Character and blood type: an interesting test. Character and blood type: an interesting test Innovative methods for determining the blood group and Rh factor at home

The typology of blood groups was proposed by the Austrian and later American scientist, immunologist, infectious disease specialist Karl Landsteiner. To say that this classification has saved millions of lives is to say almost nothing about the significance of this discovery. They knew about blood transfusion for a long time and knew how to do it. But no one could answer for the consequences of such a procedure. Sometimes the patient was rapidly on the mend, and sometimes died after a transfusion suddenly. And only after the discovery of this remarkable scientist, it became clear that there are blood types, and that they are not always compatible.

A few words about the classification of blood by groups

Without going into details, because it is not so easy for an unprepared person to understand this, let us explain the very essence of this discovery:

  • human plasma contains agglutinins α and β;
  • erythrocytes contain agglutinogens A and B.

Both of them are proteins. Landsteiner found that human blood can contain a pair of A and α; B and β have only one protein. Thus, only four combinations are possible, which determine the blood type of each individual person:

  • α and β are the first group or (0);
  • A and β - the second group or (A);
  • B and α - the third group or (B);
  • A and B - the fourth group or (AB).

Only forty years after the introduction of the classification of blood groups, the same scientist discovered a group of antigens (proteins) that determine the Rh factor, the second very important individual blood indicator that has great value when carrying a fetus during pregnancy. Yes, and with blood transfusion, a Rh conflict is possible between the blood of the donor and the recipient.

The presence of an antigen in the blood indicates that the blood is Rh positive and it looks like this in medical documents - (Ph +), the absence of an antigen indicates Rh negative and is written (Ph-).

Suppose you set out to find out your own blood type without leaving your home, that is, at home. We are ready to offer you two ways:

  1. By the method of deduction, without analysis, its reliability, if necessary, will have to be rechecked.
  2. Testing method, in the presence of special standard test strips and a scarifier.

And now more about the deduction method. If you know the blood group of your parents, then it is possible, through simple reasoning, to come to the following conclusions:

  • the father and mother have the 1st group (0) - the child also has only the first group;
  • the mother and father have the 1st and 2nd groups - the child may have (0) and (A), that is, also the 1st and 2nd groups;
  • parents (0) and (B) - the child has the same;
  • parents A and B - child (A) or (B), or (AB), or ();
  • both parents of A are children of A and (0);
  • if the parents have a combination of A and AB or B and AB in a child of any group, except for 1 (0).

As you can see, this method gives only one reliable answer - when the parents have 1 (0) blood type.

The method of home testing is possible with the purchase of a special kit at the pharmacy for determining the blood type and Rh factor. The procedure is as follows:

  1. It is necessary, having pierced a finger, to drop a drop of blood on the fields of the card marked:
  • as anti-A;
  • anti-B;
  • anti-D.
  1. Stir the blood on each field with a separate toothpick.
  • on field A - you have the 2nd group;
  • on field B - you have the 3rd group;
  • on the fields A and B - you have the 4th group;
  • if sticking did not occur in fields A and B, then you have the 1st group .;
  • in field D, sticking indicates that your blood is Rh positive. And if adhesion does not occur, then Rh is negative.

How else can you find out what your blood type is?

Let me give you a few more tips on how to determine your own blood type:

  1. Examine your medical record. Usually there you will find marks (0); (A); (IN); (AB); (Ph+); (Ph-). What these designations mean, we have already explained above. If you don't find this information in your adult health record, look up your children's health record. Surely there on the first pages you will find the information you are interested in.
  2. It is possible that this data is entered in your passport, look through your own identity card, and perhaps your search will be successful.
  3. If this did not bring desired result, then go to your GP and ask to be referred for a blood test to determine the blood type. He won't refuse you. The analysis is instant, and you will immediately be able to get your result.

