Fashion for dogs: from cape to golden cloak. How to train an animal

The history of “human” fashion goes back centuries, but it is unlikely that it appeared before dogs became ours true friends. And yet, taking care of the beauty of their own outfits and hairstyles, it’s up to people to take care of the beauty of their own clothes and hairstyles. for a long time The only decoration left was the collar. However, already in the paintings of medieval artists one can see exquisitely shaped collars, richly decorated with precious stones, but, one way or another, for a long time other details of the wardrobe and dog fashion did not have.

It is not known for certain when the first clothes for dogs appeared, and although there are versions that already medieval fashionistas dressed their dogs in blankets and raincoats, the first reliable information dates back only to the end of the 18th century. It was at this time that pet clothing first appeared in England. Fashion historians believe that, most likely, the reason for this was the rainy climate of Foggy Albion. This hypothesis is also confirmed by the first models of dog clothing: baggy capes and raincoats, which not so much decorated as disfigured four-legged pets.

Dog fashion found a different life in France. It was here that blankets, fur coats, bags and strollers for four-legged animals, dog necklaces and even perfume began to be mass-produced for the first time! It is truly not for nothing that France is considered a trendsetter!

Today, fashion for dogs is a phenomenon no less large-scale than fashion “for people”. The most famous fashion houses, such as Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Burberry, and others, produce “dog collections,” and there are many fashion boutiques and hairdressing salons for dogs all over the world. This industry is especially widely developed in the USA. Not only can you find clothing stores for pets at every turn, but every year a special fashion show is held in New York dog fashion, in which more than 500 dogs dressed to the nines take part. They take to Fifth Avenue with their owners to show off their sophisticated outfits - from sharp suits to fashionable glasses and tutus.

Well, the most fashionable dogs, undoubtedly, live in Beverly Hills, the famous suburb of Los Angeles, where the stars of American show business live. Here, four-legged pets prefer not to go to the hairdresser, but to “call” - with the help of their owners - a hairdresser at home. True, haircuts and perms are still carried out in the salon - a specially equipped van. There are many advantages of this approach: on the one hand, the dog feels in “its” territory and behaves more docilely, and on the other hand, the hair does not lie all over the house after being cut. The most famous artists have more than enough clients, but achieving such popularity is not easy. The difficult path to the heights of fame in the world of dog fashion is shown to us by Animal Planet in the program “from Beverly Hills.” The winner of the dog grooming competition, Master Knox, won his own mobile hairdressing salon and now seeks to win the hearts of the four-legged inhabitants of the most prestigious area of ​​​​Los Angeles and, of course, their owners.

Trends from the catwalks of famous fashion designers are transferred not only to daily life. Belatedly, they end up not only on the shelves of fashion stores, but also in stores that sell clothes for dogs.

Special clothing lines for beloved pets were developed taking into account the predilections of socialites to dress their dogs like dolls. And since there is demand, there is also supply, which includes an endless number of options and entire designer clothing lines just for our little brothers.

Historical reference

Initially, such suits were made for those animals that did not have wool and froze in cool weather. But the idea of ​​dressing dogs in smart clothes was so popular with all pet owners that soon dog fashion simply took over the world. Numerous designers created any styles, fabrics, colors, accessories and decorations, and dog hairdressers and manicurists worked enthusiastically on their appearance. This service sector is best represented in England and the USA.

Celebrities and their fashion animals

They use the services the most. For example, the famous actress Tori Spelling found a personal fashion designer for her dog Mimi Lara. Tailored clothes are stored in the dog's personal closet. The actress claims that her pet is extremely happy to participate in dressing up. Infamous Paris Hilton is keeping up with Tory, constantly working on the appearance of her dog Tinkerbell. Inspired by the image of Paris, one of the designers created a collection of glamorous dog clothes, which the actress, of course, used to come up with new images of Tinkerbell.

Dog wardrobe

According to dog clothing designers, Spelling and Hilton's classes are far from useless. A modern dog's wardrobe must include fleece and cotton suits, raincoats, sweaters, and warm winter overalls. A few pairs of boots for cold or wet weather won't hurt either. Fashion designers regard such fashion not only as a whim of the owners, but also as a necessity. After all, you can walk a dog for a long time in warm clothes and know that everything will be fine with its health.

How to train an animal

Naturally, not every pet is ready to put up with clothes from day one. Experts advise starting with sleeveless clothing. Animals hardly notice her. With shoes it’s more difficult. If you want your dog to wear boots, you should start with soft, sock-like models. Animals need to learn to walk on a non-slip surface. On the first day, you can train it for about 15 minutes, increasing the interval with each new workout. Gradually you need to switch to shoes with soles. First try wearing a pair on your front paws, later on your hind paws.

Accessories for owners

Owners can also purchase accessories that will be useful not only for their pets, but also for themselves. For example, comfortable bags for carrying dogs. The most famous fashionistas have long ago turned such bags into part of their wardrobe. Very often you can observe that housewives not only select a dog bag to match their outfit, but also dress their pet in such a way that it perfectly emphasizes the image of the hostess and vice versa.

