The cat that doesn't grow. Dwarf cats. The smallest cat breeds

Everyone has heard about the large animals of the Maine Coon breed, but few people know what the smallest cats are. Cats that weigh less than 3 kg are considered small. These are artificially bred breeds that are in great demand. Such a pet looks exotic, elegant, and stands out among others.

Russian invention

Few people know that the smallest cat is Skiff-toy-bob. This breed was officially recognized only a few years ago. These cats owe their appearance to a nursery in Russia where they breed such animals. The color of representatives of this breed is similar to the Siamese. An adult cat can weigh about 2 kg.

These animals have a muscular body and a bushy tail, and blue eyes. They are unpretentious in care and have a non-conflict character. Such cats are little known and there is no fashion for purchasing them. But they rightfully occupy 1st place among small-sized cats.

Most animal lovers are sure that the smallest cat breed in the world is the Munchkin. In fact, these animals are short, but not small. The appearance of such a myth is due to the popularity of this breed. Not surprising, because such a small cat stands out with its paws. They are half shorter than a normal cat's. She also has a small and elongated body. They weigh from 2.5 kg. But the tail is strong and proportional. In a sitting position, the munchkin rests on it, and not on its hind legs.

These pets require special care

Such pets require special care. They are susceptible to spinal diseases due to their disproportionate physique. The most common pathology is excessive arching in the back. Because of their structure, cats experience heart pain and suffer from pulmonary diseases. Weakened muscles make the spine fragile. It is recommended to avoid falls and jumps from heights. It is necessary to take into account the structure of the body when choosing a toilet. The tray should have minimal sides. When choosing a scratching post (device for claws), it is better to give preference to low models.

10 smallest cat breeds (video)

Other breeds with short legs

Many small cat breeds have been developed by crossing munchkins with other species. This is how they appeared:

  • skookum;
  • Dwelf;
  • minskin;
  • kinkalow.

Dwelf and Minskin are hairless cats. These animals were bred by crossing a Munchkin and a Sphynx. Representatives of both breeds have short legs and a body without hair. Their body is small, does not exceed 20 cm. The average weight is 2 kg. The resulting species is smaller than its ancestors. Both breeds are similar in appearance, but Minskin cats are smaller in size.

Gallery: the smallest cats (25 photos)

These animals are characterized by the same problems as munchkins: diseases of the spine, the possibility of fractures, pathologies of internal organs. They don't like the cold. For them you need to organize a cozy cat house, protected from drafts. Despite the lack of fur, cats must be bathed. An ordinary basket or box can serve as a house for an animal. It's economical.

Munchkins became the ancestors of the Skookum and Kinkalow breeds. The former are distinguished by long and curly hair. Kinkaloo is a fluffy but not wavy cat. Both are characterized by short legs and small dimensions. Their sizes do not exceed 2 kg. Such breeds have become famous recently, and they are expensive, so few people have purchased them.

Caring for long-haired dwarf cats involves thorough combing. You need to wash your coat with shampoo regularly. Dwarf animals are less resistant to weather changes. That’s why it’s so important to protect your pets from drafts, and after bathing, wipe their fur dry and comb it.

Singapura cat

This is another little favorite. But among dwarf breeds they are not champions. The weight of Singapura cats can reach 3 kg, but such animals have a harmonious physique and a pleasant light brown color. The coat is medium length, the paws are standard. Cats of this breed have been around people for a long time. This is a natural species, therefore such pets are peaceful and willing to make contact with the owner.

The smallest cat breeds (video)

Criterias of choice

There are at least 10 varieties of small cats. They are all beautiful, unusual, and get along with people.

But before purchasing a friend, the future owner needs to pay attention to the following details:

  1. Price. Some breeds are very expensive and not everyone can afford them.
  2. Genetic diseases. There are cats that are attracted to them. For example, breeds with short legs.
  3. Care. Most dwarf cats do not tolerate drafts and cold well. The owner must be sure that the conditions in his home meet this requirement.
  4. Availability. There are rare types of cats, they can be difficult to acquire.

The main thing is to love animals, then they will definitely return the favor. It doesn’t matter what breed, coat or color he has. They are all our little brothers, their fate and life completely depend on their owner.