Of course, you may ask why I need all this. After all, if something happens, no one will believe the word anyway. And it’s not a fact that you, in general, will be able to report something. Yes, in an emergency, they will always do an express analysis to determine the blood type and Rh factor. But suddenly you decide to lose weight by blood type, or, for example, you want to know more about your own character, or you want to choose a life partner and not risk thinking about future offspring, in which case you will really need our advice.


Of course, it is very difficult to establish a blood type without tests, and sometimes it is simply impossible, however, there is a possibility of such an establishment (but still in the future we recommend contacting medical institution to clarify the results, because the blood group on professional level only specialists with special equipment can use your blood).

Look at your medical record in case the previous action did not work.

Find out your parents' blood group. You should know that if both parents have I, II, etc. blood group, then, respectively, and, born from them, will have the same blood group. If one of the parents has I, and the second, for example, II blood group, then the child can inherit one of them and, accordingly, have either I or II group.

Determine or specify from the extract of the medical record which group characteristics yours belongs to. Among these signs, 0, A and B are distinguished. Depending on this, determine your blood type. So, 00 is the first, 0A is the second blood type, 0B is the third and AB is the fourth.

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Everyone is simply obliged to know their blood group and the blood type of their children and close relatives, because in case of unforeseen circumstances it is blood that may be needed to save you or your family, it is blood that will tell about your ailments and it is she who is one of essential elements in the structure of the human body.


  • how to find out my blood group

Every person is obliged to know their blood type, imagine if for some reason you urgently need to transfuse it? For rescuers and military personnel, the blood type is indicated in a special place on the form. Do you know your blood type?

Few people know that there are data on more than a hundred different blood types, but the main 4 are still considered the main ones.

So. Antigens are found on erythrocytes, and antibodies in the blood serum. Red blood cells may contain antigens A or B, but they may not be present that O. Thus, 3 variants of one gene can be distinguished. In the laboratory, the presence of genes is determined by reaction with control blood sera.

Group I (O) plasma levels of agglutins alpha and beta

Group II (A) Plasma agglutin beta

IV(AB) no agglutins

Groups are indicated with an indication of the rezu - factor, positive result which 85% of people have.

How to determine the blood type for the future or find out your own using theory?

Each of us received one gene from our father. I and II blood groups are characterized by the content of antigens. Group II may contain AA antibodies or be combined with A0. The third group is a combination of BB and B0.

IN blood more than 300 antigens have been found in humans. All elements blood, proteins, tissues have their own individual antigenic structure. By combinations of antigens in red uniform elements, over 1.5 million different blood.

The basis for all blood transfusions (transfusions blood for health reasons) are groups blood according to the AVO system. The division into groups is based on the detection of agglutinogens (group antigens) A and B in erythrocytes, and in serum blood respectively, the determination of agglutinins (antibodies) a and b. When agglutinogens and agglutinins (A and a or B and b) are attached, agglutination of red blood cells (erythrocytes) occurs and their hemolysis or destruction occurs.

To define a group blood human in a simple way, the laboratory assistant needs: 8 eye pipettes for each serum, bottles with a solution of sodium chloride and hemagglutinating sera of 4 groups blood two series, small plate. Groups are marked on the plate with a wax pencil. blood and apply 2 drops of the required standard serums for two different series in 2 rows, according to the inscriptions. The laboratory assistant adds the patient's blood taken from a vein or into a drop of serum and mixes it with gentle rocking. For research quantity blood taken 10 times less than the amount of standard serum. Evaluate the reaction after 5 minutes and then determine group blood by the presence of agglutination (the formation of "sand" in a drop).

In the isoserological laboratory, a simple method for determining the group blood refined by conducting a more accurate double cross reaction, which allows you to determine in the patient's serum group antibodies a and b. Antibodies can be detected using erythrocytes A and B (standard), taken from donors, which have respectively groups blood A (II) and B (III). Standard erythrocytes are added to 2 separate drops of serum placed on plates. The result is determined after 5 minutes by the presence of an agglutination reaction, and then a conclusion is issued for the group blood at the patient.

