What body temperature is considered normal for a dog? Normal temperature in dogs of small and large breeds. How to measure the temperature of a dog What temperature is considered in a dog

Body temperature is the main indicator of health for people and for our smaller brothers. It determines how the pet feels. That is why it is so important to know the temperature indicators (normal, hyperthermia, hypothermia), to be able to measure the temperature and provide the first medical care on one's own.

Causes of fever in dogs

Body temperature is not a constant value in dogs. It can change during the day or depending on the age and sex of the animal, its physiological state, intensity physical activity, conditions environment.

However, there is such an indicator as "normal temperature", which includes an interval, not a single digit. In dogs, the temperature is from 37.5 to 39 degrees, but even in this case, age and size are taken into account:

  • for ornamental breeds - 39-39,5;
  • for large dogs - 37.4-38.3;
  • for medium - 37.5-39;
  • for puppies - 38.2-39.3.

Based on these indicators, you can determine the average temperature of the pet and take appropriate measures when raising or lowering.

Causes of hyperthermia:

  • stress;
  • viruses, infections;
  • poisoning;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • overheating, hypothermia of the body;
  • recent childbirth;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • teething (in puppies);
  • joint diseases;
  • the immune response of the body (with allergies);
  • sepsis.

If you see that your pet's temperature has risen by two degrees or more, especially if it has reached 41, take action immediately! It is possible that the cause is some dangerous infection(distemper, leptospirosis), and delay is fraught with serious complications, even death.

The tendency to hyperthermia is observed in german shepherds, boxers, pugs and french bulldogs, chow-chow, as well as in individuals with a hyperexcitable character and fluffy dogs white color. Quite often, the temperature can rise in Cocker Spaniels.

Main symptoms

Many owners believe that the first sign of a fever is a dry nose. It would be wrong to rely on this symptom, since the animal can have a dry and hot nose, for example, immediately after waking up from sleep.

Here are more sure signs of an increase in temperature:

  • weakness, apathy, decrease physical activity;
  • lack of appetite;
  • increased thirst;
  • chills;
  • diarrhea, vomiting (in some cases);
  • convulsions;
  • light tongue and lips;
  • the desire to get comfortable in a cool place, on the floor;
  • redness skin(partial).

Another common mistake among inexperienced dog breeders is to consider any increase in temperature, even a slight one, as a signal for action. During the day, it can fluctuate within one degree, and this is also considered the norm. However, if other signs are present in addition to hyperthermia, then a visit to veterinary clinic should not be postponed.

What to do at home

There is no single treatment regimen for hyperthermia, since it does not individual disease, but a symptom, and far from always it speaks of a pathology developing in the body of a dog.

Of course, you need to show the animal to a specialist in any case, but you can provide first aid at home.

In order for the body to begin to give off excess heat, it is necessary to lower the ambient temperature. It is enough to ventilate the room or turn on the air conditioner for a short time. Ideally, the air temperature should not exceed 20 degrees. Drafts are not allowed!

The dog should be overlaid with ice cubes (in the groin, neck, armpit), cover with a damp towel or slightly moisten the coat, make an enema with warm water. The pet should not be allowed to move a lot, as a lot of thermal energy is generated during the work of the muscles.

If the animal does not want to eat, you should not force feed, as problems may increase - diarrhea, constipation, bloating, vomiting. But a warm drink is very useful.

If the temperature is very high, an adult dog weighing 30 kilograms or more can be given one of the antipyretic drugs intended for humans. Best for small dogs baby medicine to relieve heat.

However, it is better not to risk it, since drugs such as Aspirin, Analgin, Paracetamol can cause side effects. For example, Ibuprofen is dangerous because it can provoke gastrointestinal bleeding, intense vomiting, and so on.

Possible Complications

Hyperthermia may have severe consequences for the body: disorders of the central nervous and digestive systems, changes in the water-salt balance, dehydration, excessive stress on the heart, multiple organ failure.

The prognosis depends on the diagnosis and timely treatment of the underlying disease. If the dog survives 48 hours after the start of therapy, then in most cases it is favorable.

Prevention measures

Often the problem of temperature increase lies in the careless attitude of the owner to pet. It is necessary to control physical activity and time spent on fresh air in order to prevent hypothermia, monitor the quality of nutrition, conditions and, of course, promptly respond to the slightest changes in the health of a four-legged pet.