Well, fashion dictates its terms. You can obey them, you can ignore them, but it’s hard not to notice how dog fashion has already become part of everyday life. You can see elegant animals everywhere, and often it is a rather pleasant sight. And if the outfits do not harm the dogs, but, on the contrary, help them keep warm, then even more so, such trends are worth living.

If we assume that a small dog is an element of a person’s style, then its outfit is as necessary an accessory as the owner’s bag or shoes. Buying a cheap collar in a basement pet store in this case is equivalent to purchasing oilskin boots.

See in style dressed dog It was always possible, but pet fashion as an industry began to develop in the mid-20th century. At this time, elegant dogs begin to take part in the fashion show. Later, clothing shows became separate events, and specialized studios and shops appeared. In Russia, things have not yet reached the scale of the industry, but the trend is the most encouraging. However, first things first...

European dog fashion

Fashion for dogs is guided by the same principles as for people: the fashion designer projects his individuality onto the subject of creativity. As a result, we observe a transformation effect, a special vision of beauty.

The world of decorative dogs has its own Gucci or Dolce and Gabbana. They combine high style with functionality, taking into account the individuality and needs of pet owners.

Popular among Italian manufacturers Quatrozampe, Camon(see photo in the gallery at the end of the article), Tria De.

A lapdog shows a cape dress with red frill and pompom, model Via Brera (Tria-De, Rome)

In Germany, it is considered the most glamorous brand Dogi- apparently, without fish, there is nothing special about the product either in terms of quality or design.

The British like it: the company is famous not only for its design, but also for its high-quality products in a very expensive price category.

Stylish Mulberry Pekingese suit: traditional British style.

Overseas trends

Americans deserve a special conversation. After all, the most luxurious dog toilets, the most extravagant and expensive accessories are associated with the USA. In America, designer collections rule the roost.

Anthony Rubio

He is one of the most famous couturiers. Anthony regularly performs his catwalk shows, participates in TV shows, and dresses the dogs of many world-famous celebrities.

Anthony with two models (a red and a fawn Chihuahua)

Mr. Rubio's favorite breed is , for which he creates exquisite outfits in a luxurious style:

The rest of the master’s creations can be found on his website.

Lindsay Morris

Yorkshire terrier named Jack wearing a leather jacket from Linsday.

Martha Beltran

Interesting work: a knitted blanket for a mongrel with a pattern.

Yoichi Ohashi

This Japanese-American woman gained fame for her unexpected avant-garde work.

In this robe maltese dog Not much functionality, but so much chic!

We especially note the fact that Ms. Ohachi does not use natural leather in her works.

Little Lily

It is impossible to talk about dog fashion without mentioning this brand. Founded in 2003 by two film producers, Little Lily is the epitome of glamorous clothing and chic PR. They dress the dogs of such Hollywood stars as Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Barbara Streisand, Jennifer Lopez, Molly Sims, Paris Hilton. and many others.

A tie for your dog from Little Lily. Price - 45 dollars, attention to your person is priceless!

Little Lily has over 300 boutiques around the world! In addition to stylish clothes, they offer funny accessories designed to emphasize the uniqueness of the owners :)

Elite of the elites

However, let's leave the cheap stuff - a dress for 50 dollars and ties that cost even less. In Los Angeles, considered the most fashionable boutique for dogs Fifi & Romeo. The products of this company belong to the highest price category. Suffice it to mention handmade blankets for $890 or a collar inlaid with rubies for $2,560... However, it’s better to see it once:

Cashmere sweater with faux pearl inlay

Sneeze Clothes for Just $639

All companies and authors exhibit their works at international dog shows and annual fashion events, including the Dog Festival Woofstock, exhibition " Westminster Dog Show"in New York, project" Dog Vogue".

How to buy it?

The most convenient option to spoil yourself is. Fortunately, now traveling with small breeds is easier than with children. The main thing is to find the addresses of stores in advance and understand how to get there.

Another solution is to purchase through, where there is more choice and you can consider everything calmly. There are only two downsides: there is no way to try it on, and the significant cost of delivery. However, in any case, all clothes, even the most fashionable ones, are made according to standard sizes, and the risk of making a mistake is minimal. Well, delivery will cost around 15-20 dollars, which is not so important for orders of 300-500 dollars.

We also keep in mind that most manufacturers have long mastered delivery by mail on their own, and after paying for your purchase, you will receive the package at your post office in 3-4 weeks.

Exclusive clothing for dogs in Russia

Photos from Fashion Week - sneezing in a dress

To be fashionable, you don’t have to look for outfits abroad. In Russia, they have been sewing “haute couture” for dogs for a long time. The most famous in this industry are: "Fashion House" by Svetlana Abramova in Moscow and atelier "Scholen" in St. Petersburg. Both companies sell ready-made products and make clothes for dogs to order.

In the case of an individual tailoring of an outfit for a pet, the general wishes of the animal owner will be taken into account. Artists will highlight the personality and style of the owner and will create a costume that matches the latest dog fashion trends. Designers will work to ensure that the clothes are comfortable and fit well. Real craftsmen will be able to select materials suitable for a given breed, season and purpose of the outfit.

