When and how to replant tulips in spring. When and how to replant tulips. Optimal time for planting

In June and July, you need to dig up, plant, dry and store bulbs of tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, muscari, and imperial hazel grouse before planting. You can also replant and divide lily bulbs at this time. find out favorable days for working with bulbous plants according to the horticulturist’s lunar calendar for 2019.

  • LILY:

Which tulips need to be dug up every year?

Tulips from groups green, fringed, parrot it is necessary to plant and dig up every year, otherwise it will not be possible to preserve their varietal characteristics.

Tulips that do not require digging for 3-6 years: Kaufman, Foster, Greig, and Darwinian hybrids, Triumph, Simple early And Simple late.

When to dig up tulips

It is advisable to dig up tulip bulbs in the northern zone from mid-July to the first days of August, in the southern regions (for example, in the Kursk, Lipetsk, Voronezh regions) - in late June - early July. In the middle zone (for example, in the Moscow region, Smolensk, Tver, Leningrad regions), the time for digging up tulips usually occurs at the end of June - beginning of July.

Is it possible to plant tulips in the spring, during flowering? In May and early June during flowering, it is not recommended to replant tulips with flowers. Digging up tulips immediately after flowering will crush the bulbs and lead to fewer flowering plants the following year. Therefore, the harvesting of tulip bulbs begins only after the leaves and stems have completely dried, and the first to be dug early varieties and as the leaves wither - middle and late varieties.

There is no need to dig up tulips for the winter; they overwinter well in open ground conditions.

The best days for caring for tulips according to the Lunar calendar for gardeners and florists in 2017:

for digging: July 6-7, 18-24, 26-31;
for applying summer fertilizing: June 1, 15-16, 18-21, 25-29; July 1,10-11; 3, 6-8, 11-12, 21-22, 26-27, 31 August.

In the photo there are just dug up tudbpan bulbs

Is it necessary to pick a flower from a tulip?

To get good, strong tulip bulbs, do not let the plant waste energy setting seeds. Remove the flower head from tulips 3-4 days after the flower opens. When plants in a flower garden fade, it is necessary to remove only the seed capsule, leaving the maximum possible length of the peduncle and leaves. This will cause nutrients to flow from the aboveground part of the plant into the bulb and help it gain strength for flowering next year.

Tie the flower stalks of tulips with large double flowers to the support (for example, representatives of the Late Terry class)

Leave at least 3-4 leaves when cutting tulips for a bouquet. This will help the plants form large bulbs capable of flowering next spring.

in the photo there are bulbs and baby tulips

How to properly dig and store tulip bulbs after digging

Try to dig up tulip bulbs after flowering in dry and clear weather. To avoid accidentally damaging the bulbs, be guided by the remains of dried stems. Handle small tulip bulbs very carefully - this is planting material with which you can propagate tulips. Take special care to dig up small bulbs in which the replacement bulb becomes deeper.

Tulip bulbs must be sorted by variety, placed in boxes labeled with the names of the varieties and removed from direct sunlight in a utility room or under a canopy. After a few days, the tulip bulbs are cleaned of roots, soil residues and old scales, and taken apart. Healthy tulip bulbs should have light brown scales. Sorted and dried bulbs are laid out in a thin layer in boxes and stored in a warm room for about 20 days at a temperature of +23°C and a humidity of 70-80%. At this time, flower shoots, leaves and root buds are formed. If the temperature at this time is too low, about +5 degrees Celsius, then bud formation does not occur, the bulb next year does not bloom. Gradually, you need to find a cooler room for storing the bulbs and until planting, store them at +13...+15° and a humidity not higher than 70%.

in the photo there is a curtain of daffodils just dug up

When to dig up daffodils after flowering

You need to dig up daffodil bulbs and plant nests on average once every 4-5 (up to 6) years, when the bulbs begin to crowd each other and flowering weakens.

The timing for digging and planting daffodils differs from tulips and hyacinths. Although the narcissus foliage dies back after flowering, it does not have a pronounced dormant period. They move in the bulb nutrients, the formation and development of organs is underway. Daffodils should be dug later than tulips and hyacinths, as soon as the foliage turns almost completely yellow (June-July), and planted earlier - before the end of September. The optimal time to dig up daffodils is the second half of August, since the roots of daffodils grow most actively in September.

