If your period started on the 4th. Menstrual signs that differ from life circumstances and the start date of the cycle

We all know perfectly well what fortune-telling is. Not everyone really understands what it is eaten with and how it works. But, thanks to various useful articles located on the worldwide web, you can always learn a little more and expand your horizons.

Girls believe in the mysteries of life, which means that learning a little more about them will be a good incentive for them.

Divination is of two types:

  • serious - types of fortune-telling with a large number of people;
  • frivolous, in which almost no one believes.

But this does not mean that they sometimes do not give the result you need.

Fortune telling by menstruation just refers to the second selection criterion. It is rarely practiced and in everyday life almost no one has heard of it.

Basically, everyone is engaged in Tarot cards, tea, runes or coffee. There is still, of course, a narrow layer of people who practice other methods. There are also those who are serious about this species divination.

Fortune telling by menstruation for a woman is an important and necessary process. How else can you know exactly what is ahead of you? And here the result will be approximately accurate. More precisely, than fortune-telling by coffee grounds.

It originated a long time ago, even during the time of the Old Believers. True, then the term itself did not exist, because in Rus' they did not particularly believe in fortune telling. Only when paganism faded into the background and Christianity appeared, did the ancestral culture begin to be presented with a touch of mystery.

Despite the time of year and technological progress, fortune-telling by menstruation is still relevant.

Fortune telling by month is divided into two options:

  • the first is the calculation that is used a large number of women;
  • the second is somewhat similar to coffee grounds. The method itself is somewhat strange, but, nevertheless, it also has a place to be.

Many women do not quite understand how their periods are related to predicting the future - but fortune-telling, based on pure specifics, gives an answer to this question.

Divination by time of day

You need to keep track of exactly when you started critical days. It is problematic to guess on menstruation in a different way.

We inform you in advance that each person will formulate a personal, truthful attitude to this kind of leisure. Our task is to show and tell a little more. Believe it or not.

  • If the menstrual cycle began in the morning - excellent. Everything will be fine in your life and even your body will help you in the future.
  • If they started in the afternoon, then this is just as good, but you should be afraid for the next month. In it, you will have both joys and defeats that you cannot undo in any way. The month will be filled with events pouring over the edge.
  • If your period started in the evening, you should probably feel sorry for yourself. A lot of women with a similar beginning menstrual cycle face a lot of problems that attack them this month.
  • If you caught the first discharge at night, hold on. Your future can be safely crossed out, and if, under the pressure of a wild flurry of urgent matters, you can resist and survive, then you can say that you have reached a new level of confrontation with fate.

So, as soon as you experience your period, remember when it started. You definitely won’t be able to find out your fate by one criterion, but on the other hand, you will start your own counting path and you will have the first segment with valuable information.

Divination by days of the week

Guessing by the days of the week is also possible and very useful for you. The meaning of the day plays a huge role. The day is counted immediately from the beginning of the day, so it is already important to look at the clock, and then at the calendar.

  • If it all started on Monday, you will meet your love. If you are already in a relationship with your loved one, expect big changes in a positive way.
  • If on Tuesday - there will be no place for love, but there will be interesting changes at work.
  • If your period started on Wednesday, from this month you will discover the fantastic world of travel. It's impossible to say exactly where. Or to local places where you have never been. Or perhaps to distant lands.
  • If the start of the monthly discharge fell on Thursday, try not to contact strangers. Perhaps they will try to get you either in a moral or in a physical sense.
  • On Friday, do not scatter with loved ones, they will really need you. They won't be able to do it without your support.
  • On Saturday, forget about visiting public places. If your period started on this very day, remember: there are a huge number of chances that the environment will try to get you with tenacious hands. Houses are much calmer, because the range of irritants and dangers is less in quantitative terms.
  • On Sunday, the choices you make at any given moment of the day will completely change your world. Whether this will lead to a change in life for the better or not is difficult to know in advance.

Influence of the days of the month

Basically, there is also fortune-telling by the days of a particular month, or rather, by its periods. The month itself is divided into four weeks and, depending on when the critical days began, you get the last piece of data.

So, regardless of your desire, the prediction works as it sees fit.

  • If the time of menstruation coincided with the first week of the month, expect good news.
  • If with the second - you will enjoy a pleasant moment, but it will not last very long.
  • With the third - you will stop traveling. It will be work related. You may have to reschedule an important meeting - in any case, you will have to stay at home.
  • If menstruation starts in the fourth week - given fact portends a large cash bonus in your personal wallet.