Attention, TODAY only!

Small cats are always touching, and there is also the smallest cat in the world, listed in the Guinness Book of Records. And he has competitors! The owners of miniature cats adored their pets so much that they decided to breed separate breeds of small cats. So what is the smallest cat in the world, who was its predecessor, and who can break the record for miniature size? What cat breeds are considered the smallest?

The tiniest cat

Until 2004, the title of “Smallest Cat in the World” was held by the cutie Tinker Toy. It was only 18 centimeters long, excluding the tail, and weighed just over 800 grams. The Himalayan cat Tinker Toy lived in the USA and even after his death in 1994, he held the bar for the tiniest cat.

This is interesting! Tinker the cat was only 7 centimeters tall when fully grown. It was never clear why the cat stopped growing. Apart from small size, there were no other health abnormalities.

In 2004, Tinker Toy's record was also broken by an American cat named Mr. Peebles. Now he is registered as the smallest cat. The length, including the tail, of the cat Mister Peebles is 49 centimeters, and the height is 15.49 centimeters. Its weight is almost twice that of Tinker Toy - 1.4 kilograms.

The smallest cat, Mr. Peebles, lives in a veterinary clinic, but not due to health conditions, but due to the fault of the previous owner. The owner was not pleased with the size of Mr. Peebles, and he decided to abandon him, leaving him in the care of veterinarians. Doctors did not immediately realize that the cat was already an adult, and when Mr. Peebles was definitely more than 2 years old, they decided to register the cat in the Guinness Book of Records.

Other contenders for the title of smallest cat

Owners of other miniature cats also want to be included in the Guinness Book of Records. The world's smallest kitten, Nid, claims this fame. Now he is only 8 centimeters at the withers, but he cannot yet take the glory, since he has not reached his maturity. Now this smallest kitten has not even reached six months of age, but there is a possibility that his growth will no longer increase. You just need to wait for his second birthday.

This is interesting! In 2010, Fizz Girl was registered as the smallest cat living in the United States. This kitty is from the short-legged munchkin breed, and at the withers she is only 15.24 centimeters. Her son Pixel is even shorter than her - 12.7 centimeters.

Pixel's owners have already sent an application for a new record, because he is significantly lower than Mr. Peebles. However, the current record holder, Mr. Peebles, is an ordinary cat, and Pixel's short stature is inherent in the breed. Therefore, it will be difficult to figure out which of them is the smallest cat in the world.

You can separately distinguish the breeds among which the smallest kittens in the world appear. They were specially bred, and the “miniature” gene was quite successfully maintained. Many representatives look not only touching, but also funny.

Special breeds of miniature cats

Dwarf breeds of cats can win the hearts of city residents because they can easily live in tiny apartments, taking up almost no space. There are many lovers of small cats, because how can you be indifferent to a cat that looks like a kitten all its life?

Domestic cat breeds

A breed of adult cats that look like kittens is the dwarf bobtail. These smallest kittens are also called Skif-tay-don. They took from the breed of their first parents a short tail and a good-natured disposition. Representatives of dwarf bobtails do not weigh more than 2.5 kilograms.

This is interesting! Among cats, there are also “dachshunds” - these are Munchkins. There are many popular pictures on the Internet where Munchkin sits on his hind legs, like a meerkat. He rests his tail like another limb and this pose has an incredibly touching appearance. They do this for the same reason as prairie dogs - they examine the space around them.

There is a miniature breed of cats with very curly hair - Lemkin. Lemkins are the result of breeding between Selirk Rexes and Munchkins. Due to the mixing of such genes, they retained the fur of the former and the short legs of the latter.

In general, Munchkins began to be often crossed with other breeds. Another cat that was created this way is Minskins. In this version, the second breed was Sphynx, so these cats are short-legged bald cats. They look quite charming. But the experiments on Sphinxes and Munchkins did not stop there. Curls were also added to this mix, after which the Minskins' ears turned upside down. This breed received an equally amazing name - Dwelfs. Dwelf cats are one of the most unusual in the cat world.

