Cool competitions for a corporate party for the new year. Unusual table competition "Merciless Auction" for the New Year's corporate party. Cool competitions for a corporate party for the New Year: videos and ideas

In the impending New Year 2019, the Yellow Pig, a playful and cheerful animal, comes into its own. Therefore, for a corporate party, you need to create an exciting script, with contests, jokes and fairy tales, in order to get the location of the hostess of the year.

So that the holiday does not turn into a banal party, it is necessary to draw up and carefully consider the scenario. You should try so that in competitions for New Year 2019 was attended by all those present, not just the most active. Having picked up the coolest competitions, the corporate party will be a success.

First you need to decide on the theme of the holiday, it may be a costume ball from " bat', Hollywood party or Russian folk tale It all depends on the budget of the company.

If there are not enough funds, you can apply a simpler version of the celebration, which includes:

  • outdoor games;
  • intellectual contests;
  • fairy tales remade in a new way;
  • raffle prizes.
It is not necessary to choose expensive gifts, the main thing is that they cause a smile and create a good mood.

When writing a script for a corporate party, it is necessary to observe decency and not use competitions that affect a person’s personality and undermine moral principles in a team.

Original contests with jokes at the table

When the guests have danced, you can invite them to relax, but with the benefit of the mood. To do this, there are many cool entertainment for corporate parties at the table.

Chipmunk Reader

To compete, you need to prepare the following items:

  • walnuts;
  • paper;
  • pens;
  • collection of poems.

The guests are in pairs, one will be the speaker, the other the stenographer. The reader puts nuts in his mouth, you can add bread pulp, the main goal is to worsen pronunciation. Then he is given a poem to read, the task of the second participant, to write down what he heard. The couple whose recording is closest to the original wins. And it will be even more interesting if you leave one speaker, and the rest of the participants write down after him. Then we announce the resulting creations. It is better to choose unknown works so that it is hard to guess and write from memory.

Explain in 1 minute

A noisy and cheerful spectacle that captures all those present. For the competition, you need to prepare the following items:

  • pens or pencils;
  • small pieces of paper;
  • canvas bag.

The game goes like this:

  1. Guests are divided into pairs, it is possible to organize a lot for this, or if desired, each pair is a team.
  2. Then all the guests write 15-20 words, any nouns, one on each sheet.
  3. We put them in a bag prepared in advance.
  4. They start with the first pair, one player takes out a piece of paper with a written word, his task is to explain this subject to his partner without naming the word itself, for example, a cow is an animal that gives milk.
  5. The purpose of the competition is to guess within the allotted time maximum amount words.
  6. Then the next players play.

Who guessed more, he won.

What will I take

Each of the participants in the competition must list what he takes with him on New Year's Eve, these may not be items at all, for example, gloves and good mood. The difficulty lies in the fact that you can only use words that begin with the first letter of the player's name. Whoever lists more words wins a prize.

Chef competition

Participants are given sheets and pencils, each creates a New Year's menu, while all dishes must begin with the letter "n". Be sure to set a certain time, for example, 5 minutes. The winner will be the one with the most items on the menu.

Adult table contests "question-answer"

Such competitions can be arranged if the corporate party is held among people old age and outdoor games are not available to them, or simply when the guests are tired of dancing.

Find your soul mate

Such a competition is suitable for a corporate party, where the number of adult men and women is approximately equal. You need to prepare for it in advance, for this, make cards with the names of star couples, one for each. To make it clear, here are a few examples:

  • Agutin and Varum;
  • Menshov and Alentova;
  • Ivan Tsarevich and Elena the Beautiful;

Each guest receives one card, his task is to find his soul mate, for this he formulates questions that require the answer "yes" or "no". It is forbidden to ask directly, "is your name Vera?" or "is your husband's name Leonid?".

You can ask “do you and your husband have children?” or "is your husband a singer?". Whoever finds it faster wins, since the person who was found did not participate in the game, you can organize the second stage of the game.

"Question answer"

To begin with, you need to prepare cards with questions and answers, it is better to do this in advance. What they will be depends on the gathered company, if they are close people, then you can use intimate topics. Let's see what the questions might look like:

  1. How do you feel about toothless sexual partners?
  2. Is it true that you write swear words on the walls in the entrance?
  3. How often do you cheat on your wife?
  4. Do you like to swing on a chandelier?
  5. Do you return bottles every day?
  6. Do you eat cockroaches?
  7. How often do you lose your panties?

