A person has a temperature of 35 what to do. Low body temperature (reasons for what to do)

Low temperature body in an adult often occurs due to the individual characteristics of the body and does not pose any harm to health. But more often hypothermia is evidence of the development of pathological processes. To return the indicators to normal, it is important to identify the main reason that provoked a sharp decline values.

Prolonged low body temperature indicates the development of the disease

What body temperature is considered low in adults

The indicator changes during the day, both for men and women - in the morning it is slightly lower than the usual value, and in the evening, on the contrary, it begins to rise. For a healthy adult, a temperature below 36 degrees for a long time is low.

Why is low temperature dangerous?

Low temperature poses a danger to the body and leads to a deterioration in work:

With a critical decrease in body temperature below 32 degrees, a person may fall into a coma. The lack of timely medical attention increases the risk of death.

Why is body temperature low

Unstable temperature occurs due to the influence of external and internal factors.

The reasons Symptoms
External factors Internal factors
severe hypothermia weakened immune system headache, general weakness, chills, severe fatigue, drowsiness, nausea, trembling or numbness of the limbs
stress or shock poisoning with toxic or poisonous substances
tight work schedule exhaustion
drinking excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages lack of vitamins and minerals
lack of rest and proper sleep the presence of burns and other skin lesions that stimulate the expansion of blood vessels
strict diet, starvation prolonged uncontrolled use of antidepressants, tranquilizers or sedatives
A temperature below 35.5 degrees in humans is one of the symptoms of certain diseases.


A decrease in temperature is observed with a cold due to severe hypothermia. It is necessary to warm up the room, lie down in bed and place a heating pad under your feet. In order not to cause more harm to health, it is forbidden to rub with alcohol or vinegar. With ARVI, as a result of severe exhaustion of the patient's body, a drop in body temperature and tachycardia are observed.

If you have a cold, be sure to warm your feet, for example with a heating pad

Vegetovascular dystonia

In addition to lowering the temperature, it is characterized by general weakness, migraine, leaps and bounds pressure, nausea and dizziness. You should pass , and .

With vegetative-vascular dystonia, there are frequent seizures migraine


In case of poisoning, intoxication of the body occurs, which leads to severe dehydration, weakness and a decrease in body temperature. Deterioration of the condition causes convulsions, a decrease in pressure and loss of consciousness. Need in as soon as possible call a doctor who, depending on the severity of the condition, will prescribe the necessary treatment or take the patient to the hospital. Before the arrival of the doctor, it is recommended to use non-carbonated water, green tea and dried fruit compote.

A decrease in hemoglobin in the blood and a decrease in the number of red blood cells leads to oxygen starvation, and, as a result, a decrease in the temperature indicator, deterioration in performance, severe pallor skin.

Anemia lowers body temperature

In the future, the tongue becomes inflamed, there is an addiction to unusual tastes, such as raw meat, brittle hair and nails are noted. There is a general weakness and chilliness in the limbs. Treatment should be selected after passing the analysis for the level of hemoglobin.

Pathology of the adrenal glands

The condition is characterized by symptoms such as pain in the abdomen, frequent dizziness, heart failure, vomiting and loss of consciousness - it requires treatment under the supervision of a qualified specialist.

Frequent pain in the abdomen indicates the pathology of the adrenal glands

Liver failure

It leads to a violation of thermoregulation and a lack of glycogen. The main symptoms are loss of appetite, sudden weight loss, nausea, memory impairment, the appearance of a yellowish tint. skin. Diagnosis is carried out using a biochemical blood test and ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

With problems with the liver, the skin turns yellow

Diseases of the endocrine system

In diabetes, there is frequent urination, severe thirst and dryness in the mouth, numbness of the limbs, weight loss, increased appetite. Violations at work thyroid gland are accompanied by a failure of the water-salt balance, which leads to jumps in the value - after high temperature, after a while, there is a low rate. Symptoms such as dry skin, unreasonable weight gain, constipation and severe swelling are also highlighted.

Blood sugar levels should be tested and hormonal background thyroid gland.

For diseases endocrine system limbs swell

Viral and bacterial infections

After the illness, the work of the immune system normalizes gradually, as the recovery progresses, there is a breakdown and hypothermia. The main feature is that during the day the indicator stays at 37 degrees and above, and in the evening it drops to 35, which is accompanied by heavy sweating and drowsiness. On average, this condition lasts up to 2 weeks.

Viral pathologies are characterized by severe sweating


The presence of benign or malignant neoplasms leads to impaired coordination of movements, a decrease in temperature, the appearance of headaches and a constant feeling of cold in the extremities. You need to do a CT scan.


In women during pregnancy, the indicator is less than normal - such a condition, in the absence of pain and deterioration in well-being, does not mean the presence of pathologies and does not require the help of a doctor.

A drop in body temperature during pregnancy is normal.

There is a decrease in the indicator before the onset of menstruation or during menopause.

Some people have congenital hypothermia, which means that a low temperature is considered normal for them and does not lead to a feeling of discomfort.

What to do at low temperatures

To combat unstable temperatures, make changes to your habitual lifestyle:

  1. Exercise daily and take cold and hot shower. Go to bed in a pre-ventilated room.
  2. Follow the balance of the daily diet and drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Eat dark chocolate, drink strong coffee, tea with raspberries or warm milk with honey.
  3. Take vitamins to strengthen the immune system. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes.
  4. Pay more attention to rest, avoid lack of sleep, overstrain and severe stress.
  5. Regularly maintain normal body temperature. Choose the right clothes so that it is not too hot or too cold.
  6. Refuse to accept medical preparations without a doctor's prescription.

You can increase the temperature with the help of foot baths - add 5 drops to a container of warm water eucalyptus oil or 1 tbsp. l. mustard powder. Do the procedure for half an hour for several days in a row.

The described complex approach will help cleanse the body of toxins, expand blood vessels, normalize metabolic processes and stimulate blood circulation. After the procedures, it is necessary to take temperature measurements again - if the indicator has reached an acceptable value, it is recommended to monitor the condition for several days. If the temperature either rises or falls, you need to be examined by a doctor.

When to call an ambulance

You need to call a doctor if:

  • the patient has a dangerously low temperature, which led to loss of consciousness;
  • after taking the necessary measures, the indicator continues to fall;
  • low value found in humans old age, while his health is deteriorating;
  • fever is accompanied by frequent vomiting, excessive sweating, suffocate, severe pain, bleeding, too high or low blood pressure, impaired visual and auditory function.