Munchkins were also crossed with Persian cats. Unlike short-legged vultures, these representatives have fur that literally touches the floor due to their short legs. The name of the breed for such handsome cats suits them very well - dwarf cat Napoleon. These cats are truly distinguished by their proud posture and majesty. However, the Napoleons did not immediately receive their official title and were recognized only ten years after their appearance.

The smallest cat is called Singapura. The fact is that she comes from Singapore and is a descendant of ordinary simple stray cats of this region. More than forty years ago, this cat was brought to Europe. She was distinguished by her particularly silky fur. Instantly this breed won all exhibitions. However, these are rare cats. To this day they can be counted on one hand. The body structure is muscular and stocky. Its largest male weighs three kg.

Another tiny cat is the Baltic. She was bred from Siamese blood, but the main difference is her long hair. Another feature of this breed is its pleasant voice. Also, the Baltic kitty loves children. In addition, they are incredibly inquisitive.

The Devon Rex is a breed famous for its large, pointed ears. The animal itself is no larger than the previous ones - a maximum of four kilos. In addition to ears, they have huge eyes and short, wavy hair.

Wild cat breeds

Wildlife is famous not only for large and massive cats, but also for very miniature ones. In Africa there lives a very small wild black-footed cat. The weight of such a cat will hardly reach 2 kilograms, and it is no larger than a domestic rabbit. This charming creature is truly wild and masterfully hides from everyone. But it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to hide from her. This species is particularly aggressive. Partly because of this, Black-footed cats have never been fully studied, although they are so in need of protection and maintaining their numbers.

Another wild baby is Rusty Cat. This little kitty doesn’t even reach one and a half kilograms of mass. It got its name because of its characteristic “rusty” spotted color. The rusty cat is an oriental beauty that lives mainly in India and Sri Lanka. However, even in their native territories they are too few in number and require serious measures to preserve the species.

Compared to the rest, the Kalimantan cat already looks quite large, because it weighs from two kilograms, and its maximum weight is 4 kilograms. The Kalimantan cat is already quite similar to an ordinary domestic cat, with the exception of its tail and character. The tail of this kitty is longer than its body, and its character is more aggressive than that of a watchdog. This species clearly decided to compensate for its size with anger in order to maintain its numbers. So far, this is a big plus for them, since their numbers remain within normal limits.

In the wild, any feline will be considered small if it weighs less than ten kilograms. So even the famous Manul is not a medium-sized cat. This is understandable, because a small cat is still easier to camouflage and hide.

Although it seems that small cats are a concentration of cuteness and fragility, we should not forget that they still remain hunters. The tiniest kitten can feel like a wild animal at heart, playing with his favorite bow or looking at a bird through the window. Dwarfism, as well as simply small size, is most likely the result of complex metabolic disorders during growth or complex hormonal disorders. So you shouldn’t try to “break” another miniature record, but try to make sure that the kitten grows correctly.

Video on the topic

The difference between large and small cat breeds is not as noticeable as with dogs. However, the body weight of these animals ranges from 1 to 20 kg. To date, breeders have bred more than ten dwarf breeds of furry pets, which have received recognition all over the world. However, the wild has its own miniature representatives of the cat family. The tiniest pets are listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

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    Overview of Dwarf Breeds

    The owners' dream that their furry pet would always remain a kitten came true thanks to the efforts of breeders. In addition, for small apartments, animals that do not grow are simply a godsend. Currently, about 15 mini-breeds have been bred. Some of their representatives do not exceed the average size of ordinary kittens throughout their lives. The most famous of them:

    • Singapore;
    • Napoleon;
    • bambino;
    • lambkin;
    • munchkin;
    • skookum;
    • Dwelf;
    • minskin;
    • Kinkaloe;
    • skif-tay-don.

    During the selection process, miniature cats inherited from their ancestors excellent genes and good immunity, making them resistant to most cat diseases. But the small size of animals can also cause various injuries. After all, short limbs do not allow mini-cats to group together the way their counterparts with long legs do when falling from a height.

    Worship of cats in Ancient Egypt - interesting facts

    Singapura or Singapura cat

    This breed originates from stray cats native to the island of Singapore. In the 70-80s of the last century, the breed spread throughout the United States and Europe, but did not gain much popularity. Due to its tiny size, the breed received the following names: Thumbelina, Gentle Angel. Adult females reach up to 2 kg, males weigh up to 3 kg.

