Presentation "functional anatomy of the lymphatic system" sd. Biology presentation on the topic Sleep and its meaning (Grade 8) Human lymphatic system anatomy presentation

Krasnoturinsky branch


OP.02. Human anatomy and physiology

Functional anatomy of the lymphatic system

Anfilofyeva Yu.A., teacher of the 1st qualification category


1. General characteristics of the lymphatic system. Lymph.

2. Lymphatic capillaries and vessels.

3. The structure and functions of the lymph node.

4. Lymph trunks and ducts.

5. Regulation of the lymph circulation system.

1. General characteristics of the lymphatic system. Lymph

Lymphatic system - this is a collection of vessels that collect tissue fluid from tissues and organs, and divert it into the venous system.

The lymphatic system is part of the immune and vascular systems.

Similarities between the lymphatic system and the venous system:

1. The movement of lymph occurs - from the tissues to the heart;

2. The presence of valves in the lymphatic vessels.


1. Lymphatic capillaries begin blindly;

2. There are lymph nodes along the route of the vessels.

Functions of the lymphatic system:

1. Protective - removal of foreign substances from organs and tissues (dead cells, microorganisms, bacteria, etc.)

2. Conductor - serves for the outflow of lymph, is a drainage system that removes excess tissue fluid

3. Barrier - carried out by lymph nodes, which are biological filters

4. Exchange

5. Hematopoietic

The lymphatic system consists of:

The lymph nodes

Lymph capillaries

lymph trunks

lymphatic ducts

Lymphatic vessels

The structural and functional unit of the lymphatic system is the lymphangion.

Lymphangion is the part of the vessel between the two valves

Lymph- it is a clear or cloudy - white liquid, similar in chemical composition to blood plasma

Composition: sweating tissue fluid, lymphocytes, proteins - prothrombin and fibrinogen

Quantity: 1 - 2 l

Reasons for the movement of lymph:

1. Continuous formation of tissue fluid;

2. Contraction of the lymphatic vessels

3. Negative pressure in the chest cavity

4. Skeletal muscle work

5. Pulsation of the arteries

6. External pressure (during massage)

2. Lymphatic capillaries and vessels

Lymphatic capillaries penetrate all tissues, except for the brain and spinal cord, their membranes, skin, placenta, spleen, bone marrow, cartilage, inner ear, cornea and lens of the eye.

Features of lymph - capillaries:

1. large diameter

2. start blindly

3. there are extensions - gaps

4. the wall has great permeability

The wall of the lymphatic vessel consists of 3 layers:

1) internal - endothelial;

2) middle - muscular, formed by circular smooth muscle fibers with an admixture of elastic;

3) external - adventitia, formed by connective tissue, bundles of elastic and longitudinally running muscle fibers.

3. The structure and functions of the lymph node

Form of lymph nodes:

Afferent lymphatic vessels




Efferent lymphatic vessel

The lymph nodes

superficial deep


visceral parietal mixed

Functions of the lymph nodes:

1) hematopoietic - the formation of lymphocytes;

2) immunopoietic - the formation of cellular elements, antibodies, differentiation of T - and B - lymphocytes;

3) protective - phagocytosis of bacteria, foreign particles and toxins;

4) exchange;

5) reservoir - lymph depot.

4. Lymph trunks and ducts

There are the following lymphatic trunks:

1) right and left jugular trunk - collects lymph from the head and neck;

2) right and left subclavian trunk - from the upper limbs;

3) right and left bronchomediastinal trunk - from the organs of the chest cavity and its walls;

4) right and left lumbar trunk - from the lower limbs and pelvis;

5) intestinal trunk - from the organs of the digestive tract.

thoracic duct

  • Formed from the fusion of the right and left lumbar trunks, at the level of the XII thoracic and II lumbar vertebrae
  • Length: 30 - 40 cm
  • The initial section is expanded and is called the "milky cistern"

thoracic duct

  • Passes next to the abdominal aorta, rises up, enters the chest cavity through the aortic opening of the diaphragm and exits into the neck
  • It flows into the left venous angle, formed by the confluence of the left subclavian and left internal jugular veins.
  • At its confluence, the duct has a semilunar valve and a muscular sphincter

