Qualification (certification) work of a nurse for the highest category. District nurse Example report for the category of nurse


Chief physician of the State Healthcare Institution

"Saratov City

Psychoneurological dispensary"

M.V. Kutyreva

« »____________ 2017

ward nurse

inpatient psychiatric unit

State Healthcare Institution "Saratov City Psychoneurological Dispensary"

for assignment of the highest qualification category

majoring in nursing

Spichkina Lyubov Arkadyevna

I, Lyubov Arkadyevna Spichkina, born in 1954, graduated from the medical school at the Saratov Medical Institute in 1975 with a degree in nursing.

Total work experience in the specialty “nursing” in healthcare is 43 years.

  • treatment;

  • examinations to clarify the diagnosis;

  • work ability examinations;

  • solving medical and social issues.

The department employs consultants, associate professors from the Psychiatry Clinic and the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases of SSMU. Consultations help improve the quality of diagnosis and treatment of patients.

Among the patients treated in the department, patients with neuroses, organic brain diseases (without psychotic manifestations), paranoid schizophrenia, oligophrenia, and psychopathy predominate.
Inpatient psychiatric department, in

All medical workers undergo periodic certification. This is a necessary condition for improving qualifications, salary levels and changing status. But often the certification report causes difficulties and even fear among health workers.
An important step in upgrading your category is drawing up a report. It reflects the level of responsibility, knowledge, and patient care. For its successful preparation, many points are taken into account.

It is important that the information in the report fully reflects the level of qualifications!

1. Qualification work of a nurse for the category

Ask for help The process of obtaining a qualification category as a nurse is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 240n dated April 23, 2013.
The exam is taken by a special commission that determines both the level of theoretical knowledge and practical training. Certification consists of several stages that must be overcome:

For certification during the reporting period, specialists with higher education analyzethe previous 3 years of work, with secondary medical education, only the last year of work is subject to analysis. The certification report must reflect all the main achievements, professional problems and ways to solve them.
When preparing a report you need:

  • write in first person;
  • use business style;
  • clearly present reliable information;
  • do not overload the text with unnecessary information;
  • structure and logically complete the thoughts expressed.

Important! The last page of the report is signed by: the compiler, the head nurse and
head of the nursing service of the institution.

1.1. Qualification work of a nurse for the highest category

To obtain the highest qualification category, a specialist must:
  • have knowledge and practical skills in their professional field;
  • be able to apply all methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention using the necessary equipment;
  • be able to make a diagnosis;
  • understand modern methods of patient management and be able to use advanced scientific and technical data in their profession;
  • Work experience in the specialty must be at least seven years.

1.2. Qualification work for the first and second categories

To get the second category you need:
  • have theoretical and practical training;
  • use new methods of treatment, diagnosis, and disease prevention;
  • be able to use scientific information to provide medical care;
  • have at least three years of experience as a nurse.
A medical worker can apply for assignment of the first qualification category:
  • having a theoretical and practical basis;
  • using the latest methods of treatment, diagnosis and prevention, knowing how to handle diagnostic and treatment equipment;
  • capable of analyzing professional skills and fluently navigating the medical information environment;
  • with at least five years of experience in the position.

2. Qualification work for a nurse

Inspection of the activities of nurses is carried out in accordance with Order No. 240n. When confirming the highest category of qualification, depending on the department, the specialist must take into account certain nuances.

2.1. Qualification work of a senior nurse

A distinctive feature of the senior sister’s certification lies in her responsibilities:
  • organization of work according to medical guidelines;
  • education of medical ethics;
  • analysis of preventive measures taken to prevent the spread of nosocomial infection;
  • supervising the work of junior medical personnel.
The report is based on data reflecting the effectiveness of nurses, showing their professional suitability. This criterion is the most important for assessing the head nurse.
Sample work

2.2. Qualification work of operating room nurse

The report of the operating nurse is highlighted by characteristic points inherent insurgical department:
  • a description of the functioning of the operating block, its division into zones;
  • outlining various requirements for finishing, heating, cleaning, sterilization;
  • highlighting the necessary measures to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
Quantitative indicators of successfully completed operations are subject to analysis, the numbercomplications, general condition of patients in the surgical department.

2.3. Qualification work of a nurse in the emergency department

The certification work of a nurse in the admission department is distinguished by sections:
  • describing the principles of admission of patients to a medical institution and decisions regarding their hospitalization;
  • describing the work schedule and equipment of the reception department;
  • reflecting the basic practical skills of a nurse;
  • showing examples of assistance in emergency situations;
  • characterizing the use of medications and procedures in the dressing room.
The report reflects the ability to work with people rushing for help and the ability toprovide them with full support.

2.4. School nurse certification work

The school nurse certification report must include:
  • how and what preventive actions are carried out;
  • what kind of advisory assistance is provided to teachers and students;
  • on what principle is the organization of children's nutrition based?
  • what sanitary and hygienic measures are carried out in the educational institution and with what frequency.
Qualitative reflection of the professional level of a school health workerthere will be a comparison of quantitative data on sick children with average indicators fordistrict, city or region (region).

2.5. Dietary nurse qualification work

Based on the intricacies of the duties of a dietary nurse, in the certification work described:
  • control over the preparation and storage of products;
  • menu creation;
  • measures to maintain order in the catering unit;
  • preventive examination of the condition of catering workers.
The basis for determining professionalism is the low percentage of complications caused bynon-compliance with the diet.