    Singapura cat

    The Singapura has a short, thick, silky coat with no undercoat and a sheen. This breed is represented by only one type of color - sepia agouti. It is dominated by soft ivory tones with warm shades of brown at the tips. The inside of the paws, the lower part of the muzzle, chest and abdomen are painted in delicate light fawn shades. Ideally, the Singapura's tail should have a blunt end and the body should be muscular. Particularly impressive are the cat’s large, slanted eyes, in shades of green, yellow and light brown without inclusions.

    The animals have an easy-going nature, show neither aggression nor willfulness, and get along well with other pets. They are inquisitive, playful and sensitive to the mood of the owner.


    These cats have gained immense popularity in the world. They were bred by crossing dwarf munchkins and Persian cats. The body weight of Napoleons is from 2 to 4 kg.


    These mini cats have expressive eyes, round shapes, dense fur and short legs. The short stature of animals is the result of a natural mutation. It does not have a detrimental effect on the full and active life of the animal. Napoleons come in completely different colors with any pattern. The length of the coat can also vary from short to long.

    The breed is distinguished by its friendliness, loyalty, and intelligence. But the Napoleons will not impose themselves; their favorite pastime is to observe a person’s actions from the outside. They are gullible and easily approach strangers. They become attached to children and become real nannies for the kids. However, they do not get along well with other pets, including dogs.


    The name of the breed comes from the Italian word bambino, which means child. These animals were bred in the USA as a result of mixing two breeds: short-legged munchkins and hairless Canadian sphinxes. The first bambino cat was born in 2005. It is not fully recognized officially, although it is popular among breeders in many countries.

    Representatives of this young breed are quite exclusive, and the price for one kitten can be quite high. These dachshund cats inherited smooth skin, short legs and huge ears from their ancestors.

    The body weight of adult individuals varies from 2.5 to 4 kg, and the length reaches 19 cm. The body of the bambino is elongated and muscular with a long, movable tail pointed at the end. Paws are short with graceful toes. Lemon type eyes are set wide apart. The skin is folded, elastic, and quite dense. The standards allow any color range of eyes and skin.

    They are distinguished by their friendliness and affection for their owner. Suitable only for those breeders who are willing to devote maximum of their time to their pet. They have no hunting instincts and get along well even with rodents.


    The rarest cat breed. The name translates from English as lamb. The breed is the result of a combination of a Selkirk Rex, characterized by curly hair, and a Munchkin. The body weight of lambkins reaches 2 kg in females and 4 kg in males.

    These cats develop a curly coat only by the age of 2 years. They have a rather dense build and short legs. They can be long-haired or short-haired with a thick undercoat. The color is usually solid smoky or tortoiseshell, the eye color is any, ideally in harmony with the color.

    The character is pleasant and affectionate. The animal has a good-natured disposition and is not subject to attacks of aggression. Finds a common language with people and other pets.


    A short-legged breed of cat resembling a dachshund. They arose through a process of natural mutation in the USA. The breed originated from a semi-wild cat named Blackberry in 1983 of the last century. The weight of adults reaches 4 kg.

    According to standards, the munchkin's hind legs should be slightly longer than the front ones, the muscles should be well developed, and the length of the body should correspond to the length of the tail. Plush fur can be either short or long. Any color scheme is allowed.

    Munchkins are a completely domestic breed, not suited to living outside. They behave neatly and friendly. They easily get along with new people, are very inquisitive and clean.


    These cats descended from the Munchkin and the Laperm breed, characterized by wavy long hair. The breed was artificially created in the USA in 1990. The name comes from the Chinook Indians and means “strong, unbending.” On average they weigh from 2 to 4 kg.

    Distinctive features of the breed are short paws, thick wavy hair and a pronounced collar. The mini-cat's body is dense and squat. The tail is of medium length, moderately thick. The eyes are lemon-shaped or walnut-shaped. Mustaches and eyebrows should be curly according to the standard. There are long-haired and short-haired. Any color is allowed.