If the temperature drops to 34 degrees, a heart attack may develop, severe intoxication of the body, anaphylactic shock or internal bleeding- absence medical assistance can lead to death.

You should be attentive to your health, there are many reasons for the appearance of hypothermia - an incorrect diagnosis, and an incorrectly selected treatment will cause significant harm to the body.

The vast majority of people begin to worry when the body temperature rises above normal. bodies are rare. Many events, but if such a temperature lasts for a long time - you need to visit a doctor. The reasons for this deviation from the norm may be fatigue, overwork or past illness. But often the causes of which are hidden in a serious illness, it can be a "bell" of the body.

What body temperature is considered low?

Doctors consider a body temperature of 35.5 degrees and below to be a significant deviation from the norm. Why can low body temperature be dangerous? The fact is that the deviation from the temperature norm is caused by a malfunction of the thermoregulation center, which is located in the brain of every person. This violation is a consequence of the depletion of the nervous system or a feature of the course of certain diseases, which will be discussed below.

Low human body temperature: reason

Consider the main reasons:

  • Aggravation chronic diseases already present in the human body. If you have serious chronic diseases, then a low body temperature should be a weighty reason to visit a doctor. The causes of low temperature may lurk in an unpleasant complication.
  • The development of hypothyroidism is a disease that is characterized by a malfunction of the thyroid gland. This may be due to hormonal and other problems in the human body.
  • Low temperature can be observed as a result of damage to the adrenal glands. If you have problems with the adrenal glands, try to drink more water, eat watermelons and melons more often.
  • The use of drugs in large quantities. If you use strong drugs indiscriminately and without consulting a competent doctor, do not be surprised if you develop a low body temperature. The reasons lie in improperly selected medicines that disabled the entire body.
  • A low temperature often indicates overwork. Don't push yourself to exhaustion. If you ignore this sign that your own body gave you, excessive fatigue can turn into serious illnesses.
  • If you have just had a severe viral or bacterial infections, for example, flu or a cold, low temperature may be the result of a natural recovery of the body.
  • Pregnancy can be the reason for the low temperature. Toxicosis that occurs during pregnancy may be accompanied by a low temperature. This does not need to be scared, but you should carefully monitor the state of your own body in this difficult period for a woman.
  • Sometimes a deviation from the temperature norm is the result of internal bleeding. If a low temperature is accompanied by nausea and dizziness, you should immediately call a doctor.
  • With physical hypothermia, a low body temperature is also observed. The reasons for this deviation are swimming in too cold water or being in the cold.
  • And the last popular reason for lowering the temperature is a lack of vitamin C.

It must be remembered that temperatures below 35.5 degrees are not normal! We need to understand its causes and do everything to eliminate them! Do not think that everything will be resolved by itself. Low temperature - a consequence of the fact that the body can not cope! However, there are cases when the temperature of 35.5 became individual feature person. In such situations, this temperature is not considered low and is not a cause for concern.

Everyone has long known that normal body temperature is one of the indispensable signs that a person is really healthy. The average norm for human body temperature has long been considered to be 36.6 ° C, and everyone knows this too. However, further "misunderstandings" begin.

For example, why does a doctor, to whom you complain about a temperature of 36.9 ° C, which stubbornly keeps for a month, almost joyfully reports that this is the norm, and does not prescribe any examinations? Or here's another: why, when complaining about a constant temperature of 35.6 ° C (a whole degree less than the average norm), a certified "specialist" advises to drink?

It seems that this is why people go to the clinic only as a last resort, although this may not be the most right decision. And for better or worse, most people have learned to deal with fever, especially when they understand what caused such an increase. colds. But what to do with the temperature, which clearly "does not hold up"? And what should you think about in this case?

Norm issues

The usual value of 36.6 ° C, as it turns out upon closer examination, is a very conditional norm, because after a thorough study of this issue it turns out that the normal body temperature can be considered an interval from 35.5 to 37 ° C, but this is also an average indicator .

AT recent times indicators from 36.4 ° C to 36.7 ° C are considered the norm, however, the indicators that are normal for each individual may differ, and different doctors have different points of view. And it is very important that when determining the “normality of temperature”, not some average statistical figures are taken into account, but indicators that are characteristic of each individual person.

There are opinions that normal temperature indicators should be considered those at which a person remains able to work without complaining of any discomfort, including weakness. If, however, the results of all studies fix normal performance, then a decrease in body temperature to 35.5 ° C and even more so will be considered a variant of the norm.

Very few doctors listen to complaints about a decrease in temperature and begin to seriously look for the cause if the values ​​​​do not become really critical.

Attention! A drop in body temperature can lead to a state of hypothermia, when the temperature becomes insufficient for normal metabolism (metabolism) and, accordingly, for normal operation organs and systems of the body.

Critical indicators

Absolutely unambiguously confirms the presence of serious health problems, the body temperature, which constantly does not exceed 35.0 ° C (most likely, we are talking about some kind of chronic disease).

If the body temperature drops to 29.5 ° C, then the person loses consciousness, a decrease in temperature to 27.0 ° C leads to a coma, and if the temperature drops further (up to 25.0 ° C), then this may indicate the onset of a state that is incompatible with life.

There is no doubt that some indicators will seriously alarm anyone, however, any disease develops gradually in most cases, and by responding in a timely manner to a decrease in temperature, quite a lot can be prevented. serious problems with health.

Therefore, you should not wait until the thermometer shows critical numbers, especially if the individual norm is known and differs from such indicators.

Possible causes of a decrease in body temperature

The reasons for the decrease in body temperature can be very different, respectively, the consequences will be different. You can deal with some causes of hypothermia on your own (in any case, you can take some independent steps), but in some cases, the help of a doctor is required.

  1. The first cause of a decrease in body temperature is considered to be a decrease in body temperature. external environment, that is, a decrease in the temperature indicators of air and water.

Attention! According to world medical statistics, most hypothermia, including fatal hypothermia, falls on the interval from +10 °C to -12 °C.

It would seem that temperatures are not so low, but people most often lose their vigilance with seeming safety. And, of course, it is in this case that a lot depends on the person himself.