2.6. Qualification work of an endocrinologist nurse

The qualifications of an endocrinologist nurse reflect:
  • fulfilling medical prescriptions of a doctor;
  • maintaining a medical history, preparing the workplace, inventory, equipment, office equipment;
  • functional structure of reception of citizens.
Assessment of professional suitability is carried out in comparison with the norm of the number of accepted people,
identified deviations, the number of hospitalized patients and the volume of preventive procedures.

2.7. Physiotherapy nurse qualification work

The certification report of a nurse in the physiotherapy department includes:
  • job description;
  • number of patients admitted;
  • number of procedures;
  • distribution of referrals for procedures from different doctors;
  • description of new techniques and medicines.
In the analysis of an employee’s professional medical activities, the fulfillment of
standards for the number of patients admitted, percentage of improvements.

2.8. Qualification work of a district nurse

The report on the work done by the district nurse characterizes the functionality
office according to such indicators as:
  • number of pregnant women and newborns (their deviations, complications);
  • number of vaccinated;
  • number of people registered;
  • number of socially vulnerable;
  • quality of organization of hospitalization in the therapeutic department.
The conclusion about the work is displayed in the analysis of all numerical values ​​of the site.

2.9. Qualification work for a nurse in a surgical clinic in a polyclinic

In the qualifying work of a nurse in the surgical department of a polyclinic
  • responsibilities for maintaining the sanitary and epidemiological condition of the treatment room;
  • functions performed to receive citizens;
  • subtleties when manipulating equipment;
  • main medications used.
By comparing the number of admitted patients with the number of recovered patients, success is determined
functioning of both the office itself and the nurse as a specialist.

3. Final qualifying work in medicine and nursing

Order final qualifying work The purpose of the final certification work for students of medical educational
institutions is to sharpen skills and test knowledge. Increasing readiness for
independent activity. Development of the ability to analyze, systematize and present
material. The final thesis in medicine and nursing examines the role and influence of junior and
nursing staff of medical institutions on various health problems.


Question.Does the category of nurse need to be obtained with a certificate?

Answer.The procedure for obtaining a qualification category is prescribed in Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated July 25, 2011 No. 808n “On the procedure for obtaining qualification categories by medical and pharmaceutical workers” . Qualification categories are assigned to specialists who have a level of theoretical training and practical skills corresponding to the qualification characteristics of specialists, and work experience in their specialty. The certificate gives the right to engage in activities, but the category must be taken separately.

How to draw up a nurse's certification report - a nurse's report on the work done for a category, if there are no general requirements for its preparation?

We analyzed successful examples and compiled the structure of the report, highlighting the key points that should be reflected in it. Samples for downloading, useful information for nurses who are preparing for certification.

More articles in the magazine

The article will allow you to find out:

Features of the report on the work done by the nurse for the category

A report on the work done by a nurse for a category is a self-analysis of his own professional activities conducted by a specialist.

Since there are no uniform requirements for the preparation of a medical worker’s report, specialists often approach its preparation formally, believing that the certification commission does not study it in detail.

Structure and content of a nurse’s certification report

The nurse's report on the work done by category should be well structured and divided into thematic subblocks.

Since the main thing in the report is a detailed professional analysis of work on the basis of a medical institution, a good work structure will be more easily perceived by the commission, and as a result, will be rated higher.

Description of the workplace in the nurse's report for the category

  1. Provide a brief description of the medical institution or unit where you work (for example, a therapeutic department).
  2. Describe the features of the material and technical equipment of your workplace.
  3. Provide a brief description of the work of medical offices and nursing stations. Analyze whether they comply with the requirements of current laws and departmental orders.
  4. Describe the compliance of work premises with SanPiN requirements.
  5. For certification work of clinic nurses, it is important to describe the features of the area served - the composition of the attached population, characteristics of fertility and mortality, and the structure of morbidity.
  6. The work of the nurse in the pediatric area should include data on infant mortality in the area.

The main job responsibilities of a nurse in the report

Don’t forget about the analytical part - provide production control data, errors made in the work and measures that were taken based on the results of the control to eliminate shortcomings.

The nurse's report for the highest category may also include a description of tests and lectures conducted with medical staff on sanitary and anti-epidemic measures. An appendix to the section may be a thematic plan of lessons with employees over the past year.

What indicators are analyzed by certified nurses in the report?

A report on the work done by a nurse for a category involves assessing one’s own performance according to a number of selected indicators.

Depending on the nurse’s profile, the indicators may be as follows:

  • in the clinic - indicators of infectious diseases, vaccine prevention, the presence of nursing complications, the results of clinical expert work and medical examination, the effectiveness of medical examination measures, etc.;
  • in a hospital - indicators of bed turnover and bed work, the average duration of hospitalization of patients, the plan for the implementation of bed days, the structure of morbidity of patients, the presence of complications, deaths and the development of concomitant diseases, etc.

Infection safety measures when working with patients

Start with a list of current SanPiN on this topic, tell us what work is being done in the department to prevent such diseases:

  • what medications and medical products are included in the Anti-SPIL first aid kit for prompt provision of medical care in emergency situations;
  • on what local document is the preventive work in the department based;
  • what is the content of the nurse’s actions when conducting post-exposure prophylaxis;
  • whether there were any emergencies in the department, how the log of such situations is prepared.

Principles of medical ethics and deontology in the nurse’s progress report for the category

This section is based on the provisions of the Nurse's Code of Ethics. Include the main provisions and principles of this code in the report on the work done by the nurse for the category.