    The character of Skookums does not correspond to the name at all. Cats are peaceful, playful and curious; they behave loyally and affectionately with their owners. Require special care.

    Today this is one of the most expensive cat breeds. You can buy a kitten only in nurseries in Europe or the USA.


    A cat without hair resembles an alien creature or an elf. Combines the features of the Munchkin, the Canadian Sphynx and the American Curl. The weight of the animal varies from 2 to 3 kg. Growth norms are within 20 cm. Today, there are only a few dozen representatives of this breed due to the difficulty of breeding it. The first Dwelf appeared in 2009 in the USA through long breeding work.

    Features of cats are curved ears and short legs. The skin has a suede feel to the touch, there is no hair on the body, and there should be a small amount of hair on the tail. Color shades range from white to dark brown or even black.

    They are very sociable in nature and require constant attention. Not suitable for busy people who spend a lot of time at work. In addition, this breed is very heat-loving and needs special care.


    Another small breed of hairless cats, bred in the USA by crossing Munchkins and hairless Canadian Sphynx cats. Both the Burmese and the Devon Rex have been added to the mix. Height - 19 cm, average body weight up to 3 kg.

    Distinctive features of the breed are short legs of almost the same length, an elongated body, long straight ears and wide-set eyes. There is no fur, but the paws, thighs and shoulders may contain small patches of fur. The sphinx gave skin folds to the minskin.

    The color can be absolutely any, the most common is the Siamese color - colorpoint. Minskins are very agile, nimble and move a lot. They love affection and are attached to their owner. They get along well with dogs and other pets and are patient with small family members.


    A breed of cat derived from Munchkins and American Curls. Now there are only a few dozen kinkalows. The average body weight of mini cats is from 2 to 3 kg, of cats - up to 2 kg.


    The main features of this breed are low paws and curled ears. Coat lengths and colors vary. Kinkaloo are strong cats with well-developed muscles.

    Representatives of this breed are very active and love to spend time outdoors playing outdoor games. They are sociable, child-friendly and need a lot of attention from early childhood.


    The only dwarf breed bred in Russia from a Thai cat and a short-tailed cat. In the USA they also appreciated the appearance and peaceful nature of these cats and began to further improve the breed.


    The body of the Scythian-toy-bob (another name for the breed) is built proportionally despite its size. Their weight and appearance correspond to that of a normal cat kitten at four months of age. Weight ranges from 1 kg to 2.5 kg.

    The distinctive features of toy beans are a short tail (up to 7 cm) of various shapes, paws of medium length, with the hind legs being slightly longer than the front ones. Almond-oval eyes are usually blue, although other colors are acceptable. The coat can be short or medium, but must have a thick undercoat. The coloring is mostly sealpoint.

    Skif-tay-don are very friendly, playful and loyal cats. They are similar to dogs in their ability to follow commands, they are easy to train, and their meowing resembles a bark, which further increases the similarity. They are good at meeting new people, love to play with children, are great friends with other pets, and are very active and inquisitive. The big advantage of toy beans is that they do not mark territory.

    Other dwarf breeds

    Miniature cats include Devon Rex, bred in Great Britain. They are distinguished by expressive eyes, large ears and short curled antennae. They are the most socially adapted breed.

    The Balinese cat or Balinese was bred in America. It is related to Siamese cats, but has long hair and a bushy tail. Kittens of this breed are born completely snow-white, acquiring their characteristic color much later.

    Fast cats with a muscular body and elongated hind legs belong to the Egyptian Mau. It is characterized by several colors - silver, bronze, smoky, pewter. This is the only cat that is naturally spotted. Unlike many other felines, the Egyptian Mau expresses happiness by wagging its tail.

    The American Curl weighs up to 4.5 kg, and a feature of this breed is its curled ears. These cats are not averse to playing with children and are friendly.

    Wild mini cats

    Tiny cats are also found in the wild. One of them is a spotted red or rusty cat. They live in India and Sri Lanka and are related to Bengal cats. The weight of the largest of them does not exceed one and a half kilograms. Due to the constant change of habitat, today they are on the verge of extinction.

