Class hour for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities for primary school. Class hour in an elementary school "Lesson of Kindness" dedicated to the Day of the Disabled Social video "Do Good"

MBOU Tvorishinskaya secondary school

Gordeevsky district, Bryansk region

Prepared and conducted in 2nd grade

Zhorova Natalya Ivanovna

Lesson of Good dedicated to

International Day of Persons with Disabilities.


    Form an idea of ​​a “special child.”

    To introduce some problems of disabled children.

    To form a tolerant attitude towards people with disabilities (HH).

    To form an idea of ​​health as a value of human life.

    Cultivate a sense of responsibility for your health, the health of your loved ones, those around you, and a willingness to perceive health as a value of human life.

Equipment: computer, multimedia equipment, presentation, cut out hearts (according to the number of children), felt-tip pens, 2 ribbons, 2 scarves.

Teacher: "Hello!" We begin any of our meetings with these words. And you all know what they mean not only as a greeting, but also as a wish of health to the one to whom they are addressed.

Health is very important for a person. Health is a gift of fate. It is necessary to learn to cherish and respect this gift. That is why, from early childhood, we learn not just to greet people, but to wish them health. If we wish for others, we wish for ourselves.

But does our health and the health of those around us always depend only on our desire?

I suggest you remember Valentin Kataev’s fairy tale “The Seven-Colored Flower.” And we will do it this way: I will ask questions, and you will answer.

How many petals did the magic flower have?

Who remembers the magic words? (Fly, fly petal, through the west to the east, through the north, through the south, come back after making a circle. Having flown around the earth, be in my opinion).

Why did the boy on the bench refuse to run with Zhenya? (Because he has bad legs, moves with crutches, is disabled).

Unfortunately, there are many people on our planet who are deprived of physical health, i.e. These people are disabled either from birth or as a result of illness or injury.

Now our school is celebrating a decade dedicated to the Day of the Disabled.

Traditionally, it is celebrated on December 3. This is what the United Nations decided in 1992. Usually on this day it is customary to draw attention to the problems of people with disabilities, to the protection of their dignity, rights and well-being.

Who are these disabled people? (Answers)

Disabled people are people whose health capabilities are so limited by illness or injury that they cannot cope without outside help and assistance from the state.

The “Big Encyclopedic Dictionary” says: “A disabled person (from Latin invalidus - weak, infirm) is a person who has partially or completely lost his ability to work.”

Have you ever seen such people in our city or in other places? (Answers) Yes, indeed, they exist. We just don't always notice them. There are many such people in our village. These are both adults and children.

In German there is the concept of “Sonderkind” - a special child and it is equally applied to both talented children and disabled children. We also call these guys “special children.”

Issues for discussion:

Are there occupations that are dangerous to health and lead to disability? (Children's answers)

What dangers await us in life, in everyday life? (Children's answers)

- Some types of professions are associated with health hazards: underwater, chemical, associated with high voltage, vibration, radiation and others. Representatives of almost all professions are more or less exposed to some kind of danger. All types of big sports, ballet, circus are also very dangerous.

- And in life, in everyday life, dangers await us: electricity, boiling water, high-rise buildings, cars. But people often either don’t think about it or simply take risks: they cross the road in the wrong place or at a red traffic light, swim in unfamiliar places or in too cold water, cross rivers on thin ice, fight and do a lot of other things, do not take care of their most valuable things. We have life and health.

In addition, disasters and accidents occur in the world: car and plane crashes, fires, factory accidents, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, etc.

After military operations, people with disabilities also appear due to wounds and concussions.

It happens that a person gets sick. But not all diseases have yet been controlled by doctors.

And there are doctors who are dishonest in their duties.

The little patient of the Krasnodar Children's Hospital, Sonechka Kulivets, was only two months old when, due to an incorrect injection, the girl had to have her arm amputated. This tragedy shocked the entire country. And to prevent this from happening again, you must study very well and become disciplined workers. After all, both your destinies and the destinies of other people will be in your hands.

And sometimes this happens: the baby is born unhealthy.

Practical exercises

1. - We talk a lot today about health. Health is movement. Let's move a little too. Now I will ask you to stand 5 people, close your eyes and imagine yourself in a dark, unfamiliar room. Now be extremely attentive and careful when following my commands.

