Cataract phacoemulsification surgery with intraocular lens implantation. Phacoemulsification of cataracts: what is the essence of the operation. The essence of the phacoemulsification method

Cataracts are a widespread disease that affects the organs of vision mainly in old age. During this disease, there is clouding of the lens of the eye, which can ultimately lead to blindness. Cataracts can develop due to eye injuries, as well as diabetes. This condition requires mandatory correction. The most popular method of eliminating the disease is phacoemulsification of cataracts.

Phacoemulsification is the removal of cataracts through microsurgery. During the operation, the nucleus of the lens is destroyed using a specially designed needle - a phaco tip, which produces high-frequency vibrations. The advantages of this method include:

  • low probability of complications (2 percent of cases out of a hundred);
  • minor main incision (2.2 mm);
  • shortened rehabilitation period;
  • local anesthesia;
  • absence of seams in most cases;
  • effectiveness at any stage of cataract development.

The undoubted advantage of phacoemulsification is the absence of severe pain in the patient. In some cases, patients complain of a feeling of some tension or slight pressure in the eye.

During the intervention, the crushed lens is removed from the eye, and in its place the surgeon implants an intraocular lens (IOL). In everyday life, an IOL is also called an artificial lens.

Types and features of IOLs

The intraocular lens is made of plastic and consists of an optical part that fulfills the main purpose of the artificial lens, as well as elements for attaching it to the eye.

There are several types of intraocular lenses depending on the degree and specificity of the visual impairment. The main types of IOLs include the following:

  • Monofocal IOL. This type of lens is considered the simplest and most common. This artificial lens allows you to clearly see objects in the distance, which is typical for presbyopia, or age-related farsightedness. However, a plastic lens, unlike its own lens, lacks the ability to accommodate, so patients additionally have to wear glasses.

Note: the development of American scientists called CRISTALENS IOL is an accommodating monofocal IOL. It changes its position in the eye in a special way, returning the patient sharp vision from any distance. This type of lens has not been tested in Russia.

  • Multifocal IOL. This type of lens is a unique innovative development. With the help of these implants, the patient has the opportunity to see equally well both near and far, and therefore he will no longer need glasses. However, you should be prepared for the fact that the contrast of vision will decrease, as well as the ability to see in low light conditions.
  • There is another type of intraocular lens available in the world - the aspherical IOL. It is precisely designed to additionally solve the problem of insufficient contrast sensitivity of vision, allowing the patient to return long-forgotten sensations with a young lens in the eye. In Russia, this type of implant has also not yet been tested.

Indications for surgery

Among the indications for performing FEK surgery with IOL implantation, the following should be highlighted:

  • age-related cataracts, both mature and immature;
  • lens;
  • clouding of the lens resulting from diseases of the retina;
  • abnormal fusion of the lens and anterior hyaloid membrane in predominantly young patients;
  • cataract acquired as a result of injury or burn to the eye.

Contraindications for surgery

Among the contraindications to cataract phacoemulsification with IOL implantation are the following:

  • narrow pupil, the diameter of which does not exceed 6 mm;
  • brown, or;
  • membranous cataract;
  • diabetes;
  • small anterior chamber syndrome;
  • epithelial or map-like corneal dystrophy;
  • subluxation of the lens in a patient over 25 years of age;
  • infectious eye diseases in the acute stage;
  • increased intraocular or intracranial pressure;
  • ectopia of the lens: its luxation or subluxation.

Important! The presented list of indications and contraindications is conditional. An accurate conclusion about the need and possibility of microsurgical intervention must be made by an ophthalmologist based on the patient’s existing complaints and symptoms of the disease.

Progress of the operation

In preparation for phacoemulsification, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination by a doctor. The patient undergoes a complete and detailed examination of the visual organs, and is also prescribed a special A-scan, during which the parameters of the lens for the upcoming replacement are determined. Additionally, the ophthalmologist selects the eye drops that will be required before the operation.

