Pros and cons of brushing teeth using the Air Flow method. Air Flow: teeth whitening or brushing

Modern life It is so stormy and fleeting that sometimes there is not even enough time to devote the proper time to carrying out high-quality oral hygiene. Do you know what negative consequences this leads to? First, plaque accumulates in hard-to-reach areas, then tartar forms on the teeth, which leads to damage to tooth enamel - caries, pulpitis, and so on.

That is why every year we develop innovative methods cleaning oral cavity, and one of the most successful and available ways is ultrasonic teeth cleaning.

What is Air Flow

Air Flow, like ultrasonic teeth cleaning, is a professional hygiene procedure. The main indication for its implementation is the presence of a soft pigmented plaque. Ultrasonic tooth brushing- this is one of the varieties professional cleaning, which preserves the health of your teeth and the whole body as a whole. If bleeding gums cause you discomfort, discomfort in the mouth or bad breath, then you can safely report the presence of tartar in the mouth. According to dentists, every adult should undergo an annual procedure to remove tartar from their teeth.

As practice shows, tartar appears precisely in those places where a toothbrush is unable to remove plaque; in this case, ultrasonic cleaning comes to the rescue. Distinctive features ultrasonic teeth cleaning is that the procedure is painless and does not damage tooth enamel, because does not involve mechanical impact and is highly efficient. Tartar removal occurs quickly and efficiently. Based on clinical observations, we can conclude that it is tartar that is often the cause of the development of caries, and, consequently, many other dental diseases.

Air Flow: mechanism of action

During the procedure, a finely dispersed mixture of water, air and sodium bicarbonate is applied to the surface of the teeth under high pressure ( baking soda). Solid particles are spherical in shape. Thanks to this, cleaning does not have an abrasive, but a polishing effect. Air Flow allows you to clean not only the front surface of the teeth, but also hard-to-reach areas and interdental spaces. The presence of veneers, lumineers, or crowns in the patient’s oral cavity is not an obstacle to the procedure. These designs are also easy to clean using Air Flow.

Before professional teeth cleaning, it is necessary to remove all inflammatory processes occurring in the oral cavity. Caries and gum disease are definitely cured. Immediately before the procedure, Vaseline is applied to the patient’s lips to avoid drying out their surface. A saliva ejector is placed in the oral cavity. The device nozzle is placed 3-5 mm from the tooth at an angle of 30-60 degrees. Using circular movements, the dentist cleans the teeth, avoiding impact on adjacent soft fabrics. The waste mixture is collected using a dental vacuum cleaner. The entire Air Flow cleaning procedure takes about 30 minutes. After cleaning, you must refrain from eating foods that have coloring for several hours. The natural organic film covering the tooth is removed during the procedure, making the teeth more susceptible to the effects of various pigments.

Cleaning the oral cavity with ultrasound in a clinical setting includes several stages: treatment of the root canals, removal of plaque and tartar even in the most inaccessible places, rinsing the oral cavity and polishing the tooth enamel. Many experts believe that in order to achieve positive effect from performing any manipulations in the oral cavity, it is advisable to start with ultrasonic cleaning. As practice shows, ultrasonic teeth cleaning, the cost of which differs depending on each feature and scope of work, is an effective procedure.

According to the recommendations of dentists, it is good to combine ultrasonic teeth cleaning with the home method of using an air flow device for removing plaque. Air flow - ultrasonic toothbrush at home. Newest method air flow is a jet method of cleaning teeth and the oral cavity with an alkaline solution; the strong pressure of the solution washes even the most inaccessible places and removes stones from teeth at home. It is worth noting that air flow is also used to clean tooth enamel and the oral cavity and by dentists in conditions medical institutions. This method has proven itself to be effective and accessible as an individual hygiene product. Dental hygiene should be observed from childhood, because effective hygiene is the key to health!

Advantages of the Air Flow method

1. Light whitening. The procedure has not only a cleansing effect, but also a whitening effect. Removing plaque and pigmentation allows you to return the enamel to its natural shade. As a rule, after brushing, teeth look 1-2 shades lighter. Air Flow is a natural whitening solution that, in many cases, avoids a more intensive and expensive procedure.

2. Security. The mixture of water, air and cleaning powder does not damage the enamel and adjacent tissues. There is no intervention into the internal structures of the tooth. Compared to other dental procedures, Air Flow has very few contraindications. Obstacles to its implementation are dental hyperesthesia, bronchial asthma and allergies to citrus fruits (natural lemon essence is used during the procedure).

3. Painlessness. During cleaning, the dentist directs the nozzle of the device only to hard tooth tissues that are not sensitive. The surface of the gums is not affected. Painful sensations There is no Air Flow during the procedure.

Air Flow cleaning – price

The network of dental clinics "Denta-El" offers affordable prices for wide range hygiene procedures. Air Flow and ultrasonic teeth cleaning are quite inexpensive. Since the main abrasive in the Air Flow method is ordinary soda, the professional cleaning procedure never causes the development of allergic reactions. This dental hygiene allows you to achieve maximum result. As mentioned above, the Air Flow device not only removes soft plaque, but also eliminates dark spots on the enamel.

In this regard, the Air Flow method is sometimes credited with whitening properties. In fact, the teeth brushing method does not lighten tooth enamel, but only returns it to its natural color, which is usually a little yellowish or grayish. However, for many people, returning their teeth to their natural color is a completely sufficient result of teeth whitening, which is why the Air Flow device can be positioned as a whitening device.

