Enjoying life is the most useful habit. When you start to enjoy

Do you often think about what true pleasure is? Affairs, work, home life- all this sucks, distracts from the essence, takes away energy. Vanity, dissatisfaction with life, criticism, complaints - all this is incompatible with enjoyment.

In general, any suffering and negative emotions only cause more trouble in your life. Well, who needs a constantly tired, "confused", unhappy woman? Such men are bypassed. And they can be understood. On an intuitive level, they feel that for such a woman they will have to take all the responsibility on themselves, make her happy by solving her endless problems. Not everyone will take that risk.

A completely different thing is a woman who enjoys life even when there is no strong shoulder nearby. She is pleased with herself, her body, her eyes shine - not because everything in her life is so beautiful, but because she knows how to enjoy what is around and what she feels inside. And such a woman is almost never alone - dozens of men are chasing her.

After all, this often happens - it seems to be not a beauty, but there is no end to boyfriends. The answer lies in the fact that a woman knows how to enjoy and attracts caring men into her life.

How to learn to enjoy the moment?

This, of course, is not about the pleasure associated with buying your beloved new dresses, shoes and everything else. The pleasure of buying things is fleeting and does not affect our sense of self in a global sense. When we talk about the ability to enjoy the moment, we are talking about deep pleasure at the level of feelings.

You can enjoy the sensations anytime, anywhere. For example, get up early in the morning and go out onto the balcony with a cup of your favorite coffee. Feel this fragrance. Take a small sip. listen to taste sensations. Think about plans for the day. Look at the greenery outside the window, at the rising sun. Feel this moment and be only in it.

Just enjoy what's happening.
Izaya Orihara

Do not regret the past, do not remember yesterday's problems, do not worry about the future. To be mentally here and now and enjoy the sensations of what is happening in this moment- this is the basis of the true ability to have fun and be charged with positive energy, which will then come from you, attracting only the beautiful into life.

It is important to remember that each of our thoughts carries a creative or destructive energy. If you want not to destroy, but to build, not to cry into your pillow, but to shape your successful destiny, just learn to enjoy.

Where does pleasure "live"?

Living consciously is not so easy and not too comfortable. Being constantly aware of yourself in the present moment is a matter of constant practice. But this does not require any special conditions or circumstances. Every moment of your life is a reason to enjoy it.

For example, you came to a boutique. Perhaps there are things that you can not afford. Or the ones you would never dare to wear. Take them and go to the fitting room. Put it on, admire your reflection in the mirror. Feel your beauty and attractiveness. Enjoy the moment!

Live today, do not wait until your health or loved ones are taken away from you, or even life itself. Live! Enjoy every day, don't put it off for "sometime later, when things are over." Things never end, but life is lost behind them.
Oleg Roy

When you're cooking dinner, whether it's for the whole family or just for yourself, don't treat it like just another monotonous meal or snack on the go. Get some pretty dishes. Set the table like you would for an Instagram photo. Put the food on the plate the way they do in expensive restaurants. Turn on some nice music.

Dinner in such an environment, you will get real pleasure, and you will want to continue to spend your time in this way - beautifully and with pleasure.

You can even wash dishes or wash your face while enjoying the moment. How more woman will allow herself to enjoy, the better will become not only her life, but also the life of those who are close to her. And the more the whole life will resemble the process of pleasure.

Formula: Pleasure = realize yourself here and now + enjoy what is happening at the moment.

How to attract love and success into your life?

You need to glow and radiate not thanks to him, but in response to all the good that this world gives you every second. First, it is important to learn how to enjoy, and then someone will definitely appear who will appreciate it, who deserves to be around, who will sincerely love and for whom you will become the best and only.

I don't need you
I enjoy you.
Christina Kashkan

Forget about living "on the machine", give up complaining and whining, wake up the feminine beauty in yourself, and drive the hardened worker-housewife away. Remember how nice it is to dress up, spin in front of a mirror, feel beautiful and talk to yourself about it, choose and buy your desired things, do your favorite activities.

