Benefits for parents of disabled people. How to get help for families with disabled children. What benefits are provided to parents for caring for a child with a disability?

Families in which a disabled child is brought up, as a rule, are in dire need of state assistance. First of all, we are talking about financial support, as well as various social services that can make life easier for children and their parents. From our article you will find out what kind of assistance a family with a child with handicapped in 2018, as well as on the procedure for processing the payments and benefits due in this case.

Legal aspects

As you know, there are 3 groups of disability, each of which corresponds to varying degrees the severity of the disease. However, such a system for assessing health problems is not applied to minors. The thing is that in the process of growing up in children's body significant changes can occur that affect the course of the disease. Therefore, persons under 18 instead of a disability group are assigned a general status - a disabled child. By level social support it is quite comparable with the first, most severe disability group.

After the age of majority, the child must again undergo a medical and social examination (hereinafter referred to as the ITU) in order to assign a disability group. From this moment, a reduction in the amount of payments is possible - for example, if a 3 or 2 disability group is assigned. And sometimes the commission can even assess the state of health of the child as satisfactory and cancel the disability. Such a decision can be appealed within 30 days.

If an adult citizen is assigned one of the disability groups, the ITU report will mark “disability since childhood” as the reason. Previously, the term "childhood disabled" referred to all children with disabilities, but since 2014 it has been replaced by "child with a disability".

The procedure for assigning disability to minors is set out in. Social support measures for disabled children and their parents are spelled out in several legislative acts at once:

At the level of subjects of the Russian Federation, children with disabilities can receive additional benefits and social services, which must be confirmed by the relevant regulatory documents.

What should a disabled child and his family do?

For disabled children and their parents in 2018, the following set of social assistance is provided:

  • pension benefits and other payments;
  • improvement of family living conditions;
  • benefits on utility bills;
  • special conditions of employment;
  • reduction of the tax burden;
  • assistance in obtaining education;
  • use of public transport on preferential terms;
  • free medical care.

Let's consider each of the presented points in more detail.

Financial support

Until the child reaches the age of majority, all payments from the state are directed in favor of his parents. They include:

  • social pension for a disabled child;
  • parental allowance for child care.

The disability pension is subject to annual indexation. The last time it was held in April 2018, after which the size of social pension payments for disabled children amounted to 12,577.42 rubles. When living in regions with severe climatic conditions this amount is additionally adjusted taking into account the district coefficient.

Disabled children brought up in incomplete families and entitled to a survivor's pension are entitled to retain only one type of pension provision.

EDV - additional monthly payments that have replaced certain types of benefits. After the last indexation, carried out in February 2018, their amount for children with disabilities amounted to 1,525.40 rubles. If you issue a denial of a set of social services (free travel, medicines and rest in a sanatorium), another 1082.53 rubles will be added to this amount. As a result, the total amount of the UDV will be 2,607.93 rubles.

A parent whose child’s health condition does not allow him to go to work is entitled to an allowance from the state. Its size depends on the nature family ties. Blood parents and guardians are entitled to 5,500 rubles a month. If another person is caring for a minor, regardless of whether he is a relative or not, he is entitled to only 1,200 rubles per month.

When adopting a child with health problems, increased payments are also due. Instead of the standard 16,759.09 rubles, such adoptive parents can count on 128,053.08 rubles.

Regional payments

Regional authorities can also provide financial support to families with a disabled child. Examples include federal cities and some regions.

  1. In Moscow, persons caring for a disabled person under the age of 23 are paid 12,000 rubles a month. Children under 3 years old are additionally entitled to compensation for the increase in the cost of food products in the amount of 675 rubles per month, and schoolchildren - payments for the purchase of clothes in the amount of 10,000 rubles per year.
  2. In St. Petersburg, 6,571 rubles are paid monthly from the local budget for a disabled child.
  3. In the Samara region, minors with disabilities are entitled to a monthly allowance of 1,000 rubles.

You can find out about the availability of regional disability benefits in local social services. protection.

Help with housing

Families with disabled children who are cramped in housing conditions can count on receiving assistance from the state. State support measures will depend on the date of production minor disabled person on account. If this happened before 2005, he is entitled to housing assistance in accordance with Art. 17 federal law No. 181. Here it is possible as the provision of an apartment within the framework of a social contract. hiring, and the transfer of real estate ownership. It all depends on the severity of the disease and the policies of local authorities.

Not every family raising a child with disabilities is entitled to receive housing from the state, but only those who really need it:

  • do not have their own living space;
  • owning housing that does not meet sanitary requirements for living;
  • living in cramped conditions (less than 18 m 2 per 1 person);
  • owning only a room in a communal apartment or hostel.

If a family meets one of the above requirements, it must join the waiting list for housing. This can be done at the local municipality (housing department). Document requirements should be clarified on the spot, as they vary significantly in individual regions.

Children from orphanages who are registered with disabilities receive their own housing upon reaching the age of majority in an extraordinary manner.

For children registered with disability after 2005, assistance with housing is already provided under federal law, namely, Art. 57 LCD RF. The Housing Code provides for the provision of housing for persons with disabilities only under a social contract. hiring. Apartments are provided on a first-come, first-served basis, and the wait often stretches for many years.

  • living in houses officially recognized as emergency;
  • suffering from severe forms of disease.

The second category includes children with mental disorders, cerebral palsy, tuberculosis and other serious health problems. The list of diseases that give the right to extraordinary housing provision is presented in the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 987N dated November 29, 2012.