High fashion clothing for different tastes and occasions can be purchased at special exhibitions. Known in Russia: Pets fashion week Russia(Russian Fashion Week for Animals), which was first held in 2009, “ Fashionista Pooch", in St. Petersburg, " My Fashion Doggie", in Novosibirsk.

Online stores offer dog clothing from famous European and American brands:

  • Pinkaholic NEW YORK;
  • Limargy;
  • Puppy Zzang;
  • Puppia;
  • Pretty Pet;
  • Monkey Daze.

What's in our wardrobe?

A fashionable dog wardrobe today includes not only a stylish leash, but also dresses, fur coats, suits, hats, and jewelry. There is clothing for all occasions: for daily walks, picnics, visits to shops and restaurants, participation in exhibitions, photo shoots and shows, outfits for holidays and celebrations.

In accordance with fashion trends Not only wedding and evening dresses are created, but also sports and beach suits, bathrobes and night pajamas. For our latitudes, fur coat models for small dogs will be especially relevant. Elegant strollers and bags for transporting pets are in fashion.

The most expensive outfits are worn by dogs in Los Angeles, a city considered the capital of the luxury pet industry. Prices for high-quality fashionable clothing in Russia start from 2,000 rubles. However, all over the world, most owners still prefer “simple” stores, or .

Russia Team jumpsuit

Ideally, the decorative dog’s outfit should complement the owner’s clothing ensemble. In order for your pet to look stylish, you need to treat its outfits as if they were your own. And if consumer goods don’t get into large closets, then why should they get into the wardrobe of pets?

If the accessory is not worthy of decorating your wrist, then why is it put on the neck of a pet?

This approach to creating a small dog’s wardrobe will protect the buyer from purchasing loud, low-quality items of clothing.

As for style, today a dog in an FBI or Russia vest looks about the same as a person from the 90s in an Adidas tracksuit. Tailed fashionistas require more imagination and attention from their owners.

Voropanov Vitaly, 2nd grade

The work of Vitaly Voropanov is devoted to the history of the appearance of clothing and fashion for dogs, the areas of application of clothing, the reasons for the appearance of this or that type of clothing, as well as fashion for dogs today.

During the work, the following tasks were solved:

  1. Learn about the history of clothing and fashion for dogs.
  2. Find out the areas of application of clothing for dogs.
  3. Study information about the development of the dog fashion industry these days.

The work is completed in a volume of 25 pages, consists of an introduction, 7 chapters and a conclusion. The author has done a lot of work on studying clothing for dogs, the reasons for its appearance and areas of application.

The work is distinguished by the highly informative content of the collected material. The material is presented in an accessible and interesting manner, accompanied by colorful photographs. This information will be interesting to children and expand their horizons.



Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 5"

"Mistress Dog Fashion"

Creative work

Completed by: Vitaly Voropanov,

2b grade student

MBOU "Secondary school No. 5"

Head: Popova L.N.,

teacher primary classes

MBOU "Secondary School No. 5"

Myskovsky urban district

Head: Popova Lada Nikolaevna, primary school teacher at Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 5”.

The work can be used at school in a lesson on the surrounding world and at club hours in an extended day group to broaden the horizons of children.


History of dog fashion………………………………………………………

Areas of application and purpose of clothing for dogs…………………….

How to choose the right clothes for your dog……………………………….

We sew and knit ourselves………………………………………………………..

Fashion for dogs………………………………………………………………………………….

Fashionable clothes for dogs in different countries……………………………….

Beauty salons for dogs……………………………………………………………………

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………...



I live in a small provincial town where it is almost impossible to see a dog in clothes. I think that few people here know anything about dog fashion. Thus, after studying a lot of information about clothing and fashion for people, I decided to find out if there is fashion for dogs? I set myself task : learn about the history of the appearance of clothing and fashion for dogs, the areas of application of clothing, the reasons for the appearance of this or that type of clothing, as well as fashion for dogs today.

I found a lot of information on the Internet together with my parents, visited a boutique and a beauty salon for dogs, got acquainted with magazines that raise issues of dog fashion, and became acquainted with fashionable collections of clothing and accessories for dogs.

All information received is presented in my work. For a more complete disclosure of the topic, there are photographs of dogs in clothes of different styles and an electronic presentation has been created.

History of dog fashion

Dog fashion is in no way inferior to human fashion: it is just as great and grandiose. It presents all the elements of clothing and all possible styles.

No other pets are dressed like dogs. Cats are too obstinate for this, and monkeys, although capable of wearing human clothing, are too rare.

Dog fashion is a special topic. Over the centuries, this sought-after fashion trend has evolved incredibly and is now much broader than the uninitiated dog lover might imagine. However, many dog ​​owners decorate their pets without thinking about fashion - a beautiful collar that matches the color of the coat, a headscarf... This is probably how the phenomenon of dog fashion began.