  1. Sometimes a decrease in body temperature can be caused by a significant increase in air humidity, since high humidity, among other things, contributes to heat loss. As experience shows and confirms the results of studies, a short-term increase in humidity rarely leads to detrimental consequences.
  2. An unbalanced diet can cause a decrease in body temperature, especially when it comes to a long-term unbalanced diet in which necessary balance all nutrients, vitamins, micro and macro elements, without which the full functioning of the body is impossible. It is clear that in the vast majority of cases, nutrition can (and should!) be regulated, if necessary, seeking advice from a specialist.
  3. It provokes a decrease in body temperature and, especially, long-term fasting. That's why all the fans therapeutic fasting must remember that you can only starve medical indications, only a certain time and only under the supervision of a doctor.
  4. Dehydration is another possible reason decrease in body temperature. Everyone knows about the importance of water for human life, but not everyone makes sure that water enters the body in the quantities necessary for quality life (the average norm for drinking water consumption is two liters per day, but this amount may differ slightly for each individual person).
  5. Severe overwork can provoke a decrease in body temperature, both physical overwork and mental overwork. Do not neglect the advice to rationally organize your work schedule, because from overload great benefit You don’t have to wait, and neither for work, nor for health.
  6. It can cause a decrease in body temperature, both one-time and chronic; In addition, both anxiety and depressive states can negatively affect general state all organs and systems of the body, including body temperature.
  7. One of the possible reasons for a decrease in body temperature is alcohol intoxication. At the same time, the danger increases many times with chronic alcoholism. High doses Alcohol has a detrimental effect on the entire body and on the work of all organs and systems. Of course, the cardiovascular system, nervous system, endocrine system suffer significantly, which can lead to heart rhythm disturbances, blood pressure disorders (lower or higher), and violation of temperature parameters. The constant use of alcohol entails the most detrimental consequences. If a alcohol addiction is too strong and cannot be overcome on its own, the professional help of a narcologist is required.
  8. A variety of diseases and conditions of the body can cause a decrease in body temperature, including constant low arterial pressure(blood pressure of 120/80 mm Hg is considered normal) and heart rhythm disturbances. Therefore, in case of any temperature violations in the direction of decreasing temperature, it is necessary to check the operation of cardio-vascular system. In this case, you need to contact a general practitioner or family doctor, who will prescribe the necessary examinations and refer you to a cardiologist for consultation.
  9. Body temperature can be affected by a constant deficiency in the body of calcium. Calcium deficiency can be caused different reasons, including pathological conditions of the thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, surgical interventions, severe liver disease. To diagnose such a deficiency, a special blood test is required, and further treatment should be carried out by an endocrinologist or gastroenterologist (depending on the diagnosis).
  10. Some drugs can cause a decrease in body temperature, for example, muscle relaxants, antidepressants, sleeping pills. That is why taking any medicines is possible only after a thorough examination and only as prescribed by the attending physician. At the slightest danger, any adverse reaction the appointment of such a drug is possible only on the condition that the expected benefit from taking it will exceed potential danger for the body.

Attention! Self-prescription of any medicines is unacceptable!

  1. The reason for the decrease in body temperature may be a significant decrease muscle mass. Such a decrease is possible when a person is forced long time remain motionless, such as when he is paralyzed. When caring for such patients, special measures are needed that can prevent or at least slow down the onset. negative consequences. Such special measures include wiping, and turning over, and massages, and other activities that are determined by the attending physician.
  2. A decrease in body temperature for no apparent reason can be a symptom of the appearance of neoplasms in the brain (brain tumors) that have appeared in the hypothalamus. But it is the hypothalamus that regulates heat transfer in the body, blocks the breakdown of proteins and carbohydrates and blocks chills, thereby changing the body's response to a decrease in body temperature.
  3. One of the most serious causes of a decrease in body temperature is damage to spinal cord or damage to the nerve trunks responsible for the work skeletal muscle. Such severe injuries cause many disorders in the work of all organs and systems of the body. Treatment in such cases is very difficult, and the prognosis is practically meaningless. This is one of those cases where everything is in the hands of God.
  4. Another cause of low body temperature is brain injury. It should be noted that the injury does not have to be critical for life - it may not be very extensive (almost a bruise), but if the thermoregulation centers are affected, then it will be very difficult to influence it. Since the functioning of the brain in the vast majority of cases remains a mystery, the prognosis for most of these injuries is very difficult to make.
  5. The reason for a decrease in body temperature can be a change in hormonal levels, and a change in hormonal levels can be caused by various reasons, including menstruation, pregnancy, decreased thyroid function, and adrenal insufficiency. It is clear that hormonal changes during menstruation or during pregnancy are more or less temporary, therefore, the temperature changes caused by them are also temporary. However, any of the above hormonal problems requires the most careful diagnosis and treatment under the supervision of a qualified specialist.
  6. Body temperature can drop in children and adolescents during periods of particularly intensive growth.

Attention! If the body's thermoregulation system is disturbed, not only the body temperature decreases, but also the temperature of all internal organs, including the temperature of the brain and spinal cord.

What to do if the body temperature is low?

There is not the slightest doubt that if the body temperature is lowered for a long time, then it is simply necessary to consult a doctor. And even if the doctor insists that 35.8 ° C is still uncritical, but the person is frankly ill at the same time, then one should insist on prescribing all the necessary laboratory clinical tests and examinations.

However, until it comes to the results of the tests, some steps to normalize the body temperature can be taken independently.

  1. Firstly It's no secret that stress or overwork can be the cause of hypothermia. That is why you should first give your body a proper rest. This does not mean at all that it is necessary to hide from everything that happens in life - it is enough to adjust the sleep pattern and establish proper nutrition.

    Concerning correct mode sleep, it should be understood that you need to sleep for at least eight hours, and you need to go to bed no later than eleven in the evening (preferably no later than ten). And about proper nutrition, probably absolutely everyone has the necessary knowledge, but for some reason they are in no hurry to put their knowledge into practice.

    We are talking about the obligatory breakfast, the dangers of snacking on the go, the dangers of eating fast food, the need to take into account everything in the menu. necessary components nutrition, about the dangers of fasting or overeating, about moderation - that is, we are talking about healthy eating.

    If the body is provided with healthy sleep and healthy eating, then all reactions can normalize by themselves.

  2. Secondly , very useful procedure may become morning. Its undeniable advantages - metabolism is activated and thermoregulatory processes are activated.
  3. Thirdly , massage can be very useful, including the most common classic. If there are no contraindications, then a course of massage will certainly help to cheer up and help to establish thermoregulation processes.
  4. Fourth , in the absence of contraindications, you can take small quantities sedatives natural remedies(20 drops of valerian tincture or 20 drops of motherwort).
  5. Fifth , you can contact your doctor with a request to consider taking vitamin E - such a course can strengthen blood vessels and improve cellular nutrition.
  6. At sixth , you need to reconsider your sedentary lifestyle and perform at least the minimum and most simple exercises during the day.
  7. Seventh , do not neglect hot coffee or tea. Chocolate (black) is very useful.