Hygiene and prevention
Service Price
Removing dental plaque from one tooth 80
Coating one tooth with protective varnish 80
Coating one tooth with “Seal & Protect”, deep fluoridation 200
"AIR-FLOW" method (one jaw) 1600
Whitening "Discus Dental" (ZOOM) 19500
Whitening "Discus Dental" (two weeks) 15500
Chemical whitening of a non-vital tooth (one visit) 1200
Remineralizing therapy 3000
Manufacturing of mouth guards for whitening and remineralizing therapy 1500
Selective grinding in the area of ​​one tooth 250
Electrocoagulation of the gums 350
Rubber curtain application 500
Installation of a temporary retainer made of light-curing material 3500
Intramuscular/intravenous injection 500
Jewelry for 1 tooth (SKYSE) 1500
Preventive sealing of fissures of one tooth (non-invasive method) 1500
Preventive filling of one tooth (non-invasive method) 1700
Polishing of teeth surfaces by Prof. pastes 70
Whitening "YOTUEL" 9700
Whitening "KLOX" 17000
Oral hygiene training 150
Treatment with splint therapy 17000
Professional dental hygiene Clinpro™ 7000
Covering a defect with Clinpro™ XT Varnish in the area of ​​one tooth 900
Remineralizing Therapy Clinpro™ White Varnish 3000
Taking a two-layer impression from one jaw 1200
Taking a simple impression of one jaw 800

A person’s external attractiveness is emphasized not only by well-groomed skin and beautiful makeup, but also by a snow-white smile. Unfortunately, in order to attract attention and listen to rave reviews, just toothpaste and a brush are not enough. Professional whitening teeth are quite expensive and not everyone can afford it. Today, the way out of the situation may be the Air Flow cleaning procedure, which can be done in the same way as in the government medical institution, and in a private clinic.

Procedure technology

Air Flow cleaning does not require special professional equipment. The procedure involves removing plaque using ordinary air, water and soda, which clean the teeth under the influence of high pressure. Calcium crystals can be used as an abrasive substance to gently clean the enamel. But in this case, the cost of the procedure will increase.

Whitening stages:

  1. Preparatory. The patient is wearing safety glasses and a cap. The surface of the lips is lubricated with Vaseline, and a saliva ejector is installed in the sublingual area.
  2. Cleaning enamel. The tip of the device is directed at the surface of the teeth at a certain angle, with the help of which plaque is removed in a circular motion. There is no direct contact of this device with the teeth. The reading takes place at some distance. The process itself is carried out under the influence of powerful pressure, which can be adjusted depending on the contamination of the enamel.
  3. Removing cleared plaque. This procedure is performed with a special dental vacuum cleaner.
  4. The final stage. Cleaned tooth enamel is coated with a special protective compound.

You can use the Air Flow whitening procedure on teeth with artificial components. After it is carried out, all pathogenic plaque and pigment spots are removed from the tooth surface.

Benefits of Air Flow Cleaning

The main advantage of the procedure is its painlessness. Other benefits of Air Flow whitening include:

In addition to all of the above, Air Flow teeth cleaning is a good prevention of caries And various diseases periodontal

Indications and contraindications

Due to smoking and frequent consumption of coffee, tea, and red wine, a persistent and unsightly plaque appears on tooth enamel. You can remove it using Air Flow cleaning. The procedure is also indicated in other cases:

  1. At chronic inflammation dental pockets.
  2. For the prevention of periodontal disease and periodontitis.
  3. To remove pathogenic bacteria from hard-to-reach places during the treatment of orthodontic diseases.
  4. When using braces, implants, dentures and other restorative elements.
  5. As a preparatory procedure if professional whitening is planned.

Even though Air Flow is a delicate cleaning, it is not shown to all categories of citizens. The procedure cannot be performed with the following diseases and states:

Because during bleaching the protective film has been removed, which recovers within several hours, is not recommended for some time after the procedure:

  • smoke;
  • drink coffee and tea;
  • eat coloring foods (beets).

The old toothbrush still contains bacteria, so after cleaning it will need to be replaced with a new one. Experts recommend teeth whitening using the A ir F low procedure at least once a year.

Teeth whitening Air Flow – reviews

I work as a dental assistant, so I know first-hand about teeth cleaning. I use the AirFlow procedure every six months. And this is very important for everyone, since coffee, tea and smoking negatively affect the color of tooth enamel. Chemical bleaching is not performed in our clinic as a matter of principle, as it damages the enamel. But before this procedure you need to remove stones and plaque from your teeth, this is what patients come to us for. Many of them no longer agree to whitening after Air Flow. They are quite satisfied with this cleaning result.

Svetlana, Russia

Yesterday I went to the dentist, who cleaned my teeth. I mentally prepared for this for quite a long time, as I read a lot of negative reviews. I needed cleaning because I need to get braces. Before this, the teeth must be cleaned of plaque and stones. At 25 years old, I have fairly clean teeth. There is only a small plaque inside, but no one sees it. I finally chose a clinic that suited my price, and for the first time in my life I went to the dentist. I was very afraid, remembering reviews about how someone’s gums were torn, and that after the procedure their teeth ached.