Answers should be structured in such a way that they fit almost any question, and be funny. For example:

  1. Nothing human is alien to me.
  2. I allow myself to do this twice a day.
  3. At every opportunity.
  4. Only when I'm bored.
  5. I try as much as possible.
  6. Yes, and I'm proud of it.
  7. Always when I'm drunk.

All cards are shuffled and chosen at random, unfunny matches will be rare if you approach the process creatively. For example, the question is: “Do you like to have sex on the bus?”, The answer “Yes, but I would like to do it more often” will cause a storm of laughter.

It is possible to hold such a competition in kindergarten, for kids it will be enough to prepare simple questions like:

  1. What did you eat?
  2. Where did you sleep yesterday?
  3. What've you drunk?

Prepare answers, in the form of nouns, for example, the answer to the first question “ball”, will amuse the kids.

Game for connoisseurs

Before the start of the competition, it is necessary to prepare a sheet of paper and pens for all those present in advance. Then the toastmaster asks the question “who?”, The first player writes the answer and bends it so that it is not visible to the rest, the second participant already answers the question “where?”, The third “when?”, This lasts until the host runs out of questions. Then, the resulting narrative is read out to a friendly laugh.


The toastmaster distributes small pieces of paper to the guests and offers to write any number on them. He then announces that this is an opportunity to get to know each other better and starts asking prepared questions. Each participant answers by showing their number. Questions can come up with simple ones, how much he weighs, how often he makes love, how many fingers he has on right hand how many teeth he has left and the like.

Funny contests for a corporate party in a restaurant

Having picked up cheerful and funny competitions, the evening will pass unnoticed, and will be long deposited in the memory of those present.

Get a million dollars

As everyone knows, Charlie Chaplin bequeathed this amount to a man who will give birth. We invite the representatives of the stronger sex, who want to earn them, to go on stage. With the help of adhesive tape we tie several inflated, balloons to the stomach. Then, before each, we scatter a box of matches, the one who collects them faster without bursting the balls will win.


You can put this fairy tale in a big and noisy company, fun and laughter will be provided. Many people already know it, but if you come up with your own jokes, it will sound different. Such a game, especially, by the way, at a corporate party dedicated to the New Year 2019.

The number of participants is equal to the number of characters in the fairy tale, plus the leader. Actors remember the role and every time they hear their name, they perform it. We offer the following option:

  1. Turnip - jumps and claps his hands above his head, saying "Here are those on."
  2. Grandfather - hits his forehead and says: "boom."
  3. Grandmother - shows her fist to grandfather and threatens to "kill the bastard."
  4. Granddaughter - twists her hips and says "I'm ready" (for this role it is better to choose a large and full man).
  5. The bug - scratches behind the ear, saying, "the fleas are stuck."
  6. Cat - wags her pelvis and says "nothing can spoil beauty."
  7. Mouse - shakes his head "jumped".

The peak of fun will begin after the presenter begins to read “Grandfather for a turnip, grandmother for grandfather, granddaughter for grandmother, etc.”, the mood will rise by 100 degrees.

Chinese New Year

Before starting the competition, you need to prepare several servings of fruit salad, which is cut into small pieces. Each participant is given Chinese sticks, whoever eats the dish the fastest wins. In order to have an incentive, one should take care of inexpensive and joke gifts for the winners.

New Year's nesting doll

In this competition, each player receives a package tied in a knot, and inside there are several more such packages, but already smaller. The latter contains a Bengal fire. The one who gets to it the fastest and sets it on fire wins. The winner receives a prize.

By choosing the contests you like the most, you can celebrate the New Year cheerfully and naturally, and many games will even contribute to team building.

December brings a feeling of magic, a fairy tale and hope that life will soon go only along the white streak - the New Year is coming. Once a family holiday confidently migrated to other areas of life modern man. New Year's corporate parties have become a fun tradition. It's good if the company is flourishing, and the management can order a restaurant or some kind of exotic type of vacation. And if not, then you can perfectly celebrate the New Year in the office.

The occasion is special, it is worth preparing and involving the maximum number of employees in creating a festive atmosphere. Collective brainstorming to develop a script will turn gatherings at the table into an unforgettable "New Year's party" for adults.