Do not rush to dig up daffodils until their foliage completely turns yellow. The bulb must have time to draw all the nutrients from the leaves and put them aside in reserve. For daffodils, this period can last almost 2 months, and in damp weather it can be even longer.

After waiting for the foliage to turn yellow, it is better not to delay digging up the daffodils: when the leaves dry out and fall off, the exact location of the bulbs will be difficult to determine, and you risk accidentally damaging them.

The best days for digging up daffodils according to the lunar calendar for gardeners and florists in 2017:

for digging up daffodil bulbs- June 15-16, July 17-18; other days - July 7 and 31.
for summer processing of bulbs- July 2-5, 20-21 and 24 and August 3-4, 9-12.

in the photo the division of daffodils after digging

When to dig up hyacinths

Hyacinths must be planted and dug up every year, otherwise it will not be possible to preserve the varietal characteristics of the plants. In the conditions of the middle zone, for the normal formation of vegetative organs and inflorescences of the next year, it is advisable to dig up hyacinth bulbs annually. Without this, flowering weakens already in the second year, and then completely disappears.

It is best to dig up hyacinths in late June-early July, when the leaves turn yellow. The dug up bulbs are carefully cleaned of soil, the leaves are cut off and dried for 2-3 days. Then they clean off excess scales, roots, growths on the bottom, separate large new bulbs (babies) and put them away for storage. The total storage duration is about 95 days. Of these, it is advisable to store the bulbs for 2 months at a temperature of +25...+26°C, then for a month at +17°C. The humidity in the room where the bulbs are stored should not be too low so that they do not dry out. To maintain moisture, you can spray the bulbs with water from time to time.

in the photo are bulbs of dug up hyacinths

Favorable days according to the 2017 Lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners for digging hyacinths: June 15-16, July 17-18.

When to dig up lilies

Lilies require replanting every 3-4 years. Due to the perennial subbulbous roots, lilies have virtually no storage period: the loss of these roots can result in the plant not blooming after planting. Therefore, summer-autumn digging and dividing of lilies should coincide with transplanting and planting in a new place. If necessary, lilies can be transplanted at any time of the season without disturbing the ball of earth with roots.

Lilies from the groups Asian hybrids and LA hybrids

Lilies from groups Asian hybrids And LA hybrids usually form a lot of children, so try to dig them up and plant them every year, otherwise they will greatly weaken the mother bulb, flowering will be weak and short-lived.

Lilies from the groups Oriental hybrids, Martagon, tubular and OT hybrids

In lilies from groups Oriental hybrids, Martagon, tubular And OT hybrids Usually few babies are produced during the season. Therefore, lilies of these groups do not need to be planted every year; it is enough to plant them once every 5-7 years.

The photo shows lily bulbs prepared for sale after digging

The time for transplanting lilies to a new place should coincide with the end of the growing season, when the lily bulbs get stronger after flowering. In the northern regions, the best time for transplantation is early autumn (late August - September), in the middle zone - mid-autumn (September - early October), in the southern regions - late autumn (October - November).

Timing for digging up lilies

In order for the plants to take root well in a new place and prepare for winter, it is better to divide the lilies at the following times:

It is better to dig up non-winter-hardy tubular lilies every year for the winter, dry them and store them in a frost-free room.

Immediately plant all dug up lily bulbs in a permanent place.

If necessary, lily bulbs can be stored for a short time wrapped in sphagnum moss in a cool place, for example, in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. When digging up overgrown lilies, carefully separate all the resulting baby bulbs and plant them in specially prepared places.

Is it necessary to dig up and when is the imperial hazel grouse

Imperial hazel grouse bulbs can be grown in one place without replanting for 2-3 years. In nature, it grows in climates with hot and dry summers, and the bulbs need to set a flower bud on next year, you need to warm up - just like at home. Therefore, to guarantee flowering, the imperial hazel grouse must be dug up every year and put away to dry at a temperature of +30°C until August. It is best to dig up bulbs when the above-ground parts begin to dry out - in mid-to-late June. You cannot delay cleaning; in humid summers there is a risk of bulbs rotting. Hazel grouse bulbs are devoid of covering scales, so during storage it is better to cover them with peat, sawdust or sand, otherwise they will dry out.