Attention! In case of hypothermia, any dietary restrictions should be abandoned, but overeating or overeating fatty or sugary foods should be avoided, and a healthy diet should be provided.


Considering the issue of low body temperature, of course, we can recall the Sleeping Beauty, and the fact that the lower the body temperature, the slower any organism ages ...

But the truth is completely different - only a healthy body ages more slowly!

Therefore, you should not console yourself with the fact that a temperature lowered by a degree is not as dangerous as an elevated temperature, but even a way to preserve youth. After all, we can talk about banal fatigue (and then it’s up to the small thing - to sleep off and rest), but the problem may lie in a very serious illnesses including cancerous brain tumors.

So jokes are inappropriate here, as, indeed, always when it comes to health, which cannot be bought for any money. But everyone knows very well that very often health depends on ourselves: all that is needed is that healthy lifestyle life.

Healthy sleep, healthy eating, regular physical exercise, positive emotions and the absence of stressful situations, the rejection of bad habits(in fact, it would be better not to start) can provide healthy life for many years.

We all know the rate normal temperature body, which is 36.6 ° C. However, for most people, numbers above or below the generally accepted standard may be the norm. At the same time, they feel normal, and such a deviation does not affect their well-being in any way.

If, when determining a decrease in temperature, you feel some discomfort and loss of strength (body temperature of 35.5 ° C lasts for more than two or three days and is not the norm for your body), then you need to look for the causes of this phenomenon.

Often similar states quite typical for pregnant or lactating women. If these factors are absolutely excluded, it is worth looking for causes of low temperature in:

  • decreased immunity (for advice, you need to contact an immunologist, make an immunogram);
  • recent illness;
  • reduced hemoglobin (it is worth doing a complete blood count);
  • neurocirculatory dystonia of the hypotensive type (due to lack of sleep, overwork, increased physical activity or improper diet);
  • asthenic syndrome;
  • internal bleeding;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • disorders of the endocrine system, hypothyroidism, diseases of the adrenal glands (take an analysis for hormones, do an ultrasound scan);
  • severe fatigue, overstrain associated with new responsibilities (motherhood, lack of sleep at night, some exhaustion of the body due to breastfeeding).

If, as a result of the examinations, no serious violations were found, then the treatment will mainly be based on non-drug methods associated with the normalization of lifestyle, hardening procedures, physical therapy, moderate exercise.

Spa treatment, balneotherapy, physiotherapy can also be used.

If the body temperature of 35.5 is accompanied by constant stress, then it is necessary to choose effective sedatives. As a rule, first of all, preference is given to preparations containing plant materials. Excellent results in the fight against stress showed eleutherococcus, ginseng and aralia(a group of tonic drugs that are taken in the morning and at lunch, as they have stimulating properties); motherwort, valerian, hops, hawthorn (a group of sedative drugs that are taken at night). The course of treatment lasts for a month.

If herbal remedies could not solve the problem, for the appointment medications you should consult a doctor.

Everyone knows what to do when the temperature rises - try to understand its main causes, and then bring it down to normal readings with antipyretic drugs or folk methods.

But there are situations when a person's body temperature is lowered. What to do in this case and what could be the reasons this phenomenon? We'll talk about this in this article.

Diseases that can cause hypothermia

Low body temperature in humans (35.5 and below) can provoke certain diseases:

  • HIV infection;
  • cold, flu;
  • depression, apathy;
  • anorexia, bulimia;
  • pathology of the adrenal glands;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • oncological diseases;
  • thyroid disease;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • pathologies in the brain;
  • bronchitis in acute or chronic forms;
  • anemia of various bases and low hemoglobin;
  • diabetes mellitus in a situation of a sharp drop in blood sugar;
  • inflammatory, infectious diseases different genesis;
  • various variants of internal chronic diseases at the time of their exacerbation.

In addition to the above ailments, the temperature drops with:

  • state of shock;
  • hypothermia;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • starvation and strict diets;
  • depletion of the internal forces of the body;
  • a large amount of drunk alcohol;
  • prolonged stress and nervous strain.

To know how to fix low temperature, it is necessary to find out the reason for its decrease. If during the day the temperature fluctuates between 35.8°C and 37.1°C, this is considered normal. For example, in the morning, the rates are lower than in the evening.

Causes of low human body temperature

If we touch on the causes of such an unpleasant state of health, in which there is a low body temperature of a person, then they are presented below:

  1. A fairly common occurrence is a low temperature during pregnancy, but usually this condition disappears quite quickly, as the body adapts to a different sleep pattern and replenishes those substances that were spent on feeding the fetus.
  2. Diet. Lack of fats and carbohydrates weakens our body. The temperature begins to decrease when the body's reserves are running out, and they are no longer enough for normal life. For normal body temperature, you need to eat well.
  3. Uncontrolled intake of various medications, including those that depress the central nervous system ( sedatives, tranquilizers, antidepressants, drugs based on barbiturates);
  4. Loss of strength, lack of iron in your body, that is, anemia. In order to check this, you need to immediately do a general blood test and clarify the level of hemoglobin.

Often, a decrease in body temperature is accompanied by a disease such as hypothyroidism, which is characterized by functional disorders of the thyroid gland, as well as insufficient production of thyroid hormones by it.

  • Severe hypothermia. Temperature is considered the most dangerous for the body. environment ranging from +10 to -12 degrees. If you stay in such conditions for a long time, hypothermia is possible, which will entail a decrease in body temperature.
  • A decrease in temperature is characteristic of people suffering from diseases of the adrenal glands. This symptom is especially common in Addison's disease, also called adrenal insufficiency.
  • Dehydration is another possible cause of low body temperature. Everyone knows about the importance of water for human life, but not everyone makes sure that water enters the body in the quantities necessary for quality life.
  • The causes of this phenomenon can be chronic diseases, precisely the moment when they progress. This includes vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Colds (ARI or SARS), influenza. Oddly enough, these diseases can provoke both an increase and a decrease in temperature.
  • A brain tumor that occurs in the hypothalamus, which is responsible for the exchange of heat in the body, also causes chills and, as a result, a decrease in temperature.
  • Recently, indicators from 36.4 ° C to 36.7 ° C are considered the norm, however, the indicators that are normal for each individual may differ, and different doctors have different points of view. And it is very important that when determining the “normality of temperature”, not some average statistical figures are taken into account, but indicators that are characteristic of each individual person.