However, I was very pleased with the result! At the very beginning, the attentive doctor told me everything and warned me about possible unpleasant sensations. During the procedure, she asked if I was in pain and how I was feeling? When they sat me in a chair, they first smeared my lips with some kind of cream, put on glasses and silicone sponges. The sound during bleaching is as if they are drilling with a machine. At the same time, there are no unpleasant sensations. It was a little painful in the most sensitive and hard-to-reach places. My biggest fear was that my gums would hurt during the procedure. This did not happen.

The worst part was cleaning between the teeth. After whitening all my teeth polished with a machine and treated with fluorine. After that, I waited a little for it to dry and went home joyfully. Days passed, but nothing negative consequences I never felt it. Only my teeth became even cleaner and my smile whiter.

I decided to whiten my teeth for my wedding and chose Air Flow cleaning. Having already made an appointment with the doctor, I came across negative reviews about her, but still decided to go. Moreover, the doctor advised me so well and answered all my questions that I, without a doubt, went for the procedure. According to the doctor, my plaque forms due to the fact that I drink a lot of coffee and my saliva is very thick.

The procedure consisted of two stages and took an hour. The dentist had to try hard because there were a lot of stones on my teeth. I felt almost no pain at all. Everything turned out to be tolerable, although my pain threshold is low. The doctor took breaks in the most painful areas and supported me throughout the procedure. Before cleaning, they smeared my mouth with Vaseline, and put a cap, a cape, glasses and a napkin on my face. The doctor herself and her assistant were all sterile. After the procedure, the gums were smeared with a special medicine, and the enamel was coated with fluoride. At first, my gums bled and hurt, but then everything went away.

Zinaida, Moscow

I really like the Air Flow procedure. With its help you can restore tooth enamel natural color in just 45 minutes. After it, pebbles and spots remain a thing of the past, and the teeth become light and smooth. During the procedure itself, everything is tolerable and almost painless. Although, of course, it’s not pleasant enough. For the first time in the clinic, my teeth were cleaned when Air Flow was unheard of. And I liked the effect of this procedure. Compared to regular brushing, after such whitening, tooth enamel becomes smoother.

However, there are also negative aspects. This procedure is advertised as a whitening procedure. It's really just cleaning and polishing with a laser. The sensitivity of teeth after brushing is very annoying, and it increases significantly. They promise a long-lasting whitening effect, but teeth begin to stain after just a couple of months. I have already did five Air Fiow procedures, after which I warn you in my review that you cannot brush your teeth more often than once every six months. Otherwise, tooth sensitivity will be impaired. Dentists should draw the attention of patients to this.


Before the wedding, my sister wanted to whiten her teeth so that she could sparkle with a snow-white smile at the celebration. She immediately refused chemical cleaning, and the choice fell on Air Fiow. There was little time left before the wedding, so she went for almost the first teeth whitening procedure that came across in an advertisement. The essence of the method turned out to be that teeth are simply cleaned using water and soda mixed with air. My sister went for the procedure three days in a row, where she was cleaned for 20 minutes. According to her, the sensations are not very pleasant, especially when the jet touches the gums.

To prevent staining of her teeth, my sister was forbidden to smoke, drink coffee, tea, and eat beets and anything that stains. My teeth really became smooth and white. But all the fun ended there. My gums hurt for 10 days after the procedure, including at the wedding. Therefore, throughout the celebration, my sister ate little. The teeth reacted to hot, cold and even sour. This reaction happened because in 3 procedures the enamel has become much thinner. It turns out that my sister has such tooth enamel that such cleaning is contraindicated for her.

And it became even more offensive when literally two weeks later the teeth quickly began to darken again. In my review, I want to warn everyone that before you start whitening your teeth, even at home, first consult with an experienced specialist.

Nina, Russia

During my next visit to my dentist, I was advised to have my teeth cleaned of plaque and tartar. I trust the doctor and agreed to the procedure easily. They put glasses on me, a hat, and an apron. All this is necessary to prevent small particles from getting into your eyes and hair. So that the lips do not interfere, in the mouth inserted a special device. During the process, using a special device, the teeth were cleaned with water and something similar to sand. The dental assistant made sure that liquid did not run down my chin.

Each tooth is cleaned separately. The whole procedure took 30 minutes. I liked her very much. I didn’t feel any pain or discomfort, although my teeth are quite sensitive. Looking in the mirror after the procedure, I was very pleased with the result. The teeth became lighter, and there was no plaque even between the teeth. The procedure is simply divine. After her not only beautiful teeth, but also fresh breath.

Marina, Nizhny Novgorod

Teeth brushing with the air flow system is an effective, painless method of ideally cleaning the dentition from various contaminants. After treatment, soft plaque and food particles accumulated in hard-to-reach places, including under bridges and braces, disappear.

The innovative technique does not cause discomfort, takes little time, and does not harm the oral cavity. The cost is reasonable for most patients. Find out more about the popular Air flow procedure.

general information

The hygienic procedure involves deep cleansing of each unit of the dentition. A unique feature of this technology is perfect removal tiny particles from the most inconvenient places where there is not enough Toothbrush or a brush. After the procedure, the surface is so clean that better side enamel color changes: upper layer

slightly white. The innovative technique has long been used in European countries

. The technology is recommended not only for preventive cleansing of enamel every six months, but also without fail before prosthetics or tooth root removal. The hygienic procedure prevents the inflammatory process of periodontal tissues and, dental canals

minimizes the risk of implant rejection and accumulation of pus under the filling.