By the time storage ends at the end of August, hazel grouse bulbs begin to appear new roots and sprouts, grow long roots- this is a signal that it is time to plant the bulbs.

In the photo, the bulbs of the imperial hazel grouse are prepared for autumn planting

Bukhara hazel grouse ( F. Bucharica) and stenanthera ( F. stenanthera) also necessarily require digging and drying the bulbs every summer. This can be done by growing them in pots, removing the pot from the soil and putting it in a dry place until September.

Favorable days for digging up imperial hazel grouse bulbs and laying them out for drying according to the horticulturist’s lunar calendar for 2017: June 15-16; July 17-18 and 31.

When to dig up crocuses

Spring crocus can be grown in one place without replanting for 3-4 years. There is no need to dig up crocus corms every year unless you need to propagate the plant and get large marketable bulbs. The rate of growth of crocuses and the formation of daughter bulbs varies, and varietal plants need to be divided more often. When the corms crowd each other and become smaller, the nests need to be planted.

The timing of digging up crocuses depends on the flowering time of the plants. Autumn-flowering species ( K. Banatsky, K. Pallas, K. beautiful, K. Kholmovoy, K. pretty, K. Sharoyan, K. Kochi, K. yellow-white etc.) can be divided earlier - in June-August. Spring flowering ( K. spring, K. yellow, K. reticulated, K. Korolkova, K. two-flowered, K. Heichel, K. Sieber, K. golden, K. Ankira, K. Adam, K. Alataevsky, K. Tomasini) - in July-September, when the plants are at rest. The planting material is dried, freed from roots and defective scales, after which they are inspected, diseased specimens are rejected, mechanical damage disinfected by sprinkling with crushed coal or ash. Store in cool, dry rooms for two to three months, then plant in the ground.

The photo shows crocus bulbs prepared for autumn planting

Favorable days for digging up bulbs and dividing nests of crocuses according to the Lunar sowing calendar of gardeners: June 15-16, July 17-18, August 27-28, September 15.

When to dig up small bulbous plants

Small-bulbous plants (white flower, candyk, scylla, muscari, snowdrop, scilla, pushkinia and chionodox) do not need to be dug up every year. They can grow in one place for 4-5 years. It is necessary to divide and plant muscari for replanting when the nests have grown greatly, so that they do not interfere with each other and the flowers are large. You can start working when the plants' leaves begin to dry - in late summer-early autumn. If your muscari and other small bulbous plants are too young to divide and replant, simply trim off any yellowing leaves.

The dug up bulbs need to be cleaned of soil and roots, dried for several days in a well-ventilated area at an air humidity of 70% and a temperature of +17ºС. After this, the bulbs must be immediately transplanted to a new location. If planting is delayed, place the bulbs in a container of peat or damp sand to protect them from drying out.

Favorable days in 2019 for digging up bulbs of small-bulbous plants according to the Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners: June 15-16; July 17-18; August 27-28; September 15th .

The photo shows the process of digging muscuri during the flowering period

With the arrival of spring, tulips planted in the flowerbed delight with bright colors. Like all flower crops, they require attention and care. The main requirements for growing these wonderful perennials are to replant the tulip bulbs every year. In order for the plant to please with beautiful large flowers, you should familiarize yourself with the rules of agricultural technology.

Biological features of culture

When growing tulips, summer residents sometimes cannot achieve good results. The crop often gets sick, the stems grow unevenly, are twisted, and the flowers do not have a standard size. To avoid failures, you need to know about the main components of a tulip:

  1. The root system of a flower develops from the embryonic root of the seed, and the remaining roots extend from the lower part of the bottom of the bulb and are called adventitious. A lot of such appendages are formed, but they die off every year.
  2. The bulb is the main part of the plant. It collects the nutrients the flower needs, it is the reproductive organ from which the stem, leaves and flower grow annually. The scales covering the bulb serve as storage and protective functions.
  3. The stem is erect, strong, stretches upward and bears a colorful single flower.
  4. The plant has few leaves. They start at the base of the aerial part, grow to mid-length and form a green surrounding.
  5. Annual flower. It has six falling leaves. It stands out for its richness of shapes and variety of shades.
  6. The fruits complete life cycle flower. Each nest of the triangular box contains small seeds - the future of the tulip.