The operation itself is performed in several stages:

  1. Anesthesia. Two types of anesthesia are offered depending on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body: instillation of anesthetic drops or injections of a drug to immobilize the extraocular muscles. A combination of both options is allowed.
  2. Micro-incision of the eye. It is performed by a surgeon to access the clouded lens. There is a possibility of small additional cuts if necessary.
  3. Introduction of viscoelastic. This substance protects the structures of the eye from high-frequency vibrations of the phaco-tip needle.
    Crushing the lens using ultrasound and its subsequent removal. This procedure is carried out using a special device - a phacoemulsifier.
  4. Implantation of an IOL into the capsular bag. The intraocular lens is inserted into the eye through the main incision using an injector.

The operation takes no more than an hour. Due to the tightness of the microincision, suturing the cornea after phacoemulsification is not required in most cases, and the patient is discharged home on the same day. A special bandage is applied to the eyes, which can only be removed with the doctor’s permission. Sometimes you may need to wear it at night.

Rehabilitation and restrictions

The recovery period after microsurgical intervention is on average a month. During this period, the patient should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • undergo regular examination by an ophthalmologist;
  • rinse the organs of vision with a specially prescribed solution;
  • take antibiotics, which may also be prescribed after surgery;
  • avoid swimming in open water to avoid infection of the intervention area;
  • limit the concept of gravity;
  • avoid active physical activity;
  • wear sunglasses with a UV filter outdoors;
  • Do not drive until you have received permission from an ophthalmologist.

This is a modern surgical operation to remove cataracts, which is the most gentle, low-traumatic and reliable method of restoring vision in case of opacities of the eye lens. The operation phacoemulsification of cataracts allows using a special needle (phaco tip) to destroy the nucleus of the lens and aspirate it through a self-sealing incision 1.8 - 2.2 mm long.

Currently, phacoemulsification of cataracts with IOL implantation is recognized, according to the results of studies by the World Health Organization (WHO), as the most reliable and most effective method of treating cataracts. An undoubted advantage is the possibility of performing phacoemulsification surgery with IOL implantation at any stage of cataract, as soon as the patient noted the appearance of visual discomfort that reduces the quality of life.

Ultrasound phacoemulsification of cataracts

During the phacoemulsification operation, the lens nucleus is crushed using ultrasonic vibrations of the phaco tip to form an emulsion, which is simultaneously aspirated from the eye through a special self-sealing “puncture” 1.8 - 2.2 mm long. During phacoemulsification, only the cloudy lens is destroyed; all other intraocular structures are protected from mechanical and ultrasound effects using special viscoelastic drugs - viscoelastics.

In place of the removed lens, a soft artificial lens (intraocular lens) folded into a “tube” is inserted using an injector. The intraocular lens (IOL) expands independently in the lens bag, occupying a natural position inside the eye.

Implantation of an IOL allows not only to restore vision lost due to illness, but also to compensate for the patient’s nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism.

After IOL implantation, the viscoelastic is washed out of the eye, and the surgical incision after surgery does not require sutures and heals on its own within the first week after surgery.

Ultrasound phacoemulsification

Phacoemulsification cataract surgery at the Clinic named after. Fedorov

The modern surgical system CONSTELLATION® Vision System manufactured by Alcon (USA), used in our clinic, allows phacoemulsification of cataracts with varying degrees of density of the lens nucleus and stage of cataract, including complicated forms of mature and overmature cataracts.

The operation of phacoemulsification of cataract with IOL implantation at the “Eye Microsurgery. Clinic named after Svyatoslav Fedorov” is performed on an outpatient basis, the so-called “one-day hospital”, under local anesthesia, absolutely painless for the patient, which is well tolerated by very elderly patients. The duration of the operation is 15-20 minutes. The patient begins to see well immediately after surgery, but maximum visual acuity will gradually be restored over the next two weeks. 1-2 hours after phacoemulsification, the patient, as a rule, can be discharged from the hospital home.