Compensation for utility costs

A family with a child with disabilities is given the opportunity to pay only 50% of utility bills. Moreover, unlike adults with disabilities, who are entitled to a benefit only on the basis of their share of ownership in the apartment, the discount for disabled children applies to the total family consumption of utility resources. The exemption also covers housing maintenance and major repairs. In the latter case, we are talking only about the rate officially adopted in the region. If the residents of the house independently decided to increase the overhaul contribution, everything in excess of the minimum rate falls on the shoulders of the beneficiary.

For owners of private houses, a 50% discount is provided for the purchase of heating materials.

The benefit for housing and communal services is in the form of compensation for already committed expenses. That is, the beneficiary is obliged to pay the debt on the receipt within a strictly limited period (usually before the 10th), and only after that half of the amount paid will be returned to his bank account.

Benefits on utility bills are assigned on a declarative basis. To do this, the territorial bodies of the social. protection, you must provide a certificate of disability, documents confirming the absence of debt on rent (issued at the Housing Office or the RCC), as well as account details for transferring compensation.

labor benefits

Until a child with a disability has reached the age of majority, his parents (guardians) are provided with a wide range of labor benefits.

  • The right to a shortened working day (Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Both parents can use it by providing an ITU certificate at the place of work. The new work schedule should be based on the needs of the employee. The employer does not have the right to refuse him the exercise of the rights laid down by law. If this still happened, you can contact the labor inspectorate for help. Remuneration for part-time work is based on actual hours worked. But the new schedule should not affect the duration of vacation and other labor rights.

  • The right to 4 additional days off per month (Article 262 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

Additional days off must be provided at the request of the employee with the preservation of wages. The application form was approved by order of the Ministry of Labor No. 1055n dated December 19, 2014. In complete families, 4 days off are provided for two parents at once, therefore, a certificate from the work of the second parent must be attached to the application stating that he did not spend the days prescribed by law. If during the month all the days have not been used, they do not roll over to future periods. In addition, they cannot be added to annual paid leave. Parents raising several disabled minors at once are also entitled to only 4 additional days off.

  • The right to an additional 14 days of vacation (Article 263 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

A parent (guardian) can use it only if such a clause is registered in collective agreement organizations. Additional leave is granted at the request of the employee and at his expense. Carry over unused days to next year forbidden. In addition, one of the parents of a disabled child can take annual paid leave at a convenient time, regardless of the vacation schedule (Article 262.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

  • The right to refuse business trips, night shifts and overtime work (Article 259 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

Parents of children with disabilities can be involved in such work only after becoming familiar with the rights given to them by Labor Code(under the signature), and registration of their written consent.

  • The right to increase the insurance period for the period of caring for a disabled minor (Article 12 of Law No. 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”)

Only one of the parents (guardians) can exercise this right. Moreover, for this it is necessary to write a corresponding application to the FIU, since the credit for the length of service for the period of caring for a sick child is carried out only at the initiative of the applicant.

A pension can be assigned to one of the parents 5 years earlier, but only if certain conditions are met: the requirements for the insurance period must be met (20 years for fathers and 15 years for mothers), the individual pension coefficient must have a value of at least 30 points, and the child must a disabled person, this parent must bring up at least 8 years.

The requirements for guardians are similar, but the reduction in the retirement age in the case of them occurs in a slightly different way. They are removed 1 year for every 1.5 years of custody of a sick child, but not more than 5 years in total.

Working conditions for people with disabilities

Children with disabilities whose health condition does not prevent employment are subject to special working conditions at work.

  1. Half-holiday. With disability groups 1 and 2, there should be no more than 35 working hours per week (Article 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), while wages remain at the same level. Group 3 disabled people work full time.
  2. The duration of annual leave is at least 30 days (Article 23 of Law No. 181-FZ).
  3. Additional unpaid leave lasting 60 days (Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In addition, children with disabilities cannot be involved in work at night and overtime, as well as on weekends and holidays.

tax incentives

Families raising children with disabilities can count on easing the tax burden. Tax benefits for parents primarily relate to the payment of personal income tax. They are entitled to an increased deduction:

  • 12,000 rubles - when raising a child with a disability by biological parents or adoptive parents;
  • 6000 rubles - for guardians and trustees.

In addition, such parents are also entitled to a standard tax deduction for a child in the amount of 1,400 rubles. The need to sum up deductions on two grounds is confirmed by the letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 03-04-06 / 15803 of 03/20/2017.


Alekseev A.V. brings up a son with a disability at the age of 6 years. For this, he is entitled to a standard tax deduction of 1,400 rubles and an increased tax deduction of 12,000 rubles. As a result, the total amount of personal income tax benefits for him is 13,400 rubles.

The deduction is provided until the child reaches the age of majority or until the age of 24, if he receives full-time higher education. An increased deduction for a disabled student will be applied only if he is assigned 1 or 2 groups.

In a complete family, a parent with a lower salary may waive his right to a personal income tax deduction. Then the parent with the higher income will be able to apply the double deduction.

The right to income tax benefits must be confirmed at the tax office by providing a birth certificate of the child and medical certificates confirming disability. To start applying for a tax deduction, you also need to write an application at the place of work. It is written in free form with copies of the same documents that were submitted to the Federal Tax Service.