In order to detect health problems in your pet in time, you need to know what temperature a dog has is considered normal, since its indicator is considered a guarantee proper development and physical activity. It is worth noting that no universal value for all four-legged friends, like humans (36.6 ° C).

What temperature should a healthy dog ​​have?

Studies have found that body temperature in animals depends on breed, size, age, physical activity and other nuances. For example, if you take measurements in the morning and evening, the thermometer readings may differ. It doesn’t build attention to small deviations, but if the dog’s body temperature has risen or dropped by a couple of degrees, then this may already indicate health problems. It is important to pay attention to the appearance of other symptoms.

For those who are interested in what temperature is considered normal in a dog, it is worth specifying the following range: 37.5-39.3 ° C. If a person sweats for thermoregulation, then the animal is deprived of such an opportunity, so he often has to breathe with open mouth. The normal temperature can rise even due to the stress experienced by the pet or other vivid emotions. All this is important to consider so as not to panic in vain.

Normal temperature in small breed dogs

If we compare representatives of large and small breeds, then there are some differences in the work of their body. To a greater extent, this applies to metabolic processes, which in the latter proceed at a high speed. This directly affects the temperature indicators. This pattern also applies to puppies when compared with adult animals. As for what temperature dogs have small breeds, then the normal value is 38.5-39°C (for puppies 38.6-39.3°C).

Normal temperature in medium breed dogs

With an increase in body weight, temperature indicators will also slightly decrease. Another important nuance that four-legged owners should know is that even within the same age and breed, slight variations in average parameters may appear, which is associated with individual characteristics specific animal. For those who are interested in what body temperature is considered normal in a medium breed dog, the following indicators should be taken into account: 37.5-39 ° C (for puppies 38.3-39.1 ° C).

Normal temperature in large breed dogs

The most cold-blooded among all sizes of animals are representatives large breeds who do not have such an active metabolism and, in comparison with babies, do not have such a frequent heartbeat. The temperature of a healthy dog ​​is considered normal, which is 37.4-38.3 ° C (for puppies 38.2-39 ° C). All the nuances regarding possible changes in the indicators indicated earlier are also relevant for large breeds.

What is the temperature of a pregnant dog?

When an animal is in a position, various changes occur in its body, for example, this applies to hormonal background. The new state of the pet is also reflected in the temperature. In most cases, the indicators either remain unchanged or fall, but not more than a degree. Given this, it is important to know what the normal body temperature of dogs is, which is why veterinarians recommend that all pet owners make changes from time to time in order to know the values ​​\u200b\u200bof a healthy pet.

What is the dog's temperature before giving birth?

One of the harbingers that puppies will be born in the near future is considered to be a decrease in temperature by about 1 ° C, but in some cases a drop of 1.5 ° C is possible. It is worth noting that experts have recorded cases when such changes are observed two days before the birth of babies. The temperature of the dog before childbirth should be measured twice: in the morning and in the evening, in order to be able to control the situation.

A situation is considered dangerous when, instead of a decrease, an increase in indicators even by 0.5-1 ° C is observed. This may indicate problems with the fetus or inflammation, so it's best to contact your veterinarian right away. Finding out what temperature in a dog is considered normal, it is worth noting that during the birth itself, the temperature rises to normal value. This happens during the departure of amniotic fluid.

Temperature in a dog after childbirth

After the puppies were born, there should not be prolonged bleeding, and discharge, according to the norm, without bad smell. It is important to know what body temperature dogs have at this time, as the value rises and is approximately 39.5 ° C. Make sure that the indicators do not rise to 40 ° C and above. If fever is still observed, consult a doctor immediately, as this can be life-threatening for a new mother.

Low temperature in a dog

Hypothermia can be a problem for the health of the animal, in which the value on the thermometer will be below 37.5 ° C. A low temperature in a dog is due to banal hypothermia, as a result of an operation, after prolonged anesthesia, due to diseases thyroid gland, heart problems and so on. There are three forms of hypothermia:

  1. Light– up to 32°C. Symptoms include drowsiness, trembling, and weakness. You need to warm the animal using a blanket and a heating pad, and give warm water. It is recommended to control the temperature every 15 minutes.
  2. Moderate– up to 28°C. There is a decrease heart rate, muscle weakness and arterial hypotension. The body should be warmed up using heating pads or a heater.
  3. deep– below 28°С. disruption of the cardiovascular and respiratory system. The dog may go into a coma.