Explain why it is important for a nurse to be guided by these principles in her work. Give examples from professional practice when and how a nurse has to follow these principles in communicating with patients and their relatives.

If the medical institution has a commission on ethics and deontology of medical personnel, tell us who is on it and how it works. If an employee personally takes part in the work of the commission, he should describe his own contribution to its activities.

The work of a nurse in hygienic education of the population

Many medical institutions organize patient schools, as well as thematic conversations with patients and their families.

As part of such events, health workers implement the requirements of the legislation on sanitary educational work with the population.

Tell us how this work is organized in your department. What activities were carried out, how the health corner in the medical institution was designed, whether sanitary leaflets and leaflets were issued for patients.


A modern specialist must engage in active self-education and professional education.

In this regard, the nurse’s report for the category includes information about the events that the nurse attended - lectures, seminars, professional competitions, round tables and planning meetings.

Please provide a complete list of all long-term and short-term courses that you were able to attend during the reporting period, and what knowledge was gained after the training.

Mentoring activity in nurse progress report

Experienced nurses actively work with young specialists who have recently graduated from vocational schools, as well as with students of medical institutes and colleges who arrived at the medical institution for internship.

Documents for a nurse's report per category

In order for the report for the category of nurse not to be rejected by the certification commission, the specialist must collect a certain package of documents for certification.

  1. Application from a specialist for certification. The application is addressed to the chairman of the commission and contains the following information:
    • Full name of the nurse;
    • information about the previously assigned category to the specialist, if any, its validity period;
    • an indication of the qualification category for which the nurse is applying;
    • consent to the processing of the nurse’s personal data by the certification commission;
    • date of writing the application and signature of the specialist.
  2. Attestation sheet. A sample document is given in order No. 240n dated April 23, 2013. It is not allowed to draw up the document in handwritten form.

The completed and printed document must be certified by the personnel service at the nurse’s place of work.

  1. Certified copies of diplomas, medical certificates, IDs and other documents confirming the specialist’s level of education.
  2. A copy of the work book, which is prepared and certified by a HR specialist.
  3. Certificate of marriage or divorce - if the nurse changed the last name indicated in her documents on education or assignment of category.
  4. A copy of the order of the certification commission on assigning the previous category to the nurse (if any).

I.V. Boyarskikh, chief nurse of the Nizhnevartovsk City Children's Dental Clinic", Nizhnevartovsk:

make sure that the nurse's report is not reduced to simple listings. It must contain an analysis of the certified person’s activities, conclusions and proposals.

It is necessary to prepare documents and a report on the work done by a nurse for a category no later than 4 months before the expiration of the previously assigned category.

The specialist’s documents and his report are provided to the commission during a personal visit or sent by mail.

The editors would like to express their gratitude for providing the reporting work to Alexandra Ivanovna Pivkina, chief nurse of the hospital of the Federal State Budgetary Institution National Medical and Surgical Center named after. N.I. Pirogov" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation


I ask you to assign me the first qualification category

___ years of experience in this specialty

majoring in Nursing.

Assigned in ______ year.

"___" ________ 2017 Popova.E.V.

Chairman of the certification commission of the regional health department

O.V. Vinitskaya

Popova Elena Vladimirovna

registered at:

392018. Tambov region, Tambov

Michurinskaya str. 84, apt. 53. tel. 89050850247

Statement of consent to the processing of personal data

In accordance with Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data,” I consent to the processing of my personal data, namely:

Full Name; date, place of birth; floor; address; profession, details of documents on education, professional retraining, advanced training; information about the award; information about work activities, as well as other data related to certification in order to comply with legislation in the field of personal data protection.


Health Department of the Tambov Region (M. Gorky St., 5);

TOGBU "Center for logistics support for the activities of regional healthcare institutions."

My personal data can be used for collecting, systematizing, accumulating, storing, clarifying (updating, changing), checking in order to ensure the work of the certification commission of the regional health department.

The consent is given for a period of 5 years and comes into force from the date of its signing. Consent may be withdrawn by me at any time based on my written statement.

" ___ " ________ 2017 Popova E.V.


About work for 2016

Popova Elena Vladimirovna

District nurse of the first therapeutic department

To confirm your qualification category

majoring in "Nursing"

Chapter 1. Characteristics of health care facilities, structural units……………..
Characteristics of health care facilities during the reporting period……………………………………….
Characteristics of the structural unit during the reporting period……………
The main tasks of the department………………………………………………………...
Personnel of paramedical and junior personnel………………………...
Qualification of paramedical personnel……………………………..
Equipping with medical equipment………………………………………
Key performance indicators of the department………………………………………..
Chapter 2. Work report………………………………………………………
Manipulations, procedures for the reporting period………………………………...
Measures to ensure infection control and safety……
Sanitary education work…………………………………………………………………………………
Qualification characteristics……………………………………………...
Chapter 3. Providing emergency medical care. Theory and practice.
Chapter 4. Conclusions and planning…………………………………………….
Conclusion on the work performed for the reporting period……………………………..
Professional development plan for 2014-2019…………….