Phacoemulsification. IOL implanted

Ultrasound phacoemulsification of cataracts with IOL implantation not only minimizes the risk of intraoperative and postoperative complications, but also reduces the patient’s postoperative rehabilitation period to 7-10 days, without further limiting the patient’s physical and visual activity, allowing the patient to return to their normal lifestyle almost the next day after surgery. .

Cost of phacoemulsification for cataracts

The price of an ultrasound phacoemulsification cataract operation with IOL implantation in eye clinics in Moscow starts from 20-25 thousand rubles per eye and depends, first of all, on the model of the implanted artificial lens. Each operation option differs in the category of complexity of the surgical intervention performed, which affects the price of phacoemulsification. Also, the final cost of phacoemulsification is influenced by the qualifications of the surgeon and the operating equipment used.

For example, in our clinic the cost of ultrasound phacoemulsification with implantation of a modern IOL made in the USA is 55-75 thousand rubles per eye. The final price is determined after a face-to-face consultation with a specialist and depends on the specific model of the lens being installed and the condition of the patient’s eye.

It is important that our clinic operates a social support program for privileged categories of citizens with the assistance of the Moscow Government. You can read more about this.

Cataract phacoemulsification surgery with IOL implantation is a gentle and effective method in which the affected lens is replaced with an intraocular lens. As a result of the operation, performed seamlessly (as opposed to cataract extraction through large incisions), vision is completely restored, there is no need to limit yourself afterwards.

Indications for phacoemulsification surgery

Ultrasound phacoemulsification of cataracts can be performed at any stage of the disease, without waiting for the cataract to mature. Today, this operation is officially recognized as the only one that can completely restore the patient’s vision. The use of the method has no restrictions on the age of patients.

Preparatory stage

When conducting an examination, you need to accurately answer the doctor’s questions about past diseases, allergies, and the presence of chronic diseases.
Before phacoemulsification cataract surgery, the patient must undergo a full examination and take the following tests:
1. Blood type, Rh factor
2. General blood test
3. General urine test
4. Glycosylated hemoglobin (only for patients with type I and II diabetes)
5. Biochemical blood test: total protein –. Urea, creatinine. K, Na – Blood sugar – Bilirubin (by fractions)
6. Blood clotting time: (Duke or Sukharev) or coagulogram
7. HIV, RW, HbS, HCV (have your PASSPORT with you)
8. ECG
9. Chest X-ray (fluorogram)
10. Consultations with a therapist, otolaryngologist, dentist. For diabetes and thyroid diseases, consultation with an endocrinologist is mandatory!
11. If you are constantly being monitored by specialists of a narrow profile (neurologist, dermatologist, etc.), consultation with an appropriate specialist is necessary.

Any source of infection must be eliminated, as it may have a negative impact on the course of the postoperative period.
A thorough examination by an ophthalmologist and anesthesiologist is required.

Progress of cataract phacoemulsification surgery

Phacoemulsification of cataracts with IOL implantation involves removing the clouded substance of the lens using ultrasound and installing a flexible lens in its place, which is securely fixed and provides optical function. The patient returns home the same day.
The operation is carried out in stages.
  • A small incision (microaccess) is made in the cornea, through which all manipulations are carried out.
  • A special microsurgical device - a phacoemulsifier - turns the natural lens into an emulsion and removes it outside the eye.
  • A new, artificial, folded intraocular lens is inserted into the capsule where the lens was previously located. After insertion, it unfolds and locks.
Subsequently, the micro-access is eliminated - it seals itself.