Features of the technology Air flow teeth cleaning is carried out using a device from the Swiss company EMS. The name Air Flow translates as "».

air flow

  • The essence of the method: under balanced pressure, the teeth are treated with a special. Composition of the cleaning agent: oxygen flow plus sodium bicarbonate;
  • the product is supplied through a special tip. Unnecessary substances exfoliated from the enamel are removed using dental devices that suck up plaque and pieces of food;
  • when processed gently but thoroughly, the composition cleans every millimeter of the surface and removes harmful deposits;
  • The stone cannot be used for cleaning teeth: all deposits that have not yet hardened are removed;
  • crystalline powder does not harm enamel due to minimum size particles;
  • after treatment, there is no accumulation of plaque or food debris in the mouth that provokes an inflammatory process;
  • deep cleansing eliminates biofilms from pathogenic microorganisms, pathological granulations are removed from the periodontal pockets.

Don’t believe “specialists” who promise to clean teeth from tartar: ultrasonic teeth cleaning will help remove mineral deposits. Please pay attention to one more nuance: after treatment, the enamel becomes slightly lighter, but the Air Flow system cannot be called complete whitening. To lighten the top layer by 5, 6 or more tones, it is recommended in the clinic or special Cross 3D White strips for home use. (For more information about the properties and application of crest 3d white whitening strips, read the article).

Advantages of the technique

Positive points:

  • The cleanser does not harm the enamel and does not cause surface sensitivity;
  • a special solution painlessly and effectively removes soft plaque;
  • The cleanser is non-toxic;
  • excellent disinfection of the oral cavity;
  • slight lightening of enamel;
  • active removal of contaminants from bridges and braces;
  • Cleaning teeth with sufficient experience of the dentist takes no more than half an hour.

Indications for the procedure

Listen to your doctor's advice if a specialist recommends deep teeth cleaning in the following cases:

  • you smoke a lot and often;
  • Are you a fan of coffee, tea, or red wine?
  • you have dark spots on enamel, the shade has become dirty yellow or brownish;
  • you often use White bread, pasta, like buns, cakes, fatty, sweet food, which provokes the accumulation of soft plaque;
  • the dentist advises to thoroughly clean the oral cavity before prosthetics or root canal treatment;
  • the air flow procedure will prepare dental tissue for fluoridation: the adhesion of the solution to fluoride ions and perfectly clean enamel will be maximum;
  • you wear braces, crowns, bridges;
  • you know that you don’t always spend enough time on hygiene procedures.

Important! When wearing corrective structures, you cannot do without regular cleansing of hard-to-reach areas from time to time. The cost of the innovative technique is quite reasonable. The result will certainly please patients who are forced to spend a lot of time every day caring for braces or “bridges.”


The popular technique has several limitations:

  • advanced stage of caries;
  • noticeable thinning of the enamel, excessive sensitivity of the top layer;
  • severe inflammatory processes of the periodontium, mucous membrane, tongue;
  • reception medicines regulating water-salt metabolism;
  • renal pathologies;
  • allergic reactions;
  • pathologies of the upper respiratory tract ( Chronical bronchitis, asthma);
  • individual intolerance to the components of the cleaning solution.

During pregnancy and lactation, deep cleaning of dental tissue is not carried out. The procedure is painless, but temporary accumulation of plaque in the oral cavity and the use of a medicinal solution can negatively affect the health of the fetus.

Stages of air flow teeth cleaning

The technique is quite simple, but the enamel treatment must be performed by an experienced dentist. Violation of technology irritates the gum tissue and causes unpleasant sensations on the mucous membrane.

Description deep cleansing dentition using the air flow method:

  • conversation with the patient, identifying contraindications;
  • a story about the details of the procedure, examination, assessment of the condition of the oral cavity;
  • if severe pathologies of the teeth or mucous membranes are detected, the doctor will refer you for treatment of inflammatory processes;
  • if there are no restrictions, start the session;
  • to protect the eyes and hair, the doctor puts on the patient special glasses and a cap;
  • Vaseline is applied to the lips to avoid drying;
  • the therapeutic mixture is supplied to the tip through two channels: in one - a mixture of air and soda, in the other - water;
  • when mixing the components under pressure, the particles effectively and quickly clean each unit of the dentition;
  • The dentist holds the tip at a certain angle and carefully treats the teeth. The stream with the cleansing composition should not reach the delicate mucous membrane of the gums;
  • the doctor regulates the force of the abrasive mixture;
  • a special dental vacuum cleaner is used to remove liquid, unnecessary masses, and make the patient more comfortable;
  • After processing all units, the doctor coats the teeth with a special gel containing fluoride. The product protects the enamel and preserves the results of the procedure longer.

Important! Find a doctor who has sufficient experience using the Air Flow machine. Violation of the technique, incorrect angle of inclination of the special tip will reduce the effectiveness of the procedure. If the rules are grossly violated, there is a high probability of damage to delicate gum tissue.

Session cost

The cost of teeth cleaning is reasonable - about 1000 rubles per session. Often, for comprehensive care of teeth and gums, you have to spend 3–4 times more money. The reason is a combination of the air flow technique with ultrasonic teeth cleaning and polishing of the cleaned surface.

At integrated approach The dentist will remove not only soft plaque, but also mineralized tartar, polish the enamel, and cover the surface with a strengthening compound.

If we take into account the effect of hygiene procedures, then every 4–6 months it is advisable to carry out deep cleansing of the dentition.

