banks of the river. Isn't it true that this is just a poetic description of the powerful mudflow proposed to be explained by Dr. Ufimtsev?

The stones still keep the secret of their formation. They are not only different sizes and colors, they are generally from different breeds. That is, they were broken out from more than one place. And the depth of occurrence speaks of many thousands of years, during which meters of soil have grown around the boulders.

For those who have seen the movie Avatar, on a foggy morning the Ina stones will resemble hanging mountains with winged dragons flying around them. The peaks of the mountains protrude from the clouds of fog, like individual fortresses or the heads of giants in helmets. The impressions from contemplating a rock garden are amazing, and it was not by chance that people endowed the stones with magical power: It is believed that if you touch boulders with your hands, they will take away negative energy, giving positive energy in return.

In these amazing places there is another place where the gods played pranks. This place was nicknamed “Suva Saxon Castle”. This nature education is located near the group of salty Algin lakes near the village of Suvo, on the steppe slopes of the hill at the foot of the Ikat ridge. The picturesque rocks are very reminiscent of the ruins of an ancient castle. These places served as a particularly revered and sacred place for Evenki shamans. In the Evenki language, “suvoya” or “suvo” means “whirlwind”.

It was believed that this is where spirits live - the masters of local winds. The main and most famous of which was the legendary wind of Baikal “Barguzin”. According to legend, an evil ruler lived in these places. He was distinguished by a ferocious disposition, he took pleasure in bringing misfortune to the poor and disadvantaged people.

He had his only and beloved son, who was bewitched by spirits as punishment for his cruel father. After realizing his cruel and unfair attitude towards people, the ruler fell to his knees, began to beg and tearfully ask to restore his son’s health and make him happy. And he distributed all his wealth to people.

And the spirits freed the ruler’s son from the power of illness! It is believed that for this reason the rocks are divided into several parts. Among the Buryats there is a belief that the owners of Suvo, Tumurzhi-Noyon and his wife Tutuzhig-Khatan, live in the rocks. Burkhans were erected in honor of the Suva rulers. On special days, entire rituals are performed in these places.

The month of two eclipses or how August can change your life.

August is approaching. A month of two eclipses. A month of change. On August 8, 2017, early in the morning (about 4 o’clock) Khabarovsk time, partial lunar eclipse, it will pass at 15°25’10” Aquarius. August 22, 2017 early in the morning (about 4 o’clock) Khabarovsk time, total solar eclipse at 28°52’56” Leo.

Eclipses occur every year, regularly. Only in 2107 there are as many as 4 of them. However, it is the August eclipses that will give our lives a special charm and add “zest” to our everyday life.

What is an eclipse from an astronomy point of view?

When the Sun, Earth and Moon, moving in their orbits, find themselves on the same line, and the Moon is covered by the Earth from the Sun and is in its shadow - this is Moon eclipse, it always happens in Full moon. When, being in line with the Earth, the Moon covers the Sun, it occurs Solar eclipse- it happens at the moment New Moon. An eclipse can be total or partial, depending on how precise the degree of conjunction of the planets is, whether they fall completely or only partially in the shadow of the planet passing through the middle.
What is an eclipse from an astrological point of view?

Every eclipse is unique. At this moment, there is a kind of information reset, a “reboot”. The flow of energy changes, which leads to some chaos during eclipses. In this chaos and restructuring, every living creature on the planet may experience discomfort, mental aggravations occur, physical deterioration in well-being, chronic diseases may make themselves known, collisions and accidents are possible. During eclipses, natural disasters (heat, cold, fires, tsunamis, etc.) are also observed.

Women, children, animals and plants react more strongly to lunar eclipses. Men, teenagers, athletes, businessmen react more strongly to solar eclipses; failures in technology, electricity, and striking phenomena in society (coups, revolutions, riots) are observed. Unexpected deaths from heart attack, stroke, burns and electrocution.

Everyone around is experiencing a strange feeling of anxiety, loss of a sense of stability and security. This causes increased excitability, headaches, migraines, bad dream. On lunar eclipses our basic fears come to the surface of consciousness, hysterics are observed, restless sleep, different visions, suspicion and suspiciousness are growing. During a solar eclipse, conflict potential in society increases. Aggression and showdowns due to misunderstandings and misunderstandings.
Lunar eclipse on August 8 (for residents of the Khabarovsk Territory)

The lunar eclipse will not be observed in our Far East and will not be as noticeable in our lives as for residents of other regions. You will still be sleeping, and everything will already happen. However, 7 days before and 7 days after the significant date, it is better to monitor your emotions and your well-being.

During an eclipse, it is important to understand which zodiac sign the planet will be in. The moon on August 8 will be in the sign of Aquarius. In opposition to the Sun in the sign of Leo. There will be in the sky full moon. This is the time of the FULL MOON.

The lunar eclipse will play out vividly in the lives of people who have natal chart(at birth) The Moon is in the sign of Aquarius or Leo. And people whose horoscope (Sun) is Aquarius and Leo. And also for people with strong Uranus and Jupiter in the chart.

