What is better for a Chihuahua: a collar or a harness? The right harness for dogs. Anatomically correct walking harnesses for dogs

A four-legged baby has appeared in your house, and it’s time to start taking him for a walk. What to buy as a gift for a puppy – a collar or a harness? Which collar to buy for an adult dog, taking into account its temperament?

You need to focus on the age, character and breed of your pet. are made from a variety of materials:

  • skin,
  • nylon,
  • fabrics,
  • velor

The most common everyday collars are chosen according to the size of the dog’s neck; accordingly, they should not be too loose or tight.

Basic rules for choosing a collar for a dog

  1. To choose the right collar, you need to measure the circumference of the dog's neck and add 2-3 cm to this value.
  2. Do not fasten the collar too tightly - 2-3 fingers should fit between it and the dog's neck.
  3. The collar should not dangle around the pet's neck - dogs are very good at twisting and jumping out of the collar if necessary.
  4. When buying a collar, you should not save money - after all, this is the main item of dog equipment.
  5. It should not be decorated with outside protruding decorative elements, since such excesses can cause injury to other dogs during play.

Choke collars are used for naughty and very active dogs. These collars tighten around the neck when the dog pulls and release the tension when the dog calms down. You should not buy such collars for puppies or small dogs.

Strict collars

These collars are made mainly of metal. They are equipped with special “spikes” that prevent dogs from pulling and tearing. When a sharp jerk occurs, the dog experiences unpleasant sensations. Such collars can be used during training and when walking especially active and aggressive dogs.

It is better to first consult a dog trainer, and then decide whether to buy a strict collar. We must also remember one nuance: dogs very quickly get used to a strict collar and after a week they stop noticing the inconveniences associated with it. Therefore, you should not use a collar with spikes too often.

Do not put a collar on your dog when you take your pet to the dog park. Some owners turn it out strict collars with the spines facing outwards, believing that this would make their dog more comfortable. This should never be done, because during play the dogs grab each other by the neck. A metal “planer” turned inside out can cause serious harm the health of the other dog.

Benefits of a harness

The harness is convenient because it does not put pressure on the dog’s neck when the animal walks calmly, and is practically not felt when moving, giving the dog the illusion of freedom. Walking on a harness forms the bones and muscles of puppies in a special way. Therefore, before choosing whether a harness or collar is more suitable for your pet, consult the club or the breeder.

Remember that some breeds require a harness to proper development, and for some it is strictly contraindicated. A harness is a mandatory piece of equipment for sled dogs, so if you decide that your adult dog can act as a sled dog for children, do not use a collar under any circumstances - only a harness.

When purchasing a dog, you need to take care of how you will walk it. Required with early age accustom your baby to a collar and leash. This is necessary for his safety and the peace of mind of others. The choice in pet stores today is so impressive that many people leave there confused. Should you choose a regular leash or a tape measure? Which is better, a harness or a collar? Indeed, it is better to postpone the purchase and weigh everything carefully.

Benefits of a harness

In fact, it is used less often. For some dogs it is recommended for use, for others it is contraindicated. It is comfortable because it does not put pressure on the neck during rest and is practically not felt while moving. Another plus is that the harness is securely fixed to the body, which is important for breeds such as dachshund. They manage to emerge from almost any collar, but this trick won’t work for them here.

It is almost impossible to answer unequivocally which is better, a harness or a collar. Required to be taken into account anatomical features and the age of the animal, as well as the loads to which you expose it.

Consultation with a specialist

Indeed, it is sometimes difficult to do without it. Walking in a harness forms the puppy's bones and muscles in a special way, so before purchasing, be sure to consult the club or the breeder. In most cases, it cannot be used until the age of 1 year.

As already mentioned, it is quite difficult to say which is better, a harness or a collar. Some breeds need the first one for proper muscle development, while others do not recommend it. A harness is a must-have item for sled dogs. If you want to use an adult dog for sledding with children, then no collars.

Together with your pet

When choosing which is better, a harness or a collar, it is worth noting that choosing the first one for a dog is a little more difficult. The collar is selected according to width, massiveness and length. In fact, the only guideline here is the neck circumference and the size of your pet. With a harness it's more complicated. You can’t just come into a store and ask them to give you a model for a husky or a basset hound. Even representatives of the same breed can differ greatly from each other.