Chapter I. Characteristics of health care facilities, structural units


Attached population as of December 1, 2013

TOGBUZ "City Clinic No. 6 of Tambov"

Main tasks of the department

Organizing preliminary and urgent appointments for patients to see a doctor, either directly to the clinic or by telephone;

Carrying out timely selection and delivery of medical documentation to doctors’ offices, proper maintenance and storage of the clinic’s file cabinet;

Providing consulting, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation medical care;

Providing emergency assistance to the population;

Referring patients for additional examination and consultation to other medical organizations to specialist doctors;

Referring patients, if there are medical indications, to provide medical care in an inpatient setting;

IV, IM, s/c injections;

Participation in general medical examination of certain categories of citizens;

Organization and conduct of sanatorium-educational work among the population on the prevention of hypertension and diabetes. influenza, ACID, HIV infections, viral hepatitis A;B;C; and maintaining a healthy lifestyle;

Maintaining accounting and reporting documentation; presenting reports on activities in the prescribed manner;

Participation in nursing conferences;


Education and training of young personnel;

Supporting a favorable psychological climate in the office in order to improve services and improve the health of the population;

Compliance with the rules of ethics and the rules of deontology.


Office equipment.

Computers were received under the target programs “Modernization of Healthcare” 2011-2012.



Chapter 2. Work report

I work in an office where a local therapist conducts appointments.

Office operating hours:

1st shift – from 10.00 to 13.00

2nd shift – from 15.00 to 18.00

According to SP dated May 18, 2010 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations engaged in medical activities,” my office complies with sanitary and hygienic standards. The surfaces of the walls, floors and ceilings of the office are smooth, without defects, and are easily accessible for wet cleaning. The linoleum covering fits tightly to the base of the floor. The edges of the linoleum near the walls are brought under the baseboards. The office has a sink installed and the walls are decorated with ceramic tiles to a height of 1.6 m from the floor. Lighting is natural (window) and artificial (fluorescent lamps). The water supply is centralized, hot and cold water is supplied. Supply and exhaust ventilation and natural (transom).

Cabinet equipment:

· Tonometer for measuring blood pressure – 1

· Phonendoscope – 1

· Measuring tape – 1

· BMI determination indicator - 1

· Couch – 1

· Wardrobe – 2

· Cabinets for documentation – 2

· Desk – 2

· Chair – 4

· Bedside table – 2

· Rack for containers with disinfectant solutions - 1

· Computer – 2

· Printer – 1

My main tasks are:

1. Registration of patients for general medical examination.

2.Interact with colleagues and employees of other services in
interests of the patient.
3. Maintain approved medical records and reporting documentation.

4.Systematically improve your professional qualifications.
5. Conduct sanitary and educational work to strengthen
health and disease prevention, promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

6.Strictly observe the moral and legal standards of professional
communication with patients.

7. Ensuring infection safety (follow the rules
sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic regime).

8.Carry out all stages of the nursing process when caring for
patients (initial assessment of the patient’s condition, assessment of received
data, care planning together with the patient, final assessment

9. Provide emergency first aid in case of acute diseases, accidents, followed by calling a doctor to the patient.

Cabinet documentation:

Folder with orders

Site passport.

Census journal of the attached population.

Control charts of patients registered as “D” for chronic diseases.

Risk factor log.

Register of patients registered with hepatitis B and C.

Logbook of those who have undergone general medical examination.

Logbook of those undergoing preventive examinations.

Logbook for current and general cleaning.

Reporting documentation.

My work consists of two stages;

Work in a clinic;

Work on the site.

Every day I come to work 30 minutes before the start of my appointment.

I work at station number 6.

Doctor's appointment schedule;

Odd numbers from 10.00 to 13.00

Even numbers from 15.00 to 18.00.

Working time at the site is 4 hours 40 minutes.

I come to the clinic, change into overalls and begin to perform my duties. First, I check the quality of the sanitary cleaning and the presence and condition of disinfectant solutions in disinfection containers.

I carry out my professional activities in accordance with the orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation:

San.Pin. dated 05/18/2010

"Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations engaged in medical activities."

MU 3.1.3342-16 “Epidemiological surveillance of HIV infection.”

MP “Use of gloves for the prevention of infections associated with the provision of medical care in medical organizations.”

Order No. 408 “On measures to reduce the incidence of viral hepatitis in the country” dated July 12, 1989.

San.Pin 3.1. 958-00 “On the prevention of incidence of all types of hepatitis”

San.Pin.3.1. 2485-09 “On the prevention of nosocomial infections”

Federal Law “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population” of March 30, 1999. No. 52-F3.

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2014 No. 951 “On approval of methodological recommendations for improving the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory tuberculosis.”

San.Pin. dated 12/09/2010 "Rules for the collection, storage and disposal of waste from medical institutions."

I receive ready-made disinfection solutions from the head nurse. In the office we use 0.5% ecobreeze oxy.

Disposable instruments are subject to disinfection: syringes, spatulas, as well as gloves, masks and thermometers.

Before the appointment begins, I prepare the office for working with patients. I check the availability of clean hand towels, fill out a log for registering the preparation of disinfectant solutions, and a log for current cleaning.

I treat working surfaces with a 0.5% Ecobreeze oxy solution.

I prepare outpatient cards needed for appointments, and paste forms with test results into cards.

Precinct 6, where I work, has a population of

Human. Of them:

Men _________



Persons of working age________

Women of fertile age_________

Disabled people ________ of them:

Group I ________

P group_________

Sh group_________

Soldiers' widows______

Home front workers______

Therapeutic site No. 6 is represented by 13 five-story and four-story buildings.