It is important to remember: fortune-telling by menstruation is not fortune-telling for love. Fortune telling and getting the result you need right away will not work. You may also be dissatisfied with the events that will take place. But, the fact that they will happen - be sure. Everything always comes true, no matter how much you would like the opposite.

Signs for the monthly starts of your critical days fully reflect how you will feel in the near future.

If the cycle began at night, then you are being cleansed under the sign of the Moon. As the Chinese masters of Shao-lin believed, the cleansing of the body occurs under the influence of the Moon, the faithful patroness of the female.

Many do not take signs seriously, considering them nonsense. Although many of the thoughts of the ancients are already being confirmed by medicine, so not believing them is a strange occupation.

It is considered a sin for a woman with menstruation to enter a church - with your imperfection, you show the Lord disgust for his holy face.

During the menstrual cycle, it is considered unacceptable to bathe in water. You can infect the reservoir with negative energy that leaves your body during the cleansing period.

Fortune telling with the help of menstruation on a loved one

There are other ways to guess by menstruation. feature this method divination by the menstrual cycle is its narrow direction.

Instead of digging into dates and numbers and comparing them to each other, you can safely set yourself one goal and follow it.

  • If the cycle starts on Monday, your loved one will be strong on the rise, ready to fulfill any idea.
  • If on Tuesday - you will love a grumbler. But, with you, he will be very sensitive and gentle.
  • If on Wednesday - a stranger will give you a surprise that you will not be able to forget for a long time.
  • If on Thursday - your fiance promises you strong feeling which, unfortunately, cannot be fulfilled.
  • If the cycle starts on Friday, you will find yourself in a delicate position from which the man of your dreams will save you.
  • If on Saturday - you will disgrace yourself with a random man. You will be very ashamed, but, after, a spark will run between you.
  • If on Sunday, you will find yourself at a fun event where you can talk with a smart guy.

Fortune telling with the help of menstruation for the fulfillment of a desire

The second use of divination by menstruation is divination by desires. As in the previous examples, we are talking only about the next month and there is simply no talk of any other.

  • If your period started on Monday, then what you wished for will definitely come true.
  • If on Tuesday, it will come true, but you will be very unhappy with the result.
  • If on Wednesday, you will find out a certain number of reasons why your wish will not come true. Their number portends the receipt of new options for solving the complications that have arisen, but it is up to you to work with them or not.
  • If on Thursday, you will face a complete failure. After it, you will never want to deal with this desire again.
  • Friday - your secret dream will come true only half. The rest you will have to do with increased attention to detail.
  • Saturday - you will never achieve your goal. Desire will have to be forgotten forever.
  • On Sunday - you will not be able to reach the desired heights, but very quickly you will understand why and where you stumbled.

In ancient times, women could always know their future for the next month in advance. They could know in advance whether they would experience happiness or face difficulties or problems. In those days, there was a belief that such women were witches. But that's just not the case. They simply knew how to pay attention to all life situations, and could accurately interpret all the signs of menstruation.

Rules for the interpretation of women's days

Many people think that menstruation signs are a stupid waste of time that will never lead to desired result. But, there are cases when all these predictions really helped to find out your future. If you decide to analyze the future for the coming month, you must consider a few basic requirements.

  1. All signs and predictions can be interpreted, and knowledge about the future can be obtained only for the next month. No more.
  2. The knowledge that you have received should be kept to yourself and not told to anyone about it.

Values ​​by day of the week

Menstruation may vary. But, most often, those signs are used for the days of the week, which depend not only on the time of day or date. You should also pay attention to what day of the week menstruation began.

  1. If it started on Monday, then you should prepare for unpleasant events. You will soon experience many disappointments and restless days, but you should not immediately panic. Allocations on Monday say that you can easily overcome all troubles and find a white streak in life. All you have to do is listen to your intuition.
  2. If menstruation began on Tuesday, then a white streak has come in your life. You will be lucky in everything, no matter what you undertake. Therefore, you can safely change your life as you have long wished. You will be lucky not only in meeting the “right” people. Even projects at work will end in success.
  3. Folk signs on menstruation say that the onset of menstruation on Wednesday does not bode well. If your plans were to start an important business, then it is better not to rush into its implementation. To begin with, you should turn to intuition, and only then make important decisions.
  4. Menstruation, which began on Thursday, promises fun gatherings. It is possible that long-awaited guests will come to you, or you are destined to visit one of your relatives or friends. Also, allocations on Thursday will tell about a successful project at work.
  5. Signs about menstruation say that menstruation begins on Friday, if a large number of unexpected twists of fate await you. It's just that no one can full confidence say whether Friday's highlights will be good or bad. You should pay attention to the signs around you, which can fully reveal all the cards.
  6. But Saturday is considered an ideal day, according to folk signs for menstruation. This means that pleasant surprises await you in the love sphere. Personal life will improve soon. And, if you still make a wish, then it will definitely come true.
  7. The beginning of menstruation on Sunday promises good news. But there is no prediction about which area of ​​your life your period on Sunday will touch.