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Despite the presence modern methods group definitions blood with the help of monoclonal antibodies, in hospitals this procedure is most often carried out in the old proven way, using standard isohemagglutinating sera.

You will need

  • - 2 series of standard isohemagglutinating sera of groups I-III;
  • - 1 ampoules of blood group IV serum;
  • - isotonic sodium chloride solution;
  • - pipettes;
  • - glass slides;
  • - a clean white dry plate;
  • - wax crayon;
  • - scarifier;
  • - sterile cotton balls;
  • - alcohol.


Divide a white plate with wax crayon into 4 squares. Sign them clockwise: I (0), II (A), III (B), IV (AB). In the corresponding squares, drop a large drop of standard serums from both series. Leave sector IV (AB) blank.

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An analysis for a blood type is prepared within 1-2 days - however, in private clinics, you can conduct an express analysis.

Helpful advice

In the donor center, the blood group will be able to determine only after its processing or processing of platelets / erythrocytes / plasma.

Ask the parents for their blood type. If your parents know exactly their blood type, then this makes the task much easier. In most cases, you can use an online calculator (in English) or look at the following table:

Table for determining the blood group
I(O) parent x I(O) parent = I(O) child
I(O) parent x II(A) parent = II(A) or I(O) child
I(O) parent x III (B) parent = III (B) or I(O) child
I(O) parent x IV (AB) parent = II(A) or III (B) child
II(A) parent x II(A) parent = II(A) or I(O) child
II(A) parent x III (B) parent = II(A), III (B), IV (AB) or I(O) child
II(A) parent x IV (AB) parent = II(A), III (B) or IV (AB) child
III (B) parent x III (B) parent = III (B) or I(O) child
III (B) parent x IV (AB) parent = II(A), III (B) or IV (AB) child
IV (AB) parent x IV (AB) parent = II(A), III (B) or IV (AB) child
Determination of the blood group includes the determination of the Rh factor, which is denoted as "Rh". If the Rh factor of both parents is negative (for example, I (O) - or IV (AB) -), then your Rh is negative. If one or both parents are Rh-positive, then your Rh cannot be known without a blood test.

Check your blood type with your doctor. Maybe, this information already on your medical record.

She will be there if you donated blood to determine her group.

Determination of the blood group is carried out in the following situations:

  • pregnancy;
  • surgical intervention;
  • organ donation;
  • blood transfusion.
  • Purchase a blood typing kit. If you don't feel like going to the doctor or donating blood, you can buy a blood typing kit. Such kits are sold on the Internet or in pharmacies. The kit should have instructions according to which you will need to apply a solution to a special card and add a few drops of blood. Follow the instructions carefully when adding special solutions to the patches in certain places where lump formation (agglutination) should occur. After the test, determine the blood group according to the table:

    Using a special blood typing kit
    Remember that a self-administered test is less reliable than a professional test. Pay attention to the signatures "Anti-A" and "Anti-B" on the reagents: this means that agglutination in the "Anti-A" cell determines blood type II (A). Agglutination in the "Anti-B" cell determines blood type III (B). Agglutination in both "Anti-A" and "Anti-B" cells means blood type IV(AB).
    Pay attention to the "Anti-D" cell. Agglutination in this cell means a positive Rh factor. The absence of agglutination means a negative Rh factor.
    Rate the control patch. If flakes appear on the control patch, use a new card.

    In a person's life, there may be situations in which you need to find out what type of blood he has - preparation for any operation, donation, including emergency. Despite the fact that everyone should know such information about themselves and their loved ones, unfortunately, not everyone can boast of this elementary knowledge. Therefore, we will figure out how to find out the blood type, existing methods and what is required for this.

    Before moving on to the definition of blood groups and the Rh factor, let's talk about what these concepts mean.

    In medicine, there are 4 types of blood. They differ from each other in the presence of antibodies and antigens. Based on the combination in which they are located on erythrocytes, they determine belonging to certain group. A huge number of antigens have been discovered, but a single AB0 system has been adopted throughout the world. In addition, a person can have one of two Rh (antigen) positive or negative. These parameters are formed during the development of the fetus in the womb and do not change until the end of life.