    Symptoms that may indicate a low temperature include:

    • loss of appetite;
    • irritability.
    • increased drowsiness;
    • lethargy, general malaise;
    • inhibition of thought processes;

    In a small percentage of people, a decrease in body temperature is the norm, while the person feels good and is completely healthy. But, in most cases, low body temperature indicates possible problems or diseases.


    In order for the body temperature not to drop below normal, it is necessary to play sports more often, take more vitamins, and also monitor your body.

    Proper nutrition, as well as daily routine, will have a very positive effect on your body. Try to take a few moments of rest during the working day, and not overwork yourself too much.

    If you feel that your body is on the verge, then experts advise to postpone all business and just relax, drink hot tea and sleep, during sleep, our body normalizes its work, and the body temperature rises to normal values.

    What to do with a low body temperature in humans?

    First of all, you need to understand whether a decrease in temperature in a person is the norm or a deviation from it. From the picture obtained, it will be more clear what to do in each case, as well as what treatment is needed.

    1. If you just measured your body temperature and found it to drop without experiencing any other symptoms, then calm down. Remember if you have recently had SARS or another infection. Perhaps these are residuals.
    2. Helps hot tea with the addition of honey or currant leaves. If not, you can substitute raspberry jam.
    3. Maybe the reason is the abundant ventilation of the apartment on a frosty day. In this case, you need to close the windows, dress warmer and drink a hot drink.
    4. Safe means that allow you to normalize the condition at a low body temperature of 35.5 (and below) degrees are decoctions and tinctures from ginseng, St. John's wort, echinacea.
    5. If, in addition to a low temperature, you feel weakness, depression, find many other symptoms, then it is better to consult a specialist.

    Most likely after additional tests anemia or an underactive thyroid gland will be found. The appointment of appropriate treatment will help raise the temperature.

    If, at low body temperature, a person does not experience any unpleasant symptoms, vigorous and efficient, examinations did not reveal any pathology, and the temperature throughout life remains lower than usual in a healthy person, this can be regarded as a variant of the norm.

    Fever without symptoms in adults

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    Body temperature 35 degrees - how dangerous is it?

    Often, a complaint about a body temperature below 36.0 is perceived by doctors as a result of too much attention to one's health, and if the body temperature is 35 or slightly higher, they simply recommend warming up and drinking hot tea. However this recommendation not always bring the desired relief, and unpleasant symptoms not only do not disappear, but also tend to increase.

    Temperature 35.5 norm or pathology

    The standard for normal human body temperature is 36.6. But in many cases, specific data from this figure will differ significantly. The fact is that the temperature indicator depends on a number of factors.

    • Time of day (morning and evening it is lower).
    • The intensity of the work of all body systems, at the peak of the working day, the indicator will be higher.
    • From the ambient temperature, if a person is hot, the temperature will be higher, and if he is cold, it will drop.
    • From the state of health, with a number of diseases, thermoregulation is disturbed and the temperature decreases.
    • from the characteristics of the individual. For some people, low rates are an innate factor that does not prevent them from living.

    Normal (standard) for a person is considered a body temperature of 35.5-36.9. A downward deviation from this indicator is called hypothermia. And the increase is hyperthermia.

    One of the most important aspects in this case will be the stability of indicators. If the temperature continues to fall, then a doctor's call is mandatory and immediate.

    Depending on the reasons for the decrease in temperature below 35.4, measures should be taken. In some cases, only hot tea and good rest will really be enough, while in others a long treatment will be required.

    When the temperature index is 35.0 the result of our shortcomings

    Thermometer readings of 35.2-35.9 will become a deviation from the norm only if this has not been observed before, that is, usually a person had a temperature of 36.6, but now the thermometer steadily shows 35.4. At the same time, there are a number of unpleasant symptoms that interfere with calm work and disrupt the usual rhythm of life.

    A decrease in temperature can be the result of a negligent attitude to health. In this case, among the symptoms, in addition to hypothermia, the following will appear:

    • Feeling cold, chilliness, trembling.
    • Headache.
    • Lethargy and fatigue.
    • Numbness of fingers and hands.

    Additional discomfort may occur, such as nausea, dizziness.

    Among the causes of hypothermia, when the temperature will be 35.

    Hypothermia of the body

    It arises as a result misbehavior in the cold or bad clothes.

    Most often, hypothermia occurs at air temperatures from +10 to -12. Here the victim needs to be warmed, well covered, drink hot tea with raspberries, honey, lemon.

    For warming, use a hot foot bath with mustard or hot shower, an ordinary bath. It is good to let the victim sleep and then eat tightly.

    Long term diet

    A temperature of 35.3 may be due to a long diet, especially if this diet consists only of plant food. With such a diet, the body does not receive enough of the necessary proteins and minerals, iron deficiency is especially dangerous - it causes anemia. And this disrupts the supply of the body with nutrients and oxygen, metabolic processes slow down and there is a violation of thermoregulation (temperature decrease).

    To get started you will need this problem discover. With prolonged diets, it is recommended to monitor blood counts (take a clinical analysis), a decrease in hemoglobin is a signal to restore balance in nutrition. However, it will be possible to normalize the thermometer readings only after restoration normal level hemoglobin (special nutrition).

    Depletion of strength

    This may be the result of a recent infection (ARI, influenza, rubella), too intense rhythm of life, excessively heavy loads (physical or mental), constant stress.

    Mandatory symptoms in this case will be: severe headache, chills and fatigue.

    Here, the thermometer indicators will drop by about a degree lower than usual, if usually the indicators are normal 36.4, then in the event of a breakdown, they will be - 35.4.

    To eliminate hypothermia, you will need to sleep well, and also in the future to sleep for at least 8 hours, rest, eat healthy food with sufficient calories and the right set of vitamins and minerals, take more time to rest, and lead an active lifestyle.

    Abuse of antipyretics

    When treating an infection at home, a decrease in temperature is also possible. This is due to taking too much antipyretic drug, especially common in children. In an adult, sometimes taking an antipyretic for prevention can cause such a reaction of the body, for example, taking a flu medicine with paracetamol when there is a runny nose and cough, but no fever.

    Usually the temperature drops to 35.2-35.4. But if the indicators turned out to be even lower and continue to fall, you need to urgently call a doctor.

