Gaidulyan cancer is the last. Andrey Gaidulyan, the star of the series "SashaTanya", defeated cancer. The turning point of the disease behind

Actor Andrei Gaidulyan, well known for his lead role in the comedy series SashaTanya, suffered from lymphoma. Now the celebrity is helping others to overcome the deadly disease for most - cancer.

On his Instagram page, the artist posted a post in which he asked for help for a resident of the city of Rostov-on-Don, Maria Lebedeva. She was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer.

Photo: Instagram @mariya.lebedeva.170476.8

The actor did not stand aside, and decided to help the young woman. Gaidulyan collected money for treatment.

“… please don’t pass by…”

The collection was closed on New Year's Eve 2017. Maria completed a course of chemotherapy. A week ago, she was in Germany, where she underwent a series of examinations. They showed a remission that is developing rapidly.

“With your and my help, the disease has receded. Masha is on the mend. I am insanely proud of you, ”the famous artist wrote in his microblog.

Maria in the comments thanked everyone for their participation, and noted that now Andrey Sergeevich is always present in her prayers.

Andrew dedicated his life to supporting cancer patients

Now Gaidulyan has a new ward - a young guy named Yevgeny. He was diagnosed with acute leukemia. The artist organized a fundraiser by posting a post on his Instagram page asking for help. Andrey noted that he would definitely get to know Evgeny personally, but for now he talked with the guy on Skype several times.

Help Evgeny, diagnosis: acute leukemia

The young man made a good impression on the star: "I would like us to become friends." Acute leukemia cure is difficult, but possible. Gaidulyan is sure that after joint efforts the disease will recede, and Eugene will be able to return to a full life.

Andrei was born in Moldova on April 12, 1984. Gaidulyan's parents are not related to creativity. The father is a retired colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who later became the founder of his own clothing business together with his beloved wife.

From childhood, Andrei knew that you need to live for your own pleasure. It was difficult to catch him teaching boring subjects, but the boy participated in KVN at school with particular pleasure.

Plus, he attended a theater studio under the direction of S. Tiraninov, Honored Artist of Moldova. Everyone said that the boy has a lot of chances to become famous all over the world as a wonderful actor.


After completing his studies in high school, Andrei was sure that he had every opportunity to conquer the capital of Russia and become an artist. Parents did not want their son to be an actor, dreaming that he would head their business, but Gaidulyan Jr. was able to defend his position.

Soon, Andrei tried to enter the Shchukin School and the Russian Academy of Theater Arts, only the arrogant and self-confident guy experienced failure.

Andrey's self-confidence collapsed, but to great happiness, he was enrolled to study at the Institute of Contemporary Art, where Andrei began to study at the acting department.

Down to earth with a cruel reality, Gaidulyan did his best to prove to the teachers that he had not entered the institute by accident. Great support was provided to Andrei by his parents, who helped him pay for an apartment in the capital.

The actor admits that he would not have been 100 percent able to live without their help, because he had no personal money at all. All this could have ended with a return home.

In 2006, the actor received a diploma. In the same year, he began working at the Glas Theater.

Personal life

As a student, Andrei met with a girl from his course, Rimma, then they worked together in the theater. The couple broke up, but it became known that the girl was pregnant from Andrei.

The boys decided to get married, a boy named Fedor was born, but the child could not save the relationship of the spouses. Now Gaidulyan is providing financial assistance son.

After breaking up with Rimma in 2011, Andrei met Diana Ochilova. The girl grew up in Tashkent, but after school she came to study in the capital of Russia.

Andrei was captivated by a new acquaintance with her thriftiness, and her culinary skills played a fatal role. The lovers were happy together. Diana did not miss a single performance in the theater when Andrei was on stage.

In 2015, the couple was supposed to get married, but had to postpone it due to Gaidulyan's illness. Andrei was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis - cancer. While undergoing treatment in Germany, the actor knew that he could always count on the support of his beloved.

In 2016, Andrei returned to Moscow, and it soon became known that the actor had defeated Hodgkin's lymphoma. Now he regularly undergoes special examinations.

In 2016, the couple got married. But it soon became known that the relationship between the spouses was accompanied by discord.