Site boundaries:

Karl Marx street no. 258 “a”, no. 258 “b”, no. 258 “c”, no. 258 “d”, no. 258 “d”;

St. Zhukovskogo 1. d.1 “a”, d.1 “b”, d.2 “a”;

St. Kolkhoznaya 91 "a". d.91;

St. Pushkinskaya, 49, 74.

During the therapeutic appointment, I select the necessary outpatient cards, prepare forms for tests, fill out referrals for hospitalization and consultation in other medical institutions, write prescriptions, fill out certificates for health resort treatment and health resort cards; I enter examinations into referrals to MSEC, fill out prescriptions for DLO, prepare medical examination cards, enter data on visits into RMIS, make appointments with specialists through a preliminary appointment, explain to patients the methods and procedures for preparing for instrumental examinations and diagnostic procedures.

I provide emergency appointments for emergency medical treatment and medical treatment, as well as for patients in need of emergency care: with high blood pressure, high temperature, and severe pain.

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated December 21, 2012 No. 1344N. “On approval of the procedure for conducting dispensary observation” I carry out medical examinations of the population, control the timely attendance of those patients who are registered at the dispensary for examinations with the local therapist, and fill out control cards for dispensary patients.
Order No. 145-RF dated September 17, 1998. “On immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases” Order No. 408 of 12.07. dated July 12, 1989 “On measures to reduce the incidence of viral hepatitis in the country” Order dated March 21, 2014. No. 125N “On approval of the national calendar of preventive vaccinations and for epidemic indications” I invite the assigned population to receive preventive vaccinations against influenza, hepatitis B, tetanus and diphtheria, measles, rubella.


Categories and ages of citizens subject to preventive vaccinations. Name of the vaccine. The procedure for carrying out preventive vaccinations.
Children from 1 to 18 years old, adults from 18 to 55 years old, not vaccinated before. Vaccination against viral hepatitis B. It is carried out in accordance with the instructions for the use of vaccines according to the 0-1-6 scheme. (1 dose – at the start of vaccination, 2 dose – a month after the first vaccination, 3 dose – 6 months from the start of immunization).
Children from 1 year to 18 years; girls from 18 to 25 years old. Immunization against rubella. It is carried out in accordance with the instructions for the use of vaccines for children from 1 to 18 years of age who have not been sick, not vaccinated, vaccinated once against rubella and girls from 18 to 25 years of age who have not been sick and have not been vaccinated previously.
Adults over 18 years old Revaccination against diphtheria, tetanus It is carried out in accordance with the instructions for the use of toxoids with reduced antigen content every 10 years from the date of the last revaccination.
Adults over 60 years of age. Flu vaccination It is carried out in accordance with the instructions for the use of vaccines annually for this category of citizens.
Children aged 15-17 years inclusive and adults up to 35 years old. Immunization against measles. Immunization against measles for children aged 15–17 years inclusive and adults up to 35 years of age who have not been vaccinated previously, have no information about vaccinations against measles and have not previously had measles is carried out in accordance with the instructions for the use of vaccines twice with an interval of at least 3 months between vaccinations. Persons previously vaccinated once are subject to a single immunization with an interval of at least 3 months between vaccinations.



Order No. 51 of January 31, 2011 also approved a vaccination calendar for epidemic indications, which include vaccinations against leptospirosis, tick-borne viral encephalitis, QF, yellow fever, typhoid fever, tularimia, hepatitis A, anthrax, meningococcal infection and others .

Against tularimia: subject to the population living in enzootic territories, arriving in these territories, performing certain work: agricultural, fishing, etc.

Against the plague: subject to the population living in enzootic territories, persons working with live cultures of plague pathogens.

Against brucellosis: in goat-sheep outbreaks when performing work on the procurement, storage and processing of raw materials from farms where there are sick animals, persons working with live cultures of the causative agent of brucellosis.

Against anthrax: Persons performing the following work are subject to: livestock workers and other persons professionally engaged in the pre-slaughter maintenance of livestock, as well as slaughter, skinning and cutting of carcasses; agricultural and other types of work in enzootic territories.

Against rabies: laboratory workers working with street rabies virus are subject to; veterinary workers; huntsmen, hunters, foresters; persons performing work on catching and keeping animals.

Against cholera: persons traveling to cholera-affected countries are subject to this. Citizens of the Russian Federation in case of complications of the sanitary and epidemiological situation regarding cholera in neighboring countries, as well as on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Against viral hepatitis A: persons exposed to professional risk of infection (doctors, nursing staff, public service workers employed in food industry enterprises, catering establishments, as well as those servicing water supply and sewerage facilities. Contacts in foci of hepatitis A) are subject to this.