In this article:

We decorate the office for the New Year: stylish, original, fun

The atmosphere of the New Year holiday is already in the air, but no one canceled the working environment in December. Therefore, the abundance of assorted jewelry is not comme il faut. But Christmas balls of one, two or three colors (preferably matte) and a small amount of tinsel in tone - what you need.

The Christmas tree is the main attribute of the New Year. Naturally artificial, so as not to sweep the needles every day, especially the color of such a beauty can be chosen in any color, even corresponding to the company logo. If you have imagination, you can make a Christmas tree from the products that the company sells or produces.

And if there is very little space in the office space, then the solution will be. Such a Christmas tree is attached in any convenient place and is made from the same balls, tinsel, garlands, branded business cards, badges, pens. You can even create it from colored paper or stickers with wishes.

Brought beauty and looked around. If the mess on the tables is in dissonance with the festive atmosphere, it is better to get rid of it. After all, general cleaning before the New Year is a common thing. And after that each workplace can be decorated with a small Christmas tree, a vase with sweets or a figurine.

What to cook for the holiday table?

The sources of New Year's abundance on the table can be different:

  • management takes over the task, orders food for delivery,
  • a certain amount is allocated, employees must dispose of it at their discretion,
  • participants are thrown off to the general cash desk, the amount is spent by agreement,
  • everyone gets the task to cook a certain dish,
  • We'll bring something from home.

If you have placed an order ready meals, then the issue is resolved. It remains only to discuss the quantity and quality of drinks, but if the chef is engaged in a buffet table, then this is in order.

The last option can turn into a quiet horror. It is possible that the table will be lined with assorted plates and vases with Olivier salad and jelly, which is trembling or already spreading from fear of being eaten.

Walnuts are laid out on chairs, covered with a newspaper, and ladies sit on top. The task of each is to determine the number of nuts under them.

Men can play Russian roulette. Dishes with eggs are solemnly brought out and it is reported that all are boiled, but one raw one is lost among them. The daredevil must break the egg on his forehead. The next hero does the same. The tension builds, waiting for the climax. But the secret is that raw egg there isn't.

A real decoration of the office holiday will be the dance of little swans. Especially welcome in the performance of large ladies and men. The main thing is to behave liberatedly and not be afraid to make colleagues laugh.

Fantasize, take an active part in the preparation and holding of a corporate party. It depends only on you whether it will become a bright event, which all colleagues will remember for a long time, or a trivial pastime.

Most modern companies on the eve of the New Year hold entertaining corporate parties with games, entertainment and various adult competitions. Shared rest at work allows the team to unite and learn more about each other. But in order for the guests of the event to be really interesting, you need to select cool competitions that will be held at the table or in the office itself, its offices. Choose funny contests for New Year's corporate party 2018 can be among the examples below. You can also use the suggested ideas to create an unusual holiday program.

Adult contests for a New Year's corporate party with jokes: ideas and examples of competitions

The selection of non-standard competitions will help to make the holiday held on the eve of the New Year really exciting and interesting. In them, each participant will be able to show their talents, show their strengths and skills. It is also necessary to include contests with jokes in the program of the New Year's corporate party that will help cheer up everyone present.

Ideas for compiling a New Year's program for a corporate party with cool contests

It is better to hold adult games and competitions at corporate parties after a short feast. Thus, more people will participate in the competition. At the same time, tasks can be both team and single. For example, you can hold the following competitions:

  • dance (who dances better or longer, who can show more movements);
  • choice of pairs (blind, for some reason);
  • musical (performing karaoke songs, performing compositions by couplets, choir or duet);
  • quests (solving riddles, searching for objects, playing detectives);
  • board (from the usual Mafia to poker competitions).

Cool adult competition "Squirrels and Oaks" for a corporate party in honor of the New Year

All the guys from the company stand in a small circle in the center of the room (with their backs inside the circle). The squirrel girls must run around this circle while the music is playing. As soon as the support is turned off, the squirrels should jump on the oaks (guys need to support dangling girls). Those squirrels that did not find their oaks are removed from the playing field. Also, one oak tree is removed at each level. The pair that reaches the end of the competition wins.

Interesting contests with jokes for a New Year's corporate party for holding at the table

When all colleagues have time to chat and dance, you can move on to table games. They will help to have an interesting time and take a break from active competitions. You can choose contests with jokes for a New Year's corporate party for holding at the table from the following example. You can change or add to it if you wish.