Fever in a dog

There are a number of reasons that can cause a fever in an animal:

  1. If the pet has experienced severe stress, then for a short period of time his temperature may rise, for example, after moving. Knowing what temperature in dogs is considered normal, the indicators in such a situation will differ by no more than 2 ° C.
  2. When an infection settles in the body, the body begins to fight it, which leads to the appearance of fever.
  3. In hot weather, the cause of malaise often lies in overheating of the body. In this case, it is useful to know what to do if the dog has a fever, as the condition can be critical. It is necessary to shift the pet to a cool place, be sure to provide it with water and gradually cool the body.
  4. Various inflammations, tumors, and even external injuries can cause fever, so it is important for the diagnosis to pay attention to other symptoms and see a doctor for an examination.

What to give a dog for fever?

If there is no opportunity to take the animal to the clinic or invite the veterinarian home, then you need to help the pet on your own. There are a number of recommendations on how to bring down the temperature of the dog at home.

  1. Take ice cubes, wrap them in a cloth and put them on your neck and inside hips. Can be taken wet towel and cover the animal with it. It is not recommended to deliberately wet the coat, as this will impair thermoregulation. It is important to consider that at high temperatures, the pet needs to drink, otherwise dehydration may occur.
  2. It is recommended to ventilate the room where the sick dog is located. In summer you can use the air conditioner for cooling.
  3. If you know what temperature the dog is considered normal, and the value on the thermometer is much higher, then you can give the animal an antipyretic. The allowed dose is no more than 0.2 tablets, otherwise you can harm your pet. You can use analgin, nurofen or paracetamol. Puppies should be given baby products. Please note that the tablet only reduces the temperature, and you can cope with the cause of the ailment. Turning to the vet.

How to take a dog's temperature?

For measurements, it is necessary to use a medical thermometer: mercury or electronic. The second option is considered safer, more convenient and it will take no more than a minute to wait for measurements. Better with early age find out what temperature in dogs is considered the norm, and the pet itself should be accustomed to the procedure in order to avoid aggressive behavior. For the animal, it is necessary to allocate a separate thermometer. There is an instruction, at home:

  1. Take a clean thermometer and disinfect it. Lubricate the tip with baby cream or petroleum jelly. If the dog is obedient, then it can stand, and if not, then lay it on its side. It is important that she be calm, otherwise nothing will work.
  2. Raise the tail and with rotational movements insert the thermometer into the anus by about 1.5-2 cm, no deeper is needed. If the measurement is taken in a standing position, then so that she does not sit down, hold her firmly by the root of the tail.
  3. During the procedure, praise and talk to your pet to calm him down. After the beep, it is recommended to wait another half a minute, and then, you can already remove the thermometer. Don't forget to praise and give treats.

How to take a dog's temperature without a thermometer?

There are several ways to tell if an animal has a fever, but it is important to note that they are not reliable and only provide a basis for further diagnosis.

  1. There is an increased outflow of blood on the paws and ears, therefore, when the temperature rises, these parts of the body become hot to the touch. Should they be touched or back side hands, or cheek.
  2. When figuring out how to determine the temperature in a dog, it is worth remembering another way - feeling the groin area and armpits. Here are The lymph nodes, which increase in size if there is an infection or illness in the body. Temperatures are also rising in these areas.
  3. Many even children know that the condition of an animal can be determined by its nose, if it has become hot, then there are problems.
  4. Experts recommend looking into the pet's mouth and assessing the condition of the gums. If everything is normal, then they will be pink and wet. Any changes can be considered a signal of problems.

A dog's body temperature is an important indicator of how it feels. When the first signs of illness appear, measure the temperature of the puppy or adult dog- the first thing the owner needs to do before calling the veterinarian.

Normally, the temperature in dogs is usually slightly higher than in humans. The average body temperature of an adult dog is 37.5⁰ - 38.5⁰ C . In a healthy puppy, the temperature is usually half a degree higher (~ 39⁰С). However, there are individual nuances, determined, in particular, by age, breed, body weight and height, due to which the normal temperature indicators differ slightly for each individual animal (for example, body temperature in large dogs is usually lower than in small ones). In addition, a short-term increase in temperature in a dog can be observed after physical exertion, from excitement or fear, during (in bitches), as well as in hot weather.