Teams: take a step to the right, two steps forward, a step to the left, a step back, sit down, turn to the left, a step back, turn left again, step to the right and forward, turn around.

Without opening your eyes, please answer where you are, where did you come from? And you had to come back to where you started.


Open your eyes. Did you manage to arrive at the right point? How did you feel moving with your eyes closed? (Answer options may be unexpected: from fear to interest).

2. 2 people are invited. With your eyes closed, draw a house on the board.


How did you feel? What were you thinking? Was it difficult to complete the tasks?

3. You have all been to a cinema at least once, sat in the auditorium.

Do you think people who cannot see with their eyes can come into the auditorium? (children's answers) These people can come to the auditorium, but they will only be able to listen and not watch.

4. I suggest completing another task: “Bring the object with your eyes closed.”

Someone come up and blindfold him. Now go to the bookcase and take the book from the 3rd shelf. Bring it to me.


What did you experience while completing this task? Did you want to take off the blindfold and open your eyes?

Teacher: - This is how people with vision problems feel in our lives. There is a special alphabet - Braille alphabet, so that these people can also read, learn, and communicate. It is based on a convex six-dot: combinations of dots denote letters, numbers, and musical notes.

Do you think blind people can work? (children's answers)

There is a “Society of the Blind”, where people without sight make things for general consumption (covers, switches, sockets).

Do you agree that with friendly help such people would be much more comfortable and reliable? (children's answers).

Teacher: - How do people with hearing problems live? After all, on the street they don’t hear car horns, you can’t hail them, you can’t warn them about danger from afar. In the forest we “holler” so as not to lose each other, but what about them? A they communicate with gestures, this is sign language. Therefore, such people need to see the hands and face of their interlocutor. Sometimes deaf people can understand our language - using a special program Emilia Leongard at the Hearing Center in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny teaches them to read words from the lips of a speaking interlocutor and even speak. I will silently say a few words to you - try to understand me. And now everyone can tell us a couple of phrases. (Children try to speak inaudibly and guess what was said.)

What if a person is deprived of both sight and hearing? How to communicate then? And then “palm to palm” contact is necessary. Then the fingers of the “speaker” write a word from the letters in the palm of the “listener”. These letters are special. This set of “letters” is called the dactyl alphabet. Try it yourself (the “letters” of the dactyl alphabet are shown). Difficult? But you need to live, study, work. Such children study near Moscow at the Zagorsk special boarding school. This school is the only one in the whole country. Four of its graduates became doctors of science.

Dynamic pause - People who cannot hear understand the world around them through facial expressions and gestures. And in order to feel for yourself how difficult it is, I suggest: Stand on your feet, turn to each other, look into your partner’s eyes, take his hand so that he feels your kind attitude towards him.


Raise your hand if you felt kindly treated. I'm glad you were able to convey your feelings to someone else.

Teacher : - There are people who do not have an arm or a leg, or both arms and legs, or whose arms and legs do not obey their master at all. People who do not have legs most often move in wheelchairs. They are forced to constantly use outside help. Imagine your morning with your hands tied: how to wash, have breakfast, get dressed?

Practical exercises

5. - To feel for yourself how difficult it is for such people to do what is not difficult for us, one exercise will help. Come to me 2 people. Now, I will tie one of your hands to your body with a ribbon. And try putting on a jacket with one hand.

6. 4 more people are invited.

Without using your hands, untie your shoelaces.


What did you experience? What did you want to do?

Teacher: -Do you believe that such people participate in competitions, dance, and draw? And you shouldn’t believe it.

There are still many diseases that prevent a person from living a full life.

Raise your hand, those who would sell their leg, arm, or eyes for a million dollars?

How much would you pay to lose your hearing?

Teacher: - Guys, today we talked about people with disabilities, people with disabilities, many of you felt for yourself, while performing various tasks, how difficult it is sometimes for people with disabilities to live. And it is especially difficult for “special children” to live in our world.

Who are disabled children?
Disabled Children - Angels of the Earth
How much undeserved insult
They suffered
How many times do they face the pillow?
So as not to cry in front of everyone
They spoke at night like to a friend...
Is it Sin that we exist?
How many times have their mothers sneaked
Children were taken away
So as not to hear this ugly whisper
Evil, unkind, weak people
They are not weak in their mortal body...
Weak with your cold soul
They didn’t try to help poor children
They were always driven away with an evil look
Don't be sad mother don't
Your children are angels, not evil
God gave them to us as a reward,
To bring love and warmth to the world.