Vehicle tax relief

In a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, families with disabled children can count on exemption from paying transport tax. This tax goes to local budgets, therefore, the establishment of benefits for it is within the competence regional authorities. The families of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sverdlovsk and Volgograd regions, as well as a number of other regions, received the opportunity not to pay tax for a car. Familiarize yourself with the operating in the subject tax incentives You can visit any local tax office.

Special conditions for enrolling in a university

Disabled children have the right to enroll in a university without competition. If the applicant is already 18 years old, this right is retained only with the appointment of 1 or 2 disability groups. Disabled people of the 3rd group enter the university on general terms.

Admission out of competition does not imply exemption from examinations. The results of the Unified State Examination of applicants with disabilities must also comply with passing score according to the declared specialty. But if the number of budget places is limited, the disabled person will be given priority.

concessionary travel

If a child needs to be treated in another region, he and his family can use the right to free rail transport there and back. Reduced tickets are provided for the disabled person and the person accompanying him, but not more than once a year.

As for the movement around the hometown, it all depends on the policy of the local authorities. For example, in Moscow, people with disabilities apply for a social card, which provides them with free travel on the metro and all types of land transport, including social taxis. The latter can only be used by disabled children who have limited mobility and use wheelchairs or crutches. You can get free travel at any MFC, as well as online through the Gosuslugi portal or the official website of the Mayor of Moscow (

In other regions, benefits for the use of public transport have also been introduced for the disabled. For example, in Novosibirsk, this is a 50% discount on all types of transport, except for taxis, and in Nizhny Novgorod, a social travel card for the disabled includes 39 free trips every month.

Free medical care

Disabled children are recipients of a set of social services, which, in addition to the previously mentioned travel to the place of treatment, includes the provision of free medicines and vouchers to sanatorium-resort institutions (Law No. 178-FZ of July 17, 1999).

By prescription of a doctor, a disabled child can receive free of charge:

  • medicines (their list is updated annually and published on the website of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation);
  • technical means of rehabilitation (crutches, canes, supports, etc.);
  • feces and urinals;
  • dressing materials;
  • glucometers, test strips and syringes for diabetics;
  • medical food.

To obtain preferential prescription in the clinic, you must first confirm your eligibility at the PFR department. After submitting a birth certificate, SNILS and an ITU medical report, you will be issued a certificate with which you can already go to the doctor for a prescription for free drugs.

Preferential medicines are not issued in all pharmacies, but only in those that have concluded an agreement with government agencies. You are obliged to acquaint you with their list and addresses at the clinic.

Any person can use the prescription, that is, there is no need to take the child with you to the pharmacy. With absence the right medicine you must provide its analogue or order the required drug within 10 days. Free medicines are issued without restrictions on the quantity and cost, in accordance with the dosage established by the doctor.

Comfortable rest in a sanatorium

A free ticket is issued only if there are officially confirmed medical grounds. To do this, you must pass a medical examination at the clinic and get a certificate in your hands in the form 070 / y-o4. Further registration is carried out through the bodies of the social. protection. In addition to the above information, you will need to submit:

  • birth certificate (from 14 years old - passport);
  • ITU conclusion;
  • SNILS.

Verification of documents takes no more than 20 days. But even if a positive decision is made, most often you will have to wait for a ticket for some more time, as queues form for them.

Take advantage of the right to free treatment in the sanatorium is possible only once a year. If the state of health of the child does not allow him to go on vacation on his own, the second free ticket provided to the accompanying person. Also, both have the right to use free travel there and back.

Disabled children are sent to a sanatorium for a period of at least 21 days. If they suffer from pathologies of the brain or spinal cord, the duration of treatment increases to 42 days. Preferential vouchers are issued only to those sanatorium-resort institutions that cooperate with state authorities.

Refusal to recruit social. services

Disabled children have the right to completely or partially refuse a set of social services in favor of additional cash payments. Such a step became possible after the adoption of the law on the monetization of benefits (No. 122-FZ of August 22, 2004).

Refusal of benefits is relevant if the health of a disabled minor does not allow him to go to a sanatorium for treatment, and also if the drugs he needs are not on the free list.

Set of social services in 2018 is estimated at 1082.53 rubles. In particular, these are:

  • 833.79 rubles for medicines;
  • 128.99 rubles for vouchers to a sanatorium;
  • 119.75 rubles for reduced fares.

Decor monetary compensation through the FIU. An application of the established form is written there, which must be accompanied by the following documents:

  • birth certificate or passport;
  • the conclusion of the ITU;
  • certificate of eligibility for a set of social. services (if it was previously received at the FIU).

Documents for compensation must be submitted before October 1 of the current year, since in the 4th quarter budget planning for next year. If you do not have time to apply to the FIU on time, it will be possible to start receiving compensation only after more than a year.

Disabled people can quickly and without queues apply for any type of benefits through multifunctional centers.

The life of a family with a disabled child is full of difficulties and is always accompanied by increased financial costs. Despite the fact that a full-fledged infrastructure for people with disabilities has not yet been formed in our country, the existing set of benefits can significantly make life easier for disabled children and their parents.

A child with disabilities requires not only special treatment, but also significant financial costs, as well as moral strength, which means that the parents of the crumbs are in a more difficult position compared to others. That is why, if a disabled child is brought up in a family, they are entitled to state support, which implies benefits for parents and children, both to improve their living conditions and material.

A disabled child, within the framework of the law, is significantly different from a person who has reached the age of majority. After all, after 18 years, a citizen is re-examined and receives a disability group already in accordance with the percentage of labor loss determined by Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 1024n.