    Groups are designated not only by numbers, but also by letters:

    Rh factor (RH) is a special antigen that is detected along with the group. It is either positive or negative. The last Rh factor of the blood is more common.

    As a result of research, it was found that there is a connection between diseases and blood type. Based on what blood type the patient has, he is prescribed a special diet, with which you can more effectively cope with excess weight, as well as avoid the occurrence of many diseases. During pregnancy, it matters what RH both parents have.

    Among the methods of how to find out your group and RH, there is the very first one that does not require much effort - it's just to look in a new sample passport or medical record. The designation can be both numbers and letters. Near RH will be "+" (positive) or "-" (negative). If such data are not available, then you should move on to other methods for determining blood groups.

    A relatively quick and not difficult way to determine a blood type is, of course, taking an analysis in a clinic. Also, a study on the blood type and Rh is carried out during donation.

    The most popular technique for determining the blood group with standard sera. They are prepared from an untested blood sample, isolating plasma with antibodies in it, for subsequent mixing with isotonic saline sodium chloride. Assessment of agglutination is carried out as early as three minutes after the start of the interaction of sera.

    A prerequisite is the temperature of the room: 15-25 0 С.

    The next method for determining the blood group and Rh factor is performed using monoclinal coliclones. They are more avid than the sera used in the first method, i.e. agglutination reaction occurs faster.

    In the study of RH, sera with the same type of AB0 as in the patient are used, as well as special anti-Rhesus antibodies. Mixing takes place in a Petri dish.

    Where can you find your blood group? A blood group test and Rh determination can be taken in your district polyclinic or any private clinic. Also, the analysis is carried out in case of emergency in hospitals before surgical intervention so that if a transfusion is needed, the necessary donor blood is at hand.

    Not everyone wants to go to the clinic, stand in line to donate blood, so these people are interested in the question of how to find out the blood group without tests. This is especially true for children. Of course, they are the same as the rest, so the methods for determining the blood type do not differ from adults, but inheritance from parents can be predicted. It is believed that if mom and dad have the first group, then with 100% probability the child will be born with the same type. In parents with the first, second and third, the baby is equally likely to inherit any of them. The fourth may be for those whose parent is with the third, and the second with the fourth. There is a table of Gregor Mendel, which allows you to determine the parameters even before birth.

    With the determination of the Rh factor of blood, everything is a little simpler. If mom and dad have a negative, then the son or daughter will have the same. All other options involve both positive and negative. Sometimes paternity is determined by blood parameters. This information is not very accurate, because. can only give preliminary results.

    Sometimes the type differs from the parent, so a DNA test is needed to establish the relationship.

    Apart from laboratory tests, there are tests to determine the blood type. They help determine the blood type at home. To check your type, you only need a special strip on which a drop of blood is applied. The result will be ready in a few minutes. There is another home test for which you need a small amount of put on a special cardboard with margins. Whichever field shows agglutination is your type.

    We learn by psychological characteristics and preferences

    There are suggestions that you can recognize your group and relatives by character. Representatives of the first type are characterized by a strong character, self-confidence and a penchant for leadership. People with the second type, on the contrary, are soft, calm and peaceful. The third type is found in people who are sociable, cheerful, active. But representatives of the fourth type cannot be characterized by a specific word - they combine different inclinations. So if you do not yet know what type your relatives belong to, then you can try to figure it out yourself, and then compare the results.

    What other ways are there to determine the blood type without tests? There is a theory that the blood type is determined with the help of food preferences. Fans of meat products are classified as I, lovers of vegetables and cereals as II, those who love dairy products most often have III, and IV does not stand out with a special love for a particular type of food.

    Despite the fact that these conclusions were made by scientists as a result of numerous observations, you should not rely only on these data, because. they may be wrong. It is best to find out your blood type in a proven way.