Well, those who don’t understand them
May the Lord forgive their will
Let them hear you cry
Mothers at the cribs of sick children
But not everyone in the world is indifferent,
There are more people who want to help them.
Opening my soul to them cordially
They help overcome grief.
May the Lord with His imperishable hand
Will overshadow the whole human world with a cross
So that throughout the entire Earth, throughout the entire Universe
Peace always reigned, calm reigned
So that no wars or earthquakes
No terrible tsunamis, EVER
God save me from shocks
All people, NOW and ALWAYS...
- I think that you will become kinder, more attentive, more responsive. To somehow help them. During the lesson, from your eyes, it became clear to me that everything you heard and saw touched your hearts. I would like to add that every disabled person wants to be treated as a full-fledged person. And as one of these people said: “We feel normal, like all other people, what makes us disabled is the attitude of people towards us.

I think many of you will no longer laugh at such people, but on the contrary, if possible, will offer them your help. But how we can help them, I want to hear from you. (children's answers: - make the entrance and exit from shops, transport, intended for wheelchairs; - help cross the road, go to the store, help clean the apartment, pay attention.)

Summary of the class hour.

What is health? What do the words “special child”, “children with disabilities”, disabled people mean? Do you need to protect your health and the health of others? What should you do to be healthy? What is a healthy lifestyle?

Conclusion: It is necessary to take care of your health, since a healthy person has more opportunities and strength to achieve their goals, fulfill their dreams, communicate, etc. To take care of your health, you need to exercise, don’t smoke, don’t use drugs and alcohol, and follow a routine. Follow the advice of doctors so as not to prolong the illness. Preserve and improve the environment. You need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Lesson reflection.

Slide number 24 - Who agrees that “Kindness will save the world”? Kindness is an amazing thing, it brings people together like nothing else. Kindness saves you from loneliness and emotional wounds. I'm friends with you, I'm not asking for anything, just be kind. If you want to sow goodness around you, then take the hearts that are on your tables and write on them what is closest to your soul, what you want to say to people with disabilities. You can use the writing on the board Slide number 25 or come up with your own version. (written on the board: I want to help you, I worry about you, I will support you in difficult times). Whoever has the hearts ready, attach them to the board.

Slide number 26 - I think that the fact that you all wrote kind, good words of support on your hearts and this may mean that the time spent on the lesson was not in vain for you.


“Lesson of kindness”, conducted in the 3rd grade by primary school teacher MBOU Savoskinsky secondary school No. 5 Rakitina Galina Alekseevna

Annotation: In connection with the development of inclusive education in schools, I propose the development of an extra-curricular event “Hurry to do good” in order to form an adequate respectful attitude towards people with disabilities and familiarize themselves with the lives of people with disabilities. This material presents a detailed course of the lesson. Contains the necessary information, methodological games, and didactic materials. It is proposed to reveal the words kindness, the source of kindness. This material can be used both in literary reading lessons and in class.

Target: fostering a humane attitude towards people with disabilities.

1. Reveal for children the concept of “kindness”, the sources of kindness (nature, good deeds).

2.Teach children communication and observation skills.

3. Form a person’s moral qualities: caring for others, mutual assistance, the ability to be friends, and doing good for others.

4.Promote the formation of moral attitudes towards people with disabilities;

Equipment: computer presentation “Hurry up to do good”, event development, plasticine, scissors, glue, blindfold,.

Preliminary work. Reading works by V. Kataev “The Seven-Flower Flower”

Forms of work: individual, frontal.

Working methods: relaxation methods, game methods, visualization techniques, training exercises, conversation.

During the classes.

Teacher: So, friends, pay attention - the bell has rung.

Guys! Today we have an unusual lesson.

And what will be discussed in this lesson, we will now find out with the help of a hint

Good is you!

Good - it's me!

Good is our whole Earth!

Good is a holiday in the family,

Good is the song of a stream in spring,

Good is a sea of ​​joy and laughter,

Good is as wonderful as summer!

When mom and dad are nearby - Welcome!

And people walk smiling in the subway,

Well, in general, good is something like that

What I can’t explain at times!

So, what will we talk about in our lesson?

