Online courses in English. New trend in education. Free online courses in English, programming, marketing, design and many other disciplines. Online schools and services

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English is a discipline that is beyond age restrictions. It's never too late to learn English, just like to love.

According to the EF EPI 2016 study, Russia ranks 34th (out of 72 countries) in terms of English language proficiency. This position is by no means honorable, especially considering the fact that sociologists have long established a direct relationship: the higher the level of English proficiency, the higher the level of income. We know a few more reasons to enroll in English courses:

    • English is the language of world communications, business and technology..
    • One and a half billion people in the world speak English, and another 2 billion study it.
    • More than 70 percent of modern companies specify knowledge as a prerequisite for hiring in English at a level not lower than average (and this percentage will grow every year)..
    • Without knowing English, it is impossible to receive a grant to study at a foreign university, go abroad as a volunteer, or take part in an international conference.
    • The opinion that the English language (especially in comparison with Russian) is extremely simple and lexically poor is a myth. The English language has the most words (about 800,000) and the richest synonymic series.

Online English courses, developed by the best TutorOnline teachers, are designed for various target groups. You can learn a language from scratch, prepare for the State Examination or Unified State Exam, master professional vocabulary, train colloquial etc. Any of your tasks will be solved within a clearly defined time frame, and therefore you will be able to monitor your progress.

The courses involve comprehensive training, combining both theoretical and practical parts of training. Even before the start of classes, you will be able to familiarize yourself with curriculum, thematic plan, teaching methods, pass testing to determine the current level of knowledge. During the lessons, the tutor will adjust the program in accordance with individual characteristics student.

And if you still have doubts in the spirit - “Do I even need this?!”, we will give the most romantic reason to do right choice. English - official language sky! Pilots on international flights speak only English. So, floating in the clouds with a certificate from TutorOnline courses is much more enjoyable and safer.

Today, a person who does not know English loses a lot of opportunities in life and will generally feel uncomfortable. Learning can often be boring and difficult, but we have selected resources for you that will help you improve your English on your own and at ease.

Here you can complete tasks that will be checked by native speakers. You will also be able to meet and communicate with people from anywhere globe, thereby deepening your knowledge.

By the way, on this site you can learn not only English, but also many other languages.

An excellent portal for learning English. You can read articles, listen to music and watch TV series, learning the language in this way. Then you will have to complete tasks that will help you reinforce the words you have learned.

This service will help you learn individual words. A huge advantage of the site is that it contains mobile version. With this resource you can create your own dictionaries and expand your lexicon.

If you decide to learn English, then you can’t go without grammar. This service will help you master the structural nuances of sentences with enough interesting tasks. It contains a lot of topics with detailed explanations and exercises.

An English-language chatroulette in which the interlocutor is selected randomly. Here you can not only improve your language skills, but also find new interesting friends.

This service will help improve your writing. Here you can write texts, and a native speaker will read it, correct and explain errors. An excellent resource for those who want to speak a foreign language correctly.

Another one social network oriented towards learning foreign languages. Here you can communicate with people from different countries, get acquainted and improve your knowledge. The resource provides the opportunity to communicate with speakers of more than 100 languages.

Another social network that will help you learn a language. There is one nuance here - many indicate several native languages ​​if they believe that they can speak it well enough. But this does not exclude the possibility that they make mistakes. Therefore, think about it if a person has marked several languages ​​as native ones. Maybe he's just interested in them

An excellent site where you can learn phrases and look at the ones you already know in a new way. The emphasis is on phrases because they are the basis of your communication in the language. This service will help you improve your English communication skills.

This is probably the most serious resource with a lot of materials, lesson plans, assignments and much more. Here you can even prepare for TOEFL and IELTS, which, you see, is quite good.

A service for learning American English, where you can improve your knowledge by viewing various world news on a wide variety of topics. This way you can improve your language skills and learn last news peace.

An affordable and simple service that even provides crosswords, games and quizzes for learning English. Almost all materials can be printed. The sheer number of exercises makes this resource incredibly useful.

We wish you success in learning foreign languages, and in particular English. By the way, reading books and watching films in a foreign language is great way improve your knowledge.

Are you looking for free online courses English language, programming, marketing, design, other areas of knowledge directly from the best teachers of the most famous universities in the world? Especially for you - a selection of the most famous and popular FREE online courses in the world with training in Russian and English.

Free online courses are a new trend of the 21st century in education!

We live in a wonderful time when... get a profession or a new one interesting job, no need to study 5-6 years at the institute. There are many resources where you can gain knowledge in the field of foreign languages, design, programming, etc. from teachers of the best universities in the world completely free of charge.

Thanks to new knowledge, you can discover many new opportunities!