Children are not divided into groups and degrees, and within the framework of clause 7 of Decree No. 95, in the presence of persistent dysfunctions, whether verbal, sensory or neuromuscular, they receive a category: a disabled child, it does not matter in terms of vision or in connection with diabetes mellitus.

Of course, disability is not a reason to reduce the level of social and public life, but having restrictions on health due to a birth defect or illness, it is very difficult to maintain their constitutional rights and freedoms in full. It is doubly difficult to do this for children, who, due to their young age, naturally cannot cope with all the consequences of their condition on their own.

That is why at the legislative level a number of regulations are provided that facilitate everyday life toddlers, allowing them to participate fully in social life. In particular, within the framework of Article 7 of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Federal Law No. 124, families with children whose physical abilities are limited due to disability are provided with a number of benefits that make it possible to be part of society in full, not to mention material and social support.

Indeed, despite the same health problems, a child has the right to receive education at school, and later at a university in order to acquire a certain qualification, which will provide him with the opportunity to realize himself professionally.

Also, the baby, along with medical care, has the right to claim not just comfortable living conditions, but specialized ones that will help him in solving the same everyday nuances that ordinary people don't even think about it.

At the same time, in view of the fact that it is rather difficult for the parents of a child with disabilities to create appropriate living conditions for an ordinary family, benefits are also provided that affect many aspects, from household trifles to a certain procedure for implementing labor activity, not to mention payments and improvement of living conditions by virtue of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Special working conditions at work

Of course, the law on benefits for the most part affects children with disabilities, but parents raising children with disabilities also have to sacrifice a lot in order for their children to receive proper care. And since it is quite difficult to combine the same professional activity with everyday stay near the baby, and it is impossible to cover all the needs of the family without the same salary, the legislation provides for a number of norms that allow you to combine both adult employment and parental responsibilities.

In particular, within the framework of Article 64 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is forbidden to refuse to hire a father or mother who has children with disabilities. Moreover, the employer does not even have the right to demand initial stage employment data related to personal life future worker. Also, by virtue of Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, on the basis of an application from an already existing employee, the company's management is obliged to establish a part-time job for the parents of a child with disabilities with a work schedule that will allow them to fully care for the baby.

Wherein according to the norms of part 2 of article 259 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in 2018, a mother or father who is raising a disabled child without a mother without his consent at work is not entitled to:

  • send on a business trip;
  • engage in overtime work;
  • call to work on a weekend or holiday;
  • put on the night shift.

Also, within the framework of Article 262 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, one of the parents of a disabled child in 2018, on the basis of his application, is entitled to 4 days off with payment per month, with the right to divide these days between the working father and mother equally, that is, two days each. And of course, already by virtue of Article 262.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the parents of the crumbs can use the annual leave at a time convenient for them, that is, outside the schedule for the order of vacations in accordance with the same planned treatment of the crumbs.

And by virtue of Article 263 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, working parents are also additional leave without payment, but at a time convenient for them, however, only if the specified condition is enshrined in the local acts of the institution, in particular, in the same collective agreement or the same labor agreement, and possibly the provision on vacations.

By the way, the parents of a child with a disability also have labor rights in the event of termination of the agreement on mutual cooperation. Indeed, within the framework of Article 261 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is possible to fire a mother or a single father only upon the complete liquidation of the company or for guilty actions that involve the same theft, drunkenness, or improper performance of duties, confirmed by at least several reprimands.

It is worth noting the special procedure for paying for sick leave, which, of course, in view of the condition of the baby, is issued quite often. So, within the framework of clause 3, part 5, article 6 of Federal Law No. 255, parents who have a disabled child can apply for a disability certificate for caring for a baby during treatment, both outpatient and inpatient for 120 days a year, while for other parents there is a limit sick leave is from 60 to 90 days.

Parent early retirement

Benefits are also provided for parents of children with disabilities in relation to pensions. So, in particular, within the framework of Part 1 of Article 32 of the Federal Law No. 400, a father or mother can apply for a pension ahead of schedule, namely at the age of 55 to the father or at the age of 50 to the mother who raised children with disabilities up to 8 years old inclusive, as well as having insurance experience of at least 20 and 15 years for men and women, respectively.

By the way, the length of service is the period during which a person not only performed labor duties, but also transferred contributions to the pension fund.

That is, being on maternity leave to care for a baby or being released from work without earnings is only included in length of service, but not in insurance, therefore, in order to be eligible for a preferential pension, a woman needs to actually work for at least 15 years, and also have an individual pension coefficient not less than 30 points.

Housing Benefits

Benefits for children with disabilities and their parents in 2018 are not only in creating conditions for the implementation professional activity, but also in the housing sector, given that many families with children with disabilities and significant costs for their treatment cannot afford to buy their own apartment.

So, within the framework of regional legislation in the subjects Russian Federation State support for parents of disabled children is also expressed in the following preferences:

  • the priority right to improve housing conditions, that is, to receive housing for social hire;
  • preferential procedure for payment of housing and communal services, that is, both for rent and for utilities;
  • obtaining housing from increased rate square meters if the child has a disease of a certain type.

Transport benefits

Benefits for families with disabled children at the federal level involve a standard set, but at the regional level, depending on the financial capabilities of the region or region, the list may be increased. In particular, in some regions, both children with disabilities and their parents are entitled to the following transport benefits:

  1. percentage discount or free use of all types of public transport except for taxis;
  2. payment of travel expenses for travel when traveling with a child as an escort to a place of treatment, for example, to a sanatorium or a specialized clinic.