    In other cases, the patient should be well covered and given a warm drink. Can't do too much intensive treatments not to call jumps temperature.

    When is hypothermia a sign of illness?

    If the temperature is 35 and 5 for a long time (2-3 weeks), but before that it was normally higher, say 36.6, you should carefully monitor your health.

    Thus, an asymptomatic long-term decrease may be a sign of an incipient disease: a brain tumor affecting the thermoregulatory center, a malfunction of the adrenal glands, the thyroid gland (here there is a lack of hormone production).

    Be sure to pay attention to a decrease in body temperature, even if the body temperature is 35.9, in the presence of additional symptoms:

    • Irritability or, conversely, unusual lethargy.
    • Constant feeling of chills.
    • Memory disorders.
    • In the presence of slight trembling of the fingers or hands.
    • Frequent nausea.
    • Headache and fatigue.

    Among more dangerous reasons hypothermia will be internal bleeding, hypothyroidism (thyroid disease), sudden or persistently low blood pressure, head trauma, tumors, severe anemia. In this case, a lowered body temperature of 35 8 occurs, but other symptoms: weakness, nausea, chills are more pronounced.

    To clarify why hypothermia occurred, you should consult a therapist. Even if he says that it is not dangerous, but the patient feels bad at a temperature of 35, you need to insist on an examination: general analyzes, a visit to an endocrinologist, a neurologist, etc.

    Such perseverance will help to detect the disease earlier and begin its earlier treatment, and this will significantly increase the chances of recovery.

    How to measure temperature correctly

    To measure body temperature, mercury and electronic thermometers are most commonly used. Electronic ones have a large percentage of error, and with indicators of 35.8, the measurement must be repeated three times with an interval of minutes. Mercury can also be "mistaken" by 2-3 tenths of a degree. Keep them under your arm for at least 10 minutes.

    Therefore, during the first measurement, the general condition and the possibility of hypothermia, fatigue, and taking antipyretics are necessarily taken into account.

    If the indicators after rest and warming activities have not returned to normal, then several control measurements should be taken. In doing so, you must adhere to the following rules:

    • Measure temperature always at the same time
    • Do this with the same thermometer.
    • Measure in the same place: always under the left or right armpit, (most acceptable) in the mouth (somewhat difficult), in the groin (used for babies and seriously ill patients).
    • Do not take measurements “just like that”, only if there are prerequisites: chills, headache, nausea, etc.

    What to do if you suspect a pathology?

    If the temperature drops to 35 degrees and continues to fall, you need to urgently call a doctor (ambulance). A further decrease will be dangerous not only for health, but also for the life of the patient.

    Low rates (body temperature below 35) can provoke convulsions, loss of consciousness, hallucinations.

    At a temperature of up to 35.2 and there are clear reasons for its decrease (hypothermia, fatigue, etc.), you need to take home measures to normalize it:

    • Cover the patient warmly.
    • Drink warm drink.
    • Warm feet (bath, heating pad)
    • Give the opportunity to sleep.
    • Feed generously.

    With long-term thermometer readings in the range of 35.1-35.7, an examination and determination of the cause will be required.

    In violation of thermoregulation and the occurrence of stable hypothermia in the body, metabolic processes are disrupted - they slow down. In this case internal organs receive fewer nutrients, as a result of which they begin to work hard in a very uncomfortable conditions, which is dangerous for the occurrence of a number of diseases.

    The statement that low temperature contributes to the preservation of youth is fundamentally wrong.

    Heal and be healthy!

    Hello, I got sick and was diagnosed with hypotitis three weeks ago, I was instilled with bilirubin, it began to return to normal 31 and now I don’t instill, but my temperature has dropped to 35.2 to make it mean

    After the operation for women, my body temperature is from 35 to 35.5. What is needed for recovery. This temperature has been holding for 5 months.

    What if the temperature is 9?

    Human body temperature is an important indicator of the state of his body. Overestimated or underestimated thermometer readings will tell about the nature of the disease, tell you where to look for the causes of the problem. Of course, for a reliable diagnosis, further consultations of doctors and professional methods examinations. More often people experience manifestations of hyperthermia. However, hypothermia is no less dangerous for humans. Therefore, we will talk in detail about which thermometer indicators are underestimated and indicate failures in the body's heat transfer.

    Clinical manifestations

    The thermometer reading of 36.6 is considered ideal for a healthy person. Small deviations from the norm are quite acceptable, because. the process of heat transfer is very individual for each person, heat transfer changes during the day. It is generally accepted that a temperature of 35.9 in an adult patient is insufficient, but not critical.

    For a number of people, a temperature of 35.9 is normal. They don't suffer from any side effects heat transfer disturbances. Features of thermoregulation of their body are laid down at the genetic level and can be inherited. Thus, the results of thermometry expressed from a temperature of 35.5 to 37 C can be variants of the norm.

    To understand in what situations indicators below a temperature of 35.9 are critical, it is enough to assess the general condition of the patient. People suffering from hypothermia may experience the following symptoms:

    • pale skin;
    • feeling cold;
    • tremor of the limbs;
    • drowsiness;
    • increased fatigue;
    • apathetic state;
    • weak pulse;
    • loss of appetite.

    These symptoms are characteristic of weak and medium degree severity of heat transfer disorders. In more severe cases, symptoms such as clouding of mind, convulsions, unconsciousness, and respiratory arrest may occur.

    With a thermometer reading of 32 C, death occurs.

    The reasons

    Hypothermia is most often caused by external factors - severe hypothermia, improper (insufficient) nutrition, internal and external bleeding. Among the diseases that provoke such a symptom, the following are common:

    • iron deficiency;
    • weakening of the immune system;
    • diseases of the endocrine system;
    • intoxication of the body;
    • problems in the nervous system.

    In some situations, a slight violation of heat transfer in the form of a deviation from the norm by only a couple of tenths of a degree (for example, a temperature of 35.8) is easily explained. It can occur after an illness. In this case, the person will still experience a slight malaise, which can be expressed by drowsiness, fatigue. In this case, the temperature of 35.8 is normal. It will rise to its normal state as soon as the body fully restores its strength. The reasons for the temperature of 35.8 in this case are explained by the fact that after illnesses, the metabolism slows down, and with it the process of heat production slows down.

    A slight decrease relative to the norm (like a temperature of 35.6) can be caused by hypothermia of the body.