For 5 years of relationship, the guys quarreled very often, it seemed that their marriage was doomed. Fatally, the news of Diana's pregnancy changed the situation. In 2017, Andrei will become a father for the second time.

Hobbies and interests

After a terrible illness, Andrei took up charity work. He helps all those children who are sick with terrible diseases. Cancer changed him, Gaidulyan understood the value of life and fell in love with it.

Interesting Notes:

Andrey helps children by reading messages in in social networks, tries to repost requests in person, so that other people also help to raise the necessary amount of money to save the sick.

professional life

Playing in the theater "Glas", Andrei was actively looking for a role in the cinema. Debut acting roles were only episodic. You can notice Andrei in the episodes "Kulagin and Partners" (2004).

After that, he was offered to play in the series "Detectives" in 2006. This was followed by the work "Mercy" and "Law and Order-2" in 2008.

A breakthrough in the creative activity of Gaidulyan can be called participation in the sitcom "Univer". It happened in 2007. It was not at all difficult for the guy to get used to the role of Sasha Sergeyev.

Memories of turbulent student years, when he walked in cheerful companies and studied. The actor played an astronomer who is forced to live on his own, as he refuses to be led by his oligarch father.

In 2011, he played in the films "Manticore" and "Full Contact", none of them became successful, but Andrei does not regret the work done at all.

In 2013, he played a role in the TV series Friends of Friends, which became popular with young people. This was followed by work in the series "SashaTanya" who made Andrey a star.

Today, Gaidulyan is popular with viewers, he often participates in various shows and popular programs. Working in the cinema, Andrei does not stop playing in the theater. Now he plays a role in the production of "Elegant Wedding".

September 19, 2018

The star of "Univer" learned about his terrible diagnosis in 2015. The artist gave a frank interview in which he told how the disease had changed him.

Andrey Gaidulyan / Photo:

I learned that he had lymphoma in Chisinau. The actor said that he constantly drove past cancer center and he felt very sorry for those who stood in line to see the doctor. And then he was there.

more on the topic

Andrei's first reaction to this disappointing news was disbelief that this had happened to him. Despite all attempts to keep his terrible diagnosis a secret from the media, this failed, and in order to hide from the intrusive paparazzi, Gaidulyan went to Germany for treatment.

The artist admits that for some time the courage left him. Every day he went through nervous breakdowns and even cried. However, at some point, Gaidulyan decided to stop throwing tantrums. He turned to God and fervently prayed for healing. According to the artist, this gave a result.

At the end of May this year, the star of the TV series Univer and SashaTanya, 31-year-old Andrei Gaidulyan, announced to the whole country that in September he plans to marry his beloved Diana Ochilova, a nail extension master. By that time, young people who met at the club at the birthday party of a mutual friend, actor Vitaly Gogunsky, had been dating for three years.

Andrey proposed to Diana last year, during a romantic gondola ride in Venice. The lovers approached the organization of the wedding responsibly and creatively. The ceremony was supposed to be mysterious and chamber: no wedding dress and the classic idea of ​​​​marriage. But, unfortunately, it never took place.

The bad news

At the end of July due to feeling unwell Andrei was unable to come to the Comedy Club festival in Sochi. Symptoms of the disease appeared much earlier. But at first, the actor attributed the cough and swelling in his neck that bothered him to a cold, and weakness to a busy schedule. And later, he suddenly found it difficult to breathe, and had problems with speech. It took urgent medical intervention, and the actor was hospitalized in the capital's oncology center named after Blokhin on Kashirskoye highway.

“Andrey could not even think that this was serious,” StarHit was told on the set of SashaTanya. He was already admitted to the hospital two years ago. He lost weight for the role, ate almost nothing, was very tired. As a result, he drank some kind of energy drink, and he was taken away in an ambulance.

Doctors immediately suspected a tumor lymphatic system and did a histological analysis. Ten days later, he had to determine the presence of cancers in the body. While Andrei was recovering from the operation, his beloved Diana was literally around the clock next to him. With the permission of the chief physician, she even issued a pass that allows her to visit the patient not only during the allotted hours. Diana met friends who came to visit the artist, and constantly bought necessary medicines. And when the doctors allowed Andrei to leave the hospital, she took him home for several hours, and sometimes for a whole day, to change the situation.