A lunar eclipse promotes internal changes. What was inside you will suddenly become clear, what you could not understand, realize (give light) will become absolutely transparent and understandable. Something will crystallize, appear in a specific form. We are designed in such a way that we can only notice what is inside us by looking at another person. During this eclipse, thanks to the opposition of the Moon and Mars, we will be able to see through another person something important that is inside us. Pay attention, especially women, what annoys you about your husband, your children, your boss, your father? These are your inner “demons” that are asking to come out.

Here it is important not to show aggression, attacks and criticism towards other people, but, on the contrary, to engage in introspection, including reflection. Perhaps during this period, you will be saying goodbye to your illusions, expectations and even some plans.

Vulnerable areas: self-realization, authority, power, creative areas, children, family, relationships with loved ones, relationships with mothers, relationships with superiors, hobbies, interest groups, informal leaders, like-minded people, friends, sponsors, ideas, know-how, technology , computers and gadgets.

  • You cannot fight for power, for leadership, “gnawing out your place in the sun”; you cannot show disrespect for friends, like-minded people, and partners.
  • Do not offend your boss, authorities, men, members of your family, especially children.
  • Help creative individuals express their talents. Let the children show their imagination.
  • Don't manifest! Make sure there is less aggression and tension in you and in your environment these days! Remember that you have a bucket of water and a bucket of gasoline, if there is a spark, what do you use? My advice is to use water in August! Extinguish conflicts...

The brightest mark in your life (especially if you are Leo or Aquarius by zodiac sign) will be left by a total solar eclipse.

Solar eclipses, unlike lunar eclipses, manifest themselves in external changes and concern your life in society and external self-realization.

If you have been planning changes for a long time (moving, changing your place of residence, changing your workplace, a new direction of development, divorce, wedding, birth of a child, etc.), then August best time finally accomplish what you set out to do. You just need to remember that your changes will not happen according to your plan, in the atmosphere of chaos that will be on the energy plane in August, your changes will be just as unexpected and will take you to a completely new level of being and consciousness. Just trust the Universe...though your will will count.

If you did not plan changes, but there is some kind of stagnation in your life, then changes can happen in a harsh form - everything is the same, but with enormous resistance, drama and tragedy, because you will be “forced” to do it. What can you do, the Universe does not like stagnation.

Who's under attack?

People who were born:

During a solar eclipse, the most vulnerable areas will be: boss-subordinate relationships, relationships between friends, like-minded people, issues of marriage, love, creative self-realization, be prepared for the fact that your loved ones will not understand you and will not support you in your new project or new profession, relationships with children (conflicts with teenagers), issues of power and leadership (someone’s crown can fly off their head and someone will lose their throne).

These 10 points will help you live the month of two eclipses in the most harmonious way:

  1. Take time and analyze your life. Summarize. Where are you now, at what point in your existence. Is this the right point?
  2. Stop communicating with those people who do not support you in the most important things. Remember, like-minded people are those who think the same way as you, who are on the same path with you. And who is always next to you, under the banners. Remember that relationships also become stale. And you need to get rid of such relationships. August is the best time for this. I will say even more - unpleasant people themselves will “fall off”, your environment will “clean up”. Don't resist it.
  3. Write down everything you want to get rid of and take decisive action! Write on a piece of paper what you want to get rid of (bad habits are also suitable) and burn the sheet in the flame of a candle. Tell yourself that you are getting rid of...(list) and take a shower.
  4. Don't make sudden movements! Observe and draw conclusions. No criticism. With acceptance. With love.
  5. For the period seven days before and seven days after the eclipse, postpone all important decisions, contracts, weddings, signing agreements, do not make final decisions, do not make large purchases and transactions. But if you are not afraid and trust the Universe, then this advice is not for you!
  6. Do some spring cleaning. Put your documents in order, sort out the paper trash on the shelves. Get rid of unnecessary clothes. Down with broken objects, especially jewelry and dishes. Clean up so that your home is fresh and free of dust! Wash the windows.
  7. Spend more time in nature, communicate with fire, water, plants and animals.
  8. Thank people, God and the Universe. Find 20 points - reasons for gratitude. Find 20 people you have something to thank for. And mentally thank them.
  9. Good deeds. Help those in need. This is all welcome.
  10. A state of peace in the Soul. Breathing practices and meditation are suitable. Smile. Give gifts. Bake pies and give them to people.

Your behavior and internal state in August will affect the next 18 year period of your life. So, don't spoil your karma!

And yet, the level of being determines your changes. For some, buying a new phone, for others, buying a training course for a new profession. In September, analyze your changes. And you will understand who you are... and at what level of consciousness you sound...

I wish you change!

Alevtina Skvortsova

psychologist, astrologer, business coach, advises on personal development and promotion, helps you find and understand yourself, your Path and your Calling, organizer of the city’s first women’s club of psychology and esotericism “March Eight”