Dog fashion has been around for a long time. There is evidence that during the Renaissance, noble ladies decorated their beloved small dogs with various scarves made of patches. Let's remember Queen Cleopatra. So she had a hobby - she sewed for her own miniature dogs clothes and dressed them up in them herself. The same can be said about the eighteenth century. Madame Pompadour had a whole “collection” of small lap dogs. From this collection, she especially loved two dogs, and the dressmakers, along with Madame’s dresses, also sewed dresses for small lap dogs. The dresses were decorated with embroidery and precious lace and sometimes cost so much that a poor family could long time buy your own food. But large dogs began to be dressed in clothes already in the twentieth century. And this was dictated not so much by fashion as by necessity. For the first time, large dogs began to be dressed in the Swiss Alps. Avalanches often occurred there, and dogs were used to search for people - first St. Bernards and Labradors, and then dogs of other breeds. But not all dogs have the same warm “fur coat” that will protect them from the cold in the mountains, like the St. Bernard. So special overalls and vests were invented for rescue dogs. Dogs were also dressed in Alaska, where dog sledding was the order of the day. And after that, people decided that a dog can be dressed not only for protection, but also for beauty. The dogs' wardrobe has been replenished with completely "human" things - shoes, dressing gowns, evening and wedding dresses. Years passed, man learned to make fire, tan leather, reinvent the wheel... As for the dog, this representative of the four-toed family also did not lag behind: he gave a paw, wagged his tail, looked for drugs...
But the personal wardrobe was not replenished with anything so exotic, besides a collar with spikes. And only England, at the end of the 18th, first dressed the dog in some semblance of clothing. It is difficult to draw definite conclusions in favor of equipment for pets. Perhaps the humid and rainy climate of Foggy Albion is to blame. Although true ladies and gentlemen probably shouldn’t appear in public with a naked dog, so they dressed them up... However, excessive conservatism and the inherent stiffness of the English gave birth to ugly-tailored capes and monstrously baggy raincoats.

“Clothing for dogs” took on true scope in France.
Namely, the concept of “dog fashion” originated and gave rise to a whole trend in the fashion industry. All kinds of bags for transportation, made to order, strollers for dogs (strollers) - made of precious metal, snake collars studded with diamonds, dog tiaras and necklaces, fur coats made of mink and chinchillas, and even special perfumes for dogs - and those exclusively for a special breed.

It was in France that they launched a massive (if you can call it that) production of accessories that positioned themselves as products for animals.
This was first carried out by the French “GOYARD”, which to this day does only this. In 1892, the GOYARD house published a special catalog, which presented exclusively handmade collars and leashes.

The most respectable fashion houses, such as Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Burberry, following the unchanging rules of the fashion industry, update their collections every season. To be fair, the dog clothing industry is currently experiencing a real boom.

We must clearly understand that clothing for dogs is not only a whim of fashionable ladies, but also, most importantly, a means of caring for small and smooth-haired breeds. After all, these breeds, deliberately helpless in wild life, were also not created at the whim of breeders, but as compensation for the need of a good person to take care of someone. Think about it, perhaps clothing for dogs is a manifestation of additional care for the weak or helpless, which in form constitutes the main component of humanity, capable of distinguishing it from the animal world, nuclear threats and economic crises.

Areas of application and purpose of clothing for dogs

Many people are skeptical about dog clothing, thinking that a dog is just an animal whose body seems to be adapted to any weather conditions. However, we forget that domestic animals have long ceased to be similar to their relatives living in wildlife. Behind last years we have “humanized” our pets very much, allowing them to sleep next to us in our warm beds, using expensive cosmetics for them, taking them to beauty salons, etc., thereby we have turned dogs almost into houseplants. Increasingly, they began to suffer from diseases similar to human ones, for example, respiratory diseases, which are mainly caused by hypothermia or even drafts, and on hot days, dogs often began to suffer from overheating in the sun. sunstroke. In this case, the eternal question arises: shouldn’t we be responsible for them? And above all, responsible for the health and lives of our charges? I think this question does not require an answer.

Today, clothing for smooth-haired dogs, especially small breeds, has become not just a pampering of the owner, but a necessity, especially in the cold season. Clothes for dogs, especially in winter time allows you not only to preserve her health, but also gives the animal the opportunity to enjoy a walk even in the cold season for much longer!

It is also no secret that most dogs, especially small breeds, are bought mostly by women who are very loving and meticulous about fashion. Agree, it’s nice when you walk down the street and are led on a leash or carry a living doll in your arms, which evokes a huge amount of positive emotions among passers-by! It’s especially great when the pets themselves enjoy it and they even try to play along, imagining themselves to be some kind of fashionistas - “frying pan”!

The main thing to remember is that clothing intended for your pet should not turn it into a “parrot”, it should be comfortable, practical, well protected from bad weather and not hinder the dog’s movements during walks, it should temporarily become like its own for the dog. second skin.