Fans, relatives and friends - all expressed hope for a positive outcome. But along with the results histological examination There was also not at all comforting news: Andrei's tumor is malignant, he was diagnosed with mediastinal lymphoma of the second stage. But after the diagnosis was made, the doctors immediately gave hope: this type of tumor, especially on early stages responds well to drugs. There is no need to panic.

The mediastinum is the space in the middle chest cavity, – commented on “StarHit” Dr. medical sciences, European oncologist medical center Pavel Koposov. The disease often occurs in young people. Mediastinal lymphoma is manifested by chest pain, cough. Treated with chemotherapy.

For help in Europe

How many cycles of chemotherapy Andrey had to undergo was not yet known at that time. But it was the last month of summer, September was approaching, and hence the date of the wedding. The main event in the life of lovers, of course, was postponed indefinitely.

“Andrey and Diana planned to get married in September,” the director of the actor shared with StarHit. They have almost finished renovating the apartment. We wanted to do everything, but now I can say that there will be no wedding.”

And the shooting of the new season of the series "SashaTanya", of course, was also suspended. Valentina Rubtsova, Andrei's partner in the sitcom, was very worried about her friend. “It’s a shock for us,” Rubtsova’s husband Artur Martirosyan admitted to StarHit. “Let’s wait for the tests and hope for the best.”

I was worried about my friend and another colleague at Univer, Vitaly Gogunsky. He came to visit Andrei at the oncology center. In early August, Andrey was sent to Munich to undergo chemotherapy courses from the Blokhin Cancer Center, to one of the best clinics Europe. After assessing the condition of the artist, the German doctors decided to leave him in the hospital until the New Year.

After some time, the director of the star noted that Andrei's condition was stable: there was no deterioration or improvement. From unpleasant symptoms- constant dizziness due to intensive medication. But the actor was optimistic.

A scam scam and a "hello" from a star

At the end of August, a post was posted on Instagram calling for help for Andrei. Its author was Stanislav Yarushin, Gaidulyan's colleague on the TV series Univer and SashaTanya.

“Andrey Gaidulyan urgently needs an operation! – was written in the message. - He has a third-degree tumor in lymph nodes. Cancer cells grew for several months and continue to grow now. On the this moment The tumor has become so large that it interferes with breathing and talking. An expensive operation is urgently needed. We need a huge amount of money, which, unfortunately, is not available. We provide financial assistance, but this is not enough. We, friends and relatives of Andrei, ask you for help.”

Of course, the actor's fans simply could not ignore the request and immediately rushed to transfer the money. But, unfortunately, they fell into the hands of scammers who hacked the page of Stanislav Yarushin and spread invalid information. In fact, no fundraising was even planned. There was no deterioration either.

“God, where do they get such news from? I am not aware of this, as is Andrei, ”the director of the Woman’s Day actor commented. - He feels great, as far as possible in such a situation: he walks a lot, he has a good appetite. If there was a third stage, then the doctors would hardly have allowed Andrei to lead such an active lifestyle.

Of course, the actor himself could not pass by this egregious case. In early September, he first contacted his devoted fans by recording a video message from Munich. He, who lost weight and temporarily lost his hair due to chemotherapy, said that a turning point had come in his illness and assured that he really did not need financial assistance.

“I finally decided to get in touch by different reasons Andrey said. One of them may not be very pleasant. Some scammers decided to take advantage of my fortune and collect money from good people. God be their judge, as they say. This is a separate issue. I want to thank everyone who threw at least ten rubles, and apologize for the fact that you had to do this. We tried to fix it somehow. I hope that these rubles will be returned to me in the spiritual equivalent from you. I want to say that I'm really on the mend. I am flying in Germany. I've been here for a month now. Thank God, I'm all right, I don't know, by your prayers or by the hands of doctors. I'm starting to get better. There has been a turning point in our illness. We see that everything is going in the right direction, and I am moving towards recovery. So I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Every thought of yours, every word ... I am very pleased. From someone I receive calls and text messages. I am grateful to you. And if I ask for anything, it is only for your prayers. God forbid, I will soon return to Moscow and will do what I did. I will please someone, I will annoy someone with my creativity. I will live as I have lived. And even better. God bless you, thank you all."