    Rusty cat

    The body length of the black-footed cat from southern Africa does not exceed 36 cm in females and 50 cm in males. The weight of these cats is no more than 2 kg. Almost nothing is known about these representatives of the cat family, since the breed has not yet been studied. Black-footed cats love a solitary lifestyle, are aggressive and fearless. Currently they are on the verge of extinction.

    Black-footed cat

    The Kalimantan cat is another representative of tiny wild animals. Its habitat is considered to be the island of Kalimantan. The weight of animals of this breed does not exceed 4.5 kg. The body length is about eighty centimeters, of which up to sixty percent is the tail. Despite their miniature size, these cats show great aggression.

    Kalimantan cat

    Record holders

    There is a lot of controversy about which dwarf cat breeds are the smallest in size. However, the smallest pets are listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

    1. 1. Mr. Peebles. A small miracle was born in the USA, in the state of Illinois. The length of this unusual animal reached 15 cm, and its weight did not exceed 1.3 kg. Peebles was not a toy breed. A genetic mutation was to blame for stunting his growth.
    2. 2. Tinker Toy of the Himalayan breed from the USA weighed only 681 grams. This cat was 19 cm in length, and its height did not exceed 7.
    3. 3. A kitten named Heed from San Diego weighed less than 1 kg. And his height was only 8 cm.
    4. 4. Fizz Gell is the shortest cat listed in the book of records. Belongs to the Munchkin breed. Her height is only 15.24 cm.

    In 2014, a munchkin from America named Lilliput was awarded the title of the shortest cat in the world. His height was just over 13 cm.

The difference between large and small cat breeds is not as noticeable as the difference between different dog breeds. However, even among domestic cats, body size and weight can vary greatly. There are 11 cat breeds with an average body weight of more than 6 kg, some representatives can reach 15-20 kg, while this rating of the smallest cat breeds includes those cat breeds whose average body weight does not exceed 3.1 kg.

10th place. Napoleon- a dwarf cat breed, bred by crossing munchkins (a short-legged cat breed that will also be in the ranking) and Persian cats. The result was a very fluffy, but short-legged miniature cat. The average body weight of Napoleons is from 2.3 kg to 4 kg.

9th place. Bambino(name from the Italian bambino - child) is a short-legged breed of cats without hair, bred in the USA by crossing short-legged Munchkins and hairless Canadian Sphynxes. Average body weight is from 2.2 to 4 kg.

8th place. Lambkin / lemkin / lemkin(the name in English is written lambkin and translates as “lamb”) - a breed of cats bred by combining Munchkins and the Selkirk Rex breed, characterized by curly hair. The average body weight of lambkins is from 1.8 to 4 kg.

7th place. Munchkin- a short-legged breed of cat, the feline analogue of the dachshund. Munchkins were not artificially bred, but arose as a result of a natural mutation in the 40s of the 20th century; unusually short-legged and at the same time healthy cats were born in the USA, Great Britain, and they were also seen in Stalingrad. The Americans named the breed Munchkins in honor of the little people in the Magic Land of Oz in the book of the same name by Frank Baum. In Alexander Volkov's Russian retelling of "The Wizard of the Emerald City" they are called "munchines". On average, munchkin cats weigh between 2.7 and 4 kg, while male cats weigh between 1.8 and 3.6 kg. In 2014, an American munchkin named Lilliput, 13.34 cm tall, was recognized as the shortest cat in the world and included in the Guinness Book of Records.

6th place. Skookum- a breed of cats bred by combining munchkins and the laperm breed, characterized by long and wavy hair. The average body weight of cats of this breed is from 2.2 to 4 kg, of cats - from 1.8 to 3.6 kg.

5th place. Dwelf- a hairless cat obtained by crossing a Munchkin, a Canadian Sphynx and an American Curl. Body weight from 1.8 to 3 kg.

4th place. Singapura cat (Singapura)- a breed of short-haired cats, originating from stray cats in the city-state of Singapore. In the 70s, the breed came to the USA, and in the 80s it ended up in Europe, but has not yet become widespread there. An adult Singapura cat weighs on average up to 2 kilograms, a male cat weighs from 2.5 to 3 kilograms.