An unusual lesson - a lesson of kindness!

Teacher: So what is good? Where did you meet him? (Children answer)

A kind person is one who loves people and is ready to help them in difficult times.

    Loves nature and takes care of it.

    Polite in communication, respectful towards adults and younger people

    Loves birds, helps them survive in winter

Teacher: Now you can hear that evil triumphs over good. Kindness, mercy, empathy for others create the basis of human happiness. Doing good to people has been preserved from distant ancestors. Kindness and mercy have been developed over centuries to make our lives easier.

Teacher A kind person is ready to help, and is ready to do this not for profit, for show, but does it at the behest of his heart.

Kindness must come from the heart. Already in the fourth century BC, the ancient Greek philosopher Plato argued: “By seeking the happiness of others, we find our own happiness.” (Plato)

The same idea was continued in the first century AD by the Roman philosopher Seneca: “A person who thinks about himself and seeks his own benefit in everything cannot be happy. If you want to live for yourself, live for others.” Let us remember the words of L.N. Tolstoy: “In life there is one undoubted happiness - to live for others.”

A person who does good to others and knows how to empathize with them feels happy.

TeacherWhat is evil?

    -Let's make evil out of plasticine?

    -And then we’ll smear it on the board, think about which strip we’ll smear on? (there are two strips of paper on the board - blue and gray)

Teacher. One day, one wise old Indian - the leader of the tribe was talking to his little grandson. Why are there bad people? - asked his inquisitive grandson. “There are no bad people,” answered the leader. – Every person has two halves – light and dark. The bright side of the soul calls a person to love, kindness, responsiveness, peace, hope, and sincerity. And the dark side represents evil, selfishness, destruction, envy, lies, betrayal. It's like a battle between two wolves. Imagine that one wolf is light, and the second is dark. Understand? - It's clear. said the kid, touched to the depths of his soul by his grandfather’s words. Boy for a while. He thought about it, and then asked: “But which wolf wins in the end?” The old Indian smiled barely noticeably: “The wolf you feed always wins.”

As is known, the parable gives answers to the most difficult questions that life poses to us.

Should a person cultivate light or dark qualities in himself?

Teacher. Guys, why do we feel sad?

If you are sad or someone has offended you, I have a “Bad Weather” card - you just take it and put it on your desk, and we will not disturb the one who has “Bad Weather”

We need to forgive offenses.

Teacher. Watching a film about disabled people.

How did this film make you feel?

Conversation about disabled people. December 3 is World Day of Persons with Disabilities. And we will talk about disabled children. These people live very close to us. But they try not to notice them. They live in a special world, the existence of which even their closest neighbors may not be aware of. They may be incredibly talented and spiritually rich people, but society stubbornly rejects them because...

survey of all students.

1.Who knows people with disabilities?

2. Have you met people with disabilities?

3. How many people with disabilities do you think there are in the city?

4. What types of disabilities are there?

5.Why do they become disabled?

6. At what age do people become disabled?

7.Which people have more disabilities - the elderly or the young?

8. Who and where do people with disabilities work?

Mini-lecture on disability.

Disabled children are real people with a face and character. In difficult conditions, sometimes catastrophic disability, as if on parched soil, they live their one and only life. Their body, in the case of serious, multiple developmental disorders, is capable of causing rejection in healthy people by its appearance. Disabled people are the same people as you and me, only they understand much more the value of ordinary things - seeing, hearing, walking, sitting. They understand that seeing the morning, people, cats is great. Modern man does not appreciate the priceless things he has - vision, hearing, speech, the ability to walk..? Disabled people are the same people as you and me, only they understand much more the value of ordinary things - seeing, hearing, walking, sitting.

Conclusion. Disabled people do not need guardianship. Disabled people need equal opportunities, a little comfort in their environment, understanding and dialogue with society.

Physical education minute.

Kindness must come from the heart.

Place your hands on your heart.

Close your eyes, smile (necessarily from the heart), think about what is good and good in your soul, for what qualities you love, value, and respect yourself. Whoever is ready, open your eyes.

Conversation on the content of V. Kataev’s work “Flower - Seven Flowers”

Teacher.- I suggest you remember the work of V. Kataev, where these lines are taken from:

Fly, fly, petal,
Through west to east,
Through the north, through the south,
Come back after making a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be according to my wishes.
Order to...