By the way, about creativity. Even while being treated far from home, Andrei cannot cope with the desire to create. Just the other day it became known that he decided to write a book about his life. In it, he wants to tell people about his childhood, the arrival of popularity and the details of the fight against the disease. Now the actor is considering offers from publishers.

The turning point of the disease behind

Andrey's sister Olga also noted positive dynamics in Andrey's treatment, saying that he feels fine and that his tumor has decreased. She and the actor's parents do not have the opportunity to come to Germany, so they support him at a distance, call him up every day. And Andrei's mother constantly visits the Church of St. Dmitry in Chisinau: she comes to services, prays to St. Panteleimon, recently ordered a magpie - a prayer for health.

But Andrei is not alone in fighting the disease in a foreign country. Next to him there, as in his homeland, is his beloved Diana. Together they rent an apartment near the clinic where the actor is undergoing treatment.

In early October, when, apparently, all the worst was left behind, Andrey's bride, after a long silence, published their joint picture on her Instagram, thereby letting people know that they were all right. In the photo, smiling lovers are eating ice cream with pleasure. The responses of the fans were not long in coming: they were happy for the condition of the artist and wished him a speedy recovery. There were so many comments that Diana could not help but thank the caring people. She then posted another photo and captioned, “Friends, thank you all for your support! We are fine!"

And recently, Diana made a surprise for her beloved and edited a short video in the form of a slide show, which was accompanied by a remix of the Reamonn song called Supergirl. And, of course, the choice of composition is not accidental. These lines are about a supergirl who has lost her way but doesn't cry. Everything, as in life.

“I looked at old photos ... And I realized that there was so much unique,” ​​the girl wrote under the next, very fresh, two-day video on Instagram. How grateful I am to God for love. I am so happy that you are with me. And I will always be with you! We can all do it!”

Diana adequately endures all adversity, strengthens herself, although it is clear that this is not easy for her. But the main thing is that she, relatives, friends of the actor and the whole country believe that he will recover. They believe that on December 31, as the doctors predicted, he will meet him in Moscow, as he would like. After all New Year- this is new life. Fans would love to see Andrey enter it healthy and as cheerful as before.

The star of the TV series "SASHATANYA" Andrey Gaidulyan last year was able to overcome terrible disease- Hodgkin's lymphoma. The male for a long time I spent in Germany and I am glad that thanks to the treatment I have restored my health. Colleagues of the artist were looking forward to his return. Gaidulyan is happy that during his absence from the set, he was not forgotten. The man remembered that in his life there were moments when he was left without work. Andrei admitted that these were not the best of times.

“In 2011 or 2012, when I had already finished filming at Univer, and the SASHATANYA series had not yet been launched, I spent a year practically without work. Castings over and over again ended in failures, so I absolutely got tired of going to them, apathy appeared. I played in the theater, but this did not happen very often, and the earnings did not last long. I spent that year mainly lying on the couch. I lay around and watched TV shows in English. Then I didn’t admit to myself, but now I understand that I had some despair, ”said the actor.

Gaidulyan believes that a man should not sit idle. The artist remembered that he had to constantly go to auditions, although they did not bring visible results. Andrei understands that this is part of the acting profession. Nevertheless, the star of the series "SASHATANYA" does not consider it shameful to work outside of his specialty. He said that for the sake of money he worked as a postman, fitter, but did not stop playing in the theater.

Now the artist is also not afraid to realize himself in different areas. Not long ago he opened own business. Andrei tried himself as a restaurateur. The man admitted that he loves Italy, and therefore decided to create a cozy corner of a sunny country in Moscow. He did not hesitate to personally invite visitors, as he often met the owners of establishments abroad who served guests.

“So, during the opening days, imagining myself as a hospitable Italian host, I personally handed out flyers on the street, invited me to a new pizzeria and realized that I overestimated my fame a little. The majority passed by, not paying attention to me, some of the people really recognized me, but some at the same time looked at me as a downcast artist. They probably thought: “Wow, how the actor’s life didn’t work out, he distributes flyers.” They didn’t understand that I was inviting not to any pizzeria, but to my own,” said Gaidulyan.

Andrey admitted that while he has a small restaurant in a residential area of ​​​​Moscow. The actor shared his reasoning with correspondents of the Telenedelya publication and stated that past illness made him bolder.