Reasons for moving to another place

The dream of any summer resident is colorful spring flowers in a flowerbed, but before you start growing, you need to figure out why the crop is being replanted. Replanting tulips – necessary event. Plants can bloom in one place for up to four years, but every year the flowers become smaller and lose their color.

Annual replanting preserves the varietal characteristics of the flower crop, delays growth, gives the plantings a cultivated and decorative look. In a flowerbed, the bulb buries itself, and after a few years it is difficult to find it in the ground.

There are plenty of reasons for replanting tulips; sometimes the plants themselves indicate the need for replanting:

Is it possible to replant blooming tulips?

It is not recommended to replant specimens preparing for flowering or flowering, but if an emergency arises, this should be done very carefully and carefully. It is better to dig up plants when the sprouts have not had time to grow, before the buds appear.

They need to be removed with their roots, the shovel inserted into the soil as deep as possible and scoop up more soil. But practitioners argue that it is better to cancel such a risky undertaking and postpone it until the autumn season.

When can you replant tulips?

You should wait for certain signs and suitable weather conditions. The flower crop should finish flowering and dry out. This usually occurs at the end of the first month of summer. Tulips need to be replanted after flowering.

After waiting until the protective scaly layer covering the bulb turns yellow, but does not begin to take root in the soil, you can start replanting. It is better to dig up plants in dry, sunny weather. Only after identifying all the signs of readiness can you think about transplanting to another place.

Advantages and disadvantages of spring transplantation

Only serious reasons forced to carry out this procedure at this time of year, and it is very important to know how to properly replant plants in the spring. It is not advisable to do this in the spring, since the bulb has very little time to take root. Spring transplants also have their own tricks, you can always use them:

  • Each plant bulb is not taken out separately from the ground, but is transplanted to a new place with a large lump of soil.
  • For spring planting, the material is prepared in the summer. The heads are stored for the prescribed period, and in winter they are buried in a container with soil. With the onset of spring, after the first shoots appear, they are planted in the planned place.

But spring replanting does not guarantee that the plant will take root well, will not get sick and will give the owner colorful blooms in the same year. Usually, after such plantings, the flower crop blooms profusely only after a year.

Pros and cons of autumn transplantation

Planting tulips in autumn - good time with the least risk of damage to the bulbs. The event should begin several weeks before the first frost, for example, in the first ten days of October.

The transplanted bulb will not have time to germinate before winter, but will be able to take root and prepare for wintering. But autumn also has its downsides. It is very difficult to adapt to weather conditions and calculate the time when it is best to transplant tulips.

Very early replanting and warm weather will allow the plants to take root and germinate, which will destroy the plants with the onset of frost. During later planting, the bulbs will not have time to take root, which also often leads to their death. Sometimes it is very difficult to determine when to plant flowers.

Technology and process specifics

The time for replanting tulips depends on the climatic characteristics of the region. The main conditions for transplanting bulbs are compliance with all preparatory measures and temperature preferences of the crop.

  • In the specifics of the event, there are technological rules that should be followed:
  • The bulbs are removed from the soil.
  • Small onions are torn off from large heads.
  • Planting material is sorted and calibrated.
  • Damaged bulbs are sifted out and destroyed.
  • The heads are dried in a well-ventilated place.
  • Planting sites are constantly changing.
  • Before replanting, fertilize the soil.

The work is carried out in optimal weather conditions.

Tulip heads are dug up for replanting in mid-summer. There is no need to delay the procedure. If you keep the tubers in the ground, they will take root, this will negatively affect the condition of the disturbed plant.

To avoid damaging them, you should focus on the remains of dried stems.

Small bulbs must be handled very carefully - this is also planting material from which flowers can be propagated. The bulbs are carefully cleaned of soil, old root shoots and last year’s hardened scales are removed. Everything is done extremely carefully, without damaging the heads.