Life is so beautiful if you only allow yourself to accept all its gifts! And as soon as you tune in to the right wave - the wave of pleasure - the main prize awaits you: the loving and caring man of your dreams!


Few people appreciate what they have. For some reason, it is generally believed that only those who have reached the heights of success can be happy. If you don't have the latest iPhone or don't wear clothes famous brands you are a loser and will never be able to enjoy life. But the whole secret is that all those who have a huge fortune depend on how much of their products the common man buys. And for this, they impose with the help of the media that one can be happy only by possessing all these things. Therefore, you should not perceive that the possession of material goods can help you learn to enjoy life. It's not like that at all.

A person can only be happy when he is satisfied with his life. He rejoices at what he has, thanks for what he was able to acquire, appreciates friends and relatives. In any situation, he is able to see the positive aspects, but this does not mean at all that a happy person does not know how to properly respond to what is happening. Quite the contrary, when it hurts, he is unhappy, but when everything is good in his life, he does not grumble and does not think that he will be able to enjoy life only in the future, but notices the good that is today.

No need to expect from others that they will become better, friendlier and kinder. Change yourself and others will follow your example. in order to change the world, change your attitude towards him and yourself. Do not rush to assess what is happening, get used to analyzing any situation from all sides. Then you will react in a completely different way, even to the most difficult problems in your life.

Appreciating that is very easy when faced with adversity. Start helping those in need, and you will immediately understand what you can thank life for. Health, peace of mind, kindness, caring, great willpower, good breeding, the ability to take responsibility, a loved one, Good friends and work, and allows self-realization, the availability of housing and a good income - all this is worthy of enjoying your own life.

Never refuse orphans, lonely pensioners, people with handicapped, children who are sick. Your help will be most welcome, by the way in shelters for homeless animals, and by taking an unfortunate creature from the street that is innocent of anything, you will make this world much better and kinder. The love and devotion that it will give you cannot be compared with anything. So no one can love you. Animals do not see your shortcomings, do not reproach or humiliate, they believe in you and know that you are the kindest and best on earth. Therefore, it remains only to correspond to this faith in yourself.

Scientists have come to the unequivocal conclusion that a happier person happens not when he earns more and more, but when he gives to others. Think about how you can help right now. Maybe it's time to say "thank you" to your parents for what they have done for you, help friends solve difficult problems, or make a small financial contribution. orphanage and an animal shelter created in your city.

Start fulfilling your own long-forgotten dreams. Do not deny yourself to take a step forward and feel strong man able to achieve whatever he wants. The memory of the desires that appeared in childhood or adolescence, at the same time give the opportunity to once again feel that faith and hope that the best lies ahead. Don't pass up the opportunity to celebrate what you've accomplished over the years.

Greetings, my friends!

The calendar is at the end of December. New Year mood! And the topic for our conversation with you came to my mind quite pleasant. Let's talk about how to enjoy life. :))

Well, yes, one of you will say, give me a million dollars and I will immediately begin to enjoy life on a tropical island, sitting in a hammock by the sea with a cocktail in my hands. Yes, of course, the picture is charming! But don't you think that this attitude bothers you very well? How? Let's get a look.

A lot of people are set up exactly like this - “if I had (there is a list of what they would like to have, but do not have at the moment), then I would enjoy life (rejoice, be in a good mood, think positively and etc., choose according to your taste)!” With such an attitude and such thoughts, they broadcast several negative attitudes into the world.

First, "I don't have what I want!". Think for yourself - when you say "if I wish I had…”, you automatically confirm that you don’t have it. And such an attitude goes from you to the Universe. Well, she, of course, agrees with you, “Well, if you want it that way, then please, you don’t have it.” The result is that what you want goes farther and farther away from realization in your world.