    Heat transfer is also disturbed in case of failures of metabolic processes caused by starvation and diets. Not getting enough food, the body spends its energy very economically. Including the amount of energy expended for heat generation is reduced. A temperature of 35.8 in an adult can manifest itself not only as a result of extreme diets but also with an unbalanced diet. For example, often when switching to a vegetarian diet, many people refuse meat without replenishing the diet with other foods containing iron. Problems can arise after following some detox diets consisting entirely of green vegetables and fruits. Despite the fact that this set of products is rich in vitamins, manufacturers often do not provide for the presence of all the necessary trace elements. The state of the body is affected by nutrition (more precisely, the absence of such a trace element as iron in it). The temperature can drop below normal even by as much as half a degree or more. The causes of a temperature of 35.2 and below are easy to eliminate in this case.

    In the human body, iron, as a trace element, performs very important function. It helps hemoglobin to saturate body cells with oxygen.

    The level of iron can fall not only as a result of an unbalanced diet, but also with internal, external blood loss, various kinds of anemia. Anemia can be caused by dysfunction digestive tract, cardiovascular system, tumors or genetic predisposition (thalassemia). Such patients are characterized by a chronic temperature of 35.7.

    Another name for anemia is anemia. It can be manifested by very low thermometer readings, like a temperature of 35 (in an adult), and slightly higher, like a temperature of 35.8 (in an adult). In addition to individual predisposition, the severity of hypothermia depends on the stage of the disease (mild g / l, moderate g / l, severe - below 70 g / l).

    Especially dangerous Iron-deficiency anemia for pregnant. At a temperature of 35.1, the following risks may already arise: threatened miscarriage, premature birth, hypotension, premature detachment of the placenta, growth retardation for the fetus, bleeding during childbirth.

    A temperature of 35 during pregnancy can also speak of pathologies of a different kind. For example, the causes of a temperature of 35 may be in hypothyroidism. Against the background of this disease, the patient develops weakness and swelling. It should be remembered that the temperature of 35.5 during pregnancy is not on the border with the norm. Women who are carrying a fetus are characterized by higher thermometer readings (about 37 C and above). This is especially important in the first trimester, when even hypothermia, which is insignificant for an ordinary person (for example, a temperature of 35.7 in an adult), may indicate a threat of termination of pregnancy. In the presence of such a symptom of a pregnant woman, it is very important to get competent medical advice.

    Hypothyroidism is a disease of the thyroid gland. But the pathology of the work of the organs of the endocrine system can be not only in pregnant women. The thyroid gland, producing thyroid hormones, is responsible for the metabolism of the body. Insufficient stimulation of the metabolic process leads to the slowdown of all biochemical processes in the body, including the process of heat transfer. Patients may experience a temperature of 35 C. People with thyroid problems, in addition to hypothermia, may have the following symptoms:

    • weight gain;
    • stool disorders
    • skin and hair problems (flaking, dryness, dullness);
    • memory problems.

    If the causes of a temperature of 35 in an adult are caused by such a disease of the endocrine system as diabetes mellitus, the patient may feel constant feeling thirst, loss of sensation in the limbs, frequent urge to urinate.

    Any violations hormonal balance fraught with serious consequences in the form of various complications. Therefore, the qualified help of specialists is essential for patients with such diseases.

    A temperature of 35.2 in adults may occur against the background of poisoning (including alcohol).

    As a rule, in such cases, violations of heat transfer are not so significant, the thermometer readings decrease to about a body temperature of 35.4.

    The causes of a temperature of 35.3 can be caused by disorders of the nervous system, often by traumatic brain injuries. This happens when, during an injury, the part of the brain responsible for thermoregulation is affected. Some causes of a temperature of 35.5 are associated with stress.

    Sometimes the causes of a temperature of 35.6 remain unidentified, while symptoms of hypothermia in a person are not observed. It should be remembered that for some, a body temperature of 35.6 is the norm, because. The process of thermoregulation is very individual.

    Methods for dealing with hypothermia

    Before deciding what to do with a temperature of 35.8 (with deviations of a couple of tenths of a degree), one should find out whether it is pathological for the patient or not. You can ask the patient what results of thermometry are normal for him. It is necessary to assess the overall clinical picture, learn about the presence of complaints characteristic of hypothermia in a patient.

    Changes in the results of thermometry during the day by a couple of tenths of a degree are characteristic of absolutely all people and are explained by the peculiarities of internal biorhythms (in the evening, a person's temperature is higher than in the morning).

    If such a temperature is not the norm, then what to do at a temperature of 35.5 in an adult will depend on the cause that caused hypothermia. For example, on extreme cold temperature 35 is normal, typical reaction body for hypothermia. It is enough to warm a person with a hot drink, clothes or a blanket. You can warm up by taking a warm bath.

    During the diet, the question may arise: “Temperature 35.7, is this normal?”. The general condition of the body should be adequately assessed. Sometimes a symptom does not cause discomfort and only signals that the body is economically consuming its own energy reserve. It is advisable to suspend the process of losing weight, slightly adjusting the diet, until the temperature returns to normal.

    You will need to pass a series of tests, because. against the background of a change in diet and a certain stress for the body, iron deficiency anemia could develop.

    To the question “Temperature 35.4, is this normal?”, Most often the answer is negative. Values ​​below 35.5 are rare in healthy people. As a rule, this indicates anemia.

    What to do at a temperature of 35.4? It doesn’t matter what caused anemia - malnutrition, against the background of a disease or because of a hereditary predisposition. In order to eliminate it, the diet needs to be diversified with products such as chicken and beef liver, boiled chicken and beef, pomegranates, beets. You may need to take medicines containing iron: "Maltofer" in the form of tablets, "Ferum-lek" in the form of injections. Vitamin E is sometimes prescribed to strengthen blood vessels.

    Despite the fact that we often encounter violations of thermoregulation in the form of fever, many do not know what to do at a temperature of 35 during first aid.

    It is necessary to adjust the daily routine and nutrition. You can warm up the body with a plentiful warm drink: herbal teas, compotes. Massage and contrast showers help to raise body temperature.

    Before looking for a way to increase the temperature of 35, it should be remembered that it is better to prevent the occurrence of a symptom. For this, it is necessary to strengthen immune system exercise, exercise and lead a healthy lifestyle.

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    Any use of the materials of the site is allowed only with the consent of the editors of the portal and the installation of an active link to the source.

    The information published on the site is intended for informational purposes only and in no case calls for self-diagnosis and treatment. To make informed decisions about treatment and taking drugs, it is imperative to consult a qualified doctor. The information posted on the site is obtained from open sources. The editors of the portal are not responsible for its authenticity.