An interesting table contest "Guess a couple" with jokes for the New Year's corporate party

Guests at the table receive papers with the names of celebrity pairs (if there are an odd number of guys and girls, then some of them will not get a pair and should just confuse other players). To find your soul mate, each of the male or female participants of the game should ask the representatives of the opposite sex about their activities and hobbies. The winner is the pair that is the fastest to reunite.

Funny contests for the New Year corporate party "Question and Answer": with ideas and a video example

Board games at a corporate party can be not only intellectual, but simply funny. To do this, you just need to prepare the appropriate cards with questions, answers and choose a leader. It is advisable to ask the players funny or tricky questions: then the board game will be fun. The following tips will help you find out what the Q&A contest can be like at the New Year's corporate party, and how to prepare for it.

How to make a funny Q&A contest for a corporate party for the New Year?

For the contest, you need to print out separate cards with cool adult questions (How often do you wake up in someone else's bed? Have you had problems with a hangover for a long time? Could you perform a feat for your beloved / beloved?). Separately, you need to prepare cards with universal answers (Only on Mondays, from birth, I can’t live without it). The facilitator should read out the questions from the prepared cards, and each of the participants should blindly select the card with the answer from the table and read the text of the answer from it.

"Funny alphabet toasts." This one is well suited for those cases when all the standard wishes have already been voiced, and raising glasses just like that is not interesting. Each participant in the feast must make a toast that begins with a certain letter, for example:

  • Z - "Health in the New Year, to gather at more than one corporate party!";
  • E - “If we don’t get enough, then at least we’ll get drunk! For this we will empty our glasses!

You can start the game in a circle so that the letters go to everyone in turn, or you can prepare cards with the alphabet in advance, put them in a box and let everyone pull them out at random. The winner is the one who, in the opinion of the majority of those present, will pronounce the funniest or most original toast (one or more).

Advice. To diversify this entertainment, we can draw an analogy with the popular game of cities: in this case, each next toast will begin with the last letter of the congratulations that sounded earlier.

"How little you know about me." All contestants should be given pens and small pieces of paper. Everyone should write about themselves a fact little known in the circle of colleagues, something that is usually not talked about at work. For example, someone in school years broke glass with a ball. Someone predicted the career of a famous football player, but due to an injury, he had to enter Faculty of Economics. All notes must be rolled up and folded into the box, and then taken out one by one and read aloud. Participants must guess who it is. Whoever is the most insightful wins.

"What is my name?". For this entertainment, you need to prepare in advance small plates with interesting and not the most in simple terms: for example, "excavator", "cute", "slow cooker", etc. Each participant in a corporate party at the beginning of the evening should get a sign that can be attached to the forehead or back. The task of the players is to find out as quickly as possible what is written on their plate. To do this, you need to ask everyone around you questions to which they will answer “yes” or “no”. The winner is the one who quickly understands what “nickname” he got.

Advice. Another variant of this game is to write the names of famous actors, singers, athletes, etc. on the tablets.

"Everybody sing!". All those present are united in several teams. Well, if each of them will be representatives of different generations. Then everyone together chooses a common theme: seasons, love, animals, etc. The essence of the task: take turns remembering thematic songs and sing a few lines from them. The team that lasts the longest wins.

"Remember all". Another board game for which you will need to prepare in advance pens or pencils and sheets of paper with categories written on them: “city”, “country”, “plant”, “female / male name”, etc. Participants can participate in the competition individually or in teams. Having received leaflets in their hands, they need 1-2 minutes. write as many words as you can for each category. The winner is determined by a simple calculation.

For outdoor enthusiasts. Mobile contests for corporate parties

"Big races". On the table or on the floor, you need to organize a kind of route: arrange dishes or other objects in such a way that you get several tracks. On them you need to drive small balls (for example, for table tennis), blowing on them through a cocktail straw. The one who first brings his "car" to the finish line wins. You can arrange a knockout game when a new participant takes the place of the loser.

"The snow is spinning." For this fun contest, you will need to prepare small pieces of cotton wool or paper napkins. They need to be distributed to everyone who wishes to participate in the entertainment. On a signal, everyone who received a “snowflake” should begin to blow on it so that it does not fall to the floor. The winner is the one who keeps a piece of cotton wool or a napkin in the air the longest.