Guidelines may be as follows. The straps should be comfortable and wide enough. The harness must fit snugly, but at the same time not cut in anywhere or restrict movement, it should not dangle or rub. Therefore, when choosing a model for an adult dog, it is best to come and try it on before purchasing with it.

Dachshund and basset hound

These are dogs with an extremely long spine, which means that they must be treated with care. The question of which is better or a harness is discussed quite often. On the one hand, the harness allows you to distribute the load on the chest and protect the spine. But we mean adult dogs. But it is not suitable for a dachshund under one year of age.

  • Any dog ​​in a harness gets used to pulling, and all your attempts to stop it will go unnoticed. It's more of a disciplinary thing, but important point. Moreover, constant stretching of the neck forms its incorrect exit.
  • The harness provokes the elbows to turn outward. This will greatly reduce your chances of winning the exhibition.

When deciding what is best for your puppy, a collar or a harness, pay attention to the herring collar. It has an extension and is made of soft skin or tarpaulin. This is the best option for a young dachshund. After a year, you can wear a comfortable harness for a long hike in nature. But it is best to still use the collar.

Yorkshire Terrier

These are tiny creatures whose main decoration is luxurious, iridescent fur. Speaking about what is better for a Yorkie, a collar or a harness, we again draw your attention to the fact that wearing a harness is not recommended for young dogs. They get used to pulling, jumping and performing incredible somersaults. After this, by transferring them to a collar, you risk leading the dog to self-strangulation. Therefore, train your pet to walk correctly.

Babies do not need heavy and massive collars. But today there is a huge selection of miniature models with rhinestones and bows that look very cute. But you shouldn’t wear it all the time, so as not to spoil the wool. Use the collar only when going for walks and take it off at home.

Pomeranian Spitz

Very active and agile dogs that just physically need to run a lot. This is not always possible on walking areas, since other dogs are also walking, some of them can be aggressive. What is better for a Spitz, a harness or a collar, so as not to restrict his freedom too much, but at the same time ensure safety? If the dog is not a show dog, then a harness will be a more convenient option. She holds the pet well, even when he tries to wriggle out. The downside is that with constant use, the wool will be wiped off in the places where the belts pass.

For a large dog

Shepherds, Rottweilers, Great Danes and other large pets need regular walks. Letting them run around without control is fraught with problems with passers-by and even with the authorities. Which is better or a harness? For large breeds A harness is used only if they are harnessed to a children's sled. For walks it is easier to use a comfortable collar. He disciplines better, and it turns out to be much easier to control animals.

Collars are made from a variety of materials. It can be leather, nylon, fabric. The larger the animal, the more massive the collar should be. Of course, the material should be stronger.

Types of collars

  • Walking - they are suitable for taking your pet out onto the playground every day. They imply a strong connection to the leash. It's good if it's a solid ring. On inside The product must have a soft lining.
  • Other collars are used for service and training. They are equipped with a handle that will allow you to hold your pet at the right time. In the upper part they have two half rings or loops. This allows you to change the nature of the leash tension for different tasks. It can act as a noose if required by training with a disobedient animal.
  • To stand guard. It is understood that for part of the day the dog works at his post, that is, he is on a leash. The models have a decent width so as not to injure the animal’s neck. If a leash is required, it is threaded through the half ring, and then the carabiner is fastened to the buckle. Then the tension will not injure the animal’s neck.

Parfors (or noose)

These varieties are most often used to practice certain pet skills. Pain in the neck area of ​​an animal is associated with prohibition. Even in childhood, the bitch grabs the puppies by the withers with her teeth if they do something forbidden. But you need to correctly calculate your strength, it is advisable to consult a dog handler.

The law clearly states: dogs must be walked with a collar and leash, and large ones must also wear a muzzle. But few people think about the fact that a leash is essentially not a means of controlling a dog, but a means of controlling it where the animal should not run freely.

Quite often you can see a picture when you don’t team trained“nearby” the dog is eager to be freed and wheezes, and the owner shortens the leash, wraps it around his hand and tries to restrain the disobedient pet.