If tulips are dug out from wet soil, they need to be washed in water or a disinfectant solution and dried thoroughly. For processing, a weak composition of potassium permanganate is used. Next, the planting material is laid out in layers in a cardboard box and put away in a cool, dark place. Thus, they dry and are stored until autumn. Before planting, the box is taken out, the bulbs are inspected for disease and the dried ones are removed and thrown away.

Pre-planting treatment of bulbs

Before planting, the bulbs need to be laid out on the table and each one carefully examined for damage, rotting or signs of disease. The hard covering husk is removed from them, since it is under it that there may be foci of lesions and infections that are not immediately noticeable.

The heads, cleared of the scaly layer, better absorb nutrients from the soil. The bulbs are cleaned very carefully, avoiding damage. After cleaning, they are treated with potassium permanganate or an infusion of crushed garlic.

Landing at a new place

When the preparatory procedures are completed and the most suitable soil temperature is selected, planting work begins. Holes are made in the area, the diameter and depth are selected to match the size of the tuber.

Large heads are deepened into the soil, the children are lightly pressed into the ground and sprinkled. Before planting, the holes are moistened abundantly. During moistening, you should wait for the ground to absorb moisture, only after that the bulbs are lowered into the ground. The plantings are dug in and watered again.

Care after transplant

Care does not require serious knowledge. The main thing in this process is care and attention. To prevent plants from being attacked by weeds after shoots appear, the soil is covered with mulch. When there is no rain, regular watering is carried out.

If the soil is not mulched, periodically loosen the soil around the plants and repeat this after rain or moistening of the soil. When seedlings appear, the required amount of fertilizer containing nitrogen is introduced into the ground; this will have a beneficial effect on the growth and flowering of the crop.

Growing tulips is a very exciting and interesting process. But in order for the results to be pleasing, you need to become familiar with the biological characteristics of the crop and the technology of planting work.

Tulips invariably delight summer residents and gardeners with their flowering in May-June. For some lovers, a flower bed is enough, while others grow whole ridges! Caring for tulips with some skill is not so difficult. The main thing is to replant them on time.

Is it possible to replant tulips in spring?

In the spring, tulips preparing to bloom are not replanted. Tulips with buds are most likely transplanted by experienced flower growers to decorate squares, streets, parks, and public gardens. They are grown in special containers in nurseries.

Is it possible to replant blooming tulips?

The same principle applies to blooming tulips. It is not recommended to replant tulips in spring and during flowering. But if you really need to, do it very carefully.

When and how to replant tulips after flowering?

Spring-summer tulips after blooming dug up and prepare for storage. In autumn, tulips are planted again in the ground. After winter - in early spring - young tulip sprouts emerge from the ground.

So, when the tulips fade in spring (red) or early June (yellow), we cut off the stems and dig up the bulbs after about a month. We clean the bulbs from the top film, dry them and transfer them to a warm, ventilated room, where they are stored until the next autumn planting. The right way to plant tulips is in the fall!

At the end of September - beginning of October (simultaneously with planting winter garlic), we take tulip bulbs and soak them in the solution potassium permanganate within 2 hours. Then, after drying them a little, we begin planting them in the dug up bed (when digging the bed, we add mineral and organic fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium).

love tulips loose soil mixed with sand. We dig a hole with a small spatula to a depth of 3 times the height of the bulb and plant the bulbs there. The distance between rows is 10-12 cm and the same between the bulbs. Varietal tulips must be placed at a distance from other tulips, since when planted together, cross-pollination may occur and the colors of the flowers themselves will change. We fill the holes with peat and humus. In order to avoid freezing in winter, you need to spread a layer of sawdust or fallen leaves.

If the tulips have successfully overwintered, then with the onset of spring warmth (late April) they begin to grow. Green sprouts appear from the ground and very quickly increase in size and length. At this time, we rake up sawdust or leaves and loosen the soil. They don’t really like feeding, as they can start to “fatten”, that is, they won’t bloom and release their strength into the foliage.