It is known that the dog is unhappy at firstclothes for dogsMay these clothes be light and comfortable. Somehow four-legged animals are not accustomed to wearing tailcoats. However, the puppy is always opposed to the collar, leash and especially the muzzle. However, he gets used to it and doesn’t pay attention. Over time, the dog treats clothes for dogs just as calmly, and later, having understood the connection between clothes for dogs and a walk, he himself helps to quickly put on a blanket or vest - anydog clothesto quickly run around the yard.

Veterinary medicine uses clothing for dogs all the time. A special skirt so that the dog cannot bite through a wound on the rump, a special frill that is hard on the neck so that it does not lick off the ointment, special mittens for wounded paws, special pants for empty bitches to avoid unwanted mating.

Owners should not forget that our clothing for dogs is not a whim, but an urgent necessity. Moreover, a person is afraid to go out onto our street without clothes, and even more so without shoes. Puddles, dirt, dust, acidic precipitation, frosts below thirty with heavy snowfall... Therefore, some additional wardrobe for dogs will not hurt. If it is small, then the container for dog clothes will be miniature; if it is large, then the volume of dog clothes will be larger.

In rainy weather, a waterproof jumpsuit is suitable for the dog, in which the dog will not get dirty. For long-haired dogs, it is recommended to wear clothes made of raincoats with waterproof impregnation without lining; for smooth-haired or hairless ones - with a silk lining.

When it gets colder, switch to two-layer overalls. For the outer layer, waterproof and windproof is used. lightweight fabric, for lining - flannel, flannel or fleece.

In winter, medium-sized dogs with a small muscle mass, three-layer overalls are sewn for them. For a large, short-haired dog, you can buy a blanket that does not restrict movement. If your pet is small and walks in your arms, buy him a vest with a large collar, in which he will look like a real fashionista.

Dog shoes are a different matter. Salt and chemicals sprinkled on the streets in winter period, even corrode the soles of shoes and car tires, let alone the sensitive pads of a dog’s paws, the skin on which dries out and cracks. In addition, short-haired dogs quite often experience interdigital dermatitis, and long-haired dogs also experience heat rashes due to the fact that long hair does not dry out for a long time. Therefore, if it is absolutely impossible to avoid walking along salty streets, you should take care of boots for your pets.

Sometimes shoes are also necessary at home - if a long-haired dog is itchy for one reason or another, and its fur must be kept intact. For this purpose, it is easy to sew special stockings from thick fabric.

If a dog cuts its paw, a boot will come in very handy both on the street, protecting the cut from contamination, and at home, preventing too zealous licking of the wound.

Master, hurry up! Go for a walk

How to choose the right clothes for your dog

There are a few things to consider when choosing clothes for your pet.

Knitted clothing is not suitable for all breeds, for example, for breeds such as Yorkshire terriers, having a length of six, clothes sewn from certain fabrics are more applicable. The same applies to hairless breed dogs, which have very delicate skin; for them it is necessary to select either very gentle threads that do not irritate the skin, or soft fabrics.

The accessories used in clothing are of great importance, for example, the way the overalls are fastened. For dogs with long hair It is better to use fasteners not with zippers or Velcro, but, for example, with buttons.

It is necessary to take into account the gender of your ward, if you have a girl, then in winter clothes the tummy must be covered, but if it is a boy, the clothes should only have a cutout in part intimate place male dog, but under no circumstances should the lower part of the overalls end in this place! It is also important to remember that so-called “unisex” clothing for dogs in winter is completely unacceptable!

Buy overalls for your dog from fabric that will not shrink or stretch when wet or washed. Do not buy overalls for walking made of light-colored fabric. Such clothes are not practical and quickly get dirty.

For hairless and smooth-haired animals, buy clothes where internal seams stitched outward to avoid irritation and calluses on your pet’s delicate skin.

The blanket or vest should stay fairly firmly on the body and not curl up from the wind or sudden movements. Quilted blankets trimmed with braid are good.

Don't laugh at dressed as a pet- dogs can't stand it. Praise him and give him something tasty to show that you like your friend's new look.

We sew and knit ourselves

The formula for successful clothing for animals is a successful combination of pattern, fasteners and fabric. Diving into the world of fabrics, let's ask ourselves a specific question: why do we want to sew clothes for our pet - for warmth, to protect against dirt or for beauty? When choosing fabric for high-quality and practical clothing, it is necessary to take into account the age of the dog, the breed and gender of the animal, what it is intended for and what time of year it will be used. Preference should be given to fabrics High Quality, otherwise the item you sew will not last long. Avoid dense fabrics that have poor stretch and wrinkle easily. Be careful with rustling fabrics. A dog wearing such a hat hears worse.

In the summer, microfiber cloth is indispensable outdoors. It is ideal for sewing overalls and vests - it is ventilated and thorns do not cling to it. A summer suit must be durable so that it does not tear as soon as it catches on a bush. A good combination is a mixture of cotton and lycra, which will create a feeling of lightness. For those who like to actively take water treatments Look for a fabric that absorbs moisture well, such as terry. Then the animal will not need to be wrapped for a long time after bathing.