Table of average normal temperatures for puppies and adult dogs of small, medium and large breeds (⁰С):

When should you take your dog's temperature?

body temperature healthy dog it makes sense to measure before and after vaccinations, during pregnancy, as well as before and after childbirth (sharp, as a rule, indicates that no more than a day is left before childbirth). Breeding puppies temperature is measured according to a specific schedule, starting from birth. As the dog grows older, it is not necessary to constantly measure the temperature, but it is good if the owner knows what indicators of normal temperature are typical for his pet.

General lethargy, refusal to eat, pale gums and tongue, dry hot nose- these are sufficient reasons to take a dog's temperature, not to mention more serious symptoms, such as vomiting, convulsions, etc.

If the dog is seriously ill, it makes sense to keep a temperature chart, recording the results of morning and evening measurements on it daily (it is best to take them at the same time).

How to take a dog's temperature?

In order to determine the temperature in a dog, you can use a conventional medical thermometer, mercury or electronic. mercury thermometer cheaper, but with electronic temperature measurement process will take much less time. For hygiene reasons, it is necessary to allocate a separate thermometer for the dog, which will not be used by other family members. If there are several animals in the family, it is better to purchase a thermometer for each of them.

How to take a dog's temperature?

Temperature measurement is a simple procedure, but it requires the owner to be careful and careful with the dog during its implementation. The temperature of dogs is measured through the rectum. For the first time, your pet may not like these manipulations, but gradually he will get used to them. First of all, you need to prepare a thermometer. Reset the scale to zero, then coat the tip of the thermometer with petroleum jelly. The dog must be laid on its side, then gently lift the tail at the base and slowly insert the thermometer 1.5 - 2 cm into anus. At home, you can also measure the temperature of the dog, fixing it in a standing position, as veterinarians do in the clinic, but for an inexperienced owner, this method will be somewhat more complicated.

If you are using electronic thermometer, measuring the temperature of the dog will take no more than a minute, with a conventional thermometer you will have to wait a little longer, from 3 to 5 minutes. It is advisable to measure the temperature in a calm environment in order to exclude excitement or fear, because of which the dog can jump up, break the thermometer and injure himself. While taking the temperature, talk to your dog affectionately and reward him with treats. You can teach your pet to any command, for example, “Thermometer” or “Treat”, so that in the future the dog knows what awaits it and calmly allows you to measure the temperature. Be sure to praise your dog and give him a treat not only during but also immediately after the procedure is completed. Most animals tolerate temperature measurement quite calmly if the owner does everything right from the very beginning. After you finish, wash the thermometer with soap and warm water and disinfect with alcohol, then wash and disinfect your hands.

What should I do if my dog ​​has a high or low temperature?

First of all, you need to understand what indicators are considered "low" or "high" temperature for a dog. Objectively low temperature The body temperature of a dog is characterized by thermometer readings of 37⁰С and below, the body temperature of an adult dog is considered to be elevated from 39⁰ and that of a puppy is from 39.5⁰ and higher. A dog's temperature of 40⁰ usually indicates a serious illness. Especially dangerous is a gradual increase in temperature by 1-2 degrees without jumps and recessions. Here are just a few of the many possible reasons why a dog's body temperature drops or rises:

-heat: canine distemper, piroplasmosis, endometritis (in bitches), heat stroke, etc.

- low temperature: parvovirus enteritis (in puppies and young dogs), helminthic invasion and etc.

Unfortunately, not everyone understands that a low or high temperature in a dog in itself is only evidence of the body's struggle with the disease, that is, a symptom, and not the cause of the disease. However, often in such cases, the owner thinks something like this: “So, the temperature of the dog ... What should I do?” and begins to look at veterinary and “dog” forums for answers to the questions “what to give a dog for fever”, “how to bring down a puppy’s temperature”, “how to reduce a dog’s temperature” or, it’s not easier - “treatment of temperature in dogs”. And there can be only one “treatment” here - an urgent visit to the clinic or a house call to the veterinarian!

Since the temperature itself is not the source of the disease, its “reduction” will not help to cope with the underlying disease that caused this temperature, and in some cases such an intervention will only worsen the situation.

If you find that your dog's temperature readings are noticeably different from the norm, the best thing to do is not to waste time on amateur activities, but to seek professional help as soon as possible.