Tulips usually bloom by mid-May. As a rule, red ones bloom first, then yellow ones. In general, there are tulips different colors, almost any: from black to white. If there is little rain, we water 1-2 times a week.

And we rejoice in flowering!

Tulips are one of the most unpretentious flowers. They delight you with their color from the first days of spring. One of the basic principles of care is bulb transplantation. Some varieties require this procedure every year, while others need to be replanted every few years.

Let's look at when to dig up tulips after flowering and when to plant them, as well as how to do it correctly.

You can tell that a bush is ready for digging by the color of the above-ground part. It should turn yellow by about half. It is very important that the stems and leaves do not begin to dry out. Many people are waiting for this very moment, but in this case the bulbs will not be so full of strength, and they will also be much more difficult to find.

Advice! If you plan to transplant in advance, trim the stems before the buds form. This way all the strength of the plant will go into the bulbs and you will be able to get excellent planting material.

The bulbs are dug up, dried and stored for storage in mid-June to early August. The timing depends on the variety and weather conditions; we have already said how to determine that a tulip is ready for replanting.

If you have parrot, fringed, green and other valuable varieties of tulips in your flowerbed, then they must be dug up every year. It’s different from year to year distinctive features will get worse. Simple early and late varieties, as well as Kaufman, Greig, Foster, Triumph and various hybrids can be replanted every three to six years.

Note! There is an opinion that tulips should be dug up during flowering, but this will only lead to a reduction in the size of the bulbs and a decrease in their quality characteristics.

By lunar calendar for digging in 2018, 06/15, 06/16, 07/07, 07/17, 07/18 and 07/31 are ideal.

How to properly dig and store tulips after digging

It is recommended to dig up tulip bulbs in dry, sunny weather in the morning. The hole must be made wider in order to obtain not only strong bulbs, but also small “babies”. Don't throw them away. With a little effort you can get excellent planting material from them.

If the nights are hot, then the bulbs can be left in the beds until the next morning, if not, then better evening collect them, sort them and put them in a well-ventilated shed or at least under a shed.

After about three to five days, the bulbs must be cleared of old scales, roots, and any remaining soil must be chipped away, as well as sorted. Bulbs with light brown scales, dense, smooth, without damage, stains, rot and other defects are considered healthy.

For storage, tulips are laid out in one layer. They will remain like this for about 20 days. The optimal temperature is +23 and humidity is about 80%. Such conditions contribute to the formation of strong flower shoots, leaves and root systems.

At low temperatures this will not happen, and the plant will either die or weaken so much that it will not bloom for several years in a row. Therefore, you should not put the bulbs in the cellar or pantry.

As the time of planting approaches, it is better to reduce the temperature to +15 and the humidity to 70%. This way the bulbs will undergo natural hardening.

Important! Mice really like tulip bulbs, especially young “babies,” so regularly inspect your planting material and remove damaged ones.

When to plant tulips

Small baby bulbs should be planted in warm soil. This happens around the beginning of August or beginning of September, depending on the climate.

But adults should not take root. For normal development and flowering, they must overwinter in the ground. This happens at the end of September and beginning of November. It is allowed that the ground on top is slightly frozen. The main thing is that at a depth of 15 cm it is no colder than 10 degrees.

Take note! If you missed the moment of planting in the ground, put the tulip bulbs in the cellar for storage, having previously sprinkled them with sawdust or sand.

How to plant tulips

It is advisable to place the tulip flower bed in a well-lit place. The soil must be fertile and sufficiently loose. It doesn’t hurt to fertilize it with humus first.

Before planting, peel each bulb from the old husk and dip it in a rich pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Dig a hole to a depth of 15 cm, pour on the bottom for drainage eggshells, sand on top. Remove the onion from the potassium permanganate, roll it in wood ash and place it in the hole. Gently sprinkle earth on top. Regarding the distance between holes, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations for growing this variety, but most often it is 20-40 cm.

After two weeks, you need to water with warm water. And after another two weeks, you can fill the flowerbed with sawdust, fallen leaves or peat. The shelter will also serve as additional fertilizer, just don’t forget to carefully clear the area around the sprouting tulips in the spring.