Right lymphatic duct

  • It is formed from the fusion of the right jugular, right subclavian and right bronchomediastinal trunks
  • Length: 10 - 12 mm
  • Located on the right side of the neck
  • It flows into the right venous angle, formed by the confluence of the right subclavian and right internal jugular veins

5. Regulation of the lymph circulation system


  • Sympathetic nerves - narrow lymph - vessels, increase tone and increase lymph flow.
  • Parasympathetic nerves both relax and contract lymphatic vessels, i.e. increase or decrease lymph flow.

II. humoral regulation

  • Under the influence of catecholamines, serotonin, vasopressin, lymphangion is reduced, intravascular pressure increases, and lymph flow increases.
  • Under the influence of acetylcholine, oxytocin, the frequency and amplitude of contractions of myocytes decrease, the pressure of the lymph and the speed of the lymph flow decrease.
  • Na + , K + , Ca 2+ have a pronounced effect on the amount of lymph flow. So, Ca 2+ in small concentrations reduces the rate of lymph flow, in large concentrations it increases. K + in small concentrations increases the speed of lymph flow, in large concentrations it causes a decrease in the speed of lymph flow.

Check yourself!


a) tissue fluid

c) liquor


a) absence of red blood cells

b) lack of proteins

c) absence of leukocytes

d) no fat

1 - a, 2 - a


d) 1 - 1.5 cm


a) in the spleen

b) in the thymus

c) at the tonsil

d) at the lymph node


a) inferior vena cava

b) left venous angle c) superior vena cava

d) right venous angle

1 - d, 2 - d, 3 - b

Task for extracurricular work:

Fill in the table according to the text of the textbook:

Node names

Where is lymph collected from?

lower limb

Where do the efferent vessels go?

1. Popliteal knots

From foot and leg

2. Inguinal knots

In the inguinal nodes

pelvic cavity

summary of other presentations

"Circles of human circulation" - Terms and concepts. Great circle of blood circulation. Left half. Closed bag. Atrium. capillaries. Circulation. The performance of the heart. The work of the heart. The structure of the heart. Arteries and veins. Human heart. Structure and function of the heart. Circles of blood circulation. serous fluid. Deoxygenated blood. Small circle of blood circulation. Cardiac cycle. Blood circulation. Vienna. Phases of the heart. arteries.

"The human circulatory system" - Circulation. The role of blood Bleeding. Systole and diastole. The work of the heart. Circles of blood circulation. The composition of the blood. Heart. Blood movement. The role of plasma. Heart valves. circulatory system.

"Features of the structure of the circulatory system" - White blood cells. The ability of the heart to beat tirelessly. The ability of the heart to contract. Cardiologists. Mistakes. Circles of blood circulation. Blood vessels. Blood vessels within the body. Leukocytes. Blood cells. Erythrocytes. The structure of the heart. Digital dictation. Blood. Circulatory system. platelets. First aid. The composition of the blood. arterial bleeding. Find the mistake.

"Blood and blood circulation of a person" - Circles of blood circulation. Immunity. Determination of fitness of the heart. The structure of the heart. Expansion of skin vessels. Educational material. Correlation of fitness with indicators of the activity of the respiratory organs. Antigen cell. The name of the cell. Active appears after vaccination. The movement of blood through the systemic circulation. platelets. The internal environment of the body. Scheme of the immune defense of the human body.

"Blood vessels" - Arteries, their structure and functions. Vienna. Walls of arteries. The structure of blood vessels. Vein walls. Small circle of blood circulation. arteries. Vessels. The cardiovascular system. Great circle of blood circulation. Heart. Capillaries, their structure and functions. capillaries. Blood vessels.