Read here about the features of installing ceramic veneers on teeth.

Features of care

Treatment with a medicinal solution with an active cleansing effect temporarily deprives the tooth tissue of the thinnest organic film. Correct behavior after the session will preserve the results and health of the dentition units.

  • During the first 24 hours the following is prohibited:
  • drinks with coloring ingredients: tea, wine, soda, coffee, juices. You should not eat dishes with beets; eat bright berries;

cigarettes. Smoking will negate the dentist’s work.

  • Tips for caring for teeth and gums:
  • throw away the old brush: it contains harmful bacteria; buy good pasta with extracts medicinal herbs
  • , medicinal components, but without large abrasive particles;
  • supplement your care with regular use of a pharmaceutical rinse;
  • do not forget about chamomile decoction, aloe juice, which kills putrefactive bacteria;
  • try to forget about cigarettes or reduce their number. Completely quitting smoking will significantly reduce the amount of plaque and maintain a pleasant enamel color;

After deep cleansing of the surface of the teeth, do not skip the morning or evening hygienic brushing of teeth: the effect of using air flow technology will last longer. The next visit to the dentist is in six months.

If it seems to you that a lot of soft plaque has accumulated on the enamel, or that the dentition has lost its beauty, visit the doctor earlier, after 4 months. The absence of putrefactive bacteria is the key to oral health. It is unrealistic to completely get rid of microorganisms, but it is possible to reduce their number. Remove harmful plaque from teeth, and risk inflammatory diseases

Effective, painless cleaning of the dentition using innovative technology air flow is recommended by many dentists. The Air Flow technique has earned many positive reviews from doctors and patients.

Air flow teeth cleaning technology in the following video:

One of the important factors influencing the aesthetics and attractiveness of our smile is the color of our teeth. To maintain their whiteness and health, it is very important to carefully and properly care for them. And for this, toothpaste and brush alone are not enough.

Doctors recommend periodically performing professional teeth cleaning which is successfully performed in dental clinics. Mechanical cleaning already quite outdated. It has been replaced by more advanced Air Flow technology, which does not damage the enamel or injure the gums.

The result of the Air Flow cleaning procedure: before and after photos

Professional teeth cleaning Air Flow

The name of the device of the Swiss company EMS Air Flow (“Air Flow”) is translated from English as “air flow”. In modern dental practice, this very useful device is intended for removing from the surface of teeth (including artificial structures: crowns, veneers, dental implants) soft coating and pigmentation.

Principle hygienic cleaning Air Flow teeth treatment consists of softening plaque and removing it from the enamel surface.

The Air Flow system acts on plaque with a strong jet consisting of a special medicinal mixture based on abrasive, water and compressed air. This solution is supplied under pressure, thoroughly cleaning surface pigmentation and plaque in hard-to-reach areas of the oral cavity.

The abrasive base is sodium bicarbonate ( baking soda), therefore this procedure does not pose any danger to human health. The size of the soda crystals is too small to damage tooth enamel, but they are excellent at removing plaque.

Air Flow teeth cleaning system

Description of the ultrasonic cleaning procedure

  1. The patient must wear a special cap and safety glasses, place a saliva ejector under the tongue, and lubricate the lips with Vaseline to prevent them from drying out.
  2. The dentist points the tip of the Air Flow device at an angle of approximately 30-60 degrees to the teeth and, without touching the gums, brushes each tooth in a circular motion. The medicinal mixture is supplied through 2 channels of the tip: internal and external. Soda and air enter the tip through the internal channel, and water through the external channel. After combining all the components, a powerful stream of particles bursts out, which quickly and effectively cleans your teeth. The pressure force of the abrasive solution on the enamel is adjustable.
  3. The waste material is collected with a special dental vacuum cleaner.
  4. At the end of the cleaning, a special protective coating is applied to the tooth enamel, prolonging the effect of the procedure.

When cleaning with the Air Flow device, both dense dental plaque, soft subgingival plaque, and biofilms with harmful bacteria are removed. In addition, pigmented areas are cleaned, pathological granulations are removed from periodontal pockets, and the surface of the teeth is polished.

During the cleaning process, the organic film covering the tooth is lost, so the first couple of hours after the Air Flow procedure:

  • Smoking is not recommended;
  • You should refrain from drinking certain drinks: coffee, strong tea and colored carbonated drinks.

Depending on the condition of the periodontal tissues and the type of dental plaque, the frequency of visits to the hygienist for teeth cleaning varies from 3 to 6 months.

Benefits of Cleaning

The advantages of this method include:

  • The procedure for brushing teeth with the AirFlow device absolutely painless, therefore, during its implementation, patients do not feel physical discomfort.
  • The powder used in Air Flow whitening is fine and soft, which means it does not scratch enamel and does not disrupt its structure.
  • Cleaning is carried out under strictly limited pressure, therefore soft periodontal tissues are not damaged.
  • After professional cleaning, Air Flow occurs lightening the enamel by 1-2 tones, returning teeth to their natural whiteness.
  • The procedure is short in duration, requiring only one visit to the dentist and only 30-45 minutes time.
  • Unlike chemical methods whitening, cleaning using the Air Flow method causes less harm hard tissues tooth because does not break protein bonds. After such cleaning there is no need to carry out a course of remineralization.
  • After the procedure almost no increase in sensitivity to chemical, tactile and temperature stimuli.
  • This technology gives ability to clean hard-to-reach interdental spaces. Air Flow is the only suitable cleaning for those with crowns, braces and implants.
  • Due to the fact that the main abrasive substance in Air Flow technology is soda, this procedure never does not provoke the development of allergic reactions.
  • Brushing your teeth with an Air Flow device is excellent prevention development of caries and gum disease. Teeth are whitened by removing tartar, plaque, and harmful bacteria that cause many oral diseases.