Timely replanting of tulips is the key to healthy plants, which in turn will allow you to get beautiful flower beds. The most suitable time for transplanting from one place to another, good rooting and further obtaining abundant flowering of tulips, will be the beginning of September - mid-autumn. If for some reason the bulbs dug up in the summer cannot be planted in the fall, this can be done in the spring. However, at this time the active development of the plant begins, the seedlings planted in the ground will be weak, they bloom later or do not bloom at all.

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    Rules for replanting tulips

    The algorithm for work in Central Russia looks like this:

    1. 1. Dig up the bulbs in the summer after flowering. This is approximately mid-June - early July. In order to properly remove them from the ground, you must not miss the moment when the plants have already withered, but the above-ground part has not yet died completely. In the future, the bulb will sprout new roots and with more later digging them up gets damaged.
    2. 2. After removing the plant from the ground, the remaining above-ground parts are cut off and the bulbs are sorted. They separate spoiled and sick ones, and select children and good specimens.
    3. 3. Next, the sorted planting material is dipped in a solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour (5 g of manganese is taken per 5 liters of water), it very well rids the bulbs of diseases and pests. Then it is dried in the shade.
    4. 4. After this, in cardboard boxes or wooden boxes store the prepared material until autumn. At the end of September - beginning of October, when the soil temperature at a depth of 10-15 cm drops to 10 degrees, the bulbs are planted in the ground in a designated place.

    The baby tulips will not bloom next year, you need to remember this when choosing a place for planting.

    Bulb storage

    The dug up bulbs cannot be stored in a room where the temperature is above +25 degrees; if the air warms up to +32 degrees, the tulips will not bloom at all. Bulbs are demanding on humidity levels; it should be about 70%. Tulip bulbs are also poorly tolerated Sun rays, when transplanting them, be sure to carry out the work in the shade, and the bulbs are stored in a dark room, without direct rays and drafts. If these requirements are not met, the bulb bud is damaged, and the next year the plants produce weak shoots and bloom sluggishly.

    Planting in spring

    Spring planting time for Middle Strip Russia - end of April. You can determine the optimal time by warming up the soil; it should be around +10 degrees.

    You can plant tulips in spring in several ways:

    1. 1. If you forgot to plant the bulbs in the fall, then you need to keep them in the refrigerator or cold cellar. For packaging use paper or cellophane with holes. In the spring, after the soil has warmed up, the planting material is treated with any growth stimulant (according to the instructions) and planted to a depth of three bulbs. Plants bloom after the tulips planted in the fall have faded. This planting material can be used for forcing: if you plant them in a pot of sand, covering the bulb with a little soil, you can get beautiful flowers even in winter.
    2. 2. You can use regular snow as a storage location. To do this, planting material is planted in the ground in boxes that are buried in the snow. However, the bulbs should not be exposed to frost without snow, otherwise they will not bloom or will disappear altogether.
    3. 3. Planting in boxes will produce young shoots that are planted in the spring. Light soil is placed in the box and the bulbs are laid out. From above, to the base and a little more (5 cm), the bulb is covered with earth. The soil in the box should always be moist. The box is kept in the cold for at least 5 weeks, at a temperature close to 0. The vegetable compartment in the refrigerator or a cold cellar is suitable for this. After the soil has warmed up, young shoots are carefully planted in the ground so as not to damage the fragile roots. They will bloom by the end of May - beginning of June.
    4. 4. This method allows you to plant planting material without damaging the fragile root system. After wintering in the refrigerator, it is necessary to treat the bulbs with potassium permanganate and then plant them in small cups, each bulb separately. Time for planting is the end of March. And when the soil warms up to +10 degrees, the plant from the cups is very carefully transplanted into the ground. When using paper cups, you can simply plant them in the ground without removing the plant. They will bloom 3 weeks after planting.

    Disembarkation planting material in spring it does not allow to obtain good seedlings and abundant flowering. The plants will bloom in full force only next year.

    Features of landing in Siberia

    Severe winters and the threat of a return to zero temperatures make planting tulips in Siberia more labor-intensive. Plants should be planted here in the fall at the end of August - beginning of September. After planting the bulbs, the soil is mulched to protect it from early freezing.