    Now science can offer us ways to determine the blood type both in medical laboratories and at home. This is a great progress, allowing you to conduct express tests that take a minimum of time. Of course, while additional improvements are being made that will make the analysis more accurate, but over time, determining blood groups will become easier, many will get rid of unwanted trips to the clinic.


    How to find out the blood type on the passport

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    Oh, I've wanted to discuss this for a long time. Ever since those times when they discussed which is easier to gain - proteins, fats or carbohydrates.

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    Let's test the theory? :)

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    If Rh antibodies are found in your blood. Knowing your blood type and Rh factor is desirable even before pregnancy. During pregnancy, at the first visit to the antenatal clinic, the group and rhesus belonging of the blood of a pregnant woman are determined. All pregnant women with Rh-negative blood and in the presence of Rh-positive blood of the husband should be regularly examined for the presence of antibodies in the blood serum. If Rh antibodies are detected, it is necessary to apply and spa.

    I became a donor. How is the procedure for donating blood?

    A month ago, on the door of a supermarket with children's goods, I read an announcement that a child urgently needed donors with IV blood group. Since the administration of the store allowed this announcement to be placed on the door, it means that the blood was really needed. I have III group blood, so I could not help this child and decided not to rush to donate. I recently read that pregnant women who are definitely going to C-section, on later dates can donate their blood at the hospital where they plan to give birth. In the event of an emergency, a woman or her child will be infused with this, native blood, and not someone else's, and the possibility of complications after a transfusion will be minimal. True, blood.
    . The husband offered to do it together. We decided that first I would learn about the procedure for registering and donating blood at our blood transfusion station, and then we would donate blood together. The other day I went on business, the blood transfusion station was on my way (in Chita, where I live, it is located on Balyabina street, 5). I went to find out how much, I had my passport with me. Having handed over my clothes to the cloakroom and received disposable shoe covers, I went up to the reception desk on the 2nd floor. There was no queue as such, but in front of me a young girl in a striped sweater filled out a donor questionnaire. When I said that I wanted to become a donor, the receptionist gave me exactly the same questionnaire and software.

    Then, 2 drops of an antiseptic - a 1% solution of silver nitrate - are once instilled into the eyes to prevent possible infection of the conjunctiva of the newborn with gonococci when he passed through birth canal. If the mother is Rh negative, then blood is taken from the umbilical cord (from the maternal residue), the group and Rh are determined. Only after this the baby is transferred to a special children's department. In the physiological department, along with posts for healthy newborns, there is a post for premature babies and children born in asphyxia, who have undergone intrauterine hypoxia, birth trauma, and other children from risk groups. Each child upon admission to the department for the new.

    Immunological incompatibility of maternal and fetal blood.

    It is important to determine the blood group in case of suspected development of an AB0-conflict pregnancy. A significant diagnostic test is the determination of antibody titer in the amniotic fluid. To study the blood of the fetus, a puncture of the vessels of the umbilical cord (cordocentesis) is used under ultrasonic control. The study of the fetal blood obtained in this way makes it possible to determine its blood type and Rh affiliation, to assess the level of hemoglobin, blood serum protein and a number of other indicators that reflect the presence and severity of the complication. As part of the management of pregnancy, all patients and their husbands should determine the Rh affiliation and blood type at the first visit to the doctor, regardless of whether the birth is coming or the termination of the pregnancy is planned. In pregnant women with the first blood group, if their husbands have a different blood type, it is necessary to conduct a study to determine.

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    . Carrier testing for these diseases is included in the genetic passport reproductive health, which is already actively used in clinics today. Accidental findings of heterozygous, that is, simultaneous carriers of such diseases, are not so rare: from time to time, married couples with a damaged cystic fibrosis gene are detected - serious illness, in which the lungs and gastrointestinal tract cannot fully.

    What can and cannot be known from a drop of blood.