Scheme of cataract phacoemulsification surgery

1. The lens is broken into small pieces and removed
2. An artificial lens is placed

Benefits of Ultrasound Phacoemulsification for Cataracts

  • The patient gets rid of cataracts.
  • Vision is restored as much as possible, taking into account the condition of the eye structures.
  • The operation is performed without hospitalization, in one day.
  • The patient does not require care - there is no loss of independence.
  • Vision is restored immediately, and the maximum effect of the operation appears after a few days.
  • The rehabilitation period is minimal.
  • In the future, no restrictions are required - neither physical nor visual.
  • Local anesthesia is used, which is well tolerated by patients of any age.
  • Ultrasound phacoemulsification of cataracts can be performed for lens opacification at any stage of the disease, including the earliest.
  • The IOL models used can eliminate astigmatism, farsightedness or myopia, if they existed before the onset of the disease.


Phacoemulsification cataract surgery cannot be performed if:
  • The patient experiences an exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • The patient is in serious condition;
  • In the area of ​​the eyelids and eyes there is an inflammatory process or there is an oncological disease;
  • The patient has a mental disorder.
In some cases, phacoemulsification is not recommended if the patient has other eye diseases, as there is a risk of not obtaining the desired result.
In any case, each specific case requires careful consideration and.

Possible complications after phacoemulsification

Surgery will cause some discomfort in the area being operated on. Pain in the eye and surrounding tissues may occur.
After surgery, you should visit your ophthalmologist regularly to prevent possible complications.
By following simple rules and using prescribed medications, you can avoid discomfort in the operated area and complications.

Recovery period

Vision returns immediately after cataract phacoemulsification. After two hours, the patient goes home and comes for an examination the next day. An examination is carried out by a surgeon and anti-inflammatory drops are prescribed, which are used according to a regimen for up to 1 month. Further recovery is carried out at home.
After cataract phacoemulsification, the patient’s normal rhythm of life does not change. There are no restrictions on visual loads; you can watch TV, read, or work on the computer. In this case, you cannot:
  • Give large visual loads during the first two weeks;
  • Physically influence the operated eye - rub it or press it;
  • Lift weights;
  • Fall asleep lying on the side of the operated eye;
  • Use decorative cosmetics;
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol.
It is important to stick to your diet - exclude heavy and spicy foods, and use eye drops prescribed by your doctor during the recovery period.
Phacoemulsification of cataracts with IOL implantation can be done in Moscow, at the New Look ophthalmology clinic. The price of the operation includes all necessary materials and services; the exact cost can be found by calling the numbers listed on the website or directly during a consultation with an ophthalmologist.

The only reliable, painless and effective modern method of treating cataracts is phacoemulsification surgery with implantation of an artificial lens (abbreviated FEC). This is the operation that is offered to patients with cataracts by leading eye clinics and is the “gold standard” of modern medicine in the treatment of cataracts.

Today, in order to remove a cataract, it no longer requires its “maturation”, which is accompanied by a steady decrease in vision. After all, the process of “maturation” can take up to 10 years or more, so a person sometimes left his job because of this disease, could no longer drive a car, and experienced noticeable inconvenience in low light. The entire measured way of life was disrupted. Now, it is possible to remove cataracts at the earliest stages of the disease.

Stages of cataract phacoemulsification

When performing an operation, the surgeon performs the following manipulations:

  • Using a diamond instrument, the ophthalmologist makes a micro-incision up to 2.5 mm through which all further manipulations are performed;
  • Using a cannula, viscoelastic is introduced into the anterior chamber of the eye - a certain substance to protect the internal structures of the eye from mechanical and ultrasonic influence, allowing the surgeon to freely perform all necessary manipulations during the operation;
  • Through a micro-incision, the ophthalmologist inserts a medical probe, which, using ultrasound, emulsifies the cataract-affected lens;
  • A flexible intraocular lens is inserted into the lens chamber through a micro-incision, which, when folded, unfolds in the eye on its own, securely fixing itself. Now this lens will perform the functions of a natural lens;
  • Upon completion of the operation, all viscoelastic is washed out of the anterior chamber of the eye with an irrigating solution.