SP dated February 18, 2008 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions of transportation, storage and dispensing to citizens of medical immunobiological preparations used for immunoprophylaxis by pharmacies and healthcare institutions.” Transportation and storage of the vaccine is carried out in accordance with S.P. in compliance with the “cold chain”
San.Pin. 2.1.7. 2790-10 dated 12/09/2010 “On sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the management of medical waste” After the appointment, I carry out routine cleaning of the office together with the junior medical staff: I disinfect instruments, masks (class B waste) and dispose of paper waste (class A waste). General cleaning of the office is carried out once a week. After the manipulations, I bring used disposable syringes, gloves, cotton swabs, stained with blood, in a special puncture-proof container and disinfect them (0.5% Ecobreeze oxy solution) for 90 minutes with full immersion. Then I take it in a special bag with yellow markings (class B waste) to the intermediate waste collection room and leave it there. Periodically, the nurse transports these bags of waste of different classes to garbage containers in the courtyard of the clinic (they are fenced off and labeled waste classes A and B). According to the agreement between the administration of the clinic and the waste removal organization, this waste is transported to specially designated areas.
Order of the Ministry of the Russian Federation dated March 21, 2003. No. 109 “On improving anti-tuberculosis measures in the Russian Federation.” I carry out anti-tuberculosis work at the site in accordance with Order No. 109 of March 21, 2003: - I call the population to undergo a fluorographic examination; - I work with non-transportable patients (I explain how to properly collect sputum on the VK); - supervise the examination of patients at high risk for tuberculosis; - I conduct conversations about the prevention of tuberculosis and the need for annual examination.
San.Pin. 3.1.-958-99 from 07/01/2000 "Prevention of viral hepatitis. General requirements for epidemic surveillance of viral hepatitis." I work with patients, carriers and contacts of viral hepatitis B and C, examining patients and carriers 2 times a year, contacts once a year. When filling out referrals for examination, I use a code table.
Addition San.Pin dated 06/01/2008 "Prevention of viral hepatitis B" I call registered patients for examination, conduct conversations about the principles of a healthy lifestyle, the need for examination and observation by an infectious disease doctor.
Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 170 dated August 16, 1994. “On measures to improve the prevention and treatment of HIV-infected people in the Russian Federation” San.Pin. dated 01/11/2011 "Prevention of HIV infection." When working at the site, I carry out manipulations in compliance with all rules for the prevention of HIV infection (hand washing, equipment, processing of disposable instruments, gloves). If an emergency arises when working on site, to prevent infection, I have with me an “Anti-AIDS” first aid kit, which contains 70% ethyl alcohol, 5% alcohol solution of iodine, and sterile dressing material. Employees of our clinic are examined annually for HIV infection (indicate code 113 in the referral). When hospitalized in hospitals for surgical treatment for HIV, we indicate code 118. Patients are also subject to examination for HIV infection according to clinical indications: with fever of unknown origin for more than 1 month, with enlarged lymph nodes of two or more groups for more than 1 month; with diarrhea lasting more than 1 month; with an unexplained loss of body weight of 10% or more and others.

Every month, all district nurses pass indicators - criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the district nurse. The head of the department accepts the reports.

The report is submitted based on performance indicators:

Number of hospitalized patients;

Frequency of ambulance calls;

Examination of dispensary patients;

Preventive examinations of the assigned population;

Fluorographic examinations of the risk group according to plan and implementation, as well as persons who have not undergone FLG for more than 2 years (within a month, a nurse works at the site, finding out this information, inviting patients for examination), non-transportable patients take a sputum test for VK;

Mortality at the site;

Preventive vaccinations;

Access to disability;

Examination of carriers and contacts for viral hepatitis B and C:

carriers are examined 2 times a year, undergo tests and have an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, contact 1 time a year.

All data is calculated, compared with a pre-drawn plan and indicators for the same period of the previous year and submitted in a report.

On a quarterly basis, I submit indicators of the quality of work performed to the chief physician.

In accordance with by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated December 3, 2012 No. 1006n“On approval of the procedure for conducting clinical examination of certain groups of the adult population” I register patients for medical examination.

Medical examination goals:

u Early detection of chronic non-communicable diseases that cause disability and premature mortality of the population of the Russian Federation

u Identification of risk factors for the development of chronic non-communicable diseases (high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, high blood glucose, tobacco smoking, harmful alcohol consumption, poor diet, physical inactivity, overweight or obesity)

u Detecting the use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances without a doctor’s prescription

u Definition of health status group

u Conducting preventive consultations for citizens

u Determination of the clinical observation group

As part of the state guarantee program, medical examinations are carried out once every 3 years. In 2016, citizens born in 1992, 1989, 1986, 1983, 1980, 1977, 1974, 1971, 1968, 1965, 1962, 1959, 1956, 1953, 1950, 1947, 1944, 19 were subject to medical examination 41, 1938, 1935, 1932, 1929, 1926, 1923, 1920, 1917. Disabled people and veterans of the Great Patriotic War, spouses of deceased disabled people and participants of the Great Patriotic War, persons awarded the “Resident of Siege Leningrad” badge, as well as citizens studying full-time in educational institutions undergo medical examinations annually, regardless of age.

The list of studies and examinations performed by doctors during clinical examination, depending on the age and gender of the citizen, is determined by the Procedure approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

For 2016, I documented and entered into a computer database for compiling a general report - _________ people who underwent a general medical examination.

To undergo a medical examination for a patient, I call

Registration form No. 025/u-04 “Medical card of an outpatient patient”

Route sheet (indicating room numbers and examination times)

I write out directions for tests and examinations (clinical blood test, general urine test, biochemical blood test, blood test for sugar, blood test for PSA, stool test for occult blood, referral for ECG, referral for ultrasound of the abdominal organs, etc. )

I help the patient fill out a statement of consent or refusal to undergo certain procedures

I conduct a patient survey (consisting of 40 questions)

I measure the patient's height, weight, waist circumference

Calculating the patient's BMI

I fill out the registration card for stages 1 and 2 of medical examination

I explain to the patient which rooms he needs to go to (according to the route map). After completing all the examinations, I paste the examination results into the card and take the patient to the therapist for the final examination.