Secondly, by saying that “then I would be happy” (be happy, enjoy life, etc.), you declare that now you are unhappy, joyless, do not enjoy life. It is these messages that go from you to the Universe. And you get your answer again - "Yes, you are unhappy." And since your every statement of the Universe is perceived as your will and desire, it immediately begins to do everything so that what you want so much comes true. If you want to be unhappy, you will.

Well, look at what consequences such an “innocent” at first glance, “dreaming” about something can have! You are without what you want and unhappy.

“So what now, do not dream at all ?!” - you ask. Dream, of course dream! Just do it right! Then your dreams will only benefit you!

How will be correct? And like this!

First, let's turn the phrase "if only I had ..." into a positive statement about getting what you want, which will attract this most desirable thing into your life. Let's put it this way: "Having received (or receiving) such-and-such." See the difference? Now you don't lament what you don't have. Now you are broadcasting the confidence that you are getting what you want. And the Universe will answer you: “Yes, you get it!”, backing it up with appropriate actions. :))

And what to do with the second part of the statement? And here one truly will help us Magic word! It's the word "More"! Look at what a phrase with this word looks like - “I become EVEN happier!” Do you feel? That is, with this phrase you are asserting not only that getting what you want brings you happiness, but also that you are happy in principle. After all, if you become “even happier”, then before that you already had some level of happiness, which increased when you got what you wanted. :))

And here's what our new phrase will look like. “Receiving this and that, I become even happier (more joyful, enjoy life even more, etc.)” Agree, this is no longer a dreary sigh about the unrealizable, but at least an excellent

But back to our theme of enjoying life.

“Well, what can you enjoy in ordinary life?” someone will ask. Isn't there more than enough to enjoy? Full! Only people, immersed in their problems, run and run somewhere, not noticing the great variety of opportunities to experience pleasure.

Pleasure can (and should) be obtained from the most ordinary things! And as often as possible! After all, while having fun, you broadcast to the world: “I feel good!”. The world agrees: “You feel good!”, accepts this statement as a call to action and begins to do everything to make it come true in your reality.

But in order to enjoy everyday things and actions, you need to be in a state, stop rushing somewhere and shift your focus of attention to what you are actually doing at the moment.

There was a case in my life not very long ago. Just shortly before that, I read about enjoying simple things and decided to try it for myself. And then I had a free minute at work and I decided to drink tea. There really was very little time, just enough to slowly drink a cup of tea and run to work on. Usually, when I drink tea, I read something at the same time. And I hardly notice the taste of tea and what I drink it with. But then I remembered my intention to have fun and put everything aside. I decided to fully follow the well-known slogan “And let the whole world wait!” :)) And focused on my feelings. She took a bite of a piece of gingerbread with cherry jam. God, what a treat! The icing on the gingerbread gently crunched, breaking, and melted in the mouth with a light sweetness. The crumbly dough was fresh and tasty. And cherry jam added its original touch of taste to this whole bouquet of sensations! That's how many of these gingerbread I have eaten in my life, but I have never felt their taste like this consciously and did not enjoy it, as they say, "from and to"! And then the turn came sip of tea. I took a cup and inhaled the wonderful scent of jasmine (I love jasmine green tea). I lingered my attention on this amazing fragrance. The smell of summer. Sun, warmth, blooming jasmine... Beautiful, romantic, magical. The slightly tart taste of tea, mixed with the aroma of jasmine, gave pleasure. And how could I not notice before how nice it is?! SUCH pleasure, as from that cup of tea, I did not receive from any tea party, even with the most exquisite teas and with the most delicious cakes! And all because it was in that cup of tea that one very important ingredient was present. Which? Awareness! :))

That's it, my friends! You can enjoy life every day, regardless of the weather, external conditions and having a million dollars, an island and a yacht! Be happy with everything you have right now. Enjoy it. And give thanks for all of this. Believe me, in this way you will not only live every day, experiencing a lot of pleasure, but also help to ensure that there are more and more of them in your life!