Social payments

Of course, in view of the fact that children with disabilities require specialized care, and therefore high costs at the state level, a number of payments are provided for children with disabilities and their parents. In particular, within the framework of Federal Law No. 166, after the category of a disabled child is established, babies are entitled to a disability pension in the form of a social benefit, the amount of which in 2018 by virtue of Federal Law No. 162 will amount to 12,082.6 rubles per month until the child reaches adulthood.

At the same time, parents are also entitled to some types of cash benefits as social assistance from the state. In particular, if the mother of the child has already reached retirement age and has issued an allowance, this payment will be increased by 30% of the basic part of the pension in view of caring for a disabled person who is actually dependent under Article 17 of the Federal Law No. 400.

Also, by virtue of Article 28.1 of the Federal Law No. 181, a family in which a disabled child is brought up has the right to apply for a monthly cash payment, the amount of which is 2527.06 rubles, and this, along with a set of social services that involve compensation for the costs of acquiring medical preparations, Spa treatment, free transportation to the place of rest.

And of course, benefits for disabled children are also provided at the regional level, which, as a rule, provides for an increase in the above preferences or the introduction of additional benefits, taking into account the subsistence level established in a certain region or region. By the way, in addition to monetary assistance, local authorities also establish other preferences, the same preferential procedure for admission to kindergarten, the order of recovery and entertainment program, not to mention cultural development in the form of visits to museums and exhibitions.

Other perks

Of course, financial support is important, given that the money that is accrued to children helps parents cover part of the costs, but children also need other aspects that are already related to social adaptation which is equally important to them.

In particular, within the framework of Federal Law No. 125 children with disabilities are provided with the following non-material benefits:

  • free food as preschool institutions so already when receiving general education at the expense of the local budget;
  • gratuitous provision of drugs, according to the prescription of doctors within the framework of the list approved by law;
  • preferential order of rest, for example, a weekly trip to the pool without a monthly fee;
  • priority service in polyclinics and other medical institutions;
  • preferential conditions for admission to a university, in particular, the same right to budget education.

Childhood disability in the Russian Federation is, unfortunately, not a rare phenomenon. The ecological and social situation annually makes many children disabled.

But even if there is a place for this, you should not be upset, because life does not end there.

A child with a disability has the right to receive social benefits, free medical treatment and so on. His rights are clearly regulated by numerous laws of the Russian Federation.

Who belongs to the group of children with disabilities. Legislative basis of the issue

The definition of a disabled child means, first of all, a person who has any violations of vital organs, which is the reason for the inability to feel normal in society. Diseases can be caused both congenitally and after receiving any injuries.

A disabled child cannot take care of himself at home, navigate in space, learn, and so on (depending on the form of the disease).

Until the age of 18, a person with disabilities is considered a child with a disability.

On the territory of the Russian Federation there are many laws that guarantee social protection and financial support for children with disabilities. The legislative framework the same for both children and adults.

It includes:

What benefits are provided by federal and regional laws

Children who, due to circumstances, have been recognized as disabled, have every right to receive certain benefits from the state. Each area has its own assistance, which is clearly spelled out in federal and regional laws. Let's consider in more detail.


Children with disabilities have every right to receive housing benefits. To be more precise, they are given a benefit of 50% discount on utility bills.

This fee also includes:

  • telephone payment;
  • various fees and utility bills.


Disabled children, according to the current legislation, are entitled to a 50% discount from October 1 to May 15 for travel in air, river, road and rail transport. The discount also applies to one parent with whom he travels.

In the rest of the time, the discount is provided only once in both directions.

In the field of education

If a child with a disability gets a job in a kindergarten, the administration of the institution in without fail must provide for him a set of measures that are aimed at rehabilitation, and also do everything possible to quickly adapt his stay among the surrounding children.

In addition, the child is provided with such privileges, How:

  • enrollment in kindergarten without a queue;
  • complete absence of payment for DDU.

For invalids school age provided educational program at home according to an individual schedule.

Disabled children who have completed their studies at school have the right to be enrolled in higher educational institutions on benefits that provide for the possibility of a budget-funded form of education. This right is granted only once.


Disabled children V medical field are entitled to receive certain benefits, namely free receipt of:

  • medicines prescribed by the attending physician;
  • prosthetic and orthopedic devices;
  • bicycles and wheelchairs;
  • annual spa treatment;
  • an additional voucher for one of the parents who accompanies a disabled child.

It is worth noting that free medicines are provided only upon presentation of a prescription from a doctor, otherwise they must be paid in full.


Social benefits for children with disabilities differ little from adults. They also they have a right:

  • to receive social benefits;
  • free travel, medicines;
  • priority housing;
  • discounts on utility bills.


Disabled children who have not reached the age of majority are not provided for in this plan, as for their parents, they are provided with a benefit in the form of a monthly tax deduction for a disabled child under 18 or a full-time student, graduate student, resident, intern, student under the age of 24 years old, if he is a disabled person of group I or II, in the amount of 12,000 rubles, that is, this amount is not subject to personal income tax.