    This is the minimum that really never hurt anyone.” Not everything can be recognized by a drop of blood. But this is all medicine. People, on the other hand, want to use the possibilities of blood testing for simpler, everyday tasks, if possible not related to diseases. Advertising responds to these popular aspirations and offers: diets by blood type, find out your life expectancy based on a blood test, get to know yourself and find out what the blood type of the second half should be so that you live happily ever after. How to understand when the technique works, and when our brother is being fooled - especially if something new constantly appears in blood diagnostics? Lyubov Stankevich, medical director of the Ditrix Medical laboratory, says: Complete blood count, standard biochemistry and urinalysis - this is the minimum of research that will not hurt anyone.

    Blood tests. What and when? Analyzes and researches in time.

    Deciphering a blood test
    . D-dimer is an indicator of thrombosis and fibrinolysis (dissolution of fibrin). Platelets are blood cells involved in hemostasis. Blood group and Rh factor When registering at the antenatal clinic, the expectant mother is given a referral to determine the blood group and Rh factor. This is necessary even if the woman knows her blood type and has a stamp in her passport. This study is carried out once. But you should be aware that if the expectant mother has a negative Rh blood affiliation, then the future dad also needs to undergo a similar study. If a positive Rh factor is detected in the father, the Rh-negative mother will have to donate blood for cash until the 20th week of pregnancy once a month.

    "Blood Enemies" Pregnancy and Rhesus conflict. Rhesus conflict.

    Prevention of Rh conflict When planning a pregnancy, you should, among other things, establish your blood type and Rh affiliation. In the case when the Rh factor is not detected (that is, the expectant mother is Rh-negative), it is necessary to establish the Rh factor of the future father. In any case, you should register no later than 7-8 weeks of pregnancy - this allows you to start examining the expectant mother in a timely manner and prevent the development of many complications. Immediately after setting.

    In 1930, a doctor from Austria, Karl Landsteiner, deservedly received the Nobel Prize for discovering such an important genetic trait as blood type. Do you know that character and blood type are interconnected?

    50 years later, scientists Alexander Bescher and Toshitaka Nomi did this amazing discovery. It turns out that there is a direct relationship between the blood group and the character of a person. This theory was laid out in a book called You Are Your Blood Type. This book has been written based on research findings. About a million people were involved in them to find out what is the connection between character and blood type. Here, thanks to these people, now you can take this mini-test and determine the character by blood type.

    Actually, here main question test "Character by blood group", - What is your blood type?

    AND, answer options such:

    4. Fourth

    If you find it difficult to answer this question, but want to know your character, you can find out the blood type in at least three of the following ways:

    1. Take a blood test

    2. Ask your parents

    3. Or look into the passport (some of them have a blood type label on the last page, although some do not have it, but maybe you are the lucky one!)

    So, the results of the test "Character by blood group":

    1 blood type and character

    You are constantly striving for leadership. You are optimistic, confident and determined. Always go towards your goals. At the same time, you are very jealous of other people's successes, and also too ambitious. You need to fight selfishness, as well as learn to rejoice in the success of other people.

    2 blood type and character

    You get along great with people, you are a born diplomat. Your main character traits are romanticism, patience, discipline, diligence, reliability, sociability and prudence. But you need to learn how to rest, relax and at least sometimes break away from the labor process. You should also treat past grievances more simply and not focus on them.

    3 blood group: character

    If you have the third blood type, your character definitely has a creative streak. You have great fantasies and adventurous character traits are inherent in you, the blood type does not let the people around you get bored. You are constantly looking for new adventures and find them. You have a heightened sense of justice and a pronounced individualism. Routine work is not for you, you get bored very quickly.

    4 blood group: character

    If you have the fourth blood group, your character is creative. You have a great taste, you have a developed sense of beauty and a fine mental organization. It is people with this blood type who are most prone to creativity, therefore, most likely, you have many talents. You can easily build harmonious relationship with the people around you. But at the same time, people with the 4th blood group have a vulnerable and very sensitive character. You should not take all the little things very close to your heart. And sometimes you spend very, very much of your time making a decision.