Each of us CHOOSE how to relate to what is in his life right now. One will choose to suffer because he does not have enough money to buy a Bentley. And the other will choose to be happy and enjoy the fact that he has money to buy a chocolate bar! Which of these two will get more buzz from life - the suffering “rich man” or the enjoying “poor man”? I take these words in quotation marks, because for some time now the understanding has come that these concepts are not only measured by money! :))

I really like one wisdom: “Never tell God that you are living a bad life. God will say: “Yes, you still don’t know what is bad! I'll show you this!" And it will show... Better tell God that you live well. God will say: “Yes, you still don’t know what good is! I'll show you!" And it will show!!!"

I wish you, my friends, to find many reasons for joy in your life every day! And enjoy as much as possible! In general, enjoy life!

Your Catherine :)

To set the mood! :))

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“... I was a little over forty when I found out that the usual question “What are you doing now?” you can answer: "Osim Chaim." "Enjoy life." For the first time I heard this expression here, in Israel. Its literal translation is “we make life”.

City cafe. Noon. An elderly couple is sitting at the next table. He and she. Not husband and wife, no. More like old acquaintances or friends.

They talk casually, flirt a little, drink coffee. Suddenly it's heard phone call. Someone on the other end of the line asks him, "What are you doing?" And he: "Osim haim." I'm enjoying life.

I don’t solve problems, I don’t earn money, I don’t look for answers to questions, I don’t set goals and achieve them, I don’t lose weight, in the end, no! I just enjoy life.

This play on words literally bewitched me, and I realized that I also want to learn this “oshimu”.

The first lesson was taught to me by the owner of the pet store, when I ran to him in the early morning for dog food. He had already opened his shop, but had not yet had time to wake up, so he slowly laid out his goods. Following a Moscow habit developed over the years, I began to explain that I needed it quickly and urgently.

To this, the owner of the shop took out a small rabbit from the cage and placed it in my hands. At that moment, I realized: so that's what you are - osim haim!

Time has stopped for me. I wanted to iron a fluffy warm lump for hours. And look, look spellbound at the unhurried work of the seller.

Then there were many other lessons, each of which brought me happiness.

For example, today I know exactly where the most delicious coffee is made in Tel Aviv.
The most delicious it is not because of the taste, no. It's just that such a bright audience gathers in this place with such amazing dogs! Watching this world while slowly drinking coffee is osim haim for me.

Or. I never knew that feeding a horse was a thrill. Tactile, soulful. Since childhood, I was afraid to approach them. But in Israel, at the stable, the mistress of beautiful horses with a smile suggested that I try to overcome fear by holding out an apple to the horse.

And so, opening wide a huge mouth with excellent teeth, he or she stretched out her muzzle to my trembling hand and very gently, only with wet lips and a warm, rough tongue, licked an apple from the palm of her hand. At this point, my words ended.

But the most important lesson I learned was Osim Chaim two years ago on the road.
It happened at the very moment when I covered my daughter with my body. Sonya and I were driving home in a car and heard a siren. It was the summer of 2014, there was Operation Protective Edge, and we came under rocket fire.

Following the instructions, I turned off the car, got the baby out of the car seat, laid her on the road and covered her with me. I still clearly remember the blast wave from the downed rocket that swept through my body, and the whisper of my daughter: “Mom, you are going to crush me now.” So tightly I "covered" her.

After this incident, the world around me played with completely different colors. And I finally truly understood what osim haim means: “enjoy life here and now!”

Wealth is not about what coat you wear, what car you drive, and what a cool phone you have in your hands! Wealth is living parents healthy children, reliable friends and a strong shoulder of a loved one!

If you are able to see, walk, talk, love and get out of bed every morning - you are a fabulously rich person!

Complaining about life, think about those who left it early.
Complaining about your husband, imagine how many girls dream of getting married.
Complaining about their naughty children, think of those who pray to God every day for their appearance. Apperciate things which you have.