Set a goal and finally learn English or learn to program. Or become a professional photographer or psychologist. There are free online educational courses for this!
Other useful articles?
  • Duolingo official website — learn languages ​​(English, Spanish, French and German) with online service Duolingo is absolutely free! And it’s not boring, every lesson has game elements.

One of the biggest advantages of the modern Internet is sites for learning English online. There are a lot of such resources, and it is very difficult for a novice applicant for a truly useful service to figure out which resource will actually help in learning the language, and which will only take up time and, possibly, money. Therefore, we have prepared for you a review of the 10 best websites of our time for learning English.

Online schools and services

Some language sites provide more than just highly specialized features and offer A complex approach to study foreign language. A novice user can be trained on such a resource with a basic level of knowledge of English and end up speaking fluent English, including using special terminology.

1. Online school LinguaLeo

One such site is the popular LinguaLeo. Ours showed that it is not for nothing that this resource is so in demand among beginners and those continuing to learn English. Here the user receives information in a playful way with the help of a personal dictionary, practical tasks, thematic sets of phrases and training. This makes the learning process interesting and the material is easy to remember.

LinguaLeo allows you to study according to individual program(paid) or master the material in a chaotic manner, using the free capabilities of the resource. Here a large number of materials, audio, video, courses on any topic that allow you to train listening, reading, writing and speaking in English. The most convenient thing is that you can learn a language anytime, anywhere, since the service provides the opportunity to use not only a computer, but also a tablet or phone.

2. BBC Learning English

A popular section of the Russian service of the famous BBC channel. Only the most interesting, funny, educational articles, the latest news, interviews with stars. Here you will find tests for those who learn the language online, articles about English for all occasions.

BBC Learning English content is updated daily. On the site you can download language podcasts, programs for your phone, computer, tablet, educational games, video and audio courses. And also a bank of useful knowledge for everyone.

Any user can ask a question of interest to the site team or leave feedback about the work of the resource. You will be amazed at the abundance of free, high-quality information for learning British English. Learn a modern, living language with the BBC.

3. Skyeng

Skyeng online school experts help those students who have tried in vain to learn English on their own. Purposeful people of all ages come to the school’s website to learn English efficiently and quickly with tutors via Skype, but alas, not for free. This is a fast and proven method that will lead you directly to your goal.

Skyeng teachers have tutors with courses that are suitable for both beginners and advanced students so that they can achieve high quality new level language proficiency. You'll learn at your own pace through a variety of practice tasks, and after a while you'll feel more confident in understanding and speaking English.

Online lessons with tutors via Skype help improve your speaking skills. You need this site if your pronunciation is lame, if you haven’t learned to speak English, you don’t have enough practice, you need an experienced mentor, and also, it’s time for you to start learning English with a teacher.

4. Theory and practice with Puzzle English

This service offers many audio and video files, a variety of games, grammar and practical exercises For self-study English The review demonstrated that this site is suitable for users with any level of English proficiency, but it is better when the student has at least basic knowledge, since the capabilities of Puzzle English are aimed at constant practice.

To do this, the student can choose a convenient type of work and train in the perception of correct English speech by ear, active replenishment of vocabulary, and in constructing phrases and sentences from words (puzzles). The main emphasis of the site is on practicing listening skills with the help of TV series, educational and entertaining videos. Grammar skills are also worked on, but little attention is paid to speaking practice.

5. English via Skype with EnglishDom

Another online school, Englishdom, specializes in individual and group English lessons via Skype. The review revealed many paid and free opportunities for those who want to learn a foreign language. However, the main focus of this site is individual lessons with a tutor using Skype, and as an addition, group lessons, webinars, training and online courses are offered.

The main advantage of the EnglishDom website is that each student, in addition to the teacher, is assigned a personal curator who monitors the entire learning process and controls both the teacher and the student. The school's programs are very diverse, but people come here mainly to improve their spoken English through lessons with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker, other students in a speaking club.

6. Ororo tv - English through TV series

This is another useful site designed to train your listening comprehension of English speech and actively expand your vocabulary. A review of Ororo tv showed that this service will really appeal to those who like to watch movies, TV series, various entertainment shows, and educational programs. Each user can use the site's features for free, but limited time, a paid subscription removes all restrictions.

Ororo TV contains the best series and TV shows in the original language. And by choosing the country of production, you can train your listening comprehension and reproduction of a particular pronunciation. Each video clip, be it a serial film or a humorous show, contains captions that can be configured into several languages ​​at once. Any word can be translated and added to your personal dictionary for further study.

Language social networks

One of the significant opportunities of the Internet in the process of learning English is the potential for communication with English-speaking foreigners. To learn to speak English, regular speaking practice is very important. Just knowing grammar and having a large vocabulary is not enough. Therefore, language social networks were created to practice a foreign language and develop communication skills.