List of benefits and their characteristics


According to current legislation, it is illegal to dismiss an employee if he has a disabled child who has not reached the age of 18.

exception from this rule is considered:

  • bankruptcy of the company and its further liquidation;
  • completion of action employment contract with this employee;
  • malicious violation of the internal labor regulations by an employee (regular tardiness, drunkenness at the workplace, and so on);
  • order from the top management disciplinary action (in simple words- dismissal under the article).

In addition, the law provides for a ban on overtime work or all kinds of business trips without a written agreement directly with the employee.

An employee who has a minor child with a disability is entitled to receive additional leave duration of 14 calendar days, with the possibility of using it in parts.


Parents who are raising a child with a disability are provided with certain benefits in the field of taxation.

In order to provide benefits in the matter of taxation, it is necessary to contact the tax office and present such documentation:

  • pensioner's ID;
  • a medical certificate confirming the need for constant care for the child;
  • decision of the guardianship and guardianship authorities;
  • a document that confirms cohabitation with the child. This document is issued by the housing authority.

After that, the amount of tax on the total monthly income will decrease significantly. Moreover, in the event that the tax was withdrawn monthly in an amount greater than the minimum wage, about 70% of its size will be returned to the parents. However, it must be borne in mind that the rule applies only to one parent, it is impossible to do this for two.

It is worth noting that this is possible only until the child reaches the age of 24. In the event that the child has not stopped studying before this age, the benefits will still be canceled.

Other types of benefits

Additional privileged strata of the population include those who, until the age of 8, raised their disabled child and did not work. According to the current legislation, they have every right to include this period in the length of service.

In addition, it is worth noting that, using this right, they have the right to go on a well-deserved rest when they reach the age of 50. But at the same time, including 8 years of experience in education, it is necessary to have a total duration of 15 years.

As for the fathers of children from this category, they are required to have a minimum experience of 20 years. Only if it is available, they have every right to take a well-deserved rest at the age of 55.

Types and amount of cash payments and benefits for disabled children

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, a child with a disability has the right to receive such types of financial assistance, How:

In 2019, indexation took place, due to which payments increased slightly, and now these indicators are:

  • social pension - 12,082 rubles;
  • monthly cash payment - 2701.62 rubles, including benefits in in kind for the amount of 1111 rubles 75 kopecks per month.

In addition, guardians, parents and other persons who are involved in the upbringing of a child with a disability have the full right to receive financial assistance.

It is also worth noting that the cost of social insurance for a child with a disability, under which he is entitled to free medicines, is about 11 thousand rubles.

The amount of financial assistance from the state

According to the law of the Russian Federation, the following persons have the right to receive financial assistance until the child reaches the age of 18:

  • parents;
  • guardians;
  • other persons involved in the upbringing of the child.

They receive a monthly child care allowance until they reach the age of majority at that time. size:

However, to be eligible to receive this payment, you must be officially unemployed. Otherwise, all that is required is additional paid days off (today it is 4 additional days off per month).

In addition, if it is necessary to stop working in connection with caring for a sick child, the parent has the right to receive monthly payments in the amount of 60% of the average salary for Last year before going to work.

Additional benefits are not provided.

For information on benefits for parents of children with disabilities, see the following video seminar:

Assistance to children with disabilities and disabled since childhood is regulated at the state level. Such families are entitled to various monthly payments (pensions and benefits), as well as several types of labor, monetary and social benefits.

All these types of support from the state are designed to provide a disabled child, his parents and guardians with the most necessary, to assist his social adaptation, maintain health and create opportunities that correspond to the capabilities of other citizens.

Cash payments for children with disabilities are issued on a declarative basis through departments Pension Fund of Russia(FIU) or multifunctional cents(MFC). Each of them will require independent registration and submission of the necessary package of documents.

Set of social services (NSO) for children with disabilities

Disabled children and persons with disabilities from childhood who receive a monthly cash payment are also automatically provided with a monthly set of social services by law. in kind. It consists of three main blocks and can be paid in the established monetary equivalent.

NSO recipient or his parents (guardians) may refuse from receiving social in-kind services, in whole or in part, receiving monetary compensation instead. You can change the order of receiving a set of services only from January 1st each following year, provided that the corresponding application is submitted to the FIU before October 1 of the current year.

The amount of NSO from 01.02.2017, rub.

Note: A child with a disability, as well as a disabled person from childhood of group I, who can only travel with an escort, has the right to receive a second ticket to the resort for an accompanying person, as well as to provide him with free tickets when leaving for the place of treatment and back.

Since the NSO is part of the EDV, you do not need to go to the FIU and write a separate application to get it! When prescribing EDV, a disabled child immediately automatically develops entitlement to NSO in kind, about which the relevant certificate is issued to the FIU.

This help contains the following information:

  • category of the beneficiary (child with a disability or disabled since childhood);
  • for how long is the EDV established;
  • to which social services within the NSO a citizen is entitled in a particular year.

According to this certificate, presented to the medical, preventive institutions or railway ticket offices throughout the country, relevant social services can be provided.

A citizen also has the right to refuse to receive NSO in kind, receiving instead a monetary equivalent as part of the UDV. Relevant NSO waiver statement it is enough to submit no later than October 1 of the current year to the territorial body of the PFR - then it will be valid from January 1 of the next year on an ongoing basis until the recipient changes his mind.

Benefit for the care of a disabled child to a non-working parent

If an able-bodied parent (guardian or other person) is caring for a child who requires constant supervision, and is unable to work for this reason, he can count on. For the provision of care for each child with a disability or disabled since childhood of group I, a payment is due in the amount of:

  • 5500 rub.- if care is provided by a parent, adoptive parent or guardian
  • 1200 rub.- if another person cares).