Modern ophthalmic surgery with small incisions is characterized by phacoemulsification of cataracts without suturing, since the microincision performed is self-sealing. In the future, this allows the patient not to limit physical or visual activity. Good vision returns to the patient immediately after the operation, and maximum vision is restored within a week.

Cataract surgeries are performed in clinics on an outpatient basis, without hospitalization. This is a rather complex microsurgical intervention, but all stages are ensured by the use of modern technologies and materials.

Video of ultrasound phacoemulsification of cataracts

Complications of the operation

Cataract surgery is recognized by the World Health Organization as the only fully rehabilitative operation among all surgical interventions. However, like any medical procedure, it may have its complications, which occur only in a small percentage of cases (no more than 0.5%). These include:

  • Infectious complications (usually due to the patient’s failure to comply with personal hygiene measures and the prescribed drip regimen)
  • Postoperative corneal edema
  • Dislocation (displacement) of the artificial lens
  • Secondary cataract (opacification of the posterior capsule of the lens)

These complications can be treated fairly quickly and effectively (mainly with medication). Their absence is guaranteed not only by the high qualifications of the surgeon, but, first of all, by the behavior of the patient himself after the operation.

Prices for phacoemulsification

The cost of ultrasonic cataract removal surgery can vary significantly in cities in the Russian Federation and abroad. The figure is influenced by the level of the clinic and surgeon, the condition of the patient’s eyes (prices may be increased in complex cases), etc. On average, it ranges from 25,000 rubles in the regions of Russia and about 40,000 rubles in Moscow. However, the cost of an artificial lens (IOL) is not taken into account here.

You can find out more about the cost of cataract surgery (various methods) in Moscow and other cities in Russia and the CIS in the PRICES section.

One of the leading ophthalmological centers in Moscow where all modern methods of surgical treatment of cataracts are available. The latest equipment and recognized specialists are a guarantee of high results.

"MNTK named after Svyatoslav Fedorov"- a large ophthalmological complex "Eye Mycosurgery" with 10 branches in various cities of the Russian Federation, founded by Svyatoslav Nikolaevich Fedorov. Over the years of its work, more than 5 million people have received assistance.

The most reliable, effective, safe and least traumatic method of treating the organs of the visual apparatus with cataract disease is phacoemulsification of cataracts with implantation of intraocular lenses.

Phacoemulsification of a cataract is the process of removing the lens body from the eyeball, followed by its replacement with an implantable artificial intraocular lens.

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The reliability and advantages of the operation over other types of surgical intervention are represented by the following factors:

  1. Almost all types of cataracts are removed.
  2. Thanks to scientific and technological progress in ophthalmological practice, a large number of different equipment has appeared that help in treating patients.
  3. The operation is outpatient. This advantage is also explained by scientific and technological progress.
  4. New materials are also emerging that are used to create implants and are widely used in ophthalmic surgery. Because of this, the operation takes place in a short period of time, usually about half an hour, after which the operated patient can immediately go home.
  5. The operation is painless and does not require stitches. The lens of the eye has no nerve endings, and therefore no pain is felt.
  6. Phacoemulsification cataract surgery most often occurs under local anesthesia. In addition, lens removal is possible with minimal incisions, which allows it to be performed without subsequent sutures.
  7. Healing occurs on its own.
  8. High rate of restoration of visual health. In the postoperative period, the patient’s vision returns in a fairly short period of time.
  9. Maximum performance. The advantage is characterized by a correctly selected artificial lens and high quality of the operation performed by the surgeon using a phacoemulsifier. Fulfillment of these requirements guarantees maximum improvement in visual acuity.
  10. High degree of visual acuity in the eyes after surgery. A person regains good vision by replacing the natural but infected lens with an artificial analogue. The main features of artificial crystal bodies are excellent color rendering and contrast properties.
  11. The minimum number of restrictions for the operation. To prevent a person from undergoing this operation, there are only a few contraindicating factors, the main one being fairly old age. There are no more restrictions on surgical intervention.
  12. Short-term rehabilitation. The postoperative rehabilitation period ends after a week, a maximum of ten days. After this, a person can calmly begin working, observing only some restrictions expressed in the use of eye drops.