"New Year's round dance". This is a team competition, and the team that will cope with the task funnier than the rest will win it. Each group is handed out leaflets on which it is indicated which round dance needs to be depicted. This could be an event organized by:

To win, you need to artistically and witty get used to the proposed roles. It can be noted with prizes for the most talented actors.

A corporate party is a good occasion to make the team even more friends, and even preparatory stage, joint discussion of ideas, preparation of props will help with this.

When choosing contests for the New Year's holiday among colleagues, do not forget what needs to be supported among employees healthy mind rivalry, awarding prizes to the winners. Such gifts are usually symbolic: small stationery, sweets, souvenirs, etc. You can prepare small presents with the company logo, award especially distinguished employees with funny, original certificates. The main thing is that it was fun to celebrate the New Year's corporate party, and it's not a shame to remember it.

Corporate contest: video

We always look forward to the New Year with great impatience, because this is a favorite holiday for both adults and children. Each family carefully prepares for it: they develop a menu, plan guests, buy outfits, think over the course of the event so that it does not turn into a simple overeating. New Year's table games for adults are the best option for those who have invited guests and want to have fun. If you yourself are embarrassed to act as a leader, it can also be determined at the table. Therefore, boldly and without hesitation, we appoint the most active of the guests as the person in charge of adult games. Well, preparing them will not be any problem.

New Year's games for a small company

table funny contests it’s easy to find for the New Year holiday, the main thing is to be able to adapt them to your company. If it is small, then entertainment should be selected accordingly.


You will need radio-controlled cars, two of them. Two contestants prepare cars and a “track” to any point in the room, put a shot of vodka on their cars. Then, gently, without splashing, they try to roll it to their destination, where they can drink it. The game can be continued by bringing also a snack. You can also make it in the form of a relay race, for this you will have to split into teams, the first one must bring it to the point and back, pass the baton to another neighbor, the last player drinks a glass or what is left in it.

Cheerful artist

The host thinks something to the first player, he gets into a pose that characterizes what they have thought of without voicing it. For example: a person screwing a lamp. In turn, each participant must adapt to the previous one so that a picture emerges. The latter stands up like an artist with a brush and an easel for painting. He is also trying to tell what exactly he “depicted”. Then, everyone talks about their posture.

"I never" (or "I never")

This is a joke confession. Each of the guests invited to the corporate party begins to confess with the phrase: "I never ...". For example: "I never drank tequila." But the answers should go up. That is, those who have already confessed to trifles should continue to talk about something deeper. Table confessions can be very funny, the main thing is not to get carried away, otherwise you can give out the most secret secrets.

Board games for a large fun company of adults

If a large party has gathered to celebrate the New Year, it is best to hold group, team.

let's drink

The company is divided into two groups and stands in a row opposite each other. Each in the hands of a disposable glass of wine (champagne and strong alcohol better not to take, as you can choke). Place the glasses in everyone's right hand. On command, they must drink their neighbor in turn: first last man waters the penultimate one, the next one and so on. As soon as the first has received his dose, he runs to the last and treats him. Whoever finishes first will be the winner.


A merry New Year's holiday is sure to have a lot of decorations. The company is divided into two halves, they are given a box of the same size. Also, each team receives a certain number of different things: Christmas decorations, candy wrappers, sweets, napkins, souvenirs, etc. It is necessary for a while and carefully put everything in the boxes, so that they close evenly without bulges. After a certain amount of alcohol, this is not so easy to do.

Which team will put things neater and faster, that one will be the winner. Quality should not suffer, if so, a vote should be organized from people not participating in the competition.


Guests at the New Year's table are divided equally and sit on chairs opposite each other. An apple is placed on the first player's lap, they must roll the apple over the lap from the first player to the last player without hands. If the fruit falls, the group has lost, but they can redeem themselves by picking it up without hands and returning it to the very beginning.


This will be a relay. We install two stools, on the stools there are plastic glasses with alcoholic drink. There should be as many as there are players. We divide the guests in half, it is possible by gender, and put one after the other, in front of each stool at some distance from it. Everyone's hands are behind their backs. Next to them we place a trash can. One by one, they run up to the chair, drink any of the glasses without hands, then run back, throwing the empty container into the trash and return to the tail of the queue. Only then can the next person run.