With II and III disability groups for a child over 18 years old, this allowance not allowed. Following are some other features of its purpose:

  • when applying for a payment, parents (guardians) will need to document that the child needs a constant walk;
  • the payment is transferred together with;
  • allowance due able-bodied non-working citizens exercising, and is not paid to pensioners or recipients of unemployment benefits through the employment service (CZN).

Unlike other payments of the Pension Fund, the amount of this benefit not subject to annual indexation. At the same time, until 2013, the amount of the payment was the same and amounted to 1200 rubles. regardless of who provides care, and now an increased amount of 5500 rubles has been established. for parents and guardians.

To apply for benefits, you will need to contact the FIU with the following set of documents:

  • identity card and employment history caregiver;
  • 2 statements:
    • about the grant from a non-working able-bodied citizen caring for a child, indicating the date of its commencement;
    • consent to care from a parent, guardian or other legal representative of a child with a disability or disabled since childhood of the 1st group (not required if the care is provided by the indicated persons themselves);
  • 2 references for the caregiver:
    • from the PF at the place of residence of the caregiver that he is not paid a pension;
    • from the employment service of the non-receipt of unemployment benefits;
  • an extract from the certificate of examination of a disabled child in the ITU bodies (sent to the FIU independently through the channels of interdepartmental interaction).

Maternal capital for social adaptation and integration into society

Capital funds can be spent on purchase of goods and payment for services aimed at social adaptation and integration into society of a disabled child (any of the children in the family, and not the obligatory one who gave the right to a certificate) in the form of compensation money already spent on it.

In payment medical services, rehabilitation and the purchase of medicines means to invest not allowed! In practice, it became possible to use money from maternity capital for disabled children only after the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 831-r of April 30, 2016 was issued, approving the list of relevant goods and services (48 items).

Documents to be submitted to the FIU for the transfer of maternity capital funds:

  • mother's statement
  • passport and SNILS of the applicant;
  • individual program of rehabilitation (habilitation) of the child (IPR, IPRA);
  • documents confirming the purchase of goods and services for social. adaptation and integration;
  • an act from social security confirming the availability and compliance of the purchased product with the needs of the child (if the product was purchased, not the service);
  • applicant's bank account details.

Benefits for children with disabilities and their parents in 2019

In addition to cash payments, many benefits are provided to children with disabilities and their parents to improve their standard of living.

The state assumes the obligation to support families in which family members have special needs, based on the principle categorical. That is, assistance is provided for each disabled child whose family has grounds for receiving benefits and payments, and not. Those. all these types of assistance are assigned regardless of the financial situation of the family, and in the near future the state does not plan to revise this principle.

Tax deduction for a disabled child in 2019 (personal income tax benefit)

For everyone of disabled children under 18 years of age (or for a full-time student, graduate student with disabilities of groups 1, 2 up to 24 years old), a personal income tax benefit is provided, which is due both parents(adoptive parents, guardians) of a disabled child.

Land and the right to additional living space

In Art. 17 of Law No. 181-FZ of November 24, 1995, provides for benefits for families with disabled children regarding housing and the right to improve living conditions. Among them:

  • Possibility to obtain a residential property in ownership or under a social tenancy agreement in case of need to improve housing conditions (for those registered as those in need of improved housing conditions). At the same time, the area of ​​​​the premises under the social lease agreement must exceed the standards per person, but not more than twice.
  • Priority receipt of a land plot for the construction of a residential private house, maintenance of a subsidiary or summer cottage, gardening.
  • Compensation 50%:
    • to pay for housing and utilities (according to standards);
    • to pay the home improvement fee.

Right to additional living space(private room or additional 10 sq.m) is provided to families in which children suffer from mental disorders, CNS lesions with severe consequences and there is a need to use wheelchairs.

Benefits when a child enters college and university

Provided that the child is disabled or disabled since childhood passed entrance examinations in higher or secondary special educational institution, he must be enrolled out of competition without taking into account the data of the certificate. But only on condition that training in a particular institution is not contraindicated according to the results of the medical examination.

Upon admission to a university under a bachelor's or specialist's program, a disabled child or a person with disabilities from childhood of groups 1, 2, 3 is provided with the following benefits:

  • the opportunity to enter without entrance exams for the budget;
  • admission within the quota upon successful passing of exams;
  • preemptive right to enrollment (with the same number of points for an applicant without benefits and a disabled person, preference is given to the latter);
  • free education at the preparatory department, if the child has no contraindications to study at this institution.

These benefits can be used just one time Therefore, the educational institution and the future specialty should be chosen very carefully.

When applying to an educational institution, you must provide such documents:

  • statement;
  • identification;
  • confirmation of the special rights of the applicant (certificate of disability);
  • the conclusion of the medical-psychological-pedagogical commission;
  • conclusion about the absence of contraindications to study in this institution.

Other measures of social support for children with disabilities

Children with special needs can count on the following additional types of social assistance:

  • priority admission of preschoolers to kindergartens, free admission;
  • the opportunity to study the school curriculum at home (if the inability to attend school is confirmed by a medical certificate);
  • free meals at school;
  • sparing regime for passing the exam;
  • assistance of social services in rehabilitation (social, psychological).