Phacoemulsification of cataracts is considered one of the safest types of surgery.

General steps of the operation

Let's look at the operation process:

  • The basis of the operation is the removal of the cloudy lens affected by cataracts and replacement with an artificial analogue. To do this, the doctor makes the smallest possible incision, which does not exceed a couple of millimeters.
  • Next, the lens, complicated by pathology, is crushed using ultrasound or laser without violating the integrity of the capsule, and after that all particles are removed, or rather sucked out from the eyeball.
  • The next step in the surgical process is the introduction of an unexpanded intraocular lens, simulating a natural lens. It unfolds independently inside the eye and makes it possible to completely restore the health of the visual organs. Each lens made from artificial materials is selected only after a detailed individual examination of the patient before surgery.
  • Subsequently, no stitches are applied, since due to the minimal incision it closes itself.

The rehabilitation period is only a few days. A person completely restores his visual system without further restrictions.

If we consider this operation step by step, we can distinguish several stages:

  1. Stage 1 – Piercing and sucking out the natural clouded lens;
  2. Stage 2 – Implantation of a flexible artificial lens;
  3. Stage 3 - Independently occupying the intraocular lens in the eye cavity, as well as sealing the incision without sutures.

The cataract removal procedure itself takes place in a specially designated operating room, under sterile conditions and lasts no more than half an hour. After the pupils are dilated due to the instillation of medications into the eyes, the person undergoing surgery is given local anesthesia. If a patient has both eyes affected by the disease, his vision between the two operations will be unbalanced.

This method of vision restoration is also used in conjunction with other surgical operations, for example, to correct vision for astigmatism.

Intraocular lenses

As mentioned earlier, during phacoemulsification, any type of intraocular lens is implanted. At the moment, a large number of such lenses are known that help solve almost all problems with the organs of the visual apparatus. The main ones are:

  • Monofocal;
  • Accommodating;
  • Multifocal;
  • Aspherical;
  • Toric.

Monofocal lens

This type of lens is the most commonly used in a large number of surgical procedures. The main advantage of the lens is that after its implantation, the patient’s visual acuity, intended for viewing distant objects, increases significantly. But there is also a minus. The problem is that, when solving the problem of being able to look into the distance, a person has to wear either glasses or contact lenses as an additional correction for viewing nearby objects. In addition, a pattern will be the appearance of astigmatic points, causing distortion of the visible image.

Accommodating lens

It is used in a surgical operation at the request of a person who refuses to wear glasses or contact lenses when working with nearby objects (computer, books, etc.).
As a result of the operation, the patient's visual acuity improves both at a distance and at close range. That is, the ability of accommodation characteristic of a young age is imitated. This is the best option for people whose lifestyle involves large amounts of visual work.

Multifocal lens

This type of artificial implant allows a person to view objects around him from any distance, from a few millimeters to a couple of kilometers. The operating principle of these lenses is very similar to that used in multifocal glasses or contact lenses. A multifocal intraocular lens is a good option for solving eye health problems expressed as presbyopia.

Aspherical lens

A common option used by surgeons in foreign countries. Reviews from people undergoing surgery show that they compare their vision and its acuity to that of an eagle or falcon. This manifests itself in high quality vision, as well as increased contrast sensitivity. This corrective implantable device is recommended for people aged forty years or more.

Toric lens

The best option for correcting astigmatism. The effectiveness of lenses is expressed in the ability to rid a person of visual pathology reaching twelve diopters. Manufacturing is carried out strictly according to the individual characteristics of the eyes, where it will be introduced in the future. The main disadvantage of toric lenses is that they are quite expensive and take a long time to produce; approximately, it takes at least two months to produce lenses.