Then I enter into the computer program all the data about the patient, his examination data and the therapist’s conclusion.


Sex and age composition of the population subject to and undergoing general medical examination.

Age Line no. men women Total
in terms of DVN passed the DVN in terms of DVN passed the DVN in terms of DVN passed the DVN
1 2 4 5 7 8 10 11
Total 28




Sanitary educationwork

During the reporting period I carried out:

No. Name Quantity for the reporting period
1. Lectures 1. Prevention of influenza. 2. Emergency care for hypertensive crisis. 3. Prevention of intestinal diseases. 4. Prevention of atherosclerosis. 5. Emergency care for various types of injuries.
6. The importance of fluorographic examination. 7. Balanced nutrition. 8. Healthy lifestyle.
2. Conversations 1. Viral hepatitis. Prevention. 2. Measles. Rubella. Prevention. 3. The importance of immunoprophylaxis.
4. Diabetes mellitus. Treatment, nutrition. 5. Drowning assistance 6. Tuberculosis. Prevention. 7. About the dangers of smoking.
3. Video "General medical examination 2013"

In conversations I pay great attention to a healthy lifestyle, the advisability of physical education, walks, and proper nutrition. I find out the patient’s social status, family situation, and explain the dangers of tuberculosis and alcoholism.

I tell patients and their relatives how to properly collect urine and feces for testing. How to prepare for other research methods (ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, blood tests). I introduce the population to the concept of asepsis and antiseptics. I explain how to provide assistance for wounds, bleeding, bruises, sprains, dislocations, fractures, burns, frostbite, heat and sunstroke, electrical injuries, and fainting.

Professional development plan for 2016-2021

Nurse Popova E.V.

"____" ________ 2017





Certification is a serious stage in the life of every medical worker. This is an opportunity to demonstrate your qualifications and experience, change your status in the team and receive a salary increase. However, the certification procedure often causes an ambiguous reaction among nurses, often accompanied by fear.

Instead of wasting time on unproductive worries and actions, let's analyze the most common mistakes and outline ways to overcome them!

Note! The report should not be a detailed listing of the nurse's actions according to functional responsibilities. Often it looks like a day in the life of a nurse and ends with the words “My work day is over”, but the report has not been started...

When preparing a report, you should remember that this is not just a presentation of available data for a certain period, but an analysis of your own activities!

According to the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 23, 2013 No. 240n “On the procedure and timing of certification for medical and pharmaceutical workers to obtain a qualification category” “... a report on the professional activities of a specialist for the last year of work for workers with secondary vocational education must contain conclusions specialist about his work, suggestions for improvement organization of the provision and quality of medical care to the population, reliable data in the description of the work performed by the specialist.”

Start by studying the legal documents governing the procedure and conduct of certification.

Think about the results you have achieved over the past period. Include all achievements in the list, even those that seem not very significant to you. What professional problems have you managed to solve in the period since your last certification? What difficulties do you face in your professional activities? How do you overcome them? What results of your work do you consider the most significant? Compare the results of your professional activities with the requirements for the first or highest qualification categories.

Note! The report is written in the first person. The expressions “the nurse must do, the nurse does...” are not used, because this is your report!

Note! To write a report, a business style is used, according to which the main emphasis is on the accuracy of the transfer of information, avoiding ambiguity of interpretation. Business style text should be as concise as possible: everything is clear, specific, and to the point.

Avoid colloquial, slang words and expressions, such as “distributing referrals for tests”, “participants in Afghanistan”. And this example of a description of the vaccination work “... shops and tents according to schedule,” as they say, without comment!

Express your thoughts precisely so that you don’t have to guess what is hidden behind such phrases, for example: “I completed an advanced training course in the treatment room with the assignment of 1st category” or “...before the appointment I prepare the instruments: thermometers, a couch, furniture.”

Remember that literacy is your calling card for those who will read your work!

Note! Nurses often report a large number of facts and figures that do not provide any meaningful information. These include:

  • a listing of all furniture, without exception, that is in the office;
  • listing not only nursing, but also all medical procedures that are performed in the unit;
  • indication of all addresses of houses on the site with number of storeys and other details, etc.

You should not provide in full, much less attach to the report, standard instructions for the disinfection of certain medical products, etc. The only exceptions can be materials developed by you personally and that are unique. In this case, they should be placed in the application.

Note! It is completely unacceptable to fill the report with lengthy quotes from various textbooks and teaching aids (for example, the definition and main stages of the nursing process; definition, types and methods of disinfection, etc.).

Note! The report should not be a continuous text. The clear structure of the text will facilitate its perception by experts and members of the certification commission who will evaluate it. It is much easier to write work in logically completed parts.

  1. Brief biographical information.
  2. Brief description of the place of work.
  3. Results of professional activity.
    1. Quantitative and qualitative indicators.
    2. The most commonly used techniques, manipulations performed, etc.
    3. Health education, patient education
    4. Sharing experience.
  4. Training.
  5. Public and socially significant activities.
  6. Conclusions.
  7. Goals and objectives of further professional development.

So, the structure of the certification work is clear, let's look at the content of each part.

1. Brief biographical information (no more than 1 page)

Indicate what and when you graduated, specialty, where you worked, length of service in this organization and in the position held, availability of a qualification category (which one, in what year it was assigned), list advanced training courses (year of graduation, full name of the course and institution in which the course carried out), the presence of certificates and achievements in work marked with awards or certificates.