Interpretation by time of day

Ideally, if the beginning of the menstrual cycle happened before 11 am. This means not only pleasant joyful emotions. Such an event promises pleasant meetings, perhaps even a new love in life.

Signs about menstruation indicate that the critical days, which began from lunch to 17 pm, do not promise anything special. This means that your life will not change in any way and will proceed as it did in the previous month. In this case, one should listen to the inner voice so as not to cause difficulties to oneself.

If the menstruation began from 17:00 to 00:00, then a boring period in life awaits you, which will only bring despondency. All unpleasant thoughts will overtake you abruptly, for no apparent reason.

But if the critical days began at night, then you should prepare for the bad news. This prediction will bring you problems at work or parting with your beloved man. But, all these troubles will not annoy you for too long. You just have to be patient for a few weeks and everything will be as it was before.

Signs say that if menstruation began earlier, then fate helps you adjust certain circumstances to the right time.

Interpretation of superstition according to the calendar

Signs about menstruation are also associated with calendar days. It is important to pay attention to the exact calendar day on which menstruation occurred.

  • Numbers 1-2 indicate that only pleasant surprises await you. This means that nothing bad can happen.
  • 3-6 numbers tell about problems with loved ones. Not only an unpleasant conversation awaits you, but also a large number of gossip. You should be prepared for the fact that your image will suffer a little.
  • 4-5 numbers promise have a good time. This means that a woman is destined to take a break from work or family soon.
  • Number 7-8 speak of quarrels with a beloved man, so you should control your behavior so as not to cause a storm of jealousy.
  • 9-12 numbers do not promise anything bad. Your life will flow in the same stream as before.
  • 13-18 numbers can be interpreted as bad days. A woman has a lot to experience negative emotions. They may be related to problems in the family or portend a quarrel with a loved one.
  • 18-25 numbers may indicate to the girl that she is surrounded by traitors. You should pay attention to who is nearby and analyze their behavior. It is possible that someone close to her will soon betray her.
  • If the beginning of menstruation fell on the 26-28th, then the girl will have to experience a large number of unpleasant emotions. But, fortunately, she will be able to cope with them.
  • 29-31 numbers promise pleasant meetings with good people. It is possible that a new acquaintance will play a major role in the marital status or career growth of a woman.

Monthly signs are advised to pay attention to the lunar calendar. The only problem is that such superstitions are not always completely open to interpretation. In most cases, they do not give a 100% guarantee of one or another prediction.

Started on the New Year

It is important to carefully monitor on what holiday you have the first bleeding. This will allow you to find out what exactly is in store for you by higher powers, and what to expect in the future. Signs associated with the onset of menstruation before the New Year say that a woman's life will acquire new bright colors and she will be able to experience true happiness.

It is believed that menstruation new year's eve only talk about good things. Popular superstitions they say that blood discharge can completely cleanse the body of black energy.

If your critical days began on this day, then you are destined to start next year from scratch. Higher powers let you know that you can completely change your life and start living by your own rules.

But if they only begin on December 31, then good news awaits the woman. Perhaps she will get married or she will have to go through pregnancy and the birth of a long-awaited child. especially auspicious sign if start women's days fell on December 31, immediately after a delay of several days.

Started at Christmas and Easter

If menstruation appeared on Christmas, then higher power decided to help you get rid of all sins and start new life. This is a sign that you should reconsider your attitude to life. You may not be living your life the way you were meant to.

And here bloody issues at Easter they say that women Health will get much better. If the menstruation went earlier and fell on Easter day, then the situation with the opposite sex will improve.

What Not to Do

There are superstitions that will tell you what not to do during critical days. Our ancestors were convinced that a girl or woman with menstruation should not be allowed to do household chores. For example, she cannot do anything in the garden or in the kitchen. Otherwise, there will be no harvest and the food will turn out tasteless. You can not preserve food, otherwise all the banks will start to explode. Also, she should not pick fruit on the tree, because it will dry out after that.

The menstrual cycle is not just critical days for a woman. They can open their eyes to what no one paid attention to before. Menstruation is the perfect moment to know your future and prepare for important events.