Like humans, body temperature in dogs is considered the main indicator of well-being. Significant deviations signal that not everything is in order in the pet's body. The temperature norm is most often an indicator excellent health animal. Each owner pet must know the temperature standards for dogs, as well as the rules for measuring it.

Many owners are sure that their pet also has a normal body temperature of 36.6 ° C, but this is fundamentally wrong. For a dog, these figures range from 37.5-39 ° C. In addition, the numbers may vary, depending on several factors:

  • belonging to a particular breed;
  • gender;
  • physiological characteristics;
  • age;
  • individual properties of the organism.

For example, in puppies dwarf breeds the temperature is normally kept around the mark of 39 ° C, and in adult pets of large sizes, this figure is much lower.

The body temperature of dogs can rise during the heat, after intense training, active games, when the animal feels excitement, panic or fear. In estrus females, it is also possible to increase the performance.

There are a number of specific standards that you should rely on when measuring the temperature of a pet:

  • puppies of small and dwarf breeds - from 38.6 to 39.3 ° C;
  • adult small-breed individuals - from 38.5 to 39 ° С;
  • adult representatives of medium-sized breeds - from 37.5 to 39 ° C;
  • puppies of large breed dogs - from 38.2 to 39 ° C;
  • adults large dogs– from 37.4 to 38.3°С.

Thus, it becomes obvious that the temperature in dogs is not a general, but rather an individual indicator.

When should you take your pet's temperature?

If the dog has no health problems, then there is no particular need for daily measurements. It is only important to know what it is normal for this particular pet.

Breeding puppies with good performance for health, it is recommended to regularly measure the body temperature, starting from birth. There are special charts for this.

In a pregnant bitch, the temperature is measured both before birth (this indicator indicates how soon the dog will whelp) and after the puppies are born. In dogs, before childbirth, the temperature indicators are significantly reduced. Before you also need to measure the temperature.

If the pet is sick, then measurements are taken twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. It is advisable to record the data in a notebook.

Causes of changes in body temperature in dogs

Don't rely on folk method- Determination of the state of the dog by its nose. According to this method, it turns out that if the pet's nose is hot and dry, then he is sick. This information is not related to the truth, since any healthy animal has such a nose during sleep, because a sleeping pet does not lick itself while sleeping. Dryness of the nose is not a reason to panic and seek help from a veterinarian.

If the pet is cheerful, has normal reaction to the environment a good appetite, plays briskly, his coat has a shine and a snug fit to the body, which means that he has no health problems. A sick pet has the opposite condition described:

  • the dog refuses food for more than a day;
  • looks lethargic, tired;
  • shows unreasonable at first glance anxiety (a sign that the animal feels pain);
  • appears profuse salivation(symptom of nausea) followed by;
  • stool disorder;
  • convulsive muscle contractions;
  • rapid heartbeat and breathing.

If these symptoms are present, then temperature measurement is compulsory procedure and it must be carried out even before the pet is examined by a veterinarian.

The reason for the change in indicators may be inflammatory process, various infections. Elevated temperature body in dogs is observed with, heat stroke, piroplasmosis.

The temperature drops if the pet has parvovirus and other ailments.

How is temperature measured in dogs?

Used to measure conventional thermometer, you can take both mercury and modern electronic. The latter option is more welcome, since the measurement will take place in more short time- one to one and a half minutes, and with a mercury thermometer you will have to wait for the result from three to five minutes.

A beloved pet deserves to have its own thermometer, and other family members, for hygiene reasons, should not use it for their needs.

Before measuring the dog's temperature, it is necessary to grease the tip of the thermometer with a greasy baby cream or petroleum jelly for a more comfortable introduction.

Traditionally, the measurement is taken rectally (through anus), so you need to be prepared for the fact that the pet will most likely not like this procedure. Calm down during measurement four-legged friend, affectionately talk, stroke, and if the condition is not critical, then give something tasty.

You can enter a thermometer when the dog is in a standing position, or lying on its side. The second option is suitable for those dog owners who do not have experience in this matter. While the dog is lying, it is necessary for him to raise his tail and insert a thermometer a couple of centimeters.

Often, dogs are frightened of the upcoming manipulations, they begin to hide, especially if this is done to her for the first time. Therefore, it is worthwhile to ensure silence and tranquility during the measurement. When the thermometer is just introduced, it is imperative to hold the dog so that it does not twitch, break the thermometer and injure itself.