"Lymphatic and circulatory systems" - Aorta. Heart. Lymphatic and circulatory systems. Right ventricle of the heart. The heart, contracting, creates blood pressure in the vessels. The main theses of the laws of fluid motion. blood capillaries. Tissue fluid and lymph. A task. Gate valves. Transport systems.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Human Lymphatic System">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Lymph">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Lymph Part of interstitial fluid 64 ml per 1"> Лимфа Часть межклеточной жидкости 64 мл на 1 кг за сутки Скорость движения от 0, 7 до 7 мм/сек Ток лимфы осуществляется Давлением межтканевого пространства Сокращением лимфангионов Сокращением скелетной мускулатуры Наличием клапанов Работой сердца и сосудов Коллатеральным кровообращением Током по анастомозам!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Differences between the lymphatic system and the circulatory system Beginning - "blind sacs" Lymph movement"> Отличия лимфатической системы от кровеносной Начало - «слепые мешки» Движение лимфы в одном направлении Особенности строения лимфатических капилляров - капиллярные сети Лимфатические сосуды идут по ходу вен, и их значительно больше Наличие лимфатических узлов Отсутствие лимфатического сердца Поступление лимфы в венозную систему Содержимое лимфатической системы – лимфа наличие клапанов скорость движения лимфы в сосудах (0, 7 – 7 мм/c)!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>X-Ray Anatomy Pelvic Lymphatic System">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Clinical Anatomy Lymphostasis or elephantiasis">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Lymph node Classification International By body area Axillary"> Лимфатический узел Классификация Международная По областям тела Подмышечные Локтевые По сосудам Чревные Подвздошные По фасциям Глубокие Поверхностные Стенка, орган Париетальные Висцеральные Всего 150 групп!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Lymph nodes are peripheral organs of the immune system located on the path of lymphatic drainage AT"> Лимфатические узлы - периферические органы иммунной системы, расположенные на пути лимфооттока Локализация В воротах внутренних органов, таких, как легкие, печень, брыжейка и т. д. В анатомических ямках (подмышечная, локтевая, подколенная), в паховой зоне, фасциальных пространствах шеи Вокруг кровеносных сосудов!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Lymph node function Barrier Biological Immunological lymphocytopoiesis;"> Функции лимфатического узла Барьерная Биологическая Иммуннологическая лимфоцитопоэз; иммунная – образование антител Депо лимфы «Фактор риска»!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Head lymph nodes Ø Posterior Occipital Mastoid Ø Anterior Chin Ø Prevertebral"> Лимфатические узлы головы ØЗадние Затылочные Сосцевидные ØПередние Подбородочные ØПредпозвоночные Заглоточные!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Head lymph nodes">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Lymph nodes in the neck">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Lymph nodes in the neck">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Lymph nodes of the chest cavity">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Lymph nodes of the chest cavity">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Lymph nodes of the chest cavity">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Abdominal lymph nodes">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Abdominal lymph nodes">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Abdominal lymph nodes">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Abdominal lymph nodes Superior mesenteric Ileocolic Right colon"> Лимфатические узлы брюшной полости Верхние брыжеечные Подвздошно- ободочнокишечные Правые ободочнокишечные Средние ободочнокишечные Левые ободочнокишечные Нижние брыжеечные Сигмовидные Верхние прямокишечные!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Pelvic lymph nodes">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Pelvic lymph nodes">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Extremity lymph nodes">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Lymph nodes of the limbs - Lower limb - Inguinal"> Лимфатические узлы конечностей - Нижней конечности - Паховые - Поверхностные Верхние Центральные Нижние - Глубокие Подколенные Лимфатические узлы голени Передняя большеберцовая Задняя большеберцовая!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Patterns of lymph outflow"> Закономерности оттока лимфы К определенным лимфатическим узлам оттекает лимфа от определенных участков тела и органов Возможен окольный путь оттока лимфы Лимфа от лимфатических узлов головы оттекает к шейным узлам Поверхностные узлы шеи принимают лимфу от кожи и мышц шеи, глубокие узлы - от внутренних органов шеи В области грудной клетки и брюшной полости лимфатические узлы делятся на две группы - париетальные и висцеральные Отток лимфы от верхней конечности (от I, III пальцев, латерального края кисти, предплечья): лимфа попадает в подмышечные узлы. Лимфа от остальной области попадает сначала в локтевые узлы, а только потом в подмышечные!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Patterns of lymph outflow Outflow of lymph from the lower limb (from I, III fingers,"> Закономерности оттока лимфы Отток лимфы от нижней конечности (от I, III пальцев, медиального края стопы и голени): лимфа уходит в паховые узлы минуя подколенные От внутренних женских половых органов лимфа уходит, в том числе в паховые узлы Лимфатические коллекторы кишечника содержат продукты расщепления жиров Отток лимфы от желудка возможен, в том числе и в узлы надключичной области Около грудного отдела блуждающего нерва есть узлы, которые находятся в непосредственной топографической близости от него В области дуги аорты есть узлы, которые находятся в непосредственной близости с возвратным нервом!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Lymph outflow Tongue-a) central vessels-(tongue body) one."