Today, such surgical operations are divided into two types depending on the method of influencing the cause of the pathology:

On the right you see a thumbnail that compares two types of phacoemulsification (ultrasound and laser). We recommend clicking on the picture and studying it.

Ultrasound phacoemulsification of cataracts

  1. In the case of ultrasonic phacoemulsification of cataracts, the operation is performed using a diamond device to cut the cornea of ​​the eye.
  2. Next, the doctor injects viscoelastic - a substance that protects the internal structures that are inside the eye cavity during surgery from the effects of ultrasonic waves.
  3. After this, through an incision in the cornea, the surgeon inserts a probe designed to change the state of the affected lens from a solid phase to an emulsion.
  4. Next, an intraocular lens is introduced, and after the main part of the process is completed, the viscoelastic is washed out with an irrigating solution.

At the moment, there are several types of ultrasound used during surgery. Torsion ultrasound is considered the most effective and safest. By using this type of ultrasonic waves, the time of phacoemulsification is reduced and the safety of phacoemulsification increases compared to those used traditionally.

The advantage of this method is that the destruction of the affected lens occurs gradually, the entire operation process takes place using needle movements that are oscillatory in nature. At the same time, the feeling when introducing a new lens is relatively pleasant.

Laser phacoemulsification of cataracts

This method of treating the visual organs for cataracts is considered the most progressive and high-tech. It is often used in ophthalmological practice worldwide.

The operation uses a femtosecond laser, the beam of which is focused at different depths. Accuracy – several microns. When exposed to the eye, a layer of microbubbles is formed, stratifying the tissue. Thus, cutting is replaced by delamination of the cornea.

The main distinguishing feature of an operation using a laser from an ultrasound one is the method of creating access to the internal structures of the eyes, the lens, and in addition, the process of determining the crystalline body. They happen without contact.

The process of the operation itself is also different:

  1. Before the surgical process, optical coherence tomography is performed to measure the parameters of the visual organs. Using this, they calculate and create an operation plan.
  2. During the operation itself, using a femosecond laser, access to the eye cavity is formed. All microprocesses are recorded by a camera and displayed in three-dimensional mode.
  3. The laser stratifies the lens, destroying it circularly or in sectors. The result is a hole with absolutely precise centering and smooth edges. In the future, the use of the laser is stopped. The operation process continues according to the scenario of ultrasound phacoemulsification of cataracts.

The main advantage of this method is the ability to operate on patients for whom the ultrasound method is prohibited.

Persons who have:

  • A 50 percent decrease in visual acuity was detected;
  • There are shining halos surrounding objects in the field of view;
  • Double vision;
  • “Floaters”, “fog” and various spots appear before the eyes periodically.

Complications after surgery

Like any operation related to the human visual apparatus, there may be some complications after phacoemulsification, although they occur only in extreme cases.

After the operation the following were observed:

  • Postoperative induced astigmatism;
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Cloudiness of the inner wall of the lens;
  • Corneal edema;
  • Cystoid macular edema;
  • lacrimation;
  • Redness;
  • Slight fluctuation in visual acuity.

Most often, such complications weaken and completely disappear within a month. However, if they do not stop during this period, then it is necessary to consult a doctor.

The listed complications account for only 1% of the total number of operated patients. Also, when removing cataracts using this method, you should pay attention to people suffering from uveitis and diabetes. To correct complications, it will be necessary to wear glasses or contact lenses, and it is possible to undergo surgery to restore refraction.


The operation is prohibited in the following cases:

  • Oncological diseases;
  • Psychological disorders;
  • Degenerative diseases of the central nervous system;
  • Blood diseases;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding periods;
  • Diseases of the circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, and nervous systems.

Phacoemulsification is the most reliable method currently available for cataract removal. In case of infection with pathology of the visual organs, this is the best option for vision rehabilitation.