3rd place. Minskin- another dwarf breed of cats without hair, bred in the USA by crossing Munchkins and hairless Canadian Sphynxes. Average height is 19 cm, average body weight is from 1.8 to 2.7 kg.

2nd place. Kinkaloe- a breed of cat developed by crossing Munchkins and American Curls. So far there are only a few dozen representatives of this breed in the world. In Russia, one of the Moscow nurseries is engaged in breeding kinkalow. The average body weight of Kinkalow cats is from 2.2 to 3.1 kg, and that of male cats is from 1.3 to 2.2 kg.

The smallest breed of domestic cat is the Scythian Tay-Dong.(other name - skiff-toy-bob). Adult representatives of this breed weigh from 900 grams to 2.5 kg, i.e. no larger than a three to four month old kitten of an ordinary domestic cat. Cats of this breed have a short but strong body and well-developed muscles, a short (3-7 cm) straight or spiral-rounded tail. The hind legs are longer than the front ones.

The history of the appearance of this breed is as follows: in 1983 in Rostov-on-Don, the breeder of Thai (Mekong) bobtails, Elena Krasnichenko, picked up a Thai (Old Siamese type) cat on the street, which she named Mishka. Mishka had four kinks on his tail. And in the winter of 1985, a Thai cat, Sima, with a non-standard short donut tail, appeared in Elena’s house. In 1988, one strange kitten was discovered in the litter of this couple, distinguished from the very beginning by its miniature size and short tail. He received the nickname Kutsy and became the founder of a new breed. And already in 1994, the preliminary standard of the new Scythian-Tai-Don breed was approved at a seminar of WCF felinologists from Russia and the CIS on aboriginal cat breeds in Russia. Initially, the breed was called Scythian-tay-toy-don, reflecting the origin and characteristics of the breed. “Scythian” - for its appearance on lands once inhabited by Scythians, “tai” - for its appearance reminiscent of a Thai cat, “toy” - for its “toy” size (English toy), “don” - after the name of the river , on which the city that became the birthplace of the breed is located. International name of the breed - toybob(toybob), i.e. toy bobtail. Those wishing to buy kittens of this unique breed can contact nurseries for breeding Scythian Tay-Dons, which are located in Moscow and Yekaterinburg.

Many cat owners would like their mustachioed pet to remain a tiny, funny kitten forever. However, unfortunately, and maybe fortunately, this is not possible, and kittens, like children, tend to grow and mature. But miniature domestic cats exist, as do small wild animals from the same family. Moreover, even dwarf breeds of domestic cats have been bred, the adults of which fit in the palm of a person.

The smallest cats from the Guinness Book of Records

The title “in the world” is assigned and registered in the well-known Guinness Book of Records. After submitting an application for a record, the editors receive clearly stated instructions on what should be done and how. Then the requested evidence is sent to the Guinness office by regular mail, not by email. So who is she and what is the smallest cat in the world?

This was the name of a tiny Himalayan-Persian cat from Illinois (USA). This baby belonged to a married couple from Taylorville, Katrina and Scott Forbes. The cat's height was 7 cm, and his body length was only 19 cm (the length of the tail was not taken into account). With these dimensions, the cat's weight was 681 grams.

At the time of his entry into the Guinness Book of Records, he was 2.5 years old and was recognized as the smallest cat in the world. Tinker Toy died in 1997 at the age of six. Research has not been conducted to determine the causes of dwarfism in cats.

This cat is also from Illinois, but from the small city of Beijing. The cat's first owner, Robin Svendson, named him after the ventriloquist doll from the American TV series Seinfeld.

Mr. Peebles lives at the animal hospital as the pet of the entire staff. Veterinarian Donna Sussman brought him there from the farm where she went to vaccinate the dog. It would have been difficult for the miniature cat to survive in those conditions, so the farmer gave him to a female veterinarian.

At the clinic, the animal was examined, after which it turned out that it was not a kitten, as everyone first thought, but an adult two-year-old cat of dwarf size, due to genetic abnormalities.

In 2004, at the request of the clinic, Mr. Peebles was recognized as the smallest cat in the world, and his name was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest cat in the world. Weighing 1.3 kg, the baby’s body length excluding the tail was only 15 cm. Unfortunately, it is currently unknown whether this famous cat is alive.