A dog on a short leash can pull aside not only because it is not well-mannered: the dog wants to sniff some things, explore the territory, and communicate with other animals. Finally, the length of the leash may simply not coincide with the distance around the owner that the animal is trying to instinctively guard.

What are the dangers of leash tension?

When wearing a collar, all the pressure is taken on the animal's neck and throat, which causes problems with them. It has already been established that two thirds of back diseases and nervousness in dogs are caused by the collar-leash model in combination with jerking. Here you can also include diseases such as hypothyroidism, visual and hearing impairment, injuries nerve ganglia in the neck.

The throat of any animal is the most vulnerable place, and any pain here is perceived as a threat to life. A jerk on the throat causes aggression in a dog. As a result, it may turn out that your dog just wanted to get to know another person or relative better, but after pulling on the leash, he begins to bark. The owner doesn’t even need to pull the leash for this: the dog will do it itself. On any walk, jerks are inevitable.

Advantages of a harness over a leash

The harness distributes the load on the chest without causing pain. At the same time, it takes the load off the owner’s hands. It is much more difficult to keep a tearing dog in a collar than in a harness: the attachment of the leash to the harness is located in the area of ​​the animal’s center of gravity, and when jerking, the dog loses its balance and can no longer press with all its weight. Of course, you need to train your pet to behave correctly and use the “here” command. But even if the dog constantly pulls to the side, in a harness he will never receive the injury that a collar would cause. For short-nosed dogs like pugs and bulldogs, a collar is generally contraindicated, as they already have difficulty breathing without it.

Finally, the harness increases the safety of walks: the back strap allows you to quickly grab your pet and restrain it from unwanted behavior. And a small dog can generally be lifted into the air by its harness without harm.

There is an opinion that if a dog continues to pull on the leash and even wheezes in the collar, then it is not in pain: they say, if there was pain, it would walk next to it. However, this is not true: the dog’s psyche is designed in such a way that even serious pain can recede against the background of other experiences. Squeezing the throat is always stress, which reduces the perception of pain. But this doesn’t make her disappear.

About choosing a harness

Harnesses first appeared in dog sleds. Now there are many types of harnesses: sports, medical, for police work, etc. You need to choose a harness for each breed separately to take into account physiological characteristics dogs.

But there are also general rules: the harness must fit snugly to the body in all places, without squeezing or interfering with movements: the palm of your hand must pass between the belts and the dog’s body.

The fasteners are important, as on cheap devices they often cut into the dog’s skin. It is better if there are several fasteners, which will make dressing easier. The side straps of the harness should not pass under the armpits of the animal to avoid chafing: large dogs between the belt and armpit There should be a distance of the palm of your hand, for small ones - three fingers. Finally, the material of the harness itself should be soft and durable at the same time.

However, when wearing a harness, the dog should not be allowed to forget about the collar. Especially if your pet attends exhibitions, where he may become nervous in the ring wearing a collar. It is not forbidden to wear both a harness and a collar together. The main thing is not to attach a leash to the collar.

Collar or harness – which is better for a dog? This is the question dog owners ask themselves. different breeds, who were faced with a choice by the appearance on the market of new interesting devices for our little brothers. How to answer it?

When we decide to have a dog, we must consider the need to provide it with the necessary accessories. Full bowl good food, a cozy den and a bunch of toys - that's not all. Accessories for walking are also needed, such as a leash and... that, in fact, is the question - a collar or a harness? What will be best for your pet and what to choose to make joint walks safe and enjoyable?

What is safer and better - a harness or a collar?

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to give a definite answer to this question. Both harnesses and collars have their loyal followers. There are many rumors circulating about both of these accessories, in particular about their possible harm to the dog's health. Thus, many owners claim that harnesses can cause excessive pressure on the dog’s chest, deform the ribs and even cause protruding shoulder blades. Others point out a number of dangers associated with wearing a collar. In their opinion, this object, squeezing the dog’s trachea, threatens its health and even life.