Cleaning with the Air Flow system is especially effective at cleaning tartar: photos before and after the procedure


  1. Asthma and chronic bronchitis. For people suffering from these diseases, there is a risk of difficulty breathing during the procedure.
  2. Air Flow is contraindicated in patients suffering from intolerance to citrus smell and taste.
  3. Air Flow plaque removal will not benefit people on a salt-free diet because the abrasive contained in the solution contains salt.
  4. An obstacle to the use of this method is some periodontal diseases.
  5. Contraindications include thin enamel and increased tooth sensitivity.
  6. It is not recommended to use Air Flow technology for children, nursing mothers and pregnant women.

What to choose: whitening or Air Flow?

The Air Flow method is often credited with whitening properties. However, at its core, teeth cleaning using Air Flow technology is not true whitening, radically changing the color of teeth, but serves only as an additional hygiene procedure, returning natural color enamels.

Many people will have a question: what to choose: real teeth whitening or teeth cleaning? Air method Flow?

If you are satisfied with the natural color of your tooth enamel, then the Air Flow technique is great way transform and maintain oral hygiene.

If you are unhappy with your natural color, you can make your teeth truly snow-white by lightening them 7-10 shades. In this case, photo whitening, laser whitening or chemical teeth lightening is indicated.

Air Flow teeth cleaning can also be carried out as an additional method of polishing after ultrasonic whitening - this combination allows you to achieve even more best results. Ultrasonic enamel whitening can effectively remove hard stone and deposits on the gums, which cause the development of a number of health problems.

After using AirFlow, ultrasonic teeth cleaning and other technologies, your teeth will become smooth, clean and sparkling white.

Professional cleaning of the oral cavity, carried out by a qualified specialist, will create favorable conditions for maximum effective implementation daily hygiene procedures.


Sandblasting machine Air-Flow handy-2

tip for polishing and removing soft deposits

EMS reserves the right to change the technology, accessories, operating instructions or contents of the device due to technical or scientific improvements.


(1) Tip

(2) Charging chamber cover

(3) Housing

(4) Connector

(5) Powder discharge pipe

(6) Water drainage hole

(7) Connection

(8) Top ring

(9) Cover cap

(10) Charging chamber seal

(11) Charging chamber

(12) Rear tube

(13) Front tube

(14) Tip connector

(15) Large O-ring for tip connection

(16) Small O-ring for tip connection

(17) Needle pin

(18) Large cleaning needle

(19) Small cleaning needle

EMS supplies the devices with various accessories. The "Packaging List" indicates the exact contents of your device.


Thank you for purchasing your new EMS product. It corresponds to the most high standards quality and safety.

Mounted on the turbine connection of your dental unit, the AIR-FLOW ® handy 2+ air polisher works in conjunction with AIR-FLOW ® Prophylaxis Powder and 3M ESPE Clinpro TM Prophy Powder.

Holding the powder with the water jet allows you to direct the water jet with great precision, and thus makes the treatment enjoyable for your patient.

This device removes dental plaque, soft deposits and surface stains from crevices, grooves, interproximal spaces or smooth surfaces of teeth.

Removing plaque to place filling materials

Surface preparation before bonding/cementing dental fillings, onlays, crowns and outer layers

Surface preparation before applying composite restorative compounds

Effective plaque and stain removal for orthodontic patients

Cleaning before installing orthodontic braces

Cleaning the Implant Mandrel Before Loading

Removing stains to determine shade

Removing plaque before fluoride treatment

Removing plaque and stains before whitening


These operating instructions provide correct installation and use of this product.

Please read this instruction manual carefully as it explains the most important information and procedures. Please pay Special attention for precautionary measures.

Always keep these instructions at hand.

Please pay attention to the appropriate warnings and notes to avoid personal injury or property damage. They are marked as follows:


Risk of injury


Risk of property damage or environmental damage

Please pay attention

Useful Additional Information and advice




Water supply

P<= 0,7 бар (< 700 гПа)

Max. 40°C

Compressed air supply

Set the pressure of your installation to the maximum value allowed by your turbine, so that the operating pressure is between 3.5 and 4.5 bar (3500-4500 hPa).

Use only dry and clean air (no oil).

Checking the turbine connection

The device is equipped with an adapter specifically designed to connect to the turbine of your dental unit. Only use the device with this special turbine connection. Connecting to another type of turbine will damage it.

The turbine of your dental unit must not be under pressure when connecting the device. Do not turn on the turbine foot switch. If your turbine is equipped with a light, turn it off.

Make sure your turbine coupling's O-rings are in good condition. A turbine connection with O-rings in poor condition can damage the unit.

Connection to dental unit

The turbine connection and connector must be completely dry. Moisture on the connection may cause the unit's air/powder passages to become clogged.

Setting the water flow rate

It is easier to set the water flow rate before using the device for the first time when the charging chamber is empty.

Place the tip within 20 cm above the sink. Adjust the flow rate of water from your tip to achieve a uniform spray.