There are three traps that steal joy and peace: regret for the past, worry for the future, and ingratitude for the present.

Throughout my life, I have always been afraid of losing the people I love. Sometimes I wonder if there is anyone who is just as afraid of losing me?

If you manage to find someone with whom you can hug and close your eyes to the whole world, you are in luck!!!

Sometimes miracles are so tiny that people just don't notice them.

People are strange creatures. They do bad things to each other, and ask God for forgiveness.

We are born with a cry, we die with a groan. It remains only to live with laughter (Victor Hugo)

They say that in order to enjoy life, you need to have a special mindset, perceive the world in a positive way and thank heaven for every day you live. Since most of us simply do not have the free time to go somewhere to the temple on the top of the mountain to find bliss, the best way to be happy is to make practical, everyday changes. If you understand that it is worth appreciating the people who surround you, and you can take the time to do what you love, then you will soon feel how happiness and satisfaction with life are born bit by bit from pleasant little things.


Improving emotional health

    Get a pet. Pets are an inexhaustible source of love, communication and entertainment. In addition, pet owners are in good health, because thanks to their smaller brothers, the risk of cardiovascular diseases and development of hypertension. Moreover, having a pet contributes to the acquisition of excellent qualities, such as empathy and the ability to care for others. A special bond develops between the owner and the pet, which only grows stronger over the years.

    • Adopt a pet from a local shelter. Thanks to this, you will be able to establish a warm connection with him.
  1. Develop an interest in music. Music develops imagination and a sense of self, raises self-esteem and helps in the fight against loneliness. Music opens up great possibilities for us. Insert a disc with your favorite songs into the player, turn up the volume, and let nothing distract you from enjoying music. Thanks to this, you will be able to experience the full power of music.

    Start the day with a smile. Our face is the mirror of the soul. Facial expression reveals internal state soul or the content of our thoughts. Moreover, it is capable influence to our mood. Therefore, be sure to smile, thanks to which you will have good mood. Greet yourself with a smile as you look at your reflection in the mirror. Your happy face can charge you with positive for the whole day.

    Take a break. This does not mean that you have to sit in front of a TV screen or hang out on the World Wide Web. It means putting things aside and doing something special. Take yourself a little vacation, change the scenery, even if it's just a picnic in the yard or building a fortress in the living room with your children. Take a break from the usual routine of your life and allow yourself, even for a short time, to break away from your work schedule. You will notice changes in your mood and sense of humor. In addition, a door with new opportunities will open in front of you.

    Spend time with interesting people. People who have many friends live longer. As you know, "with whom you will lead - from that you will type." Therefore, friends have a huge influence on our behavior. Communicate with positive, interesting people, thanks to which your life will become brighter and richer.

    • Do you keep putting off meeting an old friend? Call him today! If you can't reach him by phone, take some time to write him an email or a letter.
    • Are you tired of an unhealthy relationship with your friend? If you turn a blind eye to it bad behavior It won't do you or him any good. Therefore, try to weigh the pros and cons and decide whether it is worth trying to talk honestly with a friend, or is it better to simply stop communicating with him.
    • Do you find it difficult to meet new people? Get out of your comfort zone, walk around new places, start conversations with strangers, discuss your new hobby, or even join a group of people whose interests are similar to yours.
  2. Learn to manage stress if you can't remove stressors from your life. Think about whether you can remove the source of stress from your life? If yes, then take action! Very often, the cause of stress is related to our work, money or family. Of course, it is not easy to change jobs, but you can learn how to manage stress if it is associated with it.

    Learn new things. Receipt higher education will increase your self-esteem and interest in life. However, this is not the only way get to know the world around you. Reading, traveling, engaging workshops, interesting lectures, and meeting people from other cultures can also teach us something new. Or take online courses that will help you deepen your knowledge and hone your skills in your free time. After all, instead of giving up the opportunity to get new experience, accumulate it and expand your horizons. Remember, we have one life, and we need to live it interesting and fun.