Games at the table for the New Year's corporate party

The entertainment program can also be of the table type. Such a scenario is selected for a more shy group of people.

merry singers

For this game, you should prepare cards in advance with any words related to the holiday, alcohol, New Year's heroes, etc. For example: Christmas tree, Snow Maiden, snow, vodka, wine, sparks, candles, frost, Santa Claus, gifts. Then a presenter is selected who will appoint a player, pull out a card and voice the word itself. The selected person must sing a verse or chorus featuring that word in the song. No more than 10 seconds are given for reflection. This game can also be played by splitting into teams, the result will be a greater number of songs performed.


All guests at the table stand in a circle. The leader has cards with the words "uh", "ah", "eh" and "oh". The player draws a card, and the rest make a wish to him. For example, he drew out: "oh." The team says "Hug three" or "Kiss three" or "Catch three". Here is an example of several wishes:

"Walk on your hands";
"stand on your hands";
“share the news”;
"dance with guests";
"sing in front of guests";

“Say compliments to everyone out loud”;
"shout that you are a burdock";
“kiss of two at once”;
"crawl between the legs of two";
"tell your desires out loud";
"learn with eyes closed two";

"make everyone laugh";
"hug everyone";
"get everyone drunk";
"feed everyone."

Cool answers can be invented indefinitely, the main thing is that the rhyme is observed.

Tell me about the owner(s)

Everything is very simple here. Prepare questions in advance for guests, such as:

If it's a pair, then:

  • Where did these people meet?
  • How many years have they lived together?
  • "Favorite vacation spot"


The first participant is given a pen and a piece of paper. He writes briefly his great desire: "I want that ...". The rest enter only adjectives like: let it be fluffy, it should be iron, or just smelly, meaningless, and so on.

Quite adult, funny and cool entertainment

Adult games at the New Year's table are not suitable for every company - this should be taken into account. But after a certain amount of time, you can try to offer them something from the repertoire below and further navigate the situation. Answers can be both serious and funny.

Christmas tree

For the competition, you need to stock up on Christmas tree decorations (preferably those that do not break) and clothespins. First, attach all the toys by strings to clothespins. Several couples of the opposite sex are called, the men are blindfolded, for a certain period of time they must hook as many toys as possible on women's clothing. The game can be “diluted” by changing pairs and removing clothespins from other women. You can also change their roles - women will dress up men. And do not forget to evaluate each Christmas tree, because the one who has the most elegant one will win, and only then, to the stormy applause of the company, remove the toys.

Fairy tale

Any short story, All participants in the New Year's table become in a circle, leaving the center free. An author is appointed who reads a fairy tale, for example, "The Three Little Pigs", it is not very short, but it is easily reduced to a page. Then everyone, in a circle, chooses a role for himself. And not only animated characters, but also natural phenomena or objects. Tree, grass, even the phrase "they lived - were" can be beaten.

The story begins: Once upon a time - there were (went or went "lived - were") three piglets (piglets went). The sun was shining in the sky (the sky is shining, holding the sun in its arms). The piglets lay on the grass (there was “grass”, or rather three grasses, piglets fell on it), etc. If there are few people, the released heroes in the form of grass can take on the following roles to continue the game.

You can play not only a fairy tale, but also a song or a poem, or you can come up with your own funny stories.

sweet tooth

Several couples of the opposite sex are selected for the game. Men are blindfolded, women are placed on pre-prepared tables or chairs (sports mats). Napkins are placed over their body, on which chocolates without wrappers are left. Then a man is brought up to them, and he must find all the sweets without hands (respectively, without eyes). It is not necessary to eat them. To avoid embarrassment, it is best to call spouses or a real couple. But adults, especially at the New Year's table, with a good sense of humor, which is seasoned with a glass of champagne, usually have no problems.

Eat a banana

Several pairs are called. Men sit on chairs, pinch a banana between their knees, women approach their couples and, hiding their hands behind their backs, must peel and eat it. Adults are given a certain amount of time for the procedure. Cucumbers can also be used instead of bananas.


Christmas games for cheerful company should be prepared in advance. Especially if there will be a lot of guests and among them there will be unfamiliar people about whom you need to learn as much as possible. Entertainment competitions at the New Year's table for adults are diluted with dancing or singing karaoke for a change.

Table games 2020 can be held both for interest and for incentive prizes. If you choose team adult games, then the counting of votes is done for each group. If the participants compete alone, reward them with chips, and then the prize goes to the winner by counting the chips. The rest at the New Year's table for adults will be content with comforting gifts.