Filling the charging chamber

Do not keep the device under pressure while loading powder.

Make sure the charging chamber is completely dry. Moisture may cause the powder to caking.

Use only original EMS AIR-FLOW ® Prophylaxis powder or 3M ESPE Clinpro TM Prophy powder.

Do not exceed "max." size.

The tube openings should not be covered with powder. Blockage of the tubes may occur.

Closing the lid

Before screwing on the cap, clean the threads of the charging chamber.

Do not shake the device before starting treatment. Shaking the powder may clog the tubes.


Get familiar with using the device by cleaning a yellow coin or an extracted tooth.

You can modulate the result based on the adjustment:

Increasing air pressure increases the cleaning effect and reduces the polishing effect

Increasing the water flow rate increases the polishing effect and reduces the cleaning effect.


basic information

Contraindication: Under no circumstances should patients suffering from chronic bronchitis or asthma be treated with an air polishing device. The blast of air and powder may cause breathing difficulties.

Contraindication: Patients on a low-salt diet should not be treated with AIR-FLOW ® Prophylaxis Powder as it contains bicarbonate of soda. Use 3M ESPE Clinpro TM Prophy powder for patients who prefer low salt intake

In some cases, the lemon scent of EMS AIR-FLOW ® Prophylaxis powder may cause an allergic reaction. If patients are known to suffer from such reactions, use AIR-FLOW ® Prophylaxis Unscented Powder.

Do not direct the powder at fillings, crowns or bridges as this may damage the restored teeth.

EMS AIR-FLOW ® powder can only be used when applied subgingivally. For subgingival application, please use 3M ESPE Clinpro TM Prophy powder and pay attention to the instructions for use.

Wear a mask and eye protection

To prevent powder from getting into the eyes under contact lenses, the person wearing such lenses should remove them.

A spray of powder accidentally directed into the eye can cause serious eye injury. We strongly recommend that all relevant persons, such as the dentist, hygienist and patient, wear eye protection during treatment.

To limit the risk of bacterial and viral infections and inhalation of powder, we recommend that the dentist and hygienist wear a protective mask.

The patient's contact lenses or glasses may become dirty during treatment. We recommend removing them.

Rinsing the patient's mouth

Applying lip cream

Soft tissue protection

Rinsing the patient's mouth for at least 30 seconds with BacterX ® pro* solution will significantly inhibit bacterial growth during treatment.

Cotton wool stops salivation, separates lips and protects gums.

Installing a saliva ejector

Placement and use of the device

Position the pump so that it suctions from under the tongue.

Use the high-speed evacuator pump of your dental unit to remove any air/powder mixture diverted from the tooth being treated.

The same operator must always handle the device and the high-speed bilge pump. In this case, the high-speed bilge pump is positioned optimally in the direction of the nozzle.


Point the tip strictly directly to the tooth surface. Maintain a distance of 3 to 5 mm.

You can change the angle between the nozzle and the tooth from 30 to 60 degrees. The more developed the angle, the larger the cleaning area.

During treatment, direct the high-speed pump in the direction of the air/powder stream deflected by the tooth. The angle of reflection is identical to the angle of incidence.

The air/powder jet is powerful. It can harm the gums or cause emphysema due to air getting into soft tissue areas. It is strongly recommended that the operator never point the nozzle directly at the gum tissue or into the gingival sulcus.

Make small circular movements during treatment.

At the end of treatment, polish all gingival surfaces by setting the water flow to the maximum speed.

Precautions to be taken at the end of treatment

When you take your foot off the control pedal, the air/powder stream will continue for a few seconds.

You can finish the treatment with these seconds in mind.

Once the tip is in the patient's mouth, you can insert it into the high-speed suction pump. Give the device some time to release pressure without risking injury to the patient's mouth.

Application of fluoride

After completing the procedure, the patient can perform a final rinse.

After the procedure, virtually no mucin remains on the teeth. In this regard, topical use of fluoride is recommended. It is important to use colorless fluoride.

Patient Information

After the procedure, the teeth are clean and the cuticle of the tooth is completely removed. Its restoration with the help of proteins in saliva requires 2 to 3 hours. During this time, the teeth no longer have any natural protection against acquiring color.

Inform your patient that for 2 - 3 hours after the procedure he should not smoke or consume food or drinks that can significantly stain the teeth (tea, coffee...).

disinfection, cleaning and sterilization

Cleaning your device

The device should only be cleaned with a commercially available alcohol-based and colorless disinfectant (ethanol, isopropanol). Using scouring powder or an abrasive sponge will damage its surface.

Do not place the device in a disinfectant bath as it may be damaged.

The device is not protected against water spray. It cannot be sterilized.

Cleaning the tip

Remove any remaining powder in the tubes using cleaning needles. Be careful and do not use force as the needles break easily. Use only the tools provided to you.

Disinfection and sterilization of the tip

Only the tip can be immersed in the disinfectant bath.

Before sterilization, it is necessary to rinse the disinfected tip in running water.

After use, always sterilize the handpiece only in an autoclave at 134°C (135°C maximum) for at least 3 minutes.

For sterilization, please refer to the regulations in your country.

Drying and connecting the sterilized tip

After sterilization, moisture may remain in the handpiece. It is necessary to blow out the inside of the tip with compressed air in order to avoid the formation of powder deposits in the air tubes.

Make sure the tip connection is dry.

Attach the tip.


Clean the charging chamber regularly.