    Find a hobby. Whether it's stamp collecting or kickboxing, the most important thing is that the hobby should be a source of joy and inspiration. You should not subordinate your life to a monotonous daily routine, spontaneity and surprise will bring bright colors to it. Do what you love to do because you enjoy doing it and because it helps you stay afloat. Do not devote time to your favorite pastime just because others do it or in order to meet generally accepted social standards.

    Read good books. Of course, it is very easy to sit on the sofa in front of the TV screen in the evening. However, in this case, you will only be a passive observer, your imagination will not work, and when you turn off the TV, you will feel tired, as if you were a zombie, not a person. Choose a book that you enjoy reading. If you don't really like to read, try to approach this activity outside the box, perhaps you should look for special literature that will relate to your hobby: if you are into baseball, read Bill Wick's autobiography; if you are a biker, pick up the appropriate literature.

    • Write down phrases that reflect your inner world. When you sit down to read, pick up not only a book, but also a notebook in which you will write down expressions that inspire you. After a while, you will accumulate a whole host of different phrases that will help you go towards your goals.
  3. Practice meditation. Meditation reduces stress levels and helps you calm down. Dedicate a few minutes a day to meditation, thanks to this you will be able to relax and feel inner harmony. During meditation, watch your posture, and also make sure that nothing distracts you.

Improving physical health

    Strengthen immune system. Nobody feels happy when they are sick. Take a multivitamin, which includes vitamins C, E and A, selenium and beta-carotene, and this will positively affect the functioning of the immune system.

    • A strong immune system allows you to respond more effectively to stress or physical illness. Besides, physical exercise, rest, and a healthy diet are essential for strengthening immunity.
  1. Get exercise. Exercising stimulates the release of endorphins, the so-called happiness hormones. Regular exercise not only helps fight depression, anxiety and feelings of loneliness, but also strengthens the immune system. Even ordinary walking is directly related to the production of the optimal amount of antibodies to protect our body from various ailments.

    Get enough sleep. Sleep has an impact on health, stress resistance, weight and overall quality of life. Moreover, during sleep, the body produces cells that fight infection, inflammation, and stress. This means that lack of sleep increases the risk of various diseases and increases recovery time after illness.

    Eat right. It's no secret to anyone that healthy food(free of preservatives and colorants) is important to maintain good health. In addition, cooking with fresh ingredients can give you an emotional charge: the dishes smell delicious and look appetizing. When you become an experienced cook, you will enjoy the process of cooking and be distracted from the daily hustle and bustle. In addition to the health benefits, cooking at home can save you a lot of money. If you are just taking your first steps in cooking, start with simple proven recipes that will not discourage you from cooking. If possible, do not cook with processed food products. This is very important if you want to be healthy and happy.

  • Despite the fact that these tips are based on scientific theories about happiness, remember that the ability to enjoy life depends on ourselves. Happiness cannot be measured by anything, because everyone has their own idea of ​​it. In other words, everyone is the blacksmith of their own happiness, which means that it is up to you to be happy or not to be.
  • Experiences are a useless waste of strength and energy. Instead of killing yourself and worrying, do something useful. If you are so exhausted that you have absolutely no desire to do anything, rest or take a nap, and with renewed vigor begin to solve your problems. You will feel much better when you fix the situation, rather than sitting and feeling sorry for yourself.
  • Use your imagination every day. Learn to think creatively and have fun doing it.
  • Look around you! If you do not feel pleasure from life, try to get rid of the negativity that may be present in it. Focus on what you love and also on the people who care about you.


  • There is no single recipe for happiness. Read articles and improve. But you should not take everything that is written in them as the truth. If some of the tips did not help you, you should not engage in self-flagellation. Instead, find an alternative solution to your problems that works for you.