When it comes to winter wardrobe, the elastic properties of the fabric come to the fore. Therefore, you should not sew winter overalls from an old coat. Velvet fur on a knitted basis is very popular. It is important that the fabric for such clothing is not afraid of moisture, retains heat and does not crack in the cold. If we want the animal to feel comfortable and not freeze, we select the right insulation for the future product. From low temperatures Sintepon saves well. You should not use batting, which becomes heavier when wet, turning into a “plywood sheet” in the cold. The inside of all reversible suits - the one towards the body - should be pleasant to the touch. Flannel, flannel, fleece, and knitwear would be appropriate. Show dogs with long wool, only sliding fabrics are suitable for lining, which will prevent the luxurious wool, neatly tucked into curlers, from getting tangled. Quite slippery fabric - mesh or ordinary silk lining - has such properties, which do not allow the wool to mat. In general, the lining material should be thinner than the fabric of the product and have a smooth surface. This makes it much easier to undress the dog - the fabric will easily slide off when it comes into contact with its fur. Treat the gasket regularly with a simple antistatic agent.

It is advisable that your pet’s clothes are not only durable, but also advantageous color scheme. Therefore, we select the fabric so that the costume is in harmony with the color and general appearance of the animal. “Healthy” tissue has already been created, which slows down the growth of fungi and microorganisms, which is very convenient for caring for the animal. The fabric is impregnated with a special antiseptic solution, which continuously enters the skin. New generation antibacterial materials demonstrate a sterilizing effect that lasts for 50 washes.

Knitting for dogsa very relevant topic today. The fashion for dogs such as Chihuahuas and toy terriers dictates the fashion for knitting for these dogs, and not only for these. After all, clothing for dogs is not just a whim of the owner, but a necessity for smooth-haired dogs that simply freeze when cold weather sets in.

The methods and principles of knitting for dogs are the same as for people. The main thing is to decide what you want to knit and from what. And then you need to take the measurements correctly and make a pattern.

A successful pattern is the key to success.

By taking measurements from your favorite animal, we will receive complete information about its figure. This will help you sew something that will suit the fashionista. What is the minimum required to take these measurements? The withers are the place where the rise just begins, turning into the neck. This is the very place where the collar can be placed as low as possible. If the dog raises its head up, between the neck and thoracic regions a hole is formed in the spine - the 7th vertebra. And the base of the tail is the very end of the back and the beginning of the tail. How to take basic measurements.

Back length - measured along the spine from the withers to the base of the tail.

Chest circumference - measured behind the front legs.

Waist circumference - measured in front of the hind legs.

Chest height - measured from either armpit to the Adam's apple.

Front paw length - measured from the floor to the armpit.

Hind leg length - measured from the floor to the groin cavity.

The distance between the animal's front and back paws is measured from the armpit to the inguinal cavity along the abdomen.

Fashion for dogs

Protection from the cold is not all that an artificial cover in the form of wool, and not only wool, can carry. We must remember that clothing is designed to make any creature beautiful, from a human point of view, of course. Clothing is fashion or fashion. This means that there are also dog clothing collections. Fashion houses like Gucci or Dolce and Gabbana are not yet interested in tailoring clothes for dogs on a mass scale, but there are specialist manufacturers of functional and stylish dog clothing known only in the pet industry.

Clothes for dogs are made by various fashion designers - Italians - Quatrozampe, Camon, Tria De; Germans - Dogi, as well as our tailors - Svetlana Abramova's house, Dog Fashion, "Brothers M".

For dogs, daily walking toilets, exit toilets, transit toilets, and home toilets can be selected.

Clothes for dogs are also made to match your outfit, in many colors and styles, so that when you go out in public, your duo will be appreciated.

Glamorous dog

When thinking about a fashionable dog, the first thing that comes to mind is images of miniature dogs in pink dresses, expensive jewelry, in the arms of their golden-haired mistresses. This style is called “glamour”, but it is easy to overdo it. The line between luxurious, delicate pink and primitive acidic pink is very thin. To cross it would tarnish the already shaky reputation of pink.

However, this is far from the only option for decorating your dog. Even a large and serious dog can be given clothes and accessories that emphasize its masculine character.

Strict military.

In fact, everything that exists for humans has an equivalent for dogs. Unless you have to wait for gloves, but dogs can shamelessly wear collars, to the envy of the rare lovers of this attribute among people. Haircut is an important part of fashion, but it deserves a separate article.

So, everything goes into use: slippers, socks, hats, bandanas, T-shirts, dresses, tiaras, pendants, bracelets... The styles are as diverse as dogs. It can be harsh military, casual punk, the above-mentioned glamour, cosplay. Among ordinary Americans, dog T-shirts with funny inscriptions (“PlayDog”, “Security”, “FBI”) or entire messages (“Don’t be jealous. I can’t help being cute” - “Don’t be jealous. What do you mean?”) are especially popular among ordinary Americans I can't help it, since I'm so beautiful."