IN folk wisdom there are a lot of all kinds of signs that can be associated with the most ordinary life conditions.

Even sneezing and scratching some part of the body necessarily means something. Girls have a lot of signs and beliefs connected with critical days . Every month they delight with their appearance, and every month they can reveal something new to you.

Popular signs associated with menstruation

The number of folk signs and beliefs associated specifically with menstruation is simply huge. So, it was previously believed that a girl whose critical days began early, in the future may become a mother of many children.

Another superstition says that if a girl has her first period, then her mother or other female relative should slap her. It must be a woman who this moment critical days do not go.

It was believed that this way you can save the girl from all further problems associated with menstruation - abdominal pain, weakness, fainting.

It was also believed that a woman during menstruation should not look at naked people, otherwise the bodies of the latter will suffer from a rash. You can not visit places where you need to undress. Although this sign has a completely logical justification related to hygiene.

Since a woman who had her period was considered unclean in the old days, she was usually not allowed to any homework. So, it was impossible even to approach the place where some dish or drink is being prepared, since it was believed that everything would be spoiled.

Some signs associated with critical days are frankly frightening. So, it was believed that a woman who sprinkles the entrance to her house with menstrual blood through a broom or a bunch of hay, thereby providing the most reliable protection from the evil eye, spoilage and simply negative impact from those who enter your house. Another sign advised to sprinkle domestic animals with the same liquid. It was believed that in this case they would be protected from death as a result of the evil eye.

A lot of superstitions were associated with the "bloody" period in ancient times. And the old witches often made numerous spells and corruption. It is not known for certain whether they acted, as well as signs, but, of course, in our time we will not repeat these frightening rituals. As for signs, then if they are positive, why not believe in them?

Monthly by day of the week

It is believed that the day of the week on which the beginning of menstruation fell is a harbinger of what will await you in the coming month. So:

  • Monday is considered a difficult day among the people too, because it is believed that the critical days that began on this day can bring you a series of troubles. But these worries will not always wear negative character. Perhaps the chores will just be pleasant. For example, preparing for a holiday.
  • Tuesday symbolizes the upcoming changes. If menstruation began on the second day of the week, then the next month will be a great time to make serious decisions a reality.
  • Not too much a good sign Menstruation is considered to have begun on Wednesday. They portend trouble. It is worth being careful not to trust too much those whom you do not know well.
  • critical days in Thursday talking about what to you guests will come. And, perhaps, you yourself will become a guest with someone. But the nature of the meeting will already depend solely on you.
  • Girl who got her period at Friday, can prepare for the news. The sign does not say whether they will be good or bad. Well, it remains only to wait.
  • A good day to start critical days is Saturday. It tells you that everything you wish for will come true. The main thing is to sincerely believe in it.
  • IN Sunday is waiting for you fun and joy. In the coming month, your mood will be wonderful, and nothing can spoil it.

What time of day did your period start?

Some signs are also associated with the time of day of the onset of menstruation. Here is what folk experts say about this:

  • If bleeding starts early morning They promise you pure and sincere love. It can be love not only for a man, but also for a child, family members, good friends. Be that as it may, you are provided with good and reverent relations with those whom you consider your family.
  • If menses started from 10 am to 5 pm, the sign promises that the next month will be joyful and pleasant. During it, you will forget about what sadness is.
  • If you have the beginning of menstruation fell on evening time, then the sign promises you tears and longing. Moreover, people say that the later they begin, the worse the coming month will be.
  • It is believed that if menstruation began at night, it's a sign forthcoming separation. You must be prepared to spend some time alone.

Divination by the number of the beginning

Even the number on which your critical days began, in accordance with the signs, says a lot.

  • 1. If your period started on the first day of the month oh, that's a sign promises you happiness throughout the next period.
  • 2. The second number is not so pleasant. It portends that this month you will learn what contempt is and will experience it for the next thirty days. It is worth being a little colder in your manifestations of emotions, otherwise a serious conflict is possible.
  • 3. A period is expected on this date quarrels and conflicts. You need to try to do everything to avoid them, or at least reduce them.
  • 4. If your critical days began on the fourth, the next month will be very fun and happy.
  • 5. Coming soon nice gifts. And for sure they will be unexpected.
  • 6. Sixth number says that you are mired in rumors and gossip. It is only important not to take them too close to heart, because envious people have always been and will be.
  • 7. Seven - lucky number . Therefore, the beginning of menstruation during this period is a harbinger of sincere and pure love. It may be a feeling for a lifetime, so try to keep it.
  • 8. If you are jealous, try to control yourself, otherwise the consequences can be terrible.
  • 9. Beginning of the cycle on the ninth day warns you to keep calm. Troubles are possible in the near future, and if you do not panic, you can overcome them with dignity.
  • 10. Tenth number says that love is soon possible. And not necessarily new. Perhaps you will fall in love with your boyfriend or husband with renewed vigor.
  • 11. This number indicates that in your second half you can be sure. At any moment this person will set you up secure shoulder, because his devotion towards you is boundless.
  • 12. Life promises that you will be fascinated by some person.. It can be new in your life or someone you already know. But for sure it will only be a temporary hobby.
  • 13. Thirteenth number in accordance with popular beliefs says that in the near future will be very unfortunate. But don't worry. Such a period will soon be replaced by a white stripe.
  • 14. Expected good news , which you will be very pleased to receive.
  • 15. But the fifteenth number is the opposite of the fourteenth. It just promises bad news.
  • 16. This date indicates that in the coming month your tongue will be your enemy.. It is worth holding back your desire to gossip a little and comment on your opinion about what is happening.
  • 17. Waiting for you separation from a person who is very dear to you. But don't worry, because it will most likely be short-lived.
  • 18. Soon you should fall in love. Only you yourself can understand whether your feeling will be real.
  • 19. If the beginning of menstruation fell on the nineteenth day, then do not doubt that soon you will be swallowed up by happy and mutual love.
  • 20. But the twentieth number is popularly associated with unrequited love. Dealing with it will be quite difficult, but you will have to do it.
  • 21. This number warns you that vigilance will not interfere with you soon.. Deception is possible from where you do not expect it, so be ready.
  • 22. The beginning of menstruation on the twenty-second number promises you financial success.. It can be a serious bonus or even winning the lottery.
  • 23. This number promises you happiness in all areas, which will accompany you for a month.
  • 24. And in this case, you should be ready for the arrival of guests at any time, and those that you did not expect to see on your doorstep.
  • 25. The twenty-fifth number speaks of new pleasant acquaintances.. Soon you will have to expand your social circle.
  • 26. Soon you will need help. But you can be sure that if necessary, you will receive it. If you need to be pitied, be sure that someone will do it.
  • 27. Twenty-seventh number promises you the fulfillment of all your desires.
  • 28. And in this case, a popular sign says that your whole life will seem exceptionally prosperous to those around you.
  • 29. Something soon may upset you even to tears.
  • 30. The thirtieth number promises mutual passion which will delight you for at least the next month.
  • 31. The beginning of menstruation on the last day month indicates that soon something awaits you that you did not expect. By the way, it could be long road to which to go.

On your birthday

Many people perceive as a sign the beginning of menstruation, which coincided with their birthday. Someone thinks it the happiest sign, someone, on the contrary, a harbinger of the fact that the whole year will be too unhappy.

For some, this is a reason to abandon the celebration altogether. In fact, among popular beliefs there is no sign associated with menstruation for a birthday. More attention folk sages give the date, number and time of day of the beginning of this feminine phenomenon.

What can not be done these days?

In the old days, there were many signs about what a woman should not do during menstruation. Almost all of them were based on the fact that during the period of menstruation a woman is unclean before God, and one or another of her actions can provoke great trouble.

So, during the period of menstruation, a woman should not go to church, since this state and Faith did not combine in any way, according to folk healers. It was also forbidden to cook and make homework. Probably, many women are not averse to taking advantage of this sign today.

You can not plant a crop and harvest it, because in the future this will cause its complete absence. Some signs are even scary. So, if a woman's menstruation coincided with the full moon, she considered a witch, and she was forbidden to look at both people and livestock.

To believe or not to believe in omens - everyone's private matter. But do not forget about more serious things that you should not do on critical days, namely, swim in open water, do hard physical work, get cold and overheat. All this can also Negative consequences, but they will relate directly to your health.

A person is always drawn to the unknown, he wants to know the future, to look beyond the veil of tomorrow. And this interest is typical not only for our contemporaries - people of the information age, when new knowledge allows us to be ready for intense life situations. The future has always interested humanity, that's why they were created folk omens, fortune-telling on cards, on the behavior of animals, there is even fortune-telling by menstruation.

And it is not surprising that such an intimate action as menstruation was elevated to the rank of fortune tellers. It is difficult to say when the next critical days will begin. menstrual cycle. Today, doctors write off the dependence of the beginning of monthly discharge on the lunar calendar, the health status of girls, diet and working conditions. But it is also difficult to refute a certain mystical component of the menstrual cycle, because the regulars do not always last 5 days and are repeated every 28, some see this as the providence of higher powers that can help predict the future. Several methods of divination for menstruation have been developed, and their veracity can only be proven by time.

Like any other mystical process, divination by menstruation is shrouded in a certain superstition. Before proceeding to designate their future using any of the chosen methods, a woman or girl should familiarize herself with the rules of divination so as not to violate the purity of the process.

Monthly divination table

True fortune-telling by menstruation is possible if the fortune-teller observes such canons:

  • The resulting prediction is valid for only a month, or to be more precise, until the next cycle, which levels out the previous statements.
  • Is it possible to guess during menstruation? It is possible, but only on the first day of the start of menstruation.
  • For one rhythmic cycle, you can guess only once.
  • For more complete knowledge you can combine two options for divination or even more.
  • If monthly fortune-telling led to a favorable result, then the girl should be silent about it until the very moment the prediction is fully fulfilled.

How true fortune-telling, only time can show. But all the reservations to divination draw attention to the fact that fortune-telling is true if the girl herself believes in those 2 options or her own mix of fortune-tellers that she uses. Internal confidence in the truthfulness and correctness of the actions taken guarantees the accuracy of predictions.

It is noteworthy that not only Slavic girls tried to predict fate in this way, but also girls from all over the world. To date, fortune-tellers for menstruation in Feng Shui and folk signs from other regions have reached us. Girls share all sorts of proven predictions with the help of the worldwide network and even guess online.

Cycle and numerology

The menstrual cycle is credited with a close relationship with numbers. Indeed, each woman has an individual calendar, according to which it is possible to predict the next ovulation, and bleeding, active phases and calm ones. Science explains this behavior as hormonal regulation, and ancestors saw a close relationship when a woman is influenced lunar days and higher powers. Depending on the date of this very lunar day, you can predict what the coming month will be like for a woman.

On knowledge of the influence of the moon on a woman, ways were developed to tell fortunes by date. This method is quite simple - remember the date of the first day of blood smearing, and find the value of its number in the table. Please note that for ease of understanding, fortune-telling is scheduled for 31 calendar days, it is important to choose the exact start day, no matter how many days this month are 31, 30 or even 28.

  1. leader number. The beginning of menstruation this day promises success in all endeavors.
  2. control yourself, your squeamishness can offend someone.
  3. scandals are possible, be prepared for not very pleasant discoveries in relation to your loved ones.
  4. Dreams Come True.
  5. pleasant surprises or gifts await you.
  6. there is a high probability of disappointment in loved ones.
  7. the secret will become clear, you can find out about the hidden sympathy in your direction.
  8. bouts of unreasonable jealousy are possible.
  9. be vigilant and collected, your thoughtlessness can offend loved ones.
  10. enjoy life and share happiness with your family.
  11. be careful, someone is plotting against you.
  12. you will be surrounded by temptations.
  13. control yourself, your emotions can hurt.
  14. Be careful, they are trying to scam you.
  15. promises an improvement in material affairs.
  16. wait for the guests.
  17. dream big, because in this cycle all dreams will come true.
  18. possible sad events around.
  19. disappointment that will bring only joy in the future.
  20. take a closer look at your friends, maybe not everyone is so open and glad to see you.
  21. major changes in your life.
  22. be prepared for petty squabbles at work.
  23. your merits will finally be appreciated.
  24. there will be betrayal in your life. Moreover, not only you can be betrayed, but you can also change.
  25. plans are not destined to come true.
  26. achieving success in business.
  27. financial success.
  28. be careful, someone will covet your money.
  29. the events that surround you defy logic. Do not worry about this, loved ones will always support you.
  30. something wonderful is about to happen - a marriage, an anniversary, a surprise.
  31. forget past grievances, only the best awaits you.

This version of fortune-telling by numbers is quite simple and popular, but different sources represent different interpretations those numbers when menstruation began. That is why it is recommended to use a combination of several divinations.

As the second leading value for divination, they take the day of the week when the first selections begin to flow.

  • Monday - the beginning of something new awaits you, perhaps a surprise. In any case, you have to worry a little.
  • Tuesday - a pleasant meeting or a new acquaintance, be prepared for surprises.
  • Wednesday - serious changes in life are expected, for the better or not - time will tell.
  • Thursday - you will be invited to visit, there may be troubles that you can get rid of with humor.
  • Friday - be attentive to your own health, it can let you down at an important moment.
  • Saturday - a fortune teller is expected pleasant surprises, love adventures.
  • Sunday - you will be able to have a good rest in the company of friends, together with the guests happiness and fun will come.

By combining predictions by numbers and fortune-telling by monthly 2 options, we get a more complete picture. The information obtained in this way may or may not be encouraging, but in any case, it provides an opportunity to prepare for upcoming events.

Divination for love

Of course, every girl is concerned about the question of whether she will marry. Our distant great-grandmothers found the answer to it by conducting fortune-telling by menstruation for love. As already noted, this type of divination carries information only for the period of a given menstrual cycle, that is, long-term prospects are not displayed, but at the same time, the beginning of menstruation, fortune-telling from it will tell you what to expect on the love front.

In order to look into the future, you need to pay attention to the time of the first discharge per day:

  • 00:00 - 08:00 - somewhere there is a fan who secretly "dries" for you.
  • 08:00 - 12:00 - sweet dreams and romantic dates are ahead.
  • 12:00 - 15:00 - your loved one will be with you, a love idyll is finally coming.
  • 15:00 - 18:00 - pleasant surprises and gifts from a loved one.
  • 18:00 - 24:00 - quarrels or mutual insults are possible.

Such divination, as a rule, is combined with divination by day. A huge number of contemporaries are ready to use proven and safe ways to determine their future. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to change the negative results, but girls and women will be able to prepare for them.

Chinese divination

The girls of the East also looked for ways to know their future, and learned to read it by when the first blood smearing occurs. Before revealing the secret of divination, we note that in China it is believed that during the period of menstruation a woman is cleansed of all negativity, the Universe helps her in this. Exactly Great Universe decides when the moment of cleansing will begin. The energy of the day is connected with the energy of the female element, which determines its further direction during the cycle.

Before you start fortune-telling by monthly feng shui, you need to decide on your element. It depends on the month of your birth.

So, fish, crayfish and scorpions in the zodiac belong to the elements of water; Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - to the element of fire; the elements of earth are Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus; and finally, the element of air - Gemini, Aquarius, Libra.

Please note that the energy of the day of the week and the elements of air give the same prediction as the energy of the day of the week and the elements of the earth.

  • Monday. Beginnings are waiting for the element of water, important news is coming. The element of fire - new acquaintances and changes in life; for earth and air - new pleasant acquaintances are coming.
  • Tuesday. For water - the implementation of plans, for fire - success in work; for air and earth - replenishment of the wallet.
  • Wednesday. Good luck accompanies water, love adventure awaits fire, and representatives of the elements of earth and air - a positive assessment of others.
  • Thursday. A bad day for all the elements - plans cannot be realized, there is no exact definition of the reasons for the failures.
  • Friday. Water and fire - be prepared for scandals. Earth and air - calm down, leave disappointments in the past.
  • Saturday. Water is an incredible luck in everything. Fire - activity and movement forward, that's your motto. Air and earth - serious passions can break out on the love front.
  • Sunday. Water and fire - relax, gain new strength, check your future after the next period. Earth and air - everything goes according to plan.

As you can see, even in the ancient East they knew whether it was possible to guess during menstruation, and they used the developed methods with pleasure.

Women's cycle and signs

Fortune telling by menstruation for a woman is easy and safe way know the future. But in the old days, critical days also imposed certain restrictions. For example, women were forbidden to swim in rivers and visit church churches, it was also impossible to cook food and do household chores, plant plants (according to you, the harvest will be bad).

If critical days began on the wedding day, then this promised a difficult fate for future children, so girls read special conspiracies before weddings. And if the first blood smearings began on the full moon, then the woman was considered a witch, she was forbidden to look at people and livestock in order to avoid the evil eye.

On the other side, menstrual blood revered as a guardian. If a fire started in a settlement, the “bloody girl” ran around the burning hut three times so that the fire would not spread to other houses. Also sprayed with secretions own house for protection from evil.

The most experienced witches in the settlements performed monthly fortune-telling according to the female lunar calendar. Regulus came to the growing moon - success in business, on the full moon - true female happiness awaits; on the falling moon - there will be disappointments and troubles. Older fortune-tellers also know that one cannot guess on 1, 12, 13, 14, 19, 23, 26, 29 lunar days. Since the information received these days is useless, does not correspond to reality.

Among the people, there are many signs associated with sleep, sneezing, scratching, and even yawning. Did you know that there are many superstitions regarding the onset of menstruation?

It would seem that a thing that happens every month is quite natural for a woman, but it also carries its own unusual semantic load, and definitely means something.

Signs for menstruation are simple - you need to know the designation of the day of the week, time of day and the specific date when menstruation began.

Let's try to interpret the signs for menstruation, depending on what time of day they started:

  • Morning means love. It can be anyone, husband, child, parents, just close people ... Strong relationships with relatives are guaranteed to you for the whole month.
  • The day brings joy. Thanks to the beginning of menstruation in the afternoon, the whole month you will not have to be sad.
  • The evening will bring despondency and boredom. And the later your period comes, the sadder your month will be.
  • The night means separation. Be prepared that in the near future you will have to be alone for some period.

Notes by day of the week

Now consider what day of the week menstruation began, and what they brought with them for the next month:

  • Monday- the day is hard, and it will bring you a lot of anxiety. But worries are not always sad, they can turn out to be just pleasant chores.
  • Tuesday lead to changes in life. The coming month is a great time for serious decisions and choices.
  • Start of period on Wednesday- expect trouble. Beware of unfamiliar people, do not be too gullible.
  • Thursday- wait for the guests. Or you yourself may be lucky enough to get a visit. But what these gatherings will be, pleasant communication or a negative meeting, depends only on you.
  • Friday- wait for news. Whether this will be good or bad news is unknown. Be patient and wait.
  • Saturday It's a great day to start your period. Your cherished dreams and desires will surely come true, you just need to believe.
  • Sunday bring you much joy and fun. You will spend the coming month in good mood and nothing can ruin it.

And even the date of menstruation plays a big role in your destiny for the whole month:

  1. The very first day of the month portends happiness throughout the entire menstrual cycle.
  2. Such a cold feeling like contempt will visit you this month and linger inside you for a long time. You are guaranteed to be treated with disdain.
  3. This number entails a quarrel and conflict situations. Try to avoid them or reduce their duration as much as possible.
  4. Expect happiness and fun, they will definitely visit you this month.
  5. Get ready to meet the donor and receive a nice gift from him, perhaps this will be a big and unexpected surprise for you.
  6. Rumors and gossip will surround you, try not to take everything to heart and do not get upset, people need to talk about something.
  7. This lucky number will bring you sincere and pure love. Try to keep this feeling in the future, perhaps this is your future, and not a short prediction for one month.
  8. Are you a jealous person? Then try not to give vent to feelings, and keep yourself in control.
  9. The calmer you behave, the less rapidly the period of the menstrual cycle will pass. The thing is that you are destined to face troubles in the near future, which you will undoubtedly be able to overcome.
  10. Love will visit you very soon. Or maybe it is your feelings for your own spouse that are exacerbated with renewed vigor? Everything can be.
  11. You can be sure of your lover, he will turn his shoulder to you at any moment. His devotion is boundless, soon you will understand this.
  12. You will simply be fascinated by one person. It is not known whether this person will be well known to you, but be prepared for the fact that this is just a temporary attraction.
  13. You cannot avoid suffering for several weeks. Do not be discouraged, the time for failure will fly by quickly.
  14. Great news will cheer you up, because it is always nice to receive good news.
  15. It is a pity that your critical days did not start the day before, since this number is the opposite of the previous date. Wait for bad news.
  16. There comes a time when you need to gossip less. Keep your comments to yourself, this month your tongue is your enemy.
  17. There is a separation from a person very dear to you. Don't panic, it won't be long.
  18. Love will visit you again. You need to understand whether this feeling will turn out to be true love.
  19. And with this figure, there can be no doubt, true love will overwhelm you, and you will find yourself in seventh heaven with happiness.
  20. Love comes and goes... Unrequited love will sadden you for a while. It's hard to deal with emotions, but you have to deal with it.
  21. Vigilance will not interfere with you during this period. Perhaps you will remain deceived, beware of tricksters.
  22. Your financial well-being is guaranteed. Perhaps they will give you a big bonus, or maybe it will be a good find, or a big win in the lottery.
  23. Happiness is your companion this month.
  24. You are happy unexpected guests? Just be always ready for their arrival, they will visit you soon.
  25. New acquaintances are always nice. One of these days you will expand your social circle.
  26. You need help and you will get it. Someone will take pity on you and give you the opportunity to cry into your vest, if necessary.
  27. Your dreams will come true! Fulfillment of desires promises you this number.
  28. You will have everything that characterizes your life favorably in the eyes of the people around you.
  29. Alas, something will upset you to tears.
  30. Mutual passion will delight you throughout the month.
  31. Something unexpected is waiting for you. Perhaps you will go on a trip or a long trip.

Only you decide whether to believe in folk signs, or not to take them seriously. In any case, you are the creators of your destiny, believe in the good, and good luck will accompany you.