Such an abundance of conflicting information can cause complete confusion in your thoughts. So what should we choose so as not to harm our beloved pet? What will be better for him - a new-fangled harness or a good old collar? First of all, we must remember that correctly selected accessories in both cases do not pose any danger to the dog. Regardless of which option we choose, we must accurately measure the pet and select a model that is ideal for its dimensions. In addition to sizes four-legged friend we must also pay attention to his temperament and walking habits. It is also necessary to take into account the purpose for which the harness or collar will be used. Are we talking only about a peaceful walk in the park or about intense workouts or running behind a bike? It all has great value when choosing the “right” accessory.

When should a dog wear harnesses?

Both harnesses and collar will be good choice provided that we adapt them to the size of the dog, its temperament and the nature of its walks. However, there are many situations in which a harness will still be much better than a collar.

First of all, dog harnesses are simply more comfortable than a collar. The animal does not press on anything, it feels more comfortable. The harness is especially recommended for dog breeds with delicate neck structures and cervical spine spine (for example, Yorkies) or dogs that like to pull hard on the leash during walks. Both are susceptible to neck abrasions or painful pressure on the trachea.

When is a harness better than a collar? It is also perfect for playing sports with your pet. A dog wearing such an accessory can run with us or next to our bicycle.

How to choose a harness for a dog?

When choosing such a device for your pet, you should carefully measure the circumference of the neck at the base, as well as the width chest at its widest point. Equally important is the width of the straps. General rule says what bigger dog, the wider the stripes should be. For a large individual, it is better to choose harnesses with stripes at least 4 cm wide. For small breeds these stripes should be correspondingly thinner.

You should also avoid all kinds of additional decorations that may interfere with the pet's walking or cause abrasions. It is worth choosing products lined with soft fleece or felt. They are even more comfortable and do not cause any abrasions or skin inflammation.

When should a dog wear a collar?

The collar is suitable during the “education” of the dog, for example, teaching the pet to walk nearby. When training obedience, you should choose a product that provides best contact dogs with a guide and the ability to correct the behavior and condition of the animal.

Collars are better suited for both large and strong breeds, which are more difficult to deal with. A harness does not give the owner enough control over a large, excited pet that becomes violent at the sight of a cat or other dog. Thanks to the collar, it will be easier to distract your four-legged friend's attention and direct it to something else.

How to choose a collar for a dog?

When buying a collar, be sure to know the neck circumference. The size of your four-legged friend also matters. The same principle applies here as when choosing harnesses: the larger the pet, the wider the accessory. We are talking about the correct distribution of pressure along the dog’s neck in the event that the animal begins to tug or drag the owner during a walk. A collar with a width of about 2 cm is suitable for small individuals, while for medium and large ones - from 2.5 cm to 4 cm and even 5 cm.

Thus, it is difficult to categorically answer the question, a collar or a harness - which is better for a particular dog. When choosing this accessory, we must remember that we are responsible for the comfort and safety of the pet. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the material and workmanship. You should not buy things that at first glance do not seem very durable and reliable. It's worth investing in accessories for your pet's sake. good quality, which will provide him with maximum safety and convenience, regardless of the choice - a harness or a collar.

When using a well-fitting harness, all the stress is transferred to the dog's chest. Relieving the spine is important for all dogs, especially if they suffer from joint diseases (hip dysplasia, spondylosis, etc.) or if they have an excessively long spine (for example, dachshunds, basset hounds, etc.)

Increased safety during walks: the back strap of the harness is convenient for quickly and firmly grasping the dog if necessary. In this case, the dog itself will be more pleased to be grabbed by the strap on its back rather than by the collar (the dog would feel severe pain from the pressure on its throat), especially if the dog is old, sick or very sensitive. At the same time, the probability of dislocating your arm from the dog’s tugging on the leash is much less.

If the dog gets into a difficult situation (for example, cannot get out of a ditch on his own), it is easier and safer to grab him by the harness than by the collar.

About leash length

When going outside, the dog, just like the owner, is exposed to irritants that cause natural physiological and psychological reactions in it. Many owners ignore this fact and demand unconditional obedience from the dog according to the principle “the dog must obey unquestioningly!”

It is believed that a dog should always walk “Rrr next!” The hosts announce the execution of the command “Nearby” the most important rule obedience while walking and pay a lot of attention to teaching your dog this command, using a short leash as a tool.