Teacher. What decision did Zhenya make with the last petal? (Helped Vita recover, who could not move on his own).

Which of the seven wishes do you think was thought through?

The most thoughtful and correct desire was the seventh.

From what side did Zhenya appear before us when making her 7th wish?

She saw, understood and accepted a stranger to her for who he is. My wife wanted to help Vita feel healthy, like everyone else

Exercise"Hands Tied"

Target: creating the opportunity to survive the limitation of hand movement.

Children's hands are tied and then they are asked to button up - undo the buttons on their jacket, write on the board with chalk, etc.

Exercise: “What do you hear?”

Target: paying attention to the importance of hearing in life, developing auditory attention.

I invite you to pay attention to the sounds around them for 1 minute and then tell them what they heard.
How wonderful it is to wake up in the morning, hear the birds singing, the rustling of leaves on the trees, feel the harmony of soul and body... - this is happiness. Treat him as an equal person.

Exercise “Blind, Deaf, Mute.”

Target: immersion of completely healthy people into the world of a person with disabilities, development of empathy.

To complete this exercise, 3 people are selected who will need to play the roles of people with developmental problems suggested on the cards.

    1st – does not move, does not hear, but speaks and sees

    2nd – does not speak, does not hear, but moves and sees

    3rd - does not speak, does not see, but hears and moves

Conclusion. You cannot insult, speak disrespectfully about anyone, make value judgments, criticize

Teacher. Now you will learn about human resilience, courage and unbending fortitude of people with limited capabilities, but limitless abilities

Children talk about people with disabilities.

Diana Gurtskaya. Her story is similar to that of Cinderella. Diana Gurtskaya was born on July 2 in Sukhumi (Abkhazia) in the family of a former miner and a former teacher. Her story is similar to that of Cinderella. . Medicine has not reached the level to give her sight. He has been singing since childhood. Graduated from a school for the blind. Musical education: music school for piano, Moscow College named after. Gnesins. Until the age of sixteen, she suffered greatly because of her blindness, cried, and complained about her fate. And then a turning point came - Diana not only accepted the fact that she would always live in SUCH a world, but also found in it many reasons for joy. In her family, she was and is always surrounded by love.

Teacher. Look at the blackboard.What does it look like?

To the ground.

-And the earth grows only good things.

-You and I will grow a dream. Let's draw some sprouts together, and what would a garden be without flowers?

-Now let’s cut out the flowers - wishes and glue them onto the board and write wishes on them.

Conclusion: Doing good is great.

Song “The Road of Goodness” Music - Mark Minkov, lyrics - Yuri Entin.

1. Ask strict life

Which way to go?

Where in the white world

Leave in the morning.

Follow the sun

Although this path is unknown,

Go my friend, always go

On the way to goodness.

2. Forget your worries,

Ups and downs

Don't whine when fate takes over

She doesn't act like a sister.

But if things go wrong with a friend,

Don't rely on a miracle

Hurry to him, always lead

On the way to goodness.

3. Oh, how many different ones there will be

Doubts and temptations

Don't forget that this is life

Not a child's game.

Drive away temptations

Learn the unspoken law

Go my friend, always go

On the way to goodness.

4. Ask strict life

Which way to go?

Where in the white world

Leave in the morning.

Drive away temptations

Learn the unspoken law

Go my friend, always go

On the way to goodness.

Homework: During the week, treat your family as carefully as possible. Observe what changes in the family during this time.

December 2 with students in grades 6-7 Baikalovskaya secondary school an hour of communication was held “We are different, but we have equal rights”,dedicated International Day of Disabled Persons.

At the beginning of the lesson the following words were said:

Disability is like war

The one that is neither seen nor heard.

There are no explosions here, and no shrapnel whistles,

But indifference finds its purpose.

I'm disabled, but I stand by it

That sometimes it is no easier for us than in battle (V. Kondratiev)

The children learned that the International Day of Persons with Disabilities was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1992 at the proposal of Russia. And every year on December 3, we celebrate this day with various promotions, charity events, competitions, and hours of courage. Divided into groups, the children completed tasks: draw a picture without using their hands; blindfolded, walk in a straight line without knocking over the pins; for posters with the headings “Congenital disability” and “Acquired disability”, select certain words and stick them on the poster. Next, the students watched a video about athletes - Paralympians, Olympic champions.