After the pet has endured everything, it is necessary to encourage him with a treat and praise him for his patience.

Immediately after the procedure, the thermometer must be washed with soap and disinfected with special means or regular alcohol. The same must be done with your own hands.

If there is a desire, then the puppy can be taught a team with which the dog will calmly go to the measurements - these can be the words “Treated!”, “Thermometer!”, “Go measure!”. Hearing this, the dog will calmly wait until the procedure is over, without interfering with the process.

Temperature is one of the main indicators of the well-being of both people and animals. His increase or decrease indicates that something is wrong with the pet.

What temperature is considered normal for a dog? How to measure it at home, and what to do if it is greatly reduced or increased?

The normal value for adults and small puppies is different. In dwarf breeds, it may be slightly increased, and this will not be considered a deviation. The temperature norm in dogs is presented in a table that contains averages for different age and size groups.

Body temperature in dogs is normal, if it is within the range indicated in the table. In addition, there are additional tolerances for different situations. Temperature in a dog: the norm may increase under stress (up to 0.3⁰С), on hot days, after intense training, during estrus. In bitches before childbirth, on the contrary, it decreases by 0.5-2⁰С.

Important! Such changes do not indicate the presence of disease or ailment.

There is an opinion that the temperature can be determined by the nose, but this is a delusion. Sometimes when the heat is hot, the ears and groin become hot to the touch, but you cannot rely on these signs alone.

How to measure the temperature of a dog at home?

To take a measurement use a thermometer (mercury gives more accurate readings, but electronic shows the result faster). It is administered rectally (into the dog's anus). Here is an algorithm for how to measure the temperature of a dog correctly:

  1. Calm your pet, lay him on his side, stroke his stomach. The dog must relax.
  2. The tip of the thermometer is lubricated with a greasy ointment (children's cream is usually used for this purpose).
  3. The tail of the animal is raised, the thermometer is slowly inserted into the rectum (2-2.5 cm for large individuals, 1-1.5 cm for small ones).
  4. While the measurement is in progress, talk to your pet, stroke it, treat it to your favorite treat.
  5. After the end of the measurement (5 minutes for mercury thermometers, 30-40 seconds - for electronic) carefully remove the thermometer, praise the animal, write down the data. Wash the thermometer and hands with warm soapy water, if necessary, disinfect with an alcohol solution.

Thanks to this algorithm, you can easily find out the status of your pet. Handle the dog gently and calmly, do not scare it.

Attention! The pet should know that measuring with a thermometer is a simple and painless procedure.

What should I do if my pet has a fever or chills?

How to bring down the temperature?

If the indicator value is very high (above 40⁰С), best solution will take the pet to the veterinary clinic. This indicator is especially dangerous for babies, since in their body metabolic processes flow much faster.

What should I do if my dog ​​has a fever but veterinarian help is not available? If your pet has a high fever, follow these guidelines:

  • wet ears, groin and paw pads with cold water;
  • you can put a wet towel on your head;
  • move the dog to a cool place (on the tiles in the bathroom, on the balcony, etc.);
  • give your pet cold fresh water to drink;
  • mix three drugs in a syringe: No-Shpu, Analgin and Dimedrol (check the dosage with the doctor by phone, it is calculated by the weight of the animal) and inject this mixture into the dog intramuscularly.

How to bring down the temperature in a dog and avoid severe dehydration? To do this, use a syringe to inject saline solution under the skin at the withers (up to 50 ml for small dogs, up to 200 ml for large dogs).

If a measures taken will not be enough, try to call a specialist at home or take the pet to a veterinary clinic. A high score is a sign of an illness, it can be a symptom, or

Important! If you notice other symptoms ( liquid stool, change in color or smell of urine, poor appetite, trembling in the body, etc.), be sure to tell your veterinarian about them.

How to raise the temperature?

If the indicator drops below 37-35⁰С, the pet needs to be warmed up. To do this, wrap the dog in a shawl or a warm woolen blanket, put a heating pad or a bottle of water against his back and stomach. hot water(be sure to wrap it in a towel). An indicator of 32-28⁰С is considered critical (in this case, the pet should be immediately taken to the clinic).

Temperature is an important indicator with which you can recognize the beginning in time. But not always its increase indicates the presence of an ailment.

Attention! If your pet has a high fever or hypothermia, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Additionally, check out the video on what temperature the dog should have and how to measure it: