Fruits with the highest amount of protein. Protein-rich foods - vegetables and fruits

Which ones are rich in protein, do you know? Usually the word "protein" conjures up images of meat. However, fruits and vegetables can also be good source squirrel. They have less saturated fat and more dietary fiber than in animal products.

Therefore, by eating fruits and vegetables, you lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes and some types of cancer.

In general, foods rich in protein plant origin, unlike foods containing animal proteins, have only some of the 9 essential amino acids. In this regard, they must be supplemented to ensure a complete protein intake.

Protein Rich Foods - List of Vegetables

Soy protein. Soy is the number one source of vegetable protein. It contains a complete set of essential amino acids, therefore it is considered a complete source of protein. 100 grams of soy (mature seeds) contains 8.47 g of protein. Soy products such as tofu contain slightly less protein at 7.40 grams of protein per 100 grams of product.

Beans. Contains a large number of squirrel. White beans and lentils (25.80 grams of protein per 100 grams of lentils) will provide your body with plenty of essential amino acids such as lysine and isoleucine. Pinto beans contain 22.6 grams of protein per 100 grams. In 100 grams of white beans, there are 6.70 g of protein, and in red, 5.60 g, respectively.

Broccoli. This vegetable is also high in protein. In broccoli, 34% of the dry matter is protein. Cauliflower, which is considered a cousin of broccoli, contains 27% protein. These are 2.82 and 1.98 grams of protein per 100 grams of product, respectively.

Spinach. Known for its nutritional value is a good source of protein (2.86 grams of protein per 100 grams of spinach). Cooked spinach is more valuable in protein than frozen or canned. Dried spinach has slightly more protein.

other vegetables. Corn and potatoes also have some protein. It must be remembered that an unpeeled potato with a skin has 2.5 times more protein than a peeled one. There is enough protein in the artichoke (3.27 g of protein per 100 g), although you need to spend more time cooking it.

Fruits containing protein

In general, fruits have less protein than vegetables and legumes. In melon, 11% of dry matter is protein, which is 2/3 less than in some vegetables. Fresh strawberries, respectively, about 7.5%, the navel of an orange has 7.2% protein. Watermelons and bananas, respectively, have 6.4 and 5.1 percent protein. Other fruits less than 5%.

In this article, we looked at fruits and vegetables that contain protein. We hope this information was useful and interesting to you.

Be sure to include a variety of fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Lots of fruit various vitamins which have a positive effect on our health and help strengthen the immune system. And which fruits contain the most protein, you can find out from this article.


To begin with, it’s worth talking a little about what the benefits of protein are for our body and why it is so important to eat foods rich in protein. If there is a protein deficiency in the body, then immunity will begin to decline, the human body will be weakened and will not be able to fight ailments.

In addition, the lack of this nutrient can lead to the fact that some internal organs. Hair loss also begins, nails become more brittle, the skin loses elasticity and firmness, and sometimes vision problems may occur. For these and many other reasons, protein is simply necessary for our body.

Everyone knows that meat, nuts and legumes contain a large amount of protein. But not everyone eats meat or nuts, and everyone has their own reason for doing so. But even vegetarians will not refuse fruits.

Leaders in the amount of protein in the composition

  • The leader among fruits in terms of protein content can rightfully be considered exotic fruit called guava. Its pulp contains more than 2.5 grams of protein. In addition, as part of this delicious fruit there are various antioxidants that help promote health and maintain beauty and youth. The fruit is great for boosting the immune system. Such a fruit should be consumed on its own or added to a fruit salad.

  • The next place can rightfully be given to such an exotic fruit, which is also called the "alligator pear". We are talking about avocado. This fruit is very high-calorie and nutritious, but at the same time helps to lose weight. overweight. In addition to healthy fats, avocados are high in protein. Moreover, the protein from this fruit is much easier to digest than protein, for example, from meat. On average, this fruit contains 2 grams of this substance per 100 grams of product. To eat fruit and get maximum benefit from it, it is recommended to add it to various vegetable salads or make it healthy drink smoothies.

  • Another exotic fruit that is the leader in protein content is passion fruit. The fruit itself is very rich in vitamins and has many positive properties. Plus, passion fruit contains 2 grams of protein per 100 grams of product. The exotic fruit can be eaten on its own, added to fruit salads, or made into smoothies.
  • Everyone's favorite banana also contain this important component in their pulp. 100 grams of product contains 1.1 grams of protein. Eating a banana, you not only satisfy the feeling of hunger, but also strengthen the body, saturating it with potassium and other useful substances. This fruit great for a quick snack, allowing you to saturate the body with many useful vitamins and substances. This fruit can be eaten on its own, or you can add it to cottage cheese, which also contains protein. It is quite possible to prepare a milkshake or add pieces of an exotic fruit to natural yogurt.

exotic fruits

  • Almost 2 grams of protein is found in kumquat e. This fruit also helps to strengthen the immune system and gives a boost of vigor and strength. This fruit is eaten on its own. It is important to note that all the benefits of the fruit are contained in its peel. Therefore, kumquats are simply washed thoroughly and eaten with the peel, only getting rid of the seeds.
  • In an exotic fruit called durian contains about 1.5 grams of this valuable substance per 100 g. The pulp of this fruit contains many vitamins and useful elements. The fruit perfectly satisfies hunger, strengthens the immune system and gives additional energy. Regular consumption of this exotic fruit helps to improve bowel function and is an excellent prophylactic against intestinal diseases. Despite the fact that durian does not contain much protein, eating the fruit has a positive effect on the beauty and health of hair and nails. It also helps to strengthen bone tissue and has a positive effect on the nervous system.

  • Slightly more than 1 gram of protein is found in kiwi. This fruit has one unique feature that should be mentioned separately. This fruit has special substances that help to easily and quickly digest the proteins that the body receives from dairy or meat products. For this reason, many athletes are so fond of this exotic fruit. Indeed, thanks to kiwi protein is much better absorbed in the body.
  • In the pulp of some varieties nectarine ov contains a large amount of protein. For example, there are varieties, 100 grams of which contain about 1.5 grams of this substance. Nectarines, unlike the usual peaches, are more fragrant and sweet. Such fruits can be consumed on their own, cooked from them a salad or some other dessert.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that some dried fruits contain a large amount of this beneficial substance. For example, these are dried apricots, prunes, raisins and dates. On average, they contain about 3 grams of protein per 100 grams of product. Also, some berries contain protein. These are redcurrant, blackberry and raspberry. In these fruits, it is approximately 1.5 grams. And in such popular fruits as apricots, peaches, apples, etc., the protein content is very low - an average of 0.5-0.9 g per 100 g of product.

About what herbal products rich in protein, see the next video.

What is the role of proteins in plants and which vegetables and plants are rich in proteins?

At the heart of all physiological processes occurring in a living organism, lies primarily in the exchange of proteins. In the human body, proteins account for 15-20% of the wet weight. The source of protein for humans are products of animal and vegetable origin.

Proteins make up the bulk of the cytoplasm and nucleus of plant and animal cells.. All enzymes are proteins, proteins are antibodies that provide immunity, many hormones, proteins are part of hemoglobin and blood plasma. Proteins are polymeric molecules, which include 20 different amino acids, some of which can be synthesized by the body (essential), and some must be supplied with food (essential).

The most important and most often deficient amino acids are lysine, tryptophan and methionine. Lysine in the human body is closely related to the processes of hematopoiesis, the synthesis of alkaloids. With its participation in the bones, calcium is accumulated.

Contains the most lysine in carrots, vegetable beans, spinach, cauliflower and kohlrabi.

Tryptophan is involved in the formation of hemoglobin and serum proteins necessary for the synthesis of vitamin PP. Tryptophan is found in large quantities in the protein of vegetable beans, green peas, and beets.

Methionine is necessary for the synthesis in the body of choline, adrenaline and other biologically active substances. Its deficiency leads to metabolic disorders, primarily lipids, and is the cause serious illnesses stomach and liver. Methionine is found in carrots, beets, white cabbage, cauliflower, radish, parsley.

Specific proteins are of great value Enzymes that play the role of catalysts in the process of digestion. Enzymes are stored only in fresh vegetables. In the process of drying, heat treatment and due to improper storage, enzymes are destroyed, so only fresh vegetables are the most beneficial for humans.

The activity of peroxidase can be used to judge the overall redox process in the body. This enzyme is present in most vegetables, cabbage, lettuce, radish, radish, and carrots are especially rich in it.

The greatest amount of amylase, accelerating the breakdown of starch found in vegetable beans, peas. Sucrose and raffinase stimulate the breakdown of disaccharides and regulate carbohydrate metabolism. Most of these enzymes are found in carrots and beets.

What vegetables have the most pectins?

Pectin substances are gelled intercellular substances, consisting of high molecular weight carbohydrates. AT digestive tract pectins are not digested and absorbed by the body, but are sorbents of toxic substances, help to reduce cholesterol in the blood. A large amount of pectin contains parsley (root crops), sweet pepper, eggplant, watermelon, carrots.

Meat slices should not be the only protein-rich item on your plate. Find out which vegetables provide what you need increased content squirrel.

No, it's not about sprinkling protein powder on greens or tossing legumes into a protein shake. double action. Believe it or not, there are veggies that can make their own part of a high-protein meal, and not just because they're paired with a medium-rare steak or grilled chicken.

We have prepared a list of eight vegetables that provide the most protein in your body.

Significantly richer in protein than any other bean, cooked soybeans contain about 14 g of protein per 100 g - the amount found in 75 g chicken meat. What's more, soybeans are one of only two complete plant proteins (quinoa is the other).

A serving of soybeans contains 17 g of carbohydrates and 15 g of fat, 58 percent of which are essential fatty acids. The insoluble fiber in soybeans promotes healthy digestion, while the unsaturated fats prevent the development of cardiovascular disease.

It is possible that edamame pods with high content squirrels occasionally ended up on your plate, or at least served with your sushi set at your favorite Japanese restaurant. But even if you didn't initially believe they were high in protein, don't let the small size fool you - these little pods pack a big punch of protein.

Edamame - soybeans harvested before full ripeness, boiled or steamed - contains 11 g of protein per 100 g. Add this to your main protein meal and you'll be on your way to the recommended 30g of protein per meal.

From beans to peas, any bean is a great source of plant-based protein. When it comes to legumes, lentils are one of the leaders. It has about 9g of protein when cooked per 100g, and at 230 calories per serving, it's great for those watching their calorie intake.

Lentils are also an excellent source of fiber and are high in vitamins and minerals, folic acid, thiamine, phosphorus, and iron. Lentils can be added to salads, soups, or even baked with meat-free protein pies.

Struggling to consume more protein without extra fat? Try a green vegetable that looks like a miniature tree! Although broccoli is often thought of simply as a side dish for beef or chicken, 100 grams of chopped broccoli alone contains 1.3 grams of protein. And unlike regular animal protein, 100g of green buds also provides 100 percent of your daily vitamin C and K requirements.

Broccoli is also an excellent source of folic acid, another important vitamin, which has been shown to reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.

100 grams of peas contain just over 4 grams of protein. It also acts as a source of vitamin A, C, thiamine, phosphorus and iron. In addition, significant amounts of vitamins and folic acid contained in peas help reduce the risk of heart disease.

A serving of peas also contains 5.5 g of fiber. Add these green babies to a salad, serve them with chicken breast, or add them to a hearty Primavera pasta for a high-carb day.

If you've ever trained for a competitive sport, you're probably already familiar with the possibilities of asparagus. In fact, those thin, green spears must have been frequent guest in your plate. In addition to useful diuretic properties - goodbye, fluid retention in the body and long live weight loss! - asparagus is considered an extremely protein-rich representative flora. In total, 100 g of shoots contain 2.4 g of protein.

Asparagus is also the number one source of vitamin K, as well as potassium and antioxidants.

After making a delicious pumpkin pie, you may be wondering what to do with the seeds. Toasted pumpkin seeds make a good alternative to chips, but did you know that 100g of seeds provides over 16g of protein, more than half the amount found in eggs?

In addition to being a real plant-protein bomb, pumpkin seeds are associated with a lower risk of stomach, breast, lung, and colon cancers. Pumpkin seeds are also rich in antioxidants that help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation.

Are you suffering from insomnia? Then take note that the L-tryptophan contained in pumpkin seeds effectively improves sleep.

Sauteed in butter with a mixed vegetable, garnishing a turkey and cheese sandwich, or adding a mouthwatering crunch to salads, mung beans are a great choice for an extra source of plant-based protein.

100 g of boiled mung beans contain 1.3 g of protein, as well as a number of other nutrients, such as lecithin, which lowers cholesterol, and zinc, a mineral that plays important role in optimizing physical performance.

Everyone knows that vegetables are good for health. Positive effect on the human body, such products have due to the presence in them valuable substances, people need. Useful elements are present in all vegetables. Here are just a set of these elements in each of them is different.

The body needs protein to maintain the structures and growth of cells in all organs. Its supplier is meat, dairy products, eggs, fish. However, you can get protein not only from food of animal origin.

Equally valuable to human body is the protein in vegetables. Vegetables rich in this substance do not contain fat, so when you eat them, you get fewer calories.

Vegetable protein is processed more easily than animal protein. In addition, along with it, healthy carbohydrates, with fiber, also enter the body. What vegetables contain protein? You will be surprised, but it can be found

Leaders in protein content:

  • . In addition to proteins, it also contains iron, vitamin A, and water-soluble fiber. Eating half a cup of this vegetable will give you 3.5 grams. squirrel.
  • . This product is 33% protein. Such a vegetable will help replenish the reserves of this substance, and even with regular use, it will protect the body from cancer.
  • Brussels sprouts. In one hundred grams of this product, approximately 4.8 grams. squirrel. This vegetable is dietary product.
  • . In addition to proteins, it contains many vitamins. This vegetable is considered a source of iron, it improves digestion and removes harmful substances from the body.
  • . It's not only delicious but also a nutritious product. Eating half a glass of its grains, your body will receive 2 grams of protein.
  • . It is rich not only in protein, but also folic acid, saponins and carotenoids.
  • . Mushroom proteins are very similar to those found in meat.

Fiber is found in vegetables in varying amounts. Most of all it is in sweet corn, avocado, spinach, asparagus, cabbage (especially Brussels sprouts), pumpkin, carrots, broccoli, potato peel, green beans, asparagus, green peas, fresh onions, boiled beets.

In smaller quantities, it is found in sweet peppers, celery, sweet potatoes, zucchini, and tomatoes.

For humans, carbohydrates are fuel. These complex organic compounds take part in many processes occurring in the body. However, not all of them are equally useful.

All carbohydrates are usually divided into simple and complex. Both are necessary for the body. That's just in the diet complex carbohydrates in quantity should significantly predominate over simple ones.

The most useful include the following:

  • all varieties of cabbage;
  • string beans;
  • leeks and onions;
  • bell pepper;
  • zucchini;
  • tomatoes;
  • spinach;
  • leaf salad;
  • broccoli;
  • fresh carrots;
  • asparagus;
  • radish;
  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes.

Naturally, vegetables can have different amounts of carbohydrates. Moreover, it can change during the processing of products. Least of all carbohydrates (up to 4.9 grams) in cucumbers, radishes, green onions, tomatoes, lettuce. A little more (up to 10 grams) in zucchini, cabbage, carrots, pumpkin. A moderate amount of carbohydrates (up to 20 grams) is found in beets and potatoes.

After entering the body, starch is broken down and converted into glucose molecules. This substance is then used as an energy source. starch in vegetables
usually present in small amounts. It is mainly deposited in grains and tubers.

Its content is high in potatoes. A significant amount of it has sweet corn, green bananas, green peas, a little less of this substance in other legumes.

Other starchy vegetables are root crops such as Jerusalem artichoke, beetroot, radish, sweet potato. In small quantities, it contains swede and squash, parsley and celery roots.