Unfortunately, while on the way to the maximum social adaptation of children and disabled people from childhood to create opportunities for them to full life Russian society there are still many obstacles to overcome. However, the state assumes the obligation to support disabled children and their families. Support is provided both in cash (

Parents of children with disabilities have a number of benefits stipulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Some of the pre-emptive rights regarding . Let's consider them in more detail.

Leave for parents of a disabled child under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

The parent of a child with a disability retains all standard rights. This is the right to annual leave with payments in accordance with the average salary of the employee, issued in the order of priority specified in the vacation schedule. In 2015, Federal Law No. 242-FZ was issued on July 13, 2015, on the basis of which adjustments were made to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In particular, a new article 262.1 has appeared, according to which the category of workers under consideration has additional guarantees:

  • The right to take mandatory leave at a convenient time to care for infants and adolescents with disabilities.
  • The right to extra days off.

ATTENTION! These guarantees apply only to parents of children under the age of majority.

What is additional paid leave?

It is additional paid leave for parents is not provided. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not say anything about this benefit. However, by additional leave, some understand:

  • Standard leave issued in accordance with the benefits.
  • Leave to care for a child up to 3 years.
  • Additional holidays.

The last point is closest to the concept of a second paid vacation. The right to additional days off is stipulated by article 262 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It is given to only one of the parents. To receive leave, you need to make an application in writing. The employer is obliged to provide an employee caring for a disabled child with 4 additional days off per month. All these days are paid at the standard rate.

ATTENTION! All provisions discussed here are enshrined in law. However, nothing prevents the entrepreneur from establishing additional leave with the condition of payment as a benefit to parents of disabled children. This will require all relevant amendments to the collective acts.

Documentary support of registration

Parents are required to provide the following documents for the leave:

  • The conclusion of the medical and social examination confirming disability (the examination must be carried out regularly).
  • Papers that establish the place of residence of the baby.
  • Birth or adoption certificate.
  • A certificate from the work of the second parent that the right to the weekend was not used by him and the corresponding application was not submitted to the employer.

Most of the documents are provided only once. For example, a parent can bring a birth certificate once and not do it again when making an application for a day off. However, there are a number of papers that need to be provided regularly. These include:

  • References from the work of the second parent.
  • The conclusion of the examination (depending on the type of disability, you need to go through this procedure every 1-5 years).

ATTENTION! The right to additional days off can be used by one or the other parent. In this case, such a "vacation" is divided. For example, a mother took 2 days off to care for a child with disabilities. The father had the right to take the remaining 2 days.

Provision procedure

The procedure for issuing additional days off is specified in the resolution of October 13, 2014 No. 1048. The following stages of this procedure can be distinguished:

  1. Application by one of the parents.
  2. Providing the employee with all necessary documents.
  3. Drawing up the order of the head on the issuance of additional days off. The document is drawn up according to or another template developed by the company.
  4. The employee must be familiar with the order against signature.

The employee indicates in his application those days for providing days off that are convenient for him. However, usually specific dates are determined after negotiations with the boss. For example, there is little work on Friday, and therefore the employer wants to send the employee on a day off on that day so as not to interfere with labor processes.

ATTENTION! The employer is obliged to provide the employee with additional days off if he sent an appropriate application, to which he attached all the necessary documents. Otherwise, the companies issue a fine in the amount of 30-50 thousand rubles or suspend its work for up to 3 months. These liability measures are established by part 1 of article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Additional holiday pay

Article 17 of Federal Law No. 213 states that additional days off are paid by the Social Insurance Fund. Paragraph 12 of the rules established by Decree No. 1048 of 10/13/2014 states that the payment must correspond to the average salary of the employee. That is, for example, an employee receives 1,000 rubles per shift. Accordingly, his income for 4 additional days off will be 4,000 rubles.

IMPORTANT! The FSS often tries to refuse payments if their part-timers demand. This is due to the fact that employees have already received compensation at the main place of work. However, this is illegal, as the worker can enjoy benefits at both jobs. This is stipulated by part 2 of article 287 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Therefore, it is necessary to achieve all the due payments from the FSS.

Unpaid leave

The right to additional leave at any time convenient for the parent is established by Article 263 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. There are the following options for using the provided days:

  • Joining the main vacation (performed on the basis of a written application).
  • Partitioning.
  • Use all 14 days at once.

IMPORTANT! If the employee does not use his right in the current year, the vacation will not be carried over to the next year.

There are the following rules for granting additional leave:

  • Its total duration cannot be more than 2 weeks.
  • All vacation days are unpaid.
  • The employee determines the vacation period in accordance with his own ideas. For example, he can go on vacation for a week in the first half of the year, and add the rest of the week to the main rest. The main thing is that the total duration of such weekends should not exceed 2 weeks.

IMPORTANT! All of the above points also apply to those parents who work part-time. At the second place of service, their employer is also obliged to comply with the requirements of Article 263 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Additional norms

All guarantees that a parent uses cannot affect working conditions and other rights: the provision of basic leave, accrual of seniority. The law also establishes some norms regarding the length of the working day:

  • If the duration of the shift is more than 4 hours, the employee must be given a lunch break.
  • An employee may be given reduced hours. To do this, he needs to draw up an application indicating in it a convenient work schedule.
  • Sending on business trips, engaging in overtime work - all this, according to Article 259 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is possible only with the consent of the parent in writing. Previously, the employee must be familiarized with his right to refuse the employer.

Guarantees are provided as part of benefits for persons with disabilities.