> Отток лимфы Язык- а) центральные сосуды-(тело языка) 1. Верхние глубокие шейные лимфатические узлы; 2. Околоушные лимфатические узлы; 3. Средние глубокие яремные лимфатические узлы; б) Корень языка -верхние глубокие лимфатические узлы; в) Боковые сосуды- верхние глубокие лимфатические узлы шеи; г) Сосуды кончика языка- 1. Средние глубокие яремные лимфатические узлы; 2. Поднижнечелюстные лимфатические узлы.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Lymph outflow Liver: - Diaphragmatic lymph nodes; - Lower peristernal"> Отток лимфы Печень: - Диафрагмальные лимфатические узлы; - Нижние окологрудинные лимфатические узлы; - Задние средостенные лимфатические узлы.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Lymph outflow Prostate gland: Base: - Internal iliac"> Отток лимфы Предстательная железа: Основание: - Внутренние подвздошные лимфатические узлы; - Крестцовые лимфатические узлы; Верхушка: - Крестцовые лимфатические узлы; - Прямокишечные лимфатические узлы.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Lymph outflow Uterus and tubes: - Lumbar lymph nodes (at the level"> Отток лимфы Матка и трубы: - Поясничные лимфатические узлы (на уровне почечных сосудов); - Внутренние подвздошные лимфатические узлы; - Наружные подвздошные лимфатические узлы; - Крестцовые лимфатические узлы; Влагалище: - Поверхностные паховые лимфатические узлы.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Lymph outflow Rectum Upper part: - Upper"> Отток лимфы Прямая кишка Верхняя часть: - Верхние прямокишечные лимфатические узлы; - Нижние брыжеечные лимфатические узлы; Средняя часть: - Околопрямокишечные лимфатические узлы; - Внутренние подвздошные лимфатические узлы; - Крестцовые лимфатические узлы; Нижняя часть: - Поверхностные паховые лимфатические узлы.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Lymph outflow from the breast 1. Communication with nearby and distant nodes .2."> Отток лимфы от молочной железы 1. Связь с близлежащими и отдаленными узлами. 2. Есть анастомоз между сосудами правой и левой железами. 3. Медиальный квадрант - в окологрудинные узлы. 4. Верхний и латеральный квадранты– в передние и глубокие подмышечные узлы.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Lymph outflow from the mammary gland 5. Part of the lymph goes to the supraclavicular nodes 6. Lower"> Отток лимфы от молочной железы 5. Часть лимфы уходит в надключичные узлы. 6. Нижние квадранты- по межреберным сосудам в 4 -ом межреберье, далее в окологрудинные узлы. 7. Узлы пупочной области. 8. Узлы ворот печени. 9. Поверхностные паховые узлы.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Gordey Maksimovich Iosifov (1870 -1933) - 140 years old"> Гордей Максимович Иосифов (1870 -1933) – 140 лет Томск, Воронеж, Лимфатическая система человека, (Томск 1908) Владимир Николаевич Тонков (1872 -1954) Дмитрий Аркадьевич Жданов(1909 -1972) В. Н. Надеждин, А. Б. Борисов, Л. Е. Этинсон, Г. С. Салтыкова, М. Р. Сапин и другие.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>ØSeptember 2009 Paris ØXXXV European Congress of Lymphologists ØLevin Yury Markovich - head of department"> ØСентябрь 2009 г- Париж ØXXXV Конгресс лимфологов Европы ØЛевин Юрий Маркович - зав. каф. Клинической лимфологии и эндоэкологической медицины Российского университета дружбы народов ØБолее 40 лет работы: Øоткрытие международного распространения!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> "... There is no cell pathology as such, but there is an inextricable cell pathology and her"> «…Нет патологии клетки как таковой, а есть неразрывная патология клетки и её окружения- морфологического субстрата, не имеющего границ, на функциональном уровне - это своеобразный «Микроорган»!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> M. Yu. Levin. Ø A system called Endoecological rehabilitation"> М. Ю. Левин. Ø Создана система, получившая название Эндоэкологическая реабилитация на клеточно- организменном уровне по Левину (ЭРП); Ø Ключевой Элемент: управление интерстициальным (внесосудистым) гуморальным транспортом и функциями лимфатической системы!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Lymphotropic method Ø The ability of certain substances to increase the flow of a drug into the lymphatic system"> Лимфотропный метод ØСпособность некоторых веществ усиливать поступление в лимфатическую систему лекарственного препарата при его инъекции в ткани; Ø «Кровь- ткань- клетка- ткань – лимфа-кровь» ; ØЛимфостимуляция – стимуляция лимфатического дренажа; ØТорможение лимфатического дренажа.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Endoecological memorandum in"> Эндоэкологический меморандум Ø Любая патология включает патологию обитания клеток и лимфатической системы, во многом предопределяющую течение и исход заболевания, устранение возникших нарушений- закон лечения и оздоровления. Ю. М. Левин Ø На основе концепции: Ø «таможенная функция внеклеточных тканей» Ø «сверхтекучесть жидких сред организма»!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Immune System">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Immune system cells,"> Иммунная система Объединяет органы и ткани, обеспечивающие защиту организма от генетически чужеродных клеток, поступающих извне или образующихся в организме!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Immune system Central organs Peripheral organs Red Tonsils Spleen bone"> Иммунная система Центральные органы Периферические органы Красный Миндалины Селезенка костный мозг Тимус Лимфатические узелки узлы!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Immune system All organs of the immune system contain lymphoid tissue - a complex"> Иммунная система Все органы иммунной системы содержат лимфоидную ткань - комплекс лимфоцитов, плазмоцитов, макрофагов в петлях ретикулярной ткани Они обеспечивают распознавание клеток и веществ с генетически чужеродной информацией (Т и В - лимфоциты)!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Immune system – Macrophages provide an immune response - the destruction of foreign substances (phagocytosis )">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Immune system T-killers">!}