7. Italki is the largest language service

Aitoki is an international language social network designed to find simple partners for practice and qualified tutors who will professionally coach in the development of speaking and pronunciation skills. A review of Italki showed that you can communicate with ordinary users completely free of charge in the service itself or via Skype, if your partner agrees to communicate. You can choose from 3,500,000 registered users from all over the world.

You can only use the services of professional teachers for a fee. Classes cost from $3 with a Russian-speaking teacher and from $7 with a native speaker. The cost of a lesson also depends on the course - German for work in Germany, business English, Japanese IT vocabulary, etc. More than 5,000 foreign language tutors with different work experience, qualifications and specializations are registered on Italki. You can find a teacher of even a rare language.

8. Interpals - a site for learning and flirting

This is the oldest language social network, which is probably why users from initial goal— improvement of language skills, moved on to finding partners for romantic relationships. But there are also many users here who use the site to practice communication skills. In Interpals, like in any other social network, you can set an avatar, rate and comment on photos of other users, chat, participate in discussions, etc.

You can find interlocutors from 154 countries, which is more than a hundred foreign languages. For those who like to flirt with foreigners, the search menu provides a “Romance / Flirting” filter. And those who want to use the service exclusively for language practice can set up privacy by adding users of a certain gender, place of residence and age to the “Black List”.

9. Speaky - a service for correspondence and learning

Language social network Speaky with a lively and vibrant design. You can put your photo on the avatar in the profile. A big plus is the presence of a filter that allows you to separate the search for native speakers and non-native speakers. Spica also has an app for mobile phone to communicate anywhere, but in this version the chat functionality is limited - you cannot send pictures, photos or voice messages.

Conversations on Speaky are available only in the format of text correspondence; as a rule, for live communication, interlocutors exchange contacts and call on Skype. But the main advantage of this site is the ability to edit each other's messages. That is, you write a message to your interlocutor, he reads it and corrects mistakes, if any. The correct version is highlighted green, and the incorrect option is colored red.

10. HelloLingo - a site for communicating with foreigners

This is a convenient and useful service for honing your conversational skills with native speakers. Here you can easily find a partner with whom to communicate in English or another foreign language. HelloLingo is designed both for quick and short communication, for which a chat system has been created with a random interlocutor, and for long-term language contact with foreigners.

The communication system is implemented in two formats - text correspondence and voice chat, however, before moving on to a live conversation with the interlocutor, you first need to contact him and get approval. You can't call right away. At the same time, unlike other social networks, HelloLingo does not encourage communication for the purpose of dating for further pastime, so here your photo is not needed in the profile.

In addition to websites for learning English, there are also convenient mobile applications that cannot be ignored in our review.

Mobile applications for language practice

Tandem for communication practice

Quite a popular application for communicating with foreigners. But, like Interpals, Tandem began to look a lot like a dating site. Here you can also fill out a questionnaire with photos, indicate your interests, level of language proficiency, goals, look at the pages of other users, leave feedback, etc. However, Tandem does not openly encourage communication for romantic purposes, and not for language practice.

This application positions itself for search:

  • partners for language practice;
  • professional tutors.

However, if it is convenient to find interlocutors for communicating in a foreign language, then the second service is not popular among users, because there are many other sites for this with a large selection, more low prices. In addition, studying English over the phone, for example, is not very convenient.

HelloTalk with editing capabilities

HelloTalk is another one mobile app, which, like Speaky, provides the ability to correct text. But the good thing about HelloTalk is that it has more useful functions: translator, saving, moving words to a notepad, convenient search for partners to develop speaking skills, ability to send voice messages, emoticons and photos in text chat.

In addition, there are more users here aimed specifically at speaking practice than, for example, Tandem. When registering, you need to enter a nickname, indicate your native language and the one you would like to study, and your level of knowledge of a foreign language. The communication itself is free, the number of words for translation in the free version is limited, additional translation must be paid for. The application is constantly updated and new features appear.

Even the busiest person can afford to study English online. With its help you can study anywhere in the world and at any time. In addition, if you do not like the trial lesson, you can quickly find another school and meet another teacher. Needless to say, it will take much less time than if you attended regular English language schools? we already wrote. Now we want to tell you about the best schools that specialize in online learning.

Modern online school with 7 years of teaching experience. The school's teaching staff numbers 200 people, and each candidate goes through a multi-stage selection process before becoming part of the team. Inglex selects a teacher individually for each student, and offers not just one, but several free introductory lessons, so that the match in the “teacher-student” pair is one hundred percent. Missed lessons can be easily made up without losing money. 1 lesson lasts 45 or 60 minutes, native speakers available.

School programs Cost of 1 lesson School website
  • General English
  • Business English
  • Speaking practice
  • Preparation for international exams
  • Preparation for the Unified State Exam
  • Preparing for an interview
  • For traveling
  • Phonetics course
from 650 rub.