“Who are they, people with disabilities?”

“What is a barrier-free environment?” The children received answers to these and other questions during the lesson.

Librarian Elena Petrovna Zevakina reviewed the literature at the exhibition "Kindness brings hearts closer together" From books, students learned about health, healthy eating, and a healthy lifestyle. Books from the collection of the Baikal Rural Library on physical education and sports are presented: “Your friend is a leather ball”, “For children about hockey”, “Skating”, “About skiing and about yourself” and many others.

Our hour of communication resulted in a lesson in kindness. We remembered the disabled children living in our village and named their names. It’s so simple - to give a piece of your warmth to the person living nearby!

After such events, children become more responsive, kinder, and more serious.

E. P. Zevakina, librarian of the Baikal branch

A lesson in kindness

On December 2, an hour of communication “We are different, but we have equal rights,” dedicated to the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, was held with students of grades 6-7 of the Baikalovskaya Secondary School. At the beginning of the lesson, the words were said: Disability is like war, One that is not seen and not heard. There are no explosions here, and no shrapnel whistles, But indifference finds its target. I am disabled, but I stand by this, That sometimes it is no easier for us than in battle (V. Kondratiev) The guys learned that the International Day of Persons with Disabilities was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1992 at the suggestion of Russia. And every year on December 3, we celebrate this day with various promotions, charity events, competitions,...

So what is this event? What is its essence? Unfortunately, today there are about a billion disabled people in the world. Most of them live in civilized developing countries. Each of them celebrates the Day of Disabled Persons. It was created in order to support these people and ensure their full and equal participation in the life of society. Day of the Disabled in Russia also suggests ways to improve the standard of living of those whose capabilities are limited.

There are, as always, not enough good people, There is, as always, a shortage of good people. Kind people are not always understood; the hearts of the kind hurt more. The kind ones generously help the sick, the kind ones give warmth and comfort, the kind ones walk in step with the weak and don’t expect any thanks. Genrikh Akulov

,...Regardless of whether they expect good from you or not, do good. Regardless of whether your goodness is noticed or not, do good. Regardless of whether your goodness is accepted or rejected, do goodness. Regardless of how they pay you for doing good: good or evil, do good. Do good and don’t ask anyone’s permission, because no one has power over your good... Sh. A. Amonashvili

ACTIVE KINDNESS IS: good feelings do not allow a person to do evil, but also do not force him to do good deeds. FIGHTING KINDNESS is the highest level, the most beautiful, the most selfless and noble manifestation. This kindness chooses its owner among people with self-esteem, who will protect the weak and help in trouble.

KINDNESS is: The ability to rejoice in the successes of others, the ability to empathize, the ability to sympathize, the ability to forgive and ask for forgiveness, the ability to sympathize, always protect the weak, helping another person not for profit, but selflessly, is contrary to evil. Kindness is something that is done voluntarily, disinterestedly, for the benefit of all and for one’s own benefit, and not to one’s detriment.

What good deeds can we do ourselves? - show care for family members: take care of an old grandmother, help a tired mother, play with a younger brother... - help an elderly person carry a bag; -make birdhouses in the spring, bird feeders in the winter; - feed homeless animals,

Lesson of Kindness dedicated to the International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Target: to form a positive attitude towards people with disabilities and people with disabilities


    Form an idea of ​​a “special child.”

    To introduce some problems of disabled children.

    To develop a tolerant attitude towards people with disabilities.

    To form an idea of ​​health as a value of human life.

    Cultivate a sense of responsibility for your health, the health of your loved ones, those around you, and a willingness to perceive health as a value of human life.

Equipment: computer, multimedia equipment, cut out hearts (according to the number of children), felt-tip pens, 2 ribbons, 2 scarves.

Teacher : "Hello!" We begin any of our meetings with these words. And you all know what they mean not only as a greeting, but also as a wish of health to the one to whom they are addressed. Health is very important for a person. Health is a gift of fate. It is necessary to learn to cherish and respect this gift. That is why, from early childhood, we learn not just to greet people, but to wish them health. If we wish for others, we wish for ourselves. But does our health and the health of those around us always depend only on our desire?

Students: No not always.

Teacher: I suggest you remember Valentin Kataev’s fairy tale “The Seven-Colored Flower.” And we will do it this way: I will ask questions, and you will answer.