Fizz Gel

This baby munchkin from San Diego (California, USA) became the smallest cat in the world on July 23, 2010, when her record was registered. At the time of registration in the Book of Records, Fizz Gel had reached the age of two, her height was 15.24 cm (height measured from the floor to the withers) and her weight was just under 2 kg.

The owner of the cat is a certain Tiffany Kjeldergaad, who claimed that Fizz is an absolutely healthy, cheerful baby, and her small stature, even for a short-legged munchkin breed, does not in any way prevent her from climbing onto furniture and window sills.

Small cat breeds

So, descriptions and photos of the smallest cats in the world were presented. And now we will talk about the dwarf breeds of domestic Muss and Murziks.

The smallest cat breed in the world is, without a doubt, the Scythian Tay-Don. These cats remain mischievous kittens for the rest of their lives. And not only because of its miniature size, but also because of the playfulness and playfulness of the character inherent in the breed. The color of these cats resembles Siamese.

With a dark mask on the face, dark ears, paws and a tail, which, by the way, looks more like a short hare pom-pom. of the Scythian-Tai-Don breed varies from 800 to 1500 grams.

Next on the list is the Kinkalow breed, which was bred from the Munchkin and the American Curl. These miniature cats inherited short legs and small ears with curved tips from their ancestors. The weight of adult kinkalows is from 2 to 3 kg.

Minskin is a breed resulting from crossing munchkins and sphinxes. These strange hairless cats are also called hobbits for the fluffy tufts of hair on the tips of their short paws. Minskins are surprisingly smart, and their character is friendly and flexible. Weight, like the kinkalow, is 2-3 kg.

The Singapura cat represents the East. These babies are graceful, their fur shimmers amazingly and has an almost mystical shining effect, and their eyes are huge, almond-shaped and mesmerizing. At one time, a certain American Tommy Middow was captivated by these cats. He brought several individuals to America. The weight of adult animals is 2.5-3 kg.

And, of course, the munchkin is a well-known short-legged cat with a long, dachshund-like body. These babies got their short legs by nature. Representatives of the breed are restless and agile. However, if the cat climbed onto the cabinet, and it is quite capable of doing this, despite its short legs, then the owner will have to rescue it from there himself. Munchkins weigh 2-3.5 kg.

Another interesting breed of the smallest cat in the world (the photo of its representative in the article is the main thing) is the Napoleon, named after the famous Frenchman Napoleon Bonaparte, who was terribly afraid of cats. Again selection from munchkins, but this time with a Persian longhair cat. Representatives of the breed are short-legged and long-haired cuties with flattened Persian muzzles and huge saucer eyes. Here the weight is a little more: from 2.5 to 4 kg, as is the cost of the kittens. Napoleons are one of the most expensive cats in the world.

Little wild cats

Not only among domestic, but also among wild felines there is the smallest wild cat in the world. People call it “rusty,” although the Latin name is more euphonious: Prionailurus rubiginosus. However, in 90% of cases the color of these animals is gray. The remaining 10% have brown or red fur. Red spots are located on the back, paws and sides of the predator.

The body length of a rusty cat, including its tail, is 50-80 cm and weighs 1.5, less often 2, kg. She has a thin long tail, short legs, a rounded head, with compact ears and honey-red or gray expressive large eyes. The cat's fur is short and soft, and there are often white stripes on its face. Her voice sounds unexpectedly soft.

Habitat: Sri Lanka and South India with tropical forests and highlands. The rusty cat feeds on insects, birds, lizards, as well as frogs and small rodents.

The smallest wild cat in the world is an endangered species, which happened due to changing conditions in the territories suitable for its habitat.

Advantages and disadvantages of small cats

Photos of the smallest cats in the world are touching and touching. The small size of the animals is convenient for keeping in apartments and when traveling. But along with the advantages, it is necessary to remember about some features and care of the content.

Small cats require regular visits to the veterinarian to rule out or promptly treat injuries. They often have problems with their paws. They should not be allowed to walk alone, as their small size is a reason for other animals to offend the small cat.

Otherwise, small pets are ordinary cats that will bring many pleasant moments to their owners.