Empty the charging chamber. Use the dental unit's high-speed pump to suck out any remaining powder.

Use a needle to clean the holes and the inside of the tubes.

Clean the threads of the charging chamber with alcohol (ethanol, isopropanol).

The lid should be cleaned and disinfected regularly. First, rinse it with water, then disinfect it with alcohol (ethanol, isopropanol).

To make cleaning easier, you can disassemble the cap.

The cap must be correctly positioned on the cap ring. The ribs of the cap must be aligned with the eyes of the ring. The two parts must be properly aligned to avoid leaks and to build up pressure.

The cover and its seal must be replaced at least once a year.

The lid must be completely dry.

Check the condition of the threads of the charging chamber and cover. The charging chamber is under pressure during use. The condition of the charging chamber and cover (ring and cap) is an important safety factor.

Replace defective parts immediately.


EMS and the distributor of this product assume no liability for direct or indirect injury or damage resulting from misuse, including, but not limited to, failure to follow these operating instructions, improper preparation and maintenance.

Use only for intended purpose. Before using the product, make sure you have read and understand the operating instructions. This also applies to any equipment used with this product. Failure to follow the instructions for use may result in serious injury to the patient or user or the product being damaged and possibly irreparable.

This product should only be used by trained and qualified personnel.

Always check the device for damage before starting treatment. Damaged accessories or a damaged device cannot be used and must be replaced. Use only original EMS spare parts and accessories.

This device should only be repaired by an authorized EMS repair center.

Before each use, it is necessary to disinfect, clean and sterilize the various parts and accessories of the device. Pay attention to the information provided in the operating instructions. Non-sterile parts and accessories may cause bacterial or viral infections.

EMS AIR-FLOW ® Prophylaxis Powder and 3M ESPE Clinpro TM Prophy Powder are specifically formulated for use with the device. Do not use powders from other manufacturers as this may damage the device or may adversely affect its performance.

Never use EMS abrasive powder in the device as it will damage the device.


Retain the original packaging until the device is finally disposed of. You can use it for transportation or to store your device at any time.

If you want to preserve your product for a long time:

Follow the steps described in the chapter "Disinfection, cleaning and sterilization"

Pack the device and all accessories in the original packaging

Storage and transportation conditions are described in the "Technical Information".

Do not store the powder near acids or heat sources.


The device, its accessories and packaging do not contain any substances hazardous to the environment.

If you wish to permanently discard the product, please comply with the regulations that apply in your country.


The warranty will be valid for one year from the date of purchase of your device and accessories.

The warranty does not cover damage due to failure to follow the operating instructions or wear and tear of parts.


Accessories are available from EMS or any authorized dealers. Please contact the customer service department that is responsible for you directly.


If your product requires additional service or repair, please send it to your dealer or your authorized EMS repair center.

EMS does not accept any responsibility for repairs by unauthorized persons or damage due to failure to follow the operating instructions. This also voids the warranty.

It is best to send your device in its original packaging. It will protect it from damage during transportationBefore shipping your device, including all accessories, please clean, disinfect and sterilize it as described in the instruction manual.

The connector should only be disassembled or replaced by an authorized EMS repair center.

You may request modification of the device adapter type only to the extent available to your authorized EMS repair center.

When you send your device directly to your authorized EMS repair center, please provide the name and address of your dealer. This will make processing easier for us.


Manufacturer's logo

Sterilizable in autoclave at temperatures up to 135°C

Attention! Read the instruction manual

CE marking: refers to Directive 93/42 EEC including EN 60601-1 and EN 60601-1-2




EMS SA, CH-1260 Nyon, Switzerland


AIR-FLOW® handy 2+

Classification according to EEC Directive 93 / 42

Class IIa

Operating mode

Continuous operation

Water supply

From 18 to 80 ml/min.

With a maximum pressure of 0.7 bar.

Operating pressure

3.5 - 4.5 bar (3500-4500 hPa)

at a feed rate of 13 to 15 Nl/min.


Approximately 0.160 kg

terms of Use

10°C - +40°C

relative humidity 30% - 75%

Storage and transportation conditions

10°C - +40°C

relative humidity 10% - 95%

atmospheric pressure 500 hPa - 1060 hPa


Problem type


Water gets into the charging chamber or leaks out of the cover

Check the connection of the dental unit

Check the condition of the turbine joint O-rings

Clean the cover and charging chamber

Clean the tip

Check the spray quality

Fill the charging chamber

There is no powder/water jet coming from the device

Immediately turn off the air supply by releasing the foot switch

Wait 1-2 minutes for the pressure in the system to decrease

Disconnect the device from the dental unit

Press the foot control switch of the dental unit

If air does not flow from the turbine connector, the problem is caused by your dental unit.

If air escapes, the problem is caused by the device

Unscrew the lid from the top of the washbasin, the remaining powder can be thrown away. Even when a sealed device is turned off, it can actually remain under pressure

Empty the charging chamber and screw the cap back on

Connect the device to the dental unit (be careful, the charging chamber must be empty)

Connect the tip to the device

Press the foot switch of the dental unit

If air enters through the tip connector, the tip is clogged. Clean the tip

If no air comes out of the tip connector, the device is blocked

Air and/or powder leaks through the cap threads

Check the seal and cleanliness of the threads on the charging chamber and on the cover

Replace seal if necessary

Device efficiency decreases

May need a new powder refill

Clean the tip