How many petals did the magic flower have?

Students: Seven.

Teacher: Who remembers the magic words?

Students: Fly, fly petal, through the west to the east, through the north, through the south, come back, having made a circle. Having flown around the earth, it was in my opinion.

Teacher: Why did the boy on the bench refuse to run with Zhenya?

Students: Because he has bad legs, moves with the help of crutches, and is disabled.

Teacher: Unfortunately, on our planet there are many people who are deprived of physical health, i.e. These people are disabled either from birth or as a result of illness or injury.

Teacher: Now our school is celebrating a decade dedicated to the Day of the Disabled Person. Traditionally, it is celebrated on December 3. This is what the United Nations decided in 1992. Usually on this day it is customary to draw attention to the problems of people with disabilities, to the protection of their dignity, rights and well-being. Who are these disabled people?

Students: Disabled people are people whose health capabilities are so limited by illness or injury that they cannot cope without outside help and assistance from the state.

Teacher: In the “Big Encyclopedic Dictionary” it is written: “A disabled person (from Latin invalidus - weak, infirm) is a person who has partially or completely lost his ability to work.”

Teacher: Have you ever seen such people in our city or in other places? (Answers) Yes, indeed, they exist. We just don't always notice them. There are many such people in our village. These are both adults and children. In German there is the concept of “Sonderkind” - a special child and it is equally applied to both talented children and disabled children. We also call these guys “special children.” I suggest you discuss the reasons that can lead a person to disability.

Issues for discussion:

Teacher: Are there occupations that are hazardous to health and lead to disability? ( Children's answers)

What dangers await us in life, in everyday life? ( Children's answers)

Teacher - Some types of professions are associated with health hazards: underwater, chemical, associated with high voltage, vibration, radiation and others. Representatives of almost all professions are more or less exposed to some kind of danger. All types of big sports, ballet, circus are also very dangerous.

Teacher: And in life, in everyday life, dangers await us: electricity, boiling water, high-rise buildings, cars. But people often either don’t think about it or simply take risks: they cross the road in the wrong place or at a red traffic light, swim in unfamiliar places or in too cold water, cross rivers on thin ice, fight and do a lot of other things, do not take care of their most valuable things. We have life and health. In addition, disasters and accidents occur in the world: car and plane crashes, fires, factory accidents, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, etc.

After military operations, people with disabilities also appear due to wounds and concussions.

It happens that a person gets sick. But not all diseases have yet been controlled by doctors.

Teacher: And there are doctors who are dishonest in their duties.

Teacher: The little patient of the Krasnodar Children's Hospital, Sonechka Kulivets, was only two months old when, due to an incorrect injection, the girl had to have her arm amputated. This tragedy shocked the entire country. And to prevent this from happening again, you must study very well and become disciplined workers. After all, both your destinies and the destinies of other people will be in your hands. Sometimes this happens: the baby is born unhealthy.

Practical exercises

Teacher: We talk a lot today about health. Health is movement. Let's move a little too. Now I will ask you to stand 5 people, close your eyes and imagine yourself in a dark, unfamiliar room. Now be extremely attentive and careful when following my commands.

Teams: take a step to the right, two steps forward, a step to the left, a step back, sit down, turn to the left, a step back, turn left again, step to the right and forward, turn around.

1. Without opening your eyes, please answer where you are, where did you come from? And you had to come back to where you started.

Teacher: Open your eyes. Did you manage to arrive at the right point? How did you feel moving with your eyes closed? (Answer options may be unexpected: from fear to interest).

2. 2 people are invited. With your eyes closed, draw a house on the board.


How did you feel? What were you thinking? Was it difficult to complete the tasks?

3.You have all been to a cinema at least once, sat in the auditorium.

Do you think people who cannot see with their eyes can come into the auditorium? (children's answers) These people can come to the auditorium, but they will only be able to listen and not watch.

4. I propose to complete another task “Bring the object with your eyes closed”

Someone come up and blindfold him. Now go to the bookcase and take the book from the 3rd shelf. Bring it to me.


Teacher: Children, what did you experience while completing this task? Did you want to take off the blindfold and open your eyes?

Teacher: This is how people with vision problems feel in our lives. There is a special alphabet - Braille alphabet, so that these people can also read, learn, and communicate. It is based on a convex six-dot: combinations of dots denote letters, numbers, and musical notes.