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Text content of presentation slides:
Lymphatic system Author: Ananyeva N.V. GBPOU DZM "MK No. 2" 2016 Functions of the lymphatic vessels: 1. Remove excess fluid from tissues 2. Removal of "dirt" from tissues and organs and cleansing the lymph from it in the lymph nodes. "Dirt" - dead or dead cells of one's own body, atypical cancer cells, dust, toxins, preservatives, etc. Elephantiasis Lymph is a clear, colorless liquid, chemically reminiscent of blood plasma (it does not contain all blood proteins - fibrinogen), contains cells - lymphocytes. milky lymph - it flows from the intestines, contains fat, so it is white and opaque. milky lymph - flows from the intestines, contains fat, so it is white and opaque. Formation of lymph Lymph is formed in the tissues. Water and "dirt" enter the intercellular substance from the cells. Some of these products enter the venous capillaries, and most of them enter the lymphatic capillaries and form lymph. Primary lymphatic vessels (primordial) - contain immature eggs, their number is laid in utero. In each ovary of a newborn girl, there are about 400,000 of them. By the beginning of the menstrual cycle, their number decreases to 10,000. Secondary (Graaffian) - are formed as a result of the maturation of primary follicles. Approximately every 28 days, one egg matures. At the same time, the follicle gradually increases and by the time of ovulation it can reach 1 cm. Lymphatic capillaries Lymphatic vessels Lymphatic ducts The thoracic lymphatic duct is long, about 20 cm, it begins at the level of the second lumbar vertebra, with an expanded part - a cistern. The duct runs parallel to the Ao, passes through the aortic opening of the diaphragm and flows into the left venous angle. At the level of the second lumbar vertebra, three lymphatic trunks flow into the cistern: the intestinal trunk, the right and left lumbar trunks. At the level of the left clavicle, three more trunks flow into the duct: the left internal jugular, the left subclavian, and the left broncho-mediastinal. This duct collects lymph from the left half of the head, the left half of the neck, the left arm and the left half of the chest cavity, from the entire abdominal cavity, pelvis and lower extremities. The right lymphatic duct is short, its length is 1.5 cm, located in the region of the right clavicle and flows into the right venous angle. This duct is formed from the confluence of three trunks: the right internal jugular, right subclavian, right broncho-mediastinal. The duct collects lymph from the right half of the head, the right half of the neck, the right arm and the right half of the chest cavity.