Most owners are used to simply pulling the dog along with them. For this purpose, a short leash is, of course, more convenient than a long one. You yourself would hardly like it if, while walking with a friend, every time you turned to the side, he, without saying a word, pushed you in the right direction. At the same time, if you did not understand him, he would pull you by the neck and scold you. For our dogs, walking on a leash - especially a short one - looks exactly like this!

Added to this is stress, as the dog experiences a whole range of other types of problems that we almost never think about. This is how dog behavior problems begin when walking.

Tell me honestly, have you ever thought about how long a leash should be? No matter how many times I observed walking dog walkers, I got the impression that many of them don’t care how long the leash is or how much free space they leave for the dog.

In fact, the length of the leash plays a big role - both for the owner and for the dog. With the help of such a seemingly trifle as a leash, we can create a whole bunch of problems without noticing it!

1. On a short leash, a dog pulls harder than on a long one: the animal wants to smell something, then examine some detail, or leave its mark. It should be taken into account that the ability to receive information through smells and mark territory is one of the most important components of a dog’s communication with the outside world. Therefore, she will instinctively try to do this all the time and in the meantime she will learn to pull the leash even harder.

2. Sometimes the dog simply does not have enough space to maintain a certain distance from the owner, strangers and other objects. For a dog, this distance is extremely important - just as it will be for you. unpleasant feeling, if someone comes close to you or if you are forced to get too close to any object that inspires fear in you. No one except you can determine this distance. The owner also cannot identify her as his dog.

3. Seeing other dogs, your pet will want to, if not say hello, then at least politely pass by. In dog language, this means approaching at a certain speed in an arc, and not frontally. When approaching, dogs make sure to let each other know that their intentions are peaceful. To do this, they use a whole set of reconciliation signals. For example, they lick their lips, look to the side, slow down.

If the owner keeps the dog on a leash that is too short, tugs on it and prevents it from observing all these rituals, he creates a stressful situation for both dogs, which can lead to an aggressive reaction that is unexpected for the owners. In response to this, the owners will punish and scold their dogs.

If such encounters occur frequently, the dog may develop an aggressive attitude towards its neighbors, especially if they are on a leash. Walking will become a source of stress for both the owner and the dog. The walk will turn into a cycle of aggression and punishment.

4. A short leash, especially in combination with a collar, is a kind of noose for the animal. It is in this combination that the dog receives strong pressure on the throat, cervical vertebrae and neck muscles by jerking the leash. According to research results (see book), in 70% of dogs such jerks lead to back pain and behavior problems.

5. Many people believe that with the command “Near” and tugging on a short leash, they can quickly and effectively call the dog to obedience, but it will only be nervous, afraid of being punished.

We need to think about the fact that the leash is not a “control lever” for the dog. This is just a means of necessary control over the animal in places where for some reason it cannot run freely. A dog that is well trained to come when called will follow you if you simply call it to follow you. Consequently, such a dog can be led on a leash without physical effort and stress.

Try it yourself: take a leash of 3 meters or more and try to communicate with the dog whenever he needs to change direction. This communication should only include a gentle call and eye contact. Then the dog will learn to follow you regardless of the length of the leash and will do it with pleasure. This method of communication can be practiced at home. To do this, it is enough to call the dog affectionately every time and reward it for paying attention to you. At the second stage of training, you need to try to teach the dog to follow you. If a calm and trusting relationship has developed between you and the dog, the success of the training is guaranteed. It’s amazing that after a while “contact walks,” as experts call them, will become an additional thread connecting you with your dog!

Of course, it also happens that a dog on a walk is too irritated, overly active, and reacts violently to any irritant. Then, before learning contact walks, you need to delve into the reasons for her excited state during a walk and eliminate them.

Further Reading

  • Anders Hallgren. Behavior problems - or back pain? Dogfriend Publishers, 2008.
  • Turid Rugos. Dialogue with dogs: signals of reconciliation. Dogfriend Publishers, 2008.
  • Clarissa von Reinhardt, Martina Nagel. Stress in dogs. Dogfriend Publishers, 2008.
  • Turid Rugos. My dog ​​is pulling on the leash. What to do? Dogfriend Publishers, 2010.