Teacher: Do you think blind people can work? Further children's answers.

There is a “Society of the Blind”, where people without sight make things for general consumption (covers, switches, sockets).

Teacher: Do you agree that with friendly help such people would be much more comfortable and reliable? Further children's answers.

Teacher: How do people with hearing problems live? After all, on the street they don’t hear car horns, you can’t hail them, you can’t warn them about danger from afar. In the forest we “holler” so as not to lose each other, but what about them? And they communicate with gestures, this is sign language. Therefore, such people need to see the hands and face of their interlocutor. Sometimes deaf people can understand our language - according to a special program by Emilia Leongard at the Hearing Center in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny, they are taught to read words from the lips of a speaking interlocutor and even speak. I will silently say a few words to you - try to understand me. And now everyone can tell us a couple of phrases. (Children try to speak inaudibly and guess what was said.)

Teacher: What if a person is deprived of both sight and hearing? How to communicate then? And then “palm to palm” contact is necessary. Then the fingers of the “speaker” write a word from the letters in the palm of the “listener”. These letters are special. This set of “letters” is called the dactyl alphabet. Try it yourself (the “letters” of the dactyl alphabet are shown). Difficult? But you need to live, study, work. Such children study near Moscow at the Zagorsk special boarding school. This school is the only one in the whole country. Four of its graduates became doctors of science.

Dynamic pause

Teacher: People who cannot hear understand the world around them through facial expressions and gestures. And in order to feel for yourself how difficult it is, I suggest: Stand on your feet, turn to each other, look into your partner’s eyes, take his hand so that he feels your kind attitude towards him.


Teacher: Children, which of you felt kindly towards yourself during the exercise? Talk about your feelings. Further children's answers.

Teacher: I'm glad that you were able to convey your feelings to another.

Teacher: There are people who do not have an arm or a leg, or both arms and legs, or whose arms and legs do not obey their master at all. People who do not have legs most often move in wheelchairs. They are forced to constantly use outside help. Imagine your morning with your hands tied: how to wash, have breakfast, get dressed?

Practical exercises

Teacher: To feel for yourself how difficult it is for such people to do what is not difficult for us, one exercise will help. Come to me 2 people. Now, I will tie one of your hands to your body with a ribbon. And try putting on a jacket with one hand.

4 more people are invited.

Teacher: Without using your hands, untie your shoelaces.

Reflection. Summing up the class hour.

Teacher: What did you experience during the exercise? What did you want to do?

Teacher: Guys, today we talked about people with disabilities, people with disabilities, many of you experienced, while performing various tasks, how difficult it is sometimes for people with disabilities to live. Let's summarize how you felt during the class hour? Do you need to protect your health and the health of others? How do you think we should help disabled people and people with disabilities?

Pupils: Make the entrance and exit from shops, transport, designed for wheelchairs; - help cross the road, go to the store, help clean the apartment, pay attention.

Teacher: What do you need to do to maintain and maintain your health?

Teacher: I hope that you will become kinder, more attentive, more responsive in order to at least somehow help them. During the lesson, from your eyes, it became clear to me that everything you heard and saw touched your hearts. I would like to add that every disabled person wants to be treated as a full-fledged person. And as one of these people said: “We feel normal, like all other people, what makes us disabled is the attitude of people towards us.”

Students:It is necessary to take care of your health, since a healthy person has more opportunities and strength to achieve their goals, fulfill their dreams, communicate, etc. To take care of your health, you need to exercise, don’t smoke, don’t use drugs and alcohol, and follow a routine. Follow the advice of doctors so as not to prolong the illness. Preserve and improve the environment. You need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Teacher: How many of you agree that “Kindness will save the world”?

Teacher: Kindness is an amazing thing, it brings people together like nothing else. Kindness saves you from loneliness and emotional wounds. I'm friends with you, I'm not asking for anything, just be kind. If you want to spread goodness around you, then take the hearts that are on your tables and write on them what is closest to your soul, what you want to say to people with disabilities. You can use the inscriptions on the board or come up with your own version (the board says: I want to help you, I worry about you, I will support you in difficult times). Whoever has the hearts ready, attach them to the board.

I think that you all wrote kind, good words of support on your hearts and this may mean that the time spent on the lesson was not in vain for you.