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Sleep and its meaning. Sleep (lat. somnus) is a natural physiological process of being in a state with a minimum level of brain activity and a reduced reaction to the outside world, inherent in mammals, birds, fish and some other animals, including insects (for example, fruit flies). During sleep, the work of the brain is rebuilt, the rhythmic work of neurons resumes, and strength is restored. SLEEP Slow phase Fast phase Fill in the table (textbook, p. 222) Slow sleep Fast sleep The heart beats more slowly; Metabolism is lowered; Eyeballs under the eyelids are motionless. The work of the heart intensifies; Eyeballs begin to move under the eyelids; Hands clench into fists; Sometimes the sleeper changes position. In this phase, dreams come. The names of the sleep phases are associated with the biocurrents of the brain, which are recorded on a special device - an electroencephalograph. During non-REM sleep, the device detects rare waves of large amplitude In the REM sleep phase, the curve drawn by the device registers frequent fluctuations of small amplitude. Dreams. All people see dreams, but not everyone remembers them and can tell about them. This is due to the fact that the work of the brain does not stop. During sleep, the information received during the daytime is ordered. This explains the facts when problems are solved in a dream that could not be solved in the waking state. Usually a person dreams about what worries him, worries, worries. The state of anxiety leaves its mark on dreams: they can cause nightmares. Sometimes it is associated with physical and mental illness. Usually disturbing dreams stop after the person recovers or his experiences end. In healthy people, dreams are more often soothing in nature. The meaning of sleep: draw a conclusion and write it down in a notebook, Sleep provides rest for the body. Sleep contributes to the processing and storage of information. Sleep (especially slow sleep) facilitates the consolidation of the studied material, REM sleep implements subconscious models of expected events. Sleep is an adaptation of the body to changes in illumination (day-night). Sleep restores immunity by activating T-lymphocytes that fight colds and viral diseases. In sleep The central nervous system analyzes and regulates the work of internal organs. The need for sleep is as natural as hunger and thirst. If you go to bed at the same time, repeat the ritual of going to bed, then a conditioned reflex reaction is developed and sleep comes very quickly. Sleep and wake disturbances can have negative consequences. Before going to bed it is useful: * take a walk in the fresh air; * have dinner 1.5 hours before bedtime, eat light, well-digestible food; * the bed should be comfortable (it is harmful to sleep on a too soft mattress and a high pillow); * ventilate the room, sleep with an open window; * brush your teeth and wash your face just before going to bed. Long sleep is as harmful as prolonged wakefulness. Sleep is impossible to stock up for future use. Homework paragraph 59, learn the basic concepts, draw up a memo "Rules for healthy sleep."

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