2. Characteristics of the place of work (no more than 1 page)

First, briefly tell us about the medical organization where you currently work: the number of beds, the number of visits, note those features that distinguish it from other organizations of this kind.

Give a brief description of the unit (department, office, etc.) in which you work. Tell us about the main tasks and principles of its work.

3. Results of professional activity
(main part of the work, volume 3-5 pages)

Quantitative and qualitative indicators. Tell us about your activities over the past year. Select indicators that characterize your work (working with patients, performing manipulations, filling out documentation, etc.).

Note! There is no need to talk in too much detail about the ventilation of offices and their cleaning; it is better to concentrate on the results that lead to improved health of patients.

Present quantitative data in the form of a table for clarity; you can enter data for the previous reporting period into the table in order to carry out an analysis (this could be the number of manipulations, the structure of the contingent, the dynamics of morbidity, etc.). You can compare your performance with similar ones in your department, institution, or region. Accompany each table with text explaining the figures and draw conclusions.

  • What has changed (or not changed)?
  • For what reason?
  • What changes does this bring to your work?
  • What has been done, what else do you need to do?
  • What tasks does the team face, and what tasks do you set for yourself?

The structure of diseases, approaches to diagnosis and treatment are changing, new regulatory documents are appearing, therefore, it is necessary to change the tactics of patient education, prevention work, etc.

Note! The list of regulatory documents regulating your activities must be complete and up-to-date. It is absolutely unacceptable to indicate orders that are no longer valid!

The most commonly used techniques, manipulations performed, etc. Tell us about the new methods and technologies that you use in your work. You should not provide the entire instructions for the new device or a detailed description of the new manipulation. Better yet, tell us what difficulties you encountered while mastering it, what did you need to learn? If you have trained other nurses, mention it. Maybe you have related specialties and can replace your colleagues, tell us.

Note! The phrase found in almost every report: “I use innovative technologies in my work” has no right to exist without a list of these same technologies. Otherwise, it does not carry any semantic load!

Anti-epidemic measures. Explain how workplace safety and patient safety are ensured.

Note! information must be relevant to the assessment yours qualifications.

Tell us how infection safety is controlled in the workplace and what your role is. Describe your actions in the event of an emergency.

Sanitary education work, patient education. This section of the professional activity of a nurse has received special attention in recent years. In the reports opposite, the nurses are extremely brief.

Be specific about the conversations you have with patients. Do you develop memos, and if so, on what topics? Do you plan conversations? Do you participate in the publication of health bulletins, design of health corners, etc.? Do you participate in patient schools, give lectures (for example, in schools), etc.? It is necessary to indicate the topics and quantity for the reporting period (in the table).

Sharing experience. For an applicant for a qualification category, it is very important not only to do everything well himself, but also to teach his colleagues. Describe how you pass on your experience. It could be:

  • working with students during practice;
  • teaching activities;
  • participation in the adaptation of young specialists;
  • mentoring (officially assigned, indicating last names);
  • availability of printed works, etc.

4. Advanced training (volume 1-2 pages)

Advanced training includes participation in conferences, seminars, master classes, and professional competitions. How do you improve your professional skills? What place does self-education play in this?

Note! Generalizations are not allowed in this section of the report; information must be extremely specific! For example: “...I actively participate in nursing conferences” (in what way, are you a speaker, organizer or listener?) or “...I regularly read specialized literature” (specify which one, make a list for the last year).

Be sure to indicate the dates and topics of conferences, seminars and other similar events, as well as the topics of reports, if you gave them.

5. Public and socially significant activities

This includes work in a trade union, the Council of Sisters, membership and participation in the work of a nursing association, etc. Describe in detail what your activities are and what exactly you did.

6. Conclusions

If you did not ignore the analytical part of the report, then the conclusions are almost ready. Now we need to briefly formulate them! From all sections, select your achievements, new skills, evidence of your professional activity, evidence of participation in various events. It is these briefly formulated data that indicate your compliance with the declared qualification category.

Goals and objectives of further professional development

Since your professional path does not end with the assignment of a category, you should outline further goals and objectives. They also follow from the analysis you have done. What else are you planning to do, what do you need to work on, what do you need to study, etc.?

Note! You formulate tasks for yourself, not for the entire organization.

Design rules

Note! The report should be drawn up correctly and aesthetically – it is a document! It is unacceptable to have fonts of different types, colors and sizes.

The total volume of the report is no more than 15-20 pages. MS Word editor, Times New Roman font, font size (point) 14, line spacing 1.5. The text should not be overloaded with italics and other fonts. Contents with page numbers are required. Report pages, including illustrations and appendices, are numbered in order. The report may be accompanied by illustrations, photographs, methodological recommendations developed by you, memos, your publications and other visual material. The volume of applications is up to 10 pages.

Note! You, the senior nurse and the head of the hospital's nursing service, sign the report on the last page.

The certification procedure fully complies with the well-known Russian proverb: “You are greeted by your clothes, but you are seen off by your mind!” So, first of all, put your “clothes” in order - your certification report. Then proceed to prepare your mind. For the interview, refresh your memory of the main provisions of the regulatory documents that regulate your work, pay attention to the provision of emergency care and anti-epidemic measures.

Remember all your professional and life successes - this will give you self-confidence. Get ready to evaluate yourself objectively, to find out what you are really worth - this is a bold step of a strong personality. Take certification as an opportunity to unleash your potential and luck will always be with you!