However, if you want to dress up your pet in a truly fashionable and dignified manner, then you need to contact a dog studio. Even if it is not in your city, it is still better to place an order from another city or even come in person. To order, you will need to indicate the size of your dog. Taking all your measurements can be a tedious process - there are about twenty of them, so check which measurements are needed for the style you choose. It is best if the dog is measured by a professional, as an error of one or two centimeters will lead to the clothes not fitting tightly. It's worth the effort, because tailor-made clothes always better products serial production.

Dog fashion offers great opportunities to express yourself and highlight your pet’s individuality. Don’t be afraid to start, don’t be afraid to experiment: if you have a sense of taste, you can choose a beautiful solution, even if it’s not at the height of fashion. After all, your personal idea is also in some ways a work to order, and simply a manifestation of your love.

What is especially fashionable in the new season? Usually, fashion for dogs, one way or another, repeats fashion for people. Jeans are always in fashion. This winter, checkered fabric, pastel colors, and blue are in fashion. Whatever is fashionable for people is also fashionable for dogs. This is the third year in a row that Dog Fashion Week has been held in New York. Fashion designers present their new collections for dogs immediately after the end of the usual Haute Couture Week.

Fashionable clothes for dogs in different countries

Dog fashion is becoming more and more popular every year around the world. Japan occupies one of the leading places in the number of not only clothing stores for dogs, but also so-called beauty salons for four-legged friends, where dogs are given super fashionablehairstyles and manicure.

Clothing is as important an element of style as a haircut.

The idea of ​​leading a cute dog, dressed in the latest fashion, is popular in Europe and America. In England, stores selling clothing for dogs and cats are thriving and are considered a very promising business. In addition to clothes, you can also find wardrobes for a dog’s wardrobe and canopy beds.

In such stores there are also exquisite leather collars, decorated with precious stones. And of course - haute couture dog clothing collections.

One of the most famous dog fashion houses is Little Lily, which this year presented its “star” collection “Red Carpet” - dresses and suits for dogs, repeating the outfits of Hollywood stars at the 80th anniversary Oscar ceremony. In this collection one could see the “Jennifer” dress, imitating Jennifer Lopez’s outfit from Marchesa; "Nicole" outfit - a red dress with a bow, exactly like Nicole Kidman's dress from Balenciaga; tuxedo "Leo" - a replica of the suit that Leonardo DiCaprio wore at the Oscars, and much more.

Many celebrities dress their pets in haute couture, including actresses Tori Spelling and Paris Hilton. Now the fashion for “dressy dogs” has appeared in Moscow. And after the dog fashion show in Tel Aviv, many Israelis dream of dressing their dog in a branded tracksuit.

True, there is one thing. A dog is not a soulless creature, and it understands perfectly well whether it is wearing glamor or some shapeless rag. And if your pet doesn’t like the dog clothes he’s wearing, he’ll definitely tear it off and demand something more “decent.” However, you may also encounter another problem - your dog does not want to get dressed at all. But it doesn’t matter, a few daystrainingand she will no longer be able to live without dog clothes. Be happy and praise the dog when he is dressed, give him somethingdelicious, and the result will not take long to arrive. If the dog is naked, simply ignore it. In just a couple of days, she will understand how to do things that are more beneficial for her, and you will no longer be able to stop her from enjoying wearing dog clothes.

It must be said that the dog fashion industry is Lately so big that a dog-friendly restaurant, Lily's, recently opened in London and became an immediate success.

Beauty salons for dogs

Indeed, your pet deserves the best and a fashionable, as well as very comfortable haircut for your dog will be very useful. At the same time, the haircut will decorate any pet, no matter who you are. four-legged friend- a charming Yorkie or a strict Giant Schnauzer. After all, how nice it is to feel clean, beautiful, and also receive well-deserved attention and admiration from others. And for dogs with short hair, for example, wire-haired dachshunds and chihuahuas, masks, wraps and other spa treatments are suitable.

In order to give your pet a holiday like a trip to a real beauty salon, first of all, it is important to decide what exactly you want. Regular home haircut to make your dog more comfortable in the hot summer, or a luxurious show haircut with which you will win the hearts of the judges in the ring? The most economical option is a home haircut, when your pet will be cut in accordance with your wishes; if it is summer, the haircut can be very short, and if it is a colder time of year, then the coat can be left longer. If you are seriously thinking about the show career of your pet, then you need a show haircut that follows strict canons for each breed. A haircut can highlight the advantages of your pet, but it requires knowledge of breed standards and is more expensive than a home haircut.

"Feel the difference…"

So, you have decided what kind of haircut you need and are ready to go to a dog salon. “Why go to the salon?” you ask. Of course, you can cut your pet’s hair at home, by turning to private hairdressers or even on your own. However, in these cases there are no guarantees of the quality of the haircut, and there is no need to talk about the fact that the whole house will be covered in wool. Whatever you say, cutting a haircut is a delicate matter and it makes sense to entrust it to real professionals in their field. Some salons can send a master to your home, but what can compare with a real room, table, shampoos, masks and tools of a master present in the salon?