    What to do at low temperature

    In a normal state, the body temperature of both an adult and a child should not exceed 37 degrees, that is, 36.6–36.9 are healthy thermometer indicators, but as for lower bound, then the temperature up to 36–35.5 gives cause for concern.

    There are many people in the world for whom 35.5 is a working temperature and they have not experienced any problems all their lives because of such “not the norm”. We will not consider these cases. It is worth sounding the alarm if your body has not encountered such a temperature, and if you feel a clear malaise because of this.

    What to do?

    To begin with, let's define the symptoms of a low temperature, or as this condition is also called - a breakdown:

    1. Weakness.
    2. Desire to sleep, even if the sleep was long.
    3. Feeling of unreasonable irritation.
    4. Inhibition of actions and thoughts.
    5. Poor general health.

    Causes of a decrease in body temperature

    1. External factors (causes) that provoke low temperature in an adult and a child are well known and commonplace - overwork (study), lack of vacations, stress and constant pressure, physical activity without measure and other delights of modern life signal that it's time to stop and take a break. Hence the breakdown and the temperature of 35. The body simply refuses to move on and the person has no choice but to relax on sick leave. Such overloads should not be achieved, and at the first sensations of “processing”, you need to give yourself a little rest and take valerian, motherwort or eleutherococcus daily to relieve tension and have a good sleep.
    2. Internal factors, due to which the body temperature drops below 35.5, include a lack of vitamins, trace elements, etc. This is anemia with iron deficiency, and a lack of vitamins of group B, C. Here you will need blood tests for hemoglobin, consultation therapist and a complex of drugs that restore the imbalance of substances necessary for the body.
    3. Another internal factor is the state of immunity. For example, a low body temperature occurs after recovery from a serious illness, which took all the strength, and now the body takes the slightest load extremely hard. Also, a decrease in temperature can be caused by an unbalanced diet, due to diet or prolonged fasting. First of all, you should take vitamins and immediately recalculate your daily diet in accordance with the real needs of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Such calculations are made on the basis of normal weight, per kilogram of which a certain norm of nutrients is needed. There are millions of tables on the Internet that help you calculate your diet.
    4. The cause of low temperature may be associated with intoxication of the body due to overload of the liver with excessive libations of alcohol, as well as as a result of self-medication. Often, having played a know-it-all doctor, we take medicines that we have prescribed for ourselves, without observing the dosage. As a result, the body is poisoned, the consequences of which are quite deplorable.
    5. The reason for lowering the temperature beyond the normal range may be the beginning of an exacerbation of chronic diseases. If you are unlucky and there are any, welcome to your doctor.
    6. The temperature decreases due to hypothyroidism - this is a dysfunction of the thyroid gland associated with a decrease in its activity. With this not too dangerous, but significant condition, it is important to see a doctor periodically to prevent exacerbations.
    7. Cause a decrease in temperature and unhealthy adrenal glands. For the prevention of diseases of these organs, it is important to never refuse the body to drink. clean water. Drinking plenty of water and eating seasonal fruits that cleanse the body should become the rule.

    Other reasons

    Pregnant women often complain of low temperature - 35-35.5, accompanied by nausea and migraines. This period usually occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy and is called toxicosis. All symptoms, including low temperature, should be reported to the antenatal clinic at regular check-ups so as not to miss any serious diseases.

    Why does the body temperature drop in a child

    A child who is ill becomes lethargic and lethargic, loses his appetite, even if favorite foods are offered. First of all, you should measure his temperature, and if it is lowered to 35–35.5, it is better to contact the pediatrician, and before he arrives, warm the child with a heating pad, blanket or lie down with him, hugging the baby, warming his body. You don’t need to do anything else, otherwise you can harm the child’s body.

    A body temperature of 33 degrees is considered critical - such hypothermia occurs if the child is too cold, for example, for a long time spent on the street and severe frost. Hypothermia can also occur in adults. It is important to remember that if hypothermia is suspected in a person, he should not be placed immediately in a hot bath so as not to cause vasospasm and fatal outcome. If hypothermia is severe, start by changing into warm, dry clothes and warming up with warm, but not hot, drinks.

    In critical cases, an ambulance is first called, and then they are engaged in first aid until the medical team arrives.

    What to do if body temperature drops below normal

    In general, if you are not worried about a drop in temperature and this happens rarely, you can not sound the alarm, but just relax and include vitamins in your diet. If the condition requires a visit to a doctor, you may be prescribed a course of physiotherapy or balneotherapy, prescribe restorative drugs or a course of treatment for chronic ailments.

    In most cases, prevention and self-management of such a lifestyle is necessary, in which there can be no “failure” and low temperature.

    Here's what to do:

    • engage in health - eat healthy food and give up bad habits;
    • maintain the habit of going to bed before midnight;
    • get enough sleep - at least 8 hours a day;
    • physical activity, moderate sports;
    • airing the room in which you spend all your time, douse yourself with cold water;
    • spend 20-30 minutes a day walking;
    • take vitamins;
    • try to bypass stressful situations tenth road;
    • teach facial expressions to smile.

    These rules can be observed by both an adult and a child, activating all protective functions organism.

    Nutrition and temperature

    To raise the temperature to normal, it is advised to prepare such a mixture - walnuts grind with dried apricots, dried plums, honey and raisins. The resulting mass should be consumed in a teaspoon once a day. Even a child will like this medicine.

    The second recipe is to brew tea from currant leaves, add lemon juice and a spoonful of honey to the cooled broth. Drink in one go.

    The third option is currant vitamin. Grind currants with sugar, drink during the day with warm tea. Currants are extremely rich in vitamin C.

    What exactly to do if the temperature drops to 35 in a child or in an adult:

    1. Put the patient to bed, covering with warm blankets.
    2. Put warm heating pads or bottles of warm water on your feet.
    3. Take a bowl of warm water and take foot baths with essential oils of pine needles, St. John's wort.
    4. Drink tincture of St. John's wort or warm tea with raspberry jam or vitamin.
    5. Grandma's method is to drink water with a simple pencil lead, which is first ground into powder. Graphite raises the temperature for several hours.
    6. Make a few exercise- run, squat or do 10-20 push-ups. This will help to tone up and increase the frequency of the heart muscle. So the body warms up faster.
    7. Create positive emotions, in such an atmosphere, recovery will come faster.

    If within a few days bad feeling persists, and it is not possible to increase the temperature - you need to go to the doctor.