Among the Moscow salons for dogs, we can distinguish economy class salons, which allow you to give your pet an inexpensive and accurate haircut, high-class salons, which constantly try to find the optimal price/quality ratio, and LUX class salons, where you can not only give your pet a haircut, but also give your pet a real haircut. a celebration of a comfortable life with spa treatments, which include a variety of masks, wraps, massages and other joys of life, as well as receiving a decent welcome and high level service.

In LUX class salons, your dog will not only be cut and combed, his coat will be looked after with the help of special masks and conditioners, but also spa treatments and Ozone hydromassage will be performed! During this time, the owner will be able to drink real coffee and pick up new clothes in a fashionable boutique located right in the salon. Whatever you say, a trip to a LUX salon is a real holiday for a pet, and what could be more pleasant than the feeling of cleanliness, neatness and incredible care of others.

In high-class salons, professional hairdressers will wash you, cut you according to all the canons of the breed, or give you a home haircut of your choice. And all this for very reasonable prices, with a fairly high-quality approach. Many of these salons will be able to send a hairdresser to your home, however, it is much easier and more convenient to come to the salon, since it is in the salon that the haircut is easier and more convenient for both the master and your pet.

In economy class salons, prices are the most affordable compared to other categories of salons. At the same time, you can find here experienced craftsmen and reasonable prices. Usually these are quite small salons and very often they later turn into middle-class salons.

Every pet needs care, and what kind of care and real glamorous life can there be without a beautiful and well-groomed appearance? Of course, you can comb and even sometimes wash your dog yourself, but how convenient and very pleasant it can be to leave this task to real professionals. And as long as there are dogs, they will always be able to get the best in beauty salons.


In this creative work I tried to cover the topic of clothing and fashion for dogs, namely: I talked about the history of the emergence and development of fashion, the scope and purpose of clothing for dogs, as well as fashion for dogs these days. To an ignorant person, after reading this work and watching the presentation, it will become clear how grandiose and great dog fashion is, which is not only a whim of rich people, but also a concern for their beloved pets.

During the course of my work, I learned a lot of new and interesting things. I hope this will be of interest to my classmates.


  1. Clothes for cats and dogs. Special issue of the newspaper “Knitted Creative” No. 1 [Text]. - Nizhny Novgorod: Newspaper World, October 2011. - 67 p.
  2. We knit ourselves [Electronic resource]. -
  3. Knitting for dogs [Electronic resource]. - archives/4550.
  4. Mrs. Dog Fashion [Electronic resource]. -
  5. History of dog fashion [Electronic resource]. -

For our little brothers they sew everything: from scarves to openwork sweaters, tracksuits and dresses sparkling with rhinestones. It seems as if the fashion for dog clothes has appeared quite recently, but this is not so.

At the origins

In fact, dog clothes had great value back in the distant past, and it all started not with fashionable silk clothes, but with heavy, powerful armor, in which fighting dogs were “dressed” in the 4th-5th century BC. e. The iron vestment not only protected the dog, but also gave it a terrifying appearance.

The Birth of Dog Fashion

Let's imagine rainy England at the beginning of the 18th century; this period can be considered the beginning of the fashionable dog boom. The reasons that forced the British to dress their pets lay not only in climatic conditions, but in their exceptional stiffness.

Gentlemen and ladies considered it indecent to take their pets out into the world “naked”, so the first bulky capes and robes appeared, and the queen of England herself was the trendsetter of dog fashion. Perhaps someone remembers an English children's song called “It Can’t Be” translated by Samuel Marshak?

I give you my word of honor:

Yesterday at half past six

I met two pigs

No hats or boots.

I give you my word of honor!

True, bulky, uncomfortable cloaks and capes were not popular for long. Pet owners wanted something new and unusual.

Step forward

We have to thank the French for popularizing the fashion for dog clothes. It was they who developed new, and unlike the English, more convenient and beautiful models. In 1892, Goyard released the world's first catalog of clothing for four-legged animals.

At the beginning of the 20th century, dog clothing stores operated in many countries around the world. Not surprisingly, especially many of them were opened in the USA.

Both small and big

One of the first large breeds The people for whom the clothes were invented were St. Bernards. As you know, for a long time they specially trained and worked as rescuers in the avalanche-prone Swiss Alps. Brave dogs They searched for and dug out people, but during work their thick fur was covered with a thick layer of snow, which caused discomfort and inconvenience. In addition, snowballs could cause hypothermia and illness, so caring owners and trainers sewed special overalls for dogs.

Comfortable, durable clothing was sometimes worn for sled dogs in Alaska. Here, looking ahead a little, we can also mention police dogs, for whom they sew a special body armor or blanket with rescue dog pockets.

Man in history

One day, an unremarkable fashion designer from Japan decided to sew for his pet beautiful clothes. It turned out to be very comfortable and cute. Passers-by began to pay attention to the dressed-up dog, and those who also had dogs wanted something similar for themselves. So a fashion designer named Yakio Kato retrained as a dog designer. In 1981, he even opened his own own house dog fashion and was one of the first to sew dresses for dogs, robes, T-shirts and other interesting accessories.

Today, things for four-legged pets are produced not only by companies specializing in pet